Firms, assignments, and earnings.
Prescott, Edward Simpson
The U.S. distribution of labor earnings is highly skewed to the
right. Roughly, the lowest 50 percent of U.S. households, as measured by
individual labor earnings, make 10 percent of total labor earnings. The
next lowest 30 percent earn approximately 30 percent and highest 10
percent make 40 percent. (1)
Earnings are also related to a person's position within a firm
and employment at a particular firm. Within a firm earnings tend to be
associated with rank. The higher is an individual's authority and
control, the higher is his compensation. The most extreme manifestation of this is the enormous pay of the top executives of large firms. In
1996 the median pay of chief executive officers of companies in the
S&P 500 index was nearly 2.5 million dollars (Murphy 1999).
Across firms earnings tend to increase with firm size. This is
particularly true for executives. The elasticity of executive pay with
respect to firm size is in the range of 0.20 to 0.35 (Rosen 1992).
Earnings for workers also increase with firm size. This is the
well-documented wage-size premium (Brown and Medoff [1989] and Oi and
Idson [1999]).
The standard neo-classical production function, where output equals
a function of aggregate labor and aggregate capital, cannot
simultaneously account for these facts. It can generate an unequal
distribution of earnings, if some people's labor is more efficient
than others. But it has only one economy-wide firm so it is necessarily
silent on any relationship between earnings and firm assignments. And
even with respect to the distribution of earnings, the inequality of
labor efficiency that would imply such a distribution seems so unequal
as to defy credulity.
For a theory to explain these facts, it needs to solve the problem
of jointly assigning workers and managers to firms. This paper sketches
such a theory that is based on the firm-size model of Lucas (1978) and
on the hierarchy models of Rosen (1982, 1992). For simplicity, most of
the analysis focuses on firms with only two types of jobs, executives
and workers. This is enough to illustrate the connection between pay and
rank within and across firms; it also has the advantage of allowing us
to discuss the well-documented patterns in executive pay. (2)
In a firm the role of a manager is more important than that of any
single worker, just as the role of the chief executive officer is more
important than that of any subordinate, manager or worker. Finns are
structured as hierarchies in which decisions made by a high-level
manager affect the productivity of individuals in lower levels who
report directly, or indirectly, to the manager. Decisions made at each
successively higher level in a firm affect proportionately more people.
Ultimately, the top executive's decisions affect the productivity
of everyone within the firm. Figure 1 illustrates.
For this reason it matters a lot who is assigned to the top
positions within a firm. For a firm, a small difference in managerial
talent at the highest level leads to a big difference in output. As a
consequence, within a firm it is best to place the most talented
individual at the top, while across firms it is best to place the most
talented individual at the largest firm. For both of these reasons,
scarce managerial talent can be incredibly valuable. Within firms it
leads to earnings inequality over rank. Across firms it lead to earnings
inequality over firm size.
Section 1 studies a problem where people are assigned to be either
workers or managers. All firms are a hierarchy with one level of
management. This model is a simplification of Lucas (1978). Short
discussions of executive pay, the wage-size premium, and marginal
product pricing in assignment models are included. Section 2 studies a
simple extension of the Lucas model to incorporate multi-level
hierarchies as in Rosen (1982). Section 3 provides a concluding
All production in this economy is done by firms. Each firm consists
of a manager and a number of workers. A firm's production depends
on the talent of the manager and the amount of labor supplied by the
workers. The production function is tf(l), where t is the talent of the
manager and l is the number of workers working for him. The function
f(l) is concave so given a manager there is decreasing returns to scale
in the number of workers who work for him. Decreasing returns at the
firm level will lead to the existence of multiple firms rather than just
one large firm with everyone working under the most talented manager.
The number of workers working for a manager is often called a
manager's span of control. The more talented a manager is the more
workers who work for him, and the larger is his span of control.
People differ in their managerial talent. Talent is distributed by
h(t) across the population. H(t) is the cumulative distribution
function. There is an indivisibility in an individual's job. A
person can either be a manager or a worker, but not both at the same
time. The problem in this economy is to determine who will be a manager
and then how many workers will be assigned to each manager.
Each person must decide whether to be a worker or a manager. If he
chooses to be a worker then he receives the labor wage of w, which is
independent of his talent. If he chooses to be a manager, he must decide
how much labor to hire. He does this by solving
The first-order condition is
(1) tf'(l) - w = 0.
A manager's earnings [pi] is equal to t f(1) - wl. Naturally,
a manager must be paid at least as much as the wage or he would choose
to be a worker. Since managerial earnings are increasing in talent there
is a unique cutoff level of talent z for which all people with t
[greater than or equal to] z are managers and the rest are workers. Let
l(t) be the labor hired by a manager of talent t. Then,
(2) zf(l(z)) - wl(z) = w.
This condition just states that a marginal manager's profit,
zf(l(z)) - wl(z), equals his opportunity cost of working, w.
There is also a resource constraint on the supply of labor. It is
The left-hand side is labor hired while the right-hand side is
labor supplied.
A competitive equilibrium is a cutoff level of talent z, an
assignment of labor to managers l(t) for t [greater than or equal to] z,
and a wage w that satisfies the managers' first-order conditions,
that is, (1) for all t [greater than or equal to] z, indifference for
the marginal manager (2), and the resource constraint (3).
To illustrate the connection between firms and pay, we study the
case where f(l) = [l.sup.[alpha]] with 0 < [alpha] < 1. The number
of employees assigned to a firm, l(t), can be determined from (1). It
Because [alpha] is between zero and one, the number of employees
grows more than proportionately with the manager's talent. Another
measure of firm size is firm revenue or output q(t). Its relationship
with talent is nearly identical to that of l(t). It is
A similar relationship holds for managerial pay. Then,
Managerial pay grows more than proportionately with talent. Small
differences in talent at the managerial level lead to large differences
in pay (and firm size). The result is appealing because it implies that
even with a symmetric distribution of talent, which has some natural
appeal, earnings and firm size will be skewed to the right, as is
observed in the data. (3) Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between
talent and earnings in this example.
While the relationship of firm size and executive pay to talent is
of interest, the applicability of these theoretical results is limited.
The talent distribution is not observed and there is little hope of
directly observing it. However, the theory does predict a relationship
between firm size and executive pay that, for this example, is
independent of the talent distribution or talent level. The relationship
follows directly from (1). Notice that
(6) q(t)/l(t) = [tl(t).sup[alpha]-1] = w/[alpha].
Managerial pay with respect to firm size, as measured by q(t), is
(7) [pi](t) = q(t) - wl(t) = (1 - [alpha])q(t).
In this example, managerial pay is linear in firm size. (It is also
linear in firm size if firm size is defined as number of employees.)
Implications for Executive Pay
Qualitatively, the theory seems on the mark. Executive pay grows
with firm size. Quantitatively, however, some other functional form is
needed. In the data the log of executive pay is linear in the log of
firm size, which means that the level of executive pay takes the form
(8) pay = [b(size).sup[beta]].
Numerous studies find that the elasticity, [beta], is around
0.20-0.35. Elasticities in this range have been found in U.S. data
during the 1940s and 1950s (Roberts 1956), U.S. data in the late 1930s
(Kostiuk 1989), U.S. data from 1969-1981 (Kostiuk 1989), U.K. data
during 1969-1971 (Cosh 1975), and U.S. banking data in the 1980s (Barro
and Barro 1990). See Rosen (1992) and Murphy (1999) for more discussion.
One important feature of the data that the model is silent on is
the large increase in the ratio of executive pay to worker pay observed
over the last 30 years. In 1970 the average executive of an S&P 500
firm made 30 times the average worker wage. In 1996 this ratio was 90
for cash compensation and 210 for realized compensation, which includes
the value of exercised stock options (Murphy 1999).
One strategy for addressing this question is to postulate that
there was an exogenous change in the technology by changing the
production technology to tAf(l(t)), where A > 1, and f is homogenous of degree [alpha]. Interestingly, this has no effect on the economy
except to raise everyone's wealth by a factor of A. In particular,
set the new wage to Aw and keep the z and the l(t) unchanged from the
above model. This allocation satisfies the first-order conditions.
Worker pay grows by the factor A and so does managerial pay. Managers
still supervise the same number of people and wages and managerial rents
increase by the constant factor.
More promising strategies include postulating an exogenous change
in the span of control technology, say, from advances in information
technology, or by introducing capital. Lucas (1978) includes capital so
that the production function is tf(g(l,k)), where g is a constant
returns-to-scale technology. In his model, as an economy grows wealthier
the capital-to-labor ratio in firms increases, there are less firms, and
firm size increases. These forces increase executive pay, though the
precise effect on the ratio of executive to worker pay is unclear
because wages increase as well. Still, the growth in executive pay in
the last 30 years seems much greater than can be accounted for by
changes in the capital stock so one would guess that other factors are
also at work.
Talent as a Worker Input
In the simple model of the previous section there was a constant
wage for all workers. A worker was paid the same no matter what firm
employed him. In the data, however, there is a premium for working for a
larger firm. This well-documented observation has been reported by Brown
and Medoff (1989), Idson and Oi (1999), Oi and Idson (1999), Troske
(1999), and others. Idson and Oi (1999) report an elasticity of wages
with respect to plant size of 0.075 using 1992 data from the Census of
Manufactures. This size elasticity implies that an employee who works
for a plant that is twice the size of another plant earns 5 percent more
than an employee at the smaller plant.
In this section, we modify the production function to allow talent
to affect output at the worker level as well as at the managerial level.
This will add more earnings inequality. Alone it does not necessarily
generate a wage-size premium but it does give some insight into what
might generate it.
Let d(t) be the total talent of workers assigned to manager t and
let the production function now be tf(d(t)). The wage w now refers to
the payment per unit of hired talent so a worker of talent t is paid wt.
A manager's maximization problem is
The first-order condition is nearly identical to that of the
previous problem. It is
(9) tf'(d) - w = 0.
Marginal managers are indifferent to managing and working. This
condition is
(10) zf(d(z)) - d(z)w = zw.
Notice that now the opportunity cost of managing is the marginal
manager's talent times the wage.
Finally, the resource constraint on available talent is
The primary advantage of this formulation is that worker pay varies
with talent. Figure 3 describes the dependence of pay on talent for the
production function f(d) = [d.sup.[alpha]]. Unlike the previous model,
worker pay now varies and is linear with talent. However, the
relationship between managerial talent and managerial pay is identical
to that in the previous model. The connection between firm size and
managerial pay is also the same.
The model is silent, however, on worker pay and firm size because
for any given level of talent supplied to a firm, there are many
combinations of differentially talented workers that can provide that
total amount of talent. For example, a firm could have a small number of
highly talented individuals or a large number of less talented
individuals. Still, if there was a reason for the most talented workers
to be assigned to the most talented managers and so on down the talent
ladder until everyone was assigned, then there would be a wage-size
premium. This kind of matching is referred to as positive assortative matching. One way to generate such a reason would be to make the
production function highly complementary in the talent of the managers
and workers. Kremer (1993) studies one such firm-level production
function in which several tasks need to be performed simultaneously. If
any of these tasks are performed unsuccessfully, then no output is
produced. Talent improves the probability of success so this form of
complementarity generates positive assortative matching and a positive
wage-size premium.
Marginal Product
In this model all factors are paid their marginal product. This
might not appear to be the case if one was to use the firm-level
production function, tf(l(t)), to determine marginal product. However,
that is not the right production function for determining the margin.
This model is an assignment model, and the right margin for
determining marginal product is at the level of the production sector,
which in this model is the entire economy. What this economy does is
take as its inputs the numbers of people at each level of talent and
then creates managers and workers, combines them into firms, and
produces the output. Firms are really an intermediate good. The
production function at the economy level is linear in these inputs so
factors are paid their marginal products as in classical distribution
More formally, the production sector solves
subject to
The inputs into this production sector are the numbers of each type
t. The supply of these inputs is, of course, the distribution h(t). The
economy is linear, or constant returns to scale, in the input. If w is
the multiplier to (12) then the marginal product of t [greater than or
equal to] z is tf(l(t)) - wl(t) and of t < z is w. Managers are paid
what is left over. Their pay is a residual, which is called a rent in
the Ricardian tradition, but it is still a marginal product with respect
to the production sector.
Extending the basic assignment model to hierarchies with more than
two levels is conceptually straightforward, but it can be difficult
analytically. In this section, a simple extension is provided. (4) The
purpose is to generate a production hierarchy, like that illustrated in
Figure 1, to introduce slightly more complicated managerial production
functions, and to discuss relative pay levels between levels of
Production is limited to three-level hierarchies. As before,
workers and managers jointly produce a good according to the production
function tf(l). However, this good is no longer final output but an
intermediate good that is used by a second-level manager to produce the
final output. Let the intermediate good be called m. Final output is
tg(m), where t is the talent of the second level manager. The
intermediate goods are used to create a tractable example. The goal is
to model firms organized like those illustrated in Figure 1.
The price of a unit of the intermediate good is [lambda] and, as
before, the price of labor is w. We need to solve for an assignment of
labor to level-one managers, l(t), an assignment of the intermediate
good to level-two managers, m(t), and cutoff values [z.sub.1] and
[z.sub.2] that correspond to the cutoff talent levels between workers
and level-one managers and between level-one managers and level-two
managers, respectively.
The competitive equilibrium is set up so that the level-one manager
hires the labor and creates the intermediate good, which he sells to the
level-two managers. Despite this separation, we will interpret the
level-one managers and workers who create the intermediate good for a
level-two manager as being within the same firm. The problem can be
formally set up in this way, but it is much more complicated to write
A level-two manager's problem is
The first-order condition is
(13) tg'(m) - [lambda] = 0.
The marginal level-two manager, [z.sub.1], must be indifferent to
working as a level-one manager, that is,
A level-one manager's problem is
The first-order condition is
(15) [lambda]tf'(l) - w = 0.
The marginal level-one manager, [z.sub.2], must be indifferent to
working as a worker,
(16) [[lambda][z.sub.1]]f(l([z.sub.1])) - wl([z.sub.1]) = w.
The final conditions for a competitive equilibrium are the resource
constraints that the intermediate good used by level-two managers equals
the intermediate good produced by combinations of workers and level-one
and that the labor used by level-one managers equals the labor
With these formulas, we can derive similar relationships to those
derived earlier. For all managers at the same level in a hierarchy, the
relationship of pay with respect to talent look similar to those studied
earlier. The curvature of pay with respect to talent may differ between
managers assigned to different levels of a hierarchy. This will depend
on the properties of the production functions f and g. These functions
need not be the same since managing at lower levels within a firm may be
very different than managing at higher levels.
A commonly observed feature of managerial pay within a firm is that
there is a much larger difference in pay between levels of a hierarchy
than within given job classifications (Rosen 1992). In our simple model,
such a feature could be obtained if level-one managers were
appropriately assigned to level-two managers. But more generally, it
would be desirable to formalize the model so that it mattered which
level-one manager was assigned to which level-two manager. This brings
up the issue of positive assortative matching raised earlier in our
discussion of the wage-size premium. These effects would seem to matter
for junior executives as well.
The hierarchy illustrated by Figure 1 captures some features of
firms, but it really postulates that each branch within a firm operates
separately from the others. Some parts of a firm operate in this way,
but there are others, like personnel, maintenance, legal, and audit,
that provide services to all parts of a firm. Their outputs are
essentially intermediate inputs into the production of the final output
by other parts of the firm. The literature rarely considers these
features, yet if firms do anything special, it is that they do joint
production of activities that are not as efficiently supplied on the
market. It would seem desirable to introduce these features into some of
the firm production functions that have been studied in the literature.
Finally, the model considered here is a static model. If taken to a
dynamic environment, then the strategy would be to assume that managers
and firms are reallocated each period to whichever type of firm the
market sees fit to assign them. For some purposes, that abstraction is
fine but it misses a very important part of the managerial assignment
problem. Managers infrequently move between firms. Indeed, an important
activity of a firm is to identify and develop managerial talent for
future promotion through its ranks. The career ladder within a firm is a
very important device for solving this assignment problem and to an
extent it operates separately from the market. Understanding this
mechanism might be quite important for understanding the internal
distribution of pay between levels of a hierarchy within a firm. For
some work along this line see Lazear and Rosen (1981), Meyer (1994), or
the papers surveyed in Rosen (1992).
The author would like to thank Andreas Hornstein, Tom Humphrey,
Pierre Sarte, and John Weinberg for helpful comments. The views
expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.