Introduction to the New Keynesian Phillips curve.
Hornstein, Andreas
In most industrialized economies inflation tends to be
pro-cyclical; that is, inflation is high during times of high economic
activity. When economic activity is measured by the unemployment rate
this statistical relationship is known as the Phillips curve. The
Phillips curve is sometimes viewed as a menu for monetary policymakers,
that is, they can choose between high inflation and low unemployment or
low inflation and high unemployment. But this interpretation of the
Phillips curve assumes that the relationship between unemployment and
inflation is structural and will not break down once a policymaker
attempts to exploit the perceived tradeoff. After the high inflation
episodes experienced by many economies in the 1970s, this structural
interpretation of the Phillips curve was discredited. Yet, after a
period of low inflation in the 1980s and early 1990s, economists have
again worked on a structural interpretation of me Phillips curve. This
New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) assumes the presence of nominal
price rigidities. In this special issue of the Economic Quarterly, we
publish four surveys on the history of the Phillips curve, the
structural estimation of the New Keynesian Phillips curve, and the
policy implications of the nominal rigidities underlying the New
Keynesian Phillips curve.
The Phillips Curve and U.S. Economic Policy
Robert King surveys the evolution of the Phillips curve itself and
its usage in U.S. economic policymaking from the 1960s to the mid-1990s.
He first describes how, in the 1960s, the Phillips curve became an
integral part of U.S. macroeconomic policy in its pursuit of low
unemployment rates. A stylized version of the Phillips curve that
emerges from this period relates current inflation, [pi], to the current
unemployment rate, u, and lagged inflation,
[[pi].sub.t] = [summation over (i[greater than or equal to]1)]
[[gamma].sub.i][[pi].sub.[t-i]] - [beta][u.sub.t].
Similar to other elements of the then-standard Keynesian IS-LM
macromodel, economists would tell stories that motivated the Phillips
curve but the Phillips curve was not derived from an explicit theory.
Furthermore, the estimated parameters were taken as structural, in
particular as invariant to policy interventions. In the late 1960s,
Phelps (1968) and Friedman (1968) interpreted the Phillips curve as
arising from search and information frictions in labor markets, and they
argued that the relation between a real variable such as unemployment
and nominal inflation was based on misperceptions about inflation on the
part of the public. Phelps proposed an expectations-augmented Phillips
[[pi].sub.t] - [rho][[pi].sub.t.sup.e] = - [beta][u.sub.t],
where [[pi].sup.e] denotes expected inflation. If, as Phelps and
Friedman argued, [rho] = 1, then a tradeoff between inflation and
unemployment exists only to the extent that actual inflation deviates
from expected inflation. At the time, inflation expectations were
modeled as adaptive, that is, a geometric distributed lag of past actual
inflation. In this case, for a constant actual inflation rate the
expected inflation rate would eventually converge to the actual
inflation rate and the unemployment rate would settle down at its
natural rate. Thus, there is no long-run tradeoff between inflation and
unemployment. Although Phelps and Friedman's argument originally
represented a minority view in the profession, the argument became more
widely accepted in the 1970s after periods of high inflation and
Accounting for the instability of the Phillips curve in the 1970s
had lasting effects on the way macroeconomic analysis was done and
continues to be done today. First, since expectations play a crucial
role in the expectations-augmented Phillips curve, it seemed necessary
not to resort to some arbitrary assumption on the expectations
mechanism. For this purpose, macroeconomists started to assume that
expectations are rational. By this we mean that expectations are such
that they do not lead to systematic mistakes given the available
information. Sargent and Wallace (1975) used the idea of rational
expectations in an otherwise standard IS-LM macromodel with an
expectations-augmented Phillips curve to argue that systematic monetary
policy actions do not systematically affect unemployment or output.
Second, macroeconomists not only started to work with model-consistent
expectations in otherwise ad hoc models, but they started to study the
optimal choices of economic agents in explicitly specified environments
agents; that is, they started to study macroeconomic questions using the
tools of general equilibrium analysis. The seminal work was Lucas'
(1972) formal analysis of the Phelps-Friedman Phillips curve in an
environment where agents had difficulty sorting out their own relative
price shocks from aggregate price level shocks.
King describes how, at the end of the 1970s after years of
persistently high inflation and high unemployment, monetary policymakers
moved to lower the inflation rate. At that time, the debate centered on
the perceived cost (in terms of elevated unemployment) associated with a
reduction of the inflation rate. On the one hand, proponents of the more
Standard Phillips curve argued that these costs would be substantial. On
the other hand, proponents of a rational expectations-augmented Phillips
curve argued that the costs could be quite low, especially if the low
inflation policy was credible to the public. In the end, the Federal
Reserve under Paul Volcker reduced inflation over a relatively short
time period at some cost, but not as high a cost as predicted by
Standard Phillips curves. For the remainder of the 1980s and the early
1990s, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan further lowered average
inflation and, in the process, strengthened its credibility for
continued low inflation policies. King ends his survey in the mid-1990s
when the Federal Reserve Board's monetary policy model incorporated
an expectations-augmented Phillips curve with elements of rational
expectations, and the Federal Open Market Committee debated the
desirability of a target for low long-run inflation and what that target
should be.
The New Keynesian Phillips Curve
At the time that U.S. inflation started to decline in the 1980s
there was a resurgence of interest in business cycle analysis.
Continuing the general equilibrium program in macroeconomics started
with Lucas (1972), real business cycle analysis developed quantitative
models of the aggregate economy based on the stochastic neoclassical
growth model, e.g., Kydland and Prescott (1982) or Long and Plosser
(1983). Using simulation studies, one could show that these models were
able to mimic the U.S. business cycle in terms of the statistical
properties of the time series of a limited number of aggregate variables
(output, consumption, investment, and employment). As the name
indicates, real business cycle theory addressed the behavior of
quantities and relative prices over the business cycle, implicitly
assuming that money is neutral. Working on the assumption that money is
not neutral, economists in the mid-1990s then started to introduce
nominal price rigidities into these models, now also known as Dynamic
Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models. From this research program
emerged the New Keynesian Phillips curve that relates actual and
expected inflation not to the unemployment rate but to a measure of
aggregate marginal cost. The second and third paper in this issue
discuss the estimation of the structural parameters of the NKPC.
Once one assumes that nominal prices do not continuously adjust to
clear markets, one has to decide how these prices are set in the first
place. Almost all of the work on nominal price rigidities has answered
this question using the framework of monopolistic competition, which
assumes that the product whose price has to be determined is produced by
a profit-maximizing monopoly. There may be imperfect substitutes for the
monopolist's product; that is, the demand for the product depends
not only on its own price but also on the prices of the substitutes.
When the monopolist decides on his own price he will, however, take
these other prices as given, hence the term monopolistic competition. A
monopolist that can continuously adjust his nominal price will set the
price to equate contemporaneous marginal revenue and marginal cost and
the price will be a markup over marginal cost. Compare this with
flexible prices in perfectly competitive markets where the price and
marginal cost are equated. If nominal prices cannot be continuously
readjusted, then the monopolist will choose the current nominal price
such that he equates the expected present value of marginal revenue and
marginal cost over the time that the price remains fixed.
The model of an individual monopolistically competitive producer is
then typically embedded into a general equilibrium model with a large
number of these producers, e.g., Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987). These
producers are identical except for the time when they can adjust their
nominal price. Various mechanisms for price adjustment have been
proposed; most assume that the opportunity for price adjustment is
exogenously given. One popular modeling technique is a Calvo-type price
adjustment where, each period, a firm gets to adjust its price with some
probability that is fixed over time. Using Calvo-type price adjustment,
Woodford (2003) shows that the aggregation of the linearized optimal
price adjustment rules for the individual firms yields an expression in
current and expected future inflation and a measure of aggregate
marginal cost, mc,
[[pi].sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.[Florin]] [E.sub.t] [[pi].sub.[t+1]] +
[lambda]m[c.sub.t] + [[xi].sub.t].
This is the structural NKPC where [[gamma].sub.[Florin]] and
[lambda] are functions of structural parameters, including the
probability of price adjustment, [alpha], and [[xi].sub.t], is a random
variable. The random disturbance is often interpreted as an exogenous shock to the firms' markup. Solving this difference equation
forward, one can see that current and expected future marginal cost are
driving today's inflation.
For most measures of inflation and what could be considered
reasonable measures of marginal cost, inflation tends to be more
persistent than marginal cost. Since marginal cost "drives"
inflation in the basic NKPC, this makes it hard for the model to match
the data. Economists have, therefore, modified the basic NKPC by
introducing "rule of thumb" price adjusters or firms that
simply index their price to the aggregate inflation rate, e.g., Galf and
Gertler (1999). These assumptions lead to the inclusion of lagged
[[pi].sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.b][[pi].sub.[t-1]] +
[[gamma].sub.[Florin]][E.sub.t][[pi].sub.[t+1]] + [lambda]m[c.sub.t] +
and, therefore, make the NKPC a hybrid of the basic NKPC and more
standard Phillips curves. The coefficients [[gamma].sub.b],
[[gamma].sub.[florin]], and [lambda] are again functions of structural
parameters. The ability of monetary policy to control inflation with a
NKPC depends on the relative magnitudes of these coefficients. Loosely
speaking, monetary policy affects inflation through its effects on
marginal cost. Thus, the smaller the coefficient on marginal cost, the
less impact monetary policy will have on inflation. In the extreme case
when [lambda] = 0, inflation evolves independently of monetary policy
and whatever else happens in the rest of economy. How "costly"
it is to reduce inflation depends on the relative magnitude of the
coefficients on past and future inflation, [[gamma].sub.b] and
[[gamma].sub.[Florin]]. If the coefficient on lagged inflation is large,
then inflation is mostly driven by its own past and policy actions might
affect inflation only with a long time lag. In order to evaluate the
effectiveness of monetary policy actions we, therefore, need estimates
of these parameters.
Single-Equation Estimation of the NKPC
In the second paper of this issue, James Nason and Gregor Smith
survey the estimation of the parameters of the NKPC using only the NKPC
itself. Single-equation estimation of the NKPC parameters is appealing
because it does not require any assumption on how the rest of the
economy should be specified. Yet standard ordinary least squares
estimation of the NKPC is not applicable since expected inflation in the
NKPC is an endogenous variable that is correlated with the error term of
the estimation equation. Consistent parameter estimates can still be
obtained through the use of the General Method of Moments (GMM)
technique, which in turn requires instrumental variables that are
correlated with expected inflation but uncorrelated with the other
variables in the NKPC.
Nason and Smith report that, in general, estimated parameters for
the hybrid NKPC are consistent with prior restrictions. For example,
estimated price adjustment probabilities are between zero and one. They
also find that the coefficient on expected future inflation tends to be
larger than the coefficient on lagged inflation. This suggests that
monetary policy can affect inflation in the short term. Nason and Smith
also discuss the finding that the estimated coefficient on marginal cost
tends to be small and barely significant. This is bad news for the NKPC
as a model of inflation and for monetary policy.
The ambiguous evidence on the marginal cost coefficient may be
related to weak identification through weak instrumental variables in
the GMM estimation. Instrumental variables are essentially used to
forecast expected inflation independent of the other variables in the
NKPC. For an instrumental variable to serve its purpose it has to be
correlated with expected future inflation and it should not be
correlated with marginal cost and current and lagged inflation. But as
Nason and Smith point out, past empirical work on inflation has shown
that lagged inflation tends to be a good forecast of future inflation
and it is difficult to improve on that forecast. This suggests that the
instrumental variables in the GMM procedure are quite weak. Nason and
Smith then show that after one takes into account that we have weak
instruments, the evidence in favor of the NKPC is weakened or the NKPC
is rejected outright.
System Estimation of the NKPC
In the third paper of this issue, Frank Schorfheide surveys system
methods to estimate the parameters of the NKPC. For this approach one
specifies a more or less complete model of the aggregate economy, a DSGE
model, and then identifies the structural parameters from the
restrictions that the equilibrium process imposes on the moments of a
set of observable variables.
Using a simple example, Schorfheide interprets the various
identification schemes used in the literature. He explains why it may
not be possible to obtain consistent parameter estimates using
single-equation methods. System methods on the other hand can obtain
consistent parameter estimates through the imposition of prior
constraints on elements of the DSGE model other than the NKPC.
Essentially these prior restrictions allow one to identify exogenous
shocks that may serve as instruments for the NKPC. As an example,
Schorfheide points to the procedure of identifying monetary policy
shocks from the restriction that the public cannot respond to
contemporaneous monetary policy shocks. Schorfheide also suggests that
it may not be possible to identify the coefficient on lagged inflation
in the NKPC if one allows for serially correlated markup shocks. Indeed,
single-equation estimates of the NKPC identify [[gamma].sub.b] through
the implicit prior restriction that the markup shock is i.i.d. This lack
of identification affects the evaluation of policy effectiveness if it
also implies that the coefficient on future inflation is not identified.
Schorfheide then surveys papers that estimate the NKPC as part of a
more complete DSGE model. Most of this empirical work uses data on
output, inflation, and a nominal interest rate. Marginal cost in the
NKPC is then treated as a latent variable that is constructed from the
observable variables and the equilibrium relationships implied by the
DSGE model. But some empirical work also includes measures of marginal
cost in the set of observable variables. Schorfheide observes that the
range for the estimated coefficients on marginal cost in the NKPC is
much larger when marginal cost is a latent variable. The range of
estimated NKPC coefficients on marginal cost becomes much closer to that
obtained from single-equation estimations once observations on marginal
cost are included. Thus, with marginal cost as a latent variable,
features of the DSGE model that are different from the NKPC can become
much more important for the determination of the NKPC marginal cost
coefficient. As is apparent from the work of Krause, Lopez-Salido, and
Lubik (2008), the implied process for the latent marginal cost variable
is then very different from the process of various measures of marginal
cost used in the literature.
In general, the literature review suggests that there is no
consensus on the magnitude and role of nominal rigidities in the
estimated price-setting process. Furthermore, introducing additional
nominal rigidities in the wage-setting process affects the estimates for
nominal rigidities in the price-setting process, that is, the NKPC. It
also appears as if the relative role of nominal price and wage
rigidities is not identified from the data.
Policy Implications of Nominal Price Rigidities
In the final paper of this issue, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and
Martin Uribe discuss the implications of nominal price rigidities for
optimal monetary policy. They first ask how the presence of nominal
price rigidities affects the design of optimal policy when fiscal and
monetary policy are jointly determined. They then go on to study if
simple policy rules such as the Taylor rule can get the economy close to
the optimal policy outcome. They find that with small amounts of nominal
price rigidities, optimal policy involves price stability, i.e., it
tightly stabilizes inflation at zero, and that simple rules that
exclusively focus on deviations from price stability get the economy
very close to the optimum.
These results provide a nice contrast between optimal monetary
policy in environments with and without nominal rigidities. When nominal
prices are flexible and there is a well-defined demand for real
balances, a zero nominal interest and, hence, deflation minimize the
welfare costs from holding money. Furthermore, if in a stochastic
environment fiscal policy has to use distortionary taxes to finance
given expenditures, mean zero unanticipated changes in the inflation
rate represent lump-sum taxes and are an efficient way to raise
revenues. Thus, optimal policy leads to low and volatile inflation. In
contrast with nominal rigidities, deviations from price stability
introduce relative price distortions among the monopolistically
competitive producers and make production inefficient. Schmitt-Grohe and
Uribe argue that in environments that contain both a well-defined demand
for real money and nominal rigidities, even small amounts of nominal
rigidities imply that price stability is optimal. This is a useful
result since the surveys of Nason and Smith and Schorfheide provide some
evidence for the presence of nominal rigidities, but also show that
there is no agreement on how substantial nominal rigidities are.
Optimal policies that determine fiscal and monetary policies
jointly can be quite complicated, yet Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe show that
simple policy rules involve only minor welfare losses relative to the
optimal policy. These simple rules are modeled on the Taylor rule that
has the nominal interest responding to deviations of inflation and
output from their targets with some dependence on past interest rates.
It turns out that a simple rule that aggressively targets price
stability involves only minimal welfare losses relative to the optimal
policy, and that a response to deviations of output from trend
significantly decreases welfare. An open question remains why most
monetary policymakers prefer to target some positive inflation rate
rather than price stability with a zero inflation rate.
The surveys in this special issue show that discussions of the
Phillips curve have been at the core of monetary policymaking since the
1960s. Our understanding of what underlies the correlation between
unemployment and the inflation rate and what that means for monetary
policymaking has changed over the years. At first, many economists and
policymakers took the statistical relationship as a fixed menu of
choices between inflation and unemployment and targeted relatively low
unemployment outcomes. From the period of high inflation and high
unemployment in the 1970s, economists emerged believing that there is no
inflation-unemployment tradeoff that remains invariant to policy
interventions, and policymakers agreed that the objective of monetary
policy should be low and stable inflation. Finally, in the 1990s,
economists again started to study the inflation-output tradeoff using
the new techniques developed in macroeconomics in the 1970s and 1980s,
rational expectations and explicit quantitative general equilibrium
models of the aggregate economy. This research program gave rise to the
NKPC, which is based on the maintained assumption of nominal price
rigidities. As is apparent from the surveys in this issue, there is some
support for the NKPC in aggregate data, but there is no agreement on the
extent of nominal price rigidities in the aggregate economy.
Furthermore, one should be aware that not all macroeconomists agree that
nominal rigidities are relevant for an understanding of the aggregate
economy, e.g., see Williamson (2008) or Chari, Kehoe, and McGrattan
(2009) for a skeptical view on this research program. To be sure,
research on the relationship between unemployment and inflation will
remain an active area in macroeconomics for anyone with an interest in
applied monetary economics.
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Krause, Michael, David Lopez-Salido, and Thomas Lubik. 2008.
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Sargent, Thomas J., and Neil Wallace. 1975.
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Woodford, Michael. 2003. and Prices. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.