The politics of sovereign defaults.
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos ; Martinez, Leonardo
Sovereign debt issuance and repayment decisions are determined by
public officials and may thus be affected by issues such as the
proximity of elections; conflicts between the executive branch and the
parliament; institutional breakdowns such as military coups; etc. This
article first discusses theoretical and empirical studies about the role
of political factors in sovereign default episodes. Before concluding,
the article also discusses the role of political factors in five recent
default episodes. (1)
The preferences of public officials and the environment in which
they must act affect their perceived costs and benefits of defaulting.
This has been recognized by several authors. For instance, in discussing
the role of political factors as determinants of defaults, Sturzenegger
and Zettelmeyer (2006) conclude that "a solvency crisis could be
triggered by a shift in the parameters that govern the country's
willingness to make sacrifices in order to repay, because of changes in
the domestic political economy (a revolution, a coup, an election, etc.)
..." Similarly, Rijckeghem and Weder (2009) argue that a
country's willingness to pay is influenced by politics, i.e., by
the distribution of political power and of benefits and costs of
defaulting across voters. The heterogeneity of public officials'
preferences is also highlighted by Santiso (2003) who writes, "One
basic rule of the confidence game [in international financial markets]
is then to be very careful when nominating the official government
voicer. For investors it is mainly the ministry of economics or finance
or the governor of the central bank."
We first describe theoretical studies that illustrate how the risk
of losing elections may induce a sovereign to avoid a default even when
creditors have no access to legal procedures that would allow them to
force the sovereign to pay. This risk would be present when sovereign
debt is at least partially held by local creditors with political power
to deny support to political groups that advocate for a default. Note
that, since it is difficult to declare a selective default on foreign
bondholders only, the presence of these local creditors could also
explain why foreign investors are willing to buy sovereign debt.
Second, we describe theoretical work that studies how political
turnover, i.e., the alternation in office of policymakers with different
objectives, affects incentives to borrow from foreign lenders and to
default on debt held by foreigners. Policymakers may differ in the
weights they assign to different constituencies of domestic residents
when allocating fiscal resources and they may differ in their
willingness to pay the debt. Studies that assume differences in
policymakers' spending preferences find that a higher frequency of
political turnover tends to generate higher debt levels and higher
default probabilities. In contrast, studies that assume that
policymakers differ in their willingness to repay debt find that the
relationship between the default probability and the frequency of
political turnover may be nonmonotonic.
Studies that assume that policymakers differ in their willingness
to repay make possible the existence of defaults triggered by political
turnover. (2) We refer to such default episodes as "political
defaults." Political defaults occur when a
"creditor-friendly" government (with a higher willingness to
pay) is replaced by a "debtor-friendly" government (with a
lower willingness to pay). It should be mentioned that while political
turnover may explain the timing of the default decision, poor economic
conditions are likely to play a key role in political defaults. In fact,
in Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza's (2009) model of political
defaults, political defaults are only likely to occur after a
creditor-friendly government encounters poor economic conditions that
lead it to choose high borrowing levels. These studies also find that
after political defaults, debt and interest rate spread levels are lower
than the levels observed after defaults caused by negative income shocks
only, and are lower than the pre-default levels. (3) Recall that a
political default is triggered when a creditor-friendly government is
replaced by a debtor-friendly government. These studies argue that in a
political default, post-default debt levels are lower than pre-default
levels because investors are less willing to lend to debtor-friendly
governments. This contrasts with alternative explanations that rely on a
boycott against a government in default that is not explained by
characteristics of the government but by its past behavior. (4)
Third, we review empirical studies that have tested the existence
of statistical relationships between political factors and default
decisions. These studies have found that the proximity of elections, the
turnover of government officials, increases in political instability,
and the presence of a presidential democratic regime instead of a
parliamentary democratic regime are statistically associated with a
higher default probability.
We conclude with a brief description of the role of political
turnover in five recent default episodes: Argentina 2001, Ecuador 1998,
Pakistan 1998, Russia 1998, and Uruguay 2003. First, we attempt to
identify whether these default episodes occur after a creditor-friendly
government was replaced by a debtor-friendly government. In order to do
so, we look at a measure of political risk computed by the International
Country Risk Guide (ICRG). We argue that if a creditor-friendly
government was replaced by a debtor-friendly government at the time of
the default, the level of political risk computed by the ICRG should be
lower in the years before the default than in the years after the
default. We find that only in Argentina is the level of political risk
systematically lower in the years before the default than in the years
after the default. We also present anecdotal evidence indicating that
political turnover was important in determining the timing of the
Argentine default. The role of political factors in the Argentine crisis
has also been highlighted in previous studies. IMF (2004) argues that in
Argentina "economic, social, and political dislocation occurred
simultaneously, leading to the resignation of the President, default on
Argentina's sovereign debt, and the abandonment of convertibility
... " Similarly, IMF (2003) finds that in Argentina "the
inability to mount a policy response stemmed from a combination of
economic constraints and political factors ..." In addition, we
show that the behavior of interest rate and debt levels before and after
the Argentine default is broadly aligned with the predictions of
theoretical studies.
In this section, we summarize lessons that can be extracted from
theoretical studies that analyze the role of political factors in
sovereign default episodes. First, we discuss political costs of
sovereign defaults. Second, we describe how political turnover affects
debt issuance and repayment decisions.
Political Costs of Defaults
In a hypothetical scenario in which sovereign defaults were
costless, governments would always default and, in anticipation of that,
investors would not purchase public debt to begin with. Yet, we observe
that governments are able to borrow significant amounts in spite of the
weak legal protection enjoyed by bondholders. This observation can be
taken as evidence of costs associated with sovereign defaults. (5) The
literature has debated the ability of foreign creditors to impose
explicit sanctions on governments that have reneged on their debts (see
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza [2007a]). This section reviews a number
of studies that emphasize that sovereign defaults may be politically
costly primarily because a fraction of sovereign debt is held by local
For a government, an alternative to defaulting is to raise taxes in
order to be able to pay its debt. In any society, people are likely to
have different exposures to the debt of their government and to a tax
increase. In general, we can expect that a sovereign default will not
occur as long as debtholders have sufficient political power. Dixit and
Londregan (2000) formalize this idea. They argue that when making the
decision to raise taxes to pay the interest or repay the principal on
its debt, the government will pay due attention to the relative
political power of the debtholders and other taxpayers. They consider a
two-period model in which debt is issued in the first period and two
political parties compete to win an election. Voters differ in their
learning abilities for human capital accumulation, initial wealth, and
in their preferences over "position issues" such as gun
control, abortion, etc. In the first period, voters invest by
accumulating human capital or by buying government bonds. Government
debt revenues are allocated to build infrastructure capital. Elections
are held at the end of the first period. Before the elections, each
party presents a platform of income taxes, debt repayment, and their
stance on position issues. In the second period, production takes place
and the party in office levies taxes and decides the fraction of debt
that is repaid. There are no punishments to a defaulting government.
Dixit and Londregan (2000) show that under some distributional
assumptions, the number of bondholders who are indifferent to voting for
any of the two parties on the basis of position issues alone may be
larger than the number of nonbondholders--voters that decided to invest
in human capital instead of buying government bonds. Consequently, an
equilibrium with positive debt issuance and no default can be sustained.
In that equilibrium, the presence of a larger number of swing voters who
would favor the repayment of debt ensures that the party that proposes
to pay back the debt wins the election.
In general, citizens who are wealthier may hold more government
debt and may suffer more in the event of a sovereign default.
Furthermore, those who are older tend to be wealthier while those who
are younger tend to generate more income and thus are more exposed to an
increase in income taxes. Consequently, as long as wealthier and older
citizens impose their will, sovereign defaults may be prevented.
Tabellini (1991) emphasizes these ideas. He presents a two-period
economy that is inhabited in period 1 by a generation of young agents
who live for two periods. There are two generations active in period 2:
young and old. The young in period 1 differ in their initial endowment
of goods. The old in period 2 care about the welfare of their offspring,
so they may leave bequests. There is political competition and the
government's decisions are determined by majority voting. Debt is
issued in the first period and the repayment decision is made in the
second period. Tabellini (1991) assumes that individuals cannot punish a
defaulting government. The young in period 1 vote on how much debt to
issue and individually decide how much to save for the next period. They
can only save in government bonds, so aggregate savings must equal total
debt issuance (there is no external debt). At the beginning of period 2,
the young and old vote on how much debt is going to be repaid. Old
agents are the debtholders and young agents are the only ones being
taxed in period 2. Tabellini (1991) shows that a coalition composed of
old agents and those young agents who are the children of the wealthy
(old) bondholders may vote to repay the debt. The second group in the
coalition may enjoy a net benefit from repaying the debt because the
taxes they pay to honor the debt are offset by the bequests they plan to
receive from their parents.
If a sovereign cannot perfectly discriminate between domestic and
foreign creditors, then the political cost of defaulting described above
also allows the sovereign to issue debt to foreign lenders. This is
argued by Guembel and Sussman (2009). While the setups presented in
Tabellini (1991) and Dixit and Londregan (2000) do not consider the
possibility of a government borrowing from foreign lenders, Guembel and
Sussman (2009) study this possibility. They propose an environment in
which the government cannot perfectly discriminate between domestic and
foreign creditors who cannot impose sanctions to a government in
default. The authors assume electoral competition between two political
parties that compete with a platform that specifies the repayment
strategy to be implemented once in power. The two parties are identical
and their only objective is to win elections. A default entails a
redistribution of wealth toward local individuals who hold an amount of
debt that is low enough to make the loss caused by not being compensated
for the defaulted debt smaller than the benefit from avoiding the taxes
they would have paid to service the debt. Like Tabellini (1991) and
Dixit and Londregan (2000), Guembel and Sussman (2009) show that, under
certain circumstances, the government repays its debt in spite of the
fact that no creditor can punish defaulting governments. The reason is
that the median voter would favor a platform that proposes to pay back
the debt. The authors also show that when there is imperfect information
about the characteristics of the median voter, "lending booms"
(high foreign demand for bonds) can price the median voter out of the
market and thus increase the probability of default. With imperfect
information, investors may mistakenly interpret high bond prices that
can be caused by an increase in foreign demand for bonds as evidence of
a strong willingness to pay by the future government.
Drazen (1998) focuses on analyzing the influence of political
factors on a government's decision to finance its expenditures by
issuing debt to domestic or foreign lenders. Like Guembel and Sussman
(2009), Drazen (1998) considers a setup in which the government issues
debt to local and foreign residents. Unlike Guembel and Sussman (2009),
Drazen (1998) studies the case in which the government can selectively
default on local or foreign debt and foreign debtholders can punish a
defaulting government. He argues that governments can, in fact, exert
some control over whether debt is held by domestic or foreign residents.
In particular, he mentions that the government can affect the allocation
of debt among domestic and foreign agents through capital controls that
restrict the ability of domestic (foreign) residents to buy debt issued
abroad (locally), through the currency denomination of public debt (debt
denominated in domestic currency may be more attractive to domestic
residents), through differential tax treatment, etc. He proposes then a
political economy model in which domestic debtholders vote on repayment
decisions. Thus, as in Tabellini (1991) and Dixit and Londregan (2000),
debt held by local agents can be sustained in equilibrium. Since Drazen
(1998) assumes that foreign debtholders can punish a defaulting
government, debt held by foreigners can also be sustained in
equilibrium. Drazen (1998) argues that countries where debtholders have
more political power should tend to finance a higher proportion of
public expenditures by issuing domestic debt. In his setup, as the
income distribution becomes less concentrated, more agents can save and
buy domestic debt and thus benefit from interest payments on public
debt. Those agents would vote for a political platform that proposes to
issue more domestic debt and to honor this debt. Consequently, countries
with relatively less concentrated income distributions (higher median
income for the same mean) may tend to finance a higher proportion of
public expenditures by issuing domestic debt.
In summary, the main lessons from the literature on the political
costs of sovereign defaults described above are (i) a sovereign default
will not occur as long as local debtholders have sufficient political
power; (ii) a default is likely to be prevented as long as wealthier and
older citizens impose their will; (iii) as long as a sovereign cannot
default solely on foreign creditors without affecting local creditors,
political costs of defaulting also allow the sovereign to issue debt to
foreign lenders; and (iv) countries where debtholders have more
political power (for instance, because of a more even distribution of
income) will tend to finance a higher proportion of public expenditures
by issuing domestic debt.
Political Turnover and Sovereign Default Risk
In this section, we summarize lessons from studies that focus on
the role of political turnover, which is defined as the alternation in
power of groups with different preferences. These studies typically lack
a deep theory that links the objectives of citizens and policymakers,
and links policy choices to election outcomes. This modeling strategy
may be useful to clarify causality relationships from political
variables to sovereign debt issuance and default decisions.
An economy is said to have more political stability when political
turnover is less frequent. What is the relationship between political
stability and default risk? Amador (2003) and Cuadra and Sapriza (2008)
contribute to answering this question. They study models of sovereign
default in which policymakers disagree on the optimal allocation of
fiscal resources within each period because they want to please
different constituencies. They show that an increase in political
stability reduces the risk of a sovereign default, which in turn reduces
the interest rate spread on sovereign bonds. The intuition for their
results is as follows. The current government knows that future resource
allocations may be decided by a government that would make different
choices from the ones the current government would make. Consequently,
the current government would like to transfer resources from the future
(when decisions may not be made following its preferred criteria) to the
present (when it can decide where to allocate those resources). With
less political stability it is more likely that the current government
will disagree with the choices of future governments and, therefore, the
current government is more eager to transfer resources from the future
to the present. Thus, political stability affects the effective discount
factor of the incumbent government. One instrument that the government
can use to bring resources from the future is to issue more debt. Higher
debt levels increase the default probability--when defaulting, the
government benefits from not paying back its debt and these benefits are
larger if debt levels are larger. Another strategy is defaulting in
situations in which the government would have to pay large amounts in
the present while a substantial fraction of the cost of defaulting
appears in the future. In contrast, if there is more political
stability, the government is less eager to transfer resources to the
present, it wants to borrow less, and it is less willing to default.
The analysis in Amador (2003) and Cuadra and Sapriza (2008) assumes
that policymakers do not differ in their willingness to pay back
sovereign debt and, therefore, receive the same treatment from
international investors. This implies that lenders do not care about the
type of policymaker in office or about which type of policymaker may be
in office in the future. This seems unrealistic. Examples abound in
which politicians disagree about the benefits of maintaining a good
credit standing. As explained in the next section, in the proximity of
elections, default risk may be influenced by poll data. This suggests
that a better understanding of the relationship between political
turnover and default risk could be achieved by allowing for the
existence of policymakers with different preferences for debt repayment.
Aghion and Bolton (1990) study a setup in which policymakers differ
in their willingness to pay. Unlike other studies described in this
section, they present a model with endogenous turnover. They show how
the government may want to overaccumulate debt to affect the result of
elections. They consider a two-period closed economy inhabited by a
continuum of agents who live for two periods (there are no
intergenerational transfers). At the beginning of each period, elections
are held to appoint government authorities. Agents only differ in the
endowment they receive in every period and derive utility from private
consumption and a publicly provided good. The first-period government
determines the level of the public good provided in that period and the
proportion of expenditures that is financed through a uniform tax and
through debt issuances. The second-period government determines the
level of the public good provided in that period, the uniform tax, and
the repayment of debt. Aghion and Bolton (1990) assume that there are
two political parties. The "right-wing"
("left-wing") party is assumed to maximize the utility of a
group of agents with an above-average (below-average) income level.
Given that debtholdings increase with income, the right-wing party
displays a stronger preference to pay back debt than the left-wing
party. By issuing more debt in the first period, the right-wing party
increases the size of the constituency that prefers the debt to be paid
back and, through that, it increases the likelihood of winning the
election held at the beginning of the second period. Thus, electoral
concerns induce the right-wing party to issue a larger amount of debt in
the first period.
Cole, Dow, and English (1995), Alfaro and Kanczuk (2005), and
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) also study models of sovereign
default with two types of policymakers that differ in their willingness
to pay. Unlike Aghion and Bolton (1990), these studies assume that the
two types alternate stochastically in power. In their setups,
policymakers who assign more weight to the future (for example, because
they are more likely to win elections) are more willing to pay because
they are more concerned about the costs of defaulting that appear in the
Cole, Dow, and English (1995) and Alfaro and Kanczuk (2005) study
setups with asymmetric information about the type of policymaker in
office. Thus, a cost of defaulting is that lenders update their beliefs
about the government's type, which in turn may affect future
borrowing opportunities. Cole, Dow, and English (1995) show that an
equilibrium exists in which the patient policymaker always repays, the
impatient policymaker always defaults, and, in the period where there is
a type change from impatient to patient, the patient policymaker is able
to perfectly signal its type by making a settlement payment because the
impatient type would not find it optimal to do the same. Their model can
explain cycles of borrowing and exclusion from credit markets that
finish when the government pays part of the debt in default. They argue
that this pattern is consistent with the aftermath of many 19th century
default episodes in Latin America and in the United States.
In the framework proposed by Alfaro and Kanczuk (2005), there are
equilibria in which lenders do not know the type of policymaker in
office. They allow for a publicly observable aggregate productivity
shock and show the existence of equilibria in which, for moderately
negative productivity shocks, the patient type does not default in order
to avoid damaging the government's reputation--i.e., the
probability that lenders assign to the patient type being in office.
In order to simplify the learning process faced by lenders and make
their models tractable, Cole, Dow, and English (1995) and Alfaro and
Kanczuk (2005) limit the set of borrowing levels available to the
government. In general, in models with asymmetric information,
equilibrium borrowing levels may be distorted by the desire of the
borrower who is less willing to default to reveal his type through his
borrowing choice. In particular, when borrowing less would allow a
patient government to distinguish itself from impatient governments, the
patient government may not want to borrow as much as it would if its
type was public information. The drawback of restricting the set of
borrowing levels is that it limits the usefulness of the models for
studying macroeconomic fluctuations.
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) consider a political
process similar to the one used by Cole, Dow, and English (1995) and
Alfaro and Kanczuk (2005), but do not assume asymmetric information
about the government type and, therefore, do not need to restrict the
set of borrowing levels available to the government. Moreover, the
framework used by Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) follows
closely the one used in recent quantitative models of sovereign default
(see, for example, Aguiar and Gopinath [2006], Arellano [2008],
Hatchondo and Martinez [2009], and Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) identify two channels
through which political stability may influence default risk in addition
to the channel outlined in Amador (2003) and Cuadra and Sapriza (2008).
On the one hand, if political turnover is expected to trigger a default,
the default risk premium charged on bond issuances is higher when the
probability of political turnover is higher (which corresponds to lower
political stability). Thus, this channel predicts a negative
relationship between political stability and default risk, as in Amador
(2003) and Cuadra and Sapriza (2008). On the other hand, if less
political stability were to imply more default risk, the default risk
premium charged on bond issuances would be higher. In turn, a higher
borrowing cost would make the government less willing to borrow. In
particular, it could make the government unwilling to choose debt levels
for which a political default--defined as a default that would occur
because of political turnover--would be likely. Therefore, less
political stability could reduce default risk. The possibility of a
positive relationship between political stability and default risk is
not present in Amador (2003) and Cuadra and Sapriza (2008).
Based on their findings on the relationship between political
stability and borrowing costs, Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009)
argue that political defaults are only likely to occur in economies
where there is enough political stability. If the current government
chooses borrowing levels that would lead to a default after political
turnover, it has to compensate lenders for this contingency, i.e., for
the contingency of another government becoming the decisionmaker in the
future. If the probability of this contingency is high enough (political
stability is low), it is too expensive for the current government to
choose borrowing levels that would lead to a political default. In this
scenario, the current government does not borrow so heavily and,
therefore, political turnover would not trigger a default.
In addition, Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) show that, in
economies with enough political stability, political turnover may weaken
the correlation between default and output. Thus, introducing political
turnover may bring the predictions of the baseline quantitative model of
sovereign default closer to the data. Using a historical data set with
169 sovereign default episodes, Tomz and Wright (2007) report a weak
correlation between economic conditions and default decisions. They find
that 38 percent of default episodes in their sample occurred in years
when the output level in the defaulting country was above the trend
The model presented by Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) also
highlights distinctive features of political defaults. In their model,
if a default is not preceded by political turnover, post-default debt
levels tend to return to pre-default levels relatively fast. In
contrast, if a default is caused by political turnover, post-default
debt levels tend to be lower than pre-default levels. Recall that a
default is caused by political turnover when a government is replaced by
another government that is more willing to default. In a political
default, post-default debt levels are lower than pre-default levels
because the cost of borrowing is higher for governments that are more
willing to default and, consequently, post-default governments borrow
less than pre-default governments. This contrasts with alternative
explanations for low post-default borrowing levels that rely on a
boycott against a government in default that is not explained by
characteristics of the government but by its previous default decision
(for instance, creditors could agree to exclude a defaulting government
from capital markets independently of the likelihood of future
government repayments). The mechanism that generates lower post-default
debt levels illustrated by Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) is
similar to one presented by Cole, Dow, and English (1995). In Cole, Dow,
and English (1995), post-default governments cannot borrow because they
would always default. In Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009),
post-default governments can borrow but at a higher interest rate than
pre-default governments. In equilibrium, post-default governments choose
to borrow less than pre-default governments.
The second distinctive feature of political defaults highlighted by
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) is that post-default equilibrium
spreads tend to be lower than pre-default spreads. That is,
high-willingness-to-pay governments pay higher spreads than do
low-willingness-to-pay governments. Before a political default, when the
government has a high willingness to pay, bondholders require a
compensation for the possibility that the current government is replaced
by a government with a lower willingness to pay. In contrast, after a
political default, the low-willingness-to-pay government does not need
to compensate lenders for the risk of political turnover. This is
because political turnover would actually mean good news to bondholders.
To further illustrate the relationship between pre-and
post-political default levels of debt and spread, consider the case in
which two types of governments, creditor-friendly and debtor-friendly,
alternate in power, and a political default occurs when the first type
is replaced by the second type. In addition, suppose that the type of
policymaker currently in charge of the government is likely to be in
charge of the government at the time the debt it issues has to be paid
back (but a change in the type of policymaker is possible). Figure 1
presents the interest rate spread each of these two types of government
would have to pay as a function of the borrowing level they choose. The
functions in the figure resemble the equilibrium functions derived in
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009). The functions presented in
Figure 1 display three steps. The first step corresponds to
"low" issuance volumes. At these volumes, the debt issued is
sufficiently low that the government will almost surely pay it back,
regardless of the type in power. The second step corresponds to
"intermediate" issuance levels. These are the issuance values
such that a debtor-friendly policymaker would default in the next period
whereas a creditor-friendly policymaker would pay. When a
creditor-friendly policymaker is in office, the spread charged by
lenders for these issuance volumes is increasing in the probability of
political turnover. When a debtor-friendly policymaker is in office, the
spread charged by lenders for these issuance volumes goes to infinity
because a debtor-friendly government would choose to default on these
volumes (this is the case when the recovery rate on defaulted debt is
zero, as in Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza [2009]). Finally, the third
step corresponds to "high" issuance volumes. At these volumes,
investors realize that the government will almost surely default
tomorrow, regardless of the type in power and, therefore, spreads go to
infinity. Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) show that, when facing
such options, creditor-friendly governments may choose to issue
intermediate debt levels and to pay intermediate spreads while
debtor-friendly governments may choose to issue low debt levels and to
pay low spreads. Thus, the levels of debt and spread are typically
higher before a political default than after the default. Figure 1 also
presents the typical government's choices according to the
equilibrium studied by Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009).
In summary, the literature studying the relationship between
political turnover and default risk shows us that: (i) governments may
want to over-accumulate debt to affect the result of elections; (ii)
more political stability may imply a lower default risk if it makes the
government less eager to transfer resources to the present; (iii)
political defaults are only likely to occur in economies where there is
enough political stability; (iv) political turnover may weaken the
correlation between default and output; (v) around political defaults,
post-default debt levels may be lower than pre-default levels; and (vi)
creditor-friendly governments may pay higher spreads than
debtor-friendly governments and, consequently, post-political-default
spreads may be lower than pre-political-default spreads.
In Section 1, we discussed insights from theoretical studies that
show how political factors may influence sovereign default risk. In this
section, we summarize the findings of empirical studies that have
investigated statistical relationships between political factors and
default risk. These studies have found that the proximity of elections,
changes in the finance minister or central bank governors, increases in
indicators of political instability, and the presence of a presidential
democratic regime instead of a parliamentary democratic regime are
statistically associated with a higher default probability. These
studies include controls such as the debt over gross domestic product
ratio, the level of reserves, or output growth. This attenuates the
criticism that political indicators may be significant only because of
their correlation with policy choices (such as the accumulation of
Political Stability
In Section 1, we discussed how an increase in political instability
may increase default risk. We discuss next studies that propose measures
of political stability and use these measures to evaluate whether
political stability affects default risk. Citron and Nickelsburg (1987),
Balkan (1992), and Brewer and Rivoli (1990) find that this seems to be
the case.
Citron and Nickelsburg (1987) use a logit model to estimate the
probability of default using data from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain,
and Sweden for the 1960-1983 period. They construct an indicator of
political instability that measures the number of changes in
government--that were accompanied by changes in policy--that took place
within the previous five years. They find that, on top of various
macroeconomic indicators, their measure of political instability has a
significantly positive effect on the default probability.
The results in Balkan (1992) are consistent with the ones in Citron
and Nickelsburg (1987). Balkan (1992) uses an index of political
instability that "measures the amount of social unrest that
occurred in a given year." He estimates the probability of default
using a sample larger than the one used by Citron and Nickelsburg
(1987): 31 countries from 1971-1984. Controlling for 10 economic
indicators and an index of democratization, he finds that a higher index
of political instability increases the probability of observing a debt
rescheduling in the subsequent year.
Brewer and Rivoli (1990) also find that political instability has a
significant negative effect on a country's perceived
creditworthiness. In particular, they argue that the frequency of regime
change appears to be at least as important as economic variables in
explaining lenders' risk perceptions. They use two indexes of
regime stability. One index represents the frequency of change in the
head of government and the other represents the frequency of change in
the governing group (political party or military government). Instead of
using data on defaults or interest rate spread, Brewer and Rivoli (1990)
use credit ratings from Institutional Investor and Euromoney (two
private credit-rating consultants). They use a sample of 30 countries
from 1967-1986. They do not find evidence in favor of other political
indicators such as the existence of an armed conflict or the democratic
nature of the government having significant effects on credit ratings.
Bussiere and Mulder (2000) use a sample of 44 developing countries
to test the contribution of political variables to the severity of the
financial crises that took place between 1994-1997 (not all crises are
linked to a default episode). They find that indicators about the
uncertainty of election outcomes amplify the magnitudes of subsequent
crises. Those indicators consist of an index of volatility of the
electorate (the change in the proportion of seats held by each party
from one election to the other) and a dummy variable that captures the
presence of elections during the sample period. (They also find that an
index of political polarization based on the number of political parties
and an index of the fragility of the ruling coalition do not have
statistically significant effects.)
Political Turnover and Default Risk
In Section 1 we also discussed theoretical studies that assume that
policymakers differ in their willingness to default, which allows for
political defaults--i.e., defaults triggered by political turnover--to
occur. Figure 2 illustrates a notable example of how the probability of
default (reflected in sovereign bond spreads) may be influenced by
changes in the probability of political turnover. This should happen
when policymakers differ in their willingness to default. The figure
shows the behavior of the sovereign spread in Brazil before and after
the election of 2002. The concerns raised by the possible electoral
victory of the left-wing candidate Luiz Inacio "Lula" Da Silva
because of his previous declarations in favor of a debt repudiation is
the most accepted explanation for the sharp increase in the spread on
sovereign bonds preceding the 2002 Brazilian election. Goretti (2005)
finds further evidence in favor of that hypothesis. She uses a nonlinear
econometric model to account for the behavior of the sovereign spread in
Brazil between November 2001 and October 2002. She finds that a measure
of the perceived probability of Lula's victory (based on opinion
polls) has a statistically significant effect on spread levels. In the
event, Brazil did not default on its debt.
The results in Block and Vaaler (2004) and Manasse, Roubini, and
Schimmelpfennig (2003) suggest that the Brazilian example illustrated in
Figure 2 is not an exception. Close to elections, the possibility of
political turnover seems to increase the level of default risk. Block
and Vaaler (2004) find that election years are associated with an
average downgrade of sovereign debt. They also report that bond spreads
are higher in the 60 days before an election compared to spreads in the
60 days after an election. They study a sample of 19 developing
countries from 1987-1998. The sample includes 18 presidential elections.
Similarly, Manasse, Roubini, and Schimmelpfennig (2003) find that the
probability of a debt crisis increases in years with presidential
elections. They define a debt crisis as either an episode classified as
a default by Standard & Poor's, or the acceptance of an IMF
loan in excess of 100 percent of the country's quota. They use a
sample of 37 developing countries from 1976-2001 and estimate the
probability of a debt crisis one year ahead.
The equilibrium behavior predicted by Hatchondo, Martinez, and
Sapriza (2009) may help us understand why an increase in the probability
of political turnover, on average, increases default risk, as found by
Block and Vaaler (2004) and Manasse, Roubini, and Schimmelpfennig
(2003). Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) show that the effect of
political turnover on the default probability may depend on the type of
the current government. In their model, when a debtor-friendly
government is in office, the level of default risk does not depend on
the probability of political turnover because political turnover would
not trigger a political default. In contrast, when a creditor-friendly
government is in office, the level of default risk increases with
respect to the probability of political turnover because political
turnover could trigger a political default. Thus, on average, one can
expect that the possibility of political turnover close to elections
would increase the level of default risk, as found in empirical studies.
It should be stressed that a change in the type of government in
power does not need to be preceded by an election. For instance, the
turnover of high rank government officials could signal changes in a
government's willingness to default. Moser (2007) and Moser and
Dreher (2007) find evidence suggesting that this may be the case. Moser
(2007) finds that changes in the finance minister generate an average
increase of 100 basis points of the sovereign spread on the day of the
announcement. This is based on a sample of 12 Latin American countries
from 1992-2007. Moser (2007) documents that around one third of the
announcements of a change in the finance minister during that time led
to a decrease in the sovereign spread, which implies that the increase
in the spread of the negative announcements is larger than 100 basis
points. Similarly, based on a sample of 20 emerging countries from
1992-2006, Moser and Dreher (2007) find that bond spreads increase and
local currencies depreciate as a result of changes in central bank
governors. (6)
As discussed in Section 1, policymakers may differ in their
willingness to default because they represent constituencies with
different exposures to sovereign debt. The political power of
debtholders may vary with the characteristics of the political system.
Consequently, these characteristics could affect default decisions. The
findings in Saiegh (2009), Kohlscheen (2009), and Rijckeghem and Weder
(2009) suggest that this is the case.
Using a sample of 48 developing countries between 1971-1997, Saiegh
(2009) finds that countries governed by a coalition of parties are less
likely to default than those governed by single-party governments.
Similarly, Kohlscheen (2009) finds that parliamentary democracies
display a lower probability of default compared to that of presidential
democracies. He estimates a probit model based on a sample covering 59
democracies from 1976-2003.
Rijckeghem and Weder (2009) classify regimes as democratic and
non-democratic according to the value of a democratization index, and
differentiate between defaults on external and domestic debt. They use a
sample of 73 countries from 1974-2000. Rijckeghem and Weder (2009) find
that the frequency of defaults on external debt is larger than the
frequency of defaults on domestic debt, independent of whether the
political regime is democratic. When they restrict their estimations to
samples with only democratic regimes, they find that parliamentary
systems and systems with a large number of veto players deter external
defaults as long as economic conditions are sufficiently good. They do
not find statistical evidence of other political factors deterring
defaults on domestic debt. For nondemocratic regimes, they find that the
proximity to elections and low polarization do deter defaults on
domestic debt but they do not find evidence that political indicators
other than the type of regime deter defaults on external debt.
Balkan (1992) constructs an index of democracy that "measures
the extent that the executive and legislative branches of government
reflect the popular will." He estimates the probability of default
using a sample of 31 countries from 1971-1984. Controlling for 10
economic indicators and a measure of political stability, he finds that
a higher index of democracy decreases the probability of observing a
debt rescheduling in the subsequent year.
In this section, we discuss the influence of political factors on
five recent default episodes: Argentina 2001, Ecuador 1999, Pakistan
1999, Russia 1998, and Uruguay 2003. First, we attempt to identify
whether these defaults were political defaults. We do this with a
commonly used index of political risk. This index suggests that the
Argentine default is the most likely to have been political. Then, we
present the behavior of the levels of sovereign debt and spreads around
the Argentine default and show that the Argentine data is consistent
with the predictions of the theory developed by Hatchondo, Martinez, and
Sapriza (2009) for political defaults.
Political Turnover and the International Country Risk Guide
Aggregate Index of Political Risk
In Section 1, we explain how governments may differ in their
willingness to pay back sovereign debt because they represent different
constituencies. For instance, while some governments may be more
concerned about the well-being of debtholders, others are more concerned
about the well-being of taxpayers. We also explain that this implies
that a default may occur when a creditor-friendly government (with a
lower willingness to default) is replaced by a debtor-friendly
government (with a higher willingness to default) and we refer to such a
default as a political default. Having a measure of governments'
willingness to default would allow us to conduct a systematic analysis
of whether default episodes were triggered by political turnover. We
will use as such a measure the index of political risk for investors
included in the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG). ICRG is a
credit-rating publication published by The Political Risk Services
Group. This index is commonly used in empirical studies (see, for
example, Erb, Harvey, and Viskanta [1996, 1999], Bilson, Brailsford, and
Hooper [2002], Reinhart, Rogoff, and Savastano [2003], and Bekaert,
Harvey, and Lundblad [2007]).
Bilson, Brailsford, and Hooper (2002) define political risk as
"the risk that arises from the potential actions of governments and
other influential domestic forces, which threaten expected returns on
investment." In the context of sovereign debt, default is the
government's action that affects the return obtained by lenders
and, for a given debt level, political risk for investors is lower
(higher) when policymakers with a high (low) willingness to pay are in
power. Thus, political turnover could trigger a default when the level
of political risk changes from low to high. (7)
The ICRG index of political risk is one of the three components of
the overall ICRG country risk index. The other two indexes are the
financial risk index and the economic risk index. The index of political
risk is supposed to reflect political risk only, independent from
economic risk and financial risk (which are captured by the other two
indexes). Thus, the index of political risk does not necessarily mirror
default risk. In fact, we will illustrate that the default premium
implied by Argentine bond prices (the spread) was higher when political
risk was lower.
The ICRG Index of Political Risk and Political Turnover in Recent
Default Episodes
Table 1 presents summary statistics of the behavior of political
risk (100 minus the ICRG index of political risk) before and after the
default episodes in Argentina 2001, Ecuador 1999, Pakistan 1999, Russia
1998, and Uruguay 2003. Since a political default occurs after a
creditor-friendly government is replaced by a debtor-friendly
government, one should expect that in the years before a political
default political risk was lower than in the years after the default.
One can see in Table 1 that this occurs in Argentina, Ecuador, Pakistan,
and Russia.
Table 1 Political Risk in Recent Default Episodes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Argentina 12-2001 29.1 25.6 38.4 0 0 124 n/a
Ecuador 07-1999 40.3 39.3 42.9 11.5 0 28 n/a
Pakistan 11-1999 49.7 48.6 52.9 27.1 8.3 4 18
Russia 08-1998 44.6 43.3 47.5 34.2 22.2 22 23
Uruguay 05-2003 27.8 27.9 27.5 36.5 61.1 1 13
Notes: (1) month of default; (2) average risk in the sample; (We
consider data starting eight years before the default and three
years after the default. The exception is Russia. The data for
Russia starts in April 1992.) (3) average risk before the
default; (4) average risk after the default; (5) percentage of
months before the default with risk above the after-default
average; (6) percentage of months after the default with risk
below the before-default average; (7) number of consecutive
months before the default with political risk below the
after-default average; (8) number of consecutive months after the
default with political risk above the before-default average; n/a
indicates that political risk after the default is always above the
before-default average.
Among the four default episodes associated with an increase in
political risk, we identify the default episode in Argentina as the most
likely to have been political. Argentina exhibits the largest increase
in political risk after the default. Comparing columns (3) and (4) in
Table 1, we can see that the post-default level of political risk in
Ecuador, Pakistan, and Russia is less than 10 percent higher than the
pre-default level. In Argentina, the post-default level of political
risk is 39 percent higher than the pre-default level. In addition, among
these four countries, Argentina is the most likely to have experienced
the kind of political stability Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009)
argue should precede a political default. Recall that Hatchondo,
Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) explain that pre-default creditor-friendly
governments would only choose debt levels for which a political default
would occur in environments with high political stability. Table 1 shows
that among the four countries where default episodes marked an increase
in political risk, Argentina is the only one where the level of
political risk was consistently lower before the default (and
consistently high after the default; see columns (5)-(8) in Table 1). In
order to further support the view that the Argentine default was
preceded by political turnover, the next subsection describes political
events around the default.
Political Turnover Around the Argentine Default
A series of political events that occurred around the 2001 default
seem to confirm that the default episode in Argentina was preceded by
political turnover. In the presidential campaign of 1999, the two main
candidates expressed opposing positions as to whether the future
government should declare a moratorium on its foreign debt. The
Economist (1999) wrote that "while Eduardo Duhalde, his Peronist
opponent, has made rash public-spending promises, and suggested that
Argentina should default on its foreign debt, it has been Mr. de la Rua
who has responsibly promised to maintain the main thrust of current
economic policies, including convertibility."
The creditor-friendly approach of Fernando de la Rua's
government is also apparent from its attempt to impose drastic austerity
to balance the budget--including cuts of up to 13 percent in public
sector wages and pensions. In the face of a drying up of credit and an
economy in its fourth year of recession, this was perceived to be the
only way to stave off default on Argentina's $128 billion of public
foreign debt and maintain the currency-board system that pegs the peso,
at par, to the dollar. This policy stance was reinforced by de la
Rua's statement that "... there'll be no default and no
devaluation. Our effort is to reactivate the internal market, which
needs lower interest rates. It could be necessary to lower the costs of
the debt, but we will comply with our obligations" (see The
Economist [2001]).
Having lost political support even from members of his own party,
de la Rua left office on December 19, 2001, and was succeeded by
governments with a more debtor-friendly approach. The newly appointed
president, the Peronist Adolfo Rodriguez Saa, immediately declared a
default that was widely supported in Congress. He was replaced two weeks
later and his successor, Eduardo Duhalde, confirmed the default decision
by failing to serve a USD 28 million interest payment due on an Italian
lira bond. According to Sturzenegger and Zettelmeyer (2006), it is
estimated that around 60 percent of the debt in default was held by
domestic residents.
The Behavior of Spread and Debt Levels Around the Argentine Default
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009) predict that in a political
default, post-default debt levels are lower than pre-default levels and
post-default spread levels are lower than pre-default levels. We will
contrast these predictions with the behavior of debt and spread levels
around the 2001 Argentine default, which we have argued has the
characteristics of a political default.
Figure 3 shows that, in Argentina, spreads were lower after the
2005 debt exchange, when (according the ICRG index of political risk)
the government was perceived as riskier to creditors, than before the
default, when the government was perceived as less risky to creditors.
Thus, the behavior of the spread in Argentina is roughly in line with
the one predicted by Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009). (8)
Figure 4 shows that in Argentina, governments perceived to be
riskier to creditors have chosen relatively low debt levels after the
default--the debt level decreases sharply in 2005 when the defaulted
debt is exchanged. This is consistent with the decrease in the debt
level after a political default predicted by Hatchondo, Martinez, and
Sapriza (2009). It is also consistent with the difficulties in market
access observed after a default episode (IMF [2002a] and Gelos, Sahay,
and Sandleris [2004] discuss evidence of a drainage in capital flows to
countries that defaulted).
Of course, other factors besides political turnover may have
affected Argentina's borrowing decisions and the market price of
its debt. One way of controlling for some of these factors is to compare
the behavior of debt and spread in Argentina with the one in Uruguay.
Argentina and Uruguay are neighboring countries with highly correlated
business cycles. In fact, both countries had experienced negative growth
since 1999, after the Brazilian devaluation. Brazil was a major trading
partner of Argentina and Uruguay and both countries had pegged their
exchange rate to the dollar, which may have slowed down the adjustment
of prices to that shock. Both countries defaulted on their debt, but the
2003 Uruguayan default does not seem to have been triggered by political
turnover. According to Table 1, the pre- and post-default levels of
political risk in Uruguay are almost identical. There is also anecdotal
evidence consistent with that. The Uruguayan president at that time,
Jorge Batlle, had previously campaigned in 1989 with a platform that
proposed to swap the central banks' gold reserves to pay off the
debt in default. In the midst of the 2002 crisis, he announced that the
country would make sacrifices in order to honor its debt contracts.
Unlike in Argentina, the ruling coalition in Uruguay had control of
Congress and managed to approve several rounds of spending cuts and tax
increases to reduce the budget deficit (see The Economist [2002]). The
Uruguayan government could avoid missing debt payments and also stop a
bank run thanks to a joint rescue package provided by the IMF, the World
Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank (see IMF [2002c]). In a
press release, the IMF executive board "... commended the Uruguayan
authorities for their decisive policy action, their commitment to
maintaining a framework that will foster private sector activity, and
their continued close cooperation with the Fund ..." (see IMF
[2002b]). Sturzenegger and Zettelmeyer (2006) estimate that the
bondholders that participated in the Uruguayan exchange suffered a
reduction in the net present value of their claims within the range of
10-15 percent, substantially lower than the loss experienced by holders
of Argentine debt (more than 60 percent). In order to induce a higher
participation rate in their debt exchange, the Uruguayan authorities
announced that the new bonds were going to receive de facto seniority
over the previously issued bonds. Ex post, bondholders that did not
participate in the exchange were fully paid back.
Figure 5 shows that the spread and debt levels in Uruguay were not
lower after the default episode than before the crisis (as they were in
Argentina). The figure also shows that the spread and debt levels were
not particularly low in Uruguay after 2005, at the time when they were
low in Argentina. Thus, we do not find that low post-default levels of
spread and debt in Argentina may be accounted for by shocks that also
affected Uruguay during that time.
This article discusses how political factors may influence
sovereign default risk. First, the article presents a summary of
theoretical studies on this issue. We survey studies that argue that a
sovereign may be willing to repay its debt because it is in the best
interest of local agents with political power. We also discuss
theoretical studies that examine how changes in the government's
willingness to pay and the frequency of these changes (political
stability) affect sovereign default risk. We then discuss a large body
of empirical work that finds evidence of the influence of political
stability and other characteristics of a political system on default
risk. In addition, we study five recent sovereign defaults and find that
the 2001 Argentine default is the most likely to have been triggered by
political turnover, and that the behavior of spread and debt levels
around that default is broadly in line with the one predicted by
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009).
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(1) Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2007a) present a brief
discussion of political costs of defaulting. In this article, we extend
their analysis and present a more thorough discussion of theoretical and
empirical results.
(2) Using a historical data set with 169 sovereign default
episodes, Tomz and Wright (2007) find that 38 percent of default
episodes in their sample occurred in years when the output level in the
defaulting country was above the trend value. Thus, it is unlikely that
these episodes were triggered by difficult economic conditions. Tomz and
Wright argue that some of these episodes may have been triggered by
political turnover.
(3) The interest rate spread corresponds to the difference between
the yield of sovereign bonds and the risk-free rate. When we contrast
theoretical predictions with data, we use the yield on 90-day U.S.
Treasury bills as the risk-free rate.
(4) For instance, it is often argued that creditors may punish a
defaulting government by excluding it from capital markets. This is
assumed in Eaton and Gersovitz's (1981) seminal model of sovereign
default and in extensions of their work (Hatchondo, Martinez, and
Sapriza [2007b] discuss the role of this assumption).
(5) That is, for sovereign debt to exist, it is necessary that at
least in some circumstances it would be more costly for a sovereign to
default than to pay back its debt. Similarly, for sovereign defaults to
exist, it is necessary that at least in some circumstances it would be
more costly for a sovereign to pay back its debt than to default.
(6) A possible caveat of these results is that the political
factors may reflect shocks to fundamentals.
(7) It must be said that the ICRG index of political risk does not
purely reflect an assessment about the type of policymakers in office.
It also depends on the perceived likelihood of observing a change of the
type in office and on institutional factors.
(8) In Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza's (2009) model, the
recover rate on defaulted bonds is zero and. consequently, defaulted
bonds have no value. Therefore. Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (2009)
do not present predictions that one could contrast with the spread data
between the default episode in 2001 and the debt exchange in 2005.
Hatchondo is an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond. Martinez is with the International Monetary Fund. For helpful
comments, we thank Kartik Athreya, Anne Davlin. Andreas Hornstein, Jorge
Roldos, and Alex Wolman. The views expressed herein are those of the
authors and should not be attributed to the IMF, its Executive Board, or
its management; the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; or the Federal
Reserve System. E-mail:
Juan Carlos Hatchondo and Leonardo Martinez