Auditing and bank capital regulation.
Prescott, Edward Simpson
Capital regulations for banks are based on the idea that the
riskier a bank's assets are, the more capital it should hold. The
international 1988 Basel Accord among bank regulators set bank capital
requirements to be a fixed percentage of the face value of assets. The
only risk variation between assets was based on easily identifiable
characteristics, such as whether it was a commercial loan or a
government debt.
The proposed revision to the Accord, commonly called Basel II, is
an attempt to improve upon the crude risk measures of the 1988 Accord.
Under Basel II, banks use their internal information systems to
determine the risk of an asset and report this number to regulators. (1)
In an ideal sense, the proposal is eminently sensible. After all, who
knows the risks of a bank's asset better than the bank itself? But
a serious problem exists in implementation. What incentive does a bank
have to report the true risks of its assets? Without adequate
supervision and appropriate penalties, the answer is, "Not
Analysis of Basel II has been primarily focused on setting the
capital requirements, commonly referred to as Pillar One of the
proposal. But good capital requirements mean little if they cannot be
enforced. For this reason, more attention needs to be focused on Pillar
Two of the proposal, that is, supervisory review. (2) This pillar gives
supervisors the authority to enforce compliance with the Pillar One
capital requirements, and while not usually the focus of Basel II, it is
fundamental to the success of the project.
These issues are examined in models where regulatory audits affect
the incentives for banks to send accurate reports. By the term
"audit" we mean the process of determining if the reported
number is accurate. In practice, our use of the term "audit"
refers more to a supervisory exam than to an external audit, though our
models are broad enough to incorporate this activity, too.
The models have strong implications for how supervisors should
deploy their limited resources when examining banks. We find that
stochastic auditing strategies are more effective than deterministic ones. Furthermore, the frequency of an audit should depend on the amount
of capital held. The less capital a bank holds, the more frequent the
audits need to be, even though the safest banks hold the least amount of
capital. The reason for this counterintuitive result is that audits
prevent risky banks from declaring that they are safe banks. Therefore,
the safer a bank claims to be, the more prevention is needed and the
more frequently it is audited.
Verifying the risk of a bank's investment requires a model
that illustrates the role of examinations and monitoring. The simplest
model sufficient for the purposes of this study is the costly state
verification model of Townsend (1979). In his model, a firm's cash
flow is the information to be verified. Here, it will be the risk of a
bank's investment. We study capital regulations in four variants of
the basic model: an idealized one where the regulator observes the
bank's risk characteristics; one where the regulator does not
observe the risk characteristics; another where the regulator can audit
deterministically to find out the risk characteristics; and a final
model where the regulator may randomly audit, that is, conduct an audit
with a probability any where between zero and one.
The Basic Model
In the model, there is one regulator and many small banks. Each
bank has one investment of size one. Investments either succeed or fail.
All successful investments return the same amount, and all failed
investments produce zero. Banks' investment projects differ only in
their probability of failure. The probability of a bank's
investment failing is p, which lies in the range, [[], [bar.p]],
with 0 [less than or equal to] [] < [bar.p] [less than or equal
to] 1. This probability is random to the bank and drawn from the density
function, h (p). The cumulative distribution function is H (p). Shocks
are independent across banks.
A bank's investment can be financed with either deposits or
capital. Banks prefer less capital to more. For the moment, there is no
need to be specific about the details of this preference. We only need
banks to desire to hold less capital than the regulator wants them to.
Such a desire by banks could come out of a model with a deposit
insurance safety net or any model in which equity capital is costlier to
raise than deposits. Let K (p) be the amount of capital held by a bank
with investment opportunity, p. Because each bank is of size one, 1 - K
(p) is the amount in deposits each bank holds as well as being its
utility. (3)
The regulator cares about losses from failure and the cost of
capital. We assume that the failure losses depend on the amount of
deposits that the regulator needs to cover in case there is failure.
This function is V (K (p)) with V increasing and concave (V' > 0
and V" < 0). Because V measures losses, we assume that V (K (p))
[less than or equal to] 0 for all values of capital, with V (1) = 0 (see
Figure 1). The regulator suffers no losses from a failed bank if it has
100 percent capital. The purpose of this function is to generate a
desire on the part of the regulator for banks with riskier portfolios to
hold more capital.
The regulator also cares about the cost of capital. Assuming that
the per unit cost is q, this cost represents the foregone loss of
liquidity services from a bank's use of capital rather than
deposits. (4)
The problem for the regulator is to choose a risk-based capital
requirement, K (p), that balances the regulatory benefit of reducing
losses of failure with the costs to banks of issuing capital. This
problem is the maximization problem:
[max.[K (p)[member of][0.1]]] [[integral].sub.[].sup.[bar.p]]
(pV (K (p)) - q K (p))dH (p).
The term pV (K (p)) is the expected failure loss to the regulator
from a bank with risk p, while q K (p) is the cost to the bank of
raising capital.
It is straightforward to solve this problem. We assume that the
solution is interior, so the first-order conditions are
[for all]p, p V' (K (p)) = q. (1)
The expected marginal benefit of capital is set equal to the
marginal cost of capital. Equation (1) implies that K (p) increases with
p. As the probability of failure grows, the regulator increases the
capital requirement. For example, if V (K) = -(1 - K)[.sup.[alpha]] with
[alpha] > 1, then (1) takes the simple form,
K (p) = 1 - (q/[[alpha]p])[.sup.1/([alpha]-1)],
assuming q and the range of p are such that 0 [less than or equal
to] K (p) [less than or equal to] 1 (see Figure 2). The positive
relationship between default probability, p, and capital, K, is the goal
of both the Basel I and II regulations.
Private Information
The fundamental problem for Basel I and II is to determine the risk
of a bank's assets. The premise of the Basel II reform is that a
bank has the best information on its own assets so that by using its
internal models and data, a regulator can get a better estimate of its
risks than from the crude measures underlying Basel I. The problem for
Basel II is that a bank has an incentive to understate the risk as long
as it wants to save on capital costs.
For illustrative purposes, we start with the extreme assumption
that the regulator knows almost nothing about the riskiness of a
bank's investment opportunities except that the distribution of
these risks is H (p). Each bank, however, knows its own risk; that is,
it has private information. Now, how should the regulator set capital
requirements? The regulator would like to use the capital requirements
illustrated in Figure 2, but that would be a disaster. Each bank would
say that it was the safest bank; that is, report [] to get the low
capital of K ([]). All banks would do this, and there would be
nothing the regulator could do afterwards. The result for the regulator
would be huge losses.
Instead, the regulator should design a capital schedule that takes
into account each bank's private information. The effect of private
information is modeled with an incentive constraint that says a capital
schedule is only feasible if it is in the interest of a bank to report
its risk truthfully. (5) Formally, the incentive constraint is
[for all] p, [^.p], 1 - K (p) [greater than or equal to] 1 - K
or, equivalently,
[for all] p, [^.p], K (p) [less than or equal to] K ([^.p]). (2)
This constraint says that the utility a bank with failure risk, p,
receives from K (p) is at least as much as it would receive if it
claimed to have any other failure risk, [^.p].
The 1988 Basel Accord
The incentive constraint, (2), is very stringent, eliminating most
capital schedules. The only schedules that satisfy it are those where K
(p) is a constant. If K (p) varies with p at all, a bank assigned a
higher K (p) would simply claim that its assets are a risk that receives
the lowest capital charge under the capital schedule. Consequently, all
bank investments must face the same capital charge, regardless of how
risky their portfolios are. Indeed, this lack of responsiveness of
capital charges to risk looks exactly like the Basel Accord of 1988 as
applied to assets within a particular risk class. For example, a
commercial and industrial loan with a 10 percent chance of default is
treated the same as one with a 2 percent chance of default.
It is precisely this equal treatment of different risks that has
led to the development of Basel II. Basel II distinguishes between the
riskiness of loans--the ps in the model--by allowing banks to report the
risk characteristics of their loans. This is an admirable goal, as
represented by (1), but in light of the incentive constraint (2), it is
not attainable. That constraint says there can be no risk variation in
capital requirements.
Something else is needed to make Basel II work. As will be
discussed in the next section, that "something else" is audits
and penalties. Unfortunately, these critical features are not usually
discussed in the context of Basel II.
Risk-sensitive capital requirements could be implemented if the
regulator could gather some information about the true risk of the
investments. We assume that the regulator, devoting m units of
resources, can observe a bank's risk characteristics. Other cost
functions are possible. Indeed, some activities pose greater difficulty
in gathering information than others do. Still, the fixed cost function
is the simplest to study and illustrates the main points, so we will use
Audits are performed after the bank reports to the regulator on the
risk characteristics of its investments. For the moment, we assume that
auditing is deterministic; that is, in response to a particular report
the regulator must either audit or not audit. Later, we will extend the
model to allow the regulator to audit with some probability.
If an audit is performed and the bank is found to have
misrepresented its asset risk, the regulator may impose a penalty. We
model this penalty as a fixed utility amount, u. The utility of an
audited bank found to have lied is 1 - K (p) - u.
The addition of audits requires a slight modification to the
regulator's decision problem and to the incentive constraints. Now
the regulator must decide which reports of p to verify with an audit and
which not to. Let A be the region of [[], [bar.p]] for which the
regulator audits and N the region for which it does not. There are two
sets of incentive constraints. The first set concerns misrepresentations
in the no-audit region. These incentive constraints are
[for all]p, 1 - K (p) [greater than or equal to] 1 - K ([^.p]),
[for all] [^.p] [member of] N
or, equivalently,
[for all]p, K (p) [less than or equal to] K ([^.p]), [for all]
[^.p] [member of] N. (3)
Incentive constraints (3) state that a bank's capital must be
less than it would receive if it claimed to have a p in the no-audit
region, N. Like the earlier incentive constraints (2), these incentive
constraints strongly restrict feasible allocations. However, the
restriction only applies to p in the non-auditing region, N, so capital
must be a constant only over this region. We refer to this amount of
capital as [K.sub.N].
The second set of incentive constraints prevents misrepresentations
in the audit region. These incentive constraints are
[for all]p, 1 - K (p) [greater than or equal to] 1 - K ([^.p]) - u,
[for all] [^.p] [member of] A,
or, equivalently,
[for all]p, K (p) [less than or equal to] K ([^.p]) + u, [for all]
[^.p] [member of] A. (4)
These incentive constraints are usually less important than (3). As
long as u is high enough, they will be automatically satisfied.
To summarize, the main difference between the earlier model and the
deterministic auditing model is the severity of the incentive
constraints. In the earlier model, (2) forces the capital requirement to
be the same for all risks while in the deterministic auditing model, (3)
forces the capital requirement to be the same only for risks in the
non-auditing region.
Even before writing out the program, two properties of optimal
capital requirements can be derived. The first follows from (3). Because
banks can always claim that their failure probability is some p in the
non-auditing region, we know that
Proposition 1 K (p) [less than or equal to] [K.sub.N].
The second proposition that we can prove is that the non-auditing
region is convex and consists of the highest risk banks. This
proposition will let us formalize the regulator's problem in a
simple way.
Proposition 2 The non-auditing region, N, is convex and consists of
the highest risk banks.
We do not provide a formal proof. Conceptually, the idea is simple.
Assume that there is an audited bank that is riskier than some
non-audited bank (and for simplicity both are equal fractions of the
bank population). By Proposition 1, the non-audited bank holds more
capital. Now, switching their regulatory requirements--switching the
amount of capital each holds--and auditing the safe bank but not
auditing the riskier bank satisfies the incentive constraints. It also
increases the utility of the regulator since the capital is more
effective when deployed against the risky bank rather than the safer
These properties can be incorporated when formulating the
regulator's problem. Let a be the cutoff between audited and
non-audited banks. The regulator's program is:
Regulator's Program with Deterministic Auditing
[max.[a, [K.sub.N], K(p)]] [[integral].sub.[].sup.a] (pV
(K(p))-m-qK(p))dH(p) + [[integral].sub.a.sup.[bar.p]]
subject to the incentive constraints
[for all]p < a, K(p) [less than or equal to] [K.sub.N] (5)
and (4).
For the purpose of our analysis, we are going to assume that the
penalty u is high enough so that (4) does not bind. Furthermore, when we
take the first-order conditions, we are going to ignore the incentive
constraint (5) and show that the solution to the program without it
still satisfies it. This property does not mean that the private
information does not matter in this problem. Instead, it means that
setting up the problem with a cutoff between the auditing and
non-auditing regions and with constant capital in the non-auditing
region is enough for incentive compatibility to hold.
The derivative with respect to [K.sub.N] is
V'([K.sub.N]) [[integral].sub.a.sup.[bar.p]] pdH(p) = q
[[integral].sub.a.sup.[bar.p]] dH(p). (6)
The first-order conditions with respect to K(p) are
[for all]p < a, pV'(K(p)) = q. (7)
Again, we assume that the solutions are interior.
Two properties of a solution follow from these two constraints.
First, from (7), we know that K(p) is increasing in p for p [member of]
A. Second, there is a discontinuity in K(p) at the cutoff a. Let
[~.K](a) = [lim.sub.p[right arrow]a] K(p). Taking the limit of (7) at p
= a and substituting for q in (6) delivers
V'([K.sub.N])E(p|p [greater than or equal to] a) = aV'
([~.K](a)), (8)
E(p|p [greater than or equal to] a) =
[[[integral].sub.a.sup.[bar.p]] pdH(p)]/[[[integral].sub.a.sup.[bar.p]]
Because a is less than the average probability of failure in N,
that is, over the range a to [bar.p], (8) implies that V'([~.K](a))
> V'([K.sub.N]), which, in turn, implies that [~.K](a) <
[K.sub.N]. Thus, K(p) is discontinuous at a. Furthermore, this result
proves that constraint (5) is redundant.
The intuition for the discontinuity is that for p [member of] A,
K(p) is set as in the full-information problem, where (7) is satisfied
when the marginal benefit of capital equals its marginal cost. But for p
[member of] N, K(p) is a constant, so [K.sub.N] is set to equalize the
expected marginal benefit of capital with its marginal cost. Figure 3
illustrates what a capital schedule might look like.
The final first-order condition is taken with respect to the cutoff
point, a. It is
(aV([K.sub.N]) - (aV(K(a)) - m)) - q(a[K.sub.N] - aK(a)) = 0.
Canceling terms and rearranging gives
aV([K.sub.N]) + qK(a) + m = aV(K(a)) + q[K.sub.N]. (9)
The left-hand side of equation (9) is the marginal cost of
increasing the cutoff point, and the right-hand side is the marginal
Back to Basel
The model's implications for capital regulation are very
strong and, at first glance, counterintuitive. The highest risk banks do
not need to be audited. Only banks that want to hold less capital than
the maximal amount are audited. This result, however, should not be
surprising since, for incentive reasons, there is no need to audit a
bank willing to hold the maximal amount of capital. Indeed, if
regulators have a maximum amount of risk, p, they are willing to allow
banks to take, and assuming they have the power to shut down banks, they
would have to audit every bank in operation.
The model demonstrates just how fundamental auditing and the
penalties are to regulatory policy. Risk-sensitive regulation requires
auditing of any bank holding less than the largest amount of capital.
Presumably, this result would include most banks and likely would cause
high auditing costs, which seems problematic. Fortunately, other
regulatory policies may still implement risk-sensitive capital
requirements at a lower cost. In the next section, we consider such
policies in a model with stochastic auditing.
Still, the point remains that auditing and penalties cannot be
avoided. Basel II contains many details on how a bank should justify its
capital ratio, but these procedures can never be perfect. If they were,
we could turn over investment decisions to regulators. Basel II is
premised on the belief that banks know their risks better than
regulators, and while regulators can gather some information on these
risks, they can never know as much as the bank. For this reason, the
incentive concerns detailed above are unavoidable.
In this section, we modify the model so that the decision to audit
by the regulators can be stochastic. By stochastic we mean that in
response to a bank's risk report, the regulator may audit with some
probability. As we will see, this policy saves on supervisory resources.
As before, we will assume that these audits fully reveal the
information. Alternatives can be studied. For example, the regulator
could observe only a signal correlated with the true risk, or the
quality of the signal could depend on the intensity of the audit.
Stochastic auditing requires making a few changes to the model.
First, we drop the distinction between the auditing and non-auditing
regions. Let [pi](p) be the probability of an audit, given that p is
reported. As before, m is the cost of an audit, and u is the utility
penalty that is imposed if a bank is found to have lied. The
regulator's program is:
Regulator's Program with Stochastic Auditing
[max.[K(p)[member of][0, 1],[pi](p)[greater than or equal
to]0]][[integral].sub.[].sup.[bar.p]](pV(K(p)) - [pi](p)m -
subject to the incentive constraint
1 - K(p) [greater than or equal to] 1 - K([^.p]) - [pi]([^.p])u,
[for all]p, [^.p]. (10)
Incentive constraint (10) differs from the deterministic case
incentive constraints (3) and (4) in that [pi](p) can take on any value
from zero to one.
There are many incentive constraints in (10), but, fortunately,
most of them are redundant. Notice that utility is decreasing in K(p),
and utility from reporting the wrong p does not depend on a bank's
risk type. Therefore, if the incentive constraint holds for the type
with the highest capital charge--for now, assume that it is the highest
risk bank [bar.p]--then the incentive constraint holds for all other
risk types. Formally, (10) can be replaced by
K([bar.p]) [less than or equal to] K(p) + [pi](p)u, [for all]p.
Another simplification is possible. Audits are a deadweight cost,
so it is best to minimize their probability. For a given capital
schedule, the audit probabilities are minimized when (11) holds at
equality. Therefore,
[pi](p) = [K([bar.p]) - K(p)]/u. (12)
We hinted above that the highest risk bank would be the type to
hold the greatest amount of capital. This is intuitive, but it can be
proven. Imagine that the bank assigned the highest amount of capital is
not the highest risk one. For simplicity, assume that all types of banks
occur with equal probability. Then, simply switch the capital
requirement faced by the highest risk bank and the one holding the most
capital. Incentive compatibility still holds and the regulator's
objective function is higher since the highest risk bank holds more
We could substitute (12) directly into the objective function, but
for optimization purposes it is more convenient to consider
[pi](p) = [[bar.K] - K(p)]/u (13)
and require that K(p) [less than or equal to] [bar.K], for all
value of p. Equation (13) will be substituted into the objective
function, and we will make [bar.K] a choice variable. As long as the
solution has K(p) [less than or equal to] K([bar.p]), auditing
probabilities will be nonnegative. Furthermore, because auditing is a
deadweight cost, any solution will necessarily set [bar.K] = K([bar.p]).
With these changes, the program is:
Simplified Regulator's Program with Stochastic Auditing
[max.[K(p)[member of][0, 1], [bar.K]]]
[[integral].sub.[].sup.[bar.p]] (pV(K(p)) - [[[bar.K] - K(p)]/u]m -
subject to
[for all]p, K(p) [less than or equal to] [bar.K]. (14)
Even before studying the first-order condition, the solution has
the following properties from (13) and the desire to lower [bar.K].
First, the probability of an audit is zero for any bank that holds the
highest amount of capital. Second, the audit probability increases as
capital declines.
The first set of first-order conditions for this problem is
[for all]p, (pV'(K(p)) + m/u - q) = [lambda](p), (15)
where [lambda](p)h(p) [greater than or equal to] 0 is the
Lagrangian multiplier on (14) for p. The remaining first-order condition
m/u = [[integral].sub.[].sup.[bar.p]] [lambda](p)dH(p). (16)
We already demonstrated that only the highest risk banks hold the
greatest amount of capital. Therefore, K(p) [less than or equal to]
K([bar.p]). For any bank with K(p) < K([bar.p]), [lambda](p) = 0, so
(15) implies that capital is increasing in risk in this range.
The first-order conditions can be used to derive two additional
properties of a solution:
Proposition 3 A range of banks at the upper tail of the
distribution (more formally a range with positive measure) holds
This proposition is equivalent to showing that there is a range of
p for which constraint (14) binds. A proof is contained in the Appendix.
The second result is differs from that of the deterministic
auditing case.
Proposition 4 The capital schedule K(p) is continuous.
This proof is also in the Appendix.
The properties of the stochastic auditing model are illustrated
with an example. We also calculated the optimal deterministic auditing
contract to compare the two. The example used the following parameter
values: h(p) is a uniform distribution over the range [] = 0.1, and
[bar.p] = 0.5, V(K) = -1.5(1 - K)[.sup.2], m = 0.01, u = 1.0, and q =
Figure 4 illustrates optimal capital requirements under
deterministic and stochastic auditing. The schedule for the
deterministic case has a discrete jump at the non-audit point. The
schedule for the stochastic case is continuous. In the deterministic
case, there is a much bigger range of p for which capital is flat.
Capital requirements are, necessarily, less finely tuned in this case.
Also, for p in the audit range (roughly between 1.0 and 1.5), K (p) is
slightly smaller under deterministic auditing than under stochastic
auditing. This difference comes from comparing the two problems'
first-order conditions. Condition (15) has an additional term m/u that
is not in (7). This term makes K (p) higher in this range.
Figure 5 illustrates the audit probabilities for both models. Of
course, the deterministic case probabilities are either zero or one.
Probabilities for the stochastic case move smoothly and hit zero for the
risk types that hold the highest amount of capital. As capital declines,
audit probabilities increase. Finally, the stochastic auditing case
saves on auditing resources. In the deterministic case, banks are
audited 15.5 percent of the time and 13.7 percent of the time in the
stochastic case.
The differences in the two types of arrangement are evident in the
figures. Stochastic auditing is, of course, more efficient. Here it
allows for more finely tuned capital requirements and uses less auditing
Banks know their own risks better than regulators. Basel II is
based on the premise that these risks can be communicated by banks to
regulators and then used to determine regulatory capital. But with this
informational advantage, banks can control precisely what is
communicated. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the
incentives banks have for truthfully reporting their risks. This article
argues that the penalties or sanctions imposed for noncompliance are
critical for determining these incentives. Basel II is, unfortunately,
relatively silent on this issue. As Basel II is adopted and implemented,
these issues will have to be addressed.
The models developed in this article not only illustrate the role
of penalties, but also illustrate various supervisory strategies for
gathering information and imposing sanctions. Supervisory resources are
scarce and costly. Therefore, finding the best way to deploy them is
valuable. The stochastic auditing model demonstrates that randomized audits, or exams, could improve upon regularly planned audits. (6)
In the models, audit frequencies and capital requirements are
inversely related. Less capital requires more frequent auditing for
incentive reasons, implying, counterintuitively, that the safest banks
are audited the most. The reason for this regulatory behavior is that
the role of audits is to prevent risky banks from claiming to be safer
than they really are. Because no one wants to claim to be riskier than
they actually are, auditing a bank that claims it is the highest risk is
unnecessary. This bank has agreed to hold more capital, and that is all
the regulators desire.
The precise relationship between audit frequencies and capital
requirements depends on parameters such as available penalties, auditing
costs, the costs of capital, and the distribution of bank risk types. If
these parameters differ between countries, then there should be
different capital schedules in each country. Harmonization of
regulations is not without its costs.
The models developed in this article omit other relevant dimensions
to the problem. For example, audits are not perfect. Sometimes the
information gathered is incorrect. One way to incorporate these
important factors is to allow regulators to observe only a signal
correlated with the true state. Other possibilities include making it
costly for banks to hide information, e.g., Lacker and Weinberg (1989).
Another important extension is to consider dynamic capital schedules.
Supervisors interact over time with banks and may have latitude to
generate the equivalent of penalties through their future treatment of
the bank. The literature on dynamic costly state verification models
should be relevant here and includes Chang (1990), Smith and Wang
(1998), Monnet and Quintin (2003), and Wang (2003).
Proposition 3 There is a range of banks at the upper tail of the
distribution (more formally a range with positive measure) that hold K
If only the highest risk bank, [bar.p], holds the greatest amount
of capital, then [lambda](p) = 0 for all p < [bar.p]. But then
[[integral].sub.[].sup.[bar.p]] [lambda](p)h(p) = 0, which
contradicts (16). Therefore, [lambda](p) > 0 for a range of p with
positive measure. These values of p have to be the highest risk values.
If not, consider [p.sub.1] < [p.sub.2] with K ([p.sub.1]) = K
([bar.p]) and K ([p.sub.2]) < K ([bar.p]). We know that [lambda]
([p.sub.1]) [greater than or equal to] 0 and [lambda] ([p.sub.2]) = 0.
Using (15), we have
[p.sub.1] V' (K ([bar.p])) + m/u - q = [lambda] ([p.sub.1])
[greater than or equal to] [lambda] ([p.sub.2]) = [p.sub.2] V' (K
([p.sub.2])) + m/u - q, which implies that [p.sub.1] V' (K
([bar.p])) [greater than or equal to] [p.sub.2] V' (K([p.sub.2])).
But V' (K ([bar.p])) < V' (K ([p.sub.2])), so [p.sub.1]
> [p.sub.2], which is a contradiction.
Proposition 4 The capital schedule K (p) is continuous.
Let [^.p] be the lowest value of p at which K (p) = K ([bar.p]).
The capital schedule is clearly continuous above and below this point.
Take the limit of K (p) as p approaches [^.p] from below. Call this
limit [~.K] ([^.p]). Evaluating (15) at the limit gives
([^.p]V' ([~.K]([^.p])) + m/u - q) = 0.
If K (p) is not continuous at [^.p], then K ([^.p]) = K ([bar.p])
> [~.K] ([^.p]), which implies that
[lambda] ([^.p]) = ([^.p] V' (K ([bar.p])) + m/u - q) < 0.
But [lambda] ([^.p]) < 0 is a contradiction, so K (p) is
continuous at [^.p] as well.
I would like to thank Rafael Repullo, Pierre Sarte, Javier Suarez,
John Walter, John Weinberg, and seminar participants at CEMFI for
helpful comments. This article was prepared while I was visiting CEMFI.
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the
views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve
(1) Technically, in the proposed U.S. implementation, banks will
use their internal systems to estimate several key numbers--like the
probability of default and the loss given default. Banks then enter
these numbers into a regulatory formula to determine capital
(2) The third and final pillar of Basel II is concerned with market
(3) A bank's preferences over K are independent of its risk,
p. Banks always prefer less capital to more. This assumption is strong,
but it simplifies the analysis in several advantageous ways.
(4) We decided to model bank's preferences over capital by 1 -
K rather than formally including the cost of capital because it
simplifies the algebra. This modeling decision has no impact on the
article's results because the important feature is that the bank
prefers less capital to more.
(5) The Revelation Principle is being used here.
(6) Audits may be made to depend on other signals. Marshall and
Prescott (2001) analyze a model where regulatory sanctions depend on the
realization of bank returns.
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