A primer on moral-hazard models.
Prescott, Edward S.
Moral Hazard - The effect of insurance on insureds' behavior.
Moral hazard, a long-time concern in the insurance industry, is
increasingly being recognized as a concern in the regulation of banking
and other financial industries. A classic example of its possible
perverse effects is the selling of a fire insurance contract to a group
of uninsured individuals. If the premiums are based on the actuarial data of this group's loss experiences, then the contract will be
unprofitable. The reason for this loss is that with the introduction of
fire insurance, insured people take fewer precautions than before
against fires, raising losses above historical levels. It is this
adverse effect of insurance on people's behavior that is moral
hazard, and it is because of these adverse effects insurance contracts
frequently contain clauses that attempt to minimize this behavior such
as deductibles and copayments.
Ever since moral-hazard models were formalized mathematically in
the early 1970s, applications of the models have burgeoned.(1) The
models have been applied to just about any field where contractual
relationships play an important role. In development economics, they
have been used to study agricultural sharecropping contracts. In
corporate finance, they have been used to study capital structure and
executive compensation. In labor economics, they have been used to study
employee compensation.
Moral-hazard analysis plays an important role in the theories of
bank regulation and, more generally, financial regulation. For instance,
government guarantees of bank deposits, be they explicit or implicit,
reduce the incentive for depositors to monitor their banks. This lack of
monitoring can create incentives for financial institutions to take on
excessive amounts of risk. One striking example of the perverse
risk-taking effects caused by poor regulatory design is the U.S. savings
and loan crisis in the 1980s.(2) Moral hazard may also be a problem when
financial institutions are large enough to be "too big to
fail." Some commentators fear that too-big-to-fail institutions
have an incentive to take on excessive risk because these institutions
(and even their "uninsured" creditors) will be bailed out in
the event of a failure.(3)
Moral hazard is also assigned a prominent role in some analyses of
causes of the recent Asian financial crisis. In these analyses, lax
domestic financial regulation led to excessive risk-taking by Asian
financial institutions. Furthermore, as argued by Calomeris (1998), the
expectation of International Monetary Fund bailouts for developing
country banking sectors gave foreign investors an incentive to finance
risky activities.
Moral-hazard models are studied by analyzing constrained maximization programs, an important class of optimization problems.
Though some of these programs are easy to study, the moral-hazard class
is a particularly difficult one to analyze. Consequently, an extensive
literature has developed that provides conditions that simplify the
program. Unfortunately, these conditions are unappealingly restrictive.
To avoid these simplifying assumptions, we present another approach
to analyzing moral-hazard models whereby we compute solutions to
numerical examples. There are two advantages to this approach. First, it
can be used to study problems that are not amenable to analytical
methods. Indeed, the methods for computing numerical examples in this
article succeed in cases in which the standard analytical simplification
does not apply. The second advantage to computing solutions is that it
gives one the ability to answer quantitative questions. For instance,
the effect of deposit insurance on bank risk-taking is an inherently
quantitative question. So is the question of whether a smaller amount of
deposit insurance would result in a more efficient mix of risk and
insurance. If one does not compute examples, the answers to these
questions, as well as others, cannot be quantified.
In this article, we use linear programming as the computational
technique for solving moral-hazard programs. Linear programming has been
widely applied in management science, operations research, engineering,
industry, and economics. Much is known about this class of programs, and
practical algorithms for computing solutions to them have existed since
the 1940s. Today, there are numerous commercial and publicly available
software codes that implement them.
Developing the moral-hazard program as a linear program requires
making two departures from its standard formulation. One change is minor
but the other change, allowing randomization or lotteries in the
contract, is not. The implications of making this latter change will be
discussed later. It is important, however, to understand that the change
is not merely a technical assumption. Rather, it is one that can be
justified on economic grounds.
As we review the moral-hazard model in the following paragraphs, we
discuss the role of private information and describe the moral-hazard
program as it is usually seen in the literature. This section is
self-contained and can be read as such if the reader is interested only
in the basic intuition of moral-hazard problems.
Using the standard formulation as a starting point, the next
section introduces lotteries. We discuss the economic reasons for using
them and present the linear program. (Two appendices spell out the
linear program in more detail: Appendix A contains a short review of
linear programs, and Appendix B derives the linear programming
representation of the moral-hazard program.) Next, we compute the
solution to a bank regulation example followed by some concluding
comments. Finally, Appendix C contains a list of the papers that
formulate private-information problems other than the moral-hazard
problem as linear programs.
The moral-hazard problem usually is formulated in terms of a
contract between a principal and an agent who "works" for him.
The principal and the agent can be people or institutions. With regards
to agricultural sharecropping, the principal is the landowner and the
agent is the tenant. With regards to banking, the principal is the bank
regulator and the agent is the bank. With regards to executive
compensation issues, the principal represents the collective interests
of the shareholders while the agent is the chief executive officer.
In the moral-hazard problem, the agent works on a project for the
principal. The amount of work the agent performs affects the probability
distribution of the project's return. The problem is that the
principal cannot monitor the agent's work, so the agent's
effort is private information; that is, it is observed only by the agent
himself.(4) In some models, the agent's amount of effort is not
observed. In other models, precisely how the task is performed is not
observed. Our model captures either specification, so we will refer
generally to the agent taking an action, be it a level of effort or a
specific task. In agricultural sharecropping arrangements, the action is
the amount of effort the tenant applies to working the sharecropped
land, and the output is the crop yield. In bank regulation, the action
is the risk-return profile of the bank's investments, and the
output is the bank's return. In the executive compensation example,
the action is the amount of resources aimed towards increasing the
corporation's profits rather than the CEO's own personal
satisfaction (for example, expanding the size of the corporation or
avoiding painful decisions like layoffs), and output is the
corporation's profit. In each example, the agent takes actions,
unobserved by the principal, that affect output.(5)
Moral-hazard models are normally developed so that there is a
conflict between the agent and the principal over the action the agent
should take. For example, the agent might prefer a low-effort action
because he dislikes hard work, while the principal might prefer a
high-effort action because it increases the expected output of a
project. This conflict in and of itself does not cause moral hazard but
it does so when combined with private information on the agent's
To understand the role of private information, it is helpful to
first consider the opposite situation, that is, when both the principal
and the agent observe the action taken (commonly called the
full-information case). In this case the principal and the agent could
simply make a contract that fixes the level of action the agent should
take. The exact action they would agree upon depends on many factors,
such as the outside opportunities of the agent's labor, the outside
opportunities of the principal's investment project, and the amount
of compensation the agent receives. Nevertheless, once the two parties
agree upon an action, they can enforce it because both parties observe
Returning to the private-information assumption, one would see that
the principal and the agent could still write a contract specifying the
agent's action. But in this case, how could the contract be
enforced? After all, if the principal cannot observe the agent's
action, how can he make sure the agent took it? Although the principal
could ask, there is no guarantee that the agent would respond
truthfully; the agent can always reply that he fulfilled his end of the
contract, whether he did or not.
While the principal cannot make the agent work a specified action
directly, he may be able to induce the agent to take the desired action
using the information he does have, namely, the project's output.
In moral-hazard problems, one usually assumes that the output is
publicly observed, that is, seen by both the principal and the agent. It
follows that the only device the principal can use to encourage the
agent is to make compensation depend on output. The principal, of
course, wants to do this in such a way that the agent willingly takes
the contracted action. The idea is that actions can be contracted upon,
but only if they are consistent with the agent's incentives as
determined by the compensation schedule. As we will see, compensation
schedules can be effective at inducing actions but not without a cost.
It might be helpful to return to the agricultural example. Think of
a landowner who lets a tenant farm a piece of his land. If the landowner
spends his time on other activities, such as farming other pieces of
land he owns, then he cannot monitor the tenant's efforts on the
plot. He does not observe how carefully the tenant weeds the plot. Nor
does he observe how many hours a day the tenant works the plot. All he
can do is infer from the plot's yield the care and effort the
tenant put into working the land. But this inference is far from
perfect. If the crop fails, it could be because the tenant did not
properly apply himself. But, it could also be the result of disease,
insect infestation, insufficient rain, or a host of other factors beyond
the tenant's control. Disentangling the effects of factors under
the agent's control (his effort) and factors not under his control
(the weather) is the essence of the moral-hazard problem because it
leads to a trade-off between insurance and incentives. The contract
should insure the tenant against events beyond his control, but it
should also provide him an incentive to do what he is supposed to.
Often, these are conflicting goals.
Formal Development of the Model
There are five sequential stages to the model. First, the principal
and the agent agree to a contract. Second, as part of this contract, the
principal recommends an action and then the agent decides whether or not
to take it. These two steps are separated so that it is clear that the
agent is choosing his action at that point. Then, the output is realized
and, finally, the principal compensates the agent. Figure 1 summarizes
these steps in a timeline.
There are three variables that matter in this problem. First, there
is the action that the agent takes. We identify an action by a and
restrict it to lie in a set A, where A is an interval. (For example, A
could be the interval between 0 and 1.) The second variable is the
output, which we call q. Possible outputs lie in the set Q. For
simplicity, we assume that there are only a finite number of elements in
this set. The final variable is consumption c, which is restricted to
lie in the set C. Like A, it is an interval.
The output q is determined by the agent's choice of action and
a random shock that occurs after the agent has taken his action. The
principal observes the output but not the shock or the agent's
action. The idea is that he cannot infer from the output alone how hard
the agent worked. It is most convenient to drop explicit references to
the shock and instead describe the relationship between the action and
the output by the conditional probability p(q[where]a). This function is
the probability distribution of output given the action. Because it is a
probability distribution, [[Sigma].sub.q]p(q[where]a) = 1 for each a.
Finally, for simplicity we assume at this time that each output is
possible for each action, that is, p(q[where]a) [greater than] 0, [for
every]a [element of] A, q [element of] Q.
The agent cares about his consumption and his effort. We write his
utility function as u(c,a). For the moment, we do not make any
assumptions on the form this function takes. The principal only cares
about the project's surplus, that is, q - c. Depending on the
model, the surplus may be negative, that is, the principal pays the
agent out of his own funds. The principal's utility function is w(q
- c).
Deterministic Contracts
In the standard formulation of the moral-hazard problem, the model
is solved for the optimal deterministic contract. A contract consists of
the action the agent is supposed to take and the compensation schedule,
that is, consumption as a function of output. The term
"deterministic" refers to an assumed property of the contract,
namely, that no randomization is allowed in the contract's terms.
What we mean precisely by randomization is described in the next
Definition 1 A deterministic contract is a recommended action a and
an output dependent compensation schedule c(q).
The Approach
Our goal is to find one of the best feasible contracts that
satisfies some criterion. Economists do this by solving a
constrained-maximization program.
These programs consist of an objective function and a set of
constraints. The objective function ranks alternative contracts
according to some criterion. The constraints describe the set of
contracts that are feasible. In this problem, the
constrained-maximization program represents the problem facing a
principal who is trying to determine the best feasible contracts to give
the agent.
Objective Function
In moral-hazard problems, it is usually assumed that the principal
owns the project and designs the contract. The objective function then
is the principal's utility. It is written
[summation over q]p(q[where]a)w(q - c(q)).
Participation Constraint
The first constraint is the participation constraint; it is also
sometimes called an individual rationality constraint. The variable U
represents the value of outside opportunities to the agent,
opportunities that are not usually explicitly modeled. The constraint
represents the idea that the principal-agent relationship does not exist
in a vacuum. Since the agent has other activities that he can do, he
will only sign the contract if it is at least as good as the best of
these outside opportunities. Though we do not explore the issue in this
article, the level of U can have a strong effect on the optimal
contract. The higher U is the less surplus the principal will be able to
get from the project. The participation constraint is
[summation over q]p(q[where]a)u(c(q), a) [greater than or equal to]
U. (1)
Incentive Constraints
Incentive constraints are the formal method of accounting for
private information. To see how moral hazard restricts the set of
feasible contracts, consider the following problem. Assume that the
principal is risk-neutral, that is, w(q - c) = q - c, and that the
agent's preferences are separable u(c, a) = U(c) - V(a). We assume
that U(c) is concave (U[prime](c) [greater than] 0, U[double prime](c)
[less than] 0) indicating that the agent dislikes riskiness in
consumption. We also assume that V(a) is nonnegative and increasing in
the action, indicating that the agent prefers a lower action to a higher
one. (The action can be thought of as the level of effort here.)
Now consider the following compensation schedule, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], that is, consumption is independent of the realized
output. We assume that this c(q), together with the assigned a, satisfy
(1). Under this contract, the principal bears all of the risk. His
consumption (the surplus) moves one-for-one with fluctuations in the
output. In contrast, the agent's consumption is unaffected by
fluctuations in output because he receives a fixed payment. In fact, it
is easy enough to show that this contract is the optimal one if the only
constraint is (1). The first-order conditions on consumption are
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (2)
where [Lambda] is the Lagrangian multiplier on the participation
constraint. Only a contract with constant consumption satisfies these
Now consider what happens if this contract is chosen (and the
contract does not assign the lowest action to the agent), but the
agent's action is private information. Because the principal does
not observe the agent's action, he cannot make him work the
contracted action. The agent will take the action that is in his best
interest, which is defined by his maximization problem, that is,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. But because consumption does not
depend on output, the agent's action does not affect his
consumption! Consequently, he takes the action that gives him the least
disutility rather than the action recommended by the contract. Thus, the
example contract, despite its desirable insurance properties, is not
Economists capture the effect of private information by using
incentive or incentive-compatibility constraints. These constraints are
simply a way of recognizing that any feasible contract will have to be
compatible with the agent's incentives. For a contract (a, c(q)) to
be incentive compatible, it must satisfy
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (3)
This constraint just says that the agent will take the action that
is in his own best interest as determined by the compensation schedule
Another way to write this constraint, one which will be more
convenient later, is to express it by a direct pairwise comparison
between taking the recommended action and taking all other actions. This
representation is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (4)
As before, this constraint says action a must be optimal from the
agent's perspective. Notice that there are many constraints.
We can now proceed to the constrained-maximization program. To
repeat, the problem is to find one of the best feasible deterministic
contracts. For a contract to be feasible, it must satisfy both the
participation and the incentive-compatibility constraints. An optimal
deterministic contract is a solution to the program below.
Program with Deterministic Contracts
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Properties of Solutions
This program is surprisingly difficult to analyze. The problem is
that if A is a continuum, then there are a large number (a continuum) of
incentive constraints. To put these constraints into a manageable form,
researchers normally try to substitute the first-order condition (FOC)
from the agent's problem (3) for (4). When the agent's
preferences are separable, that is, u(c, a) = U(c) - V(a), the
first-order condition is [[Sigma].sub.q][p.sub.a](q[where]a)U(c(q)) =
[V.sub.a](a). The programming problem with this constraint is much
easier to analyze than the programming problem with (4).
Unfortunately, this "first-order approach" is not valid
in general. First-order conditions are only sufficient for describing an
optimum of a concave function. There is no guarantee, however, that at
the optimal c(q) the function [[Sigma].sub.q]p(q[where]a)u(c(q),a) is
concave in the action.
What researchers have attempted to do is to find conditions that
make this substitution valid. These conditions, however, are
restrictive. In particular, the most commonly used assumptions are that
the agent is risk-averse, his preferences are separable, the principal
is risk-neutral, and the technology p(q[where]a) satisfy the monotone
likelihood ratio property (MLRP) and the convexity of the distribution
function condition (CDFC).(7)
The MLRP condition is [p.sub.a](q[where]a)/p(q[where]a) increasing
in q. This condition guarantees that output is increasing stochastically in effort, that is, higher output is more likely for higher effort than
lower efforts. If P(q[where]a) is the cumulative distribution function,
then CDFC is
P(q[where][Alpha]a + (1 - [Alpha])a[prime]) [less than or equal to]
[Alpha]P(q[where]a) + (1 - [Alpha])P(q[where]a[prime]), [for every]a,
a[prime] [element of] A, [for every][Alpha] [element of] (0, 1),
and for all q. This condition provides a form of diminishing
returns in effort. Both of these conditions are rather restrictive, and
many natural technological specifications do not satisfy them both. For
example, the distribution q = a + [Theta], where [Theta] is normally
distributed, satisfies MLRP but does not satisfy CDFC.
When the first-order approach is valid, the optimal contract can be
fairly well characterized. For example, if the previous assumptions on
preferences and technology holds, then the first-order condition to the
constrained-maximization problem (not the agent's subproblem) is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The variables [Lambda] and [Mu] it are the Lagrangian multipliers
on the participation constraint (1) and the incentive constraint (FOC
version), respectively. Compare this with (2), the FOC for the
full-information program. The only difference is the term
[Mu][p.sub.a](q[where]a)/p(q[where]a), which is the effect on the
solution from adding the incentive constraints. Now, because of private
information, consumption does depend on output. In particular, one can
easily verify that when MLRP is satisfied, the term
[p.sub.a](q[where]a)/p(q[where]a) is increasing in q. Because the
Lagrangian multipliers are nonnegative in this problem, this property
implies that consumption is increasing in output. Unfortunately, most
technologies do not satisfy MLRP. Consequently, optimal
consumption-sharing rules need not be monotonic.
An Example
The following executive compensation problem illustrates what a
"typical" compensation schedule may look like.(8) In this
example, the owners of a bank (the principal) must devise a compensation
schedule for their chief executive officer (the agent). The CEO is
risk-averse and would rather apply his effort to activities that do not
necessarily increase bank profits. To simplify the model, we assume that
an increase in his action gives the bank higher expected profits but
gives the CEO lower utility. Furthermore, we assume that the technology
satisfies the MLRP.(9)
The solid line in Figure 2 shows the optimal compensation schedule
as a function of the bank's profits. Compensation increases with
bank profits as one would expect for a technology that satisfies MLRP.
To illustrate the role of private information, we also report the
optimal full-information compensation schedule, calculated from the
solution to the full-information program. (That program is the
private-information program without the incentive constraints.) Under
full information, the risk-averse executive bears no risk.(10) He is
fully insured against all fluctuations and the risk-neutral bank absorbs
all fluctuations in output.
Our comparison of the compensation schedules reveals one cost of
private information. For incentive reasons, some insurance must be
sacrificed. There is another cost, however, not illustrated in Figure 2:
the program implements a lower action with private information than with
full information. Apparently, in this example, it is too expensive to
implement the optimal full-information action when there is private
In our review of the moral-hazard problem we restricted the
contract space to deterministic contracts. In many cases, however,
randomization in the terms of the contract may improve welfare.(11) This
section covers these issues and explains how lotteries are a necessary
component in developing the linear program.
There are two types of randomization that one may place in the
contract. The first type involves making the recommended action a
random. Instead of choosing a single action a, the principal chooses a
probability distribution over all of the possible recommended actions.
We will call this probability function [Pi](a). The second type of
randomization is contained in the compensation schedule. Instead of
choosing c(q), the principal chooses [Pi](c[where]q, a), that is, a
probability distribution of consumption given each realized output and
each recommended action with positive probability. It is important to
note that contracts with lotteries do not preclude deterministic
contracts. Deterministic contracts are still feasible, but they are
simply degenerate lotteries over the relevant sets.
Definition 2 A contract with lotteries is a probability
distribution over recommended actions, [Pi](a), and a probability
distribution over consumption as a function of the output and the
recommended action, [Pi](c[where]q,a).
Economic Role of Lotteries
There has been little research on the role of lotteries in
moral-hazard problems. What we do know is that under certain strong
conditions, randomization is undesirable, and under certain weaker
conditions, it is desirable. In general, analytical results concerning
randomization appear to be quite difficult to derive. We will not
attempt to summarize the results but will point out a few apparent ones.
The reader interested in more detail can examine Arnott and Stiglitz
(1988) and the citations contained within.
If the agent is risk-averse and his utility function is separable,
and if the principal is risk-neutral, then we know that consumption
lotteries are not optimal. To see this result, imagine a contract with a
nondegenerate consumption lottery. Replace the consumption lottery with
a deterministic compensation schedule that leaves the agent's
utility unchanged for any realization of q and a. Because of concavity of the utility function, the schedule uses less consumption in
expectation without violating the participation and incentive
constraints. The reduced expected payment can be returned to the
principal, increasing his utility. With nonseparable preferences,
however, such similar conditions are much harder to provide. See Arnott
and Stiglitz (1988) and the citations contained within.
Cases with optimal nondegenerate consumption lotteries require
either a nonconvexity or nonseparability in preferences. If the agent is
a risk-seeker, consumption lotteries (for reasons having nothing to do
with incentives) will be valuable. Consumption lotteries may also be
desirable if the agent's action affects his risk-aversion. Cole
(1989), in a different model, provides one such example.
Action lotteries have been less systematically studied than
consumption lotteries. Arnott and Stiglitz (1988) demonstrate that
action lotteries will occur if in the space of contracts with
deterministic actions, the principal's expected utility is
nonconcave in the agent's expected utility. Unfortunately,
conditions under which this situation occurs are far from obvious.
Lehnert (1998) and Prescott (1998) contain examples with action
lotteries (or something similar).
To summarize, analytical results on the optimality of nondegenerate
lotteries are difficult to derive. It seems then that computation of
examples should play an important role in examining this issue.
Concerns with Lotteries
One common criticism of lotteries is that they are typically not
found in the explicit terms of contracts. While this may be true, the
complicated terms of optimal deterministic contracts are also typically
not found in the explicit terms of contracts. This criticism then is not
one aimed at the use of lotteries per se but at contract theory in
One response to the criticism is that explicit terms in contracts
are not necessarily an accurate guide to its true terms. Frequently,
there are implicit terms or contingencies in contracts. For example,
Townsend and Mueller (1998) contains examples of implicit contingencies
in sharecropping contracts.
Another response to the criticism is that lotteries may be
indistinguishable from other state-contingent transfers and may
represent unmodeled transactions. Cole and Prescott (1997) demonstrate
that ex ante randomization, the sort defined by the action lotteries,
need not be implemented through individual contracts but, instead, can
be implemented through ex ante gambling that generates wealth
inequality. In a developing economy context Lehnert (1998) argues that
ex ante randomization may be implemented by financial intermediaries like Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs). ROSCAs
frequently use lotteries to determine the order in which members receive
funds. In both papers, there is a continuum of agents so the ex ante
lotteries represent equilibrium fractions of the population.
Interpreting the lotteries as equilibrium fractions of the population is
a particularly intuitive interpretation that we will return to later in
our example. It is also possible that the consumption lotteries may
represent state-contingent transfers tied to exogenous events, transfers
that one might interpret as part of a normal financial contract.
In some arrangements, lotteries are an explicit part of the
economic mechanism. For example, the Internal Revenue Service randomly
audits tax returns. Some indivisible goods or duties are assigned by
lottery. For example, citizens are assigned to jury duty by lot. No
doubt in the case of employment decisions sometimes the difference
between a successful job candidate and an unsuccessful one is simply
In my view, if we are to take the discipline of optimizing
seriously, we should not restrict the contract space unless there is an
economic argument for excluding these types of contracts.(12) This issue
is not merely a technical one. In Lehnert (1998), policy prescriptions
differ between an economy with deterministic contracts and one with
lotteries. If for a particular problem one decides that the evidence
does not support lotteries, then one needs to choose exogenous
parameters so that the optimal contract is deterministic. The theory
then provides an additional layer of requirements on the class of models
we work with.
Making the Moral-Hazard Problem a Linear Program
We now show how to develop the moral-hazard program with lotteries
as a linear program. This article does not deal with the topic of linear
programming in any detail. There are plenty of well-written references
on the topic. It does, however, contain a brief review of linear
programs in Appendix A, summarized in the following paragraph.
A linear program is a constrained-maximization program that
satisfies the following conditions:
1. The objective function and the constraints are linear;
2. There is a finite number of variables; and
3. There is a finite number of constraints.
By adding lotteries, condition 1 is satisfied. Lotteries have the
further advantage that they are nonnegative by definition so the choice
variables in the program are nonnegative, a requirement of the standard
form of linear programming. (See Appendix A.) To satisfy conditions 2
and 3 another assumption is necessary, namely, that the sets C and A, in
addition to the set Q, each contain a finite number of elements. For
example, if A has two elements {[a.sub.1], [a.sub.2]}, then, with
respect to the recommended action, the principal chooses two variables,
[Pi]([a.sub.1]) and [Pi]([a.sub.2]), the probability of al and the
probability of [a.sub.2]. In general, the elements in these sets - often
called the grids - can be made arbitrarily large, providing an
approximation to the continuum case.
The derivation of the linear program is contained in Appendix B,
but to summarize here, the deterministic contract (a, c(q)) is replaced
with the contract ([Pi](a), [Pi](c[where]q, a)). Next, the objective
function and constraints are algebraically manipulated so that the
choice variable is the probability distribution [Pi](c, q, a). The term
[Pi](c, q, a) is the unconditional probability distribution of each
possible consumption, output, and action triplet.
Usually, the new choice variable is the probability distribution of
each point in the grid P = C x Q x A, though sometimes P is a subset of
the grid. For expositional ease, we assume the former in this section.
Since C, Q, and A all have finite numbers of elements, P has a finite
number of points. For example, if C = {[c.sub.1], [c.sub.2], ...,
[c.sub.t]}, Q = {[q.sub.1], [q.sub.2], ..., [q.sub.m]}, and A =
{[a.sub.1], [a.sub.2], ...., [a.sub.n]}, then P has lmn elements. Each
element is indexed by a ([c.sub.i], [q.sub.j], [a.sub.k]) vector. One
way to list all the elements is
([c.sub.1], [q.sub.1], [a.sub.1]),
([c.sub.2], [q.sub.1], [a.sub.1]),
([c.sub.n], [q.sub.1], [a.sub.1]),
([c.sub.1], [q.sub.2], [a.sub.1]),
([c.sub.2], [q.sub.2], [a.sub.1])
([c.sub.l], [q.sub.m], [a.sub.n]).
The choice variable [Pi](c,q,a) is an lmn-dimensional vectoru The
value of [Pi]([c.sub.i], [q.sub.j], [a.sub.k]) is the probability of the
([c.sub.i], [q.sub.j], [a.sub.k]) triplet occurring.
Moral-Hazard Program with Lotteries
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (5)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (6)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (7)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (8)
This program is the same as the deterministic program discussed
earlier but includes lotteries. Indeed, except for the addition of two
constraints, the programs are identical in structure. Again, the
objective function is the principal's utilityu Constraint (5) is
the participation constraint. The incentive constraints are (6). On the
right-hand side of (6) is the likelihood ratio [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. This ratio is very important in private-information models
because it influences the ability of the principal to reward and punish
the agent. For example, if the ratio is low for some q, then high
compensation would reward an agent for taking the recommended action
more than it would reward him for taking the deviating action
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Similarly, if the ratio is high for
some q, then low compensation would punish an agent who takes the
deviating action [Mathematical Expression Omitted] more than it punishes
him for taking the recommended action a.
The last two sets of constraints are specific to problems with
lotteries. They are not analogous to any constraints in the
deterministic formulation. Constraints (7) are the technology, or Mother
Nature, constraints. As Appendix B describes in more detail, these
constraints are added to the program so that despite choosing [Pi](c, q,
a), the principal really only chooses the contract ([Pi](a),
[Pi](c[where]q, a)); that is, the constraints ensure that a feasible
[Pi](c, q, a) is consistent with p(q[where]a). The final constraint (8)
ensures that [Pi](c, q, a) is a lottery, i.e., it sums to one and each
element is nonnegative.
It is straightforward to verify that this problem is a linear
program. Lotteries deliver linearity of the objective function and the
constraints. The grids then ensure that [Pi](c, q, a) is a
finite-dimensional vector and that there are a finite number of
In general, the two limitations to computing linear programs are
computer speed and memory. Roughly, the larger the dimensions of the
problem, the more memory is required and the longer the problem takes to
solve. Unfortunately, as the sizes of the grids increase, these problems
quickly grow in size. For example, if l, m, and n are the number of
elements in C, Q, and A, respectively, then the number of variables in
the problem is lmn. The number of constraints grows similarly. There is
one participation constraint, n(n - 1) incentive constraints, nm
technology constraints, and one probability measure constraint. For
example, if there are 10 actions, 20 outputs, and 50 consumptions, then
the linear program has 10,000 variables and 292 constraints.
The size of the linear program that can be computed depends on the
user's software and hardware. Although recent advances in computer
technology have greatly increased the size of programs that may be
computed, size limits may still arise. If size limits bind, the
programmer may be forced to restrict the number of elements in the
grids. Whether this is a serious issue for the results depends on the
problem. For some problems, grids are the natural specification, such as
when there are indivisibilities. For many problems, the grid does not
need to be very fine.(13)
With commercial code or high-quality public domain code written in
a compiled language, the biggest limitation on computation is probably
memory. When this problem arises, the Dantzig-Wolfe algorithm can be
used to compute a moral-hazard program. This algorithm solves linear
programs that have a special constraint structure, a structure that the
moral-hazard program satisfies. Prescott (1998) solves several
moral-hazard programs using this algorithm. He finds that for given
memory limitations substantially larger problems can be computed using
this method.
In this example, we study a moral-hazard problem where the
principal is a bank regulator and the agent is a bank. The bank is
funded by insured deposits. Because depositors are insured, they are
unconcerned about the bank's return. For simplicity, we drop all
reference to them from the problem. Since depositors have no incentive
to monitor, it is the job of the bank regulator to devise a regulatory
The bank can engage in either an opaque investment strategy or a
transparent one. The opaque strategy consists of investing in assets
that are difficult for outsiders to evaluate and are potentially risky.
Examples of opaque strategies include business loans or complicated
derivative contracts. The transparent strategy consists of investing in
safe assets that are easy for outsiders to evaluate. Examples could
include holdings of Treasury bills or other money market assets. We
assume that the bank may engage in only one investment strategy. It
cannot split its assets between an opaque and a transparent strategy.
Also, for simplicity we assume that the bank has a fixed deposit base so
it cannot choose the amount of funds to invest.
The information assumptions on the bank's actions are slightly
different from the standard formulation, although except for a minor
modification to the incentive constraints, the program will not change.
The strategy the bank engages in is public information, that is, both
the bank and the regulator know whether the bank invests in opaque or
transparent assets. But if the bank engages in the opaque strategy,
there is some private information. Specifically, we allow the bank to
choose the riskiness of its opaque strategy without letting the
regulator observe this choice. In contrast, if the transparent strategy
is chosen, we assume that there is no private information. Finally, the
bank's return (net of payments to depositors) is public
This problem is designed to study two issues about bank regulation.
First, the model can exhibit coexistence of multiple regulatory regimes,
one for each possible investment strategy adopted by the bank. Second,
it can be used to study the role of fines in mitigating excessive
risk-taking. Fines and other penalties are an essential part of the
precommitment approach, a recent proposal for regulating banks'
trading accounts.(14)
If the bank engages in the opaque investment strategy, we assume
that the bank chooses only the variance of its returns. Unlike most
problems, the bank's choice of action has no affect on the mean of
returns. Also unlike most problems, the bank's utility is not
directly affected by the action chosen. To create a conflict of interest
between the regulator and the bank, we first assume that the bank has
limited liability. Because of its limited liability the bank prefers a
high variance return as its losses are limited to zero.(15) Our second
assumption that will guarantee a conflict of interest is to assume that
there is a social loss to bankruptcy, an event defined as a negative
return by the bank. The loss creates a dislike for variance on the part
of the regulator who we assume is benevolent and wishes to minimize
social losses. Our setup creates a trade-off between risk-seeking
behavior by the bank (driven by the limited liability) and the social
cost from poor realizations of the bank's investment. The
difference between the trade-off here and the one described earlier in
the executive compensation problem is that in the compensation problem
there was a trade-off between insuring the executive and giving him
incentives to take the desired action.
The regulator has two devices available to influence the
bank's actions. First, it can regulate the investment strategy of
the bank. The regulator by fiat can decide which lines of investment
that the bank may engage in. Second, the regulator may impose
return-dependent fines, though the regulator's ability to do this
is limited.
We limit regulators' ability to levy fines in two ways. First,
with limited liability, a fine cannot exceed the bank's return.
Second, the amount of the fine that the regulator may impose in any
state must lie between zero and an upper bound. Reasons for these bounds
are not modeled, but they could exist for political reasons. For
example, it might be difficult politically to make explicit payments
(negative fines) to banks. Furthermore, we assume that fines are not
merely a transfer; instead, we assume that a fraction of collected fines
represent a social loss to society. Consequently, not only does the
regulator want to prevent bankruptcy, but it also prefers not to impose
Setting up the Linear Program
In this problem it is more convenient to put the level of fines in
the grid rather than the bank's profit (consumption). Bank profits
are easy enough to calculate, as they are the difference between the
return and the fine, that is, c = q -f.
The bank can engage in either of two investment strategies. If the
bank engages in the transparent strategy, then we assume that there is
only one action the bank can take. We write this set as [A.sub.tr] =
{0.0}. If the bank engages in the opaque investment strategy, its set of
feasible actions is [A.sub.op] = {0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3}. The value of the
action corresponds to the standard deviation of the project's
return. To be consistent with previous notation we can write A =
([A.sub.tr], [A.sub.op]) = {0.0, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3}. Because the
investment strategy is public information, the incentive constraints
only apply to actions in the set [A.sub.op].(16)
It is easiest if we make the return grid depend on the investment
strategy. We will make the extreme assumption about the transparent
strategy that there is no variance in its return. In particular, we
assume that [Q.sub.tr] = {0.5} and that [Q.sub.op] = {-0.3, -0.25, -0.2,
..., 1.7}.
Because both the principal's and the agent's utilities in
fines are linear (they are both risk-neutral), it is necessary to have
only two points in the fine grid, an upper and a lower bound. Lotteries
over the bounds can obtain any intermediate level of fine without being
an approximation. Indeed, the weighted sum of the bounds will be
interpreted as the actual level of the fine.
By assumption the lower bound on fines is zero. But because of
limited liability, the upper bound on fines must be less than the
bank's return. The fine must also be less than the exogenously set
upper bound on fines, which is 0.12 in this example. We capture these
constraints by writing the fine grid as return dependent. It is F(q) =
{0} if q [less than] 0 and F(q) = {0, min{q, 0.12}} if q [greater than]
0. The return and action grid for this problem is thus ([Q.sub.tr] x
[A.sub.tr]) followed by ([Q.sub.op] x [A.sub.op]), that is, {(0.5, 0.0),
(-0.3, 0.4), (-0.25, 0.4), ..., (1.7, 1.3)}. The entire grid is then
created by appending the appropriate F(q) for each return, action pair.
The bank is risk-neutral with limited liability so its preferences
are u(f, q, a) = max{q - f, 0}. Notice that the bank's utility is
not affected, at least not directly, by the action it chooses. The
regulator only cares about the social costs of bankruptcy and fines.
Bankruptcy is defined as negative return, that is, if q [less than] 0.
The regulator's preferences are
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
These preferences assume that it is costly to resolve bankruptcies
and to collect fines. By maximizing this utility function, the regulator
is minimizing the social costs of bankruptcy and fines.(17)
The probability distribution of the bank's return when it
adopts the transparent strategy is predetermined by our assumption that
there is no variance in the return. The probability of q = 0.5 when a =
0.0 is 1.0. If the bank adopts the opaque strategy, then its action
affects the variance of its returns. Let f(q[where]a) denote a normal
distribution with mean -0.7 and standard deviation a evaluated at q. The
conditional probability of each output for the opaque strategy is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The denominator normalizes the function to sum to one, which we
need to do because of the grid. The technology is probably better
understood by considering Figure 3. Notice that the higher the standard
deviation (the higher actions), the higher the probability of bankruptcy
(the area under each curve for q [less than] 0).
In this problem, the regulator dislikes bankruptcy and fines
because of their social cost. Without limited liability, the bank would
not care which action it takes since each has the same mean. With
limited liability, however, the bank receives no disutility from
negative returns, so it prefers high-variance actions. This preference
is the source of the conflict between the bank and the regulator. The
only tools available to the regulator in this problem are its limited
ability to impose fines on the bank and its ability to order the bank to
engage in either of the investment strategies.
The linear program was solved for the case where the bank receives
U = 0.60 utils. For this parameterization, the optimal action for the
bank is a lottery over the transparent and opaque strategies. The bank
is assigned action a = 0.0 (the transparent investment strategy) with
probability 0.47, and it is assigned action a = 0.4 under the opaque
investment strategy with probability 0.53.
When the bank is assigned the transparent strategy, no fines are
imposed because there are no incentive constraints for this strategy.
When the bank is assigned the opaque strategy, however, the regulator
imposes fines to prevent the bank from taking the higher risk actions.
Figure 4 shows the optimal fine schedule if the bank is assigned the
opaque strategy.
Because the regulator wants to minimize the amount of fines
imposed, it wants to limit their use to when they are most effective.
They are most effective if imposed on returns that are likely if the
bank takes the high-variance action and unlikely if the bank takes the
low-variance action (like it is supposed to). In this problem, low and
high returns satisfy this condition. With limited liability, however,
fines can hardly be imposed on the bank when it realizes a low return.
In contrast, although the limited liability constraint is not binding
for high returns, the fine ceiling binds instead.(18)
We interpret the investment-strategy lottery as representing the
coexistence of two different regulatory regimes. To see this, imagine
that instead of there being one bank, there are a large number, or a
continuum, of them. Each of these banks is identical to the one in the
example and is treated identically, at least ex ante. Mathematically,
the linear program is unchanged but now the lotteries represent
equilibrium fractions of the population of banks. Under this
interpretation, 47 percent of the banking sector would be engaged in
transparent investment strategies and would not be subject to any fines.
These banks resemble narrow banks. The remaining 53 percent of the
banking sector would be engaged in the opaque investment but would be
subject to a very strong regulatory regime.
Parallels to these results exist in U.S. financial regulation.
Thrifts, credit unions, banks, and mutual funds all face different
limitations on their investment strategies. For example, thrifts must
hold a certain fraction of assets in housing and consumer lending.
Credit unions are limited in their commercial lending. Money market
mutual funds limit investment to money market instruments. Furthermore,
all of these institutions have their own regulators and set of rules.
The investment strategy lottery is an example of an action lottery.
As we discussed earlier, these lotteries can occur if there is a
nonconvexity in utility space. In this example, banks get higher utility
(and the regulator less utility) if the bank takes the opaque strategy
than if it takes the risky strategy. The lottery ensures that the bank
gets its reservation utility in expectation. For different levels of
reservation utility it is possible that all banks may engage in
deterministic strategies.
In this example, banks receive higher utility from taking the
opaque investment, so why would any bank take the transparent strategy?
For the lottery to be implemented there needs to be some kind of control
over the number of banks that may engage in the opaque investment
strategy. In financial regulation, chartering may serve such a role.
Many financial institutions must receive a charter to operate.
Regulators' control of charters can limit the fraction of banks
that can engage in certain strategies. A less command-and-control method
would be to price deposit insurance so that banks pay the social costs
of their investment strategy. Transparent banks would pay no deposit
premiums, while opaque banks would pay enough to cover the expected
social costs they cause, net their expected fine payments.
Another important feature of this example is the important role
that fines play in mitigating risk-taking behavior. Like the action
lottery, the optimal fine schedule (or at least a portion of it)
parallels existing regulatory practice. The fines imposed for low
returns are suggestive of the early closure rules under FDICIA. Under
FDICIA, regulators can close banks when their capital drops to a low
enough level. There is no direct parallel, however, for the high return
fines. If we take the extreme view that existing regulatory rules cannot
be improved upon, then we might say that the technology (the
p(q[where]a)) in the example is incorrectly specified. And no doubt the
technology is incorrectly specified; it was chosen to illustrate
lotteries and the role of fines, not to match data. Another source of
misspecification is that the model is missing crucial elements that
would preclude the imposition of such fines. For example, well-run and
innovative organizations should generate higher returns than other banks
and such activities should not be discouraged.
Still, the high-return fines are suggestive of an interesting
modification to this model. Dye (1986) adds to the moral-hazard model by
also allowing the principal to verify ex post the agent's action
but only at a cost. The problem for the principal is to determine the
returns (if any) under which he should spend resources to verify the
agent's action. For the parameters in our example, we conjecture that it would be optimal for the regulator to verify whenever there are
high returns (the same returns under which it is optimal to impose fines
in the present example). Indeed, the optimal regulatory regime would
probably entail a combination of costly ex post verification with
The strength of computation lies in its ability to answer
quantitative questions and its ability to investigate models that are
difficult to analyze. The moral-hazard problem is one such model, of
particular importance to many problems in economics, including financial
regulation. Still, the basic model is limiting in many ways.
Compensation is the only device available to the principal but in
practice other mechanisms are important. For example, bank regulators
receive reports, they monitor, and they observe signals. Many papers
have investigated variants on the moral-hazard model, though not many
have used the methods developed in this article. Appendix C lists the
few such papers that use linear programming to solve examples. Since
there are considerable difficulties in analyzing the basic moral-hazard
model, one would expect that these difficulties would still exist in
variants on the model and, therefore, numerical methods should be
increasingly valuable as an analytical tool. With continued rapid
advances in computer hardware and software, computation should become an
increasingly effective way to study moral-hazard and other
private-information problems.
A linear program written in standard form is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where c is a (1 x n) vector, the choice variable x is an (n x 1)
vector, b is an (m x 1) vector, and A is an (m x n) matrix, often called
the coefficient matrix and not related to the set of actions A.
For a more complete description, see any linear programming
textbook such as Luenberger (1973) or Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis (1997).
The important points to note are that the objective function and the
constraints are linear in x, that x is a finite-dimensional vector, and
that there are a finite number of constraints. Neither the equality
constraints nor the nonnegative values of x are critical features.
Problems with inequality constraints or variables that may be negative
can be easily converted to standard form.
Two classes of linear programming algorithms are presently in use.
The most common are simplex-based routines. Simplex-based algorithms
move along the frontier of the constraint set until an optimum is
reached. The simplex algorithm was developed in the 1940s by Dantzig and
has proven to be an efficient method in practice for computing solutions
to linear programs. More recently, interior point algorithms have been
developed. These algorithms move through the interior of the constraint
set. It is commonly reported that the simplex algorithm is faster for
small problems, but for large, sparse (lots of zeros in the constraint
matrix) problems interior point methods can be very effective.
With lotteries, the choice variables are [Pi](a) and
[Pi](c[where]q, a). When placed into the standard program, the program
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (9)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (10)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (11)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (12)
This program is not a linear program because neither the objective
function nor the participation constraint is linear.
To make it a linear program, we use the identity
[Pi](c, q, a) = [Pi](c[where]q, a)p(q[where]a)[Pi](a) (13)
and make the joint distribution [Pi](c, q, a) our choice variable.
Technology Constraints
By choosing the joint probabilities [Pi](c, q, a), the principal is
choosing the conditional probabilities [Pi](c[where]q, a) and the
unconditional probability [Pi](a), as is consistent with the formulation
of the problem. The conditional distribution on the technology
p(q[where]a), however, is exogenous. We can keep this distribution
exogenous by adding the following constraints
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (14)
If a joint distribution [Pi](c, q, a) that satisfies (14) is
chosen, then the principal has only implicitly chosen the contractual
terms [Pi](a) and [Pi](c[where]q, a).
Incentive Constraints
The incentive constraints guarantee that the agent always takes the
recommended action. Thus, the constraints are for any action recommended
with positive probability, so for all a such that [Pi](a) [greater than]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (15)
The left-hand side of (15) gives the utility the agent receives if
he takes the recommended action. The right-hand side gives the utility
the agent receives if he takes any other action. On the right-hand side,
the deviating action a enters the utility function and affects the
probability distribution of output. It does not affect the compensation
schedule because the principal uses the recommended action in the
compensation schedule.
To make these constraints linear in [Pi](c, q, a), we first define
[Pi](c, q[where]a) = [Pi](c[where]q, a)p(q[where]a) as the conditional
probability of the consumption-output pair (c,q) given that action a is
recommended. Next, we make the substitution [Pi](c[where]q, a) =
([Pi](c, q[where]a))/(p(q[where]a)) into (15) to obtain
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (16)
The term [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the probability that
the agent receives the pair (c, q) given that a was recommended but the
agent instead takes action [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The final step in making the incentive constraints linear is to
multiply both sides of (16) by the unconditional probability
distribution [Pi](a) in order to express them in terms of [Pi](c, q, a).
Rather than writing out the incentive constraints only for [Pi](a)
[greater than] 0, we write them as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (17)
This set of constraints applies not only to actions assigned
positive probability but also those assigned zero probability. Notice
that the constraints hold trivially for actions such that [Pi](a) = 0.
This is quite convenient because normally we do not know beforehand
which actions are assigned positive probability. Finally, the number of
incentive constraints is finite because the number of elements in A is
Probability Constraints
The last set of constraints ensures that [Pi](c, q, a) is a
probability measure.
[summation over(c, q, a)][Pi][c, q, a] = 1, and [for every]c, q, a,
[Pi](c, q, a) [greater than or equal to] 0. (18)
Moral-Hazard Program with Lotteries
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (19)
(14), (17), and (18).
Equation (19) is the participation constraint. This program is a
linear program because it has a finite number of linear constraints, a
linear objective function, and a finite number of variables.
The moral-hazard problem is not the only private-information
problem that may be formulated in terms of a linear program. Myerson
(1982) contains a general environment that incorporates several types of
private-information problems. Prescott and Townsend (1984), Townsend
(1987a), and Townsend (1993) formulate several private-information
models as linear programs. Below we list a number of private-information
models and papers that set them up as linear programs.
Costly State Verification
In this model, the private information is the agent's income.
The agent sends a report on his income which the principal may audit at
a cost. This model has been heavily used in the auditing,
macroeconomics, and finance literatures. Townsend (1988) formulates this
problem as a linear program. He also shows that the problem with the
restriction that auditing be a deterministic function of the report is a
mixed integer linear program. See also Boyd and Smith (1994).
Moral Hazard with a Public Input
This model is just like the moral-hazard problem except that there
is also a publicly observed input into production. See Lehnert (1998) or
Lehnert, Ligon, and Townsend (forthcoming 1999).
Hidden Information
In this model, a shock to income or preferences is hidden
information. Several well-known models such as the Mirrlees (1971)
optimal tax problem or the Mussa and Rosen (1978) monopolist problem can
be worked into the linear programming formulation. Prescott and Townsend
(1984) have formulated a related insurance problem as a linear program.
Hidden Information with Moral Hazard
This problem combines a shock to preferences followed by a
moral-hazard problem. See Myerson (1982) or Prescott (1996).
Repeated Private Information
This problem repeats the static private-information problem over
multiple periods. Phelan and Townsend (1991), Lehnert, Ligon, and
Townsend (forthcoming 1999), Ligon, Thomas, and Worrall (forthcoming
1999), and Yeltekin (1998) analyze variations on the problem using a
combination of linear programming methods and dynamic programming.
Limited Communication
Some problems with private information and limited communication
have been formulated as linear programs. See Townsend (1987b), Townsend
(1989), and Prescott (1996).
Multi-Agent Problems
Problems where multiple agents have private information can be
formulated in this way. See, for example, Townsend (1993), Prescott and
Townsend (1999), and Yeltekin (1998).
Limited Commitment
Lacker (1989) formulates a two-agent limited commitment with costly
enforcement as a linear program. Ligon, Thomas, and Worrall (forthcoming
1999) also contain limited commitment features.
The author would like to thank Andreas Hornstein, Brent Hueth, Jeff
Lacker, Wenli Li, and John Weinberg for helpful comments. The views
expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
1 Some of the earliest work on this topic was done by James
Mirrlees, one of the 1996 Nobel Laureates in Economics. See Dixit and
Besley (1997) for a review of his contributions.
2 See Kareken (1983) for an early warning about this crisis. See
also Benston and Kaufman (1998), who not only discuss this episode but
also the effectiveness of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA), the reform that resulted from the
3 For a recent statement of this view, plus a proposed solution,
see Feldman and Rolnick (1998).
4 Actions that are private information are also sometimes called
5 Not allowing the principal to observe the action at all is,
admittedly, an extreme assumption. Landowners can inspect the fields,
regulators can monitor asset quality. Still, these measures are not
perfect. It is expensive to audit and difficult to interpret signals.
The basic moral-hazard problem laid out here should be considered a
starting point for detailed analysis of any particular contractual
arrangement. Adding features like auditing to the moral-hazard problem
can be, and has been, done. We will return to this issue later.
6 The private-information literature usually assumes that if both
parties observe a variable, then they can write enforceable contracts on
it. Clearly, contracting is not so simple in practice. The largest
literature that tries to address this problem is the one on incomplete
contracts. See Hart (1995).
7 For more details than are presented here, see Hart and Holmstrom
(1987). Rogerson (1985) contains an important early proof of this
result. Jewitt (1988) extends these results for the case of a
risk-neutral principal, and Alvi (1997) extends these results for
nonseparable preferences.
8 There is a literature that examines executive compensation using
moral-hazard models. See Jensen and Murphy (1990) and Haubrich (1994).
9 The technology does not satisfy CDFC. We computed this example
using the techniques described later in the article.
10 Any variation in the schedule is due to numerical approximation.
11 With randomization one can show by Revelation Principle-type
arguments that no communication game between the principal and the agent
can improve upon the direct mechanism considered in this problem. See
Myerson (1982).
12 See Boyd and Smith (1994), who argue that the gains from
randomized auditing in resolving firm bankruptcy are miniscule.
13 The discussion of the grid brings up the issue of grid
lotteries. Grid lotteries are lotteries over adjacent points in the
grid, be they consumption or action lotteries. They frequently appear
when computing these problems, so it is important to understand that
they have no economic content. They only reflect the approximation of a
continuum inherent in the grids. For example, the executive compensation
schedule presented in Figure 2 was computed as a linear program and the
optimal solution contained some grid lotteries. This situation is most
obvious in the full-information contract, where the compensation
schedule is not quite horizontal. This deviation would disappear if the
grid was made successively finer. Indeed, one strategy for computing
these problems is to solve them first with a relatively coarse grid and
then add grid points to areas where there is positive weight in the
14 See Kupiec and O'Brien (1995), Prescott (1997), and
Marshall and Venkataraman (1998). This approach advocates letting banks
choose their capital level but fining them if losses exceed capital.
15 Limited liability makes the bank a risk-seeker over certain
ranges of returns.
16 Here is the minor change from the standard formulation that we
referred to earlier. Keeping the notation of the standard formulation,
the incentive constraints are now
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Notice that there are no incentive constraints if the bank adopts
the transparent strategy.
17 Arguably, one would want to add a constraint that the regulator
recovers enough resources in fines to compensate depositors in the event
the bank loses money, that is. when returns are negative. In the
interest of keeping the example as close as possible to the structure of
the basic moral-hazard program, we left out this constraint. However, in
the solution to the example computed later, fines are sufficiently high
that in expectation they cover expected losses (even assuming that half
of the fines are lost as part of the fine collection process).
18 One more point to note about this example. The binding incentive
constraint in this example is not the one corresponding to the downward
adjacent action (the discrete analog to the FOC on the agent's
subproblem); instead it is the one corresponding to the highest variance
action. Consequently, the first-order approach would not work in this
19 Selective costly ex post verification is used in fair lending
examinations by the Federal Reserve. Presently, one portion of the
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data, which banks and other financial institutions are required by law
to collect and report, contains information on each loan applicant. The
information includes variables such as the loan applicant's race,
the loan size, and the bank's decision. Some other information is
reported but overall only a rather limited set of variables is
collected. (Applicant credit history, for example, is not reported in
the HMDA data.) If statistical analysis of an institution's HMDA
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proceeds to a deeper and more costly review. For larger institutions,
the next step in the analysis is to draw a sample of loan files from
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applicants than is available in the HMDA data. This detailed data set is
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