Monetary policy and the adjustment to country-specific shocks.
Duarte, Margarida
The question of the optimal degree of exchange rate variability
among countries has been long standing in international economics.
Friedman (1953) argued in favor of flexible exchange rates: when nominal
goods prices are sticky, the adjustment of the nominal exchange rate allows for the necessary relative price adjustment to a country-specific
shock. Recent articles by Devereux and Engel (2003) and Corsetti and
Pesenti (2001), however, show that the optimal degree of exchange rate
variability between two countries subject to country-specific real
shocks depends critically on the nature of price stickiness, in
particular, whether prices are sticky in the currency of the producer or
in the currency of the buyer.
When prices are preset in the currency of the buyer, unanticipated
movements in the nominal exchange rate do not affect the price of
imported goods on impact. That is, as suggested by the empirical
evidence, the pass-through of exchange rate changes to consumer prices
in the short run is low. (1) The findings in Devereux and Engel (2003)
and Corsetti and Pesenti (2001) show that when prices are preset in the
currency of the buyer (and, therefore, as suggested by the data, do not
respond to movements in the exchange rate), optimal monetary policy
implies that the nominal exchange rate does not respond to
country-specific shocks. (2) This finding is in sharp contrast with
Friedman's (1953) argument in favor of nominal exchange rate
flexibility in the presence of nominal price rigidities and
country-specific shocks.
In this article I study optimal monetary policy in a two-country
model that features nontraded goods and in which producers in each
country set prices one period in advance in the currency of the buyer.
The article shows that the presence of nontraded goods has important
implications for the optimal degree of nominal exchange rate variability
in response to country-specific shocks.
When all goods are traded, I find that, as in Devereux and Engel
(2003) and Corsetti and Pesenti (2001), both monetary authorities
respond in the same manner to country-specific shocks. In the absence of
nontraded goods, home and foreign agents consume the same basket of
traded goods, and the nominal exchange rate does not move in response to
country-specific shocks when countries follow their optimal monetary
rules. As a consequence, a fixed exchange rate regime can be supported
by optimal monetary policies. An important feature of the model when all
goods are traded is that it implies that there are no relative price
differentials across countries under a fixed exchange rate regime. There
exists, however, evidence of such price differentials across countries
that participate in a currency union (and, therefore, have a constant
nominal exchange rate). Duarte (2003), for example, documents inflation
differentials among member countries of the European Monetary Union as
big as 4 percentage points.
When a set of consumption goods is nontraded and the consumption
basket is distinct across countries, I show that the model is consistent
with the observed relative price differentials across countries under a
fixed exchange rate regime. I find, however, that in this situation a
fixed exchange rate regime is not supported by optimal monetary policies
since the monetary authorities choose to respond differently to
country-specific shocks. That is, a flexible exchange rate regime is
supported by optimal monetary policies when the model is consistent with
two observations--that of relative price differentials across countries
under a fixed exchange rate regime, as well as the observation of low
pass-through of exchange rate changes to consumer prices.
The presence of nontraded goods has been shown to have important
implications in open-economy models in dimensions other than the optimal
degree of exchange rate variability. Stockman and Tesar (1995) show that
nontraded goods play an important role in accounting for the properties
of the international business cycle of industrialized countries. More
recently, Corsetti and Dedola (2002) and Burstein, Neves, and Rebelo
(2003) show that nontraded goods, used in the distribution sector, play
an important role in explaining observed deviations from the law of one
price and low pass-through of exchange rate changes to consumer prices.
In Section 1, I present a two-country model in which agents consume
traded and nontraded goods and in which prices are sticky. In the
following section, I study the implications of the presence of nontraded
goods for relative price differentials across countries under a fixed
exchange rate regime and for the optimal response of a monetary
authority seeking to maximize the expected utility of the representative
agent in the country.
In this section I develop a general equilibrium model of a world
economy with two countries, denominated home and foreign, which builds
upon the work of Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995). Both countries are
populated by a continuum of monopolistic producers, indexed by i [member
of] [0, 1] in the home country and i* [member of] [0, 1] in the foreign
country. Each agent produces two goods, a differentiated traded good and
a differentiated nontraded good. (3) Agents consume all varieties of
home and foreign-traded goods and all varieties of the local-nontraded
good. In each country there is a monetary authority that prints local
currency and distributes it to the individual agents through lump sum transfers.
I now describe the home economy. The foreign economy is analogous to the home economy. Foreign variables are denoted with an asterisk.
All agents have identical preferences defined over a consumption
index, real money balances, and work effort. To keep the algebra to a
minimum, the lifetime expected utility of a typical home agent j is
defined as
[U.sub.0] (j) = [E.sub.0] [[infinity].summation over (t=0)]
[[beta].sup.t](ln[c.sub.t](j) + [chi]ln[[[M.sub.t](j)]/[P.sub.t]] -
[l.sub.t] (j)). (1)
The real consumption index [c.sub.t] (j) is defined as
[c.sub.t] (j) = [[c.sub.T,t] (j)[.sup.[gamma]]
[c.sub.N,t](j)[.sup.1-[gamma]]]/[[[gamma].sup.[gamma]](1 -
[gamma])[.sup.1-[gamma]]], (2)
where [c.sub.T,t] (j) denotes the agent's consumption index of
traded goods and [c.sub.N,t](j) denotes the agent's consumption
index of nontraded goods. The consumption index of traded goods is
defined as
[c.sub.T,t](j) =
[[c.sub.H,t](j)[.sup.[eta]][c.sub.F,t](j)[.sup.1-[eta]]/[[eta].sup.[eta]](1 - [eta])[.sup.1-[eta]]], (3)
where [c.sub.H,t](j) and [c.sub.F,t](j) denote agent j's
consumption index of home and foreign-traded goods, respectively. (4)
Finally, the consumption indexes of home-traded goods, [c.sub.H,t](j),
foreign-traded goods, [c.sub.F,t](j), and local-nontraded goods,
[c.sub.N,t](j), are each defined over consumption of all the varieties
of each good, as
[c.sub.H,t](j) = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](h,
j)[.sup.[[[theta]-1]/[theta]]]dh][.sup.[[theta]/[[theta] - 1]]], (4)
[c.sub.F,t](j) = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](f,
j)[.sup.[[[theta]-1]/[theta]]]df][.sup.[[theta]/[[theta] - 1]]], (5)
[c.sub.N,t](j) = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](n,
j)[.sup.[[[theta]-1]/[theta]]]dn][.sup.[[theta]/[[theta] - 1]]]. (6)
In equation (4), [c.sub.t](h, j) denotes agent j's consumption
of home-traded variety h, h [member of] [0, 1], at date t. The terms
[c.sub.t] (f, j) and [c.sub.t](n, j) in equations (5) and (6) have
analogous interpretations.
Note that in equations (2) and (3) it is assumed that the
elasticity of substitution between the composite goods of home and
foreign-traded varieties ([c.sub.H](j) and [c.sub.F](j)) and the
elasticity of substitution between the composite goods of traded and
nontraded varieties ([c.sub.T](j) and [c.sub.N](j)) are equal to one. In
expressions (4) through (6), however, the elasticity of substitution
between distinct varieties of a given good (nontraded or traded) is
given by [theta], which is assumed to be greater than one. (5)
Let's denote by [P.sub.H,t](h) and [P.sub.F,t](f) the
home-currency prices of varieties h and f of the home and foreign-traded
goods at date t, respectively. And let [P.sub.N,t](n) denote the
home-currency price of variety n of the local-nontraded good. The
utility-based home price index, [P.sub.t], is then given by (6)
[P.sub.t] = [P.sub.T,t.sup.[gamma]][P.sub.N,t.sup.1-[gamma]], (7)
where the price of one unit of the composite good of all traded
varieties, [P.sub.T,t], and the price of one unit of the composite good
of nontraded varieties, [P.sub.N,t], are given by
[P.sub.T,t] = [P.sub.H,t.sup.[eta]][P.sub.F,t.sup.1-[eta]], (8)
[P.sub.N,t] = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][P.sub.N.t](n)[.sup.1-[theta]]dn][.sup.[1/[1-[theta]]]]. (9)
The prices of one unit of the composite goods of home and
foreign-traded varieties, in turn, are given by
[P.sub.H,t] = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][P.sub.H,t](h)[.sup.1-[theta]]dh][.sup.[1/[1-[theta]]]]; [P.sub.F,t] =
[[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][P.sub.F,t](f)[.sup.1-[theta]]df][.sup.[1/[1-[theta]]]]. (10)
For the above specification of consumption indexes, agent j's
demands for variety h and f of home and foreign-traded goods are given
[c.sub.t](h, j) =
[eta][gamma]([[P.sub.H,t](h)]/[P.sub.H,t])[.sup.-[theta]][[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.H,t]][c.sub.t](j), (11)
[c.sub.t](f, j) = (1 -
[eta])[gamma]([[P.sub.F,t](f)]/[P.sub.F,t])[.sup.-[theta]][[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.F,t]][c.sub.t](j). (12)
The agent's demand for variety n of the nontraded good is
given by
[c.sub.t](n, j) = (1 -
[gamma])([[P.sub.N,t](n)]/[P.sub.N,t])[.sup.-[theta]][[P.sub.t]/[P.sub.N,t]][c.sub.t](j). (13)
Production Technologies
The home agent j operates two technologies, one to produce a
variety h of the home-traded good and the other to produce a variety n
of the nontraded good. Both technologies are linear in labor. The
corresponding resource constraints, which equate the quantities demanded
and supplied of each variety, are
[z.sub.t][l.sub.T.t](j) [greater than or equal to]
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](h, i) di + [[integral].sub.0.sup.1]
[c*.sub.t](h, i*) di*, (14)
[z.sub.t][l.sub.N.t](j) [greater than or equal to]
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](n, i) di, (15)
where [z.sub.t] denotes a country-specific productivity shock to
both nontraded and traded technologies. (7) The term
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](h, i) di represents aggregate demand
in the home country for home variety h. The other integrals have
analogous interpretations. The terms [l.sub.T,t] (j) and [l.sub.N,t] (j)
denote the fraction of time that agent j allocates to production of the
traded and nontraded varieties, respectively. The agent's total
work effort, [l.sub.t] (j), is given by [l.sub.T,t] (j) + [l.sub.N,t]
Budget Constraint
Agent j holds local currency, [M.sub.t] (j), and trades
state-contingent nominal bonds (denominated in the home currency) with
foreign agents. We denote the price at date t when the state of the
world is [s.sub.t] of a bond paying one unit of currency at date t + 1
if the state of the world is [s.sub.t+1] by
[Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]], and we denote the number of these bonds
purchased by the home agent at date t by [B.sub.[s.sub.t+1]] (j). Bond
revenues received at date t when the state of the world is [s.sub.t] are
denoted by [B.sub.[s.sub.t]] (j).
The agent's budget constraint, expressed in home-currency
units, is
where [P.sub.t][c.sub.t] (j) is nominal expenditure in consumption,
[R.sub.t] (j) denotes sales revenues, and [T.sub.t] (j) denotes lump sum
transfers received from the monetary authority.
Revenues from selling the traded variety h and the nontraded
variety n, [R.sub.t] (j), are given by
[R.sub.t] (j) = [P.sub.H,t] (h)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](h, i) di + [e.sub.t][P*.sub.H,t](h)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c*.sub.t](h, i*) di* + [P.sub.N,t] (n)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c.sub.t] (n, i) di.
In this expression, [P*.sub.H,t] (h) denotes the foreign currency
price of home-traded variety h, and [P*.sub.H,t] (h)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c*.sub.t](h, i*)di* denotes agent j's
sales revenue in the foreign country (expressed in foreign currency
units). The nominal exchange rate in period t, denoted by [e.sub.t],
donverts foreign currency sales revenue into home-currency units.
The Agent's Problem
Agent j maximizes his expected lifetime utility (equation (1))
subject to the resource constraints for the home-traded variety h and
nontraded variety n he produces (equations (14) and (15)) and his budget
constraint (equation (16)), by choosing sequences of consumption, bond
holdings, money holdings, and prices for the varieties h and n, taking
other prices as given.
I assume that agents choose the nominal price of their traded and
nontraded varieties one period in advance. (8) Moreover, I assume that
producers can segment home and foreign markets and set prices for the
traded variety in the currency of the buyer. Then, home producer j
producing home-traded variety h and nontraded variety n chooses prices
[P.sub.H,t](h), [P*.sub.H,t](h), and [P.sub.N,t](n) (where [P*.sub.H,t]
(h) is denominated in foreign currency units) at time t - 1, taking
other prices as given. The agent's problem is solved in Appendix A.
In a symmetric equilibrium, the first-order condition for
consumption implies
[[lambda].sub.t] = 1/[P.sub.t][c.sub.t], (17)
where [[lambda].sub.t], the Lagrange multiplier of the budget
constraint, is the marginal utility of the (representative) agent's
marginal wealth. The first-order condition for real money balances
implies the money demand function
[M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t] = [chi][c.sub.t][[1 +
[i.sub.t+1]]/[i.sub.t+1]], (18)
where 1 + [i.sub.t+1] is the gross return in period t + 1 of a
riskless bond and is given by
1/[1 + [i.sub.t+1]] =
[beta][E.sub.t][[[P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[[P.sub.t+1][c.sub.t+1]]]. (19)
Finally, from the first-order conditions for state-contingent bond
holdings for home and foreign agents, we obtain the risk sharing
condition (9)
[P.sub.t][c.sub.t] = [e.sub.t][P*.sub.t][c*.sub.t]. (20)
For the momentary utility specification in equation (1), complete
risk sharing implies that nominal expenditure in consumption (when
expressed in the same currency) is equalized across countries. Note that
consumption of the composite good differs across the two countries only
to the extent that its price (when expressed in the same currency)
differs across countries, that is, when there are deviations from
purchasing power parity (or [P.sub.t] [not equal to]
In a symmetric equilibrium, the optimal pricing equations are
[P.sub.H,t] (h) = [P.sub.H,t] = [[theta]/[theta] -
1][E.sub.t-1][[[P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[z.sub.t]], (21)
[P*.sub.H,t] (h) = [P*.sub.H,t] = [[theta]/[theta] -
1][E.sub.t-1][[[P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[[e.sub.t][z.sub.t]]], (22)
[P.sub.N,t] (n) = [P.sub.N,t] = [P.sub.H,t] (h). (23)
Since prices are set in advance in the currency of the buyer, it
follows that, in the event of an unanticipated shock, consumer prices
remain unchanged for one period. On impact, therefore, there is no
pass-through of nominal exchange rate movements to consumer prices, and
unanticipated changes in the nominal exchange rate cause ex-post
deviations from the law of one price (that is, [P.sub.H,t] (h) [not
equal to] [e.sub.t] [P*.sub.H,t] (h)).
If, instead, agents choose prices after observing the current
realization of productivity shocks, then the price rules above hold in
each state of the world and not just in expectation. Note that with
flexible prices, [P.sub.H,t] (h) = [e.sub.t][P*.sub.H,t] (h) holds every
period (i.e., the law of one price holds). That is, even though firms
can segment home and foreign markets, they optimally choose to charge
the same price (when denominated in the same currency) in both markets
when prices are flexible.
Monetary Authority
The monetary authority prints money and rebates the seigniorage revenue to agents through lump sum transfers. Its budget constraint is
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] ([M.sub.t] (j) - [M.sub.t-1] (j)) dj =
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [T.sub.t] (j) dj.
I assume that the monetary authority controls the nominal interest
rate and supplies the amount of nominal money balances demanded. I
follow Corsetti and Pesenti (2001) in characterizing monetary policy in
each country by the reciprocal of the marginal utility of the
representative agent's nominal wealth, [mu] [equivalent to]
1/[lambda]. In equilibrium, the marginal utility of wealth is given by
equation (17), and the nominal interest rate (equation (19)) can be
expressed as
[1/[1 + [i.sub.t+1]]] = [beta][E.sub.t]
Given a time path for [mu], there is a corresponding sequence of
home nominal interest rates. Note that, for an unchanged [E.sub.t]
[1/[[mu].sub.t+1]], an expansionary monetary policy shock (higher
[[mu].sub.t] and higher nominal expenditure [P.sub.t][c.sub.t] in
equilibrium) is associated with a lower nominal interest rate
[i.sub.t+1] and, therefore (from equation (18)), with higher money
balances demanded.
The Solution of the Model
The solution of the model can be easily obtained in closed form by
expressing all endogenous variables as functions of real shocks
([z.sub.t] and [z*.sub.t]) and monetary stances ([[mu].sub.t] and
[[mu]*.sub.t]). The solution of the model is derived in Appendix B.
From equation (20), it follows that the nominal exchange rate is
given by
[e.sub.t] = [[[mu].sub.t]/[[mu]*.sub.t]]. (24)
Total consumption in the home country is given by
[c.sub.t] = [[[mu].sub.t]/[P.sub.t]], (25)
where the price index [P.sub.t] is given by
[P.sub.t] = [[theta]/[[theta] - 1]][E.sub.t-1]
([[mu].sub.t]/[z*.sub.t])[.sup.(1-[eta])[gamma]]. (26)
Total labor effort in the home country is given by
[l.sub.t] = [1/[[z.sub.t][[theta]/[[theta] - 1]]]][[[([gamma][eta]
+ (1 - [gamma])) [[mu].sub.t]]/[[E.sub.t-1] ([[mu].sub.t]/[z.sub.t])] +
[[[gamma][eta][[mu]*.sub.t]]/[[E.sub.t-1] ([[mu]*.sub.t]/[z.sub.t])]]].
Note that consumption in the home country is independent of
(contemporaneous) changes in the nominal exchange rate when prices are
preset in the buyer's currency. Therefore, consumption in the home
country is not affected by foreign monetary policy, [[mu]*.sub.t]. Note
also that, for given [[mu].sub.t] and [[mu]*.sub.t], real shocks do not
have a contemporaneous impact on consumption (and, therefore, output),
only affecting labor effort in the country where the shock occurs. In
response to a positive productivity shock in the home country, home
agents produce the same quantity of traded and nontraded goods with less
hours of work.
It is also useful to characterize total consumption and labor
allocations when prices are flexible. In this case, total consumption
and total labor effort in the home country (denoted with the superscript fl) are given by
[c.sub.t.sup.fl] =
[[z.sub.t.sup.[gamma][eta]+(1-[gamma])][z*.sub.t.sup.(1-[eta])[gamma]]]/[[theta]/[1 - [theta]]] (28)
[l.sup.fl] = [2[gamma][eta] + (1 - [gamma])]/[[theta]/[1 -
[theta]]]. (29)
With flexible prices, total consumption depends only on real shocks
and is independent of monetary policy. In response to a positive
productivity shock in the home country, total consumption increases more
in the home country than in the foreign country. Since this shock
affects total consumption differently in the two countries, it is
associated with an equilibrium real interest rate differential across
the two countries. Note also that, since foreign-traded goods become
relatively more expensive than home goods (traded and nontraded), agents
substitute consumption toward goods produced in the home country and
away from goods produced in the foreign country. (10) Labor effort in
each sector remains unchanged.
In this section, I start by studying the implications of nontraded
goods for the nature of relative price differentials across countries
under a fixed exchange rate regime. I then turn to the implications of
the presence of nontraded goods for the optimal response of monetary
policy to country-specific shocks.
Relative Price Differentials
Under a fixed nominal exchange rate regime, it follows from
equation (24) that home and foreign monetary stances, [mu] and [mu]*,
are proportional. That is, [[mu].sub.t] = [bar.e][[mu]*.sub.t], where
[bar.e] is the fixed level of the nominal exchange rate. (11) The price
level in the home country, [P.sub.t], is given by equation (26) while
the price level in the foreign country (expressed in foreign currency
units), [P*.sub.t], is given by
[P*.sub.t] = [1/[bar.e]][[theta]/[[theta] - 1]][E.sub.t-1]
[[[mu].sub.t]/[z.sub.t]][.sup.[eta][gamma]] [E.sub.t-1]
The relative price across countries is then given by
[[[bar.e][P*.sub.t]]/[P.sub.t]] = ([[E.sub.t-1]
Note that when [gamma] [right arrow] 1 (that is, when agents do not
consume local-nontraded goods and consume the same basket of traded
goods), the relative price across countries is constant. This feature
results from the fact that home and foreign agents consume the exact
same basket of goods, and the nominal exchange rate is constant.
Therefore, without nontraded goods, the model cannot account for the
observed relative price differentials across countries when the nominal
exchange rate is fixed. (12)
In the presence of nontraded goods ([gamma] < 1), home and
foreign agents consume distinct baskets of goods, and country-specific
shocks lead to relative price differentials across countries (one period
after the shock) under a fixed exchange rate regime. With nontraded
goods, the model is consistent with observed relative price across
countries when the exchange rate is fixed.
Country-Specific Shocks
I now turn to the implications of the presence of nontraded goods
for the optimal response of monetary policy to country-specific shocks.
I follow Corsetti and Pesenti (2001) and Devereux and Engel (2003) and
assume that the monetary authority in each country commits to
preannounced state-contingent monetary stances, {[mu] ([s.sub.[tau]]),
[mu]* ([s.sub.[tau]])}[.sub.[tau]=t.sup.[infinity]], chosen to maximize
the (non-monetary) expected utility of the country's representative
agent and taking the monetary policy rule of the other country as given.
(13) That is, the monetary authority in the home country solves
taking {[mu]* ([s.sub.t+[tau]]), z ([s.sub.t+[tau]]), z*
([s.sub.t+[tau]])}[.sub.[tau]=0.sup.[infinity]] as given. It is shown in
the Appendix C that the optimal monetary stances of the home and foreign
monetary authorities are given by
[[mu].sub.t] = [[[[eta][gamma] + (1 - [gamma])]/[[z.sub.t][E.sub.t
- 1] ([[mu].sub.t]/[z.sub.t])]] + [[(1 - [eta])
[gamma]]/[[z*.sub.t][E.sub.t - 1] ([[mu].sub.t]/[z*.sub.t])]]][.sup.-1],
[[mu]*.sub.t] = [[[[eta][gamma]]/[[z.sub.t] [E.sub.t-1]
([[mu]*.sub.t]/[z.sub.t])]] + [[(1 - [eta] [gamma] + (1 -
[gamma])]/[[z*.sub.t] [E.sub.t - 1]
([[mu]*.sub.t]/[z*.sub.t])]]][.sup.-1]. (32)
Note first that, in the absence of nontraded goods (that is,
[gamma] [right arrow] 1), the two monetary authorities choose to respond
equally to country-specific shocks. Therefore, when home and foreign
agents consume exactly the same basket of goods, the nominal exchange
rate does not respond to country-specific productivity shocks: a fixed
nominal exchange rate regime is consistent with the optimal monetary
policy rules. This result replicates the findings in Devereux and Engel
(2003) and Corsetti and Pesenti (2001). Note, however, that as we have
seen, in this case the model misses on an important aspect of the
empirical evidence by not implying relative price differentials across
When agents consume local-nontraded goods (that is, [gamma] <
1), consumption baskets differ across countries, and the rules above
imply that the home and foreign monetary authorities choose to respond
differently to countryspecific productivity shocks. Therefore, the
nominal exchange rate responds to country-specific productivity shocks
(equation (24)) and a fixed nominal exchange rate regime is not
consistent with the optimal monetary rules. Furthermore, consistent with
the evidence, if the two countries adopt a fixed exchange regime, the
model implies relative price differentials across countries.
In response to a positive productivity shock in the home country
(and starting from a symmetric equilibrium), rules (31) and (32) require
a larger expansionary monetary policy (higher [mu]) in the home country
than in the foreign country when [gamma] < 1. These responses are
associated with a depreciation of the nominal exchange rate (equation
(24)). As in the case with flexible prices, total consumption increases
more in the home country than in the foreign country in response to a
positive real shock in the home country. The terms of trade, however,
are not affected by this shock (as they would be if prices were
flexible) since prices are preset in the buyer's currency. That is,
there is no consumption substitution toward goods produced in the home
country: consumption of all goods in a given country increases in the
same proportion.
In a fixed exchange rate regime, identical responses by both home
and foreign monetary authorities cannot generate the distinct
consumption paths across countries associated with a country-specific
shock. This result follows from the fact that countries share a common
nominal interest rate and prices are preset. Therefore, the optimal
responses by the monetary authorities, which generate the distinct
response of consumption across countries, require independent monetary
policies and, hence, an adjustable nominal exchange rate. This result is
consistent with Friedman's (1953) case in favor of nominal exchange
rate flexibility in the presence of nominal price rigidities and
country-specific shocks.
In this article I develop a two-country general equilibrium model
with traded and nontraded goods where goods prices are set one period in
advance in the currency of the buyer. The monetary authority in each
country follows a state-contingent monetary policy rule that maximizes
the expected utility of the representative agent.
I show that the presence of nontraded goods has important
implications for the nature of price differentials across countries
under a fixed exchange rate regime and for the optimal degree of nominal
exchange rate variability in response to country-specific shocks. When
there are nontraded goods, agents in different countries consume
different baskets of goods and the optimal monetary policy implies that
the nominal exchange rate varies in response to country-specific shocks.
In contrast, when all goods are traded, agents in different countries
consume the same basket of goods, and the optimal monetary policy
implies that the nominal exchange rate is constant in response to
country-specific shocks.
The results in this article indicate the importance of observed
price differentials across countries in the evaluation of alternative
exchange rate regimes. The results indicate that the existence of
nontraded goods imposes a welfare cost to countries in a currency area
that face country-specific shocks.
Intratemporal problem
Given the consumption index (4), the utility-based price index
[P.sub.H] is the price of [c.sub.H] that solves
[min.[c(h, j)]][[integral].sub.0.sup.1] c (h, j) [P.sub.H] (h) dh
[c.sub.H] (j) = [[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] c (h,
j)[.sup.[[[theta]-1]/[theta]]] dh][.sup.[[theta]/[[theta]-1]]] = 1.
The equation for [P.sub.H] in (10) in the text is the solution to
this problem. The other price indexes are obtained from analogous
To solve for the demand for individual variety h, consider the
problem of allocating a given level of nominal expenditure [X.sub.H]
among varieties of home-traded good:
[max.[c(h, j)]][[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] c (h,
j)[.sup.[[[theta]-1]/[theta]]] dh][.sup.[[theta]/[[theta]-1]]]
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] c (h, j) [P.sub.H] (h) dh = [X.sub.H].
From the first-order conditions for any pair of varieties h and
h' we have
Note that by rearranging equation (33) we obtain
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] c (h, j) [P.sub.H] (h) dh = [P.sub.H][c.sub.H]
Following analogous derivations, we obtain
[c.sub.H] (j) = [eta] [[P.sub.T]/[P.sub.H]][c.sub.T](j)
[c.sub.T] (j) = [gamma][P/[P.sub.T]]c(j).
Combining these two expressions with equation (33) yields equation
(11) in the text. Equations (12) and (13) are obtained in a similar way.
Intertemporal problem
The problem of home agent j, who produces traded variety h and
nontraded variety n, is
max [E.sub.0][[infinity].summation over (t = 0)] [[beta].sup.t]
(ln[c.sub.t] (j) + [chi] ln [[[M.sub.t] (j)]/[P.sub.t]] - [l.sub.t]
subject to the budget constraint
[P.sub.t][c.sub.t] (j) + [summation over
([s.sub.t+1])][Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]][B.sub.[s.sub.t+1]] (j) +
[M.sub.t] (j) [less than or equal to] [R.sub.t] (j) + [B.sub.[s.sub.t]]
(j) + [M.sub.t-1] (j) + [T.sub.t] (j),
where revenues, [R.sub.t] (j), and labor effort, [l.sub.t] (j), are
given by
[R.sub.t] (j) = [P.sub.H,t] (h) [[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c.sub.t]
(h, i) di + [e.sub.t] [P*.sub.H,t] (h)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c*.sub.t] (h, i*) di* + [P.sub.N,t] (n)
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](n, i) di,
[l.sub.t](j) = [l.sub.T,t] (j) + [l.sub.N,t] (j) =
[1/[z.sub.t]]([[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](h, i)di +
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c*.sub.t] (h, i*) di* +
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c.sub.t] (n, i) di).
The first-order conditions with respect to [c.sub.t] (j), [M.sub.t]
(j), and [B.sub.[s.sub.t+1]] (j) are, respectively,
[1/[[c.sub.t](j)]] = [[lambda].sub.t](j)[P.sub.t], (34)
[[chi]/[[M.sub.t](j)]] = [[lambda].sub.t](j) -
[beta][E.sub.t][[[lambda].sub.t+1](j)], (35)
[[lambda].sub.[s.sub.t]] (j) [Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]] =
[beta][pi] ([s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t])[[lambda].sub.[s.sub.t+1]](j), (36)
where [pi] ([s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]) is the conditional probability of event [s.sub.t+1], given [s.sub.t].
Recall that pricing decisions are made before the realization of
period t shocks. Therefore, the first-order conditions with respect to
[P.sub.H,t](h), [P*.sub.H,t](h), and [P.sub.N,t] (n) are, respectively,
[E.sub.t-1] [-[theta][[[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c*.sub.t](h, i)
di]/[[z.sub.t][P*.sub.H,t](h)]] + [[lambda].sub.t](j) (1 - [theta])
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c*.sub.t](h, i) di] = 0, (38)
[E.sub.t-1] [-[theta][[[[integral].sub.0.sup.1][c.sub.t](n, i)
di]/[[z.sub.t][P.sub.N,t](n)]] + [[lambda].sub.t](j) (1 - [theta])
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c.sub.t](n, i) di] = 0. (39)
All agents within one country solve identical problems and
therefore make identical choices (even though they produce
differentiated varieties of the traded and nontraded goods). In a
symmetric equilibrium in which all individual variables are identical,
it follows that aggregate quantities are equal to per capita quantities
(since the measure of agents is one in both countries) and that the
price indexes [P.sub.H,t], [P*.sub.H,t], and [P.sub.N,t] equal the price
of its varieties ([P.sub.H,t](h), [P*.sub.H,t](h), and [P.sub.N,t](n),
respectively). That is, per capita consumption of variety h in the home
country is [c.sub.t] (h,i), [for all]i, which is equal to aggregate
consumption of this variety: [c.sub.H,t] [equivalent to]
[[integral].sub.0.sup.1] [c.sub.t] (h, i) di = [c.sub.t] (h, i). Per
capita total consumption is [c.sub.t] (i), which is equal to aggregate
total consumption: [c.sub.t] [equivalent to] [[integral].sub.0.sup.1]
[c.sub.t] (i) di = [c.sub.t] (i). In what follows, I focus on the
symmetric equilibrium and therefore drop the index for the agent.
Combining equations (36) and (34) implies that
[Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]] = [beta][pi] ([s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t])
Let's denote the gross return in period t + 1 of a riskless
bond as 1 + [i.sub.t+1]. Note that the gross return 1 + [i.sub.t+1] is
equal to the reciprocal of the price in period t of a bond paying one
unit of home currency in period t + 1 with certainty, [Q.sub.t+1]. Since
asset markets are complete, it follows that [Q.sub.t+1] = [E.sub.t]
[[Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]]]. And from (40), it follows that
[1/[1 + [i.sub.t+1]]] = [Q.sub.t+1] = [beta][E.sub.t]
[[[P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[[P.sub.t+1][c.sub.t+1]]]. (41)
The first-order condition for money, equation (35), can be written
[chi][[[P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[[M.sub.t]]] = 1 - [beta][E.sub.t]
in a symmetric environment. Combining this expression with equation
(41) yields the money demand equation (18) in the text.
I now turn to the pricing equations (37) through (39). Note from
equation (11) that, in a symmetric equilibrium, expenditure in the
composite good of home-traded varieties is a constant share (given by
[eta][gamma]) of total expenditure, that is, [P.sub.H,t][c.sub.H,t] =
[eta][gamma][P.sub.t][c.sub.t]. Equation (37) can be simplified by
making use of equation (34) and this relationship between total
expenditure and expenditure in the composite good of home-traded
varieties. Taking into account that [P.sub.H,t](h) is known as off t -
1, equation (37) can be rewritten as
[[theta]/[[P.sub.H,t](h)[.sup.2]]][E.sub.t-1][[[eta][gamma][P.sub.t][c.sub.t]]/[z.sub.t]] = [[([theta] - 1)]/[[P.sub.H,t](h)]][eta][gamma],
from where equation (21) in the text directly follows. Equations
(22) and (23) can be obtained in a similar fashion.
The foreign agent solves a similar problem to the one of the home
agent. Note, however, that since bonds are denominated in home currency,
the budget constraint of foreign agent j* (expressed in foreign currency
units) is
[P*.sub.t][c*.sub.t](j*) + [summation over
([s.sub.t+1])][[[Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]]]/[e.sub.t]][B*.sub.[s.sub.t+1]](j*) + [M*.sub.t](j*) [less than or equal to] [R*.sub.t](j*) +
[[[B*.sub.[s.sub.t]](j*)]/[e.sub.t]] + [M*.sub.t-1](j*) + [T*.sub.t]
The first-order condition with respect to bond holdings is (in a
symmetric equilibrium)
[Q.sub.[s.sub.t+1]|[s.sub.t]] = [beta][pi]
Combining this equation with equation (40) implies that
[[[P.sub.[s.sub.t+1]][c.sub.[s.sub.t+1]]]/[[e.sub.[s.sub.t+1]][P*.sub.[s.sub.t+1]][c*.sub.[s.sub.t+1]]]] =
[[[P.sub.[s.sub.t]][c.sub.[s.sub.t]]]/[[e.sub.[s.sub.t]][P*.sub.[s.sub.t]][c*.sub.[s.sub.t]]]]. By iterating this equation backwards we obtain
[[[P.sub.[s.sub.t]][c.sub.[s.sub.t]]]/[[e.sub.[s.sub.t]][P*.sub.[s.sub.t]][c*.sub.[s.sub.t]]]] =
[[[P.sub.0][c.sub.0]]/[[e.sub.0][P*.sub.0][c*.sub.0]]]. Assuming an
equal wealth distribution across countries at date 0 implies
[[[P.sub.0][c.sub.0]]/[[e.sub.0][P*.sub.0][c*.sub.0]]] = 1, which gives
equation (24) in the text.
To write real aggregate consumption as a function of real shocks
([z.sub.t] and [z*.sub.t]) and monetary stances ([[mu].sub.t] and
[[mu]*.sub.t]), note that, in equilibrium, [P.sub.t][c.sub.t] =
[[mu].sub.t]. Using equations (7) and (8), and the pricing equations
(21) through (23), we can write the price level [P.sub.t] as
Total consumption is then given by
[c.sub.t] = [[[mu].sub.t]/[P.sub.t]] =
[[[mu].sub.t]/[[[theta]/[[theta]-1]] ([E.sub.t-1]
The expression for foreign aggregate consumption can be obtained in
a similar way.
From the market clearing conditions for home-traded goods and
nontraded goods, it follows that labor effort in the home-traded and
nontraded sectors can be written as, respectively,
[l.sub.T,t] = [[[c.sub.H,t] + [c*.sub.H,t]]/[z.sub.t]], =
([[[mu].sub.t]/[[E.sub.t-1] ([[[mu].sub.t]/[z.sub.t]])]] +
[[[mu]*.sub.t]/[[E.sub.t-1] ([[[mu]*.sub.t]/[z.sub.t]])]]),
[l.sub.N,t] = [[C.sub.N,t]/[z.sub.t]], = [1/[z.sub.t]][[1 -
where the second equalities follow from substituting for the demand
functions. Total labor effort is simply given by [l.sub.t] = [l.sub.T,t]
+ [l.sub.N,t].
If, instead of setting prices before the realization of
uncertainty, producers set prices after observing the current
realization of productivity and monetary stance shocks (flexible prices)
then, as noted in the text, the pricing equations (21) through (23) hold
in every state of the world and not only in expectation. That is, with
flexible prices, the prices of nontraded goods and home-traded goods at
home and abroad are given by
[P.sub.N,t] = [P.sub.H,t] = [[theta]/[[theta] -
[P*.sub.H,t] = [[P.sub.H,t]/[e.sub.t]].
The above expressions for aggregate consumption and total labor
effort in the home country simplify to equations (28) and (29) in the
The monetary authority in each country commits to state-contingent
monetary stances [mu] ([s.sub.t]) and [mu]*([s.sub.t]), chosen to
maximize the (non-monetary) expected utility of the country's
representative agent, taking the monetary policy rule of the other
country as given. The problem of the home monetary authority is
taking {[mu]* ([s.sub.t]+[tau]), z([s.sub.t+[tau]]), z*
([s.sub.t]+[tau])}[.sub.[tau]=0.sup.[infinity]] as given.
Let's focus on the choice of [mu] ([s.sub.t]) and rewrite (42)
First, note that [E.sub.t-1][l([s.sub.t])] = [l.sup.fl]([s.sub.t]).
Second, note that, by using equation (25), we have
where a is a constant.
The first-order condition of the monetary authority's problem
with respect to [mu] ([~.s.sub.t]) is
Since the term in square brackets is independent of [s.sub.t] and
[[summation].sub.s.sub.t] [pi] ([s.sub.t]|[s.sub.t-1]) = 1, we can
rewrite the above first-order condition as
which yields equation (31) in the text.
I would like to thank Huberto Ennis, Andreas Hornstein, Thomas
Humphrey, Diego Restuccia, and Pierre Sarte for helpful comments.
Remaining errors are my own. This article does not necessarily represent
the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve
(1) Recent empirical studies have documented a low pass-through of
changes in the exchange rate to consumer prices: in the short run,
consumer prices respond little to changes in the nominal exchange rate.
See, for example, Engel (1993, 1999) and Engel and Rogers (1996), among
(2) If, instead, prices are sticky in the currency of the producer,
then consumer prices of imported goods change proportionally with
unanticipated changes in the nominal exchange rate (complete exchange
rate pass-through). In this case, Devereux and Engel (2003) and Corsetti
and Pesenti (2001) find that a flexible exchange rate regime can be
supported by optimal monetary policies.
(3) See Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996, 661) for a discussion of the
environment where individuals, instead of firms, are the locus of
monopoly power.
(4) I follow Corsetti and Pesenti (2001) and Devereux and Engel
(2003) in assuming that foreign agent j*'s consumption index of
traded goods is defined as [c*.sub.T,t](j*) =
[[c*.sub.H,t](j*)[.sup.[eta]][c*.sub.F,t](j*)[.sup.1-[eta]]]/[[[eta].sup.[eta]](1 - [eta])[.sup.1-[eta]]]. That is, home and foreign agents
consume the same basket of home- and foreign-traded goods. This
specfication, for example, does not generate home bias.
(5) This assumption is required to ensure that an interior
equilibrium with a positive level of output exists.
(6) The price index [P.sub.t] is defined as the minimum expenditure
required to buy one unit of the composite good [c.sub.t], given the
prices of all individual varieties. The other price indexes have
analogous interpretations. See the appendix for the derivation of the
price indexes and the demand functions (11) through (13) presented
(7) This article concerns the adjustment to country-specific
shocks, and, therefore, I abstract from sector-specific shocks.
(8) As in Corsetti and Pesenti (2001) and Devereux and Engel
(2003), I abstract from a richer price adjustment setting in order to
simplify the analytical solution of the model.
(9) Several recent articles have assumed complete nominal asset
markets. See, for example, Chari, Kehoe, and McGrattan (2003) or
Devereux and Engel (2003) for a discussion.
(10) In the home country, for example, it follows from the pricing
rules and demand functions presented above that the relative price of
home-traded goods in terms of foreign-traded goods is
[[P.sub.H,t]/[P.sub.F,t]] = [[z*.sub.t]/[z.sub.t]], and the ratio of
home to foreign-traded goods consumed is [[c.sub.H,t]/[c.sub.F,t]] =
[[eta]/[1 - [eta]]] [[z.sub.t]/[z*.sub.t]].
(11) Note that a fixed exchange rate regime can be interpreted as a
monetary policy prescription where home and foreign monetary policy
stances are proportional. Later in this section, I will show under which
conditions such a prescription is optimal.
(12) See, for example, Duarte (2003) for empirical evidence on
relative price differentials across countries in the European Union.
(13) As it is standard in the literature, I assume that governments
ignore the utility from real balances and consider optimal policies when
[chi] [right arrow] 0.
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