Predicting the recent behavior of inflation using output gap-based Phillips curves.
Mehra, Yash P.
Many analysts believe that strong productivity growth has played an
important role in the favorable inflation performance of the U.S.
economy since the mid-1990s. Inflation, as measured by the behavior of
the GDP deflator, hovered mostly near a low of 2 percent in the second
half of the 1990s and has decelerated further during the past three
years. Some policymakers think that, as a result of the continuing
strong productivity and weak labor market, inflation may remain low
throughout 2004, despite the continued strong pickup in economic
activity. (1)
The traditional output gap-based Phillips curve relates current
inflation to lagged inflation, supply shocks, and a measure of excess
demand such as the level of the output gap. This Phillips curve is
likely to overestimate inflation in the second half of the 1990s unless
one revises upward estimates of real potential output made possible by
the ongoing acceleration of productivity growth. However, in recent
speeches, a few policymakers have highlighted two other potential
anti-inflationary consequences of the recent surge in productivity. One
is that the recent surge in productivity accompanied by weak labor
markets has reduced unit labor costs, leading to possible downward
pressures on inflation. (2) The other potential consequence stems from
the ensuing behavior of aggregate demand. The strong productivity growth
and the resulting surge of real potential output imply aggregate demand
must grow fast enough to absorb higher potential output. Otherwise,
disinflationary pressures may develop. (3)
In order to investigate the above-noted potential anti-inflationary
consequences of acceleration of productivity, this article augments the
traditional output gap-based Phillips curve to include two additional
variables: the cyclical component of a markup variable defined as the
markup of prices over unit labor costs and the change in the output gap.
The markup allows for the short-term influence of a productivity-induced
decline in unit labor costs on inflation, whereas the "rate of
change" specification implies inflation depends also on how fast
aggregate demand is growing relative to potential (called here the
"demand growth gap"). I estimate the modified Phillips curve
and examine whether it predicts the recent deceleration of inflation.
(4) I also examine the robustness of the results of using wage share,
rather than the markup, to capture the short-term influence of
productivity-induced decline in unit labor costs on inflation. (5)
Some analysts have argued that Phillips curves are not useful for
predicting inflation. In particular, Atkeson and Ohanian (2001) present
evidence indicating that one-year-ahead inflation forecasts from several
NAIRU (nonaccelerating-inflation rate of unemployment) Phillips curves
are no more accurate than those from a naive model that predicts
inflation next year will be the same as it had been over the past year.
Sims (2002) points out that the results in Atkeson and Ohanian arise
entirely from having the forecast evaluation period restricted to
1984-1999, a period when inflation was very stable. I examine the
robustness of the results in Atkeson and Ohanian along another
dimension. Their forecasting exercise predicts the one-year-ahead
inflation rate conditional on just past values of a real activity
variable and the inflation rate, thereby ignoring the potential
contribution of the future values of real activity over the forecast
horizon. (6) Their exercise may be a reasonable way to construct the
forecast because, in real time, forecasters usually do not have
information about the future values of the indicator variable. However,
it is plausible that a forecast including this extra information may be
more accurate than the one ignoring it. As a robustness check, I take
the other extreme and generate one-year-ahead predictions of the
inflation rate under the counter-factual assumption that the forecaster
knows actual values of the indicator variable over the forecast horizon.
I then investigate whether the Phillips curve still generates less
accurate predictions of the inflation rate than does the naive model.
The empirical work presented here estimates the modified Phillips
curve over two sample periods, 1961Q1 to 1995Q4 and 1961Q1 to 2003Q4,
using the chain-weighted GDP deflator as the measure of inflation. (7)
It suggests the following conclusions. First, the estimated coefficients
that appear on the output gap and its rate of change are significant and
correctly signed, suggesting there is a "rate of change
effect." Inflation is predicted to rise when the output gap is
positive and when aggregate demand increases faster than real potential
output. Second, the markup, which is usually defined as the excess of
the price level over unit labor costs, has a slow-moving trend and is
not statistically significant when included in the estimated Phillips
curve. However, the cyclical component of the markup when included in
the Phillips curve is significant and appears with a negatively signed
estimated coefficient, meaning inflation is predicted to fall if the
cyclical markup is high. If the Phillips curve includes the wage share
instead of the markup, the estimated coefficient on the wage share is
positive, suggesting inflation is predicted to fall if the wage share
Third, the predictions of the one-year-ahead inflation rate
conditional on actual values of the explanatory variables suggested by
traditional and modified Phillips curves track actual inflation well,
outperforming those based on the naive model that predicts inflation
using only its past values. (8) This result holds over 1980-2003 as well
as over 1984-1999, a period when inflation was stable. The results also
indicate demand growth and output gap variables help most in generating
accurate predictions of the inflation rate. The markup (or the wage
share) does not improve the predictive accuracy if it is included in the
modified Phillips curve. Together these results suggest that Phillips
curves are useful for predicting inflation.
Regarding sources of the recent deceleration of inflation, the
correlations summarized in the estimated modified Phillips curve suggest
one plausible explanation of the recent behavior of inflation. As noted
at the outset, inflation, after hovering near a low of 2 percent in the
second half of the 1990s, decelerated further during the past three
years. In the second half of the 1990s, the demand growth gap stayed
close to the 2 percent range, as aggregate demand grew just fast enough
to absorb the productivity-induced increase in potential. However,
during the period 2000-2002, aggregate demand did not grow fast enough
to absorb higher potential output, creating a declining demand growth
gap and negative output gap. The recent deceleration is well predicted
by the behavior of a Phillips curve that includes these two gap
variables. However, the contribution of the markup (or wage share) in
improving the prediction of the inflation rate since the mid-1990s
remains negligible, suggesting the markup is not providing information
beyond that contained in the gap variables. These results suggest that
the weak demand growth gap together with the resulting negative output
gap trump the cyclical markup (or wage share) as the major source of the
recent deceleration of inflation.
The plan of this article is as follows. Section 1 discusses two
modifications to the conventional expectations-augmented Phillips curve.
It also provides an overview of the data including graphs of key
variables that enter the Phillips curve, the estimation procedure, and
the empirical specifications estimated here. Section 2 presents the new
empirical work, and Section 3 contains concluding observations.
Traditional and Modified Phillips Curves
The traditional reduced-form Phillips curve relates current
inflation to lagged inflation, supply shocks, and a measure of excess
demand such as the level of output or unemployment gap. Following Gordon (1985, 1988) and Stockton and Glassman (1987), the traditional output
gap-based Philips curve can be derived from the following reduced-form
price and wage equations.
[DELTA][p.sub.t] = [h.sub.0] + [h.sub.1] [DELTA] (w - q)[.sub.t] +
[h.sub.2][x.sub.t] + [h.sub.3]s[p.sub.t], (1.1)
[DELTA] (w - q)[.sub.t] = [k.sub.0] + [k.sub.1]
[DELTA][p.sub.t.sup.e] + [k.sub.2][x.sub.t] + [k.sub.3]s[w.sub.t], and
[DELTA][p.sub.t.sup.e] = g(L)[DELTA][p.sub.t], (1.3)
where all variables are in natural logarithms and where p is the
price level; w is the nominal wage; q is labor productivity; x is a
demand pressure variable; [p.sup.e] is the expected price level; sp
represents supply shocks affecting the price equation; sw represents
supply shocks affecting the wage equation; g(L) is a lag operator; and
[DELTA] is the first difference operator. Equation (1.1) describes the
price markup behavior: prices are marked over productivity-adjusted wage
costs and are influenced by cyclical demand and the exogenous supply
shocks. This equation implies that productivity-adjusted wages determine
the price level, given demand pressures. Equation (1.2) is the wage
equation: wages are assumed to be determined by cyclical demand and
expected price level, the latter modeled as a distributed lag on past
prices as in (1.3). The wage equation, together with the price
expectation equation (1.3), implies that productivity-adjusted wages
depend upon past prices, cyclical demand, and supply shocks.
If we substitute the price expectation equation (1.3) into the wage
equation (1.2) and the resulting wage equation into the price equation
(1.1), we get the traditional reduced-form Phillips curve of the form
given in (2).
[DELTA][p.sub.t] = [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1](L)[DELTA][p.sub.t] +
[a.sub.2][x.sub.t] + [a.sub.3]S[S.sub.t], (2)
where SS represents supply shocks, [a.sub.1] (L) is a lag operator,
and other variables are defined as before. The parameters [a.sub.i], i =
0, 1, 2, in (2) are functions of the parameters in the underlying price
and wage equations. Equation (2) says current inflation depends on
lagged inflation, cyclical demand, and supply shocks.
The key feature of the Phillips curve (2) is that current inflation
does not directly depend on the productivity-adjusted wage once we
control for the influences of lagged inflation and the cyclical demand
on inflation. This feature rests on the assumption that wages adjust
one-for-one with productivity each period, so that the
productivity-adjusted wages depend only on lagged inflation and the
cyclical demand (as hypothesized in (1.2) and (1.3)). Under this
specification, productivity-adjusted wages have no independent influence
on inflation once we allow for the influences of lagged inflation and
the cyclical demand.
The assumption above--wages adjust one-for-one with productivity
each period--may not hold in practice, especially during a period when
productivity is undergoing a structural shift. In that case, the
productivity-adjusted wage may change due to reasons other than those
captured in the wage equation (1.2) and hence may play an independent
role in determining inflation in the short run. Thus, an acceleration of
productivity growth that is accompanied by anemic wage growth may lead
to lower inflation if firms pass through the productivity-induced
declines in unit labor costs in lower product prices.
In order to motivate the empirical specification of the influence
of productivity on inflation, note first that "the price markup
hypothesis" that underlies (1.1) can be summarized in the following
price equation:
[p.sub.t] = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.w] [w.sub.t] - [b.sub.q][q.sub.t],
where all variables are defined as before and the parameters
[b.sub.w] and [b.sub.q] measure the responses of the price level to
nominal wages and productivity, respectively. The price equation (3.1)
says the price level declines if nominal wages decline or productivity
rises; the magnitude of the price response depends in part on the size
of the pertinent wage or productivity response coefficient. The
assumption implicit in the inflation specification (1.1) is that the
underlying wage and productivity response coefficients are equal in
magnitude but opposite in signs, an assumption that may not hold in
If we subtract [w.sub.t] and add [q.sub.t] to both sides of the
price equation (3.1), we can rewrite the price equation (3.1) as (3.2).
[p.sub.t] - [w.sub.t] + [q.sub.t] = [b.sub.0] + ([b.sub.w] -
1)[w.sub.t] - ([b.sub.q] - 1)[q.sub.t], (3.2)
where all variables are defined as before. The left-hand side of
the reformulated price equation (3.2) is the markup, defined as the
excess of the price level over unit labor costs. Equation (3.2) links
the markup (mr[k.sub.t] [equivalent to] [p.sub.t] - ([w.sub.t] -
[q.sub.t])) to the behavior of wages and productivity, given the price
level. If we assume prices are sticky in the short run, then the markup
will move in response to changes in wages and/or productivity. Since in
the long run the price level adjusts to reflect economic fundamentals as
envisioned in "the price markup hypothesis," a rise in the
markup has implications for the near-term behavior of inflation. Thus,
if unit labor costs decline in response to the acceleration of
productivity and the markup rises, then the price level should
eventually decline to reflect lower unit labor costs, leading to lower
inflation down the road. Hence I modify the traditional Phillips curve
to include the one-period lagged value of the markup as in (4).
[DELTA][p.sub.t] = [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1](L)[DELTA][p.sub.t] +
[a.sub.2][x.sub.t] + [a.sub.3]S[S.sub.t] + [a.sub.4]mr[k.sub.t-1]. (4)
Under the assumption that the "price markup hypothesis"
is valid, the expected sign of the coefficient that appears on the
markup should be negative, suggesting that the high level of the markup
is associated with a decline in the inflation rate. As can be seen, the
modified Phillips curve reduces to the traditional Phillips curve if
[a.sub.4] = 0 in (4).
In some previous work analysts have captured the influence of unit
labor costs on inflation by including wage share in the Phillips curve
(Gali and Gertler 2003). The wage share, however, moves inversely with
the markup, and one should obtain similar results using the wage share.
Note that the (log of) wage share is just the (log of) real wage per
hour minus the (log of) output per hour. Using the notation introduced
above, the wage share can be expressed as (5).
W[S.sub.t] = ([w.sub.t] - [p.sub.t]) - [q.sub.t] [equivalent to]
-{[p.sub.t] - ([w.sub.t] - [q.sub.t])}, (5)
where W S is the log of wage share and other variables are defined
as before. Equation (5) shows wage share is just the inverse of the
markup. If productivity rises faster than the real wage, wage share
declines, and the markup may move up if prices are sticky in the short
run. The expected sign of the coefficient on wage share when included in
the Phillips curve is positive, implying inflation is predicted to fall
if wage share declines. As a robustness check, I shall examine results
using the wage share also.
In most previous empirical work, the Phillips curve (2) has been
estimated with excess demand measured by the output gap or unemployment
gap. I now consider another modification to the Phillips curve, arguing
excess demand be measured by the level and change in output gap. The
main reason for considering the rate of change specification is that in
a reformulated version of this Phillips curve inflation depends
explicitly on the excess of the growth rate of aggregate demand over
that of potential. This reformulation better captures the potential
demand channel consequence of the ongoing acceleration of productivity,
emphasized by Kohn (2003). Consider the Phillips curve (4) augmented to
include the change in output gap as in (6). (9)
[DELTA][p.sub.t] = [a.sub.0][a.sub.1](L)[DELTA][p.sub.t] +
[a.sub.2][y.sub.t] + [a.sub.3]S[S.sub.t] - [a.sub.4]mr[k.sub.t-1] +
[a.sub.5][DELTA][y.sub.t], (6)
where y is now the output gap and where all other variables are
defined as before. Following Gordon (1983), I reformulate the inflation
equation (6) as follows. Note first that the level of the output gap is
linked to the growth rate of nominal GDP via the following identity.
[y.sub.t] [equivalent to] [y.sub.t-1] + ([DELTA][Y.sub.t] -
[DELTA]po[t.sub.t]) - [DELTA][p.sub.t], (7)
where Y is nominal GDP and pot is real potential output. If we
substitute (7) into (6) and rearrange terms, we get the modified
Phillips curve (8).
[DELTA][p.sub.t] = (1/([a.sub.2] +
[a.sub.5]))[[a.sub.1](L)[DELTA][p.sub.t] + ([a.sub.2] +
[a.sub.5])([DELTA][Y.sub.t] - [DELTA]po[t.sub.t]) + [a.sub.2][y.sub.t-1]
+ [a.sub.3]S[S.sub.t] + [a.sub.4]mr[k.sub.t-1], (8)
where all variables are defined as before. According to equation
(8), among other things, inflation depends on the contemporaneous "demand growth gap" defined as the excess of the growth rate
of nominal aggregate demand over that of real potential output, (10)
besides depending on the "level" of the output gap. In this
framework, the estimated coefficient on the lagged output gap indicates
the presence of an output "level effect," while the difference
between the coefficient on the "demand growth gap" and the
output gap indicates the relative size of the "rate of change
effect." An interesting implication of this Phillips curve is that
during the period when there is an outgoing shift in productivity
indicating higher real potential output near term, aggregate demand has
to grow fast enough to absorb higher potential output. If aggregate
demand fails to keep up with higher potential output, disinflationary
pressures may develop, even when there may be no slack as measured by
the level of the output gap. To illustrate this point further, the most
recent estimates of potential output prepared by the Congressional
Budget Office indicate real potential output rising at a 3.5 percent
annual rate since the mid-1990s. This trend growth rate of 3.5 percent
is one percentage point higher than the trend rate for the preceding
period of 1990 to 1994. This upward shift in the trend growth rate of
real potential implies aggregate demand now has to grow at a higher rate
than before, otherwise deflationary pressures will develop.
A Visual Look at Some Data: Demand Growth Gap, Output Gap, Markup,
and Wage Share
I estimate the modified Phillips curve (8) using quarterly data
from 1959Q1 to 2003Q4. Inflation is measured by the behavior of the
chain-weighted GDP deflator. In most previous work, potential output has
been estimated fitting a deterministic time trend to real output. I,
however, use estimates of potential output prepared by the Congressional
Budget Office. I consider two supply shock variables: one associated
with change in the relative price of imports and the other arising as a
result of the imposition and removal of President Nixon's price
controls. The effects of price controls are captured by means of two
dummies: PC1 defined to be unity from 1971Q3 to 1972Q4 and zero
otherwise, and PC2 defined to be unity from 1973Q1 to 1974Q4 and zero
otherwise. The relative import price series is the GDP deflator for
imports divided by the implicit GDP deflator. The nominal wage series is
compensation per man hour, and the productivity series is output per man
hour, both of the nonfarm business sector. (11) The inflation equations
are estimated with an instrumental variables procedure. The instruments
used are: a constant; contemporaneous change in military expenditures;
and four lagged values of the inflation rate, change in the federal
funds rate, gap variables, and change in the relative price of imports.
Figures 1 through 5 provide a visual look at the behavior of some
key variables that enter the modified Phillips curve. Panel A of Figure
1 charts the demand growth gap and actual inflation. Both variables
measure changes defined over four-quarter periods and are smoothed
further by taking the four-quarter moving average of the variables.
Figure 1 illustrates that actual inflation and the demand growth gap
have moved together over time. Inflation steadily increased in the late
1960s and the 1970s, accompanied by steadily expanding demand growth
gap. Similarly, a declining demand growth gap accompanied the steady
decline in inflation observed during the 1980s and the 1990s. In
particular, during the second half of the 1990s, inflation was stable
and so was the demand growth gap. However, for most of the past three
years aggregate demand has not kept up with real potential output and
hence the resulting decline in the demand growth gap has accompanied the
most recent decline in the inflation rate.
Panel B of Figure 1 charts the level of the output gap. The output
gap is not smoothed. During the past three years the output gap has been
negative and remains so currently, despite last year's upturn in
the demand growth gap.
Panel A of Figure 2 charts the markup defined as the excess of the
price level over productivity-adjusted wage (markup = [p.sub.t] -
([w.sub.t] - [q.sub.t])). As can be seen, the markup displays a
slow-moving trend. I de-trend the markup, using the Hodrick-Prescott
(1997) filter. Panel B of Figure 2 charts the cyclical component of the
markup. As can be seen, for much of the 1990s the cyclical markup has
been positive. Furthermore, in recent quarters the cyclical component
has reached levels not seen in the recent past. As of the fourth quarter
of 2003, the cyclical component is above 4 percent.
As indicated in Figure 2, the markup series has a slow-moving
trend. One simple explanation of the trend in the markup series is
suggested by the price equation (3.2), which is that the firms do not
pass through part of the productivity-led decline in unit labor costs in
lower product prices. In order to explain this point further, note that
the markup, as formulated in the price equation (3.2), is constant if
the coefficients that appear on wage and productivity variables are
unity, as will be the case if there is perfect competition. However, if
in practice these coefficients are different from unity, then the markup
may have trend if wage and/or productivity series have trend.
In order to explore this source of trend in the markup series, I
present below the price equation (3.2), estimated using aggregate data
on the price level, nominal wages, and average productivity over the
whole sample period 1959Q1 to 2003Q4.
As can be seen, the estimated coefficient that appears on the wage
variable is not economically different from zero, but the one that
appears on the productivity variable is different from zero. Since the
productivity variable has a trend, the estimated price equation implies
the observed trend in the markup arises because not all of the
productivity gain passes through in lower prices. (13)
Panel B in Figure 3 charts the residuals from the estimated price
equation (9), which is the measure of the cyclical markup. (14) This
measure of the cyclical markup appears similar to the one estimated
using the HP filter, as shown in Figure 4. The simple correlation
between these two cyclical measures of the markup is 0.84. I consider
results with both these measures.
Figure 5 charts the wage share calculated using the nonfarm
business sector data on the nominal average hourly compensation, price
level, and average productivity. As shown in equation (5), the wage
share can be expressed as the ratio of the real wage to the average
product of labor. (15) A look at Figure 5 indicates that the wage share
series calculated using the nonfarm business sector data does not have
as noticeable a trend as the markup series shown in Figure 2. However,
the wage share does show a distinct decline in recent years, indicating
productivity has grown faster than the real wage. Since in previous
research many analysts have used the wage share to explain inflation
dynamics, as a robustness check, I also examine results using the wage
share. (16)
This section reports and discusses empirical estimates of the
modified Phillips curve (8). It also examines whether the estimated
Phillips curve predicts the behavior of inflation during the 1980s and
the 1990s.
Estimated Phillips Curves
Table 1 reports estimates of the traditional and modified Phillips
curves over two sample periods, 1961Q2 to 1995Q4 and 1961Q2 to 2003Q4.
The shorter sample period excludes observations pertaining to the most
recent subperiod of productivity surge. The estimated coefficients (with
t-values in parentheses) reported are those that appear on the demand
growth gap, output gap, cyclical markup, lagged inflation, and the
relative import price inflation. The coefficient on lagged inflation
reported is the sum of coefficients that appear on four lagged values of
the inflation rate.
Rows 1 and 2 present estimates of the traditional Phillips curve
that relates current inflation to the contemporaneous output gap, lagged
inflation, and the relative import price inflation. As can be seen, the
estimated coefficients appearing on the output gap, lagged inflation,
and import price inflation have positive signs and are statistically
significant, suggesting current inflation is positively correlated with
the contemporaneous output gap, lagged inflation, and import price
inflation. These results hold over both the sample periods.
Rows 3 and 4 present estimates of the modified Phillips curve that
allow inflation to depend on the change in the output gap, but not on
the markup. As can be seen, the estimated coefficient that appears on
the demand growth gap has a positive sign and is statistically
significant, meaning inflation is predicted to rise if aggregate demand
grows faster than real potential output. The other estimated
coefficients that appear on the output gap, lagged inflation, and the
relative import price inflation remain correctly signed and significant.
The point estimates of the coefficient on the contemporaneous demand
growth gap are in a 0.10 to 0.14 range, implying the current quarter
predicted increase in inflation following a one percentage point rise in
the demand growth gap is 0.10 to 0.14 of a percentage point. These
estimates suggest that the cumulative predicted increase in inflation
over one year, resulting from a one percentage point sustained increase
in the demand growth gap, is about 0.4 to 0.6 of a percentage point.
Rows 5 through 8 present the modified Phillips curve estimated with
the demand growth gap and cyclical markup. (18) Rows 5 and 6 present
estimates generated using the cyclical markup based on the HP filter,
and rows 7 and 8 present estimates with the cyclical markup generated
using the estimated price equation. The estimated coefficient that
appears on the markup has a negative sign and is significant, especially
over the shorter sample period, meaning inflation is predicted to
decline if the markup is high. In the longer sample period, the
markup--though it continues to appear with a correctly signed estimated
coefficient--is not significant if the Phillips curve is estimated using
the cyclical markup based on the HP filter. (19)
The point estimates of the coefficient that appears on the cyclical
markup fall in a -0.02 to -0.05 range, suggesting that in response to a
one percentage point increase in the markup, the cumulative predicted
decline in the inflation rate over the year is about 0.10 to 0.20 of a
percentage point, which is not large in magnitude. Moreover, augmenting
the Phillips curve to include the cyclical markup does not much improve
the explanatory power of the inflation regression, as measured by the
R-squared statistic. (Compare estimates in rows 3 and 4 with those in
rows 5 through 8, Table 1). (20) Despite these caveats, the estimated
Phillips curve with the markup is capable of generating the prediction
of a significant fall in the inflation rate during periods of high
cyclical markups, which may be periods when productivity is accelerating
but wage growth remains anemic. (21)
Rows 9 and 10 present estimates of the coefficients from the
modified Phillips curve that includes the wage share rather than the
markup. The estimated coefficient on the wage share is positive,
suggesting that inflation is predicted to decline if the wage share
declines. The size of the estimated coefficient on the wage share
appears to be of the magnitude found using the cyclical markup. All the
remaining variables appear with correctly signed estimated coefficients
and are significant in the estimated Phillips curve.
Predicting the Behavior of Inflation During the 1980s and the
1990s: Are Phillips Curves Useful?
Panel A in Figure 6 charts the dynamic, one-year-ahead predictions
of the inflation rate generated using the rolling regression estimates
of the modified Phillips curve with the markup over the period
1980-2003. (22) As indicated before, these predictions are conditional
on actual values of the explanatory variables suggested by the Phillips
curve. Panel B charts the dynamic predictions of the inflation rate
generated using a naive model that predicts inflation using only four
lagged values of the inflation rate. Actual inflation rates are also
charted there. As can be seen, the estimated modified Phillips curve
tracks actual inflation fairly well. The naive model, however, tends to
overpredict inflation, first during the early 1980s and then in the
second half of the 1990s.
Table 2 presents the statistical evidence on the relative accuracy
of inflation predictions. It presents the mean error (ME) and the root
mean squared error (RMSE) of the prediction from several different
Phillips curves including the one in which the unemployment rate, not
the output gap, is the main activity variable as in Atkeson and Ohanian
(2001). The predictive accuracy is evaluated over 1980-2003 as well as
over the period 1984-1999 covered in Atkeson and Ohanian. The relative
accuracy is evaluated by computing the ratio of the RMSE of the
prediction from a given Phillips curve with the RMSE of the naive
model's prediction. The naive inflation model is said to generate
more accurate predictions of inflation than a given Phillips curve if
the ratio is above unity. The Phillips curves considered here are: the
traditional Phillips curve that relates current inflation to the
contemporaneous output gap, lagged inflation, and supply shocks; the
traditional Phillips curve augmented to include demand growth gap; the
traditional Phillips curve augmented to include both demand growth gap
and markup or wage share; the traditional Phillips curve augmented to
include just the wage share; and the NAIRU Phillips curve that relates
current inflation to four lagged values of the unemployment rate and the
inflation rate.
If we focus on estimates of the ratio reported for the sample
period 1980-2003, we see that the ratio is less than unity for all the
Phillips curves considered here. The point estimates of the ratio fall
in a 0.5 to 0.9 range, suggesting the Phillips curves considered here
provide more accurate predictions of the inflation rate than does the
naive model. The ratio estimated using predictions from the traditional
output gap-based Phillips curve or the modified Phillips curve with
demand growth gap is close to 0.5, far below unity. The results also
indicate the markup or wage share does not aid much in improving the
RMSE of the prediction as do the output gap and supply shock variables
(compare RMSEs across models in Table 2).
If we focus on estimates of the ratio for the period 1984-1999,
they suggest qualitatively similar inferences about the relative
predictive accuracy of the Phillips curve and the naive model. The
prediction of inflation from the modified Phillips curve with demand
growth gap has the lowest RMSE, outperforming the naive model's
prediction by a substantial margin. The ratio of the RMSEs for these two
models is 0.56 (see Table 2). In contrast, the ratio of the NAIRU
Phillips curve and naive models' RMSEs is 0.88, not too far below
unity, suggesting the NAIRU Phillips curve does not aid much in
improving accuracy relative to the naive model. (23) Together these
results suggest Phillips curves are useful for predicting inflation.
Predicting the Behavior of Inflation since the Mid-1990s
Table 3 focuses on the behavior of inflation since the mid-1990s.
The column labeled (2) presents the inflation predictions generated
using the traditional output gap-based Phillips curve and estimates of
potential output prepared by the Congressional Budget Office. As can be
seen, the traditional Phillips curve still tends to overestimate
inflation somewhat. The bias measured by the mean prediction error is
-0.33, one-third of a percentage point, and the root mean squared error
is 0.44. (24)
The inflation predictions generated using the modified Phillips
curve are presented in the columns labeled (3), (4), and (5). The
predictions in column (3) are from the Phillips curve with the demand
growth gap, those in column (4) are from the Phillips curve with the
demand growth gap and markup, and those in column (5) are from the
Phillips curve with the demand growth gap and wage share. Augmenting the
Phillips curve to include the demand growth gap does improve the
predictive accuracy. The Phillips curve with the demand growth gap has a
lower mean error and lower root mean squared error than the Phillips
curve without the demand growth gap. But further augmenting the Phillips
curve to include the cyclical markup or wage share does not aid much in
improving the predictive accuracy of the long-range inflation forecasts.
Table 3 also presents the underlying data on the demand growth gap,
output gap, and cyclical markup over the period since the mid-1990s.
Regarding sources of the recent deceleration of inflation, the
correlations summarized in the estimated modified Phillips curve suggest
one plausible explanation of the recent behavior of inflation. (25) As
can be seen in Table 3, inflation, after hovering mostly near a low of 2
percent in the second half of the 1990s, decelerated further during the
past three years. In the second half of the 1990s, the demand growth gap
stayed close to the 2 percent range as aggregate demand grew just fast
enough to absorb the productivity-induced increase in potential.
However, during the most recent period, 2000-2002, aggregate demand did
not grow fast enough to absorb higher potential, creating a declining
demand growth gap and a negative output gap. The recent deceleration is
well predicted by the behavior of the Phillips curve that includes these
two gap variables. However, the contribution of the markup (or wage
share) in improving the prediction of the inflation rate since the
mid-1990s remains negligible, suggesting the markup is not providing
information beyond that contained in the gap variables. Together these
results suggest a weak demand growth gap together with the resulting
negative output gap, trumping the cyclical markup (or wage share) as the
major source of the recent deceleration of inflation.
Generating a Conditional Prediction of the Inflation Rate for 2004
What do the Phillips curves estimated here imply about the behavior
of inflation during 2004? In order to answer this question, I generate
the conditional prediction of the inflation rate for 2004. During the
past two years productivity has increased at an average annual rate of
4.5 percent, whereas nominal wages have increased at an average annual
rate of 2.4 percent, implying an average annual decline of 2.5 percent
in unit labor costs. Aggregate demand, as measured by nominal GDP, has
grown at an average annual rate of 5 percent. Potential output, as
estimated by the Congressional Budget Office, has grown at a 3.5 percent
annual rate. If productivity, wages, aggregate demand, and potential
output continue to grow in 2004 at rates observed during the past two
years, the point estimate of the conditional prediction of inflation for
2004, generated using the Phillips curve with demand growth gap and
markup, is 1.0 percent. The conditional prediction of the inflation rate
is 1.5 percent if the modified Phillips curve excludes the markup. Last
year the GDP deflator grew 1.5 percent. The ensuing behavior of
inflation this year would provide further evidence on the predictive
accuracy of the Phillips curve that includes the markup.
This article makes two modifications to the traditional output
gap-based Phillips curve. It includes the cyclical component of a markup
variable defined as the markup of prices over unit labor costs, and it
allows inflation to depend also on a change in the output gap. The
markup allows for the short-term influence of productivity-induced
decline in unit labor costs on inflation, and the "rate of
change" specification implies inflation depends also on how fast
aggregate demand is growing relative to real potential output. The
results indicate demand growth gap and the level of the cyclical markup
enter the traditional Phillips curve with significant and correctly
signed estimated coefficients. Inflation is predicted to increase if
aggregate demand grows faster than real potential output, and it is
predicted to fall if the markup is high.
The predictions of the one-year-ahead inflation rate conditional on
actual values of the explanatory variables suggested by the traditional
and modified output gap-based Phillips curves track actual inflation
well over 1980-2003, outperforming those based on a naive model that
predicts inflation using only lagged inflation. These results imply
output gap-based Phillips curves are useful in predicting inflation.
As a result of the recent acceleration of productivity, the trend
growth rate of real potential output has increased since the mid-1990s.
This upward shift in the trend growth rate of potential output implies
aggregate demand needs to grow at higher rates than before in order to
stabilize inflation. Inflation remained low in the second half of the
1990s and decelerated further during the past three years. This
deceleration of inflation is well predicted by the modified Phillips
curve that assigns a key role to demand growth and the output gap. The
demand growth gap remained stable in the 2 percent range in the second
half of the 1990s, but it declined considerably over the period
2000-2002, creating a negative output gap over the recent period. The
negative predicted effect of these two gap variables on the inflation
rate trumps the cyclical markup as the major source of the recent
deceleration of inflation.
The cyclical component of the markup or the wage share, when added
into the traditional and modified Phillips curves, appears with a
correctly signed negative estimated coefficient and is generally
significant. However, in the past the markup or wage share has not
helped in improving the accuracy of the long-range inflation prediction
if the estimated Phillips curve includes demand growth and output gap
variables. This may be due to the fact that the markup or wage share is
also influenced by cyclical demand, besides productivity, and hence is
highly correlated with the cyclical measures of excess demand. So, the
marginal predictive content of the markup or wage share is small once we
control for the influence of cyclical demand on inflation.
Table 1 Conventional and Modified Reduced-form Phillips Curves GDP
Row End Output Growth Cyclical Lagged
No. Period Gap Gap Markup Inflation
([d.sub.1]) ([d.sub.2]) ([d.sub.3]) ([d.sub.4])
1 1995Q4 0.03 00.90
(2.90) (21.30)
2 2003Q4 0.03 00.91
(3.10) (24.20)
3 1995Q4 0.03 0.10 00.85
(3.50) (2.10) (20.30)
4 2003Q4 0.03 0.10 00.86
(3.70) (2.10) (22.20)
5 1995Q4 0.04 0.14 -0.03 00.82
(3.90) (2.80) (1.90) (18.90)
6 2003Q4 0.03 0.11 -0.02 00.85
(3.90) (2.30) (1.20) (20.70)
7 1995Q4 0.05 0.13 -0.05 00.78
(3.10) (2.80) (1.90) (18.90)
8 2003Q4 0.04 0.11 -0.03 00.83
(2.10) (2.40) (2.10) (19.40)
9 1995Q4 0.04 0.14 0.02 00.81
(4.20) (3.40) (1.70) (19.40)
10 2003Q4 0.04 0.12 0.02 00.83
(4.40) (3.20) (1.70) (20.80)
Row Import
No. Prices [R.sup.2] [x.sup.2]
1 0.07 0.84 0.80
2 0.06 0.86 0.67
3 0.07 0.86 0.84
4 0.07 0.87 0.72
5 0.06 0.86 0.42
6 0.06 0.87 0.47
7 0.06 0.87 0.53
8 0.06 0.88 0.48
9 0.06 0.86 0.63
10 0.06 0.87 0.78
Notes: With the exception of the coefficients in rows 9 and 10, the
estimated coefficients (with t-values in parentheses) are from reduced-
form Phillips curves of the form [DELTA][p.sub.t] = [d.sub.0] +
[d.sub.1][y.sub.t-1] + [d.sub.2]([DELTA][Y.sub.t] - [DELTA]po[t.sub.t])
+ [d.sub.3]mr[k.sub.t-1] + [d.sub.4][DELTA][p.sub.t-1] +
[d.sub.5]S[S.sub.t], where all variables are in their natural logs and
where p is the price level; Y is nominal GDP; pot is real potential
output; y is the output gap; ([DELTA][Y.sub.t] - [DELTA]po[t.sub.t]) is
demand growth gap; and SS is relative import prices. The coefficients
reported in rows 9 and 10 are from Phillips curves, estimated using wage
share instead of the markup. The reported coefficient on lagged
inflation is the sum of the estimated coefficient on its four lagged
values. The inflation equations are estimated over the sample periods
that all begin in 1961Q2 but end as shown above, using an instrumental
variables procedure. The instruments are; a constant; four lagged values
of the inflation rate, output gap variables, changes in the federal
funds rate, and relative import prices; and change in the current
nominal defense expenditure. The estimated inflation equations also
included the Nixon price control dummies. The significance level of the
test that the instruments are not correlated with the residuals of the
Phillips curve is [x.sup.2].
Table 2 Test of Relative Predictive Accuracy
Panel A: Sample Period 1980-2003
Naive -0.48 0.91
Traditional Phillips Curve -0.10 0.53 0.56
Traditional Phillips Curve
+ Demand Growth Gap -0.00 0.48 0.53
+ Demand Growth Gap + Markup 0.05 0.51 0.56
+ Demand Growth Gap + Wage Share 0.20 0.52 0.57
+ Wage Share 0.03 0.55 0.62
NAIRU Phillips Curve -0.20 0.80 0.88
Panel B: Sample Period 1984-1999
Naive -0.41 0.66
Traditional Phillips Curve -0.21 0.43 0.65
Traditional Phillips Curve
+ Demand Growth Gap -0.13 0.37 0.56
+ Demand Growth Gap + Markup -0.10 0.42 0.64
+ Demand Growth Gap + Wage Share 0.13 0.40 0.60
+ Wage Share 0.04 0.38 0.65
NAIRU Phillips Curve -0.25 0.58 0.88
Notes: ME is mean prediction error; RMSE is the root mean squared error;
and RATIO is the ratio of Phillips Model/Naive Model RMSEs. The
traditional Phillips curve relates current inflation to contemporaneous
output gap, lagged inflation, and supply shocks. The NAIRU Phillips
curve relates current inflation to four lags of inflation and
unemployment rate. The prediction of inflation used is the dynamic, one-
year-ahead predicted inflation rate generated using the Phillips curve
model and conditional on actual values of other explanatory variables.
If the RATIO is below unity for a Phillips curve model, it implies the
Phillips curve model generates more accurate predictions of the
inflation rate than does the Naive model.
Table 3 Actual Predicted Inflation 1995-2003
Year Act. Pred. Pred. Pred. Pred. DGG OG mrk
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1995 1.90 2.50 2.30 1.50 1.70 1.10 -1.30 3.10
1996 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.30 1.50 3.10 -0.10 3.60
1997 1.50 1.90 1.90 1.40 1.50 2.40 0.90 2.30
1998 1.10 1.50 1.40 1.60 1.30 2.10 1.90 0.00
1999 1.50 2.00 1.90 2.50 2.00 2.60 3.00 -0.70
2000 2.20 2.70 2.50 3.30 2.70 0.90 1.70 -3.10
2001 2.40 2.10 1.70 2.20 1.80 -1.00 -1.70 -1.70
2002 1.40 2.00 1.80 1.80 1.60 0.70 -2.40 1.60
2003 1.50 1.70 1.60 1.30 1.20 2.30 -1.50 4.00
ME -0.33 -0.21 -0.22 -0.04
RMSE 0.42 0.35 0.56 0.35
Notes: The predicted values are the dynamic, one-year ahead forecasts of
the GDP inflation rate (4Q to 4Q) generated using rolling regression
estimates of the modified Phillips curve reported in Table 1. The
forecasts are conditional on actual values of nominal GDP growth,
potential output, wage growth, productivity growth, and import prices.
Act. is actual inflation; Pred. is the predicted inflation rate, DGG is
demand growth gap; OG is the output gap; mrk is the cyclical markup
(price equation); ME is the mean prediction error; and RMSE is the root
mean squared error.
The predicted values given in column (2) are from the traditional
Phillips curve; those given in column (3) are from the Phillips curve
augmented to include demand growth gap; those given in column (4) are
from the Phillips curve augmented to include demand growth gap plus the
markup; and those in column (5) are from the Phillips curve augmented to
include demand growth gap plus the wage share.
I would like to thank Bob Hetzel, Ray Owens, and Roy Webb for many
helpful comments. The views expressed are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. All errors are mine.
(1) See, for example, recent speeches by Bernanke (2003, 2004).
(2) Fed Governor Ben Bernanke (2004), among others, has emphasized
this factor in the recent evolution of inflation, as he observes:
Recently ... labor productivity has grown even more quickly than the
cost of employing workers, with the result that unit labor costs
have declined in each of the past three years. ... A decline in
production costs must result in lower prices for final consumers, an
increase in price-cost markup for producers, or both ("Monetary
Policy," 3).
Ball and Moffitt (2001) have also emphasized the role of weak labor
markets in explaining the recent behavior of inflation.
(3) See, for example, Kohn (2003), who argues that, as a result of
the "jobless recovery," rapid productivity growth has been
associated with weak growth in aggregate demand, resulting in a falling
inflation rate.
(4) It should be noted that the hypothesis that inflation may
depend on a change in the output gap is not new. Gordon (1983), in fact,
uses such a Phillips curve to explain U.S. inflation dynamics over
almost a century from 1892 to 1980. The role of such a Phillips curve in
explaining the most recent inflation dynamics is, however, left
unexplored. Similarly, the hypothesis that inflation may be influenced
by unit labor costs is not new either, having been previously examined
by Gordon (1988) and Mehra (1991, 1993, 2000), among others. The
empirical evidence in previous research on the importance of unit labor
costs in explaining inflation has, however, been mixed, as I find even
(5) Many analysts argue that labor share can better capture the
influence of the productivity-led decline in unit labor costs on
inflation. See, for example, Gali and Gertler (2003).
(6) Their forecasting exercise also assumes that the NAIRU is
constant over the sample period 1959-1999, because one of the indicator
variables used is the unemployment rate, not the unemployment gap.
(7) In order to check whether results regarding the influences of
additional factors on inflation are not simply due to the ongoing
episode of productivity surge, the shorter sample period exludes the
most recent period of productivity surge.
(8) The predictions, however, are dynamic in the sense that lagged
values of the inflation rate used are those predicted by the model.
(9) A theoretical model consistent with a structural Phillips
curve--in which current inflation depends also on a change in the output
gap--appears in Mankiw and Reis (2001). Under the assumption that
information is sticky, they derive a Phillips curve in which inflation
depends on the level and change in the output gap, besides depending on
past expectations of the current inflation rate.
(10) Gordon (1983) calls it "adjusted nominal growth." I
think the term "demand growth gap" better captures the way
inflation depends on how fast aggregate demand is growing relative to
potential supply.
(11) The empirical work here is done using revised, not real-time,
data. Hence the conclusions regarding the predictive accuracy of the
Phillips curve must be viewed with caution.
(12) I do present results of the test that the instruments used are
not correlated with the residuals of the estimated Phillips curves. That
test is implemented regressing the residuals from the instrumental
variables regression on the instruments. See Table 1 (p. 15) which
reports the significance levels of the pertinent Chi-square statistic,
[x.sup.2], defined as T times the [R.sup.2] from this regression and
distributed Chi-square with (K-1) degrees of freedom, where T is the
sample size and K is the number of instruments.
(13) The empirical evidence here that the estimated coefficient on
productivity in the price equation is not unity is in line with the
evidence in Bils and Chang (2000). Using the U.S. manufacturing data,
they estimate industry price equations and find product prices respond
weakly to declines in marginal costs driven by increases in labor
productivity, suggesting not all of the gain in productivity shows up in
the form of lower product prices. They attribute this result to the
presence of imperfect competition. It is plausible that similar forces
might be at work at the aggregate level.
(14) For generating the cyclical markup I have set the wage
response coefficient in the estimated markup equation to zero, thereby
implicitly assuming the wage response coefficient in the price equation
is unity.
(15) Wage share is usually calculated as total labor compensation
(W * n) divided by total factor income (p * y). One can then express the
wage share as the ratio of real wage to the average product of labor, as
shown: Wage share = (W * n)/(P * y) [equivalent to] (W/P)/(y/n)
[equivalent to] (W/P)/(q), where W is the nominal wage; n is the number
of hours; y is real output; P is the price level; and q is the average
product of labor. The wage share declines if productivity rises faster
than the real wage.
(16) See, for example, Gali and Gertler (2003).
(17) In Gordon (1983) the estimate of the cumulative increase in
inflation over the year resulting from a sustained rise in the demand
growth gap is 0.4 of a percentage point, which is near the low end of
the range estimated here.
(18) The actual markup, when included in the estimated Phillips
curve, is never significant. As can be seen from Figures 1 and 2, the
markup series has a slow-moving trend whereas the inflation rate series
appears stationary over the whole sample period.
(19) The serial correlation coefficients estimated using the
residuals series from the estimated modified Phillips curve are small,
indicating serial correlation is not a problem. The significance level
of the Chi-squared test of the null hypothesis that instruments are
uncorrelated with the residuals (reported in Table 1) indicates that the
null is not rejected.
(20) In fact, the explanatory power of the regressions as measured
by the R-squared statistic does not improve much if demand growth gap
and markup variables are added into the traditional Phillips curve.
However, these two variables significantly enter the modified Phillips
curve. The significance level of the F statistic, testing the null
hypothesis that the estimated coefficients on these two variables are
zero, falls in a 0.00 to 0.03 range and leads to the rejection of the
null. Together these results, however, do imply that the quantitative
contribution of these two variables in predicting inflation may not be
large, as we see later.
(21) In some previous research the potential influence of unit
labor costs on inflation has been investigated, using cointegration and
error correction methodology (Mehra 1991, 1993, 2000). In particular,
the influence of unit labor costs on inflation is investigated in two
steps. In step one, the cointegrating (long-run) relationship between
the price level and unit labor costs is investigated, resulting in an
estimated price equation like (3.1) in which wage and productivity
response coefficients are assumed to be opposite in sign but equal in
magnitude. The residual series from the estimated price equation is the
error-correction variable, which measures the gap between the actual
price level and the price based on unit labor costs--a variable similar
in spirit to the cyclical markup used here. In the second step, the
inflation equation is estimated including, among other variables, the
lagged value of the error-correction variable. In previous research the
error-correction variable is generally found to be insignificant,
suggesting unit labor costs have no direct influence on inflation
(Gordon 1988; Mehra 1993, 2000). The new empirical evidence here
indicates that the error-correction variable estimated without imposing
unitary coefficient restrictions on the price equation is somewhat more
favorable to the view that productivity-led declines in unit labor costs
may matter for the short-term behavior of inflation.
(22) The estimation periods that underlie the rolling regressions
all begin in 1961Q1 but end in the year before the forecast period. Thus
the Phillips curve is first estimated over 1961Q1 to 1979Q4 and then
dynamically simulated over 1980Q1 to 1980Q4 to generate the
one-year-ahead prediction of the inflation rate for 1980. The end of the
estimation period is then advanced one quarter, the Phillips curve
re-estimated and dynamically simulated to generate the one-year-ahead
prediction of the inflation rate, and so on.
(23) The relative poor accuracy of the NAIRU Phillips curve may be
due to the use of the unemployment rate rather than the unemployment
gap, implicitly assuming a constant NAIRU over the sample period.
(24) Note that the prediction bias is larger in magnitude if one
does not allow for productivity-led increases in potential real output
since the mid-1990s. Under the counterfactual assumption that real
potential output continues to increase at its earlier trend growth rate
of 2.5 percent since the mid-1990s, the inflation rates predicted using
the traditional Phillips curve for the years 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003
are 3.0, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.4 percent, respectively. The mean prediction
error is -0.67 of a percentage point, and the RMSE is 0.74.
(25) There may be other structural models that are consistent with
the correlations summarized in the modified Phillips curve. Hence one
may come up with other explanations of the recent behavior of inflation.
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