Monetary policy with interest on reserves.
Hornstein, Andreas
In response to the emerging financial crisis of 2008, the Federal
Reserve decided to increase the liquidity of the banking system. For
this purpose, the Federal Reserve introduced or expanded a number of
programs that made it easier for banks to borrow from it. For example,
commercial banks were able to obtain additional loans through the Term
Auction Facility, which the banks would then hold in their reserve
accounts with the Federal Reserve. As a result of the combined financial
market interventions, the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve increased
from about $800 billion in September 2008 to more than $2 trillion in
December 2008. Over the same time period, the reserve accounts of
commercial banks with the Federal Reserve increased from about $100
billion to $800 billion. In late 2008 the Federal Reserve also announced
a program to purchase mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and debt issued
by government-sponsored agencies. Since then, outright purchases of
agency MBS and agency debt have essentially replaced short-term
borrowing by commercial banks on the asset side of the Federal
Reserve's balance sheet, and the volume of outstanding reserves
increased again to about $1.1 trillion by the end of 2009. Given the
magnitude of outstanding reserves, there is some concern these reserves
might limit policy options once the Federal Reserve decides to pursue a
more restrictive monetary policy. Yet, another change in the available
policy instruments might lessen this concern: Starting in October 2008,
the Federal Reserve began to pay interest on the reserve accounts that
banks hold with the Federal Reserve System.
How should one think about monetary policy when reserve accounts
earn interest? To study this issue, I introduce a stylized banking
sector into a simple baseline model of money that is at the core of much
research in monetary economics. In this framework I address an
admittedly rather narrow theoretical question, but this question is
fundamental to any theory of monetary policy. Namely, does the payment
of interest on reserves affect issues of price level determinacy? An
indeterminate price level might be undesirable since it can give rise to
price level fluctuations driven by self-fulfilling expectations. In this
context it is shown that the amount of outstanding reserves has only
limited implications for the conduct of monetary policy.
Price level determinacy is studied in a theoretical framework that
specifies not only monetary policy, but also fiscal policy, e.g., Leeper
(1991) or Sims (1994). Monetary policy is described as setting a
short-term nominal interest rate in response to inflation, and fiscal
policy is described as setting the primary surplus in response to
outstanding government debt. For the baseline monetary model without a
banking sector, one obtains price level determinacy if monetary policy
is active, that is, it responds strongly to the inflation rate, and
fiscal policy is passive, that is, it responds strongly to government
debt. (1) Price level determinacy is also obtained when monetary policy
is passive and fiscal policy is active. For the modified model with a
banking sector, I find that this characterization of price level
determinacy is not materially affected, whether or not interest is paid
on reserves. I obtain a determinate price level when monetary policy is
sufficiently active and fiscal policy is sufficiently passive, or vice
versa. Furthermore, the magnitude of outstanding reserves may not matter
at all, and if it does matter the impact of reserves is small.
Earlier theoretical work on paying interest on reserves was
concerned that this policy would lead to price level indeterminacy.
Sargent and Wallace (1985) argue that, depending on how interest on
reserves is financed, an equilibrium might not exist or the price level
might be indeterminate. (2) In terms of the above characterization of
monetary and fiscal policy, these results obtain because the assumed
financing schemes for interest on reserves make monetary and fiscal
policy both passive or both active. My results are in line with the
recent work of Sims (2009), who studies the monetary and fiscal policy
coordination problem when interest is paid on money in a baseline
monetary model. The results are also related to Woodford's
discussion (2000) of monetary policy as an interest rate policy in
environments where the role of money is diminished over time.
The framework of this article is not suited to address the question
of whether interest on reserves allows a separation of monetary policy
from credit policy as suggested by Goodfriend (2002) and Keister,
Martin, and McAndrews (2008). In this article I use a reduced form
representation of liquidity preferences by households to model distinct
household demand functions for cash, bank demand deposits, and
government bonds, but the model of the financial system's attitude
toward the liquidity of assets in the financial system is even more
rudimentary. First, I do not allow for credit risk; and second, the
banks' attitudes toward liquidity risk are captured by one
exogenous parameter, the desired ratio of liquid assets to deposits. The
fact that the volume of reserves is of only limited relevance for price
level determinacy therefore does not say anything about the ability of
reserves to enhance the liquidity of the financial system.
The analysis of the conduct of monetary policy when interest is
paid on reserves is based on a stylized model of the economy. Before
proceeding with this analysis I will review the mechanics of the Federal
Reserve's interest rate policy in the next section. This section
also provides an opportunity to describe how the interventions of the
Federal Reserve in financial markets in 2008 affected its ability to
conduct interest rate policy. Section 2 then reviews Leeper's joint
analysis (1991) of monetary and fiscal policy in a baseline monetary
model, and Section 3 adds a stylized banking sector to the baseline
monetary model. The banking model of this section introduces the payment
of interest on reserves into a simplified version of the environment
studied by Canzoneri et al. (2008). Section 4 concludes.
Most central banks implement monetary policy through an interest
rate policy. That is, they target a short-term interest rate and adjust
their target in response to changes in economic conditions. Federal
Reserve monetary policy appears to be well-approximated by a policy rule
that increases the targeted interest rate more than one-for-one in
response to an increase of the inflation rate and decreases the targeted
interest rate in response to declines in economic activity as measured
by a declining gross domestic product growth rate or an increasing
unemployment rate. This kind of behavior has become known as the Taylor
rule. The short-term interest rate that the Federal Reserve targets is
the federal funds rate--that is, the interest rate that U.S. banks
charge each other for overnight loans. This section provides a short
review of the mechanics of how the Federal Reserve influences the
federal funds rate, and how paying interest on reserves affects its
ability to target this rate. The review takes a very stylized view of
the federal funds market, as in Ennis and Weinberg (2007). For a more
detailed description of the process see Ennis and Keister (2008).
Commercial banks are required to hold particular assets (reserves)
against their outstanding liabilities. How many reserves a bank has to
hold depends on the types and amounts of its outstanding liabilities.
Assets that qualify as reserves are vault cash and accounts with the
central bank. Banks hold accounts with the central bank not only to
satisfy reserve requirements, but also to facilitate intraday
transactions. Private agents engage in transactions and use their bank
accounts to settle payments associated with these transactions. Since
not everybody is using the same bank, these payment settlements result
in corresponding payment settlements between banks during a business
day. Banks use their accounts with the central bank to implement these
settlements. A payments transfer from one bank to another can be settled
through a debit (credit) to the paying (receiving) bank's account
with the central bank. Total inflows and outflows to a bank's
account with the central bank during a day need not balance, and at the
end of the day a bank's account may have increased or decreased.
Furthermore, there is some randomness to settlement transactions and the
bank is uncertain as to its end-of-day balance with the central bank.
The uncertainty about payment flows creates a problem for banks
since they have to hold a certain balance with the central bank at the
end of the day in order to satisfy their reserve requirement. Suppose
that at the beginning of the day a bank has some amount of money and has
to decide how much to allocate to its reserve account and how much to
borrow/lend overnight with other banks at the federal funds rate. If the
bank does not allocate enough to its reserve account and at the end of
the day its balance falls short of its reserve requirement, it can
borrow from the central bank at a penalty rate, [R.sub.P]. (3)
Alternatively, if at the end of the day the bank's reserve account
exceeds its reserve requirement, then the bank foregoes some interest
income if the interest rate paid on reserve accounts, [R.sub.R], is
lower than the federal funds rate.
The optimal response of banks to this settlement uncertainty
creates a precautionary demand for reserves, D, that depends on the
federal funds rate (Figure 1). The federal funds rate cannot exceed the
penalty rate since banks can always borrow at the penalty rate. If the
federal funds rate is below the penalty rate but above the interest rate
paid on reserves, then the foregone interest income represents an
opportunity cost to holding reserve balances. This opportunity cost,
however, is declining in the federal funds rate and banks are willing to
hold more reserves at lower federal funds rates. Finally, if the federal
funds rate is equal to the interest on reserves, then there is no
opportunity cost to holding reserves and the demand for reserves becomes
infinitely elastic. The equilibrium federal funds rate is bounded by the
penalty rate and the interest rate on reserves, and, given the demand
for reserves, it is determined by the supply of reserves, S.
In the short run the Federal Reserve controls the federal funds
rate through actions that affect the supply of reserves. The particular
operating procedure for the Federal Reserve has been that the market
desk at the New York Federal Reserve Bank forecasts the daily demand for
reserves and then injects or withdraws reserves in order to equalize the
predicted federal funds rate with the federal funds rate target set by
the FOMC. Except for unusual events, the "effective" federal
funds rate during the day--that is, the rate at which intrabank loans
occur--is usually very close to the federal funds target rate (Figure
2a). (4) At times, when the Federal Reserve injects large amounts of
liquidity for reasons other than interest rate policy, this is no longer
true. For example, in response to the events of September 11, 2001, the
Federal Reserve wanted to ensure the stability of the financial system
and injected large amounts of reserves. This action resulted in an
effective federal funds rate that was substantially below the target
rate (Figure 2b). At the time, this divergence between perceived
liquidity needs and interest rate policy was not considered to be a
problem since the liquidity provision was viewed as temporary and to be
reversed in a short period of time.
After the September 2008 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the Federal
Reserve increased liquidity substantially in response to the widening
financial crises. This was accomplished through the expansion of
existing programs, such as the Term Auction Facility and swap lines to
foreign central banks, and the creation of new facilities, such as the
Commercial Paper Funding Facility. As a result, the Federal
Reserve's balance sheet more than doubled over three months and the
supply of reserves increased almost tenfold. Even if banks' demand
for liquid assets increased at the time, the increase in the supply of
reserves was large enough to drive the effective federal funds rate
significantly below the stated federal funds target (Figure 2c).
Unlike the events of September 11, 2001, the divergence in this
case between effective and target federal funds rates created a problem
for the conduct of interest rate policy since the increased liquidity
provision was not viewed as a short-lived measure. To deal with this
problem, the Federal Reserve in October 2008 started paying interest on
reserves. (5) The Federal Reserve Board initially set the interest rate
on reserves below the target federal funds rate, but by early November
2008, after several modifications, the interest rate on reserves was
essentially the target federal funds rate. (6)
The rationale for this policy is based on the discussion above that
suggests that paying interest on reserves puts a floor to the federal
funds rate (Figure 1). Thus, even if the Federal Reserve increases the
supply of reserves to a point where the demand for reserves becomes
infinitely elastic, e.g., S' in Figure 1, the federal funds rate
should not fall below the rate paid on reserves. This suggests that with
interest on reserves the Federal Reserve can separate the provision of
liquidity from its interest rate policy, e.g., Goodfriend (2002).
Furthermore, once the Federal Reserve pays interest on reserves, it has
the choice between two policy instruments: It can continue to target a
market interest rate, such as the federal funds rate, above the interest
paid on reserves; or it can increase the supply of reserves sufficiently
and bring the federal funds rate down to the interest paid on reserves
and then adjust the interest rate it pays, e.g., Lacker (2006). The
first approach targets a lending rate for banks that still contains some
counterparty risk, while the second approach sets the risk-free lending
rate for banks.
The actual experience with interest on reserves does not completely
support this argument. Since November 2008, the effective federal funds
rate has been consistently below the interest rate paid on reserves. In
fact, starting in December 2008, the FOMC decided to announce a target
range for the federal funds rate between 0 and 25bps. This continues to
be the policy as of the writing of this article. On the positive side,
since February 2008, the effective federal funds rate has traded closer
to the interest rate paid on reserves. Various reasons have been
advanced for this divergence between the effective federal funds rate
and the interest rate on reserves. For example, in late 2008
participants in the federal funds market may have been preoccupied with
events other than trying to exploit all profit opportunities in the
market for overnight credit. More recently it has been argued that the
low effective federal funds rate originates from particular lenders in
the federal funds market--the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
Fannie May and Freddy Mac--who do not have interest-bearing reserve
accounts with the Federal Reserve (for example, Bernanke [2009] or Bech
and Klee [2010]). Arbitrage competition of depository institutions that
can borrow from the GSEs and deposit the proceeds in their
interest-bearing reserve accounts should eliminate any spreads between
the effective rate and the reserve rate. This competition appears,
however, to be limited since the GSEs apparently only engage in lending
activities with a limited number of banks.
For the analysis of an interest rate policy when reserves are
paying interest, I will abstract from the issues just discussed and
assume that the interest rate paid on reserves is the market interest
rate. First, for monetary policy I am interested in the opportunity cost
to banks, which is the rate on reserves. For this analysis it is
irrelevant that nonbank institutions drive the effective rate below the
rate on reserves; and even if arbitrage by depositary institutions does
not completely eliminate the spread between the rate on reserves and the
effective rate, it will at least bound that spread. Second, for the
types of aggregate models used in monetary policy analysis, there is no
meaningful concept of counterparty risk. Thus, there is no risk premium
that distinguishes the interbank lending rate from the riskless rate
paid by reserves. Third, these models are not specified in terms of
overnight interest rates, but interest rates on short-term government
debt. Given that the choices for the policy rates tend to be highly
persistent over short period, this seems like a reasonable
approximation. Figure 3 displays the effective federal funds rate and
several other short-term interest rates from 1980 to present. (7) As is
apparent from Figure 3, most of the time the different short-term
interest rates track the federal funds rate quite closely.
In what follows I will study an interest rate policy that pays
interest on all reserves at the market interest rate. In particular, I
will study the implications of interest on reserves for price level
determinacy, and to what extent the amount of outstanding reserves
matters. Before proceeding to the model with interest on reserves I
first outline the framework of analysis for the case without interest on
The following model of an endowment economy has been used
extensively in the study of monetary policy. There is one consumption
good, [c.sub.t], and the consumption good is in exogenous supply. There
are two nominal assets issued by the government: fiat money, [M.sub.t],
and bonds, [B.sub.t]. The price of the consumption good in terms of fiat
money is [P.sub.t], and since the consumption good is the only good,
[P.sub.t] is also the price level. Inflation is the price level's
rate of change from one period to the next, [[pi].sub.t+1] =
[P.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.t]. Bonds pay interest at the gross rate [R.sub.b,t],
but fiat money does not. I define real balances and real bonds in units
of the consumption good as [m.sub.t] = [M.sub.t] [P.sub.t] and [b.sub.t]
= [B.sub.t]/[P.sub.t].
Households can use both, money and bonds, to save, but holding
money also provides some transactions services when households purchase
consumption goods. If it was not for the transactions services,
households would not want to hold money when bonds pay a positive
interest rate since money does not pay any interest. The demand for real
balances, equation (1), depends negatively on the opportunity cost of
holding money, i.e., the foregone interest income, and positively on the
real transactions volume, [c.sub.t]. The demand for bonds is determined
by the Euler equation (2), which equates households' willingness to
exchange consumption today for consumption tomorrow with the rate at
which households can do that using bonds. The latter is the real rate of
return on bonds--that is, how much of the consumption good you obtain
tomorrow if you invest one unit of the consumption good today in a
nominal bond. Equations (1) and (2) can be derived from simple dynamic
representative agent economies that explicitly specify the preferences
of households and their budget constraints, e.g., Leeper (1991) or Sims
[m.sub.t] = M ([R.sub.b,t+1]) [C.sub.t], (1)
1 = [beta] [c.sub.t]/[c.sub.t+1] [R.sub.b,t+1]/[[pi].sub.t+1] (2)
[v.sub.t] = [R.sub.b,t] [V.sub.t-1] -
([R.sub.b,t]-1)[m.sub.t-1]/[[pi].sub.t]-[[tau].sub.t], (3)
[v.sub.t] = [b.sub.t] + [m.sub.t]. (4)
Equation (3) represents the government's budget constraint. On
the left-hand side is the new real debt issued to make interest payments
and retire the outstanding debt on the right-hand side. Since debt is
nominal, inflation reduces the real amount of debt to be repaid.
Furthermore, the government does not pay interest on fiat money.
Finally, if the government collects lump sum taxes, [[tau].sub.t], then
less new debt needs to be issued. (8) Equation (4) defines total real
government debt as the sum of interest-paying real bonds and
non-interest-paying real balances.
To close the model I assume that there is an exogenous endowment of
the consumption good such that one can take the time path for
consumption as given. I also assume that monetary policy chooses the
nominal interest rate in response to the inflation rate, and fiscal
policy chooses taxes in response to outstanding real bonds,
[R.sub.b,t+1] = f ([[pi].sub.t]) and [[tau].sub.t] = g ([b.sub.t]).
I characterize the equilibrium time paths for inflation, the
interest rate, real balances, real bonds, real debt, and lump sum taxes,
[x.sub.t] = ([[pi].sub.t], [R.sub.b,t], [m.sub.t], [b.sub.t], [v.sub.t],
[[tau].sub.t]). An equilibrium is then a bounded time path for the
variables {[x.sub.t]} that solves the dynamic system defined by
equations (1)-(5). (9)
Monetary policy is said to be active (passive) if the nominal
interest rate responds strongly (weakly) to an increase of the inflation
rate. Fiscal policy is said to be active (passive) if lump sum taxes
respond weakly (strongly) to an increase of real bonds. For a local
approximation of the difference equation system, Leeper (1991) shows
that for positive interest rates there exists a unique equilibrium if
monetary policy is active and fiscal policy is passive, or conversely if
monetary policy is passive and fiscal policy is active. (10) The
existence of a unique equilibrium in terms of the inflation rate and
real balances implies price level determinacy. If both policies are
passive then the equilibrium is indeterminate, and if both policies are
active an equilibrium will not exist. (11) Sims (1994) shows that these
results hold globally in Leeper's model (1991), and not only for
local approximations.
The point of this analysis is that price level determinacy is
jointly determined by monetary and fiscal policy. To illustrate this
point, Figure 4, Panel Al displays the different regions that
characterize equilibrium in terms of the responsiveness of monetary and
fiscal policy to the inflation rate and real debt for a standard
parameterization of the model. (12) The horizontal axis displays the
elasticity of lump sum taxes with respect to real debt, [gamma], and the
vertical axis displays the elasticity of the nominal interest rate with
respect to the inflation rate, [alpha]. The northeast and southwest
regions represent parameter combinations for which there exist unique
equilibria. The southeast region represents parameter values in which a
continuum of equilibria exists, and the northwest region represents
parameter values in which no equilibrium exists.
The intuition for this decomposition of the policy parameter space
is fairly straightforward. Substituting the interest rate policy rule
(5) into the Euler equation (2) shows that the difference equation
describing the dynamics of inflation is independent of fiscal policy. If
monetary policy is active, i.e., it responds strongly to past inflation,
then this difference equation defines a unique bounded solution for
inflation. Furthermore, if fiscal policy is passive, i.e., lump sum
taxes respond strongly to government debt, then iteration on the
transition equation for government debt defined by the government budget
constraint (3) defines a unique bounded path for government debt.
Conversely, if fiscal policy is active, i.e., lump sum taxes respond
weakly to debt, then the unique bounded solution for debt from the
government budget constraint defines debt as the discounted present
value of future lump sum taxes and seigniorage revenue from money
creation. This in turn defines a time path for the price level and thus
the inflation rate. The implied time path for inflation need not be the
same as the unique time path for inflation implied by an active monetary
policy. Thus, active monetary and fiscal policies are inconsistent with
the existence of an equilibrium. But if monetary policy is passive, then
the difference equation describing the dynamics of inflation is
consistent with a continuum of bounded solutions for inflation, in
particular the inflation rate implied by the government budget
constraint. This case is therefore also known as the fiscal theory of
the price level. Finally, if monetary and fiscal policy are both
passive, then there exists a continuum of bounded solutions to the
system of difference equations, that is, the equilibrium is
Since for positive interest rates there is a uniquely defined
demand for real balances, one can think of the interest rate as being
supported by open market operations that supply the amount of money that
is demanded at the given interest rate, equation (1). If the demand for
real balances is characterized by a "liquidity trap"--that is,
the demand is flat at a zero interest rate--then open market operations
do not affect the equilibrium outcome.
I now describe a simple endowment economy with a banking sector
that generalizes the baseline model described in the previous section.
In this model banks are required to hold reserves, and one can study if
and how the conduct of monetary policy needs to be changed once market
interest rates are paid on reserves. I will limit attention to the
question of how the payment of interest on reserves affects price level
determinacy, that is, existence and uniqueness of an equilibrium.
An Economy with a Banking Sector
Consider a representative agent with preferences over a cash good,
c, a credit good, k, real balances, [m.sub.h] real demand deposits, d,
and real government bonds, [b.sub.h]. Including these financial assets
in preferences introduces a wedge into the asset pricing equations
because the assets pay a liquidity premium. There is also a generic
asset, a, that does not provide any liquidity services. The demand
deposits are offered by a competitive banking sector that uses reserves
and government bonds to service the demand deposits. The banking sector
also makes loans, l, to the representative agent that are used to
finance purchases of the credit good. Fiscal policy affects the
evolution of government debt. The environment is a simplified version of
Canzoneri et al. (2008).
Household Demand for Assets
The representative agent's preferences are
[summation over (t=0)] [[beta].sup.t]{In [c.sub.t] +
[[gamma].sub.k] In [k.sub.t]+[[gamma].sub.m] + In [m.sub.h,t] +
[[gamma].sub.d] In [d.sub.t] + [[gamma].sub.b] In [b.sub.h,t] (6)
and the budget constraint is
[c.sub.t] + [k.sub.t] + [] + [d.sub.t] + [] +
[a.sub.t] - [l.sub.t] + [[tau].sub.t] [less than or equal to] [y.sub.t]
+ [[m.sub.h,t-1] +[d.sub.h,t-1] [R.sub.dt] + [b.sub.h,t-1] [] +
[a.sub.t-1]-[R.sub.t]-[l.sub.t-1] [R.sub.l,t]/[[pi].sub.t], (7)
where the nominal interest rate for asset j = m,d,b, and l is
[R.sub.j], the nominal interest rate on the generic asset is R,
exogenous income is y, and lump sum taxes are [tau]. Real balances,
demand deposits, and government bonds are assets that provide liquidity
services in addition to being a store of value. The liquidity services
are represented as direct contributions to a household's utility.
The generic asset does not provide any liquidity services and is not
included in the household's utility function. By assumption the
household has to take out a loan to purchase the credit good
[k.sub.t] [less than or equal to] [l.sub.t] (8)
The optimal choices of the household imply the following asset
demand equations:
[] = [[gamma].sub.m] [R.sub.t+1]/[R.sub.t+1] - 1 [c.sub.t],
[d.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.d] [R.sub.t+1]/[R.sub.t+1] - [R.sub.d,t+1]
[c.sub.t], (10)
[] = [[gamma].sub.b] [R.sub.t+1]/[R.sub.t+1] -
[R.sub.b,t+1] [c.sub.t], (11)
[l.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.k] [R.sub.t+1]/[R.sub.t+1] - [R.sub.l,t+1]
[c.sub.t]. (12)
Note that the household's demand for real balances is
well-defined even at a zero nominal bond rate. The household's
demand for real balances depends on the interest rate of the generic
asset and not the bond rate. Furthermore, since bonds provide liquidity
services, the bond rate will always be below the generic asset rate.
Thus, even if the bond rate is zero the household demand for real
balances is uniquely defined. There is no liquidity trap for household
demand of real balances.
Intertemporal optimization with respect to the generic financial
asset implies the Euler equation
1 = [[beta] [c.sub.t]/[c.sub.t+1]] [R.sub.t]/[[pi].sub.t+1], (13)
where the term in square brackets is the marginal rate of
substitution between consumption today and tomorrow. In the endowment
economy equilibrium consumption of the cash and credit good is
exogenous. With exogenous consumption, this Euler equation determines
inflation conditional on the nominal interest rate for the generic
Two remarks are in order. First, I deviate from the standard asset
pricing setup to get potentially well-specified demand functions for
real balances and demand deposits. Putting the assets into the utility
function is one way to get well-defined demand functions. Alternatively,
I could have assumed that these assets lower transactions costs and
introduced the relevant cost terms in the budget constraint as in
Goodfriend and McCallum (2007). Second, I want to have a simple model of
bank lending, so just assume that the "credit" good has to be
purchased through a one-period loan taken out from the bank.
Bank Demand and Supply of Assets
A bank takes in demand deposits that provide transactions services
for the household and represent a liability to the bank. The bank's
assets consist of loans made to the household, and bond and reserve
holdings, [b.sub.b] and [m.sub.b]. The balance sheet of a bank is
[l.sub.t]+[]+[]=[d.sub.t]. (14)
Banks need to hold reserves and bonds to service demand deposits:
[] + [] = [[ohm]d.sub.t]. (15)
This equation represents an assumption on the bank's
technology, namely what and how many assets the bank needs in order to
generate the demand deposit services for the household. I assume that
the bank uses liquid assets, i.e., bonds and reserves, in order to
service demand deposits, but it need not hold 100 percent liquid assets,
[ohm] < 1. Furthermore, bonds and reserves are perfect substitutes in
the production of demand deposit services.
Banks may also be forced to satisfy a reserve requirement that is
imposed by a government regulator:
[], [greater than or equal to] [[rho]d.sub.t]. (16)
Alternatively, the reserve ratio can reflect special precautionary
preferences of banks for reserves. I assume that [rho] < [ohm]
otherwise banks would not hold other liquid assets besides reserves.
I can assume that there is a representative bank that behaves
competitively since the banking technology described above is
characterized by constant returns to scale. Whereas banks receive
interest on their bond holdings, the payment of interest on reserves
(IOR), [R.sub.m] [greater than or equal to] 1, is a policy choice. If
bonds pay interest at a higher rate than do reserves, [R.sub.b] >
[R.sub.m] [greater than or equal to] 1, then banks would prefer to hold
bonds only against their demand deposits, but they are forced to hold at
least a fraction, [rho], of their demand deposits in the form of
reserves. If IOR is paid, I assume that interest is paid at the bond
rate such that banks are indifferent between reserves and bond holdings,
[R.sub.m] = [R.sub.b]. (14) To summarize, the bank demand for reserves
and bonds is determined by interest rates and reserve requirements as
[] = [rho][d.sub.t] if [R.sub.b,t+1] > [R.sub.m,t+1]
[greater than or equal to] 1, (17)
[] [member of] [[rho][d.sub.t], [phi][d.sub.t] if
[R.sub.b,t+1] = [R.sub.m,t+1] = or [R.sub.b,t+1] = 1, (18)
[] = [phi][d.sub.t] - []. (19)
In any case, the zero profit condition for making loans and demand
deposits determines the deposit rate
[R.sub.d,t+1] = (1 - [phi]) [R.sub.l,t+1] + ([phi] - [rho])
[R.sub.b,t+1] + [rho][R.sub.m,t+1]. (20)
This model for banks' reserve demand exhibits features of a
"liquidity trap." First, at a zero bond rate the demand for
reserves is indeterminate. Note, however, that the range of
indeterminacy is bounded by the required reserve ratio and the desired
liquid asset ratio. Second, once IOR is paid at the bond rate, the
demand for reserves becomes indeterminate even at positive bond rates.
Even though the banks' demand for reserves may be indeterminate
within a range, the banks' joint demand for reserves and bonds is
always uniquely determined.
Does the proposed "banking" technology make sense? For
commercial banks the ratio of cash (including reserves with the Federal
Reserve System) plus Treasury holdings relative to deposits has been
remarkably stable from 1973 to the end of the 1980s (Figure 5). There
was a sharp increase in the early 1990s and then a downward trend that
has been reversed since last fall. At the same time, there was a steady
decline of the ratio of cash relative to total deposits. Since excess
reserves were small relative to required reserves before 2008, this must
reflect a steady decline in the required reserve ratio.
Simultaneously with the introduction of IOR in the fall of 2008 and
associated with various credit and liquidity programs, the amount of
reserves banks hold with the Federal Reserve System has increased
dramatically. These higher reserve holdings have not been accompanied by
a corresponding decline of other liquid assets, such as treasuries or
MBS, or by an increase of demand deposits (Figure 5). In terms of the
proposed simple model this would have to be interpreted as a substantial
increase in the desired ratio of liquid assets to deposits, [phi].
Government Supply of Assets
The government budget constraint is
[b.sub.t] + [m.sub.t] = [[R.sub.b,t][b.sub.t-1] + [m.sub.h,t-1] +
[[R.sub.m,t][m.sub.b,t-1]]]/[[pi].sub.t]-[[tau].sub.t], (21)
where b = [b.sub.h] + [b.sub.b] is the total amount of government
bonds issued and m = [m.sub.h] + [m.sub.b] is the monetary base. In an
equilibrium the total amount of government debt has to equal the sum of
bank and household bond holdings, and the monetary base has to equal the
sum of bank reserves and household cash holdings.
Simplifying the Model
It is possible to simplify the exposition of the model
considerably. (15) First, given the exogenous endowment of the cash and
credit good, I can use the household demand for loans, (12), and the
zero profit condition for banks, (20), to get an expression for the
deposit rate:
[R.sub.d,t+1] = [R.sub.d] ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1],
[R.sub.m,t+1]). (22)
I can use this function in the household's demand for
deposits, (10), and obtain the banks' demand for reserves:
[] = [rho]D ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1])
[c.sub.t] if [R.sub.b,t+1] > [R.sub.m,t+1] = 1, (23)
[] [member of] [[rho], [phi]] D ([R.sub.t+1],
[R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1]) [C.sub.t] if [R.sub.b,t+1] = [R.sub.m,t+1]
or [R.sub.b,t+1] = 1.
Aggregate demand for real balances, the monetary base, is then the
sum of household demand (9) for cash and bank demand for reserves (23):
[m.sub.t] = M ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1])[C.sub.t].
The demand for monetary base inherits a "flat"
indeterminacy range from the banks' reserve demand if the bond rate
is zero or interest is paid on reserves.
Analogously to the total demand for real balances, I can define a
total demand for government bonds by households and banks:
[b.sub.t] = [BETA]([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1])
[C.sub.t]. (25)
Corresponding to the aggregate demand for real balances, the
aggregate demand for bonds also inherits a "flat"
indeterminacy range from the banks' demand for bonds. Aggregate
demand for total government debt is the sum of the demand for real
balances and bonds, equations (24) and (25),
[v.sub.t] = V ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1])
[c.sub.t]. (26)
As pointed out above, banks' demand for reserves and bonds
together is always determinate and the same then applies to the demand
for total government debt (money and bonds).
The reduced form of the economy can now be represented by the
following set of equations:
[m.sub.t] = M ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1])
[C.sub.t], (27)
1 = [beta] [c.sub.t]/[c.sub.t+1] [R.sub.t+1]/[[pi].sub.t+1], (28)
[v.sub.t] = [R.sub.b,t][v.sub.t-1] - ([R.sub.b,t] - 1)
[[~.m].sub.t-1]/[[pi].sub.t] - [[tau].sub.t], (29)
[[~.m].sub.t] = [~.M] ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1] [C.sub.t+1], (30)
[v.sub.t] = V ([R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [R.sub.m,t+1] [c.sub.t],
[v.sub.t] = [b.sub.t] + [m.sub.t]. (32)
Equation (27) is the aggregate demand for real balances. Equation
(28) is the household Euler equation for the generic asset, (13).
Equation (29) is the government budget constraint in terms of total debt
outstanding v, and [~.m] denotes non-interest-bearing government debt.
Without interest on reserves, non-interest-bearing debt is aggregate
real balances, [~.m] = m; and with interest on reserves,
non-interest-bearing debt is cash holdings by households, [~.m] =
[m.sub.h]. Equation (31) is the aggregate demand for government debt.
Equation (32) defines total government debt as the sum of real balances
and bonds. The baseline model, (1)-(4), is obtained from Section 2 if
one assumes that bonds and demand deposits do not provide any liquidity
services, [[gamma].sub.b] = [[gamma].sub.d] = 0; eliminates the credit
good, [[gamma].sub.k] = k = 0; and eliminates the banking sector.
Price Level Determinacy with Interest on Reserves
I now show that the simple baseline model from Section 2 and the
just described model with a banking sector have very similar
implications for how monetary and fiscal policy affect price level
determinacy. Whether or not interest is paid on reserves, the model with
banking does not materially affect this result. In particular, it
appears that the volume of bank reserves does not matter.
The reduced form representation of the economy with a banking
sector, equations (27)-(32), appears to be slightly more complicated
than the simple baseline model, equations (1)-(4), but the structure of
the two economies is very similar. In order to close the model with
banking, I again assume that there are fixed endowments of the
consumption good, cash and credit; and specify monetary and fiscal
policy as responding to inflation and government debt, equation (5). I
again study the local properties of the linearized dynamic system
defined by equations (27)-(32) and the policy rules (5). In the baseline
model, fiscal policy responds to the stock of outstanding real bonds, b,
that is, interest-bearing government debt. For reasons that will
immediately become apparent, I also consider a fiscal policy that
responds to the total stock of government debt, v. I can also do that
for the simple baseline model and, comparing Panels Al and B1 of Figure
4, it is clear that this has no substantial impact on the issue of
equilibrium existence and uniqueness.
In order to characterize the implications of monetary and fiscal
policy for price level determinacy I need to parameterize the model with
banking. Relative to the baseline model, I need to make assumptions on
households' steady-state asset holdings (real balances, m, bonds,
b, and deposits, d); banks' required reserve ratio, [rho], and
desired liquidity, [phi]; and on steady-state rates of return on the
generic asset, R, bonds, [R.sub.b], and money, [pi]. I follow Canzoneri
et al.'s (2008) calibration of the 1990-2005 U.S. economy. The time
period is assumed to be a quarter. The household steady-state ratios of
real balances, bonds, and demand deposits to consumption are [m.sub.h]/c
= 0.3, [b.sub.h]/c = 0.9, and d/c = 2.45. Steady-state nominal interest
rates on reserves, bonds, and the generic asset are [R.sub.m] = 1,
[R.sub.b] = 1.011, and [R.sub.a] = 1.015. Steady-state inflation is [pi]
= 1.007. The reserve ratio is [rho] = 0.05 and reflects the ratio of
vault cash and bank deposits with the Federal Reserve. The desired
liquidity ratio is [phi] = 0.30 and reflects the ratio of bank holdings
of treasury debt, agency debt, agency MBS, and total reserves to total
Fiscal Policy Targets Total Debt
Suppose first that fiscal policy targets total debt, v, and that no
interest is paid on reserves. Comparing Panels B1 and B2 of Figure 4 it
is apparent that the parameter regions that characterize equilibrium
existence and uniqueness are qualitatively similar to the baseline
model. Price level determinacy is obtained in the northeast region
(active monetary policy and passive fiscal policy) and the southwest
region (passive monetary policy and active fiscal policy) of the
parameter space.
Now suppose that fiscal policy continues to target total debt, but
interest is paid on reserves. Because of interest on reserves, total
demand for real balances is indeterminate for a range that depends on
the reserve ratio and the desired liquidity ratio of banks. Even if the
total supply of real balances falls into that range, this does not
create a problem for the conduct of monetary policy.
Consider equations (28)-(31) of the reduced form together with the
monetary and fiscal policy rules. These equations are sufficient to
determine an equilibrium in terms of the inflation rate, interest rates,
and total debt, {[[pi].sub.t], [R.sub.t+1], [R.sub.b,t+1], [v.sub.t]},
if the equilibrium exists. The allocation of total government debt
between interest-bearing reserves and interest-bearing debt is
irrelevant. In particular, the magnitude of reserves at banks does not
matter, as long as the reserves remain within the range of
Comparing Panels B2 and B3 of Figure 4 shows that paying interest
on reserves has some impact on the issue of price level determinacy. If
there is price level determinacy in the northeast region of the
parameter space without IOR, then for a given active monetary policy,
fiscal policy with IOR has to be somewhat more passive in order for the
equilibrium to remain unique. (16) Conversely, in the southwest region
of the parameter space, for a given monetary policy, fiscal policy with
IOR needs to be more active to obtain price level determinacy.
Fiscal Policy Targets Real Bonds
Now suppose that fiscal policy targets the stock of real bonds, b,
rather than total debt, v, but no interest is paid on reserves.
Comparing Panels A2 and B2 of Figure 4 shows that for any given monetary
policy, fiscal policy can be somewhat more active before losing price
level determinacy, either because of nonexistence or nonuniqueness. But
now it appears that there is a problem if interest is paid on reserves,
since the demand for government bonds--and relatedly the demand for real
balances--becomes indeterminate for some range. A well-defined demand
for government bonds is, however, needed, since fiscal policy is
supposed to respond to the stock of outstanding bonds.
I can resolve the indeterminacy of the demand for bonds through the
introduction of an additional policy rule that determines their
equilibrium values. For example, the central bank might conduct open
market operations (OMO) that adjust real balances in response to the
inflation rate:
[m.sub.t] = h ([[pi].sub.t]), (33)
with an elasticity of [delta]. In other words, because the money
demand equation, (27), no longer determines real balances, monetary
policy can choose real balances. (17)
Figure 4, Panel A3 graphs the parameter regions for price level
determinacy when monetary policy does not adjust real balances in
response to the inflation rate, [delta] = 0. The impact of paying
interest on reserves relative to not paying interest on reserves, Figure
4, Panel A2, is similar to the case when fiscal policy targets total
debt and not bonds only.
How much paying IOR matters now also depends on the new OMO
parameter, [delta]. Figure 6 displays the parameter regions for price
level determinacy when fiscal policy targets real bonds and the OMO
parameters are [delta] = 100 (Panel A), [delta] = 0 (Panel B), and
[delta] = -100 (Panel C). Given that the OMO response to real balances
is essentially a response to bank reserves, one might think that with
IOR, monetary policy would have to target both inflation and bank
reserves. This interpretation has to be qualified for two reasons.
First, bank reserves matter only because I have assumed that fiscal
policy targets bonds and not total debt. Second, the graphs in Figure 6
are based on very extreme values for the OMO policy parameter. For
[delta] values that are of similar magnitude as the monetary and fiscal
parameters, [alpha] and [gamma], the parameter regions for price level
determinacy are essentially the same.
This article addresses the question of whether paying interest on
the reserve accounts that banks hold with a central bank affects the
conduct of monetary policy. For this purpose I introduce a stylized
model of banks that hold reserves into a standard baseline model of
money. This model suggests that paying interest on reserves does not
drastically change the implications of monetary policy, implemented as
an interest rate policy, for price level determinacy. Furthermore, the
amount of outstanding reserves does not appear to be critical for issues
of price level determinacy.
The scope of the article is rather narrow. For example, I do not
study how the payment of IOR affects the dynamic response of the economy
to shocks for given monetary and fiscal policy rules. The model can be
used to address this issue if features are added that make money
non-neutral, for example, a New Keynesian Phillips curve based on sticky
prices. Preliminary results for such an augmented model suggest that for
the same monetary and fiscal policy rules the dynamic response of
inflation and output to shocks does depend on whether or not interest is
paid on reserves, but the differences are not substantial.
The effects of financial market interventions by central banks,
however, cannot be studied in this framework. Since the model's
concept of liquidity for the financial sector is rather narrow, the
model has nothing to say about central bank provision of liquidity to
banks through an increase of the banks' reserve accounts. For
example, the model does not provide any rationale for the Federal
Reserve's program to purchase agency MBS as opposed to other
government debt. Indeed, the simple banking model assumes that agency
MBS and treasuries provide the same liquidity services to banks. (18)
For a critical review of the Federal Reserve interventions in specific
financial markets that gave rise to the expansion of the Federal
Reserve's balance sheet, in particular, the volume of reserve
liabilities, see Hamilton (2009).
Figure 2 displays daily data for the federal funds target set by
the FOMC and the effective federal funds rate from January 2000-February
2010. In addition, Panel C of Figure 2 also displays the interest rate
that was paid on required reserves and on excess reserves from September
2008 on. Figure 3 displays monthly averages from January 1980-February
2010 for the following short-term interest rates: the effective federal
funds rate, the three-month constant maturity Treasury rate, the
three-month nonfinancial commercial paper rate, the rate for three-month
certificates of deposit in the secondary market, and the prime bank
lending rate. Figure 5 displays monthly liquid asset ratios of all
commercial banks, domestically chartered and foreign related
institutions, from January 1973-January 2010 based on the Federal
Reserve Board's H.8 table. Securities in bank credit include
Treasury and agency securities and other securities. A large part of
agency securities consists of MBS issued by GSEs such as the Government
Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae, GNMA), the Federal National Mortgage
Association (Fannie Mae, FNMA), or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (Freddie Mac, FHLMC). Other securities include private label
MBS, among others. Cash includes vault cash and reserves with the
Federal Reserve. The liquid asset ratio is calculated relative to bank
deposits excluding large time deposits. All series are from Haver.
I would like to thank Anne Davlin, Huberto Ennis, Bob Hetzel,
Thomas Lubik, John Weinberg, and Alex Wolman for helpful comments and
Nadezhda Malysheva and Sam Henly for excellent research assistance. Any
opinions expressed in this paper are my own and do not necessarily
reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal
Reserve System. E-mail:
(1) The terminology follows Leeper (1991).
(2) Smith (1991) raises similar concerns on price level determinacy
in an extended version of the environment studied by Sargent and Wallace
(3) In the United States, banks can borrow from the Federal Reserve
against pre-approved collateral at the discount window. The discount
rate is set higher than the federal funds target rate, usually 100 basis
points (bp). As part of the response to the financial crisis, the
Federal Reserve kept the discount rate at 25bp above the target federal
funds rate from April 2008 until February 2010. A bank's effective
borrowing rate is presumably higher than the discount rate since a
bank's borrowing from the discount window is seen as a negative
signal on the bank's balance sheet condition.
(4) Interbank lending proceeds through bilateral arrangements and,
during the day, the negotiated lending rates can fluctuate
substantially. The effective federal funds rate is a value-weighted
average of the different loan rates.
(5) In 2006 Congress authorized the Federal Reserve to pay interest
on reserves starting in 2011. At the time, the main motivation for
paying interest on reserves was to eliminate the "tax
distortion" implied by the absence of interest payments on
reserves. For example, banks would engage in activities whose sole
purpose was to minimize their holdings of "reservable"
(6) On October 6, 2008, the Federal Reserve Board announced that it
would pay interest on the depositary institutions' reserve account
at 10bp (75bp) below the federal funds rate target for required (excess)
reserves. On October 22, the Board changed the rate paid on excess
reserve balances to the lowest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
target rate in effect during the reserve maintenance period less 35bp.
Finally, on November 5, 2008, the rate on required reserves was set
equal to the average target federal funds rate over the reserve
maintenance period, and the rate on excess balances was set equal to the
lowest FOMC target rate in effect during the reserve maintenance period.
(7) All data are described in detail in the Appendix.
(8) A negative lump sum tax represents a transfer payment to the
household. We can interpret lump sum taxes as the government's
primary surplus, that is, lump sum tax revenues minus spending net of
interest payments.
(9) The equilibrium time paths for real balances and debt have to
remain bounded, since they represent solutions to a dynamic optimization
problem. Technically, real balances and debt have to satisfy
transversality conditions, which state that the limiting value of the
discounted future marginal utility of real balances and debt has to be
zero. Thus, real balances and debt cannot grow too fast relative to the
time discount factor.
(10) For a constant consumption path, [c.sub.t] = c, and given
policy targets for inflation and the debt-consumption ratio, equations
(1)-(5) define a unique time-invariant solution for the endogenous
variables, [x.sub.t] = x, the steady state. I define a local
approximation to the equilibrium in terms of small deviations from the
steady state, which transforms the dynamic system of equations into a
linear difference equation system. For a description of conditions for
the existence and uniqueness of a bounded solution to linear difference
equation system see, e.g., Sims (2000).
(11) Indeterminacy or nonexistence of an equilibrium raises an
issue as to how useful the proposed theory is for the analysis of
monetary policy. After all, we are trying to explain a particular
outcome for the economy. Indeterminacy can be resolved by refining the
equilibrium concept. For example, we might assume that decisions are
coordinated on an extraneous random variable that has no relevance for
the feasibility of outcomes, a sunspot. This gives rise to fluctuations
as a result of self-fullfilling expectations. If no equilibrium exists
for certain combinations of monetary and fiscal policy then we might
conclude that some policy rules are simply not feasible in the long run
(Sargent and Wallace [1981]).
(12) Figure 4 is based on a parameterization of the economy
described in Section 3.
(13) Canzoneri et al. (2008) provide a more elaborate model of a
banking sector that uses resources and not just assets to service demand
deposits, and they allow for imperfect substitution between reserves and
government bonds.
(14) In principle the policymaker could decide to make IOR greater
than the bond rate. [R.sub.m] > [R.sub.b], and reserves would
dominate bonds as an asset for banks. I do not consider this case.
(15) For the detailed derivation, see Hornstein (2010).
(16) Recent projections of rapidly expanding fiscal deficits might
suggest that fiscal policy has shifted toward a more active stance, mat
is, taxes are responding less strongly to outstanding debt. If monetary
policy were to remain active, fiscal and monetary policy could become
inconsistent, that is, an equilibrium would not exist. Thus, the payment
of interest on reserves might require a further adjustment of either
monetary or fiscal policy to maintain the existence of an equilibrium.
(17) We usually think of OMO as determining nominal quantities. I
have chosen a policy rule that chooses real balances to keep the
exposition simple. One could interpret the proposed policy rule as
responding to inflation and to the price level. Alternatively, one could
simply start with a policy rule that sets the nominal money stock and
study the more complicated system.
(18) Given that the GSEs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have become
wards of the federal government, this does not appear to be such an
unreasonable assumption. Indeed, the only reason to distinguish between
Treasury debt on the one hand and agency-issued debt and MBS on the
other hand appears to be political: GSE-issued debt does not count
toward the congressionally mandated federal debt limit.
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