Regulating bank capital structure to control risk.
Prescott, Edward S.
The most important recent developments in bank regulation are based
on capital requirements. For example, the Basle Accord of 1988 specifies
that bank capital must be at least 8 percent of a bank's
risk-weighted assets. (1) Also, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) requires regulators to shut
down a bank whose capital has dropped below a cutoff level.
While these regulations are important, their focus is too narrow in
that they concentrate solely on equity. There are other types of
financial instruments available, and these can be even more effective
than capital requirements at controlling risk. Proposals to require
banks to issue subordinated debt recognize this, but even those
proposals do not make full use of the possibilities available. This
article argues that capital regulation can be improved by using
financial instruments like convertible debt and warrants with high
strike prices. Furthermore, some of the improvement brought about by
these instruments would allow a reduction in the traditional capital
Any economic study of bank capital regulation requires a theory of
capital structure. Modern theories of corporate financial structure
start with the celebrated result of Modigliani and Miller (1958): that
in a world without taxes or bankruptcy costs, the value of a firm does
not depend on its capital structure. These theories then consider
departures from the world of Modigliani and Miller--departures that
cause the capital structure to matter. The particular departure studied
in this article is agency theory. In the agency theory of capital
structure, limited liability creates an incentive for highly leveraged
firms to take excessive risk. These incentives are made worse in banking
because of deposit insurance. This idea was developed by Merton (1977)
and Kareken and Wallace (1978) in the context of deposit insurance and
is related to the agency theory of capital structure developed by Jensen
and Meckling (1976).(2)
The analysis presented in this article is a simplified exposition
of the analysis contained in Marshall and Prescott (2001). They examine
the value of augmenting capital regulations with securities that
fine-tune the payoff received by a bank. In the Marshall and Prescott
model, a bank chooses the risk and mean characteristics of its loan
portfolio. For reasons described later, limited liability and government
insured bank debt gives banks an incentive to take risk. They find that
capital requirements are much more effective at controlling risk taking
if they are augmented with securities like warrants or convertible debt.
As in Green (1984), these latter instruments control risk taking because
they lower the net return to a bank when it performs extremely well.
The present article's focus on controlling risk taking is
particularly relevant to banking. The most striking example of a failure
to control risk-taking incentives is the savings and loan crisis of the
1980s. The standard story told about this event is that the inflation of
the 1970s lowered the value of the savings and loans' fixed rate
mortgages to the point that many had a negative net worth. Because of
this negative net worth, the savings and loans had nothing to lose by
taking on lots of risk. The deregulation of the early 1980s gave the
savings and loans the opportunity to take on the risk, and many failures
throughout the 1980s resulted. (3)
There is additional evidence of excessive risk taking. Boyd and
Gertler (1994) argue that large banks, who had stronger deposit
insurance protection due to the "too big to fail" doctrine,
took more risk than smaller banks during the late 1980s, which was a
period of widespread banking problems. Other studies have found a
connection between low capital levels and bank risk. The survey in
Berger, Herring, and Szego (1995) lists studies that imply that a higher
capital ratio is associated with lower bank risk, though this
relationship is sometimes weak. On a related point, several researchers
have found that franchise value is negatively correlated with risk.
Franchise value is the value of continued operations by the bank and can
represent organizational capital or the present value of future lending
opportunities. Failure of the bank would mean a loss of its franchise
value, which implies that high-franchise-value banks would behave more
prudently than low-franchise-value banks. Evidence that in the 1990s U.S
. banks with low franchise value took more risk than those with high
franchise value is contained in Demsetz, Saidenberg, and Strahan (1996).
In an international sample of banks, De Nicolo (2000) finds that
franchise value decreases and risk increases with bank size.
This section analyzes bank capital regulation when a bank is
restricted to issuing only debt and equity. This simple environment is
useful for reviewing corporate finance theory and for discussing bank
regulation. It will also be valuable in assessing the gain from
introducing instruments like warrants into bank capital regulation, as
is done in Section 2.
A bank's financing problem is considered under three different
sets of assumptions. The first set illustrates the Modigliani-Miller
Theorem. The second set of assumptions is based on the agency cost
theory of Jensen and Meckling (1976). The present article, however,
restricts its focus to the agency cost of debt; agency costs of equity
are ignored because the focus on debt costs is all that is needed to
illustrate the risk-control properties of warrants and convertible debt.
(4) The final set of assumptions adds deposit insurance to the agency
cost story; this set illustrates how deposit insurance creates
additional risk-taking incentives and how it shuts down the
market's incentive to control the bank's risk taking. Recent
subordinated debt proposals are discussed.
Consider a bank with an investment project that requires exactly
one dollar of investment. The risk-neutral owner or manager of the bank
also has one dollar of funds that he or she can either invest outside
the bank at the risk-free rate of zero or hold as equity in the bank.
(5) Any investment not funded by equity must be funded by debt that is
raised from the market. For the purposes of this article, the terms debt
and deposits will be used interchangeably. Because of limited liability,
debtholders cannot be repaid out of the returns to the banker's
market investments. Instead, if the face value of the debt cannot be
repaid out of the bank's investment project, then the bank is
liquidated and whatever is left is used to pay the debtholders. Finally,
since the exogenous risk-free rate is zero, debtors must receive an
expected gross return of 1.0 on their debt.
After raising the investment funds, the bank chooses one of two
investment strategies. It can choose a high-mean, low-risk strategy or a
low-mean, high-risk one. The high-mean strategy has a one-half
probability of paying 0.5 and a one-half probability of paying 1.5. In
expectation this strategy pays 1.0, which is the risk-free gross return.
The low-mean strategy has a one-half probability of paying 0.25 and a
one-half probability of paying 1.6. It pays 0.925 in expectation. The
high-mean strategy is the socially desirable option. (6)
The Modigliani-Miller Theorem
For the first set of assumptions, the bank can commit to the
investment strategy that it will take. Let D be the amount of debt
raised and let F be the face value of the debt, or the amount the bank
repays if it has the available funds. Also, let I be the amount of funds
invested in the market by the banker. Of course, for each dollar of own
funds invested in the market, the banker has to raise one dollar in
debt; therefore, D = I in this environment.
If the bank commits to the safe, high-mean investment strategy,
then for debt D [less than or equal to] 0.5 the bank always has enough
funds to pay back debt holders. In this case, F = D and the
banker's expected payoff is
0.5(0.5 - D) + 0.5(1.5 - D) + I = 1. (1)
For debt in the range 0.5 < D [less than or equal to] 1.0, the
bank cannot fully pay back the depositors if it produces the low return.
To compensate for this loss, the face value of debt needs to reflect a
risk premium. The risk premium depends on the amount of debt issued. In
particular, the face value of debt must satisfy (0.5)(0.5)+(O.5)F = D,
which implies that F = 2D-0.5. Therefore, if the bank's investment
project is entirely financed with debt, that is, if D = 1.0, then the
face value of the debt would be 1.5. If the bank fails the debtholders
receive 0.5, and if it succeeds they receive 1.5, which in expectation
is 1.0, the risk-free rate.
For 0.5 < D [less than or equal to] 1.0, the bank's
expected payoff is 0.5(0.0) + 0.5(1.5 -- 2D + 0.5) + I = 1, (2)
which is the same level as if it issued debt such that it never
Similar calculations for the risky investment strategy reveal that
the bank's expected payoff of committing to that strategy is also
independent of the debt and equity structure, though the bank's
expected payoff is at the lower value of 0.925. The value of the firm
depends only on its investment decision, and its capital structure has
no effect on its investment decision. This invariance of the value of
the firm to its financing decision is an example of the
Modigliani-Miller theorem (Modigliani and Miller 1958).
Jensen and Meckling
For the second set of assumptions, I assume that a bank's
investment decision is private information, that is, known only to the
bank. Jensen and Meckling (1976) use this assumption to establish a
connection between the investment and financing decisions of a bank. (7)
Under private information, a bank cannot commit to its investment
strategy. Instead, given its capital structure, an investment strategy
must be in the best interest of the bank, that is, incentive compatible.
Of course, the market anticipates the bank's inability to commit
and the price of debt will reflect whichever strategy the bank is
expected to choose given its debt structure.
There are three distinct ranges of debt to analyze. If D [less than
of equal to] 0.25, then the bank can always honor its obligations no
matter which investment strategy it chooses. For this case, the analysis
is the same as that in the Modigliani-Miller case. The face value of
debt is F = D. The bank owner receives a payoff of 1.0 by taking the
high-mean strategy and 0.925 by taking the low-mean strategy, so he or
she takes the safe strategy.
For the second debt range, of 0.25 [less than] D [less than or
equal to] 0.5, there is no failure if the bank takes the safe, high-mean
strategy. In this case F D and the bank's return is 1.0 as before;
however, because of the private information assumption, it must now be
verified that this strategy is incentive compatible. We therefore need
to calculate the bank's expected payoff from issuing this debt
contract and taking the low-mean, risky investment
strategy. If this number is less than or equal to 1.0, then the safe
strategy is incentive compatible; if it is greater than 1.0, then it is
not. In this case, the market will recognize that under this debt
structure the bank takes the risky strategy and it will price the debt
When the market thinks the bank is taking the safe strategy but it
is really taking the risky strategy, the bank's return is
0.5(0) + 0.5(1.6 - F) + I = 0.8 - 0.5F + I = 0.8 + 0.5D. (3)
For D[less than or equal to] 0.4, the value of equation (3) is less
than or equal to 1.0 (what the bank receives from taking the safe
strategy), so the safe strategy is incentive compatible. Above 0.4,
however, the value of equation (3) is greater than 1.0, so at these debt
levels the safe strategy is not incentive compatible.
Figure 1 illustrates the risk-taking incentives created by limited
liability. The solid line is the bank's payoff as a function of the
return given that the bank has raised D = 0.50 and that the market
assumes that the bank is taking the safe strategy, that is, F = D. The
payoff function is piecewise linear and convex because of limited
liability. This convex shape generates a taste for risk on the part of
the bank. If the bank takes the safe strategy, its payoffs range over a
linear portion of the returns (over 0.5 and 1.5) and the bank's
expected payoff is 1.0, just like that of the investment project. In
contrast, if the bank takes the risky strategy, it gains from the
convexity. Consider the dashed line in Figure 1, which connects the
payoff from the two returns produced by the risky strategy (0.25 and
1.6). Because of limited Liability, a return of 0.25 gives the bank a
payoff of 0.5 (the return on its market investment). The convex payoff
function rewards a bank on the upside without punishing it on th e
downside, and this payoff structure is reflected in its higher expected
payoff of 1.05, despite producing a socially inefficient investment
return of only 0.925, as indicated by the x in Figure 1.
Of course, for 0.4 < D [less than or equal to] 0.5, the market
realizes that the safe strategy is not incentive compatible, and it
prices the bank's debt as if it has taken the risky strategy. Thus,
if the bank takes the risky strategy, the face value of the debt is F =
2D - 0.25 and the bank's expected payoff is 0.925.
The final range of debt levels is D > 0.5. For this range, there
is a chance of default even if the safe strategy is taken. This changes
the formula for the face value of the debt, but the high-mean strategy
is still not incentive compatible for the same reasons described earlier
in relation to the second range of debt levels. Consequently, the bank
will choose the risky strategy so the face value of debt is F = 2D -
0.25 and the bank's expected payoff is 0.925.
Market Responses
Given these expected payoffs, the bank will choose a capital
structure with D [less than or equal to] 0.4 and then take the safe,
high-mean strategy. The value of the firm is 1.0, the expected payoff of
the safe, high-mean strategy. For higher levels of debt, the market
realizes that the bank cannot commit to the safe strategy. Consequently,
it prices the debt as if it were taking the risky strategy. The value of
the bank for these debt levels is 0.925, the expected payoff of the
risky, low-mean strategy. In the world of Jensen and Meckling (1976),
the value of a firm is not invariant to its capital structure.
Debt prices are not the only area in which a market may respond to
capital structure. For example, debt contracts often include covenants
that restrict borrower activities or trigger call options. The market
also may decide to spend resources monitoring the borrower. All of these
activities can be viewed as costly methods for reducing the adverse
effects of private information. In the present article, with no costs to
equity these unmodeled additional features are not needed, but in more
general environments they very well may be. I will return to this issue
below in the discussion of bank regulation.
Deposit Insurance
The final set of assumptions I consider is the addition of deposit
insurance to the agency theory of Jensen and Meckling (1976). In
practice, deposits (up to a limit) are the only debt explicitly insured.
But bailouts may implicitly insure other types of bank debt. To keep the
analysis simple, I assume that all bank debt is insured in one way or
another. Insurance in this context means that if the bank does not have
enough funds to pay back debtholders, the government insurer will make
them whole. More specifically, insurance means that debtholders always
receive a payment of D, so the face value of the debt is F = D. I also
assume that the government provides deposit insurance for free. This
assumption is a reasonable approximation of present FDIC policies. My
analysis in this section is quite similar to that done under the second
set of assumptions, which had no deposit insurance, but now the
government insurance also leads to transfers to the bank via underpriced debt.
For D [less than or equal to] 0.25 the bank can always pay back
debtholders, so there is no incentive problem and the analysis is the
same as under the first two sets of assumptions. The bank's
expected payoff is 1.0 if it takes the safe strategy and 0.925 if it
takes the risky strategy. Consequently, it will choose the safe
For 0.25 < D [less than or equal to] 0.5 most of the analysis is
the same as that under the previous set of assumptions. At or below 0.4,
the safe investment is incentive compatible and since F < 0.5, there
is no default; that is, F = D. For D > 0.4, the safe investment is no
longer incentive compatible, so the bank takes the risky investment,
just as it did without deposit insurance. What changes, however, is the
face value of the debt and the bank's expected payoff. Deposit
insurance always makes debtors whole, so there is no longer a need for a
risk premium. Consequently, F = D and the bank's expected payoff
increases because it has to pay out less when it does well. For D >
0.4, the bank's expected payoff is
0.5(0.0) + 0.5(1.6 - F) + I 0.8 + 0.5D. (4)
Figure 2 describes the bank's expected payoff as a function of
its investment strategy and debt level. The higher expected payoff level
indicates which investment strategy is incentive compatible at a
particular level of debt. For debt levels below 0.4, the bank chooses
the safe investment, but for debt levels above 0.4, it chooses the risky
investment. The bank's choice of investment strategies is identical
to the previous case without deposit insurance. However, as can be seen
in Figure 2, the bank's expected payoff exceeds 1.0 for debt levels
exceeding 0.4 and it increases with leverage. The value of the bank
increases with leverage because expected transfers from the government
increase. These expected transfers are considered by the market as part
of the return generated by investment in the bank's debt. These
additional transfers are sometimes referred to as the value of the
deposit insurance put option (Merton 1977). A put option is the right to
sell something at a fixed price. In this case, the bank has the right to
sell its losses at a strike price of zero to the deposit insurance fund.
Because the bank is able to dump its losses on the insurance fund, the
value of its investments increases and, in this example, this increase
accrues entirely to the banker.
In contrast with the second set of assumptions, risk is not
reflected in the face value of bank debt, which shuts down the
market's desire to control risk. The problem is so severe in this
example (i.e., with deposit insurance) that without any restriction on
its capital structure, the bank would choose D = 1 and the risky
investment strategy. In this example, the loss in output is the only
social cost from deposit insurance. There are, however, additional
unmodeled costs of deposit insurance. For example, deposit insurance
payments could require some potentially distorting taxes, while the high
returns would encourage too much entry into banking.
Bank Regulation
Without deposit insurance, the market prices debt to accurately
reflect risk and monitors or imposes debt covenants to control risk.
These measures align the bank's interests with those of society.
With deposit insurance, however, the market has no reason to properly
price the risk, to impose limitations on bank capital structure, or to
place restrictive covenants in debt contracts, so the bank's
interests are not aligned with society's.
Much of safety and soundness regulation can be viewed as an attempt
by the government to replicate what the market would do in the absence
of government deposit insurance. Capital requirements are the most
striking example of this. In the numerical example, a capital
requirement of 60 percent would eliminate any risk-taking incentives and
generate the social optimum. It would also prevent banks from maximizing
their leverage in order to exploit the deposit insurance put option.
FDICIA seems to acknowledge the dangers of high leverage when it allows
regulators to shut down or limit the activities of undercapitalized
The parallels between market measures and governmental regulations
extend to other regulations as well. For example, the activities in
which banks may engage are limited. There are prohibitions on the amount
of lending a bank can do to a single entity. Examiners audit and assess
bank practices.
Recent proposals that require banks to issue subordinated debt can
be viewed as an attempt to return some of the monitoring role to
markets. Unfortunately, much of the discussion about the merits of these
proposals focuses on the signal about risk revealed by prices, as in the
example. But as was discussed in the section about market responses,
debtholders not only price risk but may require covenants or changes
such as increased transparency of investment. For an excellent
discussion of the parallels between market measures and bank regulation,
see Black, Miller, and Posner (1978).
The analysis in Section 1 limited the available financial
instruments to debt and equity (the latter is really the banker's
own funds). This limitation illustrated the corporate finance principles
at work and demonstrated how capital requirements can work. For some
purposes, restricting the analysis to debt and equity is not limiting.
For example, in a Modigliani and Miller world, the invariance of firm
value to capital structure still holds for more general capital
structures. In the Jensen and Meckling world, however, additional
financial instruments can be quite effective at controlling risk, and by
extension, these same financial instruments can be effective regulatory
Section 2 builds on the previous analysis by adding a richer return
structure, which brings us a step closer to the full model in Marshall
and Prescott (2001). The new example is first studied in the case in
which the bank regulatory capital requirements can only take the form of
minimum equity requirements, as under present regulations. Next, the
example is studied in the case in which capital requirements can
restrict the entire capital structure; that is, regulations can require
issue of securities other than debt and equity. As will be shown, much
more debt can be issued in the latter case.
As before, there is deposit insurance and the bank can choose a
high-mean, safe investment strategy or a low-mean, risky one. (8) Now,
however, a multitude of returns can be generated. Figure 3 shows the
probability distribution of the returns for each investment strategy.
The solid line is the return for the risky strategy and the dashed line
is the return for the safe strategy. The mean of the risky strategy is
0.95 while the mean of the safe strategy is 1.0. Both distributions are
approximately normal but with differing means and variances. (9)
The other difference from the previous section is that the bank is
allowed to lower its return without cost if it so desires. This
assumption is reasonable because it is easy enough to raise costs in
order to lower profits. It is also appealing to make the assumption
because it guarantees that the net payoff to the bank is monotonically
increasing in its return, otherwise, the bank would destroy returns to a
point where its net return was highest. (10)
For each case, we find the regulatory policy that is best from
society's perspective. Because the example leaves out any costs of
equity finance, an all equity financed firm would face no incentive
problem and would receive no transfers in expectation from the deposit
insurer. To avoid this result, I use as society's criterion the
maximum amount of debt the bank could raise while keeping the high-mean,
safe investment strategy incentive compatible. This social objective
function is sufficient for the purpose of illustrating the risk-control
features of warrants and subordinated debt. Marshall and Prescott (2001)
contains additional features such as liquidity services from bank
deposits and franchise value that lead to additional factors in
determining optimal capital regulation.
The most debt that can be supported in the minimal equity
requirement case is D = 0.94 with equity equal to 0.06. The bank
provides 0.06 of its own funds to satisfy the capital requirement and
raises the rest in deposits. This quantity is the most highly leveraged
capital structure that the bank can have while still providing an
incentive for it to take the safe, high-mean investment. The expected
payoff of the bank is 1.0466, which is greater than 1.0 because in
expectation some transfers are made to the bank from the deposit
insurance fund when the bank fails. Under the assumptions in this
example, these extra funds accrue to the bank's owner as additional
expected profits.
Under more general capital requirements, much more debt can be
supported while keeping the high-mean strategy incentive compatible. The
solution to the general capital structure problem contains much more
debt. In this example, the bank can fund its investment entirely with
debt, that is, D = 1.0. The bank's expected payoff is 1.0729,
reflecting the increased transfers from the government. (11) Despite the
high leverage, the safe investment is incentive compatible because of
the way payoffs to the bank are structured.
Figure 4 reports the payoff to the bank as a function of the return
for both the minimal equity requirement problem and the general capital
regulation problem. The dashed line lists the payoff for the pure debt
and equity case. It is horizontal at a level of 0.94 from 0.6 to 0.94.
For this range of returns, the bank's entire payoff comes from its
own funds that it invested with the market at the risk-free rate.
Everything produced by the investment project goes to debtholders. Above
0.94, the investment project begins to pay off for the bank. All
additional returns accrue to the equity holders (the banker) so their
payoff is linear in the return with a slope of one. This payoff
structure is convex, but the 6 percent capital requirement is enough to
prevent the bank from taking the risky investment. However, if the bank
issued more debt the payoff structure would shift to the right, making
the payoff structure even more convex and making the safe strategy no
longer incentive compatible.
The solid line lists the payoff structure to the bank that general
capital regulations should try to duplicate. At this point, I only
discuss the payoffs, but later I describe how specific financial
instruments can be used to generate this payoff structure. Over the
range of 0.6 to 1.26, the payoff for the general capital structure case
has a similar shape to that of the pure debt and equity case. Above this
range, however, the bank's payoff is horizontal in the return. This
feature reduces the range of returns over which the bank's payoff
is convex, which helps to control risk taking. Furthermore, an
examination of Figure 3 reveals that low and high returns are much more
likely under the risky strategy than under the safe strategy. The ratio
of the probability of a given return under the risky strategy to the
probability of that return under the safe strategy is called the
likelihood ratio for that return. (12) The goal of the capital structure
is to keep payoffs to the bank low when the ratio is high, and to keep
it high when the ratio is low. This payoff structure rewards the safe
strategy relatively more than it rewards the risky strategy if the bank
indeed followed that strategy.
The role of likelihood ratios can be seen more formally. For
simplicity, assume there is a finite number of returns. Let [p.sub.s](R)
be the probability of return R if the safe investment strategy is
chosen, and let [P.sub.r](R) be the corresponding probability if the
risky investment is chosen. Also, let u (R) be what the bank receives,
net of payments to all security holders. The incentive constraint is
[summation over (R)] [p.sub.s](R)u(R)[greater than or equal to]
[summation over (R)] [p.sub.r] (R)u(R)
This constraint says that the expected payoff the bank receives
from the safe strategy must be at least as much as it would receive if
it took the risky strategy. If [p.sub.s](R) is low and [p.sub.r](R) is
high, then it is desirable to set a low u(R). Conversely, if
[p.sub.s](R) is high and [p.sub.r](R) is low, then it is desirable to
set a high u(R).
In this example, the likelihood ratio is at its highest level for
low returns. The regulator would like to prevent the bank from taking
the risky investment by lowering the bank's payoff for these
returns as much as possible. Because of limited liability, however,
these payoffs cannot be lowered below zero. (Recall that the bank still
receives payments from its risk-free investment. This accounts for its
positive payoff.) At high returns, this ratio is also high, but limited
liability does not bind so payoffs to the bank are lowered.
Interestingly, it would be desirable to lower payoffs in these returns
to zero, but because of the monotonicity requirement (from the costless
destruction of returns assumption) there are limits to which these
returns can be lowered. (13)
A Capital Structure That Replicates the Payoffs
Figure 4 describes the optimal payoff structure. But can this
structure be replicated with a combination of financial instruments that
regulators can require banks to hold? The answer is yes. One way to do
this is for the bank to issue warrants with a strike price of 1.26. A
warrant is an option that gives the owner the right to buy shares at the
strike price. If the bank produces a return of more than 1.26, a warrant
holder collects the difference between the return and the strike price
by exercising his or her warrant, and the bank receives just 1.26. This
accounts for the flat payoff to the bank for returns above 1.26. But,
more generally, if the exercised warrants make up only a fraction of the
equity, then the bank's payoffs for returns above 1.26 will
increase (though at a slope less than one).
Selling a warrant is equivalent to selling a portion of the
bank's return above the strike price; the exact portion depends on
the relative share of warrants and existing equity. In this example,
selling the warrant is valuable because it allows the bank to be more
highly leveraged than in the pure equity case, while keeping the safe,
high-mean strategy incentive compatible. Furthermore, because the bank
can finance its entire investment with debt, the income received from
selling the warrants is reinvested at the market rate along with the
banker's own 1.0 units of funds. For this reason, the bank's
payoff slightly exceeds 1.0 for the range of returns between 0.6 and
The analysis contains a clear message about capital regulation.
Capital requirements that control risk by lowering the upper-tail payoff
to banks can improve upon the existing capital regulations. Warrants
with a high strike price are not the only financial instruments that can
do this. For example, convertible debt is debt that can be converted
into equity at some agreed-upon price. For a high enough strike price,
convertible debt could substitute for warrants. Alternatively, equity
swaps might be possible.
Some Caveats
In assessing different financial instruments, it may be important
to consider additional features of financial instruments like control
features or ability to trade. If the banker sold warrants at a strike
price of 1.26, he or she would be turning the bank over to the warrant
holders whenever the warrants were exercised. Managers rarely want to
give up control. The static analysis in this article is inappropriate
for an analysis of control; however, if control was indeed an issue,
then other financial instruments like swaps that separate control from
cash flow might be valuable.
Another point is that in this analysis, it matters who holds the
warrants. In the example, there is an anonymous market that purchases
them, but if the banker bought them, it would undo his or her incentives
since his or her payoff structure would then look convex again. In
practice it would be necessary to ensure that owners of the warrants are
not the same people who own the equity of the firm.
This article argues that financial instruments, such as warrants or
convertible debt, should be considered as part of capital regulations.
They are effective at controlling risk-taking incentives because they
lower the payoff to a bank that engages in risky activities without
adversely affecting a bank engaged in safe activities. Furthermore, at
least in the example in Section 2, imposing these requirements would
allow a reduction in the traditional capital requirement of an equity
While the example necessarily leaves things out, the analysis in
Marshall and Prescott (2001) includes several additional features and
still finds that financial instruments like warrants and convertible
debt are potentially valuable regulatory tools. They include franchise
value and disutility to managers from screening the quality of its
loans. These two features give equity some value in their environment.
They also include a utility value of deposits, which is designed to
capture the payment and liquidity services that deposits provide but
other kinds of debt do not. Furthermore, they allow banks to choose from
a richer set of investment strategies. Banks are allowed to choose the
variance and by screening, the mean, of its investment portfolio.
They find that the most binding incentive constraint is the one on
the bank taking the low-mean, high-variance investment. The regulator
sets its capital requirements mainly to prevent the bank from taking
this investment strategy. This reverse mean-variance tradeoff is the
justification for the simple two distribution choice faced by banks in
this article. For low franchise values, they find results qualitatively
very similar to those in this article. Equity minimums are higher under
standard capital requirements than under a capital requirement that also
uses instruments like warrants with a high strike price. For higher
franchise values, they find that capital requirements are not that
important and that the banks will choose high levels of capital, in
order to reduce the chance of bankruptcy.
One important feature that Marshall and Prescott (2001) do not
study is that warrants and convertible debt may punish banks whose high
returns are generated by innovation or just simply better management.
The investment choices in their paper, as well as in this article, do
not capture this phenomenon. Future research should be concerned with
determining the efficacy of payoff structures for these kinds of
* The author would like to thank Kartik Athreya, Tom Humphrey,
David Marshall, Roy Webb, and John Weinberg for helpful comments. The
views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
(1.) Recent proposals by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision
are still based on capital requirements even though they change the way
the requirements are calculated.
(2.) For a survey on non-tax-driven theories of capital structure,
see Harris and Raviv (1992).
(3.) Another important part of this story is why so few banks
failed from World War II until the early 1980s. Keeley (1990) argues
that in this period, banking was heavily regulated with numerous
protections that reduced competition. These protections included
restricted entry by limiting charters and branching, and limited price
competition by interest rates controls. Because of these protections,
banks received a flow of monopoly profits that would be lost if the bank
went bankrupt. For this reason, banks behaved prudently.
(4.) Marshall and Prescott (2001) contains additional features that
generate an agency cost for equity.
(5.) The treatment of equity owners and managers as the same entity
is common in the corporate finance literature. This assumption, however,
is not without consequences. Even so, the analysis in this article
should still apply to managerial pay.
(6.) Implicit in the analysis is the assumption that the bank must
make an investment decision; that is, it cannot simply invest its funds
in the market and not operate. This assumption prevents the trivial regulatory solution of shutting the bank down, and it is only necessary
because the bank's return under the high-mean strategy is the same
as that of the market and this is a linear partial equilibrium model. In
a general equilibrium model with some diminishing returns, the expected
returns would be equal in equilibrium and the banking sector would still
(7.) Jensen and Meckling's (1976) analysis applies to all
firms, not just to banks.
(8.) The example posits a reverse mean-variance tradeoff in
investment returns. Marshall and Prescott (2001) study a more general
set of possible investment strategies where the bank chooses both the
mean and variance of its investment strategy. In that setup, the
incentive constraint that matters the most is the one where the agent
deviates to the high-risk. low-mean strategy. The formulation adopted
herein is designed to capture this feature.
(9.) The distributions were generated in the following way. The set
of returns was divided into an equally spaced grid of 21 points over the
range 0.6 to 1.4. The risky investment strategy probability distribution
was created by evaluating each return with a normal distribution of mean
0.95 and standard deviation 0.3. These numbers were then normalized to
sum to one in order to generate a probability distribution. The safe
investment strategy was created in the same way except that the mean is
1.0 and the standard deviation is 0.2.
(10.) This assumption has no effect on the pure debt and equity
case because equity is intrinsically monotonically increasing.
(11.) Since there is nothing that resembles equity when D = 1.0,
the return to the bank should be viewed as payments to the banker for
supplying investment services.
(12.) See Hart and Holmstrom (1987) for more analysis of likelihood
ratios in moral hazard models.
(13.) For more details see Marshall and Prescott (2001), who
compare solutions with and without the monotonicity constraint.
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