Government loan, guarantee, and grant programs: an evaluation.
Li, Wenli
Recently, there has been a trend toward loan guarantee programs
over other programs that support the credit market. From 1970 to 1998,
the real value of outstanding federal loan guarantees rose at an
accelerated pace, while the real value of direct loans, the other major
government loan program, has remained about the same [ILLUSTRATION FOR
FIGURE 1 OMITTED]. In particular, the Small Business Administration
(SBA), which has provided government loan guarantees to small businesses
since 1953, has experienced an unprecedented increase in its loan volume
over the past three years. In December 1997, with the growing popularity
of SBA loans, Congress passed an SBA funding bill that set aside $39.5
billion and $11 billion, respectively, for the SBA's 7(a) and 504
business loan programs over the next three years. This more than tripled
the current 7(a) level which was $10.3 billion in fiscal year 1997.(1)
The surge in loan guarantee programs prompts the question: Are loan
guarantees the best way to provide benefits to targeted borrowers or to
channel additional resources to targeted sectors? As the following
paragraphs show, not in all cases. This article explains that conclusion
by examining the economic consequences of three distinct methods of
channeling resources to targeted borrowers: direct government lending,
loan guarantees, and outright grants. While the logic applies to any
credit market segment, the article particularly focuses on the small
business sector. The analysis studies the changes in firm investment,
bankruptcy cost, and business entry under each loan program in a
theoretical model economy designed to capture the essential features of
small business borrowing.
One thing is sure. These credit policies cannot make the private
economy any more efficient, the reason being that the government does
not have information or technology advantage over private agents.
Therefore, there will not be any efficiency gain associated with credit
policies. (In other words, the absence of efficiency gains means that
policies cannot make any agent better off without hurting other agents.)
In this article, we take as given a political desire to assist a
particular group of borrowers and look at how the different alternate
credit programs redistribute resources.
Perhaps it is most appropriate to explore the effects of government
credit programs within a model of financial frictions. It is natural to
do so because many economists contend that such frictions have a greater
effect on certain kinds of borrowers, such as small businesses and
students, than on others. Accordingly, the environment studied here is
one in which financial frictions are caused by private information: in
particular, moral hazard.(2) Moral hazard occurs when the very act of
insuring a borrower against risk induces him to take on additional risk.
Such frictions drive a wedge between the cost of internal funds and that
of external funds as in Townsend (1979) and Gale and Hellwig (1985). The
central notion is that wealth affects people's decisions, creating
liquidity constraints.
The relevance of such a model is supported by empirical evidence.
Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen (1994), Evans and Leighton (1989),
Blanchflower and Oswald (1998), and Evans and Jovanovic (1989) among
many others, find that a lack of wealth affects people's ability to
become self-employed, even after accounting for the possible correlation
between entrepreneurial ability and wealth. In a more recent study, Bond
and Townsend (1996) reported on the results of a survey of financial
activity in a low-income, primarily Mexican neighborhood in Chicago and
found that borrowing is not an important source of finance for business
start-ups. In their sample, only 11.5 percent of business owners
financed their start-up with a bank loan, while 50 percent of the
respondents financed their start-up entirely out of their own funds.
In the United States, the federal government regularly proposes and
endorses programs that are designed to direct and encourage the flow of
funds to selected consumers and businesses. For instance, the Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) attempts to increase the flow of funds to
disadvantaged communities or persons by requiring depository institutions to make a minimum effort to fund these groups. Similarly,
the SBA's section 7(a) loan program and its Small Business
Investment Company program encourage the flow of funds to small
businesses through government guarantees of debt issued by the financial
intermediaries providing the funds to the small business. Numerous other
government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) such as Fannie Mae, Sally Mae,
Freddie Mac, etc., operate on secondary markets and provide credits for
targeted groups in exchange for preferential treatment from the
Government intervention in the financial market has occurred mainly
via direct loans, grants, and indirect loan guarantees. In the case of
direct loans, a government agency acts as an intermediary in place of
banks; it issues loans directly to the targeted group, obtaining funds
from the capital markets by issuing Treasury securities and/or imposing
taxes. Direct loans typically offer large subsidies, usually to the
agricultural and rural sectors. Unlike direct loans, grants and loan
guarantees do not involve any repayment from the recipients. Grants,
provided by the government directly to the targeted recipients, are
often received at the end of the period when they are added to business
profits to help defray costs. Loan guarantees provide investors with
assurance that the government will make up any difference between a
given guaranteed loan payment and an agent's actual loan payment. A
loan guarantee requires the participation of three parties: the
government agency, the borrower, and the private lender. The government
agency deals indirectly with the borrower through a private lender.
Typically, the acquisition of an SBA loan proceeds as follows. The
borrower first presents the appropriate financial data for the lender to
review. based on the lender's evaluation, three courses of action
are possible: the lender (1) may decide to finance the loan without an
SBA loan guarantee; (2) may provide financing conditional upon obtaining
an SBA loan guarantee; or (3) may reject the loan. If the lender
approves the loan based on the SBA's willingness to provide a
guarantee, then the lender must help the borrower prepare the SBA loan
application. Upon completion of the application, the SBA reviews the
loan. Over 90 percent of all loan guarantee applications are approved by
the SBA (Haynes 1996). Of course loan guarantee programs assist a wide
range of borrowers besides small businesses, including homeowners,
students, and exporters.(3)
Figure 1 depicts the recent trend in government direct loan and
loan guarantee programs (GSEs included). As shown here, federal credit
outstanding in the form of loan guarantees has experienced an explosive
growth relative to that of direct loans.(4)
Tables 1 and 2 present the various direct loan and guaranteed loan
programs that existed in the 1996 fiscal year. As the tables show,
virtually every sector of the economy is covered by some type of
program, and assistance to some sectors takes the form of both direct
loans and guaranteed loans. In this article, we focus on the kinds of
programs associated with investment behavior. Examples of such programs
include those targeted to the entrepreneurial community and students.
A sensible model for our purpose must have two key features. First,
the model should display asymmetric information that gives rise to
financial frictions so that agents' wealth affects their investment
demand. Second, the model should also demonstrate that the amount of
desired investment (not simply whether to invest) varies with the cost
of borrowing.
Table 1 Direct Loan Transactions of the Federal Government: 1996
Fiscal Year (Millions of Dollars)
Net Outlays Outstandings
National defense 1,384
Internal affairs 1,674 38,983
Energy 1,036 34,125
Natural resources and environment 34 294
Agriculture 6,183 15,580
Commerce and housing credit 1,570 40,897
Transportation 47 314
Community and regional development 1,963 17,739
Education, training, employment 9,120 12,431
and social services
Health 25 834
Income security 93 2,303
Veteran benefits and services 1,442 1,188
General government direct loans 379 462
Total 23,566 166,534
Source: The Budget of the United States Government, 1996.
Here we describe an economic environment that contains the above
features. It is a simple environment with borrowing and lending
occurring under the condition of moral hazard. The main characteristic
of this environment is that some information regarding the return to
investment projects is concealed and is observable to project owners but
not to lenders. Because lenders do not have full information, they
cannot determine the state of the projects so they have to spend real
resources to verify borrowers' reports. The economy studied here
also includes another important characteristic: agents decide whether to
start a new business or remain an employee. Since imperfect information
limits risk-sharing, this self-selection turns out to be correlated with
the amount of assets that agents hold, as well as the quality of their
business projects. Therefore, both margins of business activity are
captured in the model, namely, the intensive margin of business
investment and the extensive margin of entry.
To introduce some notation, we refer to a two-period economy with a
continuum of agents of measure one. Consumption takes place in both
periods, and we denote them by [c.sub.i], i = 1, 2. The utility function
is assumed to take the form U([c.sub.1]) + [c.sub.2]. In the first
period, each agent receives some wealth w and a project that can be
operated in the second period. Wealth w has a cumulative distribution
function G(w) on the interval [Mathematical Expression Omitted], where
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The project is indexed by its
probability of success p: if a project succeeds, it produces output
f(k), where k is total investment; if it fails, no output will be
produced. Function f(k) is assumed to be increasing in k and concave,
i.e., f[prime](.) [greater than] 0 and f[double prime](.) [less than] 0.
The project success probability p is characterized by a cumulative
distribution function denoted by [Gamma](p) with support [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. The probability of success p is a measure of
business quality.
Table 2 Guaranteed Loan Transactions of the Federal Government: 1996
Fiscal Year (Millions of Dollars)
Net Outlays Outstandings
National defense 276 441
Internal affairs 8,418 34,341
Energy 691
Natural resources and environment
Agriculture 5,082 12,309
Commerce and housing credit 181,277 987,420
Transportation 826 2,154
Community and regional development 839 2,565
Education, training, employment 19,816 101,874
and social services
Health 210 3,113
Income security 5 3,867
Veteran benefits and services 28,676 154,762
General government direct loans 379 462
Subtotal 245,425 1,303,537
less secondary guaranteed loans -101,540 -497,433
Total 143,885 806,104
Source: The Budget of the United States Government, 1996.
In the first period, after receiving his endowment of assets and a
project, an agent determines his consumption for this period and his
saving for the second period. He also decides whether he wants to carry
out his project. In period 2, the agent, if he is an entrepreneur,
decides how much to invest. If the total amount of investment exceeds
his saving, then he needs to borrow. If the agent is a worker, he draws
his income from lending and a fixed income q from working an outside
option in period 2.(5) The following timeline describes the sequence of
The information structure of the economy is as follows. Everything
in the first period is public information: the level of assets, the
quality of the project, and the decision about whether or not to be an
entrepreneur. In period 2, however, when production takes place, only
those carrying out the project observe the outcome of the project. An
outsider can learn the outcome only after bearing a verification
(auditing) cost. Given that financing a project may require loans from
more than one lender, the optimal financial structure is one where all
lending is transacted by a large financial intermediary who lends to a
large number of borrowers and borrows from a large number of depositors.
Because it has a comparative advantage in doing so, the financial
intermediary monitors the borrowers to economize on verification costs;
if there were direct lending, each of the lenders who lent to an
entrepreneur would have to verify the investment project's return
in the event of default.
Those wishing to borrow attempt to do so by announcing loan
contract terms: the amount of loans borrowed, repayment after production
conditional on borrowers' report, and when monitoring occurs. If
the financial intermediary accepts the terms, it then takes deposits,
makes loans, and monitors project returns as required by the contracts
it accepts. We assume perfect competition in the financial sector. Then,
in equilibrium, the financial intermediary will be perfectly
diversified, will earn zero profits, and will have a nonstochastic
return on its portfolio. Therefore, the intermediary need not be
monitored by the depositors.
The two-outcome distribution of returns is a special case of the
more general distributions discussed in Townsend (1979) and Gale and
Hellwig (1985). We rule out randomized verification strategies, that is,
the financial intermediary cannot verify the return of an agent's
project with some probability. The optimal contract in this setting is a
debt contract where entrepreneurs pay a fixed amount if the project
succeeds and default if the project fails, in which case verification
takes place. We can interpret the act of verification as implying
bankruptcy for two reasons. First, in the more general setup, the
optimal contract turns out to be the standard debt contract under which
the return is observed if and only if the firm is insolvent. Second,
real-world bankruptcy does appear to involve a transfer of information.
The cost of bankruptcy can be substantial and is likely to be a function
of the level of the firms' debt. For simplicity, we assume that
bankruptcy cost takes the form of [Beta] + [Gamma]b, where [Beta]
corresponds to the fixed cost, and [Gamma] is the per-unit variable
cost. The amount of borrowing is denoted by b. Firms' total
investment k is then the sum of its own internal fund or savings from
first period s and loan borrowing b.
Let x denote the payment by the entrepreneur to the financial
intermediary, and let r be the interest rate the financial intermediary
pays to investors. It follows that the financial intermediary is willing
to accept loan contract offers yielding an expected rate of return of at
least r. Borrowers differ in the amount s of their initial wealth that
they save, and their project's probability of success p. A loan
contract with a borrower (s,p) must satisfy the following constraint,
px = rb + (1 - p)([Beta] + [Gamma]b), (1)
if the intermediary is willing to accept it. Investment k is the
total of saving s and loan borrowed b. The loan contract also has to be
feasible for the borrower
x [less than or equal to] f(k). (2)
This expression says that the borrower has enough to repay the loan
in the good state.
Borrowers will then maximize their own expected utility by setting
investment level k, subject to the constraints just described.
Therefore, announced loan contracts will be selected so that they solve
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (3)
where b = k - s, subject to conditions (1) and (2). The function
[Pi](s,p) is the expected second-period consumption of a borrower with
saving s and business project p.
The return v to a representative worker (s,p) is equal to
v(s) = q + rs, (4)
consisting of the income q plus the gross return rs on savings. In
period 1, an agent chooses his period 1 consumption [c.sub.1], saving s,
period 2 consumption [c.sub.2], and occupational decision [Delta] to
solve the following problem:(6)
max U([c.sub.1]) + E[c.sub.2], (5)
subject to
E[c.sub.2] = [Delta][Pi] (s, p) + (1 - [Delta])v(s), (6)
s = w - [c.sub.1], (7)
[Delta] [element of] {0, 1}. (8)
Condition (6) says the second-period consumption depends on the
agent's occupation, [Pi](s, p) for an entrepreneur and v(s) for a
worker. Condition (7) indicates that saving is the difference between an
agent's asset endowment and his first-period consumption. Condition
(8) restricts [Delta] to be a binary variable that takes a value 1 when
the agent chooses to be an entrepreneur in the second period and 0 when
he chooses to be a worker.
Saving in period 1 is a solution to the following first-order
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (9)
Figures 2 and 3 describe the determination of occupational choice
for a given project and a given endowment of asset. The asset level is
measured on the horizontal axis in Figure 2, the project success
probability is measured on the horizontal axis in Figure 3. The utility
of being either an entrepreneur or a worker is measured in the vertical
axis of both figures. Note first that all entrepreneurs equate the
marginal product of investment to the marginal cost of funds, which
includes the monitoring cost associated with lending, i.e., pf[prime](k)
= r + (1 - p)[Gamma]. Workers save additional wealth, so utility rises
with wealth at rate r for workers. Entrepreneurs also save any
additional wealth, and additional saving for this group reduces future
borrowing needs, saving r + (1 - p)[Gamma]. This holds as long as saving
is less than desired capital stock. If saving is greater than that,
investment is self-financing, and extra wealth will first increase
utility at rate pf[prime](s) (which is less than r + (1 - p)[Gamma]),
then r. Thus, there is a cutoff level of wealth, as shown in Figure 2,
such that agents with wealth higher than the cutoff level will become
entrepreneurs. It is clear from the profit function that
entrepreneurs' utility increases with the quality of their
business, while the utility of workers does not vary with their endowed project. Hence, as shown in Figure 3, there exists a cutoff level of
business quality for each wealth level so that agents with projects
above the cutoff level will become entrepreneurs. Results 1 and 2
summarize the analysis.
Result 1. Given a project, there is a threshold asset level such
that agents with assets higher than the threshold will choose to
undertake their projects.
Result 2. Given the asset endowment, there is a threshold
probability of success such that agents whose projects have a higher
probability of success become entrepreneurs.
The competitive equilibrium of this economy is defined as a
resource allocation for workers and entrepreneurs together with an
interest rate for which two conditions hold. First, agents maximize
expected utility by choosing several decision variables, including their
consumption in both periods, their saving in period 1, their
occupational decisions and, in the case of entrepreneurs, their
investment and loan size in period 2. Second, the market for capital
clears, i.e.,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (10)
where [Delta] denotes the occupational choice. The left-hand side of (10) is demand for loans by entrepreneurs; the first term on the
right-hand side is saving by entrepreneurs, and the second term is
saving by workers. Agents' saving s, investment k, and occupational
decision [Delta] are all functions of their assets w and their project
quality p.
The Case of the First Best without Information Asymmetry
We now briefly analyze the economy without information asymmetry in
order to draw comparisons. Starting with period 2, in the absence of
information asymmetry, the interest rate charged by intermediaries is
equal to their cost of funds. Hence direct lending performs equally as
well as financial intermediation, and there will also be no need for
financial intermediaries. Agents face the same interest rate regardless
of their asset holdings. The entrepreneurial decision will be determined
solely by the quality of the business project. To see this, note that
the profit function for an entrepreneur with saving s and success
probability p is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (11)
where [k.sup.*] is the solution to the following first-order
pf[prime]([k.sup.*]) = r.
The income for a worker with saving s and project p is
v(s) = rs + q.
It is clear that the difference between [Pi](s, p) and v(s) is
independent of s. Additional saving has the benefit of reducing required
borrowing for the entrepreneur, which is worth r per unit in period 2.
Rate r is the same as the rate of return that workers obtain on their
savings. Therefore, greater initial wealth does not make
entrepreneurship any more attractive than working.
The key difference between the economy with imperfect information
and the economy examined here is that wealth enters into the decision
rules of agents in the information-constrained economy. Private
information reduces aggregate output in two ways. First, as Result 2
demonstrates, it is not always true that the most efficient projects are
chosen. Some inefficient projects are carried out simply because the
owners have higher internal funds, and some efficient projects are not
activated because the owners have insufficient funds. Second, there is a
social cost associated with monitoring. This cost does not accrue to any
member of the economy and hence is viewed as a deadweight loss. The
discussion of government policies in the credit market in the next
section will be centered around these two dimensions. The first relates
to the extent of business activity in the economy, while the second is a
measure of the transaction costs associated with financial
The government finances loans by borrowing from lenders at a
competitive, risk-free interest rate. Correspondingly, it finances
subsidies through imposition of an income tax, which we assume is a
lump-sum levy.(7) The government has access to the same information and
verification technology as the private financial intermediary,
therefore, as shown earlier, government subsidies cannot be
Pareto-improving. However, government subsidies and taxation do have
distributive effects. We will focus on the use of government credit
programs for redistributive purposes and will ask which programs are
most efficient in channeling resources to the desired groups.
Direct Loans
Suppose the government institutes a direct loan program that is
available to a subset of the population, identified by race or location.
The targeted group otherwise has the same characteristics as the
population as a whole and is a fraction it of the general population. We
assume that direct government loans will bear a below-market interest
rate, and we denote the difference between this interest rate and that
of the market rate by [Epsilon].(8) A lump-sum income tax [Tau] is
levied on all agents in order to finance the subsidy.
We examine the subsidized entrepreneurs first. It is convenient to
consider the situation where the private financial intermediary
administers all the loans and is compensated by the government for the
amount of the loan subsidy. Using the same notation as before, in period
2 the break-even condition for the financial intermediary becomes
px = (r - [Epsilon])b + (1 - p)([Beta] + [Gamma]b), (12)
where [Epsilon]b is the direct loan subsidy. The profit function
for a subsidized entrepreneur (s,p) is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] (13)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (14)
An entrepreneur decides loan borrowing b according to
pf[prime](b+s) = r - [Epsilon] + (1 - p) [Gamma]. (15)
Consider first the partial equilibrium effects of the direct loan
program where the effect of the change of interest rate is not taken
into account. Agents now borrow more and have a lower marginal
productivity of capital.(9) Given our monitoring technology, this
increases social cost in the sense that additional resources will be
allocated to monitoring. The decrease in marginal productivity of
capital is independent of the success probability of the project p.
Since profits are strictly increasing in the loan subsidy rate
[Epsilon]([Delta][[Pi].sup.s]/[Delta][Epsilon] = b [greater than] 0),
subsidized entrepreneurs will benefit. Moreover, it is the cash-poor
entrepreneurs with good projects who benefit the most. The intuition is
clear. The direct loan subsidy studied here is proportional to the
amount of loans borrowed, and it is precisely those who are either poor
or have a good business who need to borrow the most.
An unsubsidized entrepreneur's profit function remains the
same as equation (3). We denote it by [[Pi].sup.u](s,p), where the
superscript u stands for unsubsidized. A worker's income also
remains the same as equation (4).
The agent's problem is now
max U([c.sub.1]) + E[c.sub.2], (16)
subject to
E[c.sub.2] = [Delta][[Xi][[Pi].sup.s](s, p) + (1 -
[Xi])[[Pi].sup.u](s, p)] + (1 - [Delta])v(s), (17)
s = w - [c.sub.1] - [Tau], (18)
[Delta] [element of] {0, 1}, (19)
where [Xi] is 1 if the agent belongs to the targeted group and 0 if
The corresponding first-order condition that solves for saving is
as follows:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (20)
The imposition of a lump-sum tax reduces the incentive to save for
all agents in the economy, while the reduction in the marginal
productivity of saving (and therefore of capital) further discourages
subsidized entrepreneurs from saving. Taxation and public provision of
the subsidy thus crowd out private saving. This reduction in private
saving would further increase the demand for external funding and hence
increase the monitoring cost associated with external finance in the
event of failure. Moreover, loan subsidies give the targeted group an
advantage over the nontargeted group: holding everything else the same,
an agent belonging to the targeted group is more likely to become an
entrepreneur. Therefore, some agents in the nontargeted group will be
crowded out of entrepreneurship.
To summarize, the partial equilibrium analysis above indicates that
on one hand a direct loan encourages cash-poor agents with good projects
to carry out their projects. On the other hand, it creates an incentive
for subsidized entrepreneurs to overinvest beyond the desired investment
level; a disincentive for all agents, particularly entrepreneurs, to
save; and a disincentive for unsubsidized agents to become
The competitive general equilibrium of this economy with government
subsidy rate [Epsilon] is easily defined. It is a resource allocation of
workers, entrepreneurs, an interest rate, and a lump-sum tax rate [Tau]
that satisfies three conditions. First, agents choose their consumption
in both period 1 and period 2; their savings in period 1; their
occupational decisions and, in the case of entrepreneurs, their
borrowing in period 2 to maximize the expected discounted utility from
consumption. Second, the market for capital clears. Third, government
balances its budget, i.e.,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (21)
the left-hand side represents government expenditure on direct loan
subsidies, and the right-hand side represents government revenue from
lump-sum tax.
The general equilibrium effect of direct loans from the government
is more involved. The increase in loan demand and the decrease in
private saving will drive the interest rate up, the increase in interest
rate will have offsetting effects on savings and the demand for loans.
Therefore, in equilibrium, the above partial equilibrium results will be
lessened. Moreover, fewer unsubsidized entrepreneurs will choose to
become entrepreneurs, and those that do will invest less in response to
the increased interest rate, i.e., the government subsidy will crowd out
unsubsidized entrepreneurs and their investment. We summarize these
findings in Result 3 and plot them in Figure 4. This figure shows how
the population is divided into workers and entrepreneurs for the
benchmark case and for the case of direct subsidies. In the benchmark
model, the cutoff line for being an entrepreneur is downward sloping.
Any agents above the cutoff line will become entrepreneurs, any below
will be workers. Under direct loans, the cutoff line for the targeted
group shifts downward and becomes steeper, reflecting that cash-poor
entrepreneurs with good business prospects benefit the most from direct
loans. For the nontargeted group, the cutoff line shifts upward,
reflecting the crowding effect caused by the advantage that subsidized
entrepreneurs have over the unsubsidized, along with the effect of
Result 3. Under direct loans from the government, subsidized
entrepreneurs will for a given interest rate invest more in their
projects, reducing their marginal return on capital. Entrepreneurs in
the targeted group with few assets and good projects (low w and high p)
benefit most from a direct loan subsidy. Savings for all agents decline,
but savings for subsidized entrepreneurs decline even more. Unsubsidized
entrepreneurs have less incentive to carry out their projects, hence
some of them will be crowded out of entrepreneurship. These results are
likely to be weakened in general equilibrium because the interest rate
is higher.
Loan Guarantees
Now consider a government loan guarantee program. Motivated by SBA
practices, we assume that the government guarantees a proportion [Eta]
of each private loan made by targeted entrepreneurs. In other words, the
private lender, in case of default, is guaranteed [Eta] percent of the
loan payment. Again to facilitate comparison, we assume that only a
fraction [Mu] of the population are members of the targeted group.
We consider first the entrepreneurs who receive loan guarantees.
Let x denote loan payment in the event of success. Then the break-even
condition for the financial intermediary is
px + (1 - p)[Eta]x = rb + (1 - p)([Beta] + [Gamma]b). (22)
The corresponding profit function for a subsidized entrepreneur
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (23)
where x = rb + (1 - p)([Beta] + [Gamma]b)/p + (1 - p)[Eta] by
equation (22).
Loan borrowing b is determined by the following equation, which
requires the marginal productivity of capital to be equal to the
marginal cost
pf[prime](b + s) = r + (1 - p)[Gamma] - (1 - p)[Eta] r + (1 -
p)[Gamma]/p + (1 - p)[Eta] = p[r + (1 - p)[Gamma]]/p + (1 - p)[Eta].
Again, we will only study the case where agents weakly prefer
internal funds to external funds even under loan guarantees. As in the
case of direct loan programs, the marginal productivity of capital is
smaller than the benchmark case. However, unlike direct loan programs,
the difference (1 - p)[Eta] r + (1 - p)[Gamma]/p + (1 - p)[Eta] is a
function of both the loan guarantee percentage and the success
probability of the project. In fact, the difference decreases with p,
implying that the investment behavior of agents with riskier projects is
more distorted; that is, there is more overinvestment, compared with the
benchmark economy.
To find out how loan guarantees affect entrepreneurs, we can
examine the profit function of a typical subsidized entrepreneur
[[Pi].sup.s](s, p),
[Delta][[Pi].sup.2]/[Delta][Eta] = (1 - p) rb + (1 - p)([Beta] +
[Gamma]b)/p + (1 - p)[Eta] - [(1 - p).sup.2][Eta] rb + (1 - p)([Beta] +
[Gamma]b)/[[p + (1 - p)[Eta]].sup.2] = (1 - p) rb + (1 - p)([Beta] +
[Gamma]b)/[[p + (1 - p)[Eta]].sup.2] p [greater than] 0. (25)
The derivative of expected utility with respect to the subsidy rate
[Eta] is positive, indicating that all subsidized entrepreneurs benefit
from the loan guarantee. To see which subsidized entrepreneurs benefit
most, we can examine how the effect of the subsidy rate varies with
saving and project quality.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (26)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (27)
Intuitively, given that a fixed proportion of a loan is guaranteed
in the event of failure, those who borrow more and/or have a higher
probability of failure will benefit more from loan guarantees. This
explains why those with low savings enjoy relatively more benefits. The
effect of loan guarantees on an agent with a good project is determined
by two forces. On the one hand, having a good project means borrowing
more and hence being able to enjoy the benefits of large loan guarantees
in the event of failure; on the other hand, a good project means a lower
probability of failure and therefore less need for a loan guarantee. The
first two terms on the right-hand side of equation (27) are negative,
while the sign of the third one is ambiguous. Since [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] in the neighborhood of p = 0, agents will benefit
more if they have a higher probability of success. Conversely,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] indicates that, in the neighborhood of
p = 1, agents with a lower probability of success will benefit more.
These results suggest that a middle range of entrepreneurs benefits the
most from the loan guarantees.
An unsubsidized entrepreneur has the same profit function and
investment behavior as in the benchmark economy. We denote an
unsubsidized entrepreneur's profit function by [[Pi].sup.u](s, p).
The income of workers remains the same.
An agent's problem in period 1 is defined as follows:
max U([c.sub.1]) + E[c.sub.2]. (28)
subject to
E[c.sub.2] = [Delta][[Xi][[Pi].sup.s](s, p) + (1 -
[Xi])[[Pi].sup.u](s, p)] + (1 - [Delta])v(s), (29)
s = w - [c.sub.1] - [Tau], (30)
[Delta] [element of] {0, 1}, (31)
where [Xi] takes a value of 1 if the agent belongs to the targeted
group and 0 otherwise.
Agents in period 1 will determine their saving for period 2 so that
the marginal gains from saving in the latter period equal the marginal
cost of reduced consumption in the former one. Under loan guarantees,
the marginal gains from saving are lower than in the benchmark economy,
thus inducing subsidized entrepreneurs to reduce their savings. For
unsubsidized entrepreneurs and workers, the lump-sum income tax acts to
increase their marginal benefits of consumption in period 1;
accordingly, under loan guarantees, unsubsidized entrepreneurs and
workers will increase their consumption and reduce their savings.
Moreover, unsubsidized entrepreneurs will receive less from their
projects than their subsidized counterparts and as a result are likely
to be crowded out of entrepreneurship.
The competitive equilibrium can be defined similarly to that of an
economy with direct loans with the government budget constraint being
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], (32)
where [Delta](s, p) is the indicator for occupational decision; it
has a value of 1 for entrepreneurs and 0 for workers. The left-hand side
is the government's expense to guarantee a fraction [Mu] of
entrepreneurs a portion [Eta] of their loans in the event of default,
and the right-hand side is government revenue from the lump-sum tax.
In general equilibrium, the increased loan demand and decreased
loan supply raise the equilibrium interest rate, in which case borrowing
is more expensive for entrepreneurs and saving is more attractive for
all agents. Consequently, the partial equilibrium results will be
lessened. Moreover, unsubsidized entrepreneurs will reduce their
investment in response to the higher interest rate. We summarize these
findings in Result 4. Figure 5 describes the determination of
occupational choices under loan guarantees. Agents above the cutoff
lines become entrepreneurs, and those below become workers. Under loan
guarantees, the cutoff line for targeted entrepreneurs shifts downward
and becomes more convex, indicating that entrepreneurs with businesses
of mediocre quality benefit the most from the loan guarantees; the
cutoff line for nontargeted entrepreneurs shifts upward, reflecting the
crowding out of unsubsidized entrepreneurs.
Result 4. With government loan guarantees, investment by subsidized
entrepreneurs for a given interest rate is higher, and marginal returns
to capital are lower, than in the benchmark economy by an amount that
decreases with p. Poor entrepreneurs with mediocre projects (low w and
medium p) benefit more than others from the loan guarantees. Private
savings are lower, especially for entrepreneurs. The increase in the
equilibrium interest rate in general equilibrium will lessen these
Instead of lending directly to entrepreneurs or providing investors
with a guarantee on entrepreneurial loans, the government can offer
targeted entrepreneurs a grant of [Phi], payable at the end of the
period and financed by lump-sum income tax [Tau]. Added to firm profits,
the grant would be available for investors. Again, we assume that the
targeted group is a fraction [Mu] of the population and that they share
the same wealth and business quality characteristics as the general
For subsidized entrepreneurs in period 2, using the same notation
as before, the loan payment x for an entrepreneur with saving s, project
success probability p, and borrowing b satisfies the break-even
px = rb + (1 - p)([Beta] + [Gamma]b). (33)
A subsidized entrepreneur (s, p) chooses b to maximize his profit
function in the second period,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (34)
It is easy to see that the first-order condition that determines
firms' investment is unchanged so that a grant does not alter an
entrepreneur's investment choices. Additionally, from the
first-order condition (9), a grant does not change an
entrepreneur's saving decision in period 1 either.(10) However, it
does increase an agent's incentive to become an entrepreneur since
carrying out a risky activity is associated with a higher payoff now.
Obviously, since [Delta][Pi](s, p)/[Delta][Phi] = 1, the benefit is
fixed for all entrepreneurs regardless of their assets and business
The problem of an unsubsidized entrepreneur remains the same as in
the benchmark economy. An agent's problem at period 1 is now
max U([c.sub.1]) + E[c.sub.2], (35)
subject to
E[c.sub.2] = [Delta]([Xi][[Pi].sup.s](s, p) + (1 -
[Xi])[[Pi].sup.u](s, p)) + (1 - [Delta])v(s), (36)
s = w - [c.sub.1] - [Tau], (37)
[Delta] [element of] {0, 1}, (38)
where [Delta] is 1 if the agent chooses to be an entrepreneur in
period 2 and 0 otherwise; [Xi] takes a value of I if the agent belongs
to the targeted group and 0 otherwise.
The marginal gain from saving is unaffected by the grant. However,
the marginal cost of saving at period 1 is increased by the imposition
of a lump-sum tax. Therefore, all agents will reduce their saving. The
incentive to consume more in period 1 is smaller for grants than for
those of direct loans and loan guarantees.
The definition of general equilibrium under grants is similar to
the cases of direct loans and loan guarantees except for the
government's budget constraint
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. (39)
Here the left-hand side is the government's expense from
giving out a fixed grant [Phi] to targeted entrepreneurs, and the
right-hand side is lump-sum tax revenue.
As with direct loans and loan guarantees, in general equilibrium
increased loan demand and decreased loan supply drive up the interest
rate, loan borrowing becomes more expensive and saving more attractive.
The partial equilibrium results discussed will be lessened. These
findings are summarized in Result 5. Figure 6, which depicts how grants
affect agents' occupational choices, shows the asset-project
success probability cutoff line shifting downward for the targeted group
and upward for the nontargeted group.
Result 5. With grants, the investment behavior of subsidized
entrepreneurs for a given interest rate is unaffected. All entrepreneurs
benefit equally from the subsidies regardless of their asset holdings
and project quality. Agents in period I will reduce their saving in
response to the imposition of the lump-sum tax. These effects are
reduced in general equilibrium due to the increase in the equilibrium
interest rate.
Our analysis, despite its partial equilibrium nature, provides some
evidence on the direction and magnitude of the many channels through
which agents are affected under different loan programs. First, along
the investment margin, both direct loans and loan guarantees create
incentives for entrepreneurs to overinvest (compared with the benchmark
economy). The incentive is stronger for owners of poor projects under
loan guarantees. Grants, on the contrary, do not alter investment
Second, with respect to risk-shifting, owners of good projects who
are less wealthy benefit the most from direct loans. While poor agents
do benefit more from loan guarantees, those with medium-quality projects
benefit the most. Grants are nondiscriminatory; a fixed amount is
assigned to all entrepreneurs.
Third, government subsidies in the form of direct loans and loan
guarantees crowd out the saving of all agents in the economy, especially
those of the entrepreneurs. Lump-sum income taxation reduces consumption
in period 1 and hence increases the marginal utility of consumption in
period 1. Moreover, it reduces savings for all agents under all loan
To summarize, grants have the least distortionary effect, direct
loans are capable of targeting efficient projects, and loan guarantees
are more likely to attract relatively riskier entrepreneurs. Since
direct comparison of the general equilibrium impact of different
government credit programs is not as transparent as that of partial
equilibrium analysis, we now turn to numerical analysis for some
This section reiterates the lessons of the previous analysis in
general equilibrium by incorporating the effect of loan programs on the
interest rate. These lessons are conducted by applying a hypothetical
numerical example.
Before we launch our numerical analysis, note that all these forms
of government subsidies shift loan demand outward, while lump-sum
taxation shifts private loan supply inward so that in the new
equilibrium, the interest rate will go up. This rise in the equilibrium
interest rate offsets some of the benefits created by government
subsidies for entrepreneurs, since loans are more expensive now. In
contrast, the rise in the interest rate benefits workers who are
disadvantaged by taxation.
In our numerical example, the utility function is chosen to be of
log form in the first period, and linear in the second period, i.e.,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. The wealth variable w is a random
draw from a uniform distribution over the interval [0.2, 1.6], in which
the richest person with wealth 1.6 is 8 times richer than the poorest
person having wealth 0.2. The success probability p of an agent's
endowed project follows a uniform distribution over the domain [0.3,
0.85]. The production function takes the form 1.7[k.sup.0.67]. The fixed
monitoring cost [Beta] is set to be 0.1, and the unit cost [Gamma] is
0.4. The wage that workers get from the outside option q is 0.4.
We fix the lump-sum tax to be 0.001 per person; the fraction of
agents who are eligible for subsidies [Mu] is 0.2. Then we study the
different loan programs whose rates - [Epsilon] for direct loans, [Eta]
for loan guarantees, and [Phi] for grants - are chosen so that the
government balances its budget in equilibrium. Table 3 reports the
The results are consistent with our analysis in the previous
section. One thing common with all three loan programs is that agents in
the targeted group are helped at the cost of the agents in the
nontargeted group. Though entrepreneurial activity increases under all
loan programs in the targeted group, it declines in the nontargeted
group. The threshold levels of both wealth and project quality increase
for the nontargeted agents.
When comparing direct loans and loan guarantee programs, we find
that loan guarantees are better at promoting entrepreneurship at the
cost of lower average business quality and higher bankruptcy cost. The
reason is straightforward. As shown in Section 3, direct loan programs
benefit poor agents with good projects the most. So these agents tend to
borrow more and therefore require most of the subsidies. Under loan
guarantees, however, entrepreneurs with few assets and mediocre projects
benefit the most. The resulting benefits are somewhat more evenly
distributed. For the same reason, under direct loans the average wealth
of entrepreneurs is lower and the average quality of their projects is
higher than under loan guarantees. Since entrepreneurs with low quality
projects are more likely to bankrupt, the bankruptcy cost is higher
under loan guarantees. These results survive different parameter
specifications in our experiments.
Another interesting result is that grants seem to outperform loan
guarantees in promoting entrepreneurship at lower monitoring cost.
However, grants induce the lowest average business quality among all the
programs and do not seem to help the poor. This has to do with the
nondiscriminatory nature of grants.
Are loan guarantees the best way to channel assistance to targeted
classes of borrowers? Our analysis of a credit market with asymmetric
information indicates that grants are most effective at promoting
entrepreneurship. Loan guarantees attract relatively riskier businesses
with few assets. Direct loans do best at targeting cash-poor borrowers
with good projects. Subsidized entrepreneurs overinvest under direct
loans and loan guarantees.
All of the programs, especially direct loan and loan guarantee
programs, discourage private saving. So why are loan guarantees so
popular? Although there is no clear answer, it may be that differences
in government budgetary accounting allow guarantees to be passed easily
since loan guarantees often do not appear in the budget until a payment
is made. Webb (1991) provides an excellent review and an estimate of the
unfunded liabilities of the U.S. government budget. Another possibility,
as suggested by the model, is that the benefits of guarantees spread
more evenly over a broad set of agents than do the benefits of direct
loan subsidization. This more equitable distribution of benefits perhaps
appeals to the public's conception of fairness and therefore can
help generate more political support for guarantees.
I would like to thank Tom Humphrey, Jeff Lacker, Pierre Sarte, and
John Weinberg for many important suggestions. Jeff Walker provided
excellent research assistance. The views expressed are the author's
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the
Federal Reserve System.
1 Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (1997).
2 Adverse selection - namely, situations in which borrowers have
unverifiable hidden knowledge about their likelihood of repayment - is
another form of private information that gives rise to financial
frictions. See de Meza and Webb (1987), Gale (1991), Innes (1991), and
Lacker (1994) for discussion.
3 In addition to direct loans and loan guarantees, GSEs aid
borrowers in housing, agricultural, and student loan markets, primarily
through the operation of secondary markets. The tax-exempt status of
state and local governments allows them to borrow at reduced cost and to
direct the interest savings to preferred borrowers.
4 Grants are not used as much as direct loans and loan guarantees.
We do not have time-series data on the spending of government grants in
the United States.
5 We could assume that production takes both capital and labor as
inputs and that q corresponds to the wage that is endogenously determined. This assumption would further complicate the analysis here
without much gain.
6 Another way of writing an agent's problem is as follows:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [U.sup.w] is the utility of being a worker in the second
period, and [U.sup.e] is the utility of being an entrepreneur in the
second period. The occupational decision is denoted by [Delta]; it takes
a value of 1 when [U.sup.w] [less than] [U.sup.e] and 0 otherwise.
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
subject to
E[c.sub.2] = v(s),
s = w - [c.sub.1].
subject to [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
E[c.sub.2] = [Pi](s, p),
s = w - [c.sub.1].
7 There is another potential avenue for the government to finance
its loans that is not captured by the model: the government can issue
securities and require private financial intermediaries and households
to hold a certain proportion of these securities. An increase in the
number of government subsidies will then increase the amount of
government securities that must be held by banks or by households. This
increase in private agents' holding of government securities can in
turn affect the behavior of households and private intermediaries. For
example, the U.S. Farm Credit System has at least the implicit support
of the U.S. government, permitting it to issue bonds at an interest rate
only very slightly above Treasury security yields. Effectively, this
support lowers the opportunity cost of funds to the lender. Interested
readers can find related discussion in Fried (1983).
8 In our setup, it does not matter whether entrepreneurs receive
all their loans from the government at a below-market interest rate or
only receive a fraction of their loans at a below-market interest rate.
That is, the two cases are the same as long as the net subsidy is the
same in both cases.
9 We limit our attention to cases where (1 - p)[Gamma] [greater
than or equal to] [Epsilon]. If the inequality is not satisfied,
external funds will be more attractive than internal funds, and
entrepreneurs will choose to deposit all their savings with the
financial intermediary - an unrealistic situation.
10 As with direct loans and loan guarantees, the associated
lump-sum income tax has a distortionary effect on agents' saving in
period 1.
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