Implications of the capital-embodiment revolution for directed R&D and wage inequality.
Hornstein, Andreas ; Krusell, Per
Wage inequality has increased dramatically in the United States since the late 1970s. In particular, we have witnessed growing wage
differences between groups defined by observed skills such as education
or experience. For example, the college premium--that is, the percentage
difference between the average wages of college-educated and
non-college-educated workers--increased by a factor of four. Since at
the same time the relative supply of college-educated workers increased,
we would have expected to see a fall of the college premium. The fact
that a decrease did not occur suggests that something else changed too.
A natural candidate is technical change that has been "biased"
toward skilled labor over this time. If the nature of technical change
makes skilled workers relatively more productive than unskilled workers,
then the wage gap will widen, assuming that market wages reflect
marginal productivities. But why should technical change be biased more
toward skilled labor? In fact, technical change sometimes has been
biased the other way. From a perspective of understanding the evolution
of wage inequality, then, it is important to determine the possible bias
of technical change.
In this article we investigate the long-term determinants of the
bias of technical change using a dynamic model where R&D is
endogenous and can be directed to specific inputs. One of the key
determinants of the form of technical change, then, is wage inequality
itself: with a high value of skilled workers--a high skill premium--the
value of new technologies directed for use with skilled workers will
rise. Thus, in our theory, wage inequality and technology are
simultaneously determined through a two-way feedback. We first study the
long-run determination of wages and technologies by considering long-run
outcomes: steady states.
Our ultimate aim, however, is to understand what causes changes to
the equilibrium wage inequality. In particular, we want to evaluate the
role of the IT revolution in shaping the last thirty years of wages and
productivity. We think of the IT revolution as having been initiated in
the mid-1970s; the defining event was that the relative price of new
capital, which is complementary to skilled labor, fell significantly. We
then consider two quantitative experiments. First, we consider a
one-time fall in the relative price of new capital, which allows us to
trace out the short-run dynamics of this model: In response to this
impulse, how do wage inequality and the induced directed R&D react?
We then consider a gradual and persistent fall in the relative price of
new capital aimed at matching the actual behavior of this price series
as measured by U.S. data. Now the question is quantitative: What is the
possible role of the IT revolution, viewed this way, in accounting for
the observed increase in wage inequality and associated changes in
Why Is Wage Inequality Relevant to Macroeconomists?
Our quantitative theory has joint implications for wage inequality
and technology. Thus, not only can such a theory tell us how technical
change influences relative wages, but it allows us to use wages to
understand the nature of technical change. In particular, not only do
wages reflect current marginal productivities, but they are also
relevant for understanding where current R&D efforts are
directed--both its composition and its effect on aggregate
productivity--and thus for predicting future productivity movements. We
therefore believe that, on ageneral methodological level, the
development of quantitative theories of the joint determination of wage
inequality and technology is important for furthering our understanding
of aggregate economic performance.
Because of the connection between wages and technology, wage data
are an interesting testing ground for different theories about what is
going on in the aggregate economy. Namely, there has been widespread
interest in what has happened to aggregate productivity, especially in
light of the "IT revolution": has IT technology, and all the
changes in the workplace it seems to have led to, also delivered higher
productivity? In conducting stabilization policy especially, monetary or
otherwise, information on the behavior of productivity is useful.
Relatedly, is there unmeasured quality improvement in the goods and
services produced by the new economy? This information is particularly
important in understanding how inflation really has influenced the
purchasing power of our money: with significant unmeasured quality
improvements, we are better off than the inflation figures indicate. To
the extent that wage inequality speaks indirectly about productivity
advances of different sorts, it is therefore arguably an important
variable to follow.
Aside from the role wage inequality has as an indicator of what is
happening--and what will happen--to aggregate economic performance, it
is also relevant in itself and for understanding the political debate.
Most obviously, wage inequality is often part of the distributional
goals of policymakers (and voters), and indications of widening wage
inequality may be taken as cause for some kind of action by these
groups. As economists, we perhaps have instinctive reactions to caution
against policies aimed at reducing wage inequality, since we think they
may reduce workers' efforts to work hard, accumulate human capital,
and so on. The theory in this paper suggests that there are other
reasons to react: reductions in wage inequality will certainly change
the composition of R&D, and thus the nature of technology, and they
are likely to change aggregate productivity growth as well.
To the extent that externalities in research and labor market frictions are not important, the market mechanism probably channels the
R&D efforts to its different uses quite efficiently, and thus one
should caution against policies leading to wage compression. However,
with an imperfectly functioning market, the situation is more
complicated. We do not characterize optimal policy in the environment we
study, but one could. Do the market imperfections lead to too much or to
too little wage inequality? The answer likely depends on details of the
imperfections, including those in the labor markets (which we abstract
from in this article). It is even a logical possibility that there is
too much equilibrium wage inequality from the perspective of efficient
R&D and that wage-compressing policies would be beneficial! However,
it might also be the reverse: such policies might be even more harmful
than indicated by our knee-jerk reactions. We hope to be able to address
these important issues in future work.
Capital-Embodied Technical Change and Wage Inequality
A main purpose of our paper is the study of the short-, medium-,
and long-run effects on the economy of an "IT revolution": of
a burst in capital-embodied technical change. In particular, we focus on
its role in wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labor and
subsequent R&D efforts. In the postwar U.S. economy,
capital-embodied technical change seems to have been an important source
of growth. As argued in Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Krusell (1997), to a
first approximation, capital-embodied technical change is reflected in
the decline of the price of new capital goods (such as computers and
other equipment) relative to the price of consumption goods. Since in
the United States the relative price of new capital has been falling at
an annual rate of close to 3 percent, this channel has been responsible
for a sizable fraction of overall growth.
The implications of capital-embodied technology for wages alone
have been studied previously. In earlier work, Krusell, Ohanian,
Rios-Rull, and Violante (referred to hereafter as KORV) (2000) estimate
features of the aggregate production function and use these features to
argue that a higher capital stock, induced by the fall in the price of
new capital, must have increased the relative productivity, and thus
wage, of skilled labor, that is, the skill premium. The argument in KORV
(2000) is based on a partial equilibrium analysis and takes relative
factor productivities and relative factor supplies as given. In this
paper we also take the latter as given; we take the view that whereas
the relative supply of skilled labor can be expected to change, it is
unlikely to be very elastic. For example, if we identify skilled labor
with college graduates, then we might expect that, because of inherent
ability-based differences, the supply of college graduates has an upper
limit or, alternatively, that the average quality of college graduates
would tend to fall as more students choose to go to college.
The contribution of this paper is the analysis of the equilibrium
response of relative factor productivities to changes in the relative
price of capital. Unlike changes in the relative supply of labor, there
does not seem to be a natural upper limit to technology improvements, in
particular to the relative improvements of different applications. In a
number of recent papers, Acemoglu (1998, 2002a, 2002b, 2003) has argued
forcefully and repeatedly that technical change is endogenous and is
purposefully directed to different uses, that is, specialized for
different kinds of workers/machines. We apply Acemoglu's framework
to the particular question of how changes in the relative price of
capital affect the relative incentives for productivity improvements
that are specific to capital, skilled labor, and unskilled labor. (1)
The argument in KORV (2000) that capital accumulation increases the
skill premium is based on the different substitution possibilities
between the inputs capital, skilled labor, and unskilled labor in the
aggregate production function. For any pair of inputs, basic economic
theory suggests that if firms minimize cost, then an input that becomes
relatively more expensive is used relatively less, holding the output to
be produced fixed. In other words, the relative input ratio falls as the
relative price increases. The question is whether the relative input
ratio falls relatively more or less than the relative price increases.
We say that two inputs are substitutes (complements) if following a 1
percent increase of the relative input price, the relative input use
declines by more (less) than 1 percent. (2) Alternatively, we can ask by
how much relative input prices have to change such that input markets
clear if the relative supply of inputs changes. Thus, if two inputs are
substitutes (complements) and the relative supply of one input increases
by 1 percent, then the relative price of that input has to fall by less
(more) than 1 percent such that the input markets clear.
Based on a wide range of empirical work and on independent
estimation, KORV (2000) argue that skilled labor is more complementary
to capital, whereas unskilled labor is more substitutable for capital. A
higher capital stock reduces the supply of skilled labor and unskilled
labor relative to capital. Holding the labor endowments and
productivities fixed, the price of skilled and unskilled labor relative
to the price of capital thus increases in an equilibrium. Since skilled
labor is complementary to capital, whereas unskilled labor is a
substitute for capital, the price of skilled labor relative to capital
has to increase more than the price of unskilled labor relative to
capital. Therefore, the wage of skilled labor increases relative to the
wage of unskilled labor.
Directed Technical Change and Factor Productivity
A major technological event such as the IT revolution will affect
not only the accumulation of capital but also the way R&D is
conducted. In general, we expect that R&D is purposefully directed
toward improving the productivity of activities where it will receive
the highest rewards. From our perspective, the important distinction is
whether R&D is directed toward improving the productivity of skilled
labor or unskilled labor, or whether it is used to further increase the
productivity of existing equipment capital. Many recent technology
developments seem skill-biased; for example, the development of advanced
software is performed by skilled labor. However, there are many examples
of how IT technology might also help unskilled labor improve its
productivity; cash registers, for example, have become very easy to use
and have drastically improved efficiency. Finally, general software
development can be viewed as improving the productivity of existing
computers. Since all these developments are the result of intentional research activities, and since they have very different implications for
the relative productivity of different factors, understanding how these
research activities respond to a fall in the price of capital seems
potentially quite important.
Acemoglu (1998, 2002b, 2003) describes a simple framework of
endogenous technical change where R&D is purposefully directed
toward the productivity improvement of different inputs. An important
ingredient of this approach is that the returns to R&D that improve
the productivity of an input are proportional to the total income of
that input. This creates a "market size" effect of R&D:
productivity-improving resources are allocated toward factor markets
with large factor income. With endogenous technical change, it is quite
possible that R&D resources are allocated to one factor at the
expense of another factor if the market for the neglected factor is
small. In the long run, the productivity of the neglected factor
stagnates. Externalities in the R&D process--that is, productivity
improvements to one factor that spill over to other factors--can
overcome this effect such that in the long run productivity improvements
proceed at the same rate for factors with small and big markets. We now
describe how purposeful R&D affects the interaction of technical
change and wage inequality.
We have already described how changes in the relative supply of
capital together with different degrees of substitutability in
production affect relative wages directly. More important, however, in
an economy with directed R&D, relative supply changes also affect
relative factor incomes, depending on the degree of substitutability.
When factor productivities can change, the relevant factor supply is the
product of factor endowment and factor productivity, that is, the number
of available efficiency units. Now suppose that the effective supply of
capital increases relative to the effective supply of skilled labor.
Because capital and skilled labor are complements, in an equilibrium the
wage of skilled labor relative to the price of capital has to increase
by more than the supply of skilled labor relative to capital falls, and
the total payments to skilled labor increase relative to payments to
capital. Because of the market size effect R&D is then redirected
toward making skilled labor more productive relative to capital; that
is, it increases the relative effective supply of skilled labor. This in
turn lowers the relative income of skilled labor, and the R&D
process is stable.
Now consider an increase of skilled labor productivity relative to
unskilled labor productivity; that is, the effective relative supply of
unskilled labor declines. Because unskilled labor is a substitute for
skilled labor and capital, in an equilibrium the wage of unskilled labor
relative to the wage of skilled labor has to increase by less than the
relative supply of unskilled labor to skilled labor falls, and the total
payments to unskilled labor decline relative to payments to skilled
labor. Because of the market size effect, R&D is then redirected
away from making unskilled labor more productive and the relative
productivity of unskilled labor falls. This in turn again reduces the
relative effective supply of unskilled labor, which in turn leads to
even less R&D devoted to improve the productivity of unskilled
labor, and so on. If this process is not stopped, the wage of unskilled
labor will stagnate and over time will become negligible relative to the
wage of skilled labor. This is a process that we have not observed in
the United States economic history. (3) While there have been changes in
the skill premium, these changes have remained bounded.
In order to prevent unskilled wages from losing out relative to
skilled wages, we assume that there are research spillovers between
skilled and unskilled labor. This does not seem entirely unreasonable a
priori, besides helping ensure that the long-run shares of skilled and
unskilled labor remain balanced. (4) This mechanism is similar to
Acemoglu (2002b), who studies the effects of directed R&D when the
relative supply of skilled and unskilled labor is changing and skilled
and unskilled labor are substitutes. (5)
We find that capital-embodied technical change together with
induced factor-specific technical change due to directed R&D
significantly raises the skill premium, that is, increases wage
inequality. We limit our analysis to the study of balanced growth paths
where each variable grows at a constant rate. On these balanced growth
paths factor income and expenditure shares are constant. We find that a
one-time increase of productivity in the capital-goods-producing sector
generates a small but very persistent increase of the skill premium. In
the long run, however, wage inequality is not affected. As we have
pointed out, capital-embodied technical change is not a one-time event,
but a process that has been ongoing for a long time. We therefore
consider a sequence of repeated productivity improvements in the
capital-goods-producing sector, and this sequence generates a
significant increase in the skill premium that persists for a very long
time, even after there is no more capital-embodied technical change.
The remainder of our paper is outlined as follows. In Section 1 we
describe the model--that is, the environment and the market
structure--and then characterize balanced growth paths of the model
economy. In Section 2 we parameterize the model to match the long-run
growth characteristics of the U.S. economy. In Section 3 we study the
short- and medium-term dynamics of the economy when there is
capital-embodied technical change; in particular, we study how the skill
premium and labor income share respond. Section 4 concludes.
Preferences and Technology
The model has the simplest possible consumer preference structure:
preferences are linear in consumption streams over time, with a constant
rate of discount:
where [C.sub.t] is consumption at time t and [beta] is the time
discount factor. This preference specification implies that the goal of
the consumer, or of any benevolent government planner, is simply to
maximize present-value output using a constant interest rate that is
equal to the consumer's rate of discount.
Production of Final Output: Capital-Skill Complementarity
A final output good Y (we omit time subscripts whenever there is no
risk of confusion) is produced with three intermediate inputs,
[Y.sub.k], [Y.sub.s], and [Y.sub.u], to an aggregate production function
F. These intermediate inputs are in turn produced from the primary
factors capital, skilled labor, and unskilled labor, respectively. We
assume that F is of the nested constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES)
form, as in KORV (2000):
with [rho], [sigma] [less than or equal to] 1. The elasticity of
substitution between skilled labor and capital is 1/(1 - [rho]). This
elasticity is less than one--that is, [rho] less than or eqaul to]
0--since we assume that capital and skilled labor are complementary. On
the other hand, the elasticity between unskilled labor and the aggregate
of skilled labor and capital is 1 / (1 - [sigma]). This elasticity is
greater than one--that is, [rho] [less than or eqaul to] 0--since we
assume that capital and unskilled labor are substitutes.
Production of Intermediate Goods
The production of intermediate goods is central to our model: it is
where the "directed technical change" appears. Following a
large part of the recent literature on endogenous growth, we assume that
productivity increases via an expansion in the variety of inputs with
which each intermediate good is produced. (6) At any point in time, a
type j intermediate good [Y.sub.j], j = k, s, u, is produced with a
continuum of specialized inputs, [n.sub.j]:
Each specialized input [Y.sub.j] (i), i [member of] [0, [n.sub.j]],
is produced from a primary factor with a distinct technology, which we
discuss shortly. In a symmetric equilibrium, all specialized inputs to
production of the same intermediate good are operated at the same level,
[Y.sub.j](i) = [y.sub.j]j for all i. This implies the following reduced
form production function for an intermediate good:
Production of Specialized Inputs
Finally, the production of specialized inputs is closely tied to
the three primary factors. A unit of capital produces one unit of any
type of specialized input used in the production of capital-based
intermediate goods:
(5) [Y.sub.k](i) = K(i),
where K (i) is the amount of capital used for specialized input i.
Analogously, we have for skilled and unskilled labor
(6) [Y.sub.s](i) = S(i) and [Y.sub.u](i) = U(i),
where S(i) and U(i) are the amounts of skilled and unskilled labor,
respectively, used for specialized input i.
The resource availability for each primary factor is as follows. At
each point in time t there is a fixed amount of capital [K.sub.t], and
over time, [K.sub.t] can be increased by foregoing consumption. The
other primary factors, skilled and unskilled labor, S and U, are fixed.
We can think of these as the amount of raw labor hours available in the
two groups. We thus abstract from variations in the amount of hours
supplied by each worker, in labor force participation, and in population
growth. Perhaps more important, we abstract from education decisions;
that is a topic worthy of further study.
In an equilibrium the demand and supply for primary factors is
equalized, and in a symmetric equilibrium the total demand for a primary
factor is equal to the product of the number and level of the
specialized inputs using the lhctor
(7) [n.sub.k][[y.sub.k] = K, [n.sub.s].[y.sub.s] = S, and
[n.sub.u][y.sub.u] = U.
Given the reduced form production function for a symmetric
equilibrium, we can relate intermediate goods production to the primary
factors as follows:
(8) [Y.sub.k] = [A.sub.k] K, [Y.sub.s] = [A.sub.s]S, and [Y.sub.u]
= [A.sub.]U,
where [A.sub.j] [equivalent to] [n.sup.1/(v-1).sub.j]. The
variables [A.sub.j] will play the role of the productivity specific to
factor j = k, s, and u. Notice that the development of more specialized
inputs, [n.sub.j], increases productivity, [A.sub.j], since v > 1.
This development occurs through R&D and will be discussed below.
Investment-Specific Technical Change
The aggregate resource constraint in the economy is
(9) [C.sub.t] + [I.sub.t]/[q.sub.t] = [Y.sub.t],
where the price of new capital goods--that is, investment
[I.sub.t]--in terms of consumption is 1/[q.sub.t]. Investment increases
the capital stock
(10) [K.sub.t+1] = (1 - [delta])[K.sub.t] + [I.sub.t]
after depreciation, 0 [less than or equal to] [delta] [less than or
equal to] 1. An increase in [q.sub.t] is a form of technical progress,
because it makes investment cheaper, and we call this form of technical
progress "capital-embodied" or
"investment-specific." We will consider a gradual increase in
[q.sub.t] from an initial stable level to a new plateau, thus
corresponding to a gradual fall in the price of new capital goods.
Finally, the development of new technologies occurs in a similar
way for the three kinds of intermediate goods: there is a fixed amount
of basic R&D input, R, that can be divided into producing new
varieties of specialized inputs of type j = k, s, and u. One unit of
research input produces [b.sub.j][[bar]n.subj] new specialized j inputs,
where [[bar]n.subj] is a weighted average of existing research stocks
(varieties). That is, researchers stand on the shoulders of past giants:
with a larger available stock of past research in the form of many
existing varieties, research productivity is higher. Besides R&D
externalities from previously developed varieties to new varieties used
in the production of the same intermediate input, there are also
spillovers from R&D activities for one intermediate input type to
other intermediate input types. In particular, we assume
We assume that R&D spillovers are limited to skilled and
unskilled labor research. These research spillovers between skilled and
unskilled labor are symmetric and captured by the parameter [phi]
[member of] [- 1, 1]. Capital research does not lead to, nor does it
receive, any spillovers.
Finally, the number of available specialized varieties depreciates
at rates [d.sub.k], [d.sub.s], and [d.sub.u], respectively. Although we
can interpret this assumption as exogenous obsolescence of ideas, it is
essentially a technical requirement that is necessary to guarantee the
local stability of balanced growth paths.
Summarizing the R&D sector, we have
(14) [n.sub.k,t+1] = (1 - [d.sub.k])[n.sub.k,t] +
(15) [n.sub.s,t+1] = (1 - [d.sub.s])[n.sub.s,t] +
(16) [n.sub.u,t+1] = (1 - [d.sub.u])[n.sub.u,t] +
where [R.sub.j,t] is the amount of R&D input devoted to type j
product development. The market for R&D inputs clears
(17) [R.sub.k,t] + [R.sub.s,t] + [R.sub.u,t] = R.
Markets and Decentralized Equilibrium
The market structure we consider is quite standard for this kind of
model setup. There is perfect competition in the final goods market.
Intermediate goods are bought and sold by perfectly competitive firms,
too, but their inputs--the specialized inputs--are provided by
monopolistically competitive firms. Each such monopolistic firm thus
owns a right (infinitely-lived patent) to produce its good that it once
bought from an R&D firm, and it controls the quantity supplied in
every period--with knowledge of the demand curve--in order to maximize
profits. With free entry into the monopolistic industry, the stream of
profits is enough to just cover the cost of the patent. Researchers, or
R&D labs, are perfect competitors, as are the providers of the
primary factors capital and labor. The output of research that has
market value is the patent; the effect on research productivity of
future research efforts is an externality.
We will now look at profit maximization conditions for the
different kinds of firms, starting with the final output sector.
Final Output
We normalized the price of the final output at one. The profit of a
competitive final goods producer is
(18) F([Y.sub.k], [Y.sub.s], [Y.sub.u]) - [P.sub.k]K - [P.sub.s]S -
A profit-maximizing final goods producer equates the marginal cost of a type j intermediate input--that is, its price. [P.sub.j]--to the
marginal value product of that input:
(19) [P.sub.j] = [F.sub.j]([Y.sub.k], [Y.sub.s], [Y.sub.u]) =
[F.sub.j] ([Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.s] , 1, [Y.sub.u]/[Y.sub.s]).
For the last equality we have used the fact that if F has constant
returns to scale, then its derivatives are homogeneous of degree zero.
Intermediate Goods
A competitive intermediate goods producer takes prices and
technology, in particular the number of available specialized inputs, as
given. The profit of a producer of type j = k, s, u intermediate goods
where [p.sub.j] (i) is the price for specialized input i for
intermediate good j. Again, a profit-maximizing choice equates the
marginal value product of a specialized input with the marginal cost of
the input, and we get
Conditional on the price of the intermediate good and the level of
intermediate goods production, this equation defines the quantity
demanded [Y.sub.j] (i) for specialized input i as a function of its
price, [p.sub.j] (i). This demand function has a constant price
elasticity, v.
In a symmetric equilibrium, [Y.sub.j] (i) [equivalent to] [y.sub.j]
(it does not depend on i), [p.sub.j] (i) = [p.sub.j] and[Y.sub.j] =
[n.supv/(v-1).sub.j][y.sub.j], so that we have
Specialized Inputs
Specialized inputs are produced by monopolistically competitive
firms; that is, they take into account the effect of the price they set
on their sales while taking the level of demand and the price of the
intermediate input for which they supply specialized inputs as given.
For example, a firm that produces a specialized input for the
capital-type intermediate good hires capital services K (i) at the
rental rate wk and maximizes profits:
(23) max [p.sub.k](i)[Y.sub.k](i) - [w.sub.k]K (i),
subject to the inverse demand function for [p.sub.k] (i) given in
(21). Because of the demand function's constant price elasticity,
the profit-maximizing choice sets the specialized input price as a
constant markup [mu] [equivalent to] v/(v - 1) over marginal cost:
(24) [p.sub.k](i) = [mu]W.sub.k].
Period profits are then
(25) [[pi].sub.k](i) = ([mu] - 1)[w.sub.k]K(i).
Similarly, we obtain for firms using skilled and unskilled labor
(26) [p.sub.s](i) = [mu][w.sub.s] and (i) = ([mu]- 1)[w.sub.s]S(i),
(27) [p.sub.u](i) = [mu][w.sub.u] and [[pi].sub.u](i) = ([mu] -
The capital value at time t of a specialized firm using factor j is
(28) Vj.t = j,t + B(1 -- dj) Vi,t+1,
where we have used the fact that the firm dies randomly between one
period and the next with probability [d.sub.j] and firms discount future
returns with the representative household's discount factor,
The Research Sector
Let [w.sub.R] denote the price of the services provided by one unit
of research. Each unit of research produces [b.sub.j][[bar]n.sub.j] new
varieties that use the primary factor j in the next period.
Alternatively, in order to obtain one specialized input i, one needs to
hire 1/[b.sub.j][[bar]n.sub.j] units of research services. Free entry in
the research sector amounts to the requirement that the value of the
patent to operate production of specialized input i using the basic
input j from the next period on has to equal the cost of obtaining that
patent. Thus,
(29) [w/sub.R,t]/[b.sub.j][[bar]n.sub.j,t] = [beta][V.sub.j,t+1]
is the zero-profit condition for the research sector.
Consumer Savings
The intertemporal first-order condition for the consumer equates
the marginal cost of a unit of investment good to the discounted value
of its marginal value next period:
Balanced Growth
In this economy, there will be long-run productivity and output
growth provided that the research activity is potent enough. We will
assume that this is the case. What is of more interest, however, is the
form that this growth will take. We will focus attention on balanced
growth paths (BGPs)--that is, paths where each variable of interest
grows at a constant percentage rate--and all factors are used in
production and account for positive and constant shares of total income.
This economy also allows for asymptotic growth paths where some factors
become unimportant in the long run and their income shares become
arbitrarily small. We do not study these asymptotic growth paths but
restrict attention to locally stable balanced growth paths, and we
assume that initial conditions are such that the economy is in a locally
stable neighborhood of the balanced growth path.
For the analysis of the BGP, we also assume that there is no
capital-embodied technical change; that is, the relative price of
capital is constant. When the relative price of capital is not constant
but declines at a constant rate, a BGP exists only if the elasticity of
substitution between all primary factors in the production function (2)
is unitary (Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Krusell 1997). Equal and unitary
elasticities of substitution are, however, inconsistent with the
observed differences in factor-substitution elasticities.
A BGP with Labor-Augmenting Technical Change
We first establish that the BGP of our economy with endogenous
directed technical change has the same properties as the BGP of the
neoclassical growth model with exogenous labor-augmenting technical
change. (7) Namely, output, capital, and the productivity of skilled and
unskilled labor all grow at the same rate, and the productivity of
capital is constant.
Prices for specialized inputs, Pk, Ps, and pu (where we have
removed the index i because of symmetry), are constant and equal markups
on the prices of the associated primary factors K, S, and U (equations
(24), (26), and (27)). From equations (19) and (22), it then follows
that the relative incomes of the three factors satisfy
The marginal products of intermediate inputs depend only on the
intermediate input ratios, [Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.s] =
([A.sub.KK])/([A.sub.sS) and [Y.sub.u]/[Y.sub.s] =
([A.sub.u]U)/([A.sub.s]S), because the production function F is constant
returns to scale. This in turn implies that the factor income ratios
depend only on the intermediate input ratios. Since by assumption the
two-factor income ratios are nontrivial constants on a BGP, the
intermediate input ratios are then constant. Thus, on any BGP, (a)
[A.sub.s] and [A.sub.u] grow at the same rate g, since U and S are
constant; and (b) [A.sub.k]K grows at the same rate as [A.sub.s]. This
implies that intermediate inputs [Y.sub.k], [Y.sub.s], [Y.sub.u], and
output Y all grow at rate g. Furthermore, because we assume that q is
constant on a BGP, capital K has to grow at the rate of final output;
otherwise, the investment share goes to zero or one. Because output
grows at the same rate as [A.sub.s], so does K. Hence, [A.sub.k] must be
The Equations that Characterize a BGP
The BGP is characterized by the constant (a) productivity growth
rate g; (b) relative productivity of skilled and unskilled labor
[[??].sub.u] = [A.sub.u]/[A.sub.s] (c) ratio of capital-skilled labor
productivity [??] = K/[A.sub.s] and (d) capital productivity Ak. We
first turn to the R&D sector to derive two equations that determine
the growth rate and relative productivity of unskilled and skilled
labor. Capital productivity and the normalized level of capital then
adjust to satisfy the optimal capital accumulation conditions.
Constant capital productivity Ak together with (14) imply that
(33) [d.sub.k] = [b.sub.k][R.sub.k]
Since productivity growth rates are constant on the BGP and the
total amount of resources, R, available for R&D purposes is
constant, the R&D resources directed to the different uses are also
constant. The restriction on the total amount of R&D input resources
then delivers one equation in the unknowns [R.sub.s] and
[R.sub.u]:[R.sub.s] + [R.sub.u] = R - dk/bk. From equations (15) and
(16) equal growth in[A.sub.s] and [A.sub.u] now implies that
This equation determines R&D resources devoted to the
improvement of skilled labor productivity [R.sub.s] as a function of the
relative productivity of unskilled labor [[??].sub.u]. Together with the
R&D equation for skilled labor, this determines aggregate growth:
The economic incentives that determine the direction of technical
change are described by the free-entry conditions for R&D (equation
(29)). These conditions imply that the marginal payoffs from R&D in
each of the three basic uses are equalized to the marginal cost of
(36) [w.sub.R] = [b.sub.j][[bar]n.sub.j][V.sub.j] for j = s, u, k.
The capital value of a firm that produces a specialized input is
equal to the expected present value of current and future profits from
production. For example, from equation (26) a firm that produces
specialized inputs from skilled labor has profits ([mu] -
1)[w.sub.s]S/[n.sub.s] = [w.sub.s]S[A.sup.1-v.sub.s], and profits
decline at the gross rate [(1 + g).sup.2-v] since more and more firms
have to share the available stock of skilled labor. On a BGP the capital
value of such a firm is
Notice that the capital value and therefore the return to R&D
that improves the productivity of skilled labor is proportional to the
total factor income of skilled labor. Similar expressions can be derived
for the capital values of firms that use unskilled labor or capital.
Equalization of returns to R&D from productivity improvements
for skilled and unskilled labor then implies the condition
which involves the growth rate g, relative productivity [??] and
the normalized capital stock [A.sub.k][??] through the relative wages.
Equalization of returns to R&D from productivity improvements for
skilled labor and capital and manipulations similar to the ones above
yield the condition
Note that the relative incentives to do R&D depend on the
relative factor income shares.
Equations (34)-(39) involve four equations in four unknowns:
[R.sub.s], g, [[??].sub.u], and [A.sub.k][??]. We will briefly discuss
the solution to this system below. Having solved for these four
variables, we find the remaining endogenous variables by using the BGP
version of our equations. First, we determine the constant productivity
of capital [A.sub.k]. Given the exogenous price of new capital q, we get
a constant value for the rental rate of capital Wk from the optimal
capital accumulation condition (30). Given markup pricing (24), the
rental rate is equal to [p.sub.k]/[mu] = [P.sub.k][A.sub.k]/[mu] =
[F.sub.k][A.sub.k]/[mu], and since the marginal product of capital Fk
depends on known factor input ratios, this delivers Ak.
To find levels of variables at a point in time, we need to
initialize our state variables at time 0. The state variables of the
system are K, [A.sub.k], [A.sub.s]., and Au, of which we already know
Ak. Thus, let K (0) = 1. Then As. (0) is implied by [A.sub.k][??] =
[A.sub.k]K/[A.sub.s]. Finally, Au, (0) follows from knowing
[[??].sub.u]. Given the growth rates of all variables, we can now solve
for the levels of quantities and prices at all points in time. Perhaps
the last variable to solve for is the factor rental of the research
input, [w.sub.R]; it equals a present value of profits, where each
profit flow is a fixed fraction of labor costs per product.
Characteristics of Growth Paths
In our economy, capital-embodied technical change--that is,
technical progress in the investment goods sector--temporarily increases
the growth rate and the skill premium, but it does not affect growth or
the skill premium in the long run. The temporary effects of a
once-and-for-all productivity increase in the investment goods sector
are, however, extremely persistent. In our economy, deviations from the
BGP path are persistent because induced technical progress can be
self-fulfilling, which makes the economy potentially unstable and
introduces the possibility of multiple BGPs. Counteracting this
destabilizing force is a spillover between R&D activities devoted to
productivity improvements of unskilled and skilled labor. In the next
section we will show that for a calibrated version of the model economy,
the research spillovers just overcome the self-fulfilling aspect of the
growth process and the economy is just barely stable, which implies the
high persistence of deviations from the BGP.
The Role of Investment Technology for Growth and Wage Inequality
The variable q represents the relative productivity of the
investment goods sector. One unit of final output can be transformed
into one unit of consumption or q units of new machines. Equivalently,
1/q is the relative price of new capital in terms of consumption goods.
As we have just argued above, this technological parameter has no impact
on long-run growth in this economy. Essentially, investment technology
pins down the level of the marginal product of capital in production,
but that is a level effect in this growing economy: it determines Ak.
the productivity of installed capital that is constant over time. Growth
is determined by R&D decisions, which respond to profits from
innovation. Since profits are collected as a (constant) markup over
costs, and costs are the expenditures on the primary factors, R&D
decisions respond to factor income. The relative allocation of R&D
resources toward factor-productivity improvements then depends on
relative income shares. Finally, given the homogeneity of the production
function, relative income shares depend on the relative input ratios
([Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.s] and [Y.sub.u]/[Y.sub.s]), but not on the
productivity of capital per se.
This result also applies to an economy where consumers desire to
smooth consumption, that is, where utility is not linear. The optimal
capital-accumulation condition (30) then includes the long-run growth
rate g, but this variable has already been determined in the R&D
sector. The optimal capital-accumulation condition is still limited to
the determination of Ak.
The skill premium of this economy is
(40) [w.sub.s]/[w.sub.u] = [A.sub.u]/[A.sub.s] -
and it depends only on the relative input ratios. Since the
relative input ratios are entirely determined in the R&D sector, the
investment technology parameter q does not have a long-run impact on
wage inequality either. Again, a permanent increase in q increases
[A.sub.k], the productivity of installed capital, permanently; however,
this variable does not influence [F.sub.s]/[F.sub.u] in the long run. In
other words, the variables [A.sub.u]/[A.sub.s], and K/[A.sub.s]. will
adjust over time until [F.sub.s]/[F.sub.u] returns to its initial value.
Over the course of this adjustment, of course, there are temporary
effects on the skill premium, and the subject of the work below is to
study these temporary effects, (8)
Can Technology Growth Be Self-Fulfilling?
In our economy R&D decisions depend on scale: if the
productivity of a primary factor is large--that is, if there are many
specialized inputs using this factor--then this factor gets paid a high
rental rate and receives a high income, which in turn increases the
incentive to do more R&D for this factor. This argument, however,
applies to all factors, and given the finite resources that can be used
for R&D, what matters is the relative allocation of these resources
among competing uses. Thus the behavior of relative factor incomes
determines the relative allocation of R&D resources. As was pointed
out by Acemoglu (2002b), the impact on relative factor incomes is
connected to the substitutability features of the intermediate goods in
final output production.
Consider the case of capital and skilled labor first. Suppose the
productivity of skilled labor increases, that is, the relative supply of
skilled-labor-based intermediate inputs increases. Since capital and
labor are gross complements, the relative income of skilled labor falls,
and resources are redirected toward capital accumulation. This in turn
increases the relative supply of capital based intermediate inputs, and
the process is stable.
Alternatively, consider the case of skilled and unskilled labor,
which are substitutes. Now an increase of the relative supply of
skilled-labor-based intermediate inputs increases the income of skilled
labor relative to unskilled labor, which leads to even more R&D
resources devoted to the creation of skilled-labor-using specialized
inputs, which in turn increases the relative supply of
skilled-labor-based intermediate inputs. This productivity growth
process feeds on itself and the relative productivity of skilled labor
increases more and more, such that in the end the economy is effectively
specialized in skilledlabor-based ntermediate inputs. In order for the
economy to remain stable, we need another mechanism that counteracts the
scale effects: technology spillovers between the two kinds of labor.
With spillovers, productivity improvements or skilled labor lower the
R&D cost for unskilled labor, and if these spillovers are strong
enough, they can stabilize the R&D process and prevent a complete
specialization. The strength of spillovers is reflected in the parameter
[phi]: with [phi] = 1, there are no spillovers and the strength of
spillovers increases as [phi] declines.
The possibility of self-fulfilling productivity growth paths in our
economy suggests that there might be multiple BGPs. To simplify the
study of multiple BGPs, assume that the number of specialized inputs
depreciates at the same rate in all sectors, d [equivalent to] [d.sub.u]
= [d.sub.s] = [d.sub.k]. We can then solve equations (34) and (35)
easily for the growth rate:
Note that with spillovers the growth rate is a non-monotone
function of the relative productivity of unskilled labor [[??].sub.u].
Without spillovers ([phi] = 1), the growth rate is a constant,
independent of the relative productivity. Now use the nested CES
aggregate production function (2) to derive explicit expressions for the
factor income ratios:
Inserting these two expressions in equations (38) and (39), we
where #1 and #2 are constants and g depends on [[??].sub.u]. We now
have two equations in two unknowns, [A.sub.k][??]/S and [[??].sub.u].
They define two curves relating the two unknowns, and the balanced
growth path is found as an intersection of the two curves. Is there a
solution to this system, and if so, is there more than one? We will not
go further here than to point out that both equations define
upward-sloping curves so long as p < 0 < [sigma], which are the
assumptions we use because of the data on cross elasticities between
different inputs. (9) And with two upward-sloping curves, multiple
solutions are not only possible but, as we have verified numerically,
hard to avoid in this framework. This is in contrast to the setups in
Acemoglu (2002b, 2003), which deliver unique steady states. Because of
our three-factor setup here, multiplicity is hard to avoid.
The interpretation is the one hinted at in several places above. On
the right-hand side of equation (44) is the relative return on R&D
with respect to productivity improvements of unskilled to skilled labor,
and on the right-hand side of equation (45) is the relative R&D
return with respect to capital and skilled labor. The two unknowns are
the relative productivities of unskilled labor and capital (relative to
that of skilled labor; in the case of capital, we measure the stock
times the productivity). In equation (44), a higher productivity of
unskilled labor raises the relative return on unskilled labor, because
skilled and unskilled labor are substitutes ([sigma] > 0) and because
of the market size effect ((1 - [phi])(v - 1) > 0) if there are
spillovers. To balance the increased relative return of unskilled labor,
the productivity of capital has to increase. Because of capital-skill
complementarity, [sigma] > 0 > [rho], the higher capital
productivity increases the return to skilled labor. In equation (45), an
increase in the productivity of unskilled labor gives a reinforcing
scale effect, because it can be viewed as a relative decrease in the
productivity of capital, which is balanced in this case by an increase
in the direct productivity of capital, since skilled labor and capital
are complements ([rho] < 0).
When there are multiple balanced growth paths, it is important to
check "local stability" of each of these: do small deviations
of the state variables from the balanced growth path lead back to the
balanced path or do they lead away from it? In our numerical examples,
we found one stable and one unstable path, the last of which is
economically irrelevant (since no initial conditions would lead there).
We also found cases where there is only one, unstable balanced growth
path. In this case, the scale effects are simply too strong to admit
convergence to a balanced outcome: any deviations from the balanced path
would lead away from it. We tend to find at least one stable equilibrium when the spillovers are strong, i.e., when [phi] is low, and when
knowledge depreciation is high, i.e., when d is close to one.
Our intention is to provide a quantitative statement on how a
decline of the relative price of capital affects wage inequality.
Furthermore, our model is sufficiently complicated such that we cannot
analytically characterize the stability properties of its balanced
growth path. We therefore solve the model numerically, and in order to
do this we have to decide what are empirically relevant values of the
model's parameters. In the following we parameterize the economy
such that its balanced growth path is consistent with observations
on the U.S. economy in the latter part of the twentieth century.
We assume that a time period represents one year, and we choose the
time discount factor [beta] such that the annual interest rate is 4
percent. The annual depreciation rate for equipment capital in the
United States is [[delta] = 0.125. KORV (2000) estimate the elasticity
parameters for the two-stage CES production function (2) as [rho] = -0.5
and [sigma] = 0.4. We set the specialized input parameter v = 11 such
that the equilibrium markup is 10 percent above marginal cost, [mu] =
1.1. This choice is at the upper bound for estimates of profit rates in
the U.S. economy. Acemoglu (2002a) provides various estimates of the
factor income ratios of skilled to unskilled labor. We set the ratio
[w.sub.s]S/[w.sub.u]U = 0.5, which corresponds to Acemoglu's
estimate of this ratio in the 1990s for a broad definition of skilled
labor. We set the capital income share in final output to one-third,
which roughly corresponds to the capital income share in the United
Estimates by the National Science Foundation (NSF) suggest that in
the United States R&D expenditures are less than 3 percent of GDP The NSF estimates include public and private expenditures on R&D. In
the following we interpret the R&D input as a type of labor and
include the value of R&D inputs in the model economy's measure
of GDE Conditional on the factor income shares and assuming equal
depreciation rates of knowledge, d = [d.sub.j], the R&D share in GDP
determines the depreciation rate d. The R&D share in GDP is
increasing in d, and with d = 0 the R&D share is 4.9 percent
conditional on the other income shares. The BGP equilibrium is not
stable for d = 0, but we obtain a stable BGP for d = 0.01, which implies
a BGP R&D share of 5.9 percent. In the following we interpret the
R&D input as another type of skilled labor.
No quantitative evidence is available on the R&D externality.
We set the R&D externality parameter for skilled and unskilled labor
to [phi] = 0.5. Larger externalities, smaller [phi], have no appreciable impact on the medium term to long-term dynamics. Smaller externalities,
larger [phi], make the effects of shocks more persistent, but for [phi]
approaching 0.9 we can no longer find a stable BGP
Direct observations on [[??].sub.u], [Y.sub.u]/[Y.sub.s], or
[Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.s], are also not available. For the calibration
exercise the values of these variables and of S/U, [omega], and
[lambda]. are not determined. This is not a problem since, conditional
on the calibration so far, the local dynamics around the BGP are
independent of the choice for these variables. In the following we
normalize [[??].sub.u] = [Y.sub.u]/[Y.sub.s] = [Y.sub.k]/[Y.sub.u] = 1.
In the previous discussion of the BGP we argue that a permanent
change of the relative price of capital does not affect the
economy's long-run growth rate, factor income shares, or skill
premium. We now want to argue that even though the effects of a
permanent change in the relative price of capital are transitory, they
are nevertheless very persistent. For this purpose we perform two
experiments. First, we show that in response to a one-time permanent
decline of the relative price of capital, the relative wage of skilled
labor and the wage income share increases and these effects are
extremely persistent. In the introduction we point out that
capital-embodied technical change is not a one-time event, but an
ongoing process. In a second experiment we therefore model ongoing
embodied technical change through successive reductions of the relative
price of capital and show that the skill premium and labor income share
increase significantly over time and stay above their long-run values
for a very long time.
We study a local approximation of the dynamic response of our
economy to an exogenous shock. Since our economy is growing over time,
we first have to transform the dynamic system such that all variables
are stationary. This is possible since we study a BGP where all
variables grow at constant rates. The state variables of the transformed
system are ([A.sub.k,t], [[??].sub.t], [[??].sub.u,t]).
A preliminary observation is worth making before going into the
details of the experiment. If one computes the relative wages of skilled
and unskilled workers in this economy treating productivity and
investment levels as exogenous, it is apparent that an increase in q,
which automatically increases the capital stock, must increase the
relative wage of skilled labor because [sigma] > p. This can easily
be seen by taking the ratio of [F.sub.s] to [F.sub.u] and using [sigma]
> p: this expression is increasing in K. This essentially is the
argument in KORV (2000) about why the skill premium has been increasing.
Our main question below is, how does capital accumulation and endogenous
directed technical change respond to the fall in the price of new
capital goods?
Experiment 1: A Permanent 1 Percent Decline of the Relative Price
of Capital
Figure 1 shows the response of the state variables to a 1 percent
permanent decline of the relative price of capital. On impact, as
investment in capital becomes more attractive and the economy starts to
accumulate more capital and more resources are devoted to the
improvement of capital productivity, both [??] [equivalent to]
K/[A.sub.s] and [A.sub.k] increase. After the initial impact, the
economy devotes more resources to the improvement of skilled labor
productivity since skilled labor and capital are complementary in
production, and consequently the relative productivity of unskilled
labor [[??].sub.u] [equivalent to] [A.sub.u]/[A.sub.s] declines. We have
argued above that the BGP value of [[??].sub.u] is independent of the
relative price of capital and the relative productivity of unskilled
labor returns to its longrun value over time. On the other hand, the BGP
values of the normalized capital stock and the productivity of capital
depend on the price of capital. In particular, the productivity of
capital declines and the capital stock increases with the decline of the
relative price of capital. From Figure 1 it is apparent that the shock
has a very persistent impact on the state of the economy. Recall that
one period represents a year. Even after 1,000 years the economy still
has a long way to go to arrive at its new BGP.
The economy's GDP growth, the labor income share, the skill
premium, and the relative wage of R&D labor all increase following a
decline of the relative price of capital (see Figure 2). (10) As
discussed above, the BGP growth rate, labor income share, and relative
wages are independent of the relative price of capital. Whereas the
impact on the growth rate dissipates very fast, the effect on relative
wages and the labor income share is very persistent. (11) The
quantitative effect of a one-time 1 percent reduction of the price of
capital is small; for example, the skill premium increases by less than
1 percent.
Experiment 2: A Sequence of Relative Price of Capital Reductions
In our economy a BGP does not exist if the relative price of
capital declines at a constant rate. In order to model the effects of
the observed secular decline of the relative price of capital, we
therefore assume that this price declines at a constant rate for 100
years and then remains constant forever. We base our study of the
medium- to long-run effects of the price decline on a local
approximation of the economy's dynamics. We therefore want to avoid
deviating too much from the BGP and limit ourselves to a 0.5 percent
annual rate of price decline. This is substantially less than the 3
percent annual rate of decline for the relative price of equipment
capital observed for the United States (Greenwood, Hercowitz, and
Krusell 1997). Our example should therefore only be interpreted as a
quantitative illustration of the effect of an ongoing decline of the
relative price of capital.
Figure 3 shows that as long as the relative price of capital
declines, the economy's growth rate, labor income share, and
relative wage of skilled labor and R&D labor all increase. The
impact of the capital price decline on relative wages is quantitatively
important. Over the 100-year decline of the relative price of capital,
the skill premium--that is, the price of skilled labor relative to
unskilled labor--increases by about 40 percent, and the relative price
of labor employed in the R&D sector increases by 15 percent. The
change of the GDP growth rate and the labor income share would not be
noticeable in the data. Changes of the magnitude implied by the model,
one-tenth of a percentage point for the growth rate and half a
percentage point for the labor income share, are dominated by other
business-cycle-related fluctuations of these variables. Finally, all
variables return to their initial BGP values once the relative price of
capital no longer declines, but this process occurs at a very slow rate.
We find in this paper that a permanent decline in the relative
price of capital has long-lasting, but not permanent, effects on wage
inequality. In particular, we find that cheaper capital goods initially
raise the relative wage of skilled workers due to capital-skill
complementarity. In addition, cheaper capital goods also initially
induce more technical change to augment the existing capital stock--a
"scale effect" due to the incentives to do R&D--which
works toward even larger wage inequality. However, in our model economy,
the other factors of production eventually respond due to (a)
complementarity in production with skilled labor and (b) spillovers from
research into skilledlabor intensive industries to those mainly using
unskilled labor. We do not have any way of knowing how strong such
spillovers are; in the model we assume that they are strong enough to
counteract the initial impulse toward inequality. If they are in fact
weaker than that, the long-run outcome likely would make the share of
total income accruing to unskilled workers go to zero.
Our analysis focuses on how the initial impulse--the fall in the
price of new capital--induces directed R&D. We have, however,
abstracted from incentives to accumulate skill. In response to a higher
wage premium to skill, one would expect more skill accumulation. How
strong this effect is in reality is an open question. How it would
interact with the other factors driving long-run inequality in our model
is also an open question. We leave these interesting questions, as well
as policy analysis, for future directed research.
(1) Acemoglu (2002b) has studied how the interaction of directed
R&D with a change in the relative supply of skilled labor affects
wage inequality.
(2) With perfect complements the relative input use does not
respond at all to a change in relative prices, and with perfect
substitutes the relative input use may switch completely with a change
in relative prices.
(3) Goldin and Katz (1999) argue that in the United States the
skill premium declined (increased) in the first half (second half) of
the twentieth century.
(4) Research spillovers between labor of either sort and capital
are not present in our model. Such spillovers would imply that there
must be long-run technological change to augment the capital input, and
this would make the capital-labor share unbalanced.
(5) A similar mechanism is used by Goodfriend and McDermott (1998)
to explain the determinants of relative national per capita products in
world balanced growth.
(6) See. for example, Romer (1990).
(7) For a similar environment, this was established, by Acemoglu
(8) Notice that the basic supplies of skilled and unskilled
workers, S and U, directly influence the long-run skill premium, even
though they do not at all influence the relative total wage bills of the
two groups. An interesting issue is how the endogenous accumulation of
skills (e.g., education or on-the-job learning), which makes the
relative supply of skilled labor endogenous, would interact with
technological change to determine long-run wage inequality. We have
argued before that there are limits to the extent that the relative
skill endowment can be affected, and therefore we do not pursue this
(9) To simplify the exposition, we treat the growth rate in
equation (45) as a constant: that is, we ignore the feedback from
equation (41). The dependence of g on [[??].sub.u] may cause
nonmonotonicities, but that is only a local property; globally, the
equation defines an upward-sloping relation.
(10) The substantial volatility for the GDP growth rate can be
attributed to the fact that preferences are linear in consumption. With
concave utility in consumption, there would be an incentive to smooth
consumption and we would not see the wild swings in the GDP growth rate.
(11) It may appear odd that the relative wage of R&D labor is
less than the wage of unskilled labor, but remember that we have said
nothing about the units of R&D labor embodied in an R&D worker.
Thus, the scale of the relative wage is arbitrary. The same can be said
about the relative wage of skilled and unskilled workers.
Acemoglu, Daron. 1998. "Why Do New Technologies Complement
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Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. 1999. "The Returns to
Skill in the United States Across the Twentieth Century." NBER Working Paper 7126 (May).
Goodfriend, Marvin, and John McDermott. 1998. "Industrial
Development and the Convergence Question." American Economic Review
88 (December): 1277-89.
Greenwood, Jeremy, Zvi Hercowitz, and Per Krusell. 1997.
"Long-Run Implications of Investment-Specific Technological
Change." American Economic Review 87 (June): 342-62.
Krusell, Per, Lee Ohanian, Victor Rios-Rull, and Giovanni Violante.
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Andreas Hornstein is with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Per
Krusell is with the University of Rochester, the Institute for
International Economic Studies, CAERP NBER. and CEPR. We would like to
thank Marvin Goodfriend, Kartik Athreya, and Bob Hetzel for helpful
comments. The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those
of the Federal Reserve Bank or the Federal Reserve System.