Why could political incentives be different during election times?
Martinez, Leonardo
The literature on political cycles argues that the proximity of the
next election date affects policy choices (Alesina, Roubini, and Cohen
[1997]; Drazen [2000]; and Shi and Svensson [2003] present reviews of
this literature). (1) Evidence of such cycles is stronger for economies
that are less developed, have younger democracies, have less government
transparency, have less media freedom, have a larger share of uninformed
voters in the electorate, and have a higher re-election value. Brender
and Drazen (2005) find evidence of a political deficit cycle in a large
cross-section of countries but show that this finding is driven by the
experience of "new democracies." The budget cycle disappears
when the new democracies are removed from their sample. Similarly, using
a large panel data set, Shi and Svensson (2006) find that, on average,
governments' fiscal deficits increase by almost 1 percent of gross
domestic product in election years, and that these political budget
cycles are significantly larger and statistically more robust in
developing than in developed countries. Using suitable proxies, they
also find that the size of the electoral budget cycles increases with
the size of politicians' rents from remaining in power, and with
the share of informed voters in the electorate. Akhmedov and Zhuravskaya
(2004) use a regional monthly panel from Russia and find a sizable and
short-lived political budget cycle (public spending is shifted toward
direct monetary transfers to voters). They also find that the magnitude
of the cycle decreases over time and with democracy, government
transparency, media freedom, and voter awareness. They argue that the
short length of the cycle explains underestimation of its size by
studies that use lower frequency data.
Why would policymakers prefer to influence economic conditions at
the end of their term rather than at the beginning of their term? This
article discusses some answers to this question provided by the
theoretical literature on political cycles.
More generally, this article discusses agency relationships in
which an important part of the compensation is decided upon
infrequently. For instance, my framework could be used to discuss
incentives when a contract commits the employer to working with a
certain employee for a number of periods, but allows the employer to
replace this employee after the contract ends. Consider, for example, a
professional athlete who signs a multi-year contract with a team, which
is free to terminate its relationship with this athlete (or not) after
the contract ends. Do athletes have stronger incentives to improve their
performance just before their contract expires? Wilczynski (2004) and
Stiroh (2007) present empirical evidence of a renegotiation cycle:
performance improves in the year before the signing of a multi-year
contract, but declines after the contract is signed. Renegotiation
cycles resemble the cycles discussed in the political-economy
literature. Even though my analysis applies to other employment
relationships, for concreteness, this article refers to voters and
I study political cycles in a standard three-period
political-agency model of career concerns. An incumbent policymaker who
starts his political career in period one with an average reputation can
exert effort in periods one and two to increase his re-election
probability. Each period, the incumbent's performance depends on
his ability, his effort level, and luck. Voters do not observe the
incumbent's ability, effort, and luck; instead, they observe his
performance. Good current performance by the incumbent may signal that
he is capable of good performance in the future. Voters re-elect the
incumbent only if they expect that his performance will be good in the
future. Since the incumbent wants to be re-elected, he may exert effort
to improve his current performance. (2)
Earlier theoretical studies of political cycles succeeded in
showing that in environments with asymmetric information about the
incumbent's unobservable and stochastically evolving ability (as
the one studied in this article), cycles can arise with forward-looking
and rational voters. These studies show that political cycles may arise
because the incumbent's end-of-term performance may be more
informative about the quality of his future (post-election) performance
than his beginning-of-term performance. Therefore, the incumbent's
end-of-term actions (that influence his end-of-term performance) may be
more effective in influencing the election result than his
beginning-of-term actions (that influence his beginning-of-term
performance). Consequently, the incumbent may have stronger incentives
to improve his performance at the end of his term. For expositional
simplicity, these studies model this intuition in its most extreme form.
That is, they assume that only the end-of-term incumbent's action
is effective in changing the election result (see, for example, Rogoff
[1990], Shi and Svensson [2006], and the references therein). Thus,
re-election concerns play a role only at the end of a term, and,
therefore, political cycles arise.
These earlier studies make three assumptions that imply that the
incumbent only affects his re-election probability by influencing his
end-of-term performance. The first assumption is that at the time of the
election, only the end-of-term ability is not observable. If
beginning-of-term ability is observable, the incumbent cannot influence
voters' beliefs with his beginning-of-term actions and, therefore,
cycles arise.
The second assumption is that only end-of-term ability is
correlated with post-election ability. Consequently, only voters'
inference about end-of-term ability directly influences their
re-election decision.
The third assumption is that output is a perfect signal of ability.
This implies that voters can learn the incumbent's end-of-term
ability (which is correlated with his post-election ability) perfectly
from his end-of-term performance, without considering his
beginning-of-term performance. Therefore, beginning-of-term actions are
not effective in changing the re-election probability.
The three assumptions described above imply strong asymmetries
across periods. Political cycles in these earlier studies are a direct
result of these asymmetries.
In Martinez (2009b), I explain why political cycles may arise even
if the incumbent's end-of-term performance is not more informative
about the quality of his future performance, and, consequently, the
incumbent's end-of-term actions are not more effective in
influencing the election result. In the model, the incumbent's
equilibrium effort choice depends on both the proximity of the next
election and his reputation (which I refer to as the beliefs about his
ability). Recall that we want to study how the proximity of elections
affects policy choices. Consequently, with political cycles I refer to
differences in the incumbent's choices within a term in office for
a given reputation level. For a given reputation level, why would the
incumbent exert more effort closer to the election? If the
incumbent's reputation does not change between periods one and two,
why would the incumbent exert more effort in period two than in period
The key insight to the answer to these questions comes from the
characterization of the incumbent's effort-smoothing decision,
which is such that he makes the marginal cost of exerting effort in
period one (roughly) equal to the expected marginal cost of exerting
effort in period two. This decision presents the typical intertemporal
tradeoff in dynamic models: Having less utility in period one allows the
incumbent to have more utility in period two. In this case, a lower
expected effort level in period two compensates for a higher effort
level in period one. In period one, the incumbent (whose reputation is
average) knows that his reputation is likely to change and anticipates
that this change will lead him to choose an effort level lower than the
one he would choose in period two if his reputation remains
average--extreme reputations imply low efforts. Consequently, the
expected marginal cost of exerting effort in period two is lower than
the marginal cost of the equilibrium period-two effort level for an
average reputation (the marginal cost is an increasing function). Thus,
the incumbent's effort-smoothing decision implies that the marginal
cost of the equilibrium period-one effort level--which is equal to the
expected marginal cost of exerting effort in period two--is lower than
the marginal cost of the equilibrium period-two effort level for the
same (average) reputation. Therefore, for the same reputation, the
period-one equilibrium effort level is lower than that of period two.
That is, incentives to influence the re-election probability are
stronger closer to the election.
In another context, consider a professional athlete who has an
average reputation at the beginning of a multi-year contract with a team
and may want to exert effort in order to improve his reputation and
obtain a good contract after his current contract ends. The discussion
above indicates that the optimal strategy for the athlete is to wait
until the end of his current contract to see whether it is worth
exerting a high effort level. At the beginning of his current contract,
he should choose an intermediate effort level. At the end of his
contract, if his reputation remains average, he should choose a higher
effort level. If his reputation became either very good or very bad
(because his performance was very good or very bad), he should choose a
lower effort level. Thus, for the same reputation level, the athlete
exerts more effort at the end of his contract and there is a
"renegotiation cycle."
This article first characterizes a model with the three simplifying
assumptions adopted in earlier studies. Then, each of the three
assumptions described above is relaxed, and yet the model still
generates cycles without assuming strong asymmetries across periods
because of the effort-smoothing considerations I first described in
Martinez (2009b).
The rest of this article is structured as follows. Section 1
presents the main elements of a standard model of political cycles.
Section 2 characterizes a benchmark with the three simplifying
assumptions adopted in earlier studies. These assumptions are relaxed in
Sections 3, 4, and 5. Section 3 assumes that beginning-of-term ability
is not observable. It is shown that this does not change the
incumbent's equilibrium decisions but it makes the optimal
period-two effort level a function of the period-one effort level. In
Section 4, I assume positive correlation between beginning-of-term
ability and post-election ability. I show that the incumbent still
chooses to exert zero effort at the beginning of the term, but his
end-of-term equilibrium effort level depends on his period-one ability.
In Section 5, it is assumed that observing performance in one period is
not sufficient to fully learn ability, and it is explained how the
incumbent's optimal effort-smoothing decision generates cycles.
Section 6 concludes.
This article presents a three-period political-agency model of
career concerns. In period one, there is a new policymaker in office. At
the beginning of period three, elections are held: Voters decide whether
to re-elect the incumbent policymaker or replace him with a policymaker
who was not previously in office.
The amount of public good produced by the incumbent policymaker in
period t, [y.sub.t], is a stochastic function of his ability,
[[eta].sub.t], and his effort level, [a.sub.t]. In particular,
[y.sub.t] = [a.sub.t] + [[eta].sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.t], (1)
where [[epsilon].sub.t], is a random variable.
Each period, the policymaker in office can exert effort to increase
the amount of public good he produces. Voters do not observe the effort
level (which is, of course, known by the incumbent policymaker).
The incumbent and voters do not know the incumbent's ability.
The common belief about the ability of a new incumbent is given by the
distribution of abilities in the economy.
The timing of events within each period is as follows. First, the
incumbent decides on his effort level, after which [[eta].sub.t], and
[[epsilon].sub.t] are realized, and [y.sub.t] is observed.
Voters' per-period utility is given by [y.sub.t]. In period
three, they decide on re-election in order to maximize the expected
value of [y.sub.3].
A policymaker's per-period utility is normalized to zero if he
is not in office. He receives R > 0 in each period during which he is
in charge of the production of the public good. The cost of exerting
effort is given by c (a), with c' (a) [greater than or equal to] 0,
c" (a) > 0, and c' (0) = 0. Let [delta] [member of] (0, 1)
denote the voters' and the incumbent's discount factor. I use
backward induction to solve for the subgame perfect equilibrium of this
This section provides a benchmark following earlier studies of
political cycles by assuming that only the ability in the last period
before the election is not observable at the time of the election, that
ability follows a first-order moving average process, and that output is
a perfect signal of ability (see, for example, Rogoff [1990], Shi and
Svensson [2006], and the references therein).
The first period a policymaker is in office, his ability is given
by [[eta].sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.t], and in every other period,
[[eta].sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.t] + [[gamma].sub.[t-1]], where
[[gamma].sub.t] is an i.i.d. random variable with mean m.sub.1],
differentiable distribution function [PHI], and density function [phi].
When voters decide on re-election, [[gamma].sub.1] is known and
[[gamma].sub.2] is not known. The production function is deterministic:
[[epsilon].sub.t] = 0 for all t.
Observing output [y.sub.t] allows voters and the incumbent to
compute the values of [[eta].sub.t], and [[gamma].sub.t] using their
knowledge of the effort exerted by the incumbent and the production
function. Let [[eta].sub.[upsilon]t] and [[eta].sub.it] denote the
ability computed by voters and by the incumbent, respectively. Let
[[gamma].sub.[upsilon]t] and [[gamma].sub.it] denote the value of
[[gamma].sub.t] computed by voters and the incumbent, respectively. The
incumbent knows the effort level he chooses and, therefore, he always
can compute [[eta].sub.t] = [y.sub.t] - [a.sub.t] correctly (i.e.,
[[eta].sub.it] = [[eta].sub.t]). Using [[eta].sub.1] he can compute the
value of [[gamma].sub.2]:
[[gamma].sub.i2] = [y.sub.2] - [[eta].sub.1] - [a.sub.2] =
Voters compute [[eta].sub.2] and [[gamma].sub.2] using equilibrium
effort levels. They are rational and understand the game. In particular,
they know the incumbent's equilibrium strategy. At the time the
incumbent decides his period-two effort level, he knows [a.sub.1] and
[y.sub.1]. Recall that the latter is a function of [a.sub.1] and,
therefore, we can summarize the information available to the incumbent
by the effort component, [a.sub.1], and the stochastic component,
[[eta].sub.1] = [y.sub.1] - [a.sub.1], of [y.sub.1]. For any value of
[[eta].sub.1] and [a.sub.1], let [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1],
[a.sub.1]) denote the incumbent's equilibrium period-two effort
level. Let [a*.sub.1] denote the incumbent's equilibrium period-one
effort level. Voters compute
[[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2] = [y.sub.2] - [[eta].sub.1] -
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]) = [[gamma].sub.2] +
[a.sub.2] - [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]). (2)
In period three, there is no future re-election probability that
could be influenced by the incumbent. Therefore, any policymaker would
exert zero effort. Consequently, when forward-looking voters decide on
re-election, they compare the incumbent's period-three expected
ability with the period-three expected ability of a policymaker who was
not previously in office. The incumbent's period-three expected
ability computed by voters is equal to [[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2]. The
expected period-three ability of a policymaker who was not in office
before is [m.sub.1]. Consequently, voters re-elect the incumbent if and
only if [[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2] > [m.sub.1]. That is, the incumbent
is re-elected if and only if [[gamma].sub.2] + [a.sub.2] -
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]) > [m.sub.1] or
equivalently [[gamma].sub.2] > [m.sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.1] [a*.sub.1]) - [a.sub.2]. Thus, exerting effort in period
two decreases the minimum realization of [[gamma].sub.2] that would
allow the incumbent to be re-elected and, therefore, it increases the
re-election probability.
The incumbent's period-two maximization problem reads
where 1 - [PHI]([m.sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1],
[a*.sub.1]) - [a.sub.2]) is the probability of re-election. Note that
the incumbent can compute equilibrium effort levels as voters do (all
information available to voters is also available to the incumbent) and,
therefore, he can compute [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]).
In this article, I characterize the incumbent's equilibrium
effort levels through the first-order condition of his maximization
problems. (3) Note that for finding the equilibrium effort level, we
solve a fixed-point problem. The effort level that maximizes the
incumbent's expected utility in (3) depends on the effort level
voters use to compute the signal, [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1],
[a*.sub.1]). In equilibrium, the incumbent's effort level must be
equal to the effort level voters use to compute the signal.
The optimal period-two effort level satisfies
c'([[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1])) =
[delta]R[phi]([m.sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]) -
[[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1])). (4)
Let [a*.sub.2] denote the period-two equilibrium effort level. In
equilibrium, [a.sub.1] = [a*.sub.1] and, therefore, [a*.sub.2] satisfies
c'([a*.sub.2]) = [delta]R[phi]([m.sub.1]) > 0. (5)
Equation (5) shows that the equilibrium effort level is such that
the marginal cost of exerting effort is equal to the marginal benefit of
exerting effort. The incumbent benefits from exerting effort because
this increases the re-election probability. The marginal benefit of
exerting effort is given by the change in the probability of re-election
multiplied by R (the value of winning the election) and the discount
factor, [delta].
It should be mentioned that, in models of career concerns,
equilibrium effort levels are typically inefficient (for a more thorough
discussion of this issue, see Foerster and Martinez [2006]). The
efficient effort level is the one a benevolent social planner would
force the incumbent to exert (if he could observe the effort exerted by
the incumbent). This effort level can be defined as the one at which the
social marginal cost of exerting effort (the incumbent's marginal
cost) equals the social marginal benefit of exerting effort (the
increase in output implied by an extra unit of effort, which according
to the production function in equation 1 is equal to one). Since the
incumbent's marginal benefit of exerting effort represented in the
right-hand side of equation (5) is typically different from the marginal
productivity of effort, the equilibrium effort level is typically
inefficient. Furthermore, since the social marginal benefit and marginal
cost of exerting effort are the same every period, political cycles
(differences in effort levels within a term) imply inefficiencies.
Note that [a*.sub.2] does not depend on [[eta].sub.1] or [a.sub.1].
Equation (4) shows that, since the period-two equilibrium effort level
does not depend on [[eta].sub.1] or [a.sub.1], off the equilibrium path
(i.e., when [a.sub.1] [not equal to] [a*.sub.1]) the optimal period-two
effort level does not depend on [[eta].sub.1] or [a.sub.1] (for a more
thorough discussion of how the history of the game affects the
agent's strategy in models of career concerns, see Martinez
[2009a]). Furthermore, since c' ([a*.sub.2]) > 0, [a*.sub.2]
> 0.
In period one, the incumbent anticipates equilibrium play in the
subsequent periods. In particular, the incumbent anticipates that the
probability of re-election is given by 1 - [PHI] ([m.sub.1]) and does
not depend on his period-one effort level. Consequently, the period-one
equilibrium effort level is given by [a*.sub.1] = 0 < [a*.sub.2].
Thus, I have shown that, under the standard assumptions in earlier
studies of political cycles, the incumbent can affect his re-election
probability only with the last effort level prior to the election and,
therefore, cycles appear (the incumbent only chooses a positive effort
level in period two). In the next sections, I shall discuss the
consequences of relaxing these assumptions.
In Section 2, the incumbent's period-one ability,
[[eta].sub.1], was observable and, therefore, there was nothing the
incumbent could do in period one to influence voters' beliefs about
his post-election ability and the re-election probability. In this
section, I assume that [[eta].sub.1] is not observable. I will show that
this complicates the analysis, but that not exerting effort in period
one is still optimal for the incumbent. The period-two equilibrium
effort level is also identical to the one found in Section 2. The
assumption on the observability of [[eta].sub.1] only affects the
incumbent's off-equilibrium period-two optimal effort choices.
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] = [y.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1] = [[eta].sub.1] +
[a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1] (6)
denote the period-one ability computed by voters using the
equilibrium effort level. Using [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] and the
equilibrium effort strategies, voters compute
[[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2] = [y.sub.2] - [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] -
[[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]) = [[gamma].sub.2] +
[a.sub.2] - [a.sub.1] + [a*.sub.1] - [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]). (7)
As in Section 2, the incumbent is re-elected if and only if
[[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2] >[m.sub.1]. He can compute [a*.sub.1] and
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] as voters do and, therefore, he can compute
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]).
Thus, the incumbent's period-two maximization problem reads
The solution of problem (8), [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1],
[a.sub.1]), satisfies
c'([[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1])) = [delta]R[phi]
([m.sub.1] + [a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]) - [[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1],
[a.sub.1])). (9)
In equilibrium, [a.sub.1] = [a*.sub.1] and, therefore,
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]) = [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]) (see equation 6). Consequently, the
period-two equilibrium effort level is the same as in Section 2 (i.e.,
it is given by c' ([a*.sub.2]) = [delta]R[phi] ([m.sub.1]) > 0).
Note that, as in Section 2, the equilibrium period-two effort level
does not depend on [[eta].sub.1] and [a.sub.1]. However, if
[[eta].sub.1] is not observable, off equilibrium the optimal period-two
effort level depends on [a.sub.1]. Let [[^.[alpha]].sub.2] ([a.sub.1])
denote this optimal effort level, which satisfies
c'([[^.[alpha]].sub.2]([a.sub.1])) = [delta]R[phi] ([m.sub.1]
+ [a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1] + [a*.sub.2] - [[^.[alpha]].sub.2]([a.sub.1])).
At the beginning of period two, the incumbent's expected
utility is given by
[W.sub.2]([a.sub.1]) = R - c([[^.[alpha]].sub.2]([a.sub.1])) +
[delta]R[1 - [PHI]([m.sub.1] + [a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1] + [a*.sub.2] -
[[^.[alpha]].sub.2]([a.sub.1]))]. (10)
The period-one incumbent's maximization problem is given by
Recall that, since the incumbent's period-one ability,
[[eta].sub.1], is not observable, the period-one ability computed by
voters, [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], is increasing with respect to [a.sub.1].
Thus, in period one, the incumbent could choose a higher effort level in
order to make voters believe that he has more ability. However, the
incumbent's continuation utility is lower when voters believe that
his period-one ability is higher. There are two reasons for this.
First, under the assumptions in this section (and in earlier
studies of political cycles), only period-two ability is correlated with
period-three ability and, therefore, only period-two ability directly
influences the re-election decision. Consequently, the incumbent would
only want to influence voters' period-one inference in order to
influence their period-two inference.
Second, for any period-two output observation, [y.sub.2],
voters' inference about the period-two ability,
[[gamma].sub.[upsilon]2], is decreasing with respect to
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] (see equation 7). If [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] is
higher, voters believe that [y.sub.2] is the result of a higher
period-one ability and a lower period-two ability.
Since the incumbent's continuation utility is lower when
voters believe that his period-one ability is higher, [W.sub.2]
([a.sub.1]) is decreasing with respect to [a.sub.1] (recall that
equation 6 shows that [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] is increasing with respect
to [a.sub.1]). That is, the incumbent does not have incentives to exert
effort in period one. If he exerted effort, he would both suffer the
cost of exerting effort and decrease his continuation utility.
Therefore, the period-one equilibrium effort level is given by
[a*.sub.1] = 0 < [a*.sub.2]. Thus, equilibrium effort levels are
identical to those found in Section 2, and the assumption on the
observability of [[eta].sub.1] only affects the incumbent's
off-equilibrium period-two optimal effort choices.
In the previous section, I showed that when the incumbent's
period-one ability is not correlated with his post-election ability
(and, therefore, his period-one effort cannot directly influence the
re-election probability), the incumbent does not want to exert effort in
period one. This section studies the effects of allowing for correlation
between the period-one ability and the post-election ability.
Following Holmstrom's (1999) seminal paper on career concerns,
I assume that [[eta].sub.[t+1]] = [[eta].sub.t] + [[xi].sub.t], where
[[xi].sub.t] is normally distributed with mean 0 and precision
[h.sub.[xi]] (the variance is [1/[h.sub.[xi]]]), and it is unobservable.
The common belief about the ability of a new incumbent is given by the
distribution of abilities in the economy, which is normally distributed
with mean [m.sub.1] and precision [h.sub.[eta]] (these are the beliefs
about the period-one incumbent's ability). Thus, results presented
in this section are a special case of the results presented in Martinez
(2009b). Let [phi] ([upsilon]; x, z) denote the density function for a
normally distributed random variable V with mean x and precision z, and
let [PHI]([upsilon]; x, z) denote the corresponding cumulative
distribution function.
As in previous sections, the incumbent is re-elected if and only if
his expected period-three ability is higher than the expected
period-three ability of a policymaker who was not previously in office.
That is, the incumbent is re-elected if and only if
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]2] = [[eta].sub.2] + [a.sub.2] - [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1], [a*.sub.1]) > [m.sub.1] (i.e., the incumbent
is re-elected if and only if [[eta].sub.2] > [m.sub.1] +
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1]. [a*.sub.1])-[a.sub.2]. Thus,
the incumbent's period-two maximization problem reads
The solution of (11), [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]),
c'([[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1])) =
[delta]R[phi]([m.sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1],
[a*.sub.1]) - [[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]); [[eta].sub.1],
In equilibrium, [a.sub.1] = [a*.sub.1] and, therefore,
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] = [[eta].sub.i1] = [[eta].sub.1] and
[[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1, [a*.sub.1]]) = [[alpha].sub.2]
([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]). Let [a*.sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1]) [equivalent
to] [[alpha].sub.2] ([[eta].sub.1], [a*.sub.1]) denote the period-two
equilibrium effort level, which is given by
c' ([a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1])) = [delta]R[phi] ([m.sub.1];
[[eta].sub.1], [h.sub.[xi]]). (12)
Note that, in this section, the period-two equilibrium effort level
depends on the period-one ability [[eta].sub.1] (recall this was not the
case in previous sections). The realization of period-one ability shock
affects the distribution of the period-two ability shock.
At the beginning of period two, the incumbent's expected
utility is given by
[W.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]) = R -
c([[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1])) + [delta]R[1 -
[PHI]([m.sub.1] + [a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1]) -
[[alpha].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1], [a.sub.1]); [[eta].sub.1],
The period-one incumbent's maximization problem is given by
Let [a*.sub.2.sup.1] ([[eta].sub.1]) denote the derivative of the
period-two equilibrium effort level with respect to the period-one
ability. The following proposition presents the incumbent's
effort-smoothing decision (see Appendix A for the proof).
Proposition 1 There exists a unique period-one equilibrium effort
level that satisfies
c'([a*.sub.1]) = [delta][integral] -
[a*'.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1])c'([a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.2]([[eta].sub.1]))[phi]([[eta].sub.1]; [m.sub.1], [h.sub.[eta]])d[[eta].sub.1].
The Euler equation (13) represents the typical intertemporal
tradeoff in dynamic models: Having less utility in period one allows the
incumbent to have more utility in period two. In this case, a lower
expected effort level in period two compensates for a higher effort
level in period one. The incumbent knows that he could affect the
re-election probability by exerting effort in periods one and two. He
could exert more effort in period one and less effort in period two (or
vice versa) and still have the same re-election probability.
Equation (13) shows that the optimal effort-smoothing decision
depends on the cost and the effectiveness of exerting effort in each
period. In equation (13),-[a*.sub.2.sup.1]([[eta].sub.1]) represents the
relative effectiveness in changing [[eta].sub.[upsilon].2] (and,
therefore, the re-election probability) of [a.sub.1] (compared with
[a.sub.2]). The incumbent's period-one effort level affects
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]2] directly, and it affects [[eta].sub.[upsilon]2]
through [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1]. His period-two effort level affects
[[eta].sub.[upsilon]2] directly. Thus, the relative effectiveness is the
derivative of [[eta].sub.[upsilon]2] = [y.sub.2] - [a*.sub.2]
([[eta].sub.[upsilon]1]), with respect to [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1]. For
example, if voters expect a lower period-two effort level from an
incumbent who is perceived to be better, then, by choosing a higher
effort level in period one, and making [[eta].sub.[upsilon]1] higher,
the incumbent would make voters expect a lower period-two effort level.
Consequently, voters would think that the period-two outcome is the
result of a lower period-two effort level and a higher period-two
ability. Thus, the incumbent's period-one effort would have a
positive effect on the voters' period-two learning.
This section introduces incentives to exert effort at the beginning
of a term. These incentives were not present in previous sections, where
beginning-of-term ability was not correlated with post-election ability.
A positive relative effectiveness implies that period-one effort was
effective in changing [[eta].sub.[upsilon]2] (and, therefore, the
re-election probability). Thus, in period one, the incumbent may want to
exert effort. Recall that, in Section 2, the relative effectiveness is
zero (period-one effort is not effective), and in Section 3 it is
negative (with the moving-average assumption, the incumbent's
expected post-election ability is decreasing with respect to the
beginning-of-term ability inferred by voters). In this section, the
relative effectiveness of period-one effort could be positive. It could
even be higher than one (implying that beginning-of-term effort is more
effective than end-of-term effort in changing the re-election
probability). However, the next proposition shows that, even though the
incumbent could use beginning-of-term effort to increase the re-election
probability, under the assumptions in this section, the incumbent
chooses to exert zero effort at the beginning of the term because the
expected relative effectiveness is equal to zero (see Appendix B for the
proof). (4)
Proposition 2 In period one, the incumbent chooses not to exert
Loosely speaking, proposition 2 shows that the incumbent does not
expect his period-one effort level to be effective in changing the
re-election probability and, therefore, he does not exert effort in
period one. There are two reasons for this. First, on average, the
effect of period-one effort on period-two learning is zero. Second,
period-one learning does not have a direct effect on the re-election
probability (i.e., period-one effort may only affect the re-election
probability through its effect on period-two learning). Since there is
no noise in the production process, learning the incumbent's
period-two performance is enough to perfectly learn his type. Thus, the
policymaker's behavior is different closer to the election because
we assume that his actions can only have a direct effect on the
re-election probability closer to the election. The next section
explains how the model can generate a cycle without this assumption.
In previous sections, cycles arise because I assume differences
across periods (besides the proximity of the election). In particular,
in Section 4, I showed that assuming that output is a perfect signal of
ability generates a strong asymmetry across periods. In this section I
relax this assumption. In particular, as in Holmstrom (1999), I assume
that [[epsilon].sub.t] is a normally distributed random variable with
expected value 0 and precision [h.sub.[epsilon]]--consequently, I can
interpret the results in Section 4 as the limit of the results presented
in this section when [h.sub.[epsilon]] goes to infinity. Thus, the model
studied in this section is the one-election version of the model I study
in Martinez (2009b).
Since there is noise in production, observing output only allows
voters and the incumbent to compute a "signal" of the
incumbent's ability. This is in contrast with previous sections,
where observing output allows voters and the incumbent to compute the
incumbent's ability. Define [s.sub.t] [equivalent to] [[eta].sub.t]
+ [[epsilon].sub.t]. I refer to [s.sub.t] as the period-t signal of the
incumbent's ability. Voters and the incumbent use the signal they
compute to update their beliefs about the incumbent's ability. From
this point forward, belief refers to belief about the incumbent's
ability unless stated otherwise.
Beliefs are Gaussian and, therefore, they can be characterized by
their mean and their precision. Depending on the precision of the shock
that determines the evolution of the incumbent's ability,
[h.sub.[xi]], the precision of beliefs may be increasing or decreasing
with respect to the number of performance observations (see Holmstrom
1999). (5) For simplicity, I assume that [h.sub.[xi]] is such that the
precision of beliefs is constant. That is, I assume
[h.sub.[xi]] = [[[h.sub.[eta].sup.2] +
[h.sub.[eta]][h.sub.[epsilon]]]/[h.sub.[epsilon]]]. (14)
By making an assumption that guarantees that the precision of
beliefs is constant, I can keep track of their evolution by following
the evolution of their mean. This simplifies the analysis.
Equation (14) implies that for any t, the precision of the period-t
+ 1 beliefs about the signal [s.sub.[t+1]] is equal to the precision of
the period-t beliefs about the signal [s.sub.t]. This precision is given
H [equivalent to]
[[[h.sub.[eta]][h.sub.[epsilon]]]/[[h.sub.[epsilon]] + [h.sub.[eta]]]]
Since beliefs about the signal are also Gaussian and have a
constant precision, the evolution of these beliefs can also be
summarized by the evolution of their mean, which is equal to the mean of
the beliefs about ability.
As in previous sections, the incumbent is re-elected if and only if
his expected period-three ability is higher than the expected
period-three ability of a policymaker who was not previously in office.
Let [m.sub.[upsilon]t] and [m.sub.it] denote the mean of the
voters' and the incumbent's beliefs at the beginning of period
t (from here on, at period t). I refer to a belief with mean m as belief
m. The incumbent is re-elected if and only if [m.sub.[upsilon]3] >
Bayes' rule implies that the mean of beliefs at t + 1 is a
weighted sum of the mean at t and the period-t signal. Equation (14)
implies that the weight of the period-t mean belief in the period-t + 1
mean belief does not depend on the number of observations of the
incumbent's performance. This weight is given by
[mu] = [[h.sub.[eta]]/[[h.sub.[eta]] + [h.sub.[epsilon]]]]. (16)
Let [s.sub.[upsilon]t] and [s.sub.it] denote the period-t signal
computed by voters and by the incumbent, respectively. Since the
incumbent knows the effort he exerted, he can compute the true signal,
i.e., [s.sub.it] = [y.sub.t] - [a.sub.t] = [s.sub.t]. Thus
[m.sub.[it+1]] = [[mu][m.sub.it] + (1 - [mu])[s.sub.it] = [[mu]m.sub.it]
+ (1 - [mu])[s.sub.t]
Voters compute the signal using equilibrium effort strategies. In
Section 4,I wrote the incumbent's period-two equilibrium strategy
as a function of his period-one ability and effort level. In this
section, at the time of the period-two effort decision, the incumbent
does not know his period-one ability, but he learned the signal
[s.sub.1]. Instead of writing his period-two equilibrium strategy as a
function of [a.sub.1] and [s.sub.1], for expositional simplicity, I will
write the equilibrium strategy as a function of [a.sub.1] and [m.sub.2]
= [[mu]m.sub.1] + (1 - [mu])[s.sub.1], [[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.2],
[a.sub.1]). Thus, the period-two signal computed by voters is given by
[s.sub.[upsilon]2] [equivalent to] [y.sub.2] -
[[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.[upsilon]2], [a*.sub.1]) = [s.sub.2] + [a.sub.2]
- [[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.[upsilon]2], [a*.sub.1]), (17)
[m.sub.[upsilon]2] = [mu][m.sub.1] + (1 - [mu])[s.sub.[upsilon]1] =
[mu][m.sub.1] + (1 - [mu])([s.sub.1] + [a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1]) =
[m.sub.2] + (1 - [mu])([a.sub.1] - [a*.sub.1]).
[m.sub.[upsilon]3] = [mu][m.sub.[upsilon]2] + (1 -
[mu])[s.sub.[upsilon]2] = [mu][m.sub.[upsilon]2] + (1 - [mu])[[s.sub.2]
+ [a.sub.2] - [[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.[upsilon]2], [a*.sub.1])]. (18)
Equation (18) shows how exerting effort helps the incumbent
increase the re-election probability. The expected ability in the
voters' belief is increasing with respect to effort, and voters
re-elect the incumbent if and only if they expect his ability to be good
Recall that voters and the incumbent have the same period-one
belief. Moreover, in any period in which the incumbent exerts the
equilibrium effort level, voters and the incumbent compute the same
signal. Consequently, in equilibrium, the voters' and the
incumbent's beliefs coincide ([m.sub.[upsilon]t] = [m.sub.it]).
The incumbent is re-elected if and only if [s.sub.2] >
[[[m.sub.1] - [mu][m.sub.[upsilon]2]]/[1-[mu]+[[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.[upsilon]2], [a*.sub.1]) - [a.sub.2] (i.e., if and only if
[m.sub.[upsilon].3] > [m.sub.1]). Let [m.sub.[upsilon].2] ([m.sub.2],
[a.sub.1]) [equivalent to] [m.sub.2] + (1 - [mu])([a.sub.1] -
[a*.sub.1]) denote the mean of the voters' period-two belief when
[m.sub.2] is the mean of the incumbent's period-two belief and
[a.sub.1] is the period-one effort level. Thus, the incumbent's
period-two maximization problem can be written as
The following proposition shows that a unique fixed point that
solves for the period-two equilibrium effort strategy exists (see
Martinez [2009b] for the proof). (6)
Proposition 3 (Martinez 2009b): Let [m.sub.2] denote the
voters' and the incumbent's beliefs at the beginning of period
two. The unique period-two equilibrium effort strategy
[a*.sub.2]([m.sub.2]) satisfies
c'([a*.sub.2]([m.sub.2])) = [delta]R[phi]([[[m.sub.1] -
[mu][m.sub.2]]/[1 - [mu]]]; [m.sub.2], H) > 0 (20)
Thus, for any reputation [m.sub.2], the equilibrium period-two
effort level [a*.sub.2] ([m.sub.2]) is positive.
Let [M.sub.2]([s.sub.1]) [equivalent to] [mu][m.sub.1] + (1 -
[mu])[s.sub.1] denote the mean of the incumbent's period-two
posterior belief when [s.sub.1] is the signal he uses to update his
prior. The period-one incumbent's maximization problem is given by
[W.sub.2]([m.sub.2], [a.sub.1]) = R - c([[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.2],
[a.sub.1])) + [delta]R[1 - [PHI]([[[m.sub.1] -
[mu]([M.sub.[upsilon]2]([m.sub.2], [a.sub.1])]/[1 - [mu]]] +
[a*.sub.2]([M.sub.[upsilon]2]([m.sub.2], [a.sub.1])) -
[[alpha].sub.2]([m.sub.2], [a.sub.1]); [m.sub.2], H)]
denotes the incumbent's expected utility at the beginning of
period two when his belief is characterized by [m.sub.2] and he chose
[a.sub.1]. The following proposition presents the incumbent's
period-one effort-smoothing decision (Martinez [2009b] presents the
Proposition 4 (Martinez 2009b): There exists a unique and positive
period-one equilibrium effort level [a*.sub.1] that satisfies
c'([a*.sub.1]) =
[delta][mu][[integral].sub.-[infinity].sup.[infinity]]c'([[alpha].sub.2]([M.sub.2]([s.sub.1])))[phi]([s.sub.1]; [m.sub.1], H) d[s.sub.1]
> 0. (21)
In equation (21), the expected relative effectiveness in changing
the reelection probability of the incumbent's period-one effort
(compared with his period-two effort) is represented by [mu] > 0,
which indicates the relative weight of [s.sub.[upsilon]t] (compared with
[s.sub.[upsilon]t]) in
[m.sub.[upsilon]3] = [[mu].sup.2][m.sub.1] + (1 -
[mu][s.sub.[upsilon]2] + [mu](1 - [mu])[s.sub.[upsilon]1].
Thus, the expected relative effectiveness, [mu], indicates the
relative importance of the direct effect on the re-election probability
of appearing more talented in period one (recall the incumbent is
re-elected if and only if [m.sub.[upsilon]3] > [m.sub.1]). (7)
Since the equilibrium period-two effort level in equation (20) is a
function of the incumbent's period-two reputation, [m.sub.2],
differences in the incumbent's behavior during his term in office
could be the result of changes in his reputation and may not imply that
he is deciding differently because the election time is closer. I want
to focus on differences in the incumbent's behavior that are due to
the proximity of the election. Therefore, I refer to differences in
behavior across the incumbent's term for a given reputation level
as political cycles. The next proposition shows that the model generates
such cycles (I present the proof in Martinez [2009b]).
Proposition 5 (Martinez 2009b): For the same reputation level
([m.sub.1]), the period-two equilibrium effort level is higher than the
period-one equilibrium effort level.
Recall that the lessened effectiveness of effort further from the
election is the force behind political cycles in previous sections,
which present this mechanism in its most extreme form by making
assumptions that imply that beginning-of-term effort is not expected to
be effective in increasing the reelection probability. In particular,
the equilibrium strategy in Section 4 is a special case of the
equilibrium strategy presented in this section for which period-one
effort is not expected to be effective ([mu] = 0). In contrast,
proposition 5 shows that a standard model can generate cycles for all
possible values of [mu]. In particular, the model can generate cycles if
the effectiveness of beginning-of-term actions is arbitrarily close to
the effectiveness of end-of-term actions ([mu] is arbitrarily close to
1). The proposition also shows that discounting is not necessary for
generating cycles in the model: Cycles arise for all values of [delta],
including [delta] = 1.
How could political cycles arise in an economy without no
discounting where manipulating policy is equally effective in every
period? As I explain in Martinez (2009b), cycles could still arise in
such an economy because at the beginning of his term, the incumbent
knows that his reputation is likely to change, and he anticipates that
this change will lead him to choose an effort level lower than the one
he would choose at the end of his term for his beginning-of-term
reputation level. Note first that the period-two equilibrium effort
strategy defined in equation (20) is a hump-shaped function of the
incumbent's period-two reputation, [m.sub.2], as is the signal
density function.8 That is, in period two, the incumbent exerts less
effort when his reputation has more extreme values. Thus, in period one,
he anticipates that if his reputation does not change, he will choose
[[alpha].sub.2] ([m.sub.1) in period two. He also anticipates that, for
example, if his period-one performance turns out to be either very good
or very bad (and, therefore, his period-two reputation is either very
good or very bad), he will exert a lower effort level in period two. In
particular, the expected period-two effort level is lower than
[[alpha].sub.2] ([m.sub.1]), and the expected marginal cost of exerting
effort in period two is lower than d ([[alpha].sub.2] ([m.sub.1])).
Therefore, the effort-smoothing rule in (21) implies that d ([a*.sub.2])
< c' ([[alpha].sub.2] ([m.sub.1])), and the incumbent chooses
[a*.sub.1] < [[alpha].sub.2] ([m.sub.1]).
In Martinez (2009b), I analyze the multiple-election version of the
model presented in this section. That is, I analyze a model with more
than three periods in which the incumbent could run for re-election more
than once. Such a model allows for the study of situations that do not
arise in the one-election version: With multiple elections, the
beginning-of-term reputation may be better than the average reputation,
and the end-of-term effort may not be maximized at the beginning-of-term
reputation. Recall that in the one-election version of the model, at the
beginning of the term, there is a new incumbent with an average
reputation, and the proof of proposition 5 (which shows that a political
cycle arises in the one-election version of the model) is based on the
end-of-term equilibrium effort strategy being such that it is optimal to
exert the maximum effort level for the beginning-of-term reputation. In
Martinez (2009b), I show that the insight described in the one-election
version of the model helps us understand political cycles with multiple
elections: For the same reputation, end-of-term effort is higher if, at
the beginning of the term, the incumbent anticipates that changes in his
reputation will, on average, lead him to choose an end-of-term effort
level lower than the one he would choose for his beginning-of-term
reputation. I also show that the model can generate expected end-of-term
effort levels higher than the beginning-of-term effort level.
Using a career-concern model of political cycles, this article
discusses why political incentives could be different in election times.
First, I show that cycles could arise if end-of-term political actions
are more effective in changing the re-election probability than
beginning-of-term actions. Following earlier theoretical studies of
political cycles, I model this intuition in its most extreme form. In
particular, I assumed that at the time of the election, only the
end-of-term ability is not observable; that only the incumbent's
end-of-term performance is correlated with his post-election
performance; and that the incumbent's performance is a perfect
signal of his type. Then, I relax each of these assumptions and discuss
how they affect results. In particular, I show that the model still
generates cycles without assuming strong asymmetries across periods
because of the effort-smoothing considerations I first described in
Martinez (2009b). The analysis in this article helps one understand
other agency relationships in which an important part of the
compensation is decided upon infrequently.
In equilibrium, [a*.sub.1] = [a.sub.1] and, therefore, the
first-order condition of the incumbent's period-one problem reads
c'([a*.sub.1]) = [delta][integral]
[h.sub.[xi]])[phi]([[eta].sub.1]; [m.sub.1], [h.sub.[eta]])
d[[eta].sub.1]. (22)
Equation (12) shows that
[delta]R[phi]([m.sub.1];[[eta].sub.1], [h.sub.[xi]]) =
c'([a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1])). (23)
Plugging equation (23) into equation (22), we obtain equation (13).
Since there is a unique period-two equilibrium strategy,
[a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1]), defined by equation (12), there is a unique
period-one equilibrium effort level, [a*.sub.1], that can easily be
obtained from equation (13) (the right-hand side of equation 13 does not
depend on the period-one effort level).
Recall that [phi] ([m.sub.1]; [[eta].sub.1], [h.sub.[xi]]) is
symmetric with respect to [[eta].sub.1] with the maximum at
[[eta].sub.1] = [m.sub.1]. Consequently, c' [a*.sub.2]
([[eta].sub.1]) is a symmetric function with the maximum at
[[eta].sub.1] = [m.sub.1] (see equation 12). Moreover, [phi]
([[eta].sub.1]; [m.sub.1], [h.sub.[eta]]) is a symmetric function with
respect to [[eta].sub.1] with the maximum at [[eta].sub.1] = [m.sub.1].
In addition, [a*'.sub.2] ([m.sub.1]) = 0, and, for any A [member
of] R, [a*'.sub.2] ([m.sub.1] + A) = [-a*'.sub.2] ([m.sub.] -
(see equation 12). Consequently,
[integral][a*'.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1])c'([a*.sub.2]([[eta].sub.1]))[phi]([[eta].sub.1]; [m.sub.1], [h.sub.[eta]])d[[eta].sub.1] =
and according to equation (13), [a*.sub.1] = 0.
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(1) Related work studies how political turnover causes movements in
the real economy. Partisan cycles are studied, for example, by Alesina
(1987), Azzimonti Renzo (2005), Cuadra and Sapriza (2006), and
Hatchondo, Martinez, and Sapriza (forthcoming). Hess and Orphanides
(1995. 2001) and Besley and Case (1995) study how the presence of term
limits introduces electoral cycles between terms (while I focus on
cycles within terms).
(2) By assuming that the policymaker can influence the beliefs
about his future performance, the literature on political cycles does
not imply that he can fine-tune the aggregate economic effects of
economic policy. One may think that the policymaker is evaluated on the
quality of services he provides. For instance, Brender (2003) finds that
"the incremental student success rate during the mayor's term
had a significant positive effect on his reelection chances." The
quality of education depends on economic policy (for example, it depends
on the resources the policymaker makes available for education). Thus,
the policymaker may decide to make more resources available for
education (instead of keeping resources for his favorite interest group
or himself) in order to increase his re-election probability.
(3) As in previous models of political agency, assumptions are
necessary to guarantee the concavity of these problems in which the
re-election probability may not be a concave function of the
incumbent's decision. For example, the first term in the objective
function in (3) may not be globally concave. In order to assure global
concavity of the incumbent's problems, it is sufficient to assume
enough convexity in the cost of the effort function.
(4) As shown in the proof of proposition 2, the symmetry of the
equilibrium effort strategy is necessary to prove this result. In
Martinez (2009b), I show that, in a version of the model with more than
three periods in which the incumbent can be re-elected more than once,
even if the ability distribution is symmetric, the equilibrium effort
strategy may not be symmetric.
(5) In general, the precision of t + 1 believes [h.sub.[t+1]] is
given by
[h.sub.[t + 1]] = [[([h.sub.t] +
[h.sub.[epsilon]])[h.sub.[xi]]]/[[h.sub.t] + [h.sub.[epsilon]] +
(6) Note that, for [mu] = 0 (and. therefore, for [m.sub.2] =
[[eta].sub.1]), the equilibrium effort strategy in equation (20)
coincides with the one in equation (12).
(7) As in Section 4, because of the symmetry of the equilibrium
period-two effort strategy, the incumbent does not expect that his
period-one effort will affect the re-election probability through the
period-two effort level used by voters for their period-two learning. In
Martinez (2009a), I present a more thorough discussion of the relative
effectiveness and this indirect effect of current-period effort on
next-period learning.
(8) As I explain in Martinez (2009b), one can expect equilibrium
effort to be hump-shaped in the incumbent's belief if better
incumbents are less (more) likely to produce bad (good) signals. One can
expect equilibrium effort to be hump-shaped in the voters' belief
if extreme signals are less likely than average signals.
For helpful comments, the author would like to thank Juan Carlos
Hatchondo, Pierre Sarte, Anne Stilwell, and John Weinberg. The views
expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. E-mail: