How the Asian Crisis Affected the World Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective.
Diao, Xinshen ; Li, Wenli ; Yeldan, Erinc 等
It has been more than two years since the financial crisis first
broke out in East Asia in the summer of 1997. Now that much of the dust
has settled, it is clear that the world economy was far from being mired in a global slump. [1] Furthermore, although the growth in the
crisis-afflicted countries and other emerging market economies did slow
quite significantly, growth was sustained in North America and Westem
Europe. Indeed, growth accelerated in some cases. [2]
Until very recently, the conventional view was rather pessimistic.
Observers feared that the economic stress that had begun in Southeast
Asia would worsen and spread. For the world economy as a whole, as well
as for key industrial countries, growth was expected to be slower, risks
higher, and flows of capital further dislocated. Even in the United
States, a country that, for most of its history, has shrugged off
economic turmoil abroad, there was a fair amount of nervousness. Many
economists forecasted much slower growth rates for the next few years
(see among others, DPI forecasts) in light of the intensity of the Asian
crisis and the distinct possibility that it could spread worldwide. The
puzzling question that naturally arises is, "Why didn't the
whole world economy enter a slump?"
In this article, we attempt to answer this question from a general
equilibrium perspective. The strategy here is to use a standard growth
model augmented with multi-region and multi-production sectors to
analyze how a set of real shocks hitting crisis countries affects the
world economy as well as economies in different regions. These shocks,
as will become clear later, are identified by recent research on the
causes of the crisis. The mechanism that connects regions and that
transmits shocks across them consists of two links: commodity trade and
capital flows. Our analysis shows that much of the fear of a global
recession spreading to industrial economies was not well grounded.
Moreover, the burden of adjustment to the crisis was uneven across
regions. The developing countries bore the brunt of this adjustment,
suffering declines in economic activities. By contrast, industrial
countries escaped largely unscathed. The impact the crisis had on them
was small and even positive in its initial stages.
This article does not attempt to explain the crisis and its causes.
Rather it measures, with the aid of a general equilibrium model of real
trade and capital flows, the spillover effects of the crisis on the
other regions of the world. Surprisingly, while various explanations of
the East Asian financial crisis have been advanced, little effort has
been devoted to analyzing its effects on the world economy. More is the
pity, for the importance of such an analysis is great and indeed goes
beyond what we conduct in this article. The results here suggest that
policy actions that have generally been viewed as responsible for the
robust growth of industrialized nations in the face of the financial
crisis may not matter much after all. These actions include monetary
policies adopted by industrial countries. They also include the
stabilization and reform package that Asian crisis countries implemented
at the insistence of the IMF. In other words, it could well be that many
common concerns were overstated and not base d on careful economic
While there is little consensus on the definite causes of the
crisis, there is now evidence that the region's economies had been
confronting a deteriorating macroeconomic environment since the early
1990s (see, e.g., Krugman [1998]. Radelet and Sachs [1998], Flood and
Marion [1998], Corsetti et al. [1998], Chang [1999], and Whitt [1999]. A
description shared by many is that given by Chang [1999]).
Several countries in the region experienced a real appreciation in
their currencies during the 1990s and by 1997 had sustained sizable
current account deficits. These deficits were mostly financed through
short-term foreign borrowing. Foreign portfolio and direct investment,
attracted by the region's record economic growth for more than two
decades, had also occurred. The growth rate of exports and industrial
output in crisis countries, on the other hand, slowed substantially
during the same period. This trend was largely the result of the weak
Japanese import demand combined with disinflationary aggregate demand
policies in most Asian economies.
The rapid inflow of capital and the slowing of growth unveiled a
host of inherent structural problems in the region's financial
systems. These problems included (1) lack of competition, supervision,
and regulation of the financial sector, and (2) heavy government
intervention in credit allocation. Under these conditions, financial
intermediaries whose liabilities were guaranteed by the respective
governments naturally posed a serious problem of moral hazard in which
government guarantees subsidized and induced increased risk-taking, and
resulted in excessive borrowing and lending, mostly from abroad.
The essence of the crisis was a huge, sudden reversal of capital
flows that was a manifestation of private investors attempting to
liquidate their claims brought on by a lack of confidence in the
countries' financial systems. Accustomed to large-scale capital
inflows, the sudden turnaround in flows was an enormous shock to the
Asian economies. Moreover, with a dramatic depreciation in the real
value of their currencies and high domestic interest rates, domestic
credit conditions tightened, which led to a rapid rise in non-performing
loans and a sudden loss of bank capital. The resulting collapse of
domestic bank capital added to the contraction by further restricting
bank lending. The result was the abandonment of planned investments by
some firms and the curtailing of production activities by others.
Accompanying the decline in current income and diminished expectations
of future income, the consumption demand fell. All of the crisis
countries experienced a collapse in GDP growth in 1998.
The crisis affected the rest of the world, not only through the
international financial system, but also through international commodity
trade and capital mobility. Since one region's imports are
another's exports, the decline in imports of crisis countries,
agriculture for example, can cause agricultural exporting countries to
experience a decrease in their exports, and hence a fall in farm
receipts. The higher the ratio of agricultural exports to total
production, the larger the negative effects are likely to be.
A decline in the prices of internationally traded inputs tends to
lower production cost, thus affecting the competitiveness of various
sectors depending on the intensity of the use of these inputs in
production. Offsetting the decline in intermediate input cost is the
cost of purely domestic resources, such as labor, that are not traded
internationally. The cost of these resources may rise due to the
expansion of production at home.
Another effect of the crisis is through capital markets. Capital
leaving crisis countries will flow into non-crisis countries, putting
downward pressure on interest rates there. The reduced domestic interest
rates will in turn stimulate investment and thus growth in the domestic
capital stock. Sectors that experienced increased capital formation,
either directly or indirectly from these flows, will respond by
increasing their demand for other resources whose productivity is
increased by growth in capital stock. Thus, the growth in capital stock
can, by increasing the demand for labor and associated inputs, also
contribute to the bidding up of the prices of purely domestic or
non-traded resources and further raise the cost of production.
Effects of the Asian crisis on the world economy depend, in the
long run, on three factors: the extent to which pre-crisis expectations
of long-run returns to capital were grossly in error; the likelihood
that the crisis will spread to other regions; and post-crisis policies
of crisis-ridden economies.
We formalize the argument presented above, and estimate the
spillover effects of the crisis on other regions of the world economy in
this section. Our model, employed in the following paragraphs, belongs
to the family of multi-sector, multiregion, computable general
equilibrium setups. These frameworks are used widely to analyze the
impact of global trade liberalization and structural adjustment
programs. Our model, which draws in many ways upon recent contributions
by McKibbin (1993), Mercenier and Sampaio de Souza (1994), Mercenier and
Yeldan (1997), and Diao and Somwaru (2000), incorporates considerable
detail on sectoral output, consumption, and trade flows--both bilateral
and global. [3] The model excludes financial market phenomena that
capture effects such as investor confidence. Nevertheless, as will be
demonstrated later, the model and the assumed shocks that disturb it
account for most of the falls in investment, output, and terms of trade observed in the Asian countries. One does not need to revert to less
well-defined concepts as "financial contagion,"
"financial fragility," and so on to explain the real effects
of the Asian crisis.
Our scheme is to model the inherent structural problem of crisis
economies as overinvestment in certain sectors. The outbreak of the
crisis and its subsequent development are modeled as an impulse and
response mechanism. The impulse takes the form of an adverse shock to
sectoral total factor productivity and to the risk premium associated
with investment in these sectors. For example, a negative shock means
that productivity falls and the risk premium rises. Such an increase in
risk premium can be due to either policy changes that eliminate
governmental benefits to firms or impair the collateral firms could
offer to potential investors.
The Asian financial crisis has also had serious negative effects on
aggregate employment of resources. Many firms throughout the region went
bankrupt, and the rate of labor unemployment rose. Instead of specifying
increased unemployment or closed factories, however, we allowed all
resources to remain employed but reduced their efficiency, thereby
generating the same fall in output. The magnitude of these shocks is
described in more detail below as we analyze different scenarios.
To begin then, the closed world economy is divided into three
open-trading regions: developing economies, developed economies, and
crisis economies. We will specify countries in each region in the next
section. There are four production sectors in each region, and they each
produce a single aggregate commodity. These sectors include (1)
agriculture and food processes (agriculture); (2) mineral, materials,
and intermediates (intermediaries); (3) manufacturing; and (4) services.
Within each region, a representative consumer makes joint decisions
on consumption and savings. Similarly, on the supply side, a
representative producer in each sector makes production and investment
decisions simultaneously. The model also incorporates multilateral trade
and capital flows among the regions. Commodities produced for domestic
markets are assumed imperfect substitutes for those imported from
abroad. The price of a good imported by a region, therefore, is not
necessarily the same as the price of the same good produced at home or
exported to other regions. A detailed description of the model is as
Producers within each sector of a region are aggregated into a
representative firm. A firm makes production and investment decisions to
maximize its intertemporal profits. In doing so, the firm chooses levels
of labor and intermediate inputs every period, taking as given prices of
outputs, the wage rate, prices of intermediate inputs, and the stock of
capital. Outputs are either sold in the domestic market or exported to
foreign markets.
Firms are owned by a representative household or consumer, and
investment is financed by the household's domestic saving and
international borrowing. At each period, firms' profits,
[div.sub.n,i,t]--equivalent to the gross revenue minus labor costs,
intermediate input costs, and investment costs-are distributed to the
household. Investment raises the stock of capital but there exist
capital adjustment costs. Investment goods are purchased from other
sectors, as well as from firms' outputs. Investment goods can also
be imported from abroad. Formally, a firm's problem can be
described as follows:
[max.sub.{[I.sub.n,i,t],[L.sub.n,i,t],[ITD.sub.n,[j.sub.1],i,t],...,[ ITD.sub.n[j.sub.J],i,t]} [V.sub.n,i] =
[[[sigma].sup.[infinity]].sub.t=1] [R.sub.n,i,t][div.sub.n,i,t] (3.1)
[X.sub.n,i,t] = f([L.sub.n,i,t], [K.sub.n,i,t],
[ITD.sub.n[j.sub.1],i,t],..., [ITD.sub.n,[j.sub.J],i,t]), (3.2)
[K.sub.n,i,t+1] = (1 - [[delta].sub.n,i])[K.sub.n,i,t] +
[I.sub.n,i,t], (3.3)
where [div.sub.n,i,t] [equivalent] [P.sub.n,i,t][X.sub.n,i,t] -
[[sigma].sub.j] [PC.sub.n,j,t][ITD.sub.n,j,i,t] -
[w.sub.n,t][L.sub.n,i,t] - [PI.sub.n,i,t][I.sub.n,i,t](1 +
[[phi].sub.n,i] [I.sub.n,i,t]/[K.sub.n,i,t]); [V.sub.n,i] is the value
of firm i in region n in the first period; [R.sub.n,i,t] =
[[[pi].sup.t].sub.s=1] 1/1+[r.sub.n,s] is the discount factor for future
returns; [X.sub.n,i,t] is the final output; [P.sub.n,i,t] is the price
of the output; [L.sub.n,i,t], [K.sub.n,i,t], and [ITD.sub.n,j,i,t] are,
respectively, labor, capital, and intermediate inputs in the production
of [X.sub.n,i,t]; [W.sub.n,t] is the wage rate; [PC.sub.n,j,t] is the
price of the intermediate input used by firm i in the production of
[X.sub.n,i,t]; [I.sub.n,i,t] is the quantity of new capital equipment
built through investments at time t; [PI.sub.n,i,t] is the price of the
investment good; [[delta].sub.n,i] is the capital depreciation rate; and
[[phi].sub.n,i] [I.sub.n,i,t]/[K.sub.n,i,t] is the adjustment cost per
unit of cap ital investment.
Due to the presence of adjustment cost on capital, marginal
products of capital differ across sectors resulting in unequal, though
optimal, rates of investments. Furthermore, once investment becomes
realized as fixed physical capital, it cannot be reinvested in other
sectors, especially in other assets such as foreign bonds. There also
exists other regional risk factors associated with investment. We model
such risk by adding a risk premium on the interest rate faced by firms.
That is, in each region, firms face an interest rate defined as
[r.sub.n,t] = (1 + [[pi].sub.n,t])[r.sub.t], (3.4)
where [[pi].sub.n,t] is the risk premium for firms and is defined
as an exogenous variable in the model, and [r.sub.t] is the riskless
interest rate facing the world. For our purposes, we assume the riskless
interest rate prevails in developed economies.
A Cobb-Douglas production function relates the output of new
capital equipments with the inputs in the form of sectoral goods. These
inputs can be either produced domestically or imported. Hence,
[PI.sub.n,i,t] can be written as a function of composite prices:
[PI.sub.n,i,t] =
[A.sub.n,i][[pi].sub.j][[PC.sup.[d.sub.n,i,j]].sub.n,j,t], (3.5)
where [A.sub.n,i] is the efficient coefficient for investment,
[PC.sub.n,j,t] is the price of the composite good, 0 [less than]
[d.sub.n,i,j] [less than] 1 and [[sigma].sub.j] [d.sub.n,i,j] = 1.
In each region a representative household owns labor and financial
assets, including the equity in domestic firms and foreign bonds. The
household allocates income to consumption and savings to maximize
lifetime utility:
max [[[sigma].sup.[infinity]].sub.t=1] [(1/1 + [rho]).sup.t]
U([TC.sub.n,t]) (3.6)
subject to the following budget constraint:
[SAV.sub.n,t] = [W.sub.n,t][L.sub.n,t] + [TI.sub.n,t] +
[div.sub.n,t] + [r.sub.t][B.sub.n,t-1] -- [PTC.sub.n,t][TC.sub.n,t],
where [rho] is the positive rate of time preference, [TC.sub.n,t]
is the aggregate consumption at time t, [SAV.sub.n,t] is the household
saving, [B.sub.n,t-1] is the stock of foreign assets,
[r.sub.t][B.sub.n,t-1] is the interest earned from ownership of foreign
bonds, [PTC.sub.n,t] is the consumer price index, and [TI.sub.n,t] is
the lump-sum transfer of government revenues from taxes and tariffs. We
assume no government saving-investment behavior. The government spends
all its tax revenues either on consumption or as transfers to the
household. [TC.sub.n,t], the instantaneous consumption, is generated
from the consumption of final goods by maximizing a Cobb-Douglas
[TC.sub.n,t] = [[pi].sub.i][[C.sup.[b.sub.n,i]].sub.n,i,t], (3.8)
subject to
[[sigma].sub.i][PC.sub.n,i,t][C.sub.n,i,t] =
[PTC.sub.n,t][TC.sub.n,t], (3.9)
where [C.sub.n,i,t] is the final consumption for good i and
consumption shares [b.sub.n,i] satisfy 0 [less than] [b.sub.n,i] [less
than] 1, and [[sigma].sub.i][b.sub.n,i] = 1.
World Commodity Markets and Capital Flows
International trade flows are tracked by their origin and
destination. The variable [M.sub.n,s,i,t] represents the trade flow of
commodity i from region n to s at time t and is endogenous in the model.
When a country's current consumption plus its investments
exceeds its current domestic income, the country experiences a trade
deficit in which imports exceed exports. If the reverse is true, the
country experiences a trade surplus, or an excess in exports over
imports. If the country does not own enough foreign assets to offset a
deficit, the trade deficit has to be financed by international borrowing
(i.e., [SAV.sub.n,t] is negative). Once international borrowing occurs,
foreign capital flows into the country. The current period's
foreign borrowing becomes a net debt burden that either increases the
country's total outstanding debt or reduces its foreign assets,
[FB.sub.n,t] = [[[sigma].sup.J].sub.i] [[[sigma].sup.N].sub.s]
([PW.sub.n,s,i,t][M.sub.n,s,i,t] - [PW.sub.s,n,i,t][M.sub.s,n,i,t]),
[B.sub.n,t+1] = (1 + [r.sub.t])[B.sub.n,t] + [FB.sub.n,t], (3.11)
where [FB.sub.n,t] is the foreign trade deficit of region n,
[PW.sub.n,s,i,t] is the world price of commodity i from region n to s at
time t, and [B.sub.n,t] is the foreign debt. A negative [FB.sub.n,t]
implies trade surplus for region n, while a negative [B.sub.n,t] is
foreign assets for n.
We define a region's real exchange rate as a ratio of the
region's consumer price index over the same index for the region of
developed economies, i.e., the consumer price index for developed
economies is chosen as a numeraire. [4] Movements in a region's
real exchange rate reflect changes in the price level relative to that
of developed economies. These movements do not capture any changes in
the region's exchange rate policy or policies for financial or
monetary sectors.
Government Policies
Government policy instruments include import tariffs, indirect
taxes imposed on production processes, and sales taxes on final
consumption. [5] Our main purpose here is to suggest how the effects of
government interventions and weak financial systems might lead to
overinvestment in financially dubious projects within crisis-ridden
economies. Information necessary to address these matters, however, is
not available in a quantifiable form in the original database. For, as
discussed earlier, such government intervention has often taken the form
of implicit insurance that is equivalent to a stock of contingent public
liabilities reflected neither by data on debt nor on the deficit until
contingent liabilities become actual ones, that is, until the crisis
occurred. Even though there were differences in the specifics of the
governments' policies to enable firms to expand their investment,
they all led to the same outcome: excessive concentration of investments
in certain key sectors of the economy. For these reason s, we introduce
an "investment subsidy policy" to capture the basic features
of government interventions in firms' investment strategies. The
subsidy, granted only for manufacturing firms with no comparable
provisions for the other three sectors, [6] is designed to lower
firms' capital installation (adjustment) costs as well as to put a
ceiling on the interest rate they face. We assume that the investment
subsidy is financed by a lump-sum tax on (or a lowered government
transfer to) the household.
More formally, let [S.sub.n,i,t] be the subsidy rate on the capital
installation cost, and [[gamma].sub.n,i,t] be the difference in
percentage between the market interest rate and government's
interest ceiling. Then the capital adjustment cost function is redefined
for the manufacturing sector of crisis-ridden economies as
(1 - [S.sub.n,i,t])[[phi].sub.n,i]
[[I.sup.2].sub.n,i,t]/[K.sub.n,i,t] and equation (3.4) becomes
[r.sub.n,i,t] = (1 + [[pi].sub.n,t])(1 -
[[gamma].sub.n,i,t])[r.sub.t], (3.12)
where [S.sub.n,i,t] and [[gamma].sub.n,i,t] are positive for
manufacturing and zero for the other three sectors in crisis economies.
Equilibrium requires that at each time period three conditions
hold. First, in each region, the demand for production factors equal
their supply. Second, the world total demand for each sectoral good
equals its total supply. Third, aggregate household savings equal zero.
In the steady state equilibrium, the following constraints must also be
satisfied for each region:
[r.sub.n] = [],
[] = [div.sub.i,ss]/[V.sub.i,ss],
[I.sub.i,ss] = [[delta].sub.i][K.sub.i,ss],
[] + [][] = 0.
Readers can find more details of the model, including Euler
equations used to solve the model and a glossary of variables, in the
appendix of our working paper, "Challenges and Choices in
Post-Crisis East-Asia: Simulations of Investment Policy Reform in an
Intertemporal, Global Model" (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper 98-7).
In their recent paper, Corsetti, Pesenti, and Roubini (1998)
undertake an extensive analysis of the macroeconomic environment and
financial system of crisis-ridden economies. Shunning a purely financial
panic explanation, they conclude that common domestic and international
shocks hit several East Asian economies in the 1996-1997 period. Our
simulation pursues this line of argument. Because we lack a full-fledged
theory on financial-real economy linkages, however, we directly
implement the real, or nonmonetary, consequences of the crisis on
investment patterns. We do so by shocking the model (that is, by
increasing the risk premium and the difficulty of undertaking capital
investment in the region) to simulate the investment contraction. The
actual crisis produces currency depreciation as well as increases in
domestic interest rates, prices, unemployment, and bankruptcy rates in
the affected countries. Such outcomes are likely to cause investment to
fall and economic growth to slow. Since the intertemporal ge neral equilibrium is a real or nonmonetary phenomenon in which variables
expressed as nominal or monetary magnitudes, including currency exchange
rates and many financial assets, are not explicitly recognized, it
cannot capture directly the effects of currency depreciation on world
financial and asset markets. [7]
Our list of crisis economies includes a number of Asian countries
(Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong
Kong, and Taiwan), two Latin American countries (Brazil and Argentina),
and one European country (Russia) to better capture the later
development of the crisis. The developed region includes EU countries,
the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. The
remaining countries are in the group of developing nations.
Tables 1 and 2 summarize the trade flows for the three regions
across the agriculture, intermediaries, manufacturing, and services
sectors. Crisis economies import chiefly from developed economies. Other
developing economies import from crisis and developed economies.
Finally, developed economies import agriculture, intermediary goods, and
services from both crisis and other developing economies, but import
manufacturing goods mostly from the former. Crisis economies share with
other developing economies a similar trade structure in the sense that
they export most of their commodities to developed economies in all
sectors except manufacturing. Developed economies export to both crisis
and other developing economies.
Our model employs investment subsidy to reduce the cost of capital
adjustment. It also uses a ceiling on interest rates to reduce the risk
of investment in the manufacturing sector. For our baseline solution, we
choose the subsidy rate that produces a total subsidy equal to 2.2
percent of total investment. Similarly, we choose an interest rate
ceiling that results in manufacturing firms facing a rate 30 percent
lower than the market rate of crisis economies. The subsidies are
received only by firms investing in the manufacturing sector and they
are set equivalent to 40 percent of the capital adjustment costs of this
sector. [8] The rest of the model is calibrated to the 1995 Global Trade
Analysis Project (GTAP) Database (see footnote 4) under the assumption
that the initial current account is in balance for each region. That is,
each region's initial current account is assumed to be
"sustainable" and consistent with its initial interest rate.
Baseline Scenario
In our baseline simulation, we proceed as follows. For the first
three years, we exogenously raise the value of the region's risk
premium, [[pi].sub.n,t], in Equation (3.12) and reduce the technological
coefficient, [A.sub.n,i], in the sectoral investment functions in
equation (3.5) for crisis-ridden countries. Then, for the following
three years, we slowly lower the risk premium and raise [A.sub.n,i] to
its original level. The shocks are chosen so that simulated changes in
output in the crisis economies match, during the first seven years, that
of the actual changes in these regions in the years 1997, 1998, and 1999
and the IMF projection for these countries for the years 2000-2003
("World Economic Outlook and International Capital Markets Interim
Assessment," International Monetary Fund, December 1998). [9] The
comparison of simulated and actual results, as well as the IMF
projections, is in Figure 3. The simulation results for other variables
and for the other two regions are summarized in Figures 4-6.
Outcomes of the simulation closely track both the development of
the crisis and the IMF's projections. GDP in crisis countries
decreases with a fall in investment. With the depreciation of the crisis
area's real exchange rate, the price of traded goods increases
relative to the price of goods domestically produced and consumed.
Exports increase, imports decrease, and the trade balance improves. A
trade surplus together with a low level of investment produces a current
account surplus for these crisis economies.
The model also depicts the simulated effects of the crisis on the
world economy as well as on the other countries. As can be seen in
Figure 4, world GDP falls by 0.47 percent in the first year of the
simulation. GDP falls 0.23 percent in developing economies but rises
slightly (0.02 percent) in the developed region in the first year.
Growth further slowed for all three regions in the second year and
started to recover beginning in the third year. These effects are mainly
the results of corresponding changes in the levels of international
commodity trade and capital mobility. [10]
The counterpart of the decline in commodity imports of crisis
economies is a corresponding fall in the exports of non-crisis regions.
In the simulation, exports fall by 5-8 percent in developed economies
and 1-2 percent in developing economies during the first two years after
the crisis. Since exports as a percentage of total output are smaller in
developed economies (11.7 percent) than in developing economies (19.2
percent), it follows that the same degree of export decline has a
relatively smaller impact on GDP of developed economies. Moreover, the
export decline in developed economies stems from decreased demand,
especially for manufacturing and services of crisis economies and other
developing economies. Conversely, the export fall experienced by
developing economies stems mainly from competitive pressure exerted by
crisis economies who have a trade structure similar to their developing
country counterparts. Although the simulation produced a depreciation in
the real exchange rate in developing economies , it was relatively
insignificant compared with the depreciation in crisis economies. Since
exchange rate depreciation tends to spur exports by making them less
expensive, we find that exports in developing economies decrease, but at
a slower rate than in developed economies. Conversely, imports for both
developed economies and other developing economies increased, with the
rate of increase being higher for developed economies. These numbers
from our simulation are broadly consistent with the actual ones. Among
the five developed economies discussed earlier (Canada, the United
Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States), all of them
experienced substantial increase in their imports (year by year) between
1997 and 1999. Only the United Kingdom and the United States had large
drops in their exports. The other countries experienced an increase in
their exports; however, the increase in their exports was outpaced by a
corresponding increase in their imports. For the five crisis economies
(Korea, Malaysia, th e Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia), all except
Malaysia experienced a substantial decline in imports in 1997 and 1998.
And, except for Korea and Indonesia in 1998, all experienced a large
increase in their exports.
The decrease in exports and increase in imports in developed
economies produced a trade balance deficit that was financed by large
capital inflow into these economies. This inflow, when transformed into
an increase in capital stock, raises the production potential, hence
GDP, of developed economies. The developing economies, however, do not
benefit from such capital inflows and investment falls initially and
only rises slightly after that. With a negative change, or appreciation,
in its real exchange rate, its GDP falls slightly. Given that developed
economies account for about 70 percent of world GDP and that the crisis
does not affect them much, the world GDP only falls by 0.47 percent in
the first year of the simulation, even though the crisis economies and
developing economies register GDP falls of 3 and 0.23 percent.
Figure 5 documents sectoral export and import changes for each
region for the first six years following the crisis. We observe that,
for crisis economies, exports rise and imports fall during the first two
years in all four sectors. By the third year, exports in all four
sectors have reversed their signs and are showing negative percentage
changes. Imports in intermediate goods and manufacturing have also
reversed their signs and become positive, though it takes longer for
imports in agriculture and service to recover. For other developing
countries, exports decline in all four sectors in the first two years,
then recover starting from the third year. Except for the first year in
manufacturing, imports have increased. In developed economies, exports
decline in all four sectors, more so in manufacturing and service, in
the first two years. This decline in exports is a result of the
decreased import demand of crisis economies, a decreased demand that
more than offsets the increased import demand coming from ot her
developing economies.
Figure 6 depicts changes in bilateral trade flows between
crisis-ridden economies and the other two economies. Following the
crisis, the real exchange rate depreciation in crisis-ridden regions
causes, by cheapening the region's exports while rendering its
imports dearer, a fall in its imports and rise in its exports. Since one
region's imports are another's exports, the developed
region's exports of manufactured goods and services suffer a fall
both from the reduced import demand of the crisis-ridden region and the
competitive effect of that region's increased exports, which
displace, or crowd out, the exports of the developed region.
Alternative Scenarios
In our simulation of the baseline scenario, we attempted to
replicate both (1) the development or unfolding of the crisis and (2)
the most recent IMF projections. One may argue that these events and
projections already take into account policy actions mentioned earlier.
Therefore, it is not surprising that, by matching growth rates of crisis
countries to these numbers, we saw little or no impact on the world
economy and its constituent industrial economies. Put another way, had
it not been for the policy considerations, growth rates for crisis
economies would have been slower and thus the effects of the crisis on
the world and industrial economies larger. For example, concerns were
manifest that the crisis would, by enhancing investment risk in two
ways, divert investment away from emerging markets. First was the risk
that the crisis would, through contagion, generate additional crises.
Second was the risk that the crisis may, by raising public fear, make
potential investors more risk-averse than they were be fore. Both types
of risk would inhibit investment in emerging markets. Consequently, we
construct two alternative scenarios to account for possible implications
of this risk.
Scenario One
In scenario one, we disturb, or shock, the crisis-ridden
region's risk premium so that GDP declines in the region are
consistent with the IMF projection back in October 1998 ("World
Economic Outlook," International Monetary Fund, October 1998). [11]
It takes about ten years for the GDP in the crisis-ridden region to
completely recover. We find that the pattern of changes in investment,
GDP, current account, exports, imports, and the real exchange rate are
the same as baseline simulation results, but the magnitude is bigger.
The world GDP drops 0.64 percent the first year, 1.32 percent the second
year, and 0.31 percent the third year. GDP in the other developing
region declines for two consecutive years (-0.30 and -0.29 percent),
while GDP in the developed region increases slightly in the first year
(0.01 percent), decreases for the next year, and begins to recover in
the third year (-0.002 and 0.035 percent, respectively). Capital flows
going from the crisis-ridden region to the other developing region and
th e developed region are more severe. In particular, countries in the
developed region show large capital account deficits.
Scenario Two
In scenario two, we consider the policy reforms undertaken by
crisis economies during the period. In particular, we eliminate the
government's investment subsidy and remove the ceiling interest
rate in the manufacturing sector. Of course, without an explicit banking
sector, the model cannot capture all effects of a change in the
government's investment policy, especially the effects of
government intervention in the banking system. Note, however, that even
though the model lacks an explicit banking system, it maintains an
effective financial capital market economy in a theoretically consistent
It is obvious that the investment-subsidy policy distorts
firms' investment decisions and thus leads to overinvestment in
manufacturing and possibly underinvestment in other sectors, such as
services. It follows that removing such policy distortions would lower
manufacturing investment and increase investment allocated in the other
sectors. Eliminating the investment subsidy to manufacturing also
affects the trade structure of the crisis-prone region as investors now
require a higher premium to hold assets of manufacturing firms. In the
crisis-ridden region, GDP also worsens for the first few years compared
with its counterpart in the baseline scenario. [12] For countries in the
developed region, GDP again was not affected much--the growth rate was
0.01 percent for the first year, -0.08 percent for the second year, and
0.32 percent for the third year--although its current account deficits
declined further. Moreover, the simulated investment policy reform
conducted by the crisis-ridden region generates relati vely modest
aggregate effects in the short and medium run. The main reason is that
the expected gains from the investment policy reform take the form of
enhancement to economic efficiency, i.e., gains in productivity growth.
Our model cannot capture such endogenous gain, however, as it is based
on neoclassical growth theory in which productivity growth is exogenous.
In actual policy setting, one may encounter many other forms of
distortions in industrial policies, in banking systems, or in capital
markets of crisis-ridden economies. We would expect once countries
implemented such essential reforms, adjustments in their economies as
well as in the entire world would be much larger than they are in our
In summary, our simulation analysis indicates that the crisis
reduced GDP in developing economies, but raised GDP in developed
economies. Furthermore, the crisis had a larger effect on developing
than on developed economies. Capital flows from crisis economies to
non-crisis economies, developing and developed, caused capital account
deficits in both regions, more so in the developed region.
The preceding paragraphs have investigated the impact of the East
Asian Crisis on the world economy with the aid of an intertemporal
general equilibrium model. Admittedly our model is incomplete; it
contains no monetary or financial sectors. Still, despite the absence of
a full-fledged model of real-financial linked theoretical apparatus, we
were able to estimate the real effects of the crisis by examining its
consequences on investment demand. Our simulation results, conducted
under three reasonable scenarios, revealed that the crisis had by far
the largest negative impact on other developing economies. The impact on
industrial economies, on the other hand, is generally small and even
positive initially. Our analysis suggests that the fear of a
"global slump" was not well founded. The corollary is that
policy actions associated with the "recovery" of the world
economy may not have mattered at all, since there was no global slump
from which to recover.
Xinshen Diao: Trade and Macroeconomics Division, International Food
Policy Research Institute. Wenli Li: Research Department, Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond. Erinc Yeldan: Department of Economics, Bilkent
University, Ankara, Turkey. We would like to thank Bob Hetzel, Ned
Prescott, and Roy Webb for their comments. The views expressed in this
article are those of the authors; they do not represent the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
(1.) According to "World Economic Outlook" (December 1998
and May 1999), annual percentage changes from a year earlier for world
output are 4.3, 4.2, 2.5 and 2.3 for 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999
respectively. The average growth rate for world output between 1990 and
1999 is 3.4 percent.
(2.) Figure 1 depicts the change of GDP in selected Asian
countries, while Figure 2 contrasts the behavior of GDP over the same
period in major industrial economies. Source: "World Economic
Outlook and International Capital Markets Interim Assessment," IMF,
December 1998.
(3.) Noland, Robinson, and Wang (1999) uses a similar but static
computable general equilibrium framework to analyze the impact of the
Asian Financial Crisis on the world economy under the assumption that
Japan and/or China depreciate their currencies.
(4.) This price index is the average of consumption good prices
weighted by their base year levels of consumption.
(5.) Further information about these instruments along with their
initial levels are included in the database used for conducting the
calibration. See Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Database, version
3, in McDougall (1997).
(6.) In Korea, excess investments and associated profitability
problems were concentrated in the manufacturing sector, whereas in other
countries, such as Thailand, the focus was on the real estate sector
(Huh 1997). Data availability limits our analysis to the case of subsidy
to the manufacturing sector. Since the manufacturing sector is more
export-oriented, this arrangement allows for a higher probabilty that
the crisis will be propagated to the rest of the world. Therefore, our
analysis can be viewed as a worst-case scenario from the viewpoint of
non-crisis economies.
(7.) However, the apparatus allows us to introduce the concept of
real exchange rate as the ratio of domestic versus foreign commodity
baskets. See Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996, Ch. 4) for an analytical
(8.) According to Dalla and Khatkhate (1995)'s calculation,
the interest subsidy involved in policy loans in Korea amounted to over
1 percent of GNP and 6.2 percent of government expenditure in 1991; the
cumulative subsidy during 1981-1991 amounted to 2 trillion won per
(9.) The growth rate for the crisis-ridden region is a weighted (by
GDP) average of the growth rates of each country in the region minus
their average growth rate from 1990-1996. These numbers correspond to
the percentage changes in GDP from the steady state reported from the
(10.) According to IMF ("World Economic Outlook," 1999),
the change of growth rates in world output (detrended by a 3.4
percentage average growth rate for world output from 1990 to 1999) are
0.78, -0.914, and -0.114 percent for 1997, 1998, and 1999 respectively.
The weighted (by their GDP) change of GDP growth rates for Canada, the
United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States (detrended by
their respective average growth rates from 1990 to 1999) are 0.16,
0.051, and -0.21 percent for 1997, 1998, and 1999 respectively. Although
our simulation does not match the exact numbers, it does reproduce the
qualitative patterns.
(11.) The decline in GDP for the crisis hit region was projected to
be -3.6, -6.4, and -4.3 respectively for the first three years.
(12.) For the crisis hit economies, GDP declined 3.6, 6.8, and 3.3
percent for the first three years, and 2.5 percent for the fifth year.
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Share of Imports by Region and Sector
Imp. Region Exp. Region Agriculture Intermediaries Manufacturing Services
Crisis Developing 0.08 0.055 0.01 0.03
Developed 0.92 0.945 0.99 0.97
Developing Crisis 0.292 0.41 0.174 0.194
Developed 0.708 0.59 0.826 0.806
Developed Crisis 0.784 0.852 0.976 0.85
Developing 0.216 0.148 0.024 0.15
Share of Exports by Region and Sector
Exp. Region Imp. Region Agriculture Intermediaries Manufacturing Services
Crisis Developing 0.222 0.062 0.054 0.042
Developed 0.778 0.938 0.946 0.958
Developing Crisis 0.06 0.171 0.426 0.172
Developed 0.94 0.829 0.574 0.865
Developed Crisis 0.854 0.866 0.881 0.865
Developing 0.146 0.134 0.119 0.135