Changes in monetary policy and the variation in interest rate changes across credit markets.
Reilly, Devin ; Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G.
The conduct of monetary policy is most often interpreted in terms
of the federal funds target rate set by the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC), at least until recently when this rate effectively
reached its zero bound and additional actions were then implemented. The
federal funds rate is the interest rate at which private depository institutions, typically banks, lend balances held with the Federal
Reserve to other depository institutions overnight. By targeting a
particular value for that rate, the Federal Reserve seeks to adjust the
liquidity provided to the banking system through daily operations.
Because the federal funds rate applies to overnight transactions between
financial institutions, it represents a relatively risk-free rate. As
such, it serves to anchor numerous other interest rates that reflect a
wide array of credit transactions throughout the U.S. economy, such as
deposits, home loans, and corporate loans.
Because the federal funds rate anchors interest rates in many
different types of credit transactions, monetary policy actions that
move the funds rate in a given direction are expected to move other
interest rates in the same general direction. However, the extent to
which changes in the federal funds rate affect conditions in different
credit markets may vary significantly from market to market. For
example, changes in the federal funds rate may be closely linked to
changes in the three-month Treasury bill rate, but potentially less so
to changes in home loan rates. In that sense, changes in monetary
policy, as reflected by broad liquidity adjustments through the federal
funds market, will be more effective in influencing credit conditions in
some markets than others. Thus, this article attempts to assess
empirically the extent to which interest rate changes in various credit
markets reflect changes in monetary policy. It also explores whether
these relationships have changed over time.
As a first step, we construct a panel of 86 time series spanning a
diverse set of monthly interest rate changes, including Treasury bill
rates, corporate interest rates, repurchase agreement rates, and
mortgage rates, among others. The panel of interest rate changes covers
the period July 1991-December 2009. The empirical framework then uses
principal component analysis to characterize co-movement across these
interest rate changes. The basic intuition underlying the exercise is as
follows: If changes in monetary policy tend to move a broad array of
interest rates in the same general direction, then changes in these
interest rates will share some degree of co-movement.
Having characterized the common variation in interest rates using
principal components, we ask two questions. First, looking across all
interest rate changes, which series tend to be mostly driven by common
changes in interest rates rather than idiosyncratic considerations? In
particular, idiosyncratic-changes in a given interest rate series are
orthogonal to the principal components and, therefore, unlikely to
reflect a common element such as a change in monetary policy. Therefore,
one expects that monetary policy will have only a limited effect on
interest rates in which changes are mostly idiosyncratic. Second,
recognizing that the common variation across interest rate changes may
reflect a broad set of aggregate factors, how closely is the common
change component of each interest rate series (which may play a more or
less important role in the characterization of different interest rates)
related to changes in monetary policy? Furthermore, has this
relationship changed over time?
Our results indicate that most of the variation across our sample
can be explained by a small number of common components. For most credit
markets, including mortgage, repurchase agreement, Treasury, and London
Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) rates, four components explain
approximately 70 percent or more of the variation in interest rate
changes. One notable exception is the auto loan market, in which
interest rate variation is almost entirely idiosyncratic. For most of
the series in our sample, the common variation in interest rate changes
is relatively highly correlated with the federal funds rate. This
suggests that common movements in interest rates reflect, to a large
extent, changes in monetary policy, as defined by the federal funds
rate, rather than other aggregate disturbances. That said, there
nevertheless remains a moderate number of rates for which the common
components, while explaining a significant portion of their variability,
are not highly correlated with the federal funds rate. We interpret this
finding in mainly two ways. First, these rates, which include corporate
bond and mortgage rates, are driven to a greater degree by aggregate
factors that may be somewhat disconnected from monetary policy. Second,
these rates, to the extent that they include longer term rates, reflect
monetary policy more indirectly through changes in expected future short
rates. For example, changes in beliefs regarding future productivity
will likely affect the perceived path of future federal funds rates.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section 1, we
review the relevant literature. Section 2 outlines the principal
component methodology and calculations used in our analysis. Section 3
describes the data set used in the empirical work. Section 4 presents
our findings, while Section 5 offers concluding remarks.
Several recent papers have utilized principal component analysis or
similar techniques to explore the behavior of various interest rates and
macroeconomic variables over time. Diebold, Rudebusch, and Aruoba (2006)
and Bianchi, Mumtaz, and Surico (2009), among others, use a latent factor model to explore the interaction between yield curves and several
macroeconomic variables, including a monetary policy instrument. The
approach used is similar to using principal components to obtain the
factors; however, it differs in that principal component analysis
requires factors to be orthogonal to each other, but remains agnostic about the form of the factor loadings. The models used in these and
other papers restrict the factor loadings by extending an approach for
modeling yield curves from Nelson and Siegel (1987). These papers have
also restricted their attention to government bond yields.
Perhaps more closely related to our paper is Knez, Litterman, and
Scheinkman (1994). This article investigates the behavior of money
market instruments utilizing a factor model that is less restrictive on
the loadings than the previous papers discussed. The authors find that
much of the total variation in their data set can be explained by three
or four factors, and that each factor can be interpreted as a parameter that characterizes systematic movements in the yield curve. It differs
from our analysis in that the data set used is much narrower, including
only Treasury bills, commercial paper, certificates of deposit,
Eurodollar deposits, and bankers' acceptances, all with maturities
of less than one year. Additionally, they examine the returns of these
securities, whereas we analyze the changes in interest rates across a
variety of credit markets.
Finally, Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2005) and Reinhart and Sack
(2005) examine the immediate impact of a variety of forms of FOMC
communication on several financial variables, including interest rates,
equity prices, and others. They use principal components to extract
common components from a set of changes in these variables around FOMC
statements, testimonies, and other releases. They find that a small
number of factors appears to explain a significant amount of the
variation in response to all types of FOMC communication. Our analysis
does not limit itself to changes in interest rates around FOMC
communication, and explores a broader array of rates than these two
Consider a panel of (demeaned) observations on interest rate
changes across N credit markets over T time periods, which we summarize in an N x T matrix, X. Let [X.sub.t] denote a column of X (i.e., a set
of observations on all interest rate changes at date t). As explained in
Malysheva and Sarte (2009), the nature of the principal component
problem is to ask how much independence there really is in the set of N
variables. To this end, the principal component problem transforms the
Xs into a new set of variables that will be pairwise uncorrelated and of
which the first will have the maximum possible variance, the second the
maximum possible variance among those uncorrelated with the first, and
so on.
We denote the jth principal component of X by [f.sub.j], where
[f.sub.j] = [[lambda]'.sub.j] X, (1)
and [[lambda]'.sub.j] and [f.sub.j] are 1 x N and 1 x T
vectors, respectively. In other words, different principal components of
X simply reflect different linear combinations of interest rate changes
across sectors. Moreover, the sum of squares of a given principal
component, [f.sub.j], is
[f.sub.j][f.sub.j] = [[lambda]'.sub.j] [[SIGMA].sub.XX]
[[lambda].sub.j], (2)
where [[SIGMA].sub.XX] = XX' represents the
variance-covariance matrix (when divided by T) of interest rate changes
in the data set.
Let [[LAMBDA].sub.k] = ([[lambda].sub.1], ..., [[lambda].sub.k])
denote an N x k matrix of weights used to construct the first k
principal components of X, [f.sub.1], ... [f.sub.k], which we arrange in
the k x T matrix [F.sub.k] = ([f'.sub.1], ...,
[f'.sub.k])'. Thus, [F.sub.k] = [[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] X and
the principal component problem is defined as choosing sets of weights,
[[LAMBDA].sub.k], that solve
The solution to the above problem has the property that each set of
weights, [[lambda].sub.j], solves (1)
[[SIGMA].sub.XX][[lambda].sub.j] = [[mu].sub.j][[lambda].sub.j],
where [[lambda]'.sub.j] [[lambda].sub.j] = 1 [for all] j. Put
another way, the sets of weights that define the different principal
components of X in equation (1) are eigenvectors, [[lambda].sub.j], of
the the variance-covariance matrix of interest rate changes,
[[SIGMA].sub.XX], with corresponding eigenvalues given by [[mu].sub.j].
In addition, because the variance-covariance matrix of X is symmetric,
these eigenvectors are orthogonal to each other,
[[lambda]'.sub.j][[lambda].sub.i] = 0 [[for all].sub.i] [not equal
to] j.
Combining equations (2) and (4), note that
[f.sub.j][f'.sub.j] =
[[lambda]'.sub.j][[mu].sub.j][[lambda].sub.j] = [[lambda].sub.j].
Therefore, the eigenvalue [[mu].sub.j] is the sum of squares of the
principal component [f.sub.j] in (2). Then, given that principal
components are ranked by the extent of their variance, the first such
component, [f.sub.1], is obtained using the weights,
[[lambda]'.sub.1], associated with the largest eigenvalue of
[[SIGMA].sub.XX] The second principal component is obtained using the
weights corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue of
[[SIGMA].sub.XX], and so on.
Proceeding in this way for each of the N principal components of X
using the weights given by (4), observe that
If the rank of [E.sub.XX] were k < N, there would be N - k zero
eigenvalues and the variation in interest rate changes would be
completely captured by k independent variables. In fact, even if
[E.sub.XX] has full rank, some of its eigenvalues may still be close to
zero so that a small number of (or the first few) principal components
may account for a substantial proportion of the variance of interest
rate changes.
The Appendix at the end of the article shows that the principal
component problem defined in (3) can be derived as the solution to the
least square problem
[X.sub.t] = [[LAMBDA].sub.k][F.sub.k,t] + [e.sub.t]. (8)
Hence, it follows that
[[SIGMA].sub.XX] =
[[LAMBDA].sub.k][[SIGMA].sub.FF][[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] +
[[SIGMA]], (9)
where [[SIGMA].sub.FF] = [F.sub.k][F'.sub.k], in which case we
can think of the principal components as capturing some portion
[[LAMBDA].sub.k][[SIGMA].sub.FF][[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] of the variation
in interest rate changes, [[SIGMA].sub.XX].
Given the decomposition expressed in (8), each interest rate change
in the data set can be written as
[DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.i] = [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] +
[e.sub.t.sup.i], (10)
where [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i] is the ith row of [[LAMBDA].sub.k]. In
that sense, [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] captures the importance of
the principal components in driving each individual series. The
objective of the article then is to address two key aspects of interest
rate changes.
First, having computed a set of principal components, [F.sub.k,t],
that account for most of the fraction of the variation in the [X.sub.s],
we wish to assess the extent to which a given series of interest rate
changes, [DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.i], is driven by these components rather
than its own disturbance term, [e.sub.t.sup.i]. The important
consideration here is that the principal components, [F.sub.k,t], in
(10) are common to all interest rate changes (i.e., they do not depend
on i) and, therefore, will be directly responsible for co-movement
across interest rate changes. In contrast, even if there remains some
covariation across the shocks, [e.sub.t.sup.i], this covariation will,
by construction, play a larger role in explaining idiosyncratic
variations in interest rate changes. In that sense, changes in monetary
policy will more likely be reflected in the co-movement term
[[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] in equation (10) rather than
Formally, we compute how much of the variance of
IN ASCII], is explained by the variance of
The series of interest rate changes with [R.sub.i.sup.2](F)
statistics close to 1 are driven almost entirely by forces that
determine mainly the covariation across interest rate changes. In
contrast, series of interest rate changes with [R.sub.i.sup.2](F)
statistics close to zero generally reflect considerations that are
likely more idiosyncratic to each series.
Suppose that we were interested in a subgroup of M series--say all
mortgage interest rates or all repurchase agreement rates. We can
compute an analogous [R.sup.2] statistic for that credit market segment
by using a 1 x N weight vector, w, that associates positive weights to
the series of interest and zeros elsewhere. The implied
[R.sub.M.sup.2](F) statistic is then given by
[R.sub.M.sup.2] (F) = w [LAMBDA] [[SIGMA].sub.FF] [LAMBDA]'
w'/w[[SIGMA].sub.XX]w'. (12)
As before, [R.sub.M.sup.2](F) statistics close to 1 indicate a
subgroup of credit markets (defined by the weights, w) that are mostly
affected by common forces across interest rates,
w[[LAMBDA].sub.k][F.sub.k,t], rather than conditions specific to that
subgroup, [we.sub.t].
Second, because the covariation across interest rate changes
reflects not only changes in monetary policy but also other aggregate
considerations (including those potentially driven by systemic issues),
the next step is to relate changes in each interest rate series captured
by principal components to changes in monetary policy. Hence, in each
credit market, i, we compute the correlation between
[[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] and changes in the effective federal
funds rate, [DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.fed],
[[rho].sub.i] = corr([[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i] [F.sub.k,t],
Evidently, [DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.fed] may not capture all of the
relevant aspects of changes in monetary policy and serves here only as
an approximate guide. For instance, going forward, we may be more
interested in the relationship between [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t]
and the interest on reserves. More generally, to the extent that other
measurable aspects of changes in monetary policy matter, say represented
in a vector [Z.sub.t], one could instead compute the projection,
[[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] = [Z.sub.t.][beta] +
and its associated [R.sub.i.sup.2](Z) statistic.
Our analysis focuses on a data set that includes 86 time series on
interest rate changes, all seasonally adjusted and expressed at an
annual rate. These include a wide array of rates with monthly
observations spanning back to July 1991. A full list of rates and
associated descriptive statistics can be found in the Appendix (Table
5). The data come primarily from Haver Analytics and Bloomberg. While we
analyze these rates individually, for ease of presentation we also place
them into eight broad categories and investigate the average behavior in
each of these credit markets.
Table 5 Monthly Changes (in Basis Points)
Rate Mean Std. Skewness Kurtosis Min Max
Federal Funds [Effective] -2.6 19.9 -1.3 6.5 -96 53
One-Month London Interbank -2.6 28.0 -2.5 19.8 -219 88
Offer Rate: Based on
Three-Month London -2.7 25.2 -1.9 15.2 -178 94
Interbank Offer Rate:
Based on U.S.$
Six-Month London Interbank -2.7 23.8 -1.2 7.5 -122 65
Offer Rate: Based on
One-Year London Interbank -2.7 25.8 -0.5 4.5 -98 74
Offer Rate: Based on
One-Month Certificates of -2.6 29.2 -2.8 23.7 -241 98
Deposit, Secondary Market
Two-Month Certificate of -2.6 29.1 -1.6 12.9 -172 119
Three-Month Certificates -2.6 26.4 -2.2 17.4 -196 80
of Deposit, Secondary
Six-Month Certificates of -2.7 25.7 -1.5 9.8 -154 71
Deposit, Secondary Market
Nine-Month Certificate of -2.7 29.8 -1.4 11.0 -164 124
One-Month Eurodollar -2.5 32.3 -3.0 30.6 -285 140
Deposits, London Bid
Three-Month Eurodollar -2.5 28.8 -1.9 20.5 -220 136
Deposits, London Bid
Six-Month Eurodollar -2.6 26.5 -0.9 9.0 -143 109
Deposits, London Bid
U.S. Dollar: Eurocurrency -2.6 20.4 -1.6 8.0 -103 43
Rate, Short-Term
U.S. Dollar: Seven-Day -2.5 24.9 -3.8 33.2 -229 55
Eurocurrency Rate
U.S. Dollar: One-Month -2.6 29.1 -2.2 19.9 -225 125
Eurocurrency Rate
U.S. Dollar: Three-Month -2.6 26.7 -1.1 11.6 -152 129
Eurocurrency Rate
U.S. Dollar: Six-Month -2.6 26.2 -0.9 8.2 -116 109
Eurocurrency Rate
U.S. Dollar: One-Year -2.7 27.3 -0.5 5.2 -106 98
Eurocurrency Rate
Three-Month Treasury -2.5 21.2 -1.1 5.0 -86 46
Bills, Secondary Market
Six-Month Treasury Bills, -2.5 21.0 -0.7 4.2 -73 51
Secondary Market
Three-Month Treasury -2.5 20.8 -1.0 4.6 -83 45
Six-Month Treasury Bills -2.5 20.8 -0.7 4.2 -75 52
Three-Month Treasury Bill -2.6 22.0 -1.1 5.0 -89 49
Market Bid Yield at
Constant Maturity
Six-Month Treasury Bill -2.6 22.2 -0.7 4.1 -77 54
Market Bid Yield at
Constant Maturity
One-Year Treasury Bill -2.7 23.4 -0.4 3.7 -79 60
Yield at Constant
Two-Year Treasury Note -2.7 26.1 0.0 2.9 -69 63
Yield at Constant
Three-Year Treasury Note -2.7 26.9 0.1 2.8 -69 65
Yield at Constant
Five-Year Treasury Note -2.5 26.1 0.1 2.9 -77 60
Yield at Constant
Seven-Year Treasury Note -2.2 24.6 0.1 3.3 -93 61
Yield at Constant
10-Year Treasury Note -2.0 23.4 -0.1 4.4 -111 65
Yield at Constant
20-Year Treasury Bond -1.7 20.8 -0.2 5.4 -109 58
Yield at Constant
30-Year Treasury Bond -1.7 19.9 -0.4 6.0 -110 51
Yield at Constant
Long-Term Treasury -1.9 20.8 -0.1 5.4 -109 59
Composite, Over 10 Years
One-Month Nonfinancial -2.7 22.2 -1.1 6.1 -94 68
Commercial Paper
Three-Month Nonfinancial -2.7 21.2 -1.0 6.1 -98 56
Commercial Paper
One-Month Financial -2.6 23.3 -1.7 10.8 -148 64
Commercial Paper
Three-Month Financial -2.6 23.1 -2.2 15.4 -165 61
Commercial Paper
Moody's Seasoned Aaa -1.7 18.4 -0.3 7.6 -107 63
Corporate Bond Yield
Moody's Seasoned Baa -1.7 21.7 1.6 15.0 -76 157
Corporate Bond Yield
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.4 28.6 0.3 4.6 -89 118
U.S. Broad Investment
Grade Bond Yield
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.3 27.6 0.5 6.7 -116 124
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.8 28.6 -0.7 9.7 -179 112
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: AAA/AA
Citigroup Global Markets:
Credit (Corporate) Bond -1.6 23.8 -0.1 7.0 -115 90
Yield: AAA/AA 10+ Years
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.3 28.1 0.4 6.8 -127 133
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: A
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.1 30.1 1.8 16.0 -80 222
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: BBB
Citigroup Global Markets: -1.9 33.6 1.1 12.9 -130 227
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: Finance
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.2 30.1 0.7 12.0 -147 188
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: Utility
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.3 27.3 1.3 11.3 -80 181
Credit (Corporate) Bond
Yield: Industrial
Citigroup Global Markets:
Gov't Sponsored Bond -2.7 24.7 -0.1 3.8 -86 77
Yield, U.S.
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.5 26.2 0.0 3.2 -85 69
Gov't Agency Bond Yield
Bond Buyer Index: -1.3 16.0 0.7 4.6 -49 64
State/Local Bonds,
20-Year, Genl Obligation
Auto Finance Company -4.2 65.2 -1.1 9.4 -392 172
Interest Rates: New Car
Auto Finance Company -3.3 21.2 0.3 3.8 -59 74
Interest Rates: Used Car
Citigroup Global Markets: -2.5 37.9 0.9 8.3 -110 200
Mortgage Bond Yield
Home Mortgage Loans: -1.9 13.2 -0.3 4.7 -63 34
Effective Rate, All Loans
Purchase of Newly Built -2.0 14.2 -0.3 4.2 -56 35
Homes: Effective Rate, All
Purchase of Previously -1.9 13.7 -0.3 4.8 -67 35
Occupied Homes: Effective
Rate, All Loans
Contract Rates on
Conventional 30-Year -2.1 20.6 0.5 4.0 -76 64
Mortgages, FHLMC
Purchase of New -1.9 13.7 -0.3 4.3 -55 35
Single-Family Home:
Contract Interest Rate
Purchase of Existing -1.8 13.3 -0.4 5.2 -67 36
Single-Family Home:
Contract Interest Rate
FHLMC: 30-Year Fixed-Rate -2.1 20.6 0.6 4.0 -76 64
Mortgages: U.S.
FHLMC: 1-Year Adjustable -1.3 14.5 0.6 4.3 -39 56
Rate Mortgages: U.S.
Treasury Repo - One Day -2.5 43.1 -0.5 5.6 -165 168
Treasury Repo - One Week -2.6 25.2 -1.5 9.7 -140 69
Treasury Repo - One Month -2.6 23.3 -2.4 13.2 -140 59
Treasury Repo - Three -2.6 23.6 -2.2 12.0 -135 48
Treasury Reverse Repo - -2.5 43.3 -0.4 5.6 -180 168
One Day
Treasury Reverse Repo - -2.6 27.1 -1.1 7.7 -130 82
One Week
Treasury Reverse Repo - -2.6 23.4 -2.2 11.8 -135 58
One Month
Treasury Reverse Repo - -2.6 22.8 -1.9 10.3 -125 48
Three Months
MBS Repo - One Day -2.6 43.0 -0.3 5.1 -140 168
MBS Repo - One Week -2.6 25.5 -0.8 6.5 -110 85
MBS Repo - One Month -2.6 22.9 -1.9 9.7 -117 62
MBS Repo - Three Months -2.6 22.8 -1.9 10.3 -116 62
MBS Reverse Repo - One -2.5 44.2 -0.4 5.1 -153 168
MBS Reverse Repo - One -2.7 29.1 -1.0 6.9 -120 90
MBS Reverse Repo - One -2.6 23.5 -1.8 9.4 -120 60
MBS Reverse Repo - Three -2.6 23.0 -1.9 10.3 -120 56
Agency Repo - One Day -2.5 39.8 -0.3 6.0 -145 168
Agency Repo - One Week -2.6 24.6 -1.1 6.9 -115 72
Agency Repo - One Month -2.6 22.9 -2.2 11.6 -130 59
Agency Repo - Three -2.6 23.4 -2.2 11.3 -125 43
Agency Reverse Repo - One -2.5 43.5 -0.7 7.3 -225 168
Agency Reverse Repo - One -2.6 27.0 -1.0 6.8 -115 82
Agency Reverse Repo - One -2.6 24.0 -2.2 11.8 -130 58
Agency Reverse Repo - -2.6 23.9 -2.2 10.8 -125 41
Three Months
The first group includes LIBOR rates based on the U.S. dollar, with
maturities ranging from one month to one year. These are reference rates
based on the interest rates at which banks are able to borrow unsecured funds from other banks in the London interbank market. We refer to the
second group in our data set as the deposit group, which contains
averages of dealer offering rates on certificates of deposit with
maturities from one to nine months, as well as bid and effective rates
on Eurodollar deposits for maturities of overnight to one year. Our
third group includes a variety of Treasury bill, note, and bond rates.
There are two secondary market rates (three- and six-month), which are
the average rates on Treasury bills traded in the secondary market. We
also include auction highs on three- and six-month Treasury bills.
However, the majority of rates in this group are yields on nominal
Treasury securities with maturities ranging from three months to 30
years. These are interpolated by the U.S. Treasury from the daily yield
curve for noninflation indexed securities, based on closing market bid
yields on actively traded Treasury securities.
Our panel also contains a variety of corporate borrowing rates. We
include one-month and three-month rates for nonfinancial and financial
commercial paper in this group. These rates are calculated by the
Federal Reserve Board using commercial paper trade data from the
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation. Also included are Aaa and Baa
Moody's corporate bond yields, which are based on outstanding
corporate bonds with remaining maturities of at least 20 years. Finally,
Citigroup Global Markets provides corporate bond yields that cover a
variety of industries and ratings.
We include two smaller groups, one of which contains three rates
for long-term government (state and local) and agency bonds. The other
relatively small group in our panel includes two series of interest rate
changes for new and used car loans. These are simple unweighted averages
of rates commonly charged by commercial banks on auto loans.
The final two groups we utilize are mortgage rates and repurchase
agreement rates. The former spans a variety of mortgage rates, including
new homes, existing homes, adjustable rate loans, and fixed rate loans.
The repurchase agreement group (which also includes reverse repurchase rates) is based on transactions that involve Treasury, mortgage-backed,
or agency securities, with maturities ranging from one day to three
Given the computation of principal components described in Section
1, the next section assesses the extent to which a small number of
principal components, out of potentially 86, captures the variation in
interest rates across different credit markets. We then gauge the
contribution of common changes to individual interest rate variations,
as captured by the [R.sub.i.sup.2](F) statistic described above. In
other words, in each credit market, we assess how much of the variation
in its interest rate, [[DELTA]r.sub.r.sup.i] is explained by its
component related to common interest rate movements,
[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i] [F.sub.k,t]]. The next subsection then relates the
common component of individual interest rate changes,
[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i] [F.sub.k,t]] to changes in the federal funds rate,
[DELTA]r.sub.t.sup.fed], by examining their correlation,
([LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i] [F.sub.k,t], [DELTA]r.sub.t.sup.fed]). Finally,
in the last subsection, we examine the robustness of our findings over
different sample periods.
Accounting for Interest Rate Variations with a Small Number of
This subsection examines the degree to which a small number of
factors potentially captures most of the variation in interest rates
across credit markets. We carry out this assessment in mainly two ways.
First, we ask how much of the variation in average interest rate
changes, [N.sup.-1] [SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [DELTA]r.sub.t.sup.i] is
explained by the first few principal components. Second, following
Johnston (1984), we ask how much of the sum of individual variations in
the Xs is explained by these components. The total individual variation
in interest rate changes is given by
[T.summation over (t=1)] ([DELTA])[r.sub.t.sup.1][).sup.2] +
[T.summation over (t=1)] ([DELTA])[r.sub.t.sup.2][).sup.2] + ... +
[T.summation over (t=1)] ([DELTA])[r.sub.t.sup.N][).sup.2] =
tr([[SIGMA].sub.XX]). (13)
From equation (6), observe that
[T.summation over (t=1)] [u.sub.j] = tr([[DELTA]'.sub.N]
[[SIGMA].sub.XX] [[LAMBDA].sub.N])
= tr([[SIGMA].sub.XX][[LAMBDA].sub.N][[LAMBDA]'.sub.N])
= tr([[SIGMA].sub.XX]). (14)
In other words, the sum of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of interest rate changes, [[SIGMA].sub.XX] is precisely the sum of
individual variations in these changes. It follows that
[u.sub.1]/[[SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [u.sub.j],
[u.sub.2]/[[SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [u.sub.j], ...,
[u.sub.N]/[[SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [u.sub.j], (15)
represent the proportionate contributions of each principal
component to the total individual variation in interest rate changes. In
addition, since principal components are orthogonal, these proportionate
contributions add up to 1.
The analysis reveals that the first four principal components
(i.e., k = 4) of the panel of interest rate changes constructed for this
article explain 99 percent of the variation in average interest rate
changes, [N.sup.-1] [SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.i], and
78 percent of the their total individual variation,
[[SIGMA].sub.k=1.sup.4] [u.sub.k]/[[SIGMA].sub.i=1.sup.N] [u.sub.j] =
0.78. In other words, a small number of components effectively accounts
for the variation in the data set. The findings discussed in the
remainder of the article are based on these first four principal
components. However, our conclusions regarding the effects of changes in
monetary policy in different credit markets, in particular the
qualitative ranking of credit markets most influenced by changes in the
federal funds rate, are robust to considering either fewer than four or
up to eight principal components.
As discussed in the prior section, we summarize the behavior of our
interest rate series into eight main categories. Figure 1 depicts
average changes in these eight broad credit markets over time. Recession
peaks and troughs are indicated in the figures by vertical dashed lines.
The average changes in rates differ in both persistence and volatility
across the eight groups. At two extremes, changes in mortgage rates
appear to be relatively stable relative to other rates, whereas auto
loan rates are considerably more volatile than any other group. Table 1A
provides basic summary statistics for each category of credit markets,
as well as for the effective federal funds rate. Consistent with Figure
1, Table 1A indicates that auto loan rates are by far the most volatile
rates while mortgage rates are least volatile. In addition, many of
these interest rate changes, including auto loan, deposit, and mortgage
rates, present evidence of kurtosis. That is, much of the variance in
these interest rate changes stems from infrequent extreme observations
as opposed to relatively common deviations. Some of the series also show
evidence of skewness. For example, deposit, auto loan, and LIBOR rates
are all left skewed, indicating the presence of large negative changes
in the time series.
Table 1 Changes in Rates by Category
Table 1A: Changes in Rates, by Credit Market
Series Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis Min. Max.
Federal Funds -2.60 19.87 -1.27 6.49 -96 53
LIBOR -2.68 25.67 -1.62 12.98 -219 94
Deposit -2.59 27.38 -1.90 17.87 -285 140
Treasury -2.35 22.71 -0.33 4.08 -111 65
Corporate -2.24 26.10 0.34 11.54 -179 227
Government/Agency -2.14 22.72 0.05 3.99 -86 77
Auto -3.73 48.41 -1.37 15.58 -392 172
Mortgage -1.94 19.45 0.82 15.03 -110 200
Repurchase -2.56 30.03 -0.98 9.13 -225 168
Table 1B: Changes in Treasury Rates, by Maturity
Series Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis Min. Max.
Three-Month Bill -2.55 21.96 -1.06 4.99 -89 49
Six-Month Bill -2.63 22.16 -0.69 4.11 -77 54
One-Year Bill -2.70 23.41 -0.43 3.66 -79 60
Two-Year Note -2.70 36.06 -0.03 2.86 -69 63
Three-Year Note -2.65 26.85 0.11 2.76 -69 65
Five-Year Note -2.42 26.06 0.13 2.85 -77 60
Seven-Year Note -2.22 24.63 0.13 3.28 -93 61
10-Year Note -2.04 23.43 -0.08 4.35 -111 65
20-Year Bond -1.74 20.75 -0.18 5.37 -109 58
30-Year Bond -1.74 19.86 -0.36 6.00 -110 51
Notes: Basis points, monthly at annual rate.
Table 1B presents analogous summary statistics for individual
Treasury bill rates of different maturities. Interestingly, the standard
deviations of the rates increase for maturities of three months to three
years, and then decrease at higher maturities. In addition, shorter-term
rates, namely three months and six months, are left skewed and thus have
historically experienced large
Contribution of Common Changes to Individual Interest Rate
Figure 2 shows a histogram of the [R.sub.i.sup.2](F) statistic
discussed in Section 1. This statistic captures the extent to which
common movements across interest rates, as summarized by
[[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t] for each individual interest rate,
drive changes in these individual rates. Two main observations stand
out. First, changes in interest rates across credit markets tend to
reflect factors common to all interest rate changes. In particular, the
median [R.sub.i.sup.2](F) statistic is 0.814. Second, this first
observation notwithstanding, the data also include interest rates in
which variations appear almost exclusively driven by idiosyncratic
considerations rather than common changes. This is true, for example, of
auto loan rates.
Table 2A presents the [R.sub.M.sup.2](F) statistics for the eight
broad categories of credit markets described earlier. These range from
0.03 for auto loan rates to 0.92 for LIBOR rates. (2) In other words,
changes in auto loan rates are explained almost exclusively by
idiosyncratic considerations. Put another way, factors that explain
co-movement across interest rate changes, one of which is expected to be
monetary policy, appear to have little influence over interest rate
variations in the auto loan credit market. At the other extreme, changes
in LIBOR and deposit rates are almost exclusively driven by forces
responsible for the co-movement across interest rates. Somewhere between
these two extremes, observe that the common components explain about 68
percent of the variation in government and agency bond rates and
mortgage rates.
Table 2 Importance of Principal Components in Different Interest
Rate Categories
Table 2A: Average [R.sub.M.sup.2] (F) by Credit Market Segment
Series Average [R.sub.i.sup.2] (F)
Auto 0.030
Mortgage 0.682
Government/Agency 0.685
Repurchase Agreements 0.754
Treasury 0.835
Corporate 0.839
Deposit 0.860
LIBOR 0.917
Table 2B: Average [R.sub.i.sup.2] (F) for Treasury Securities
Series Average [R.sub.i.sup.2] (F)
Three-Month Bill 0.710
Six-Month Bill 0.846
One-Year Bill 0.866
Two-Year Note 0.856
Three-Year Note 0.873
Five-Year Note 0.902
Seven-Year Note 0.913
10-Year Note 0.907
20-Year Bond 0.844
30-Year Bond 0.781
Notes: Monthly rates.
Table 2B presents the same [R.sub.i.sup.2](F) statistics for
Treasury bill rates of different maturities. As indicated in the table,
the principal components play a large role in explaining the variation
in these rates across all maturities. In this case, the
[R.sub.i.sup.2](F) statistics range from 0.71 to 0.91. Around 78 percent
of the variation in 30-year Treasury bill rates is explained by forces
common to all interest rates. Interestingly, the common component of the
three-month Treasury bill rates explains a lower fraction of the
variation in that rate than does the corresponding common component in
the 30-year rate. However, since common sources of movement in Treasury
bill rates reflect changes not only in monetary policy but also in other
aggregate factors, one cannot conclude from Table 2B that changes in the
federal funds rate exert a greater influence on the 30-year rate than
the three-month rate. For the same reason, it does not follow from Table
2B that changes in monetary policy broadly affect Treasury bill rates to
the same degree across all maturities.
One should recognize that in each credit market category (defined
by weights, [omega]), changes in interest rates that stem from sources
that are common across all credit markets,
[omega][[LAMBDA].sub.k][F.sub.k,t], will not necessarily correspond to
the behavior of average changes in these rates, [omega][X.sub.t]. This
is shown, for example, in Figure 3 where the difference between the
common component of auto loan rate changes and average auto loan rate
changes is evident. More important, having extracted the component of
each rate change that is related to common sources, Figure 4 plots these
common change components against changes in the effective federal funds
rate for each of the eight broad credit markets defined above. It is
apparent that the different components capturing the effects of common
forces look different across various credit market segments. However,
the volatility of these change components tends to be similar to that of
the effective federal funds rate. The question then is: What does the
distribution of correlations between the different common change
components in interest rates and changes in the effective federal funds
rate look like? As mentioned earlier, changes in the effective federal
funds rate may constitute only a rough summary of changes in monetary
policy. A more general approach might be to examine a projection of
common changes across individual interest rates on different aspects of
changes in monetary policy, although ultimately not all relevant aspects
of monetary policy are easily quantifiable or measured. For now,
however, we focus on the effective federal funds rate.
Co-movement in Interest Rate Changes and the Federal Funds Rate
Figure 5 shows the histogram of the correlations between common
change components in each interest rate, [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i]
[F.sub.k,t,], and changes in the federal funds rate. While some of the
common change components in interest rates seem highly correlated with
changes in the federal funds rate, there are also many other interest
rates for which that is not the case. The median correlation in this
case is 0.60 while the mean is 0.50. Table 3A provides a ranking of
correlations across the eight credit market segments examined in this
article. (3)
Table 3 Correlation of Changes in Federal Funds Rate with Common
Components by Interest Rate Category
Table 3A: Correlation of Common Components for Credit Markets with
Changes in Federal Funds Rate
Series Correlation
Government/Agency 0.131
Corporate 0.212
Mortgage 0.315
Treasury 0.501
Deposit 0.616
LIBOR 0.632
Repurchase Agreements 0.756
Auto 0.769
Table 3B: Correlation of Common Components for Treasury Securities
with Changes in Federal Funds Rate
Series Correlation
Three-Month Bill 0.776
Six-Month Bill 0.730
One-Year Bill 0.640
Two-Year Note 0.485
Three-Year Note 0.400
Five-Year Note 0.290
Seven-Year Note 0.220
10-Year Note 0.155
20-Year Bond 0.066
30-Year Bond 0.070
Notes: Monthly rates.
Interestingly, the common change components least correlated with
changes in the federal funds rate are found in the government and agency
bond and corporate credit markets. This finding may be interpreted in
mainly two ways. First, although the common change components play an
important role in driving corporate rates in Table 2A, these components
likely reflect aggregate disturbances (or internal co-movement) that are
somewhat unrelated to monetary policy. Second, to the extent that these
rates include longer-term rates, they reflect monetary policy more
indirectly through changes in expected future short rates. For example,
changes in beliefs regarding future productivity will likely affect the
perceived path of future federal funds rates. In contrast, we also see
in Table 3A that the common change components in deposit and LIBOR rates
are relatively highly correlated with changes in the federal funds rate.
Moreover, Table 2A also suggests that the variations in these rates are,
for the most part, accounted for by common sources of variations across
interest rates. We conclude, therefore, that changes in monetary policy,
as captured by changes in the federal funds rate, have played a
fundamental role in driving deposit and LIBOR rates.
Table 3B provides the same statistics for Treasury rates of
different maturities. As expected, the correlation between the common
change component of Treasury bill rates and changes in the federal funds
rate is decreasing in maturity, starting at 0.78 for the three-month
rate and ending at 0.07 for the 30-year rate. Therefore, even if the
common change component of 30-year rates plays a large role in
explaining its variations (recall Table 2B), Table 3B is consistent with
the conventional view that 30-year rates reflect other more fundamental
aggregate changes in the economy rather than contemporaneous changes in
Figure 6 summarizes the results thus far in the form of a scatter
plot with [R.sub.i.sup.2](F) on the x-axis and
([LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i][F.sub.k,t,], [DELTA]r.sub.t.sup.fed]) on the
y-axis. A point near the lower left-hand corner, where both statistics
are near zero, would indicate that changes in interest rates are
entirely disconnected from changes in the federal funds rate and, in
essence, driven by more idiosyncratic considerations. The opposite is
true near the top right-hand corner where both statistics are close to
1. Interestingly, the common components for auto loan rates have high
correlations with changes in the federal funds rate, so that the common
variation in these rates seems related to changes in monetary policy to
a nontrivial extent, but also have extremely low [R.sub.i.sup.2](F). Put
another way, although the common variation in auto loan rates is related
to changes in the federal funds rate, their overall variation is
ultimately driven by idiosyncratic considerations. There are also
several rates in the lower right-hand corner of the plot. Variation in
these rates is explained almost entirely by the common variation.
However, the common components for these rates appear disconnected from
monetary policy, as defined by the federal funds rate. Some of these
rates include corporate bonds, fixed-rate mortgages, and long-term
Treasury notes and bonds, and all of them have maturities of at least
five years. Finally, Figure 6 also includes several rates near the top
right-hand corner of the graph, namely several deposit, repurchase
agreement, and Treasury bill rates, in which variations therefore appear
closely related to changes in contemporaneous monetary policy.
Robustness Across Different Sample Periods
To analyze if this behavior has changed over time, we split the
data into two subsamples: July 1991-February 2001 and March
2001-December 2009. We then calculate the correlations of the common
components with changes in the effective federal funds rate over these
two periods. We chose the breakpoint to be February 2001 to keep the
subsamples roughly the same size, and because this is the month prior to
the National Bureau of Economic Research peak of the 2001 recession.
Table 4A shows the correlations for the eight broad groups described
previously for each subsample. The ordering of the correlations for each
credit market is essentially the same across the two periods. The most
noticeable differences are seen in the mortgage, corporate, and
government and agency bond markets. For these three groups, the
correlations are moderately higher in the first subsample, indicating
that disturbances less directly related to the contemporaneous federal
funds rate have become more important in explaining common variation in
these interest rate changes over time. This finding runs somewhat
counter to the view in Taylor (2007) that an easy monetary policy kept
long-term interest rates too low, thereby contributing to the housing
boom. Rather, it is more consistent with the emphasis given by Bernanke
(2010) to the role of other factors in keeping long-term interest low
during the early 2000s.
Table 4 Correlation of Changes in Federal Funds Rate with Common
Components by Interest Rate Category Over Different Sample Periods
Table 4A: Correlation of Common Components for Credit Markets with
Changes in Federal Funds Rate
Credit Market Segment 1991:7-2001:2 2001:3-2009:12
Government/Agency 0.26 0.03
Corporate 0.33 0.14
Mortgage 0.41 0.24
Treasury 0.55 0.47
LIBOR 0.67 0.60
Deposit 0.67 0.58
Repurchase Agreements 0.72 0.79
Auto 0.75 0.79
Table 4B: Correlation of Common Components for Treasury Securities
with Changes in Federal Funds Rate
Treasury Security Maturity 1991:7-2001:2 2001:3-2009:12
Three-Month Bill 0.76 0.80
Six-Month Bill 0.72 0.75
One-Year Bill 0.65 0.64
Two-Year Note 0.54 0.45
Three-Year Note 0.48 0.34
Five-Year Note 0.40 0.20
Seven-Year Note 0.35 0.12
10-Year Note 0.30 0.04
20-Year Bond 0.22 -0.06
30-Year Bond 0.23 -0.06
Notes: Monthly rates.
The only two groups that saw an increase in correlations over the
two periods are auto rates and repurchase agreement rates, though the
increases are relatively small. Table 4B shows the analogous
correlations for the common components of individual Treasury rates of
different maturities. Interestingly, short-term Treasury bill rates have
similar correlations across the two periods. However, at longer
maturities, correlations between the common components and the federal
funds rate have decreased in the later period, with the correlations for
20-year and 30-year Treasury bonds becoming slightly negative in the
recent subsample.
As a final examination, we plot the common change component of the
yield curve against the yield curve calculated from the raw data. These
are shown in Figure 7. We define the yield curve as the 10-year Treasury
note yield less the three-month Treasury bill yield. The main periods in
which the two series deviate from each other are at their relative peaks
and troughs, in particular in 1992, 2000, and 2006. However, overall the
two series co-move strongly together, indicating that much of the
spreads in rates of different maturities over time resides in how common
shocks affect those rates rather than more idiosyncratic considerations.
In this article, we use principal component methods to assess the
importance of changes in the federal funds rate in driving interest rate
changes across a variety of credit markets. Our findings suggest that
most of the variability in interest rate changes across these markets
can be explained by a small number of common components. In particular,
four components explain approximately 80 percent of the total variation
in interest rate changes. One notable exception is the auto loan market,
in which interest rate variation is almost entirely idiosyncratic.
For most of our sample, the common variation in interest rate
changes is relatively highly correlated with federal funds rate changes.
This suggests that common movements in interest rates to a large extent
reflect changes in monetary policy rather than other aggregate
disturbances. That said, there nevertheless remains a moderate number of
rates for which the common components, while explaining a significant
portion of their variability, are not highly correlated with the federal
funds rate. Therefore, these rates, which include mainly those with
longer maturities such as mortgage rates, are driven to a greater extent
by aggregate forces other than short-term changes in monetary policy.
Finally, the analysis also suggests that movements in the auto loan
market are almost entirely driven by idiosyncratic considerations rather
than changes in the federal funds rate.
This appendix shows that the solution to the principal component
problem (3) also solves the least square problem described in (7). In
particular, combining equations (7) and (8) gives
Suppose that [[LAMBDA].sub.k] were known. Then the solution for
[F.sub.k,t] would simply be given by the standard least square formula,
[F.sub.k,t] ([[LAMBDA].sub.k]) = [([[LAMBDA]'.sub.k]
[[LAMBDA].sub.k][).sup.-1] [[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] [X.sub.t].
Substituting this solution into (16) yields
or equivalently,
Now, note that this last expression is a scalar. Hence, we can
re-write the problem as
Using the properties of the trace operator, this last expression
can also be expressed as
Given the notation introduced in the text, one can observe that
[T.sup.-1] [[SIGMA].sub.t=1.sup.T] ([X.sub.t] [X'.sub.t]) is simply
XX' = [[SIGMA].sub.XX] It follows that the least-square problem
defined in (16) is equivalent to solving [max.sub.[LAMBDA]k]
[[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] [[SIGMA].sub.XX] [[LAMBDA].sub.k] subject to
[[LAMBDA]'.sub.k] [[LAMBDA].sub.k] = [I.sub.k].
We wish to thank Kartik Athreya, Sam Henly. Yash Mehra, and John
Weinberg for helpful comments and suggestions. The views expressed in
this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve
System. All errors are our own. E-mail:
(1) See the Appendix in Malysheva and Sane (2009).
(2) A listing of all [R.sub.i.sup.2] (F) statistics can be found in
the Appendix (Table 6).
Table 6 R-Squared and Correlation of Factor Components with Federal
Funds Rate (Monthly Data)
Rate [R.sup.2] Correlation
Auto Finance Company Interest Rates: New Car 0.010 0.750
Auto Finance Company Interest Rates: Used Car 0.051 0.772
Treasury Repo - One Day 0.457 0.595
Bond Buyer Index: State/Local Bonds, 20-Year, 0.459 -0.027
Genl Obligation
Purchase of New Single-Family Home: Contract 0.513 0.363
Interest Rate
Purchase of Newly Built Homes: Effective Rate, 0.514 0.359
All Loans
Treasury Reverse Repo - One Day 0.558 0.634
Two-Month Certificate of Deposit 0.618 0.683
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield 0.643 -0.118
Purchase of Existing Single-Family Home: 0.648 0.446
Contract Interest Rate
Agency Repo - One Day 0.655 0.632
Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes: 0.655 0.447
Effective Rate, All Loans
MBS Repo - One Day 0.670 0.600
MBS Reverse Repo - One Day 0.671 0.597
Home Mortgage Loans: Effective Rate, All Loans 0.672 0.435
FHLMC: One-Year Adjustable Rate Mortgages: 0.680 0.538
Agency Reverse Repo - One Day 0.689 0.608
U.S. Dollar: Eurocurrency Rate, Short-Term 0.697 0.819
Three-Month Treasury Bill Market Bid Yield at 0.710 0.776
Constant Maturity
Three-Month Treasury Bills, Secondary Market 0.711 0.778
Citigroup Global Markets: Mortgage Bond Yield 0.722 0.030
Nine-Month Certificate of Deposit 0.725 0.528
Three-Month Treasury Bills 0.734 0.786
Agency Repo - One Week 0.740 0.789
Citigroup Global Markets: Gov't Agency Bond 0.750 0.163
MBS Reverse Repo - One Week 0.751 0.761
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.764 -0.037
Bond Yield: Utility
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.768 0.060
Bond Yield: Finance
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield 0.769 0.020
Treasury Repo - Three Months 0.772 0.766
Treasury Reverse Repo - One Week 0.772 0.752
30-Year Treasury Bond Yield at Constant 0.781 0.070
Agency Reverse Repo - One Week 0.786 0.762
MBS Repo - One Week 0.793 0.781
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.793 -0.053
Bond Yield: BBB
Treasury Reverse Repo - Three Months 0.795 0.770
One-Month Nonfinancial Commercial Paper 0.799 0.796
Agency Repo - Three Months 0.803 0.779
Treasury Repo - One Month 0.804 0.777
MBS Reverse Repo - One Month 0.807 0.802
MBS Repo - One Month 0.810 0.808
Agency Reverse Repo - Three Months 0.810 0.769
MBS Reverse Repo - Three Months 0.812 0.756
MBS Repo - Three Months 0.815 0.772
Treasury Reverse Repo - One Month 0.815 0.781
Treasury Repo - One Week 0.821 0.756
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.833 -0.042
Bond Yield: AAA/AA 10+ Years
Agency Reverse Repo - One Month 0.836 0.788
20-Year Treasury Bond Yield at Constant 0.844 0.066
Citigroup Global Markets: Gov't Sponsored Bond 0.845 0.163
Yield: U.S. Agency/Supranational
Six-Month Treasury Bill Market Bid Yield at 0.846 0.730
Constant Maturity
Six-Month Treasury Bills, Secondary Market 0.849 0.733
Two-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant 0.856 0.485
Six-Month Treasury Bills 0.856 0.738
Agency Repo - One Month 0.857 0.793
U.S. Dollar: Seven-Day Eurocurrency Rate 0.861 0.638
One-Year Treasury Bill Yield at Constant 0.866 0.640
FHLMC: 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages: U.S. 0.868 0.207
Long-Term Treasury Composite, Over 10 Years 0.870 0.076
Contract Rates on Commitments: Conventional 0.870 0.204
30-Yr Mortgages, FHLMC
Citigroup Global Markets: U.S. Broad 0.873 0.074
Investment Grade Bond Yield
Three-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant 0.873 0.400
One-Month Financial Commercial Paper 0.882 0.715
U.S. Dollar: One-Month Eurocurrency Rate 0.886 0.572
Three-Month Nonfinancial Paper 0.886 0.754
One-Month Eurodollar Deposits, London Bid 0.888 0.543
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.889 -0.016
Bond Yield: Industrial
U.S. Dollar: One-Year Eurocurrency Rate 0.892 0.529
One-Month London Interbank Offer Rate: Based 0.894 0.603
on U.S.$
One-Month Certificates of Deposit, Secondary 0.897 0.598
Three-Month Financial Commercial Paper 0.898 0.693
One-Year London Interbank Offer Rate: Based on 0.901 0.588
Five-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant 0.902 0.290
10-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant 0.907 0.155
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.912 0.099
Bond Yield: AAA/AA
Seven-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant 0.913 0.220
U.S. Dollar: Three-Month Eurocurrency Rate 0.916 0.564
U.S. Dollar: Six-Month Eurocurrency Rate 0.917 0.578
Six-Month Eurodollar Deposits, London Bid 0.926 0.566
Three-Month London Interbank Offer Rate: Based 0.934 0.610
on U.S.$
Three-Month Eurodollar Deposits, London Bid 0.934 0.534
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.936 0.035
Bond Yield: A
Six-Month Certificates of Deposit, Secondary 0.937 0.619
Six-Month London Interbank Offer Rate: Based 0.938 0.646
on U.S.$
Citigroup Global Markets: Credit (Corporate) 0.939 0.017
Bond Yield
Three-Month Certificates of Deposit, Secondary 0.948 0.601
(3) A listing of all correlations between [[LAMBDA].sub.k.sup.i]
[F.sub.k,t] and [DELTA][r.sub.t.sup.fed] can be found in the Appendix
(Table 6).
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