Trend inflation, firm-specific capital, and sticky prices.
Hornstein, Andreas ; Wolman, Alexander L.
Research on monetary policy, both at academic and monetary policy
institutions, has increasingly been performed within an analytical
framework that assumes limited nominal price adjustment, "sticky
prices" for short. At the heart of much of this analysis is a
so-called New Keynesian (NK) "expectational" Phillips curve that relates current inflation, [[pi].sub.t], to expected future
inflation and the deviation of marginal cost from trend [^.s.sub.t]:
[[pi].sub.t] = [beta][E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t+1] + [xi][^.s.sub.t], (1)
with [beta], [xi] > 0. Empirical estimates of the coefficient on
the marginal cost term, [xi], in this NK Phillips curve tend to be
positive but small in absolute value, e.g., Sbordone (2002) and Gali and
Gertler (1999). (1) This represents a problem for the sticky-price
framework since the coefficient [xi] is directly related to the
frequency with which nominal prices are assumed to be adjusted: the
coefficient is smaller the less frequently prices are adjusted. Within
standard sticky-price models, estimated values of [xi] imply that prices
are adjusted less than once per year. This macro estimate of price
stickiness is implausibly high from the perspective of the micro
estimates surveyed in Wolman (forthcoming).
It has been conjectured widely that nominal rigidities, such as
sticky prices, have more persistent real effects if they interact with
real rigidities. For example, the basic NK Phillips curve (1) has been
derived for an environment with nominal frictions, but essentially no
real rigidities: firms rent factors of production--capital and labor--in
frictionless markets. Now, suppose that there is a real rigidity in
addition to the sticky prices. In particular, assume that capital is
specific to individual firms, and it is costly for these firms to adjust
their capital stock. Introducing firm-specific capital adjustment costs
into sticky-price models substantially complicates the analysis, yet
Woodford (2005) manages to derive an almost closed-form solution to this
problem. In particular, Woodford (2005) again derives an NK Phillips
curve of the form (1), but now the marginal cost coefficient, [xi],
depends not only on the extent of price stickiness, but also on the
magnitude of capital adjustment costs: the coefficient is smaller the
less frequently prices are adjusted and the more costly it is to adjust
capital. Thus low estimated values of [xi] do not necessarily imply a
high degree of price stickiness.
Woodford's (2005) clean analytical solution of the modified NK
Phillips curve does come with a cost. His approach is based on the
linear approximation of an economy with Calvo-type nominal price
adjustment around an equilibrium with zero average inflation. The
assumption of zero average inflation makes the theoretical analysis of
the firm aggregation problem possible, yet it is not empirically
plausible. Even though in recent years inflation has been remarkably
stable in many industrialized countries, average inflation has been
positive. Furthermore, most estimates of the NK Phillips curve use data
from periods of moderate inflation. Thus, it is important to know
whether the behavior of these models is sensitive to the steady-state
inflation rate. (2)
In this article we evaluate the relative impact of positive average
inflation versus zero inflation in an economy with nominal rigidities
and firm-specific capital adjustment costs. Unlike Woodford (2005), we
model nominal rigidities as Taylor-type staggered price adjustment, and
not as Calvo-type probabilistic price adjustment. This approach is
necessary since at this time there are no aggregation results for our
economic environment with Calvo-type pricing and nonzero average
inflation. We show that for small values of positive average inflation,
the Taylor principle, which states that a central bank should increase
the nominal interest rate more than one-for-one in response to a
deviation of inflation from its target, is no longer sufficient to
guarantee that monetary policy does not become a source of unnecessary
fluctuations in our economy.
The fundamental difficulty with incorporating firm-specific capital
into a model with sticky prices is that firm-specific capital can
amplify the heterogeneity associated with price stickiness. With Calvo
price setting, firms face a constant exogenous probability of being able
to readjust their price. If there are no state variables specific to the
firm (other than price), then all firms that adjust in a given period
choose the same price. In that case, even though the true distribution
of prices is infinite, it is possible to summarize the relevant
distribution with just a small number of state variables. (3) If instead
capital is firm specific, firms that adjust in the same period generally
do not have the same capital stock. Their marginal cost is not the same,
and in general they will not choose the same price. Thus, combining
Calvo pricing and firm-specific capital appears to lead to an
intractable model.
The model is intractable in its exact form, but Sveen and Weinke
(2004) and Woodford (2005) have shown how to derive a tractable linear
approximation to the model, under the assumption that the average
inflation rate is zero. The key to these derivations is the fact that in
the zero-inflation steady state there is no heterogeneity: all firms
charge the same price.
Given the tractability problem, there is little hope of being able
to learn how the Calvo model with firm-specific capital behaves away
from a zero-inflation steady state. Fortunately, there is another class
of sticky-price models that remains tractable when combined with
firm-specific capital. The staggered pricing framework associated with
Taylor (1980) assumes that there are J different types of firms; each
period a fraction 1/J of firms adjusts their prices, and their prices
remain fixed for J periods. Firm-specific capital presents no problems
in the Taylor model, because it remains the case that all firms that
adjust in a given period enter with the same capital stock and thus will
choose the same price.
We solve the linear approximation to the Taylor model numerically
and ask whether the model's dynamics are sensitive to the
steady-state inflation rate around which we linearize. (4) We find that
a small but positive inflation rate can have a big impact on the set of
parameters for monetary policy rules and investment adjustment costs for
which a rational expectations (RE) equilibrium is unique. (5) If the
equilibrium is not unique, that is, there is equilibrium indeterminacy,
then possible equilibrium outcomes can depend on shocks that do not
constrain the resource feasible allocations in an economy. In these
equilibria self-fulfilling expectations that coordinate on such
nonfundamental shocks, known as "sunspots," introduce
unnecessary fluctuations into the economy.
In standard sticky-price models, monetary policy rules that set the
nominal interest rate in response to deviations of inflation from its
target value achieve a unique RE equilibrium, if they follow the Taylor
principle. The principle states that the nominal interest rates increase
more than one-for-one with an increase of the inflation rate. This
policy response does not have to be very big, as long as it is greater
than one. We show that in the sticky-price model with firm-specific
capital, positive steady-state inflation generally increases the region
of the parameter space for which there is indeterminacy of equilibrium.
In other words, for the same magnitudes of price-stickiness and
capital-adjustment costs, monetary policy has to be much more responsive
to deviations of inflation from its target in order to maintain a unique
RE equilibrium outcome. These results suggest that it may be misleading
to interpret history and make policy recommendations based on findings
from the zero steady-state inflation case. Our results complement those
in Sveen and Weinke (2005), who show that moving from a rental market to
firm-specific capital leads to a larger region of the parameter space
for which there is indeterminacy of equilibrium when steady-state
inflation is zero.
In Section 1 we describe the economy with firm-specific capital
adjustment cost and the two types of sticky prices: Calvo-type and
Taylor-type nominal price setting. In Section 2 we outline how Woodford
(2005) solves the aggregation problem for Calvo-type pricing and derives
the modified NK Phillips curve. In Section 3 we characterize the economy
with Taylor-type pricing, and in Section 4 we study the impact of
capital adjustment costs and nonzero average inflation on the economy
with Taylor-type pricing.
This section presents the common features of Calvo and Taylor
sticky-price models. There is an infinitely lived representative
household and a continuum of differentiated firms. The firms act as
monopolistic competitors in their differentiated output markets, but
they are competitive in their differentiated labor markets. The
differentiated output goods of the firms are used to produce an
aggregate output good in a competitive market. The aggregate output good
can be used for consumption or investment. Firms use investment goods to
augment their firm-specific capital stocks, subject to capital
adjustment costs. Firms set the nominal price of their differentiated
output good, and only infrequently do they have the opportunity to
adjust their nominal price.
The Representative Household
The household values consumption, [c.sub.t], and experiences
disutility from the supply of differentiated labor to a continuum of
markets, [h.sub.t] (j). The expected present value of utility is
[E.sub.0][[infinity].summation over
(t=0)][[beta].sup.t]{[[[c.sub.t.sup.1-[sigma]] - 1]/[1 - [sigma]]] -
[gamma][[integral].sub.0.sup.1][[[h.sub.t](j)[.sup.v+1]]/[v + 1]]dj},
with discount factor, [beta]. Period utility is an increasing
(decreasing) concave (convex) function of consumption (work time),
[sigma], v, [gamma] > 0. The representative household owns shares in
the continuum of firms and holds nominal bonds. The household's
budget constraint is
[P.sub.t][c.sub.t] +
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][Q.sub.t](j)[a.sub.t+1](j)dj + [B.sub.t+1] =
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][W.sub.t](j)[n.sub.t](j)dj +
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][[Q.sub.t](j) + [D.sub.t](j)][a.sub.t](j)dj + (1
+ [i.sub.t])[B.sub.t], (3)
where [P.sub.t] is the nominal price of the aggregate output good,
[Q.sub.t](j) is the nominal price of a share in firm j, [W.sub.t](j) is
the nominal wage paid by firm j, [D.sub.t](j) is the nominal dividend
paid by firm j, [i.sub.t] is the nominal interest rate on nominal bond
holdings [B.sub.t], and [a.sub.t](j) is the household's firm-share
Optimal choice of work effort implies the following firm-specific
labor supply functions
[w.sub.t](j) = [gamma][h.sub.t](j)[.sup.v]/[[lambda].sub.t], (4)
where [w.sub.t](j) = [W.sub.t](j)/[P.sub.t] is the real wage paid
by firm j, and [[lambda].sub.t] is marginal utility of consumption
[[lambda].sub.t] = [c.sub.t.sup.-[sigma]]. (5)
Optimal asset and bond holdings imply the following Euler equations for bonds and firm shares
1 = [E.sub.t][[beta][[[lambda].sub.t+1]/[[lambda].sub.t]][[1 +
[i.sub.t]]/[[P.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.t]]]] and (6)
1 = [E.sub.t][[beta][[[lambda].sub.t+1]/[[lambda].sub.t]][[[[Q.sub.t+1](j) + [D.sub.t+1](j)]/[Q.sub.t](j)]/[[P.sub.t+1]/[P.sub.t]]]]. (7)
The representative household chooses consumption such that the
household is indifferent between consuming slightly more, with a
corresponding reduction in asset holdings, and consuming slightly less,
with a corresponding increase in asset holdings. The Euler equations
embody this indifference. In an equilibrium, the representative
household owns all firms, [a.sub.t](j) = 1.
Aggregate Output
The aggregate output, [y.sub.t], is produced from the continuum of
differentiated inputs, [y.sub.t](j), using a
constant-elasticity-of-substitution production function
[y.sub.t] = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][y.sub.t](j)[.sup.([theta]-1)/[theta]]dj][.sup.[theta]/([theta]-1)], (8)
where [theta] [greater than or equal to] 1 denotes the elasticity
of substitution between goods. This is the Dixit-Stiglitz (1977)
formulation used by Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987). Production is
competitive and given nominal prices, [P.sub.t](j), for the
differentiated inputs, cost minimization implies the following nominal
price index/marginal cost for the aggregate output
[P.sub.t] = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][P.sub.t](j)[.sup.1-[theta]]dj][.sup.[1/1-[theta]]]. (9)
Given aggregate output, the demand for a differentiated good is a
function of its relative price, [p.sub.t](j) [equivalent to]
[y.sub.t](j) = [p.sub.t](j)[.sup.-[theta]][y.sub.t]. (10)
Aggregate output can be used for consumption or for the
accumulation of firm-specific capital by the producers of differentiated
goods, [x.sub.t](j). Market clearing for goods implies that aggregate
output equals the sum of consumption and aggregate investment
[y.sub.t] = [c.sub.t] + [[integral].sub.0.sup.1][x.sub.t](j)dj.
The differentiated goods are produced by a continuum of
monopolistically competitive firms, and these are the same firms to
which the household supplies labor. The differentiated goods are
produced using the inputs capital and labor, both of which are specific
to each firm. The differentiated firms can adjust the nominal prices
they set for their product only infrequently.
Production is constant-returns-to-scale; in particular, we assume
that the production function is Cobb-Douglas:
[y.sub.t](j) = [k.sub.t](j)[.sup.[alpha]][[A.sub.t][h.sub.t](j)][.sup.1-[alpha]]; (12)
[y.sub.t](j) is firm j's output in period t, and [k.sub.t](j)
and [h.sub.t](j) are, respectively, the capital input and labor input
used by firm j in period t. There is an aggregate productivity
disturbance given by [A.sub.t]. At the beginning of period t, firm
j's capital input is predetermined as a result of the investment
decision firm j made in period t - 1. Furthermore, there are convex
costs of changing the capital stock, which we will specify further
below. Labor is hired in competitive markets, but because households
receive distinct disutility from the labor they provide to each firm,
the wage can differ across firms. (6)
In order to change its capital stock from [k.sub.t] in period t to
[k.sub.t+1] in period t + 1, a firm needs [x.sub.t] units of the
aggregate output good
[x.sub.t](j) = [k.sub.t](j)G[[k.sub.t+1](j)/[k.sub.t](j)]. (13)
The firm incurs capital adjustment costs determined by the
increasing and convex function, G([k.sub.t+1]/[k.sub.t]). As in Woodford
(2005), G(1) = [delta], G'(1) = 1 and G"(1) =
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]], where [[epsilon].sub.[psi]] > 0 is a
parameter. If the firm exactly replaces depreciated capital, then the
marginal investment cost is one, but if the firm increases its capital
stock, then the marginal cost of each additional unit of capital is
greater than one and increasing with the rate at which the capital stock
Firms in the model face limited opportunities for price adjustment.
In particular, we assume that any firm faces an exogenous probability of
adjusting its price in period t and that the probability may depend on
when the firm last adjusted its price. The key notation describing
limited price adjustment will be a vector [PHI] (possibly with a
countably infinite number of elements); the sth element of [PHI], called
[[phi].sub.s], is the probability that a firm adjusts its price in
period t, conditional on its previous adjustment having occurred in
period t - s.
There is a time invariant distribution of firms according to when
they last adjusted their price, since the price-adjustment probabilities
do not vary with time. Let [[omega].sub.s] denote the fraction of firms
in period t, charging prices set in periods t - s, with the
corresponding vector, [OMEGA]. Given the price-adjustment probabilities,
the time invariant distribution satisfies
[[omega].sub.s] = (1 - [[phi].sub.s])[[omega].sub.s-1], for s = 1,
2,...,and (14)
[[omega].sub.0] = 1 - [J - 1.summation over (s=1)][[omega].sub.s].
The most common pricing specifications in the literature are those
first described by Taylor (1980) and Calvo (1983). Taylor's
specification is one of uniformly staggered price setting: every firm
sets its price for J periods, and at any point in time a fraction 1/J of
firms charge a price set s periods ago. The J-element vector of
adjustment probabilities for the Taylor model is [PHI] = [0,...,0, 1],
and the J-element vector of fractions of firms is [OMEGA] = [1/J,
1/J,...,1/J]. In contrast, Calvo's specification involves
uncertainty about when firms can adjust their price. No matter when a
firm last adjusted its price, it faces a probability [phi] of adjusting.
Thus, the infinite vector of adjustment probabilities is [PHI] = [[phi],
[phi],...], and the infinite vector of fractions of firms is
[[omega].sub.s] = [phi](1 - [phi])[.sup.s], s = 0, 1,....
Firm Value
We assume that a firm pays out each period's profits as
dividends to its share-holders:
[d.sub.t](j) = [p.sub.t](j)[y.sub.t](j) - [w.sub.t](j)[h.sub.t](j)
- [x.sub.t](j). (15)
Conditional on the firm's relative price, [p.sub.t](j), sales,
[y.sub.t](j), are determined by the demand curve (10). The firm's
demand for labor is
h(j) = H[y(j), k(j), A] = [[y(j)]/[k(j)[.sup.[alpha]]]][.sup.1/(1 -
[alpha])][A.sup.-1]. (16)
The rationale behind solving for labor input in (16) is that in
period t the firm's capital stock is predetermined, and thus the
labor input it must employ is determined by its technology, given the
level of demand, [y.sub.t](j). Conditional on the available capital
stock, the marginal (labor) cost of output is then
[s.sub.t](j) = [1/[1 -
[alpha]]][[[w.sub.t](j)[y.sub.t](j)]/[[h.sub.t](j)]]. (17)
Investment is determined by the capital stock the firm operates at
the beginning of the period and the capital stock the firm plans to
operate in the next period, equation (13). With some abuse of notation we can rewrite the real dividends of a firm as a function of its
idiosyncratic state and control variables: the relative price and the
beginning-of-period and end-of-period capital stocks,
[d.sub.t](j) = [d.sub.t][[p.sub.t](j), [k.sub.t](j), [k.sub.t +
1](j)]. (18)
The dependence on the aggregate state of the economy (aggregate
demand, productivity, wages) is subsumed in the time subscript t for the
function d.
The firms maximize the discounted expected present value of future
dividends. The relevant discount factor is the representative
household's intertemporal marginal rate of substitution, since the
firms are owned by the household,
max[E.sub.t][[infinity].summation over ([tau] =
0)][[beta].sup.[tau]][[[lambda].sub.t + [tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]][d.sub.t
+ [tau]](j). (19)
Let [v.sub.t]([p.sub.-1], k, j) denote the value of a firm with
relative price, [p.sub.-1], in the last period and beginning of period
capital stock k. Let j denote when the firm last adjusted its nominal
price. If j = 0, the firm can adjust its nominal price in the current
period, that is, [p.sub.-1] does not affect the firm's value and we
write [v.sub.t](k, 0). We can write the value of a firm as a function of
its own state variables recursively,
[v.sub.t]([k.sub.t], 0) = [max.[[p*.sub.t], [k.sub.t +
1]]]{[d.sub.t]([p*.sub.t], [k.sub.t], [k.sub.t + 1]) +
E[[beta][[[lambda].sub.t + 1]/[[lambda].sub.t]]{[[phi].sub.1][v.sub.t +
1]([k.sub.t + 1], 0) + (1 - [[phi].sub.1])[v.sub.t + 1]([p*.sub.t],
[k.sub.t + 1], 1)]}, (20)
[v.sub.t]([p.sub.t - 1], [k.sub.t], j) = [max.[[k.sub.t +
1]]]{[d.sub.t] ([p.sub.t], [k.sub.t], [k.sub.t + 1]) +
E[[beta][[[lambda].sub.t + 1]/[[lambda].sub.t]]{[[phi].sub.j +
1][v.sub.t + 1]([k.sub.t + 1], 0) + (1 - [[phi].sub.j + 1])[v.sub.t +
1]([p.sub.t], [k.sub.t + 1], j + 1)]}, (21)
and [p.sub.t] = [p.sub.t - 1][[p.sub.t - 1]/[P.sub.t]]
Note that for Calvo pricing, [[phi].sub.j] = [phi], and therefore
[v.sub.t]([p.sub.-1], k, 1) = [v.sub.t]([p.sub.-1], k, j) for all j
[greater than or equal to] 1. On the other hand, for Taylor pricing the
firm value functions are only defined for j [less than or equal to] J -
1, since [[phi].sub.J] = 1.
Government Policy
We assume that there is neither taxation nor government spending.
Monetary policy chooses a desired steady-state level for the inflation
rate, [pi]*. Given the steady-state real interest rate, 1/[beta], the
steady-state nominal interest rate, i*, consistent with the inflation
rate, [pi]*, is
1 + i* = [1 + [pi]*]/[beta]. (22)
Monetary policy is assumed to set the period nominal interest rate
in response to deviations of the inflation rate and output from their
respective steady-state values,
[i.sub.t] = i* + [f.sub.[pi]][[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t - 1] - (1 +
[pi]*)] + [f.sub.y][[[y.sub.t] - y*]/y*]. (23)
We now outline how the equilibrium of the economy with Calvo
pricing can be characterized for a log-linear approximation around a
steady state with zero inflation. In particular, we show that despite
the fact that firms differ according to their relative prices and their
capital stocks, calculating simple averages over all these firms yields
a consistent aggregation. We do not provide a complete characterization
of the equilibrium; for this we refer the reader to Woodford (2005).
Although our results below on equilibrium indeterminacy are for the
Taylor model, we present the equilibrium characterization for the Calvo
model because it helps to explain the appeal of firm-specific capital.
It is only in the zero-inflation Calvo model that one can solve for a
simple NK Phillips curve involving aggregate marginal cost and see how
the coefficient on marginal cost depends on investment adjustment costs
as well as price stickiness.
The crucial element of the procedure is that the approximation
proceeds around a deterministic steady state where all firms are
identical, so that the log-linearized first-order conditions are the
same for all firms. This feature makes it possible to derive a
first-order aggregation over firms that may temporarily deviate from the
deterministic steady state, and may therefore be characterized by
firm-specific state variables, [k.sub.t](j) and [P.sub.t](j).
Since firms differ only because they may or may not have the chance
to adjust their prices, there are only two possibilities for firms to be
the same in the steady state despite the fact that they do not all
adjust their prices at the same time. First, there is zero steady-state
inflation. In this case there is no need for firms to adjust their
prices and they will all be the same anyway. Second, there is
indexation: if firms cannot adjust their price optimally to their
current state, their price is nevertheless adjusted according to the
average inflation rate. Thus the firm's relative price also does
not change. In the following we study the first case, zero steady-state
To summarize, we study the log-linear approximation of an economy
with a deterministic steady state where all firms are identical. That
is, we have [](j) = 1 and [](j) = k*.
Optimal Capital Accumulation
Taking the firm's price decision as given for the time being,
optimal choices of [k.sub.t + 1](j) and [x.sub.t](j) maximize the
expectation of (19) subject to the firm's product demand function
(10), capital adjustment costs (13), and demand for labor (16).
The first-order conditions for [k.sub.t + 1] imply the following
Euler equation:
G'([[k.sub.t + 1](j)]/[[k.sub.t](j)]) =
[E.sub.t][[beta][[[[lambda].sub.t +
1]]/[[lambda].sub.t]]{G([[k.sub.t+2](j)]/[[k.sub.t + 1](j)]) x
([[G'[[k.sub.t + 2](j)/[k.sub.t + 1](j)]]/[G[[k.sub.t +
2](j)/[k.sub.t + 1](j)]]] x [[[k.sub.t + 2](j)]/[[k.sub.t + 1](j)]] - 1)
+ [u.sub.t + 1](j)}], (24)
where [u.sub.t + 1] (j) denotes the value of having an additional
unit of capital in period t + 1. This value, u, is the marginal labor
cost reduction from the additional capital:
[u.sub.t + 1](j) = -[w.sub.t + 1](j)[[[partial
derivative]H[[y.sub.t + 1](j), [k.sub.t + 1](j), [A.sub.t +
1]]]/[[partial derivative][k.sub.t + 1](j)]] = [[alpha]/[1 -
[alpha]]][w.sub.t + 1](j)[h.sub.t + 1](j)/[k.sub.t + 1](j). (25)
The Euler equation is somewhat complicated, but it embodies the
fact that a marginal increase in next period's capital stock has
three effects. It subtracts from resources available for current
consumption; it adds to resources available for future consumption; and
it reduces future labor costs.
We now derive the log-linear approximation of the firm's Euler
equation for capital (24). Let [^.x] denote the percentage deviation of
a variable from its steady-state value x*, [^.x] = dx/x*. Because
[k.sub.t +](j)/[](j) = 1, the log-linear
approximation of the Euler equation is
[[G"(1)]/[G'(1)]][[^.k.sub.t + 1](j) - [^.k.sub.t](j)] =
[E.sub.t][[beta][[G"(1)]/[G'(1)]][[^.k.sub.t + 2](j) -
[^.k.sub.t + 1](j)] + [1 - [beta](1 - [delta])][^.u.sub.t + 1](j) +
[^.[lambda].sub.t + 1] - [^.[lambda].sub.t]]. (26)
Note that G"(1)/G'(1) = [[epsilon].sub.[psi]]. The
log-linear approximation of the marginal value of capital (24) is
[^.u.sub.t + 1](j) = [^.w.sub.t + 1](j) + [^.h.sub.t + 1](j) -
[^.k.sub.t + 1](j). (27)
After substituting for firm-specific labor supply using (5), this
equation can be written as
[^.u.sub.t + 1](j) = [v[^.h.sub.t + 1](j) - [^.[lambda].sub.t + 1]]
+ [^.h.sub.t + 1](j) - [^.k.sub.t + 1](j). (28)
Next, substituting for the equilibrium employment from (16) and
then substituting for firm j's output using the demand function
(10), we get the marginal value of a unit of firm-specific capital in
terms of the firm-specific variables (relative price and capital stock)
and the aggregate variables (aggregate demand, marginal utility, and
[^.u.sub.t + 1](j) = -[theta][[v + 1]/[1 - [alpha]]][^.p.sub.t +
1](j) - [[[(v + 1)[alpha]]/[1 - [alpha]]] + 1][^.k.sub.t + 1](j) + [[v +
1]/[1 - [alpha]]][^.y.sub.t + 1] - [^.[lambda].sub.t] - (v +
1)[^.A.sub.t + 1]. (29)
Notice that the Euler-equation approximations (26) and (29) are the
same for all firms, independent of their idiosyncratic state. We can now
average/aggregate over these approximate first-order conditions of all
firms. For the following, let
[^.k.sub.t] [equivalent to] [1.[integral].[0]][^.k.sub.t](j)di (30)
be the deviation of the aggregate capital stock from its
steady-state value, and similarly for all other variables. Aggregating
over the first-order conditions (26) and (29), we have
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]]([^.k.sub.t + 1] - [^.k.sub.t]) =
[E.sub.t][[^.[lambda].sub.t + 1] - [^.[lambda].sub.t] +
[beta][[epsilon].sub.[psi]]([^.k.sub.t + 2] - [^.k.sub.t + 1]) + {1 -
[beta](1 - [delta])}[^.u.sub.t + 1]]; (31)
[^.u.sub.t + 1] = [[v + 1]/[1 - [alpha]]][^.y.sub.t + 1] -
[^.[lambda].sub.t + 1] - [[[(v + 1)[alpha]]/[1 - [alpha]]] +
1][^.k.sub.t + 1] - (v + 1)[^.A.sub.t + 1]. (32)
For the aggregate marginal value of capital we have used the fact
that (9) implies
[1.[integral].[0]][^.p.sub.t](j)dj = 0. (33)
Now define a firm's capital stock deviation from the aggregate
deviation from the steady state as
[~.k.sub.t](j) = [^.k.sub.t](j) - [^.k.sub.t] (34)
and subtract the aggregate conditions (31) and (32) from the
firm-specific conditions (26) and (29) to yield
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]]{[~.k.sub.t + 1](j) - [~.k.sub.t](j)} =
[E.sub.t][[beta] [[epsilon].sub.[psi]]{[~.k.sub.t + 2](j) - [~.k.sub.t +
1](j)} + {1 - [beta](1 - [delta])}[~.u.sub.t + 1](j)], (35)
[~.u.sub.t + 1](j) = -[[v + 1]/[1 - [alpha]]][theta][^.p.sub.t +
1](j) - {[[(v + 1)[alpha]]/[1 - [alpha]]] + 1}[~.k.sub.t + 1](j). (36)
Note that (35) and (36) define an autonomous system for the
firm-specific relative capital stock and relative price that is
independent of aggregate variables. In order to complete this system, we
need the expression for the unconditional expectation of the firm's
relative price in the next period. There are two possibilities for next
period's relative price. First, with probability 1 - [phi], the
firm will be unable to adjust its nominal price, and its relative price
declines with the aggregate inflation rate [pi]. Second, with
probability [phi], the firm can adjust its nominal price and the optimal
relative price choice is [^.p]*:
[E.sub.t][^.p.sub.t + 1](j) = (1 - [phi])[[^.p.sub.t](j) -
[E.sub.t][[pi].sub.t + 1]] + [phi][E.sub.t][^.p*.sub.t + 1](j). (37)
The analysis so far suggests that we can solve for the evolution of
the firm's relative state variables independently of the evolution
of aggregate state variables, but it also implies that optimal capital
accumulation and optimal price setting will interact.
The Interaction of Price Setting and Capital Accumulation
We first show how aggregate inflation is related to the average
price chosen by all the firms that can adjust prices. Once we conjecture that a particular price-adjusting firm's deviation from this
average optimal price depends only on its relative capital stock, we can
show how to solve for the evolution of the firm's relative capital
stock. Conditional on the law of motion for the firm's optimal
relative capital stock, one can then solve the firm's optimal
price-setting problem. For an equilibrium, the conjecture on the optimal
price-setting rule in the first step has to be consistent with the
solution of the price-setting problem in the second step. This second
step involves quite a bit of algebra, and we refer the reader to
Woodford (2005) for the solution. We do state the Phillips curve
equation that follows from these steps. The form of the Phillips curve
illustrates the appeal of firm-specific capital.
Aggregate Inflation
In the Calvo setup, aggregate inflation is determined as a weighted
average of the current distribution of relative prices and the optimal
relative prices set by price-adjusting firms. At the beginning of period
t + 1, a fraction 1 - [phi] of all firms keeps their price and a
fraction [phi] adjusts their price conditional on their state. For both
groups we can use the unconditional distribution of all firms in the
economy. Thus, the deviation of the aggregate price level from the
steady state is
[^.P.sub.t + 1] = (1 -
[phi])[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][^.P.sub.t](j)dj +
[phi][[integral].sub.0.sup.1][^.P*.sub.t](j)dj = (1 - [phi])[^.P.sub.t]
+ [phi][^.P*.sub.t + 1]. (38)
Subtract [^.P.sub.t] from both sides and the aggregate inflation
rate is
[[pi].sub.t + 1] = [^.P.sub.t + 1] - [^.P.sub.t] =
[phi]([^.P*.sub.t + 1] - [^.P.sub.t]). (39)
Adding and subtracting [^.P.sub.t + 1] on the right-hand side and
using the definition of the inflation rate, we get the inflation rate
proportional to the average optimal relative price
(1 - [phi])[[pi].sub.t + 1] = [phi]([^.P*.sub.t + 1] - [^.P.sub.t +
1]) = [phi][^.p*.sub.t + 1]. (40)
Using expression (40) for the inflation rate in the definition of
next period's unconditional expected relative price (37) we get
[E.sub.t][^.p.sub.t + 1](j) = (1 - [phi])([^.p.sub.t](j) -
[E.sub.t][[[phi]/[1 - [phi]]][^.p*.sub.t + 1]]) +
[phi][E*.sub.t][^.p.sub.t + 1](j) = (1 - [phi])[^.p.sub.t](j) +
[phi][E.sub.t][[^.p*.sub.t + 1](j) - [^.p*.sub.t + 1]]. (41)
Now assume that the deviation of a firm's optimal relative
price from the average optimal relative price is a function of the
firm's relative state only:
[^.p*.sub.t](j) = [^.p*.sub.t] - [mu][~.k.sub.t](j). (42)
Then equations (35), (36), (41), and (42) define an autonomous
system for the firm-specific relative capital stock, [~.k](j), and
relative price, [^.p](j), that is independent of aggregate variables. We
are interested in a recursive solution to this system, that is, a
solution such that the firm's choice for next period's
relative capital stock, [~.k.sub.t + 1](j), is a function of its own
relative state only, [[~.k.sub.t](j), [^.p.sub.t](j)]:
[~.k.sub.t + 1](j) = [LAMBDA][~.k.sub.t](j) - [tau][^.p.sub.t](j).
Optimal Price Setting
Woodford (2005) solves the optimal price-setting problem
conditional on the optimal capital accumulation rule (43). In
particular, the optimal price-setting rule is shown to be of the form
assumed in equation (42): the deviation of a particular firm's
optimal relative price from the average optimal relative price,
[^.p*.sub.t](i) - [^.p*.sub.t], is a function of the firm's
relative state, [~.k.sub.t] (i). Woodford (2005) shows how one can
obtain the coefficients [LAMBDA], [tau], and [mu] through the method of
undetermined coefficients.
The solution of the optimal pricing problem yields an expression
for the average optimal price as a function of the average marginal
labor cost of production, [^.s.sub.t], and expected future optimal
prices and inflation:
[^.p*.sub.t] = [[1 - (1 - [phi])[beta]]/[GAMMA]][^.s.sub.t] + (1 -
[phi])[beta][E.sub.t][[[pi].sub.t + 1] + [^.p*.sub.t + 1]], (44)
where [GAMMA] is a coefficient to be determined by the solution
procedure. In particular, [GAMMA] will depend on the the
price-adjustment probability [phi] and the degree of capital adjustment
costs, [[epsilon].sub.[psi]]. Average marginal cost is by definition
[^.s.sub.t] [equivalent to] [[integral].sub.0.sup.1][[^.w.sub.t](j)
+ [^.h.sub.t](j) - [^.y.sub.t](j)]dj = ([[v + 1]/[1 - [alpha]]] -
1)[^.y.sub.t] - [^.[lambda].sub.t] - (v + 1)[[[alpha]/[1 -
[alpha]]][^.k.sub.t] + [^.A.sub.t]]. (45)
We can now use again the expression for aggregate inflation in the
Calvo model in (40) and derive the "standard" New Keynesian
Phillips curve
[[pi].sub.t] = [[[1 - (1 - [phi])[beta]][phi]]/[(1 -
[phi])[GAMMA]]][^.s.sub.t] + [beta][E.sub.t][[[pi].sub.t + 1]]. (46)
For a simple Calvo model with no firm-specific capital, [GAMMA] =
1. Thus the modified Calvo model with firm-specific capital adjustment
costs generates almost the same NK Phillips curve as the basic Calvo
model, except for [GAMMA]. In particular, higher capital adjustment
costs increase [GAMMA] and thereby reduce the coefficient on the
marginal cost term. Woodford (2005) and Eichenbaum and Fisher (2004)
thus argue that a low estimated coefficient on marginal cost does not
necessarily imply that the price-adjustment probability is very low; it
can also mean that the capital adjustment costs are very high.
In the Taylor model, price adjustment occurs every J periods for an
individual firm, and in any given period by a fraction 1/J of firms.
Because there is no uncertainty regarding when a firm will adjust its
price, the state space does not explode as it does in the Calvo model.
Therefore, the Taylor model with firm-specific capital can be
approximated easily around a steady state with nonzero inflation. Here
we present the exact equations of the model. We then linearize them and
compute the model's local dynamics.
An individual firm that can adjust its price in period t chooses a
sequence of nominal prices, {[P*.sub.t+Js](j)}, every J periods, and a
sequence of capital stocks {[k*.sub.t+1](j)} every period, that
maximizes the objective function
max[E.sub.t][8.summation over (s=0)][[beta].sup.Js][J - 1.summation
over ([tau]=0)][[beta].sup.[tau]][[[[lambda].sub.t+Js+[tau]]]/[[lambda].sub.t]] x {[[[P*.sub.t+Js](j)]/[P.sub.t+Js+[tau]]][.sup.1-[theta]][y.sub.t+Js+[tau]] - [w.sub.t+Js+[tau]](j)[h.sub.t+Js+[tau]](j) -
[x.sub.t+Js+[tau]](j)}, (47)
subject to the demand for the firm's goods (10) and the
firm's demand for labor (16). Note that in contrast to the Calvo
model, the expectation operator in (47) is the unconditional expectation
operator--there is no uncertainty in the price adjustment process. The
first-order conditions for optimal price setting are
[E.sub.t][J-1.summation over
- [theta])[1/[P.sub.t+[tau]]]([[P*.sub.t](j)]/[P.sub.t+[tau]])[.sup.-[theta]][y.sub.t+[tau]] + [theta][E.sub.t][J-1.summation over
([tau]=0)][[beta].sup.[tau]][s.sub.t+[tau]](j)[[[lambda].sub.t+[tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]][1/[P.sub.t+[tau]]]([[P*.sub.t](j)]/[P.sub.t+[tau]])[.sup.-[theta]-1][y.sub.t+[tau]] = 0, (48)
where [s.sub.t](j) is the firm's marginal (labor) cost of
production, (17). The first-order conditions for optimal capital
accumulation are the same as in the Calvo model, equations (25) and
To simplify (48) we will solve for the optimal price [P*.sub.t](j),
at the same time dividing both sides of the equation by [P.sub.t]:
[[P*.sub.t](j)]/[P.sub.t] = ([theta]/[[theta] -
1])[[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.[tau]=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.[tau]][s.sub.t+[tau]](j)[[[lambda].sub.t+[tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]]([[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t+[tau]]][1/[P.sub.t]])[.sup.[theta]][y.sub.t+[tau]]]/[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.[tau]=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.[tau]][[[lambda].sub.t+[tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]][[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t+[tau]]]([[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t+[tau]]][1/[P.sub.t]])[.sup.-[theta]][y.sub.t+[tau]]]]. (49)
Next, note that [P.sub.t.sup.[theta]] cancels from the numerator and denominator:
[[P*.sub.t](j)]/[P.sub.t] = ([theta]/[[theta] -
1])[[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.[tau]=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.[tau]][s.sub.t+[tau]](j)[[[lambda].sub.t+[tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]]([P.sub.t+[tau]]/[P.sub.t])[.sup.[theta]][y.sub.t+[tau]]]/[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.[tau]=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.[tau]][[[lambda].sub.t+[tau]]/[[lambda].sub.t]]([P.sub.t+[tau]]/[P.sub.t])[.sup.[theta]-1][y.sub.t+[tau]]]]. (50)
Until now we have carried around the firm's index j, which
lies in the interval [0, 1]. However with Taylor pricing, it is only
necessary to keep track of J different types of firms--any firms that
set their price in the same period behave identically. Of course, this
is not the case in the Calvo model. (7) Henceforth the index j denotes
the finite types J. For example, the marginal cost for a firm that set
its price in period t - j will be [s.sub.j,t]; the price in period t
charged by a firm that last set its price in period t - j will be
[P.sub.j,t]. Thus, instead of [P*.sub.t] (j) we will write [P.sub.0,t].
[P.sub.0,t]/[P.sub.t] = [[theta]/[[theta] - 1]] x
[[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.j=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.j][s.sub.j,t+j][[lambda].sub.t+j]([P.sub.t+j]/[P.sub.t])[.sup.[theta]][y.sub.t+j]]/[[E.sub.t][[summation].sub.j=0.sup.J-1][[beta].sup.j][[lambda].sub.t+j]([P.sub.t+j]/[P.sub.t])[.sup.[theta]-1][y.sub.t+j]]]. (51)
Imposing the fact that there are only J prices charged, the price
index can be written as
[P.sub.t] = {[1/J][J-1.summation over
(j=0)][P.sub.0,t-j.sup.1-[theta]]}[.sup.1/1-[theta]], (52)
and the demand equations are
[y.sub.j,t] = [p.sub.j,t.sup.-[theta]][y.sub.t], j = 0, 1,...,J -
1. (53)
Also, from the household side we have the labor supply equations
[[gamma][h.sub.j,t.sup.v]]/[[lambda].sub.t] = [w.sub.j,t], j = 0,
1,...,J - 1. (54)
Investment and Labor Demand
Here, for convenience, we collect the equations that were stated in
Section 1 for the general model and the equations for optimal capital
accumulation from the Calvo model. We express these equations in a form
specific to the Taylor model. The technology is
[y.sub.j,t] = [k.sub.j,t.sup.[alpha]]([A.sub.t][h.sub.j,t])[.sup.1-[alpha]]. (55)
Adjustment costs for the capital stock are
[x.sub.j,t] = [k.sub.j,t]G([k.sub.j+1,t+1]/[k.sub.j,t]). (56)
The first-order condition for next period's capital stock
depends on the stage of the price cycle that a firm is in. To simplify
notation, let "j + i" denote (j + i) mod (J - 1) for j = 0,
1,...,J - 1. For example for j = J - 2 and i = 3, j + i = 2. The
rewritten first-order condition (24) for next period's capital
stock is then
G'([k.sub.j+1,t+1]/[k.sub.j,t]) =
[beta][E.sub.t][[[[lambda].sub.t+1]/[[lambda].sub.t]]{[[k.sub.j+2,t+2]/[k.sub.j+1,t+1]]G'([k.sub.j+2,t+2]/[k.sub.j+1,t+1])-G([k.sub.j+2,t+2]/[k.sub.j+1,t+1]) + [u.sub.j+1,t+1]}]. (57)
Real profits in period t for firm j are given by
[d.sub.j,t] = [p.sub.j,t][y.sub.j,t] - [w.sub.j,t][h.sub.j,t] -
[x.sub.j,t]. (58)
The marginal cost of production is
[s.sub.j,t] = [[w.sub.j,t][h.sub.j,t]]/[(1 - [alpha])[y.sub.j,t]].
In this section we present results describing how the behavior of
the Taylor model with firm-specific capital varies with the steady-state
inflation rate around which it is linearized. We follow Sveen and
Weinke's (2005) analysis of the Calvo model with firm-specific
adjustment costs and zero steady-state inflation. First, we report on
the range of parameters for the monetary policy rule and adjustment
costs for which we can find unique RE equilibria. This range is
sensitive to the steady-state inflation rate: higher inflation rates
reduce the set of parameters for which there is a unique RE equilibrium.
Next, we compare impulse response functions to a productivity shock for
zero and moderate inflation. They differ, but not dramatically.
The model is parameterized as follows. We interpret a period as a
quarter, and set the discount factor, [beta] = 0.99; the risk aversion parameter, [sigma] = 2; the inverse labor supply elasticity, v = 1; the
capital depreciation rate, [delta] = 0.03; and the capital income share,
[alpha] = 0.36. This is a standard parameterization. We set the
investment adjustment cost parameter, [[epsilon].sub.[psi]] = 3, as in
Woodford (2005). Based on evidence from aggregate data, Eichenbaum and
Fisher (2005) suggest that this value represents a lower bound for
adjustment costs. Around a zero-inflation steady state, there is no need
to specify the function G(*) beyond the two parameters, [delta] and
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]]. Around steady states with nonzero inflation
however, it is necessary to specify the entire function. We use
G(x) = ([delta] - [1/[1 + [[epsilon].sub.[psi]]]]) + [[x.sup.1 +
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]]]/[1 + [[epsilon].sub.[psi]]]], (60)
which satisfies the desired properties G(1) = [delta], G'(1) =
1 and G''(1) = [[epsilon].sub.[psi]].
Equilibrium Determinacy
A good monetary policy rule should imply a unique RE equilibrium.
If the RE equilibrium is not unique, then at any point in time several
different equilibrium time paths for current and future outcomes are
possible. In other words, the equilibrium is indeterminate. In this
situation the path that is expected to be chosen will occur, but many
can be chosen. The choice of equilibrium path then may depend on random
shocks that are not fundamental to the economy, that is, they do not
constrain the set of resource-feasible allocations in the economy. In
these "sunspot" equilibria self-fulfilling expectations that
coordinate on the nonfundamental shocks introduce unnecessary
fluctuations into the economy. (8) Since the representative agent is
risk-averse, she will prefer a smooth consumption path relative to the
same smooth consumption path with some added mean zero random
fluctuations. This means that, in general, "sunspot"
equilibria are sub-optimal, and a good monetary policy should not give
rise to equilibrium indeterminacy.
Taylor (1993) proposed a monetary policy rule of the form
[f.sub.[pi]] = 1.5 and [f.sub.y] = 0.125 based on the outcomes of model
simulations. (9) This policy rule reflects the Taylor principle that
monetary policy should increase nominal interest rates more than
one-for-one for any increase of inflation. In basic sticky-price models
with reasonable specifications of price rigidity and without capital,
this principle will, in general, imply a unique RE equilibrium. Sveen
and Weinke (2005) evaluate the role of the policy parameter,
[f.sub.[pi]], and the degree of price stickiness, [phi], for the
existence of unique RE equilibria in the Calvo model with firm-specific
capital. They show that as the degree of price stickiness increases, the
set of policy parameters for which there is local uniqueness becomes
smaller. For the Taylor model we provide an analog to their results
(price stickiness is now represented by J). We also study the impact of
the steady-state inflation rate, [pi], and investment adjustment costs,
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]], on equilibrium indeterminacy. We find that local
uniqueness becomes less likely for higher inflation rates. Depending on
the degree of price stickiness, high or low values of the adjustment
cost parameter [[epsilon].sub.[psi]] can lead to indeterminacy.
In Figure 1, we plot several graphs in ([pi], [f.sub.[pi]])-space
that represent the border between indeterminacy and uniqueness for a
policy rule that does not respond to output, [f.sub.y] = 0. We present
this information in two panels because for very low values of
[f.sub.[pi]], it is not possible to convey the relevant information
unless the [f.sub.[pi]]-axis scale is very fine. The inflation rate,
[pi], is the rate of price change from one period to the next, and since
a period represents a quarter, a gross inflation rate of 1.01 represents
a 4 percent annual inflation rate. Each graph corresponds to a different
value of J. In the top panel of Figure 1, which corresponds to
relatively high values of [f.sub.[pi]], the region of equilibrium
indeterminacy (uniqueness) for an economy with price stickiness, J, is
between the graph and the southeast (northwest) corner of the figure.
There is no graph for J = 2 in the top panel because uniqueness holds
everywhere in the figure when J = 2. The bottom panel, corresponding to
low values of [f.sub.[pi]], is less straightforward: for J = 2 there is
indeterminacy below the graph; for J = 3, 4 and 5 there is indeterminacy
generally below and to the right of the graphs.
We find that for moderate steady-state inflation, if prices are
fixed for more than two periods then policy needs to respond to
inflation significantly more than one-to-one in order for the RE
equilibrium to be unique. First, for all values of J and [pi] that we
consider, equilibrium is indeterminate if [f.sub.[pi]] is less than
approximately 1.01 (the precise number varies with J and [pi]), as seen
in the lower panel of Figure 1. In contrast, for the Calvo model with
zero inflation, Sveen and Weinke (2005) find that there is a
neighborhood of [f.sub.[pi]] = 1 such that equilibrium is unique.
Second, for fixed degrees of price stickiness, J > 2, the policy
response [f.sub.[pi]] required to maintain a unique equilibrium can
become quite large as we increase the steady-state inflation rate, as
seen in the upper panel of Figure 1. This occurs even though the
steady-state inflation rates that we consider are moderate, less than 4
percent per year. For example, if prices are fixed for three periods,
around a zero-inflation steady state there is a unique equilibrium if
[f.sub.[pi]] [approximately greater than] 1.02; in contrast, around a 4
percent inflation steady state there is a unique equilibrium only if
[f.sub.[pi]] [approximately greater than] 1.73. The sensitivity to
steady-state inflation becomes more extreme for higher degrees of price
stickiness. If prices are fixed for four periods, around a
zero-inflation steady state there is a unique equilibrium if
[f.sub.[pi]] [member of] {(1.02, 1.074) [union] (1.47, [infinity])}; in
contrast, around a 4 percent inflation steady state there is a unique
equilibrium only if [f.sub.[pi]] [approximately greater than] 5.29.
Finally, for a given steady-state inflation rate, the region of
indeterminacy is increasing in the degree of price rigidity. This is
consistent with Sveen and Weinke (2005, Figure 1).
For steady-state inflation rates that are even moderately high, the
RE equilibrium tends to be indeterminate for a wide range of values of
the adjustment cost parameter, [[epsilon].sub.[psi]], but the precise
relationship is sensitive to the degree of price stickiness. In Figure 2
we graph the borders between indeterminacy and uniqueness in ([pi],
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]])-space for different values of price stickiness J
and a policy rule with [f.sub.[pi]] = 1.5 and [f.sub.y] = 0. For
parameter combinations between a graph and the left (right) border of
the figure, the RE equilibrium is locally unique (indeterminate) for J =
3 and J = 4 (there is also a region of uniqueness near
[[epsilon].sub.[psi]] = 0 for J = 4). For J = 5 there is indeterminacy
(uniqueness) above (below) the graph. For J = 2 there is uniqueness
across the entire figure. For J = 3 and J = 4 the region of
indeterminacy is increasing in the steady-state inflation rate. However,
as the inflation rate increases, for J = 3 indeterminacy first appears
at high values of [[epsilon].sub.[psi]], whereas for J = 4 indeterminacy
first appears at low values of [[epsilon].sub.[psi]].
Sveen and Weinke (2005) argue that if a monetary policy rule
responds not only to the inflation rate but also to output, then it is
more likely that the RE equilibrium is unique. Indeed the Taylor rule (1993) specifies the coefficient on output as 0.125. In Figure 3 we
graph the borders between indeterminacy and uniqueness in ([pi],
[f.sub.[pi]])-space for different values of the coefficient on output in
the policy rule [f.sub.y] and fixed price stickiness J = 4. For
parameter combinations between a graph and the left (right) border of
the figure, the RE equilibrium is locally unique (indeterminate). Again,
as the steady-state inflation rate increases, it becomes more likely
that the RE equilibrium is not locally unique. For fixed steady-state
inflation, the RE equilibrium is unique if the policy response to output
is sufficiently large. This confirms the findings of Sveen and Weinke
(2005). Note, however, that even for moderate steady-state inflation, it
takes a large coefficient on output to generate determinacy in a rule
that includes the standard Taylor coefficient, [f.sub.y] = 0.125, on
output. For example, for annual inflation of 4 percent (corresponding to
[pi] = 1.01 in Figure 3), the coefficient on inflation needs to be
greater than 2 in order to maintain a unique RE equilibrium. This is
substantially more than the 1.5 value suggested by Taylor.
The overall message of these figures is that when the average
inflation rate is even moderately high--say, above 3.5 percent
annually--the coefficient on inflation must be large relative to
conventional values such as Taylor's 1.5 in order to generate a
unique RE equilibrium.
Model Dynamics
Figure 4 plots the response of several of the model's
aggregate variables to a white noise productivity shock. We set J = 4
and [f.sub.[pi]] = 5.5. The solid lines correspond to a steady state of
zero inflation, and the dashed lines correspond to a steady state of 4
percent annual inflation. The responses to a productivity shock differ
somewhat across very low and moderate inflation, but the differences are
not dramatic, and they essentially disappear after the impact period.
Given our findings about indeterminacy in Figures 1 and 2, it may seem
surprising that the impulse responses do not differ more across
steady-state inflation rates. There is, however, a good explanation for
this. Unlike a crossing from uniqueness to nonexistence, a crossing from
uniqueness to multiplicity need not be "foreshadowed" by large
changes in the model's dynamics. As we change a model's
parameters and uniqueness disappears, the solution we were tracking does
not vanish--it is simply complemented with other solutions.
Sveen and Weinke (2004) and Woodford (2005) have made important
contributions in showing how one can linearly approximate the Calvo
sticky-price model when capital is tied to the individual firm. Their
work shows that capital adjustment costs at the firm level are
complementary to price stickiness in generating a small coefficient on
marginal cost in the New Keynesian Phillips curve. Around a steady state
with nonzero inflation, it is not (yet) known how to approximate the
Calvo model with firm-level investment; in such a steady state there
would be heterogeneity in both prices and capital stocks. Much recent
empirical work on the NK Phillips Curve has used data which is
inconsistent with the zero-inflation approximation, so we would like to
have some means of evaluating the generality of results from the
zero-inflation case. In the Taylor sticky-price model it is
straightforward to incorporate firm-specific capital even with nonzero
steady-state inflation. Comparing zero- and moderate (4 percent) rates
of steady-state inflation, one finds that if there is a locally unique
equilibrium, quantitatively the model's dynamics are not very
sensitive to the rate of inflation. This is consistent with the work of
Ascari (2004), who finds that the dynamics of the basic Taylor model
(i.e., without firm-specific capital) are relatively insensitive to
average inflation, in comparison to the Calvo model. However, we find
that the range of parameter values for which the model has a locally
unique equilibrium is extremely sensitive to even small changes in
steady-state inflation--for example going from zero to 4 percent annual
inflation causes a dramatic increase in the size of the parameter space
for which there is local indeterminacy. The ability to deal with nonzero
inflation in the Taylor model points toward the value of conducting
empirical work on the New Keynesian Phillips curve in the Taylor model
framework. See Guerrieri (forthcoming) for an important step in this
direction. (10) However, the sensitivity of the local equilibrium
uniqueness to the average inflation rate presents obstacles to further
empirical progress.
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For helpful comments we would like to thank Andrew Foerster, Bob
Hetzel, Ned Prescott, and Pierre Sarte. The views expressed in this
article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
(1) Expression (1) is derived in Woodford (2003, ch. 3) for an
economy with Calvo-type sticky prices. Woodford's (2003) textbook
presents a unified framework for thinking about monetary policy based on
sticky-price models. For a critical review of this line of research, see
Green (2005).
(2) Furthermore, even though overall inflation has been low and
stable, trends have remained in disaggregated measures of prices--for
example, services prices have a positive trend and durable goods prices
have a negative trend. This means that in a multi-sector model with zero
inflation, the steady state would involve trends in individual nominal
prices and thus a nondegenerate distribution of prices across
sticky-price firms (Wolman 2004).
(3) We say the true distribution is infinite because a positive
fraction of firms charges a price set arbitrarily many periods in the
(4) Others have worked with the Taylor model with firm-specific
capital; see, for example, Coenen and Levin (2004) and de Walque, Smets,
and Wouters (2004). They have not studied the role of steady-state
(5) Since we are studying linear approximations of equilibria, all
of our statements have to be understood as applying to local properties
of the equilibria for small deviations from the steady state. Wolman and
Couper (2003) discuss the potential pitfalls of this type of analysis,
especially as it relates to statements about the uniqueness of
(6) Labor market clearing is implicitly imposed by not
differentiating between the labor supplied to the jth type of firm and
the labor demanded by the jth type of firm.
(7) We could also study the Taylor model under the assumption that
firms that set their price in the same period have initial conditions
that involve heterogeneous capital. Under this assumption, there would
be multiple prices chosen in the same period. However, as long as the
size of the initial state was manageable, it would be feasible to
analyze such a situation.
(8) For a textbook treatment of sunspot equilibria, see, for
example, Farmer (1993).
(9) Taylor (1993) writes the policy rule for annual data, thus his
[f.sub.y] = 0.5 coefficient on output deviations translates to 0.125 =
0.5/4 in our quarterly model. Taylor's proposed policy rule has
also spawned an empirical literature that tries to estimate whether
actual monetary policy conforms to some version of this policy rule, for
example, Clarida, Galf, and Gertler (2000).
(10) Cogley and Sbordone (2005) is an important example of
empirical work on the Phillips curve that allows for the possibility of
nonzero steady-state inflation. They use a Calvo model with
firm-specific capital but without firm-specific investment.