Evolving inflation dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve.
Hornstein, Andreas
In most industrialized economies, periods of above average
inflation tend to be associated with above average economic activity,
for example, as measured by a relatively low unemployment rate. This
statistical relationship, known as the Phillips curve, is sometimes
invoked when economic commentators suggest that monetary policy should
not try to suppress signs of inflation. But this interpretation of the
Phillips curve implicitly assumes that the statistical relationship is
structural, that is, the relationship will not break down during periods
of persistently high inflation. Starting in the mid-1960s, Friedman and
Phelps argued that the Phillips curve is indeed not structural and the
experience of the United States and other countries with high inflation
and low GDP growth in the late 1960s and 1970s has subsequently borne
out their predictions.
Various theories have been proposed to explain the Phillips curve
and most of these theories agree that there is no significant long-term
tradeoff between inflation and the level of economic activity. One
theory that provides a structural interpretation of the short-term
inflation-unemployment relationship, and that has become quite popular
over the last ten years among central bank economists is based on
explicit models of nominal price rigidity. The most well-known example
of this theory is the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC).
In this article, I evaluate how well a structural NKPC can account
for the changing nature of inflation in the United States from the 1950s
to today. First, I document that changes in average inflation have been
associated with changes in the dynamics of inflation as measured by
inflation persistence and the co-movement of inflation with measures of
real activity that the NKPC predicts are relevant for inflation. Then I
argue that the NKPC with fixed structural parameters cannot account for
these changes in the inflation process. I conclude that the NKPC does
not provide a complete structural interpretation of the Phillips curve.
This is troublesome since the changed inflation dynamics are related to
changes in average inflation, which are presumably driven by systematic
monetary policy. But if the NKPC is not invariant to systematic changes
of monetary policy, then its use for monetary policy is rather limited.
In models with nominal rigidities, sticky-price models for short,
monopolistically competitive firms set their prices as markups over
their marginal cost. Since these firms are limited in their ability to
adjust their nominal prices, future inflation tends to induce undesired
changes in their relative prices. When firms have the opportunity to
adjust their prices they will, therefore, set their prices contingent on averages of expected future marginal cost and inflation. The implied
relationship between inflation and economic activity is potentially
quite complicated, but for a class of models one can show that to a
first-order approximation current inflation is a function of current
marginal cost and expected future inflation, the so-called NKPC. The
coefficients in this NKPC are interpreted as structural in the sense
that they are likely to be independent of monetary policy.
In the U.S. economy, inflation tends to be very persistent, in
particular, it tends to be at least as persistent as is marginal cost.
At the same time, inflation is not that strongly correlated with
marginal cost. This observation appears to be inconsistent with the
standard NKPC since here inflation is essentially driven by marginal
cost, and inflation is, at most, as persistent as marginal cost. But if
inflation is as persistent as is marginal cost then the model also
predicts a strong positive correlation between inflation and marginal
cost. One can potentially account for this observation through the use
of a hybrid NKPC which makes current inflation not only a function of
expected future inflation, but also of past inflation as in standard
statistical Phillips curves. With a strong enough backward-looking
element, inflation persistence then need not depend on the contributions
from marginal cost alone.
Another feature of U.S. inflation is that average inflation has
always been positive, and it has varied widely: periods of low
inflation, such as the 1950s and 1960s, were followed by a period of
very high inflation in the 1970s, and then low inflation again since the
mid-1980s. Cogley and Sbordone (2005, 2006) point out that the NKPC
relates inflation and marginal cost defined in terms of their deviations
from their respective trends. In particular, the standard NKPC defines
trend inflation to be zero. Given the variations in average U.S.
inflation, Cogley and Sbordone (2005, 2006) then argue that accounting
for variations in trend inflation will make deviations of inflation from
trend less persistent. Furthermore, as Ascari (2004) shows, the
first-order approximation of the NKPC needs to be modified when the
approximation is taken at a positive inflation rate.
I build on the insight of Cogley and Sbordone (2005, 2006) and
study the implications of a time-varying trend inflation rate for the
autocorrelation and cross-correlation structure of inflation and
marginal cost. In this I extend the work of Fuhrer (2006) who argues
that the hybrid NKPC can account for inflations's autocorrelation
structure only through a substantial backward-looking element. In this
article, I argue that a hybrid NKPC, modified for changes in trend
inflation, cannot account for changes in the autocorrelation and
cross-correlation structure of inflation and marginal cost in the United
The article is organized as follows. Section 1 describes the
dynamic properties of inflation and marginal cost in the baseline NKPC
and the U.S. economy. Section 2 describes and calibrates the hybrid
NKPC, and it compares the autocorrelation and cross-correlation
structure of inflation and marginal cost in the model with that of the
1955-2005 U.S. economy. Section 3 characterizes the inflation dynamics
in the NKPC modified to account for nonzero trend inflation. I then
study if the changes of inflation dynamics, associated with changes in
trend inflation comparable to the transition into and out of the high
inflation period of the 1970s, are consistent with the changing nature
of inflation dynamics in the U.S. economy for that period.
Inflation in the baseline NKPC is determined by expectations about
future inflation and a measure of current economic activity. There are
two fundamental differences between the NKPC and more traditional
specifications of the Phillips curve. First, traditional Phillips curves
are backward looking and relate current inflation to lagged inflation
rates. Second, the measure of real activity in the NKPC is based on a
measure of how costly it is to produce goods, whereas traditional
Phillips curves use the unemployment rate as a measure of real activity.
More formally, the baseline NKPC is
[^.[pi].sub.t] = [[kappa].sub.0][^.s.sub.t] + [beta][E.sub.t]
[[^.[pi].sub.t+1]] + [u.sub.t], (1)
where [^.[pi].sub.t], denotes the inflation rate, [^.s.sub.t]
denotes real marginal cost, [E.sub.t][^.[pi].sub.t+1] denotes the
expected value of next period's inflation rate conditional on
current information, [u.sub.t] is a shock to the NKPC, [beta] is a
discount factor, 0 < [beta] < 1, and [[kappa].sub.0] is a function
of structural parameters described below. The baseline NKPC is derived
as the local approximation of equilibrium relationships for a particular
model of the economy, the Calvo (1983) model of price adjustment.
For the Calvo model one assumes that all firms are essentially
identical, that is, they face the same demand curves and cost functions.
The firms are monopolistically competitive price setters, but can adjust
their nominal prices only infrequently. In particular, whether a firm
can adjust its price is random, and the probability of price adjustment
is constant. Random price adjustment introduces ex post heterogeneity among firms, since with nonzero inflation a firm's relative price
will depend on how long ago the firm last adjusted its price. Since
firms are monopolistically competitive they set their nominal (and
relative) price as a markup over their real marginal cost, and since
firms can adjust their price only infrequently they set their price
conditional on expected future inflation and marginal cost.
The NKPC is a linear approximation to the optimal price-setting
behavior of the firms in the Calvo model. Furthermore, the approximation
is local to a state that exhibits a zero-average inflation rate. The
inflation rate [^.[pi].sub.t] should be interpreted as the log-deviation
of the gross inflation rate from one, that is, the net-inflation rate,
and real marginal cost [^.s.sub.t] should be interpreted as the
log-deviation from its long-run mean. For a derivation of the NKPC, see
Woodford (2003). (1) The optimal pricing decisions of firms with
Calvo-type nominal price adjustment are reflected in the parameter
[[kappa].sub.0] of the NKPC,
[[kappa].sub.0] = [[1 - [alpha]]/[alpha]](1 - [alpha][beta]), (2)
where [alpha] is the probability that a firm cannot adjust its
nominal price, 0 [less than or equal to] [alpha] < 1.
The shock to the NKPC is usually not derived as part of the linear
approximation to the optimal price-setting behavior of firms. Most of
the time the shock is simply "tacked on" to the NKPC, although
it can be interpreted as a random disturbance to the firms' static
markup. Given the absence of serious microfoundations of the cost shock
one would not want the shock to play an independent role in contributing
to the persistence of inflation. We, therefore, assume that the shock to
the NKPC is i.i.d. with mean zero. (2)
Persistence of Inflation in the NKPC
The NKPC represents a partial equilibrium relationship within a
more comprehensive model of the economy. Thus, inflation and marginal
cost will be simultaneously determined as part of a more complete
description of the economy. Conditional on the equilibrium process for
marginal cost we can, however, solve equation (1) forward by repeatedly
substituting for future inflation and obtain the current inflation rate
as the discounted expected value of future marginal cost
[^.[pi].sub.t] = [[kappa].sub.0] [[infinity].summation over (j=0)]
[[beta].sup.j][E.sub.t] [[^.s.sub.t+j]] + [u.sub.t]. (3)
The behavior of the inflation rate, in particular its persistence,
is therefore closely related to the behavior of marginal cost. To get an
idea of what this means for the joint behavior of inflation and marginal
cost, assume that equilibrium marginal cost follows a first-order
autoregressive process [AR(1)],
[^.s.sub.t] = [delta][^.s.sub.t-1] + [[epsilon].sub.t], (4)
with positive serial correlation, 0 < [delta] < 1, and
[[epsilon].sub.t] is an i.i.d. mean zero shock with variance
[[sigma].sub.[epsilon].sup.2]. This AR(1) specification is a useful
first approximation of the behavior of marginal cost since, as we will
see below, marginal cost is a highly persistent process. For such an
AR(1) process the conditional expectation of marginal cost
j-periods-ahead is simply
[E.sub.t] [[^.s.sub.t+j]] = [E.sub.t] [[delta][^.s.sub.t+j-1] +
[[epsilon].sub.t+j]] = [delta][E.sub.t] [[^.s.sub.t+j-1]] = ... =
[[delta].sup.j][^.s.sub.t]. (5)
Substituting for the expected future marginal cost in (3), we get
[^.[pi].sub.t] = [[kappa].sub.0] [[infinity].summation over (j=0)]
[[beta].sup.j][[delta].sup.j][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] =
[[[kappa].sub.0]/[1 - [beta][delta]]][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] =
[a.sub.0][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t]. (6)
This is a reduced form relationship between current inflation and
marginal cost. The relationship is in reduced form since it incorporates
the presumed equilibrium law of motion for marginal cost, which is
reflected in the fact that the coefficient on marginal cost, [a.sub.0],
depends on the law of motion for marginal cost. If the law of motion for
marginal cost changes, then the relation between inflation and marginal
cost will change.
Given the assumed law of motion for marginal cost, inflation is
positively correlated with marginal cost and is, at most, as persistent
as is marginal cost. The second moments of the marginal cost process are
E[[^.s.sub.t][^.s.sub.t-k]] =
[[delta].sup.k][[[sigma].sub.[epsilon].sup.2]/[1 - [[delta].sup.2]]] =
[[delta].sup.k][[sigma].sub.s.sup.2], (7)
where [[sigma].sub.s.sup.2] is the variance of marginal cost. The
implied second moments of the inflation rate and the cross-products of
inflation and marginal cost are
E[[^.[pi].sub.t][^.[pi].sub.t-k]] = [a.sub.0.sup.2]E
[[^.s.sub.t][^.s.sub.t-k]] + [I.sub.[k=0]][[sigma].sub.u.sup.2] =
[[delta].sup.k] ([a.sub.0][[sigma].sub.s])[.sup.2] +
[I.sub.[k=0]][[sigma].sub.u.sup.2], (8)
E[[^.[pi].sub.t][^.s.sub.t+k]] = [a.sub.0]E
[[^.s.sub.t][^.s.sub.t+k]] =
[[delta].sup.k][a.sub.0][[sigma].sub.s.sup.2], (9)
where [I.sub.[dot]] denotes the indicator function. The
autocorrelation coefficients for inflation and the cross-correlations of
inflation with marginal cost are
Corr ([^.[pi].sub.t], [^.[pi].sub.t-k]) =
[[delta].sup.k][[a.sub.0.sup.2]/[[a.sub.0.sup.2] +
[[sigma].sub.u.sup.2]/[[sigma].sub.s.sup.2]]], and (10)
Corr ([^.[pi].sub.t], [^.s.sub.t+k]) =
[[delta].sup.k][[a.sub.0]/[[[a.sub.0.sup.2] +
[[sigma].sub.u.sup.2]/[[sigma].sub.s.sup.2]][.sup.1/2]]]. (11)
As we can see, the autocorrelation coefficients for inflation are
simply scaled versions of the autocorrelation coefficients for marginal
cost, and the scale parameter depends on the relative volatility of the
shocks to the NKPC and marginal cost. If there are no shocks to the
NKPC, [[sigma].sub.u] = 0, then inflation is an AR(1) process with
persistence parameter [delta], and it is perfectly correlated with
marginal cost. If, however, there are shocks to the NKPC,
[[sigma].sub.u] > 0, then inflation and marginal cost are imperfectly
correlated and inflation is less persistent than is marginal cost.
Inflation and Marginal Cost in the U.S. Economy
In order to make the NKPC operational, we need measures of the
inflation rate and marginal cost. For the inflation rate we will use the
rate of change of the GDP deflator. (3) We measure aggregate marginal
cost through the wage income share in the private nonfarm business
This choice can be motivated as follows. Suppose that all firms use
the same production technology with labor as the only input. In
particular, assume that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, y =
z[n.sup.[omega]], with constant input elasticity [omega]. Then the
nominal marginal cost is the nominal wage divided by the marginal
product of labor
[S.sub.t] = [W.sub.t]/[MPL.sub.t] =
[W.sub.t]/[[omega][y.sub.t]/[n.sub.t]], (12)
and nominal marginal cost is proportional to nominal average cost.
We use the unit labor cost index for the private nonfarm business sector
as our measure of average labor cost. Deflating nominal average cost
with the price index of the private nonfarm business sector yields real
average labor cost, that is, the labor income share. The log deviation
of real marginal cost from its mean is then equal to the log-deviation
of the labor income share from its mean
[^.s.sub.t] = [^.[W.sub.t][n.sub.t]]/[[P.sub.t][y.sub.t]]. (13)
The detailed source information for our data is listed in the
In Figure 1.A, we graph the quarterly inflation rate and marginal
cost for the time period 1955Q1 to 2005Q4. Inflation varies widely over
this time period, from about 1 percent at the low end in the early
1960s, to more than 10 percent in the 1970s, with a 3 1/2 percent
average inflation rate, Table 1, column 1. Inflation and marginal cost
are both highly persistent, the first-order autocorrelation coefficient
is about 0.9 for both variables, Figure 1.B. To the extent that the
autocorrelation coefficients of inflation do not decline as fast as the
ones for marginal cost, inflation appears to be somewhat more persistent
than marginal cost. Levin and Piger (2002) use an alternative measure of
persistence in their analysis of inflation in the United States, namely
the sum of lagged coefficients in a univariate regression of a variable
on its own lags. This measure also yields estimates of significant and
similar persistence for inflation and marginal cost, Table 1, columns 5
and 6. Inflation and marginal cost tend to move together. The
cross-correlations between inflation and marginal cost are positive,
0.33 contemporaneously and above 0.2 at all four lags and leads, Table
1, column 7, and Figure 1.C. Although the co-movement between inflation
and marginal cost is significant, it is not particularly strong. (4)
As we have shown previously, in the basic NKPC model, persistence
of inflation and marginal cost, and co-movement of inflation with
marginal cost go together. The observation that inflation is about as
persistent as marginal cost, but only weakly correlated with marginal
cost then seems to be inconsistent with the basic NKPC. We now study if
two modifications of the basic NKPC can resolve this apparent
inconsistency. The first approach is to make the NKPC more like a
standard Phillips curve by directly introducing lagged inflation. The
second approach argues that some of the observed inflation persistence
is spurious. Extended apparent deviations of the inflation rate from the
sample average inflation rate, for example in the 1970s, are interpreted
as sub-sample changes in the mean inflation rate. This approach then
suggests that the NKPC has to be modified to take into account changes
in trend inflation. We will discuss these two approaches in the
following sections.
The importance of marginal cost for inflation persistence will be
reduced if there is a source of persistence that is inherent to the
inflation process itself. Two popular approaches that introduce such a
backward-looking element of price determination into the NKPC are
"rule-of-thumb" behavior and indexation. For the first
approach, one assumes that a fraction [rho] of the price-setting firms
do not choose their prices optimally, rather they index their prices to
past inflation. For the second approach one assumes that firms who do
not have the option to adjust their price optimally simply index their
price to a fraction [rho] of past inflation. (5) The two approaches are
essentially equivalent and for the second case the NKPC becomes
(1 - [rho]L)[^.[pi].sub.t] = [beta][E.sub.t][(1 -
[rho]L)[^.[pi].sub.t+1]] + [[kappa].sub.0][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t], (14)
where L is the lag operator, [L.sup.j][x.sub.t] = [x.sub.t-j] for
any integer j.
This modification of the NKPC is also called a hybrid NKPC since
current inflation not only depends on expected inflation as in the
baseline NKPC, but it also depends on past inflation as in a traditional
Phillips curve. The dependence on lagged inflation introduced through
backward-looking price determination is called "intrinsic"
persistence since it is an exogenous part of the model structure.
Complementary to intrinsic persistence is "extrinsic"
inflation persistence which comes through the marginal cost process that
drives inflation. To the extent that monetary policy affects marginal
cost, it influences extrinsic inflation persistence.
Note that the hybrid NKPC, equation (14), is of the same form as
the basic NKPC, equation (1), except for the linear transformation of
inflation, [~.[pi].sub.t] = [^.[pi].sub.t] - [rho][^.[pi].sub.t-1],
replacing the actual inflation rate. Forward-solving equation (14),
assuming again that marginal cost follows an AR(1) process, as in
equation (4), then yields the following expression for [~.[pi].sub.t]:
[^.[pi].sub.t] - [rho][^.[pi].sub.t-1] = [[[kappa].sub.0]/[1 -
[beta][delta]]][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] = [a.sub.0][^.s.sub.t] +
[u.sub.t]. (15)
For this specification, inflation can be more persistent than
marginal cost because current inflation is indexed to past inflation.
The autocorrelation coefficients for the linear transformation of
inflation, [~.[pi].sub.t], are the same as defined in equation (10), but
the autocorrelation coefficients for the inflation rate itself are now
more complicated functions of the persistence of marginal cost and the
intrinsic inflation persistence. In Hornstein (2007), I derive the
autocorrelation and cross-correlation coefficients for inflation and
marginal cost,
Corr ([^.[pi].sub.t], [^.[pi].sub.t-k]) =
[([[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s])[.sup.2] A (k; [rho]) +
[a.sub.0.sup.2]B (k; [rho],
[delta])]/[([[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s])[.sup.2] A (0; [rho]) +
[a.sub.0.sup.2]B (0; [rho], [delta])] and (16)
Corr ([^.[pi].sub.t], [^.s.sub.t+k]) = [[a.sub.0]C (k; [rho],
[delta])]/[[([[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s])[.sup.2] A (0; [rho]) +
[a.sub.0.sup.2]B (0; [rho], [delta])][.sup.1/2]], (17)
A (k; [rho]) = [[rho].sup.k][1/[1 - [[rho].sup.2]]],
B (k; [rho], [delta]) = [[[delta].sup.k] - [[rho]/[delta]] [[1 -
[[delta].sup.2]]/[1 - [[rho].sup.2]]][[rho].sup.k]] [1/[(1 -
[rho]/[delta]) (1 - [rho][delta])]],
C (k; [rho], [delta]) = [[delta].sup.k] [1/[1 - [rho][delta]]] if k
[greater than or equal to] 0, and
C (k; [rho], [delta]) = [[[delta].sup.-k] -
[[rho].sup.-k][[rho]/[delta]][[1 - [[delta].sup.2]]/[1 - [rho][delta]]]]
[1/[1 - [rho]/[delta]]] if k < 0.
Inflation Persistence in the Hybrid NKPC
Inflation persistence for the hybrid NKPC depends not only on the
persistence of marginal cost and intrinsic inflation persistence,
[delta] and [rho], but also on the relative volatility of the shocks to
the NKPC and marginal cost, [[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s], and the
reduced form coefficient on marginal cost, [a.sub.0]. In order to
evaluate the implications of the hybrid NKPC for inflation dynamics we,
therefore, need estimates of the structural parameters of the NKPC and
the relative standard deviation of the NKPC shock. In the following, I
study the implications of two alternative calibrations. The first
calibration is based on generalized method of moments (GMM) estimates of
the structural parameters, [alpha], [beta], and [rho], and an estimate
of the relative volatility
of the NKPC shocks that is implicit in the GMM estimates. This
calibration has only limited success in matching the autocorrelation and
cross-correlation properties of inflation and marginal cost. For the
second calibration, I then set intrinsic persistence and the relative
volatility of the NKPC shock to directly match the autocorrelation and
cross-correlation properties of inflation and marginal cost.
Gali, Gertler, and Lopez-Salido (2005) (hereafter referred to as
GGLS) estimate the hybrid NKPC for U.S. data using GMM techniques. (6) I
replicate their analysis for the hybrid NKPC (14) using the data on
inflation and marginal cost for the time period 1960-2005. The
instrument set includes four lags of the inflation rate, and two lags
each of marginal cost, nominal wage inflation, and the output gap. (7)
The results reported in Table 2 are not exactly the same as in GGLS, but
they are broadly consistent with GGLS. The time discount factor, [beta],
is estimated close to one, and the coefficient on marginal cost,
[[kappa].sub.0] = 0.01, is smaller than for GGLS. The small coefficient
on marginal cost translates to a relatively low price adjustment
probability: only about 10 percent, 1 - [alpha], of all prices are
optimally adjusted in a quarter. Similar to GGLS the estimated degree of
inflation indexation depends on the normalization of the GMM moment
conditions. For the first specification, when equation (14) is estimated
directly, we find a relatively low degree of indexation to past
inflation, [rho] = 0.16. For the second specification, when the
coefficient on current inflation in equation (14) is normalized to one,
we find significantly more indexation, [rho] = 0.47.
We construct an estimate of the volatility of shocks to the NKPC in
two steps. First, we regress current inflation [^.[pi].sub.t] on the set
of instrumental variables. The instrumental variables contain only
lagged variables, that is, information available in the previous period.
We then use this regression to obtain an estimate of the expected
inflation rate conditional on available information,
[E.sub.t][^.[pi].sub.t+1], and substitute it together with the
information on current inflation and marginal cost, and the estimated
parameter values in equation (14), and solve for the shock to the NKPC,
[u.sub.t]. The calculated standard deviation of the shock is about 1/10
of the standard deviation of marginal cost. (8)
Based on the GMM estimates for the second specification of the
moment conditions, I now choose a parameterization of the hybrid NKPC
with some intrinsic inflation persistence, Table 3, column 1. (9) For
the persistence of marginal cost, I choose [delta] = 0.9, which provides
a reasonable approximation of the autocorrelation structure of marginal
cost for the period 1955 to 2005.
We can now characterize the inflation dynamics implied by the
hybrid NKPC. The bullet points in Figure 2 display the first four
autocorrelation coefficients of inflation and the cross-correlation
coefficients of inflation with marginal cost implied by the calibrated model. Figure 2 also displays the bootstrapped 5th to 95th percentile
ranges for the autocorrelation and cross-correlation coefficients of
inflation and marginal cost for the U.S. economy from Figure 1.B and
1.C. As we can see, the model does not do too badly for the
autocorrelation structure of inflation: the first-order autocorrelation
coefficient of inflation is just outside the 5th to 95th percentile
range, but then the autocorrelation coefficients are declining too fast
relative to the data. (10) The model does generate too much co-movement
for inflation and marginal cost relative to the data: the predicted
contemporaneous correlation coefficient is about 0.8, well above the
observed value of 0.3.
Given the failure of the GMM-based calibration to account for the
autocorrelation and cross-correlation structure of inflation and
marginal cost, I now consider an alternative calibration that exactly
matches the first-order autocorrelation of inflation and the
contemporaneous cross-correlation of inflation and marginal cost. As I
pointed out above, the estimated price adjustment probability of 10
percent per quarter is quite low. Other work suggests higher price
adjustment probabilities, about 20 percent per quarter, e.g., Gall and
Gertler (1999), Eichenbaum and Fisher (2007), or Cogley and Sbordone
(2006). (11) For the alternative calibration I, therefore, assume that
[alpha] = 0.8. Conditional on an unchanged time discount factor, [beta],
this implies a coefficient on marginal cost, [[kappa].sub.0] = 0.05,
which represents an upper bound of what has been estimated for hybrid
I now choose intrinsic persistence, [rho], and the relative
volatility of the NKPC shock, [[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s], to match
the sample first-order autocorrelation coefficient of inflation, Corr
([^.[pi].sub.t], [^.[pi].sub.t-1]) = 0.88, and the contemporaneous
correlation of inflation and marginal cost, Corr ([^.[pi].sub.t],
[^.s.sub.t]) = 0.33. This procedure yields a very large value for
inflation indexation, [rho] = 0.86, which makes inflation persistence
essentially independent of marginal cost. A very high relative
volatility of the NKPC shock, [[sigma].sub.u]/[[sigma].sub.s] = 2.97,
can then reduce the co-movement between inflation and marginal cost
without affecting inflation persistence significantly. The implied
parameter values of this calibration are summarized in the second column
of Table 3.
The autocorrelation and cross-correlation structure of the
alternative calibration is represented by the squares in Figure 2. With
few exceptions the cross-correlations predicted by the alternative
calibration stay in the 5th to 95th percentile ranges of the observed
cross-correlations. The autocorrelation coefficients continue to decline
at a rate that is faster than observed in the data.
The behavior of inflation has changed markedly over time, Table 1,
column (1). Inflation tended to be below the sample mean in the 1950s
and 1960s, average inflation was about 2.5 percent, but inflation
increased in the second half of the 1960s. In the 1970s, inflation
increased even more, averaging 6.5 percent and reaching peaks of up to
12 percent. In the early 1980s, inflation came down fast, averaging 3.2
percent from 1984 to 1991. Finally, in the period since the early 1990s,
inflation continued to decline, but otherwise remained relatively
stable, averaging about 2 percent. (12)
Most observers attribute the changes in average inflation since the
1960s to changes in monetary policy, as represented by different
chairmen of the monetary policy committee of the Federal Reserve System.
We have the "Burns inflation" of the 1970s, the "Volker
disinflation" of the early 1980s, and the "Greenspan
period" with a further reduction and stabilization of inflation
from the late 1980s to 2005. Interestingly enough, these substantial
changes in the mean inflation rate were not associated with comparable
changes in mean marginal cost: average marginal cost differs by at most
3 percent across the sub-samples, Table 1, column 3.
In the following, we will first show that allowing for changes in
mean inflation rates affects the inflation dynamics as measured by the
autocorrelation and cross-correlation structure. Since it appears that
accounting for changes in the mean inflation rate affects the dynamics
of inflation, we investigate whether the average inflation rate around
which we approximate the optimal price-setting behavior of the firms in
the Calvo model affects the dynamics of the NKPC.
Inflation Dynamics and Average Inflation (13)
The persistence and co-movement of inflation and marginal cost have
varied across decades. In Figure 3, we display the autocorrelations and
cross-correlations of inflation and marginal cost for the four periods
we have just mentioned: the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and the period
beginning in 1992.
In the 1960s, both inflation and marginal cost are highly
persistent, with inflation being somewhat more persistent than marginal
cost: the autocorrelation coefficients for inflation do not decline as
fast as the ones for marginal cost. But in the following periods, it
appears as if the persistence of inflation declines, at least relative
to marginal cost. This decline of inflation persistence is especially
noticeable for the first- and second-order autocorrelation coefficients
from 1984 on, Figure 3, A.3 and A.4. (14)
The positive correlation between inflation and marginal cost in the
full sample hides substantial variation of co-movement across
sub-samples. The 1970s is the only period with a strong positive
correlation between inflation and marginal cost, Figure 3, B.2. At the
other extreme are the 1960s when the correlation between inflation and
marginal cost is negative for almost all leads and lags, Figure 3, B.1.
In between are the remaining two sub-samples from 1984 on, in which the
correlation between inflation and marginal cost tends to be positive,
but only weakly so.
The NKPC at Positive Average Inflation
How should we interpret these changes in the time series properties
of inflation and marginal cost? In particular, what do these changes
tell us about the NKPC as a model of inflation? The decline in
persistence is especially intriguing since it coincides with the decline
of the average inflation rate. Most observers attribute the reduction of
the average inflation rate to monetary policy, but should one also
attribute the reduced inflation persistence to monetary policy?
From the perspective of the reduced form NKPC with no feedback from
inflation to marginal cost, equation (15), monetary policy is unlikely
to have affected the persistence of inflation. In this framework,
monetary policy works through its impact on marginal cost, but if
anything, marginal cost has become more persistent rather than less
persistent since the 1990s. We now ask if this conclusion may be
premature since it relies on an approximation of the inflation dynamics
in the Calvo model around a zero-average inflation rate. If one
approximates the inflation dynamics around a positive-average inflation
rate, then inflation persistence depends on the average inflation rate,
even when the other structural parameters of the environment remain
The modified hybrid NKPC for an approximation at the gross
inflation rate [bar.[pi]] [greater than or equal to] 1 is
[E.sub.t][(1 - [[lambda].sub.1][L.sup.-1]) (1 -
[[lambda].sub.2][L.sup.-1]) (1 - [rho]L)[^.[pi].sub.t]] =
[[kappa].sub.1][E.sub.t][(1 + [phi][L.sup.-1])[^.s.sub.t]] + [u.sub.t].
The derivation of (18) is described in Hornstein (2007). (15) The
NKPC is now a third-order difference equation in inflation and involves
current and future marginal cost. The coefficients [[lambda].sub.1],
[[lambda].sub.2], [phi], and [[kappa].sub.1] are functions of the
underlying structural parameters, [alpha], [beta], [rho], and a new
parameter [theta], representing the firms' demand elasticity.
Furthermore, the coefficients also depend on the average inflation rate,
[bar.[pi]], around which we approximate the optimal pricing decisions of
the firms.
The modified hybrid NKPC (18) simplifies to the hybrid NKPC (14)
for zero net-inflation, [bar.[pi]] = 1. As we increase the average
inflation rate, inflation becomes less responsive to marginal cost in
the modified NKPC. In Figure 4.A, we plot the coefficient on marginal
cost [[kappa].sub.1] in the modified NKPC as a function of the average
inflation rate for our two calibrations of the hybrid NKPC. In addition
to the parameter values listed in Table 3, we also have to parameterize the demand elasticity of the monopolistically competitive firms,
[theta]. Consistent with the literature on nominal rigidities, we assume
that [theta] = 11, which implies a 10 percent steady-state markup. For
both calibrations, the coefficient on marginal cost declines with the
average inflation rate, Figure 4.A. This suggests that everything else
being equal, inflation will be less persistent and less correlated with
marginal cost at higher inflation rates, since marginal cost has a
smaller impact on inflation. The first calibration with a low price
adjustment probability represents an extreme case, in that respect,
since the coefficient on marginal cost converges to zero. On the other
hand, for the second calibration with a higher price adjustment
probability, the coefficient on marginal cost is relatively inelastic with respect to changes in the inflation rate.
Assuming that marginal cost follows an AR(1) with persistence
[delta] such that the product of [delta] and the roots of the lead
polynomials in equation (18) are less than one,
|[delta][[lambda].sub.i]| < 1, we can derive the reduced form of the
modified NKPC as
(1 - [rho]L) [^.[pi].sub.t] = [[kappa].sub.1][[1 +
[delta][phi]]/[(1 - [[lambda].sub.1][delta]) (1 -
[[lambda].sub.2][delta])]][^.s.sub.t] + [u.sub.t] = [a.sub.1][^.s.sub.t]
+ [u.sub.t]. (19)
This expression is formally equivalent to the reduced form of the
hybrid NKPC, equation (15), but now the coefficient [a.sub.1] is a
function of the average inflation rate. Since inflation becomes less
responsive to marginal cost in the NKPC when the average inflation rate
increases, inflation in the reduced form NKPC also becomes less
responsive to marginal cost: [a.sub.1] declines with the average
inflation rate, Figure 4.B. As with the coefficient on marginal cost in
the NKPC, [K.sub.1], the coefficient on marginal cost in the reduced
form NKPC, [a.sub.1], declines much more for the first calibration with
the relatively low price adjustment probability. This feature is
important since the autocorrelations and cross-correlations of inflation
depend on the average inflation rate only through the responsiveness of
inflation to marginal cost, [a.sub.1].
We now replicate the analysis of Section 2 and calculate the first
four autocorrelation coefficients of inflation and the cross-correlation
coefficients of inflation with marginal cost when the average annual
inflation rate varies from 0 to 8 percent. (16) In Figures 5 and 6, we
display the autocorrelation and cross-correlation coefficients for the
two calibrations. With a low price adjustment probability, the first
calibration, an increase of the average inflation rate substantially
reduces the persistence of inflation and its co-movement with marginal
cost, Figure 5. Even moderately high annual inflation rates, about 4
percent, reduce the first-order autocorrelation and the contemporaneous
cross-correlation by half. This pattern follows directly from equations
(16) and (17) and the fact that the coefficient [a.sub.1] converges to
zero for the first calibration. With a higher price adjustment
probability, the second calibration, a higher average inflation rate
also tends to reduce persistence and co-movement of inflation, but the
quantitative impact is negligible, Figure 6. Again, this pattern
conforms with the limited impact of changes in average inflation on the
reduced form coefficient of marginal cost.
Changing U.S. Inflation Dynamics and the Modified NKPC
Based on the modified NKPC, can changes in average inflation
account for the changing U.S. inflation dynamics? Not really. There are
two big changes in the average inflation rate between sub-samples of the
U.S. economy. First, average inflation increased from 2.5 percent in the
1960s to 6.5 percent in the 1970s, and second, average inflation
subsequently declined to 3.2 percent in the 1980s. These changes in
average inflation were associated with significant changes in the
persistence of inflation and the co-movement of inflation with marginal
cost. Yet, the predictions of the modified NKPC for inflation
persistence and co-movement based on the observed changes in average
inflation are inconsistent with the observed changes in persistence and
On the one hand, a calibration with relatively low price adjustment
probabilities, the first calibration, predicts big changes for
persistence and comovement in response to the changes in average
inflation, but the changes either do not take place or are opposite to
what the model predicts. In response to the increase of the average
inflation rate from the 1960s to the 1970s, inflation persistence and
co-movement should have declined substantially, but persistence did not
change and co-movement increased. Indeed the correlation between
inflation and marginal cost switches from negative, which is
inconsistent with the NKPC to begin with, to positive. In response to
the reduction of average inflation in the 1980s, the model predicts more
inflation persistence and more co-movement of inflation and marginal
cost. Yet again, the opposite happens. Inflation persistence declines,
at least the first- and second-order autocorrelation coefficients
decline, and the correlation coefficients between inflation and marginal
cost decline.
On the other hand, a calibration of the modified NKPC with
relatively high price adjustment probabilities, the second calibration,
cannot account for any quantitatively important effects on the
persistence or co-movement of inflation based on changes in average
We have just argued that a hybrid NKPC, modified to account for
changes in trend inflation, has problems accounting for the changes of
U.S. inflation dynamics over the decades. One way to account for these
changes of inflation dynamics within the framework of the NKPC is to
allow for changes in the model's structural parameters. For
example, inflation indexation, that is, intrinsic persistence, could
have increased and decreased to offset the effects of a higher trend
inflation in the 1970s. This pattern of inflation indexation in response
to the changes in trend inflation looks reasonable. However, attributing
changes in the dynamics of inflation to systematic changes in the
structural parameters of the NKPC makes this framework less useful for
monetary policy analysis. This is troublesome since several central
banks have recently begun to develop full-blown Dynamic Stochastic
General Equilibrium (DSGE) models with versions of the NKPC as an
integral part. Ultimately, these DSGE models are intended for policy
analysis, and for this analysis it is presumed that the model elements,
such as the NKPC, are invariant to the policy changes considered. Based
on the analysis in this article, it then seems appropriate to
investigate further the "stability" of the NKPC before one
starts using these models for policy analysis.
We use seasonally adjusted quarterly data for the time period
1955Q1 to 2005Q4. All data are from HAVER with mnemonics in parentheses.
From the national income accounts we take real GDP (GDPH@USECON) and for
the GDP deflator we take the chained price index (JGDP@USECON). From the
nonfarm business sector we take the unit labor cost index
(LXNFU@USECON), the implicit price deflator (LXNFI@USECON), and the
hourly compensation index (LXNFC@USECON). All of the three nonfarm
business sector series are indices that are normalized to 100 in 1992.
We define inflation as the quarterly growth rate of the GDP
deflator and marginal cost as the log of the ratio of unit labor cost
and the nonfarm business price deflator. We construct the instruments
for the GMM estimation other than lagged inflation and marginal cost
following Gall, Gertler, and Lopez-Salido (2005). The output gap is the
deviation of log real GDP from a quadratic trend, and wage inflation is
the growth rate of the hourly compensation index.
Ascari, Guido. 2004. "Staggered Prices and Trend Inflation:
Some Nuisances." Review of Economic Dynamics 7 (3): 642-67.
Calvo, Guillermo. 1983. "Staggered Prices in a
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(3): 383-98.
Christiano, Lawrence, Martin Eichenbaum, and Charles Evans. 2005.
"Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary
Policy." Journal of Political Economy 113(1): 1-45.
Cogley, Timothy, and Thomas Sargent. 2001. "Evolving
Post-World War II U.S. Inflation Dynamics." In NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2001: 331-72.
Cogley, Timothy, and Argia M. Sbordone. 2005. "A Search for a
Structural Phillips Curve." Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff
Report No. 203 (March).
Cogley, Timothy, and Argia M. Sbordone. 2006. "Trend Inflation
and Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve."
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No. 270 (December).
Eichenbaum, Martin, and Jonas D. M. Fisher. 2007. "Estimating
the Frequency of Price Re-Optimization in Calvo-Style Models."
Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (7): 2,032-47.
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. 2006. "Intrinsic and Inherited Inflation
Persistence." International Journal of Central Banking 2 (3):
Gali, Jordi, and Mark Gertler. 1999. "Inflation Dynamics: A
Structural Econometric Analysis." Journal of Monetary Economics 44
(2): 195-222.
Gali, Jordi, Mark Gertler, and David Lopez-Salido. 2005.
"Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips
Curve." Journal of Monetary Economics 52 (6): 1,107-18.
Hornstein, Andreas. 2007. "Notes on the New Keynesian Phillips
Curve." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No. 2007-04.
Levin, Andrew T., and Jeremy M. Piger. 2003. "Is Inflation
Persistence Intrinsic in Industrialized Economies?" Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis Working Paper No. 2002-023E.
Nason, James. 2006. "Instability in U.S. Inflation:
1967-2005." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review 91 (2):
Roberts, John M. 2006. "Monetary Policy and Inflation
Dynamics." International Journal of Central Banking 2 (3): 193-230.
Sbordone, Argia M. 2002. "Prices and Unit Labor Costs: A New
Test of Price Stickiness." Journal of Monetary Economics 49 (2):
Stock, James H., and Mark W. Watson. 2007. "Why Has Inflation
Become Harder to Forecast?" Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
39 (1): 3-33.
Williams, John C. 2006. "Inflation Persistence in an Era of
Well-Anchored Inflation Expectations." Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco Economic Letter No. 2006-27.
Woodford, Michael. 2003. Interest and Prices. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
I would like to thank Chris Herrington, Thomas Lubik, Yash Mehra,
and Alex Wolman for helpful comments, and Kevin Bryan for excellent
research assistance. Any opinions expressed in this article are my own
and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. E-mail:
(1) The NKPC approximated at the zero inflation rate is also a
special case of the NKPC approximated at a positive inflation rate. For
a derivation of the latter, see Ascari (2004), Cogley and Sbordone
(2005, 2006), or Hornstein (2007).
(2) The shock to the NKPC is often called a "cost-push"
shock, but this terminology can be confusing since the shock is
introduced independently of marginal cost.
(3) This is the most commonly used price index in the
implementation of the NKPC. Other price indices used include the price
index of the private nonfarm business sector or the price index for
Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), the consumption component of
the GDP deflator. Although the choice of price deflator affects the
results described below, the differences are not dramatic, e.g., Gall
and Gertler (1999). We should also note that only consumption based
indices, such as the PCE index, are commonly mentioned by central banks
in their communications on monetary policy.
(4) The positive cross-correlation coefficients are significant for
all four lags and leads. Based on 1,000 bootstraps the 5-percentile to
95-percentile ranges of the coefficients do not include zero. Figure
(5) "Rule-of-thumb" behavior was introduced by Gall and
Gertler (1999); inflation indexation has been used by Christiano,
Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005).
(6) Other work that estimates the NKPC using the same or similar
techniques includes Gali and Gertler (1999) and Sbordone (2002). See
also the 2005 special issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics vol. 52
(7) The data are described in detail in the Appendix.
(8) Depending on the parameter estimates, [[sigma].sub.u] = 0.0019
for specification one and [[sigma].sub.u] = 0.0025 for specification
two. For either specification the serial correlation of the shocks is
quite low, the highest value is 0.2. Fuhrer (2006) argues for a higher
relative volatility of the NKPC shock, about 3/10 of the volatility of
marginal cost.
(9) Choosing a lower value for indexation based on specification,
one would generate less inflation persistence.
(10) Fuhrer (2006) assumes a three times larger relative volatility
of the NKPC shocks and, therefore, requires substantially more intrinsic
persistence, that is, a higher [rho], in order to match inflation
(11) The NKPC specification in equation (14) is based on constant
firm-specific marginal cost. Eichenbaum and Fisher (2007) and Cogley and
Sbordone (2006) consider the possibility of increasing firm-specific
marginal cost. Adjusting their estimates for constant firm-specific
marginal cost yields [alpha] = 0.8.
(12) I choose 1970 as the starting point of the high inflation era
since mean inflation before 1970 is relatively close to the sample mean.
The year 1984 is usually chosen as representing a definite break with
the high inflation regime of the 1970s, e.g., Gali and Gertler (1999) or
Roberts (2006). Levin and Piger (2003) argue for a break in the mean
inflation rate in 1991.
(13) Articles that discuss changes in the inflation process include
Cogley and Sargent (2001), Levin and Piger (2003), Nason (2006), and
Stock and Watson (2007). Roberts (2006) and Williams (2006) relate the
changes in the inflation process to changes in the Phillips curve.
(14) We should note, however, that the sum of autocorrelation
coefficients from univariate regressions in the inflation rate and
marginal cost do not indicate statistically significant changes in the
persistence of inflation or marginal cost across subperiods, Table 1,
columns 5 and 6.
(15) Ascari (2004) and Cogley and Sbordone (2005, 2006) also derive
the modified NKPC, but choose a different representation. Their
representation is based on the hybrid NKPC, equation (14), and adds a
term that involves the expected present value of future inflation.
(16) For the parameter values used in the calibration, the
"weighted" roots of the lead polynominal are less than one for
all of the average annual inflation rates considered.
Table 1 Inflation and Marginal Cost
[bar.[pi]] [[sigma].sub.[^.[pi]]] [bar.s]
Sample (1) (2) (3)
1955Q1-2005Q4 3.6 2.4 0.013
1955Q1-1969Q4 2.5 1.4 0.023
1970Q1-1983Q4 6.5 2.2 0.024
1984Q1-1991Q4 3.2 0.9 0.011
1992Q1-2005Q4 2.1 0.7 -0.009
[[sigma].sub.[^.s]] [bar.[delta].sub.[^.[pi]]]
Sample (4) (5)
1955Q1-2005Q4 0.021 0.94
1955Q1-1969Q4 0.018 0.97
1970Q1-1983Q4 0.016 0.80
1984Q1-1991Q4 0.007 0.60
1992Q1-2005Q4 0.018 0.76
[bar.[delta].sub.[^.s]] Corr ([^.[pi]], [^.s])
Sample (6) (7)
1955Q1-2005Q4 0.93 0.33
[0.89,0.98] [0.23,0.431
1955Q1-1969Q4 0.89 -0.12
[0.79,1.00] [-0.30,0.05]
1970Q1-1983Q4 0.72 0.29
[0.56,0.88] [0.10,0.46]
1984Q1-1991Q4 0.73 0.10
[0.51,0.95] [0.09,0.34]
1992Q1-2005Q4 0.92 -0.06
[0.81,1.02] [-0.32,0.22]
Notes: Columns (1) and (2) contain the average annualized inflation
rate, [bar.[pi]], and its standard deviation, [[sigma].sub.[^.[pi]]].
Columns (3) and (4) contain the average values and standard deviation of
marginal cost, [bar.s] and [[sigma].sub.[^.s]]. Marginal cost is in log
deviations from its normalized 1992 value. Columns (5) and (6) contain
the sum of the autocorrelation coefficients of a univariate OLS
regression with four lags for inflation respectively marginal cost,
[bar.[delta].sub.[^.[pi]]] and [bar.[delta].sub.[^.s]]. Column (7)
contains the contemporaneous correlation coefficient between inflation
and marginal cost. For the sum of autocorrelation coefficients and the
correlation coefficient, columns (5), (6), and (7), we list the 5th and
95th percentile of the respective bootstrapped statistic with 1,000
replications in brackets.
Table 2 New Keynesian Phillips Curve Estimates, 1960 Q1-2005 Q4
[alpha] [rho] [beta] [^.[pi].sub.t-1]
(1) 0.901 0.164 0.990 0.141
(0.028) (0.124) (0.028) (0.091)
(2) 0.897 0.469 0.944 0.325
(0.021) (0.095) (0.043) (0.046)
[^.[pi].sub.t+1] [^.s.sub.t]
(1) 0.851 0.010
(0.087) (0.007)
(2) 0.654 0.012
(0.048) (0.005)
Notes: This table reports estimates of the NKPC approximated at a zero
inflation rate, equation (14). The first three columns contain estimates
of the structural parameters: price non-adjustment probability, [alpha],
degree of inflation indexation, [rho], and time discount factor [beta].
The next three columns contain the implied reduced form coefficients on
marginal cost, and lagged and future inflation when the coefficient on
current inflation is one. The first row represents estimates of the
moment conditions from equation (14). The second row represents
estimates of the moment conditions from equation (14) when the
coefficient of contemporaneous inflation is normalized to one. The
covariance matrix of errors is estimated with a 12 lag Newey-West
procedure. Standard errors of the estimates are shown in parentheses.
Table 3 Calibration
Parameter (1) (2)
[beta] Time Discount Factor 0.99 0.99
[alpha] Probability of No Price Adjustment 0.90 0.80
[rho] Price Indexation 0.45 0.86
[[sigma].sub.u]/ Relative NKPC Shock Volatility 0.10 2.97
[delta] Marginal Cost Persistence 0.90 0.90