Quantitative theory and econometrics.
King, Robert G.
Quantitative theory uses simple, abstract economic models together
with a small amount of economic data to highlight major economic
mechanisms. To illustrate the methods of quantitative theory, we review
studies of the production function by Paul Douglas, Robert Solow, and
Edward Prescott. Consideration of these studies takes an important
research area from its earliest days through contemporary real business
cycle analysis. In these quantitative theoretical studies, economic
models are employed in two ways. First, they are used to organize
economic data in a new and suggestive manner. Second, models are
combined with economic data to display successes and failures of
particular theoretical mechanisms. Each of these features is present in
each of the three studies, but to varying degrees, as we shall see.
These quantitative theoretical investigations changed how economists
thought about the aggregate production function, i.e., about an equation
describing how the total output of many firms is related to the total
quantities of inputs, in particular labor and capital inputs. Douglas
taught economists that the production function could be an important
applied tool, as well as a theoretical device, by skillfully combining
indexes of output with indexes of capital and labor input. Solow taught
economists that the production function could not be used to explain
long-term growth, absent a residual factor that he labeled technical
progress. Prescott taught economists that Solow's residual was
sufficiently strongly procyclical that it might serve as a source of
economic fluctuations. More specifically, he showed that a real business
cycle model driven by Solow's residuals produced fluctuations in
consumption, investment, and output that broadly resembled actual U.S.
business cycle experience.
In working through three key studies by Douglas, Solow, and Prescott,
we focus on their design, their interrelationship, and the way in which
they illustrate how economists learn from studies in quantitative
theory. This learning process is of considerable importance to ongoing
developments in macroeconomics, since the quantitative theory approach
is now the dominant research paradigm being used by economists
incorporating rational expectations and dynamic choice into small-scale
macroeconomic models.
Quantitative theory is thus necessarily akin to applied econometric research, but its methods are very different, at least at first
appearance. Indeed, practitioners of quantitative theory - notably
Prescott (1986) and Kydland and Prescott (1991) - have repeatedly
clashed with practitioners of econometrics. Essentially, advocates of
quantitative theory have suggested that little is learned from
econometric investigations, while proponents of econometrics have
suggested that little tested knowledge of business cycle mechanisms is
uncovered by studies in quantitative economic theory.
This article reviews and critically evaluates recent developments in
quantitative theory and econometrics. To define quantitative theory more
precisely, Section 1 begins by considering alternative styles of
economic theory. Subsequently, Section 2 considers the three examples of
quantitative theory in the area of the production function, reviewing
the work of Douglas, Solow, and Prescott. With these examples in hand,
Section 3 then considers how economists learn from exercises in
quantitative theory.
One notable difference between the practice of quantitative theory
and of econometrics is the manner in which the behavioral parameters of
economic models are selected. In quantitative theoretical models of
business cycles, for example, most behavioral parameters are chosen from
sources other than the time series fluctuations in the macroeconomic
data that are to be explained in the investigation. This practice has
come to be called calibration. In modern macroeconometrics, the textbook
procedure is to estimate parameters from the time series that are under
study. Thus, this clash of methodologies is frequently described as
"calibration versus estimation."
After considering how a methodological controversy between
quantitative theory and econometrics inevitably grew out of the rational
expectations revolution in Section 4 and describing the rise of
quantitative theory as a methodology in Section 5, this article then
argues that the ongoing controversy cannot really be about
"calibration versus estimation." It demonstrates that classic
calibration studies estimate some of their key parameters and classic
estimation studies are frequently forced to restrict some of their
parameters so as to yield manageable computational problems, i.e., to
calibrate them. Instead, in Section 6, the article argues that the key
practical issue is styles of "model evaluation," i.e., about
the manner in which economists determine the dimensions along which
models succeed or fail.
In terms of the practice of model evaluation, there are two key
differences between standard practice in quantitative theory and
econometrics. One key difference is indeed whether there are discernible differences between the activities of parameter selection and model
evaluation. In quantitative theory, parameter selection is typically
undertaken as an initial activity, with model evaluation being a
separate secondary stage. By contrast, in the dominant dynamic
macroeconometric approach, that of Hansen and Sargent (1981), parameter
selection and model evaluation are undertaken in an essentially
simultaneous manner: most parameters are selected to maximize the
overall fit of the dynamic model, and a measure of this fit is also used
as the primary diagnostic for evaluation of the theory. Another key
difference lies in the breadth of model implications utilized, as well
as the manner in which they are explored and evaluated. Quantitative
theorists look at a narrow set of model implications; they conduct an
informal evaluation of the discrepancies between these implications and
analogous features of a real-world economy. Econometricians typically
look at a broad set of implications and use specific statistical methods
to evaluate these discrepancies.
By and large, this article takes the perspective of the quantitative
theorist. It argues that there is a great benefit to choosing parameters
in an initial stage of an investigation, so that other researchers can
readily understand and criticize the attributes of the data that give
rise to such parameter estimates. It also argues that there is a
substantial benefit to limiting the scope of inquiry in model
evaluation, i.e., to focusing on a set of model implications taken to
display central and novel features of the operation of a theoretical
model economy. This limitation of focus seems appropriate to the current
stage of research in macroeconomics, where we are still working with
macroeconomic models that are extreme simplifications of macroeconomic
Yet quantitative theory is not without its difficulties. To
illustrate three of its limitations, Section 7 of the article
reconsiders the standard real business cycle model, which is sometimes
described as capturing a dominant component of postwar U.S. business
cycles (for example, by Kydland and Prescott [1991] and Plosser [1989]).
The first limitation is one stressed by Eichenbaum (1991): since it
ignores uncertainty in estimated parameters, a study in quantitative
theory cannot give any indication of the statistical confidence that
should be placed in its findings. The second limitation is that
quantitative theory may direct one's attention to model
implications that do not provide much information about the endogenous mechanisms contained in the model. In the discussion of these two
limitations, the focus is on a "variance ratio" that has been
used, by Kydland and Prescott (1991) among others, to suggest that a
real business cycle arising from technology shocks accounts for
three-quarters of postwar U.S. business cycle fluctuations in output. In
discussing the practical importance of the first limitation, Eichenbaum
concluded that there is "enormous" uncertainty about this
variance ratio, which he suggested arises because of estimation
uncertainty about the values of parameters of the exogenous driving
process for technology. In terms of the second limitation, the article
shows that a naive model - in which output is driven only by production
function residuals without any endogenous response of factors of
production - performs nearly as well as the standard quantitative
theoretical model according to the "variance ratio." The third
limitation is that the essential focus of quantitative theory on a small
number of model implications may easily mean that it misses crucial
failures (or successes) of an economic model. This point is made by
Watson's (1993) recent work that showed that the standard real
business cycle model badly misses capturing the "typical spectral shape of growth rates" for real macroeconomic variables, including
real output. That is, by focusing on only a small number of low-order
autocovariances, prior investigations such as those of Kydland and
Prescott (1982) and King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988) simply overlooked
the fact that there is an important predictable output growth at
business cycle frequencies.
However, while there are shortcomings in the methodology of
quantitative theory, its practice has grown at the expense of
econometrics for a good reason: it provides a workable vehicle for the
systematic development of macroeconomic models. In particular, it is a
method that can be used to make systematic progress in the current
circumstances of macroeconomics, when the models being developed are
still relatively incomplete descriptions of the economy. Notably,
macroeconomists have used quantitative theory in recent years to learn
how the business cycle implications of the basic neoclassical model are
altered by a wide range of economic factors, including fiscal policies,
international trade, monopolistic competition, financial market
frictions, and gradual adjustment of wages and prices.
The main challenge for econometric theory is thus to design
procedures that can be used to make similar progress in the development
of macroeconomic models. One particular aspect of this challenge is that
the econometric methods must be suitable for situations in which we know
before looking at the data that the model or models under study are
badly incomplete, as we will know in most situations for some time to
come. Section 8 of the article discusses a general framework of
model-building activity within which quantitative theory and traditional
macroeconometric approaches are each included. On this basis, it then
considers some initial efforts aimed at developing econometric methods
to capture the strong points of the quantitative theory approach while
providing the key additional benefits associated with econometric work.
Chief among these benefits are (1) the potential for replication of the
outcomes of an empirical evaluation of a model or models and (2) an
explicit statement of the statistical reliability of the results of such
an evaluation.
In addition to providing challenges to econometrics, Section 9 of the
article shows how the methods of quantitative theory also provide new
opportunities for applied econometrics, using Friedman's (1957)
permanent income theory of consumption as a basis for constructing two
more detailed examples. The first of these illustrates how an applied
econometrician may use the approach of quantitative theory to find a
powerful estimator of a parameter of interest. The second of these
illustrates how quantitative theory can aid in the design of informative
descriptive empirical investigations.
In macroeconometric analysis, issues of identification have long
played a central role in theoretical and applied work, since most
macroeconomists believe that business fluctuations are the result of a
myriad of causal factors. Quantitative theories, by contrast, typically
are designed to highlight the role of basic mechanisms and typically
identify individual causal factors. Section 10 considers the challenges
that issues of identification raise for the approach of quantitative
theory and the recent econometric developments that share its model
evaluation strategy. It suggests that the natural way of proceeding is
to compare the predictions of a model or models to characteristics of
economic data that are isolated with a symmetric empirical
The final section of the article offers a brief summary as well as
some concluding comments on the relationship between quantitative theory
and econometrics in the future of macroeconomic research.
The role of economic theory is to articulate the mechanisms by which
economic causes are translated into economic consequences. By requiring
that theorizing is conducted in a formal mathematical way, economists
have assured a rigor of argument that would be difficult to attain in
any other manner. Minimally, the process of undertaking a mathematical
proof lays bare the essential linkages between assumptions and
conclusions. Further, and importantly, mathematical model-building also
has forced economists to make sharp abstractions: as model economies
become more complex, there is a rapidly rising cost to establishing
formal propositions. Articulation of key mechanisms and abstraction from
less important ones are essential functions of theory in any discipline,
and the speed at which economic analysis has adopted the mathematical
paradigm has led it to advance at a much greater rate than its sister
disciplines in the social sciences.
If one reviews the history of economics over the course of this
century, the accomplishments of formal economic theory have been major.
Our profession developed a comprehensive theory of consumer and producer
choice, first working out static models with known circumstances and
then extending it to dynamics, uncertainty, and incomplete information.
Using these developments, it established core propositions about the
nature and efficiency of general equilibrium with interacting consumers
and producers. Taken together, the accomplishments of formal economic
theory have had profound effects on applied fields, not only in the
macroeconomic research that will be the focal point of this article but
also in international economics, public finance, and many other areas.
The developments in economic theory have been nothing short of
remarkable, matched within the social sciences perhaps only by the rise
of econometrics, in which statistical methods applicable to economic
analysis have been developed. For macroeconomics, the major
accomplishment of econometrics has been the development of statistical
procedures for the estimation of parameters and testing of hypotheses in
a context where a vector of economic variables is dynamically
interrelated. For example, macroeconomists now think about the
measurement of business cycles and the testing of business cycle
theories using an entirely different statistical conceptual framework from that available to Mitchell (1927) and his contemporaries.(1)
When economists discuss economic theory, most of us naturally focus
on formal theory, i.e., the construction of a model economy - which
naturally is a simplified version of the real world - and the
establishment of general propositions about its operation. Yet, there is
another important kind of economic theory, which is the use of much more
simplified model economies to organize economic facts in ways that
change the focus of applied research and the development of formal
theory. Quantitative theory, in the terminology of Kydland and Prescott
(1991), involves taking a more detailed stand on how economic causes are
translated into economic consequences. Quantitative theory, of course,
embodies all the simplifications of abstract models of formal theory. In
addition, it involves making (1) judgments about the quantitative
importance of various economic mechanisms and (2) decisions about how to
selectively compare the implications of a model to features of
real-world economies. By its very nature, quantitative theory thus
stands as an intermediate activity to formal theory and the application
of econometric methods to evaluation of economic models.
A decade ago, many economists thought of quantitative theory as
simply the natural first step in a progression of research activities
from formal theory to econometrics, but there has been a hardening of
viewpoints in recent years. Some argue that standard econometric methods
are not necessary or are, in fact, unhelpful; quantitative theory is
sufficient. Others argue that one can learn little from quantitative
theory and that the only source of knowledge about important economic
mechanisms is obtained through econometrics. For those of us that honor
the traditions of both quantitative theory and econometrics, not only
did the onset of this controversy come as a surprise, but its depth and
persistence also were unexpected. Accordingly, the twin objectives of
this paper are, first, to explore why the events of recent years have
led to tensions between practitioners of quantitative theory and
econometrics and, second, to suggest dimensions along which the recent
controversy can lead to better methods and practice.
This section discusses three related research topics that take
quantitative theory from its earliest stages to the present day. The
topics all concern the production function, i.e., the link between
output and factor inputs.(2)
The Production Function and Distribution Theory
The production function is a powerful tool of economic analysis,
which every first-year graduate student learns to manipulate. Indeed,
the first example that most economists encounter is the functional form
of Cobb and Douglas (1928), which is also the first example studied
here. For contemporary economists, it is difficult to imagine that there
once was a time when the notion of the production function was
controversial. But, 50 years after his pioneering investigation, Paul
Douglas (1976) reminisced:
Critics of the production function analysis such as Horst
Mendershausen and his mentor, Ragnar Frisch, . . . urged that so few
observations were involved that any mathematical relationship was purely
accidental and not causal. They sincerely believed that the analysis
should be abandoned and, in the words of Mendershausen, that all past
work should be torn up and consigned to the wastepaper basket. This was
also the general sentiment among senior American economists, and nowhere
was it held more strongly than among my senior colleagues at the
University of Chicago. I must admit that I was discouraged by this
criticism and thought of giving up the effort, but there was something
which told me I should hold on. (P. 905)
The design of the investigation by Douglas was as follows. First, he
enlisted the assistance of a mathematician, Cobb, to develop a
production function with specified properties.(3) Second, he constructed
indexes of physical capital and labor input in U.S. manufacturing for
1899-1922. Third, Cobb and Douglas estimated the production function
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
In this specification, [Y.sub.t] is the date t index of manufacturing
output, [N.sub.t] is the date t index of employed workers, and [K.sub.t]
is the date t index of the capital stock. The least squares estimates
for 1899-1922 were [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. Fourth, Cobb and Douglas performed a variety of
checks of the implications of their specification. These included
comparing their estimated [Mathematical Expression Omitted] to measures
of labor's share of income, which earlier work had shown to be
reasonably constant through time. They also examined the extent to which
the production function held for deviations from trend rather than
levels. Finally, they examined the relationship between the model's
implied marginal product of labor ([Alpha]Y/N) and a measure of real
wages that Douglas (1926) had constructed in earlier work.
The results of the Cobb-Douglas quantitative theoretical
investigation are displayed in Figure 1. Panel A provides a plot of the
data on output, labor, and capital from 1899 to 1922. All series are
benchmarked at 100 in 1899, and it is notable that capital grows
dramatically over the sample period. Panel B displays the fitted
production function, [Mathematical Expression Omitted], graphed as a
dashed line and manufacturing output, Y, graphed as a solid line. As
organized by the production function, variations in the factors N and K
clearly capture the upward trend in output.(4)
With the Cobb-Douglas study, the production function moved from the
realm of pure theory - where its properties had been discussed by Clark
(1889) and others - to that of quantitative theory. In the hands of Cobb
and Douglas, the production function displayed an ability to link (1)
measures of physical output to measures of factor inputs (capital and
labor) and (2) measures of real wages to measures of average products.
It thus became an engine of analysis for applied research.
But the authors took care to indicate that their quantitative
production function was not to be viewed as an exact model of economic
activity for three reasons. Cobb and Douglas recognized that they had
neglected technical progress, but they were uncertain about its
magnitude or measurability. They also viewed' their measure of
labor input only as a first step, taken because there was relatively
poor data on hours per worker. Finally, and importantly, they found it
unsurprising that errors in the production function were related to
business cycles. They pointed out that during slack years the production
function overpredicted output because reductions in hours and capital
utilization were not measured appropriately. Correspondingly, years of
prosperity were underpredicted.
The Production Function and Technical Progress
Based on the Cobb and Douglas (1928) investigations, it was
reasonable to think that (1) movements in capital and labor accounted
for movements in output, both secularly and over shorter time periods
and (2) wages were equated with marginal products computed from the
Cobb-Douglas production function.
Solow's (1957) exercise in quantitative theory provided a sharp
contradiction of the first conclusion from the Cobb-Douglas studies,
namely, that output movements were largely determined by movements in
factor inputs. Taking the marginal productivity theory of wages to be
true, Solow used the implied value of labor's share to decompose the growth in output per man-hour into components attributable to
capital per man-hour and a residual:
[y.sub.t] - [n.sub.t] = [s.sub.k]([k.sub.t] - [n.sub.t]) + [a.sub.t],
where y is the growth rate of output; n is the growth rate of labor
input; k is the growth rate of capital input; and a is the "Solow
residual," taken to be a measure of growth in total factor
productivity. The share is given by the competitive theory, i.e.,
[s.sub.k], is the share of capital income. Solow allowed the share
weight in (2) to vary at each date, but this feature leads to
essentially the same outcomes as simply imposing the average of the
[s.sub.k]. Hence, a constant value of [s.sub.k] or [Alpha] = (1 -
[s.sub.k]) is used in the construction of the figures to maintain
comparability with the work of Cobb and Douglas. Solow emphasized the
trend (low frequency) implications of the production function by looking
at the long-term average contribution of growth in capital per worker (k
- n) to growth in output per worker (y - n). Over his 50-year sample
period, output roughly doubled. But only one-eighth of the increase was
due to capital; the remaining seven-eighths were due to technical
Another way of looking at this decomposition is to consider the
trends in the series. Figure 2 displays the nature of Solow's
quantitative theoretical investigation in a manner comparable to Figure
1's presentation of the Cobb-Douglas data and results. Panel A is a
plot of the aggregate data on output, capital, and labor during 1909-49.
For comparability with Figure 1, the indexes are all scaled to 100 in
the earliest year. The striking difference between Panel A of the two
figures is that capital grows more slowly than output in Solow's
data while it grows more rapidly than output in the Cobb-Douglas data.
In turn, Panel B of Figure 2 displays the production function
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], with [Alpha] chosen to match data on
the average labor share and A chosen so that the fit is correct in the
initial period. In contrast to Panel B of Figure 1, the production
function, which is the dashed line, does not capture much of the trend
variation in output, Y.(5)
It is likely that these results were unexpected to Solow, who had
just completed development of a formal theoretical model that stressed
capital deepening in his 1956 classic, "A Contribution to the
Theory of Economic Growth." Instead of displaying the importance of
capital deepening, as had the Cobb-Douglas investigations, Solow's
adventure into quantitative theory pointed toward the importance of a
new feature, namely, total-factor-augmenting technical progress. There
had been hints of this result in other research just before
Solow's, but none of it had the simplicity, transparency, or direct
connection to formal economic theory that marked Solow's work.(6)
Cyclical Implications of-Movements in Productivity
By using the production function as an applied tool in business cycle
research, Prescott (1986) stepped into an area that both Douglas and
Solow had avoided. Earlier work by Kydland and Prescott (1982) and Long
and Plosser (1983) had suggested that business cycle phenomena could
derive from an interaction of tastes and technologies, particularly if
there were major shocks to technology. But Prescott's (1986)
investigation was notable in its use of Solow's (1957) procedure to
measure the extent of variations in technology. With such a measurement
of technology or productivity shocks in hand, Prescott explored how a
neoclassical model behaved when driven by these shocks, focusing on the
nature of business cycles that arose in the model.
Figure 3 displays the business cycle behavior of postwar U.S. real
gross national product and a related productivity measure,
log [A.sub.t] = log [Y.sub.t] - [Alpha] log [N.sub.t] + (1 - [Alpha])
log [K.sub.t]. (3)
This figure is constructed by first following a version of the Solow
(1957) procedure to extract a productivity residual and then filtering
the outcomes with the procedure of Hodrick and Prescott (1980). These
"business cycle components" are very close to deviations from
a lengthy centered moving average; they also closely correspond to the
results if a band-pass filter is applied to each time series.(7) Panel A
displays the business cycle variation in output, which has a sample
standard deviation of 1.69 percent. This output measure is also the
solid line in the remainder of the panels of Figure 3. It is clear from
Panel B of this figure that the productivity residual is strongly
procyclical: the correlation between the series in Panel B is 0.88. The
labor component of output - the filtered version of [Alpha] log
[N.sub.t] - is also strongly pro-cyclical: the correlation between the
series in Panel C is 0.85. Finally, Panel D shows there is little
cyclical variation in capital input, the filtered series (1 - [Alpha])
log [K.sub.t]: its correlation with output is -0.12.
Unlike the earlier studies, real business cycle (RBC) exercises in
quantitative theory are explicitly general equilibrium: they take
measurements of individual causes and trace the consequences for a
number of macroeconomic variables. The simplest RISC model is
essentially the growth model of Solow (1956), modified to include
optimal choice of consumption and labor input over time. In the Solow
model, long-term growth in output per capita must come about mainly from
productivity growth. Thus, RBC models may be viewed as exploring the
business cycle implications of a feature widely agreed to be important
for lower frequency phenomena.
In his quantitative theoretical investigation, Prescott thus assumed
that productivity in a model economy was generated by a stochastic
process fit to observations on log [A.sub.t]. He then explored how
consumption, investment, output, and input would evolve in such an
economy.(8) There were two striking outcomes of Prescott's
experiment, which have been frequently highlighted by adherents of real
business cycle theory.
The first, much-stressed finding is that a large fraction of
variation in output is explained by such a model, according to a
statistical measure that will be explained in more detail below. Figure
4 shows that an RBC model's output (the dotted line) is closely
related to actual output (the solid line), albeit with somewhat smaller
amplitude.(9) In particular, the variance of output in the model is 2.25
percent with the variance of actual output being 2.87 percent, so that
the ratio of variances is 0.78. Further, the correlation between the
actual and model output series is 0.90. In this sense, the RBC model
captures a major part of economic fluctuations.
The second, much-stressed finding is that the model economy captures
other features of observed business cycles, notably the fact that
consumption is smoother than output and that investment is more volatile
than output, as shown in the additional panels of Figure 4.(10) Moments
from the model economy that measure consumption's relative
volatility - the ratio of its standard deviation to that of output - are
about as large as the comparable ratio for postwar U.S. data.
The design of Prescott's (1986) investigation was solidly in the
tradition of Douglas and Solow: a very simple theoretical model was
constructed and it was shown to have very surprising empirical
properties. Prior to Prescott's study, it was possible to dismiss
the RBC interpretation of postwar U.S. economic fluctuations out of
hand. One needed only to make one of two arguments that were widely
accepted at the time. The first common argument was that there was no
evidence of large, procyclical productivity shocks. The second was that
equilibrium macroeconomic models, even with productivity shocks, were
evidently inconsistent with major features of the U.S. macroeconomic
time series, such as the procyclicality of labor input and the high
volatility of investment. After Prescott's investigation, as Rogoff
(1986) pointed out, it was no longer possible to do this: it was
necessary to undertake much more subtle critiques of the RBC
interpretation of economic fluctuations.
How, in general, do economists learn from quantitative theory? Taken
together, the preceding examples help answer this question.
Theory as Abstraction
An essential characteristic of formal economic theory is that it
involves abstraction. In constructing a theoretical model, we focus on
one set of mechanisms and variables; we neglect factors that are
hypothesized to be secondary or are simply not the focus of the
investigation. Quantitative theory similarly involves the process of
making sharp abstractions, but it also involves using the theory as an
empirical vehicle. In particular, we ask whether an abstraction provides
a compelling organization of key facts in an area of economic inquiry.
For Douglas, there were two key questions. First, was there a
systematic empirical relationship between factor inputs and outputs of
the type suggested by the formal economic theories of Clark and others?
Second, was this relationship also consistent with the competitive
theory of distribution, i.e., did real wages resemble marginal products
constructed from the production function? Prior to Douglas's work,
there was little reason to think that indexes of production, employment,
and capital would be linked together in the way suggested by the
theoretical production function. After Douglas's work, it was hard
to think that there were not empirical laws of production to be
discovered by economists. Further, Douglas's work also indicated a
strong empirical relationship between real wages and average products,
i.e., a rough constancy of payments to labor as a fraction of the value
of output. Thus, Douglas's work made the theory of production and
the theory of competitive determination of factor income payments
operational in ways that were crucial for the development of economics.
To be sure, as Douglas (1976) pointed out, his simple theory did not
work exactly, but it suggested that there was sufficient empirical
content to warrant substantial additional work.
One measure of Douglas's success on both fronts is the character
of Solow's quantitative theoretical investigation. Solow simply
took as given that many economists would accept both abstractions as
useful organizing principles: he assumed both that the aggregate
production function was an organizing principle for data and that the
marginal productivity theory of wages was appropriate. But he then
proceeded to challenge one of the substantive conclusions of
Douglas's analysis, namely, that most of the movement in output can
be explained by movements in factors of production. In particular, after
reading Solow's article, one finds it hard not to believe that
other factors besides physical capital formation are behind the secular
rise in wage rates.(11) Solow's reorganization of the production
function facts spurred the development of the growth accounting
literature - as summarized by Maddison (1981) - and continues to provide
major challenges to economists' thinking about growth and
development problems.
Prescott's (1986) analysis of the role of productivity
fluctuations in business cycles builds directly on the prior
investigations of Douglas and Solow, yielding two key findings. The
first finding is that there is important procyclical variation in Solow
residuals. The second finding is that cyclical variations in
productivity can explain cyclical variations in other macroeconomic
quantities. The first component of this investigation in quantitative
theory has had sufficient impact that even new Keynesian macroeconomists
like Blanchard and Fischer (1989) list procyclical productivity as one
of the key stylized facts of macroeconomics in the opening chapter of
their textbook. The second has stimulated a major research program into
the causes and consequences of cyclical variations in productivity.
In each of these cases, the investigation in quantitative theory had
a surprising outcome: prior to each investigation, there was little
reason to think that a specific economic mechanism was of substantial
empirical importance. Prior to Douglas's work, there was little
reason to look for empirical connections between outputs and quantities
of factor inputs. Prior to Solow's, there was little reason to
think that technical progress was an important contributor to economic
growth. Prior to Prescott's, there was little reason to think that
pro-cyclical variations in productivity were important for the business
cycle. Each investigation substantially changed the views of economists
about the nature of economic mechanisms.
Challenges to Formal Theory
Quantitative theory issues important challenges to formal theory;
each of the three examples contains such a challenge.
Flexible and Tractable Function Forms: The Cobb-Douglas
investigations led to a search for alternative functional forms that
could be used in such investigations, but that did not require the
researcher to impose all of the restrictions on substitutability, etc.,
associated with the Cobb-Douglas specification.
Factor Income Payments and Technical Progress: Solow's
investigation reinforced the need for theories of distribution of income
to different factor inputs in the presence of technical progress.
Initially, this was satisfied by the examination of different forms of
technical progress. But more recently, there has been much attention
given to the implications of technical progress for the competitive
paradigm (notably in Romer [1986, 1987]).
Cyclical Variation in Productivity: Prescott's investigation
showed dramatically how macroeconomic theories without productivity
variation typically have important counterfactual productivity
implications (i.e., they imply that output per man-hour is
countercyclical). Recent work has explored a range of theories designed
to generate procyclical output per man-hour, including (1) imperfect
competition, (2) external effects, and (3) time-varying capacity
In recent years, the methods of quantitative theory have become an
increasingly used tool in applied research in macroeconomics. This
growth results from two very different historical episodes during which
macroeconometrics failed, though for very different reasons. In the
first of these episodes, econometric practice was subject to too little
discipline from economic and econometric theory in the development of
large-scale macroeconometric models. While the behavioral equations were
sometimes motivated by a prevailing economic theory, in practice
generous incorporation of lags and dummy variables gave rise to
essentially unrestricted empirical specifications. As a result, most
models fit the historical data very well, even though they had much more
modest success in short-term forecasting. In the second of these
episodes, econometric practice was subject to too much discipline from
economic and econometric theory: rational expectations econometrics
produced tightly restricted dynamic macroeconomic models and concluded
that no models fit the data very well.
Keynesian Econometrics: The Promise
The research program of Koopmans and his coworkers at the Cowles
Foundation, as reported in Hood and Koopmans (1953), provided a formal
structure for Keynesian macroeconometrics, the dynamic simultaneous
equations model. This econometric structure utilized economic theory in
a very important manner: it stressed that theory could deliver the
exclusion restrictions that were necessary for identification of the
behavioral parameters. Initially, the Keynesian macroeconometric models
were of sufficiently small scale that they could be readily studied by
other researchers, like those of Klein (1950) and Klein and Goldberger
(1955). Klein's (1950) work is particularly notable in terms of its
insistence on developing the relevant behavioral theory for each
structural equation. The promise of Keynesian macroeconometrics was that
empirical macroeconomic models were to be a research laboratory, the
basis for systematic refinement of theoretical and empirical
specifications. They were also to be a device for concrete discussion of
appropriate policy actions and rules.
Keynesian Econometrics: The Failure
By the mid-1970s, the working Keynesian macroeconometric models had
evolved into extremely large systems; this growth occurred so that their
builders could readily answer a very wide range of questions posed by
business and government policymakers. In the process of this evolution,
they had strayed far from the promise that early developments had
suggested: they could not be readily studied by an individual researcher
nor was it possible to determine the components of the model that led to
its operating characteristics. For example, in response to most policy
and other disturbances, most models displayed outcomes that cycled for
many years, but it proved difficult to understand why this was the case.
The consequent approach was for individual academic researchers to
concentrate on refinement of a particular structural equation - such as
the money demand function or the consumption function - and to abstain
from analysis of complete models. But this strategy made it difficult to
discuss many central issues in macroeconomics, which necessarily
involved the operation of a full macroeconomic system.
Then, in the mid-1970s, two major events occurred. There was
worldwide "stagflation," with a coexistence of high inflation
and high unemployment. Major macroeconometric models simply got it very
wrong in terms of predicting this pattern of events. In addition,
Lucas's (1976) famous critique of econometric policy evaluation
highlighted the necessity of producing macroeconomic models with dynamic
choice and rational expectations. Taken together with the prior inherent
difficulties with macroeconometric models, these two events meant that
interest in large-scale macroeconometric models essentially evaporated.
Lucas's (1976) critique of macroeconometric models had two major
components. First, Lucas noted that many behavioral relations -
investment, consumption, labor supply, etc. - depended in a central way
on expectations when derived from relevant dynamic theory. Typical
macroeconomic models either omitted expectations or treated them as
essentially static. Second, Lucas argued that expectations would likely
be rational - at least with respect to sustained policy changes and
possibly for others - and that there were quantitatively major
consequences of introducing rational expectations into macroeconometric
models. The victory of Lucas's ideas was swift. For example, in a
second-year graduate macro class at Brown in 1975, Poole gave a clear
message when reviewing Lucas's critique in working-paper form: the
stage was set for a complete overhaul of econometric models.(12) Better
theoretical foundations and rational expectations were to be the
centerpieces of the new research.
Rational Expectations Econometrics: The Promise
As a result of the rational expectations revolution, there was a high
demand for new methods in two areas: (1) algorithms to solve dynamic
rational expectations models, and (2) econometric methods. The high
ground was rapidly taken by the linear systems approach best articulated
by Hansen and Sargent (1981): dynamic linear rational expectations
models could be solved easily and had heavily constrained vector
autoregressions as their reduced form. As Sargent (1981) stressed, the
general equilibrium nature of rational expectations models meant that
parameters traditionally viewed as important for one "behavioral
equation" in a traditional macroeconomic model would also be
important for others. For example, parameters of the investment
technology would have implications for other quantities (for instance,
consumption and labor supply) because changes in investment dynamics
would alter the optimal choices of consumption and labor supply by
influencing the rational expectations of future wages and interest rates
implied by the model. Thus, complicated and time-consuming systems
methods of estimation and testing were employed in the Hansen-Sargent
The promise of rational expectations econometrics was that
"fully articulated" model economies were to be constructed,
their reduced forms determined, and the resulting systems compared with
unrestricted dynamic models. The "deep parameters" of
preferences and technologies were to be estimated via maximum
likelihood, and the fully articulated economies were to be used to
evaluate alternative macroeconomic policies in a manner consistent with
the requirements of Lucas (1976).
Rational Expectations Econometrics: The Failure
With a decade of hindsight, though, it is clear that the
Hansen-Sargent program was overambitious, in ways that are perhaps best
illustrated by discussing the typical study using this technology in the
mid-1980s. The author would (1) construct a rich dynamic macroeconomic
model, (2) estimate most of its parameters using maximum likelihood, and
(3) perform a likelihood ratio test to evaluate the model, i.e., compare
its fit to an unrestricted vector autoregression. Since the estimation
of the model had been very time-consuming, the author would have been
able to produce only a small number of experiments with alternative
specifications of preferences, technologies, and forcing processes.
Further, it would be difficult for the author and the audience to
interpret the results of the study. Typically, at least some of the
parameter estimates would be very strange, such as implausible discount
factors or utility functions lacking concavity properties. Since only
limited experimentation with the economic structure was feasible, the
author would consequently struggle to explain what features of the data
led to these aberrant outcomes. Further, the model would be badly
rejected and again the author would have difficulty explaining which
features of the macroeconomic time series led to this rejection.
Overall, the author would be hard pressed to defend the specific model
or, indeed, why he had spent his time conducting the investigation. This
experience produced a general reaction that the Hansen-Sargent program
had not produced a workable vehicle for systematic development of
macroeconometric models.
Applied Macroeconomic Research After the Fall
There were three basic reactions to this double failure of
econometrics. First, some researchers sought to use limited-information
methods to estimate the parameters of a single behavioral equation in
ways consistent with rational expectations (as in McCallum [1976],
Kennan [1979], and Hansen and Singleton [1982]). While this work was
valuable, it did not aim at the objective of constructing and evaluating
complete models of macroeconomic activity. Second, some researchers
virtually abandoned the development of dynamic rational expectations
models as part of their applied work. This rejectionist approach took
hold most strongly in Cambridge, Massachusetts. One of the most
sophisticated early applications of rational expectations methods is
Blanchard (1983), but this researcher's applied work moved from
routinely using the dynamic rational expectations models to the polar
alternative, direct behavioral specifications that typically lack any
expectational elements.(13) The final approach, quantitative theory, is
the topic considered next.
In the two seminal theoretical papers on real business cycles,
Kydland and Prescott's (1982) "Time to Build and Aggregate
Fluctuations" and Long and Plosser's (1983) "Real
Business Cycles," each pair of authors faced the following problem.
They had constructed rich dynamic macroeconomic models driven by
"technology shocks" and wanted to illustrate the implications
of their models for the nature of economic fluctuations. Each set of
authors sought to use parameters drawn from other sources: data on the
input/output structure of industries in Long and Plosser and data on
various shares and elasticities in Kydland and Prescott, with the latter
pair of authors particularly seeking to utilize information from
microeconomic studies.(14) One motivation for this strategy was to make
clear that the models were not being "rigged" to generate
fluctuations, for example, by fitting parameters to best match the
business cycle components of macroeconomic time series.
Calibration of Parameters
This process is now called the "calibration" approach to
model parameter selection.(15) In line with the definition above, these
papers were "quantitative theory": they provided a strong case
for the general mechanisms stressed by the authors. That is, they showed
that the theory - restricted in plausible ways - could produce outcomes
that appeared empirically relevant. These models were notably
interesting precisely because they were evidently "post-Lucas
critique" models: expectations were determined rationally about the
future productivity. While they did not contain policy rules or policy
disturbances, it was clear that these extensions would be feasible, and
similar models have since incorporated policy anticipations,
particularly on the fiscal side.
In terms of parameter selection, Lucas (1980) set forth a cogent argument for the use of estimates from microeconomic data within his
articulation of the quantitative theory approach in his "Methods
and Problems in Business Cycle Theory," albeit in a slightly
different context than that so far discussed:
In the case of the equilibrium account of wage and employment
determination, parameters describing the degree of intertemporal
substitutability do the job (in an empirical sense) of the parameter
describing auctioneer behavior in the Phillips curve model. On these
parameters, we have a wealth of inexpensively available data from census
cohort information, from panel data describing the reactions of
individual households to a variety of changing market conditions, and so
forth. In principle (and perhaps before too long in practice . . .)
these crucial parameters can be estimated independently from individual
as well as aggregate data. If so, we will know what the aggregate
parameters mean, we will understand them in a sense that disequilibrium adjustment parameters will never be understood. This is exactly why we
care about the "microeconomic foundations" of aggregate
theories. (P. 712)
Thus, one feature of the calibration of a model is that it brings to
bear available microeconomic evidence. But Lucas also indicated the
value of comparing estimates obtained from microeconomic studies and
aggregate time series evidence, so that calibration from such sources is
simply one of several useful approaches to parameter selection.
Evaluating a Calibrated Model
The evaluation of the calibrated models by Kydland and Prescott
(1982) and Long and Plosser (1983) was based on whether the models could
capture some key features of economic fluctuations that the authors were
seeking to explain. This evaluation was conducted outside of an explicit
econometric framework. In justifying this choice, Kydland and Prescott
We choose not to test our model against the less restrictive vector
autoregressive model. This would most likely have resulted in the model
being rejected given the measurement problems and the abstract nature of
the model. Our approach is to focus on certain statistics for which the
noise introduced by approximation and measurement errors is likely to be
small relative to the statistic. Failure of the theory to mimic the
behavior of the post-war U.S. economy with respect to these stable
statistics with high signal to noise ratios would be grounds for its
rejection. (P. 1360)
Their argument, then, was essentially that a model needs to be able
to capture some first-order features of the macroeconomic data before it
can be taken seriously as a theory of business fluctuations. Their
conclusions incorporated three further clarifications of the role of
quantitative theory. First, they concluded that their model had some
success: the "results indicate a surprisingly good fit in light of
the model's simplicity" (p. 1368). Second, they articulated a
program of modifications of the theory that were important, many of
which have been the subject of their subsequent research activities,
including introduction of a variable workweek for capital. Third, they
argued that applications of currently prevailing econometric methods
were inappropriate for the current stage of model development: "in
spite of the considerable recent advances made by Hansen and Sargent,
further advances are necessary before formal econometric methods can
fruitfully be applied to testing this theory of aggregate
fluctuations" (p. 1369).
In Long and Plosser's (1983) study of the response of a
multi-sector macroeconomic model to fluctuations in productivity, the
focus was similarly on a subset of the model's empirical
implications. Indeed, since their explicit dynamic equilibrium solution
meant that the aggregate and industry allocations of labor input were
constant over time, these authors did not focus on the interaction of
productivity and labor input, which had been a central concern of
Kydland and Prescott. Instead, Long and Plosser highlighted the role of
output interrelationships arising from produced inputs for generating
sectoral comovement, a topic about which the highly aggregated Kydland
and Prescott theory had been silent.
Formal Econometric Analysis of RBC Models
Variants of the basic RBC model were evaluated by Altug (1989) and
Christiano (1988) using formal econometric techniques that were closely
related to those of Hansen and Sargent (1981). There were three major
outcomes of these analyses. First, predictably, the economic models
performed poorly: at least some key parameter estimates typically
strayed far from the values employed in calibration studies and the
models were decisively rejected as constrained vector autoregressions.
Second, the Altug and Christiano studies did not naturally lead to new
research, using either the methods of quantitative theory or
econometrics, that aimed at resolving specific puzzles that arose in
their work. Third, the rejectionist position of Kydland and Prescott
In particular, Kydland and Prescott called into question all
econometric evidence. Prescott (1986) argued that "we do not follow
the [econometric] approach and treat the [leisure share] as a free
parameter because it would violate the principle that parameters cannot
be specific to the phenomena being studied. What sort of a science would
economics be if micro studies used one share parameter and aggregate
studies another?" (p. 25) More recently, Kydland and Prescott
(1991) argued that current econometrics is not faithful to the
objectives of its originators (notably Frisch), which they interpret as
being the construction of calibrated models. In the conclusion to their
paper, they argued "econometrics is by definition quantitative
economic theory - that is, economic analysis that provides quantitative
answers to clear-cut questions" (p. 176). Thus, macroeconomic
research has bifurcated, with a growing number of researchers using
calibrated economic models and a very small number using the methods of
Hansen and Sargent (1981).
By its very nature, quantitative theory strays onto the turf of
theoretical and applied econometrics since it seeks to use economic
models to organize economic data. Thus there has been substantial - at
times heated - controversy about the methods and conclusions of each
area. Some of this controversy is a natural part of the way that
economists learn. In this regard, it is frequently the case that applied
econometrics poses challenges to quantitative theory: for example,
McCallum (1989) marshals the results of various applied econometric
studies to challenge RBC interpretations of the Solow residual as a
technology shock.
However, controversy over methods can sometimes interfere with
accumulation of knowledge. For example, adherents of RBC models have
sometimes suggested that any study based on formal econometric methods
is unlikely to yield useful information about the business cycle.
Econometricians have similarly suggested that one learns little from
investigations using the methods of quantitative theory. For this
reason, it is important to look critically at the differences that
separate studies using the methods of quantitative theory from those
that use the more familiar methods of econometrics. As we shall see, a
key strength of the quantitative theory approach is that it permits the
researcher to focus the evaluation of a model on a specific subset of
its empirical implications.
Parameter Selection and Model Evaluation
To look critically at the methodological differences, we will find it
useful to break the activities of econometricians into two general
topics: selection of parameters (estimation) and evaluation of economic
models (including testing of hypotheses and computation of measures of
fit). Theoretical econometricians work to devise procedures for
conducting each of these activities. Applied econometricians utilize
these procedures in the context of specific economic problems and
interpret the results. For concreteness in the discussion below, let the
vector of parameters be [Beta] and the vector of model implications be
[Mu]. Solving a model involves constructing a function,
[Mu] = g([Beta]), (4)
that indicates how model implications are related to parameters. The
business of econometrics, then, is to determine ways of estimating the
parameters [Beta] and evaluating whether the implications [Mu] are
reliably close to some empirical counterparts m. In the approach of
Hansen and Sargent (1981), the economic model implications computed are
a set of coefficients in a reduced-form vector autoregression. There are
typically many more of these than there are parameters of the model
(elements of [Beta]), so that the theoretical model is heavily
overidentified in the sense of Hood and Koopmans (1953). The empirical
counterparts m are the coefficients of an unconstrained vector
autoregression. The estimation of the [Beta] parameters thus involves
choosing the model parameters so as to maximize the fit of a constrained
vector autoregression; model evaluation involves a comparison of this
fit with that of an unconstrained time series model.
In the studies in quantitative theory reviewed above, there were also
analogous parameter selection and model evaluation activities. Taking
the first study as an example, in Douglas's production function, Y
= [AN.sup.[Alpha]][K.sup.1-[Alpha]], there were the parameters A and
[Alpha], which he estimated via least squares. The model implications
that he explored included the time series observations on Y and the
values of [Alpha] derived from earlier studies of factor income shares.
Quantitative theory, then, involves selection of values of the
parameters [Beta] and the comparison of some model implications [Mu]
with some empirical counterparts m, which results in an evaluation of
the model. Thus, it shares a formal structure with econometric research.
This identification of a common structure is important for three
reasons. First, while frequently suggested to be dramatic and
irreconcilable, the differences in the two methods must be, at least on
some level, ones of degree rather than kind. Second, this common
structure also indicates why the two methods have been substitutes in
research activity. Third, the common structure indicates the potential
for approaches that combine the best attributes of quantitative theory
and econometrics.
However, it is notable that quantitative theory, as an abstraction of
reality, nearly always delivers a probability model that is remarkably
detailed in its implications and, hence, is too simple for direct
econometric implementation. In the Douglas-Solow setting, the production
function is essentially free of error terms as it is written down: it is
equally applicable at seasonal, cyclical, and secular frequencies. But
it is clear that Douglas and Solow did not view the production function
as exact. Instead, they had strong views about what components of the
data were likely to be most informative about aspects of the production
function; in his own way, each concentrated on the trend behavior of
output and factor inputs. The model driven solely by a productivity
shock displays another form of exactness, which is sometimes called a
"stochastic singularity." There are not enough error terms for
the joint probability distribution of the model's outcomes to be
nondegenerate. Since the model is dynamic, this does not mean that all
the variables are perfectly correlated, but it does mean that there is
(1) a singular variance-covariance matrix for the innovations in the
model's reduced form and (2) a unit coherence between variables in
the frequency domain.
The key implication of this essential simplicity is that there is
always some way to reject econometrically a quantitative theory with
certainty. Quantitative theorists have had to come to terms with this
simplicity on a number of fronts. First, when we learn from a
quantitative theory, it is not because it is literally true but because
there is a surprising magnitude of the gap between model implications
[Mu] and empirical counterparts m. Sometimes the gap is surprisingly
small, as in the work of Douglas and Prescott, and at others it is
surprisingly large, as in the work of Solow. Second, when we investigate
the implications of a quantitative theory, we must select a subset of
implications of particular interest. Thus, for example, Douglas and
Solow focused mainly on asking whether the production function explained
the trend variation in output. By contrast, Prescott's concern was
with business cycle variations, that is, with deviations from trend.
Calibration Versus Estimation
The central tension between practitioners of quantitative theory and
econometrics is sometimes described as the choice between whether
parameters are to be estimated or calibrated. However, returning to the
three examples, we see clearly that this cannot be the case. Douglas
estimated his parameter [Alpha] from observations on Y, K, and N: he
then compared this estimated value to averages of real labor cost as a
fraction of manufacturing output, i.e., labor's share. Solow
"calibrated" his labor share parameter from data on labor
income as a fraction of total income.(16) Prescott's construction
of an RBC model involved estimating the parameters of the stochastic
productivity process from aggregate time series data and calibrating
other parameters of the model.
Further, applications of the Hansen-Sargent methodology to dynamic
macroeconomic models typically involved "fixing" some of the
parameters at specified values, rather than estimating all of them. For
example, the discount factor in dynamic models proved notoriously hard
to estimate so that it was typically set at a reasonable (calibrated)
value. More generally, in such studies, maximizing the likelihood
function in even small-scale dynamic models proved to be a painfully
slow procedure because of the system nature of the estimation. Many
researchers resorted to the procedure of fixing as many parameters as
possible to increase the pace of improvement and the time to
Thus, almost all studies in quantitative theory and macroeconometrics
involve a mixture of estimation and calibration as methods of parameter
selection. The main issue, consequently, is: How should we evaluate
models that we know are major simplifications of reality? In this
context, it is not enough to compare the likelihoods of a heavily
restricted linear time series model (for example, an RBC model with some
or all of its parameters estimated) to an unrestricted time series
model. For some time, the outcome of this procedure will be known in
advance of the test: the probability that the model is true is zero for
stochastically singular models and nearly zero for all other models of
Model Evaluation in Quantitative Theory
Implicitly, the three exercises in quantitative theory reviewed above
each directed our attention to a small number of features of reality,
i.e., a small vector of empirical features m that are counterparts to a
subset of the model's implications [Mu] = g([Beta]). In
Douglas's and Prescott's case, the quantitative theory was
judged informative when there was a small gap between the predictions
[Mu] and the empirical features m. In Solow's case, there was a
strikingly large gap for a production function without technical
progress, so we were led to reject that model in favor of an alternative
that incorporates technical progress.
Looking at the studies in more detail clearly shows that for Douglas,
there were two key findings. First, it was instructive that variation in
factors of production, when combined into [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], explained so much of the evolution of output Y. Second, it was
striking that the time series of real wages was close to output per unit
of labor input multiplied by [Mathematical Expression Omitted] (i.e.,
that the value of labor's share obtained was close to the estimate
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] obtained from the time series). This
latter finding is an example of Lucas's reconciliation of aggregate
and micro evidence: we understand the parameter [Alpha] better because
it represents a consistent pattern of behavioral response in micro and
aggregate settings. For Solow, it was instructive that the variation in
factors of production explained so little of the evolution of output;
thus, there was a large amount of growth attributed to technical
progress. Kydland and Prescott (1991) noted that "contrary to what
virtually everyone thought, including the authors. . . . technology
shocks were found to be an important contributor to business cycle
fluctuations in the U.S. postwar period" (p. 176). Prescott (1986)
provided a more detailed listing of successes: "Standard theory . .
. correctly predicts the amplitude of these fluctuations, their serial
correlation properties, and the fact that the investment component of
output is about six times as volatile as the consumption component"
(p. 11).
For these researchers and for many others, the key idea is that one
learns from an investigation in quantitative theory when there are
relatively small or large discrepancies between a set of empirical
features m and model implications [Mu] = g([Beta]). A key strength of
the quantitative theory approach is that it permits the researcher to
specify the elements of m, focusing the evaluation of the model on a
specific subset of its empirical implications.
Limitations of the Quantitative Theory Approach
However, there are also three important limitations of the method of
model evaluation in quantitative theory, which may be illustrated by
posing some questions about the outcomes of an exercise in quantitative
First, as Singleton (1988) observed, quantitative theory does not
provide information about the confidence that one should have in the
outcomes of an investigation. For example, when we look at a specific
implication [[Mu].sub.1] and its empirical counterpart [m.sub.1], how
likely is it that a small value of [m.sub.1] - [[Mu].sub.1] would occur
given the amount of uncertainty that we have about our estimates of
[Beta] and [m.sub.1]? When we are looking at a vector of discrepancies m
- [Mu], the problem is compounded. It is then important to be explicit
about the joint uncertainty concerning [Beta] and [Mu], and it is also
important to specify how to weight these different discrepancies in
evaluating the theory.(17)
Second, each of the quantitative theory investigations discussed
above spawned a major area of research. In the follow-up research, many
investigations adopted the quantitative theory methods of the original
investigation. This process of model refinement thus raises an
additional question: When can we say with confidence that model A
represents an improvement over model B?
Third, if a strength of the quantitative theory approach is that one
looks at a subset of model implications of the model economy, is this
not also a limitation? In particular, when we look at a subset of model
implications, this leaves open the possibility that there are also
other, interesting implications of the model that are not examined.
Operating independently of econometrics, quantitative theory gives us
no ability even to pose, much less answer, these three key questions.
The issues of model evaluation raised above are not debating points:
absent some systematic procedures for evaluating models, one may
regularly miss core features of reality because the "tests"
are uninformative. To document this claim, we will look critically at
two features of RBC models, which many - beginning with Prescott (1986)
and Kydland and Prescott (1991) - have argued are supportive of the
theory. These two features are summarized by Prescott (1986) as follows:
"Standard theory . . . correctly predicts the amplitude of . . .
fluctuations [and] their serial correlation properties" (p. 11).
The first of these features is typically documented in many RBC
studies by computing the "variance ratio":
[Lambda] = var(log [Y.sub.m])/var(log [Y.sub.d]). (5)
In this expression, var(log [Y.sub.m]) is the variance of the
logarithm of the model's output measure, and var(log [Y.sub.d]) is
the variance of the corresponding empirical measure.(18) In terms of the
series displayed in Figure 4, in particular, the variance of log
[Y.sub.m] is 2.25 and the variance of log [Y.sub.d] is 2.87, so that the
implied value of [Lambda] = 0.78. That is, Kydland and Prescott (1991)
would say that the baseline RBC model explains 78 percent of business
The second of these features is typically documented by looking at a
list of autocorrelations of model time series and corresponding time
series from the U.S. economy. Most typically, researchers focus on a
small number of low-order autocorrelations as, for example, in Kydland
and Prescott (1982) and King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988).
Parameter Uncertainty and the Variance Ratio
In a provocative recent contribution, Eichenbaum (1991) argued that
economists know essentially nothing about the value of [Lambda] because
of parameter uncertainty. He focused attention on uncertainty about the
driving process for technology and, in particular, about the estimated
values of the two parameters that are taken to describe it by Prescott
(1986) and others. The core elements of Eichenbaum's argument were
as follows. First, many RBC studies estimate the parameters of a
low-order autoregression for the technology-driving process, specifying
it as log[A.sub.t] = [Rho] log[A.sub.t-1] + [[Epsilon].sub.t] and
estimating the parameters ([Rho], [Mathematical Expression Omitted]) by
ordinary least squares. Second, following the standard quantitative
theory approach, Eichenbaum solved the RBC model using a parameter
vector [Mathematical Expression Omitted] that contains a set of
calibrated values [[Beta].sub.1] and the two estimates, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted]. Using this model solution, Eichenbaum determined
that the population value of [Lambda]([Mathematical Expression Omitted])
is 0.78 (which is identical to the sample estimate taken from
[ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 4 OMITTED]). Third, Eichenbaum noted that
estimation uncertainty concerning [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
means there is substantial uncertainty about the implications that the
model has for [Lambda]: the standard error of [Lambda] from these two
sources alone is huge, about 0.64. Further, he computed the 95 percent
confidence interval for [Lambda] as covering the range from 0.05 to
2.(19) Eichenbaum's conclusion was that there is a great deal of
uncertainty over sources of business cycles, which is not displayed in
the large number of quantitative theory studies that compute the
[Lambda] measure.
The Importance of Comparing Models
There is an old saying that "it takes a model to beat a
model."(20) Overall, one reason that quantitative theory has grown
at the expense of econometrics is that it offers a way to systematically
develop models: one starts with a benchmark approach and then seeks to
evaluate the quantitative importance of a new wrinkle. However, when
that approach is applied to the basic RBC model's variance ratio,
it casts some doubt on the standard, optimistic interpretation of that
To see why, recall that the derivation of the productivity residual
log [Y.sub.dt] = log [A.sub.dt] + [Alpha] log [N.sub.dt] + (1 -
[Alpha]) log [K.sub.dt],
where the subscript d indicates that this is the version of the
expression applicable to the actual data. In the model economy, the
comparable construction is
log [Y.sub.mt] = log [A.sub.mt] + [Alpha] log [N.sub.mt] + (1 -
[Alpha]) log [K.sub.mt],
where the subscript m indicates that this is the model version. In
the simulations underlying Figure 4, the model and data versions of the
technology shocks are set equal. Thus, the difference of output in the
data from that in the model is
log [Y.sub.dt] - log [Y.sub.mt] = [Alpha](log [N.sub.dt] - log
[N.sub.mt]) + (1 - [Alpha])(log [K.sub.dt] - log[K.sub.mt]). (6)
That is, by construction, deviations between the data and the model
arise only when the model's measures of labor input or capital
input depart from the actual measures.
In terms of the variance ratio [Lambda], this means that we are
giving the model credit for log [A.sub.t] in terms of explaining output.
This is a very substantial asset: in Panel A of Figure 3, the Solow
residual is highly procyclical (strongly correlated with output) and has
substantial volatility.
Now, to take an extreme stand, suppose that one's benchmark
model was simply that labor and capital were constant over the business
cycle: log [Y.sub.mt] = log [A.sub.t]. This naive model has a value of
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = 0.49: the "Solow residual"
alone explains about half the variability of output. Thus, the marginal
contribution of variation in the endogenous mechanisms of the model -
labor and capital - to the value of [Lambda] = 0.78 is only
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]. From this standpoint, the success of
the basic RBC model looks much less dramatic, and it does so precisely
because two models are compared.
This finding also illustrates the concerns, expressed by McCallum
(1989) and others, that RBC models may be mistakenly attributing to
technology shocks variations in output that arise for other reasons. It
is indeed the case that RBC models explain output very well precisely
because they utilize output (productivity) shifts as an explanatory variable, rather than inducing large responses to small productivity
From this standpoint, the major success of RBC models cannot be that
they produce high [Lambda] values; instead, it is that they provide a
good account of the relative cyclical amplitude of consumption and
investment. Perhaps paradoxically, this more modest statement of the
accomplishments of RBC analysis suggests that studies like those of
Prescott (1986) and Plosser (1989) are more rather than less important
for research in macroeconomics. That is, these studies suggest that the
neoclassical mechanisms governing consumption and investment in RBC
economies are likely to be important for any theory of the cycle
independent of the initiating mechanisms.
Looking Broadly at Model Implications
Many RBC studies including those of Prescott (1986) and King,
Plosser, and Rebelo (1988) report information on the volatility and
serial correlation properties of real output in models and in U.S. data.
Typically, the authors of these studies report significant success in
the ability of the model to match the empirical time series properties
of real output. However, a recent study by Watson (1993), which is an
interesting blend of quantitative theory and econometrics, questions
this conclusion in a powerful manner.
On the econometric side, Watson estimated the time series of
productivity shocks, working with two key assumptions about a baseline
RBC model drawn from King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988). First, he assumed
that the model correctly specifies the form of the driving process,
which is taken to be a random walk with given drift and innovation
variance. Second, he assumed that the realizations of productivity
shocks are chosen to maximize the fit of the model to the U.S. data. By
doing so, he gave the basic RBC model the best possible chance to match
the main features of the business cycle.(21) The model did relatively
poorly when Watson placed all weight on explaining output variability:
the model could explain at most 48 percent of variance in output growth
and 57 percent of variance in Hodrick-Prescott filtered data.
On the quantitative theory side, Watson traced this conclusion to a
simple fact about the spectrum of output growth in the basic RBC model
and in the U.S. data. A version of Watson's result is illustrated
in Figure 5, which displays two important pieces of information. To
begin to interpret this figure, recall that the power spectrum provides
a decomposition of variance by frequency: it is based on dividing up the
growth in output into periodic components that are mutually
uncorrelated. For example, the fact that the data's power spectrum
in Figure 5 has greater height at eight cycles per period than at four
cycles per period means that there is greater variation in the part of
output growth that involves two-year cycles than one-year cycles. The
general shape of the power spectrum in Figure 5 thus indicates that
there is a great deal of variability in output growth at the business
cycle frequencies defined in the tradition of Burns and Mitchell (1946).
These cyclical components, with durations between eight years and
eighteen months, lie between the vertical lines in the figure. In
addition, since the power spectrum is the Fourier transform of the
autocovariance generating function, it displays the same set of
information as the full set of autocorrelations. In terms of the
autocovariances, the key point is that the overall shape of the power
spectrum suggests that there is substantial predictability to output
growth.(22) Further, the empirical power spectrum's shape for
output is also a "typical spectral shape for growth rates" of
quarterly U.S. time series. King and Watson (1994) showed that a similar
shape is displayed by consumption, investment, output, man-hours, money,
nominal prices, and nominal wages; it is thus a major stylized fact of
business cycles.
Yet, as shown in Panel A of Figure 5, the basic RBC model does not
come close to capturing the shape of the power spectrum of output
growth, i.e., it does not generate much predictable output growth. When
driven by random-walk productivity shocks, the basic model's
spectrum involves no peak at the business cycle frequencies; it has the
counterfactual implication that there is greater variability at very low
frequencies than at business cycle frequencies.(23) A natural immediate
reaction is that the model studied in King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988)
is just too simple: it is a single state variable version of the RBC
model in which the physical capital stock is the only propagation mechanism. One might naturally conjecture that this simplicity is
central for the discrepancy highlighted in Panel A of Figure 5. However,
Panel B of Figure 5 shows that the introduction of time-to-build
investment technology as in Kydland and Prescott (1982) does not alter
the result much. There is a slight "bump" in the model's
spectrum at four quarters since there is a four-quarter time-to-build,
but little change in the general nature of the discrepancies between
model and data. Overall, there is an evident challenge of Watson's
(1993) plot: by expressing the deficiencies of the standard RBC theory
in a simple and transparent way, this exercise in quantitative theory
and econometrics invites development of a new class of models that can
capture the "typical spectral shape of growth rates."(24)
The growth of business cycle analysis using the quantitative theory
approach has arisen because there is a set of generally agreed-upon
procedures that makes feasible an "adaptive modeling
strategy." That is, a researcher can look at a set of existing
models, understand how and why they work, determine a new line of
inquiry to be pursued, and evaluate new results. The main challenge to
econometrics is to devise ways to mimic quantitative theory's power
in systematic model development, while adding the discipline of
statistical inference and of replicability.
Indeed, development of such new econometric methods is essential for
modem macroeconomic analysis. At present, it is the last stage of the
quantitative theory approach that is frequently most controversial,
i.e., the evaluation of new results. This controversy arises for two
reasons: (1) lack of generally agreed-upon criteria and (2) lack of
information on the statistical significance of new results. On the
former front, it seems impossible to produce a uniform practice, and it
is perhaps undesirable to try to do so: the criteria by which results
are evaluated has always been part of the "art" of
econometrics. But on the latter, we can make progress. Indeed, short of
such developments, research in modem business cycle analysis is likely
to follow the path of the NBER research that utilized the Bums and
Mitchell (1946) strategy of quantitative business cycle analysis: it
will become increasingly judgmental - leading to difficulties in
replication and communication of results - and increasingly isolated.
As suggested earlier, the main challenge for econometric theory is to
derive procedures that can be used when we know ex ante that the model
or models under study are badly incomplete. There are some promising
initial efforts under way that will be referred to here as the
"Northwestern approach," whose core features will now be
summarized. There are two stages in this procedure: parameter estimation
and model evaluation.
Parameter Estimation
The strength of the quantitative theory approach in terms of the
selection of parameters is that it is transparent: it is relatively easy
to determine which features of the real-world data are important for
determining the value of a parameter used in constructing the model
The estimation strategy of the Northwestern approach is similar to
quantitative theory in this regard and in sharp contrast to the Hansen
and Sargent (1981) approach. Rather than relying on the complete model
to select parameters, it advocates using a subset of the model's
empirical implications to estimate parameters. It consequently makes
transparent which features of the data are responsible for the resulting
parameter estimates.
Essentially, these chosen features of the model are used for the
measurement of parameters, in a manner broadly consistent with the
quantitative theory approach. However, and importantly, the Northwestern
approach provides an estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of
parameter estimates, so that there is information on the extent of
parameter uncertainty. To take a specific example, in building dynamic
macroeconomic models incorporating an aggregate production function,
many researchers use an estimate of labor's share to determine the
value of [Alpha] in the production function, appealing to the work of
Solow. This estimate is sometimes described as a first-moment estimate,
since it depends simply on the sample average labor's share.
Further, since observations on period-by-period labor's share are
serially correlated, obtaining an estimate of the amount of uncertainty
about [Alpha] requires that one adopt a "generalized least
squares" procedure such as Hansen's (1982) generalized method
of moments. The procedure is remarkably transparent: the definitional
and statistical characteristics of labor income and national income
dictate the estimate of the parameter [Alpha].
In a core paper in the Northwestern approach, Christiano and
Eichenbaum (1992) demonstrated how a subset of model relations may be
used to estimate a vector of model parameters with Hansen's (1982)
method in a manner like that used for [Alpha] in the discussion
above.(25) In this study, some of the parameters are determined from
steady-state relations, so that they are naturally first-moment
estimators, like the labor share and other long-run parameters which are
"calibrated" in Prescott's (1986) study. Other parameters
describe aspects of the model's exogenous dynamics, including
driving processes for productivity and government purchases. These
parameter selections necessarily involve consideration of second
moments, as in Eichenbaum's (1991) estimate of the productivity
process discussed previously.
More generally, second-moment estimates could also be used for
internal elements of the model. For example, an alternative transparent
approach to estimating the production function parameter [Alpha] is to
use the joint behavior of output, capital, and labor as in Cobb and
Douglas (1928). With this alternative method, aspects of the trends in
output, capital, and labor would be the core features that determined
the estimate of [Alpha], as stressed above. However, given the recent
focus on technology shocks and the endogenous response of capital and
labor to these disturbances, one would presumably not follow
Douglas's ordinary least squares approach. Instead, one would
employ a set of instrumental variables suggested by the structure of the
model economy under study. For example, in Christiano and
Eichenbaum's setting, one would likely employ government purchases
as an instrumental variable for the production function estimation. In
this case, the estimate of [Alpha] would depend on the comovements of
government purchases with output, capital, and labor.
Thus, in the case of [Alpha], a researcher has latitude to determine
the core features of the model that are used to estimate the parameter
of interest: either first- or second-moment estimators are available.
However, with some alternative structural elements of dynamic
macroeconomic models, only second-moment estimators are available since
the parameters govern intrinsically dynamic elements of the model. For
example, absent information on the distribution of investment
expenditure over the life of investment projects, there is simply no way
to determine the parameters of the "time-to-build" technology
of Kydland and Prescott (1982) from steady-state information. However,
second-moment estimates of a dynamic investment function could readily
recover the necessary time-to-build parameters.
Overall, the parameter selection component of the Northwestern
approach is best viewed as an application of the instrumental variables
methods of McCallum (1976) and Hansen and Singleton (1982). A key
feature, shared with quantitative theory and in contrast to the typical
application of the Hansen-Sargent (1981) strategy, is that the complete
model is not used for parameter estimation. Rather, since a carefully
chosen subset of the model's relations is used, it is relatively
easy to understand which features of the data are important for results
of parameter estimation. Yet, in contrast to standard techniques in
quantitative theory, there are explicit measures of the extent of
parameter uncertainty provided by the Northwestern method.
From this perspective, we know from prior theoretical and applied
econometric work that instrumental variables estimates of structural
parameters from a subset of the model's equations are no panacea.
Minimally, one loses efficiency of parameter estimation relative to
procedures like those of Hansen and Sargent (1981), if the model is well
specified. More generally, there will always be potential for problems
with poor instruments and inappropriate selection of the subset of
relations that is chosen for estimation. However, at the present stage
of macroeconomic research, economists are far from having a
well-specified macroeconomic model. It seems best to opt for simple and
transparent procedures in the selection of model parameters.
Model Evaluation
A notable feature of quantitative theory is that a selected subset of
model implications are compared to their empirical counterparts. This
method has its benefits and costs. On the positive side, it permits the
researcher to specify a subset of implications that are viewed as
first-order for the investigation. This allows an individual researcher
to focus on a manageable problem, which is essential for research
progress in any discipline. On the negative side, this freedom may mean
that the researcher may study model implications that are not too
informative about the economic model or models under study. However,
once methods are in place that allow for replication and criticism of
the results of studies, it is likely that competition among researchers
will provide for extensive exploration of the sensitivity of the results
of the model evaluation stage of research.
Like quantitative theory, the Northwestern model evaluation approach
permits the researcher to focus on a subset of model implications in
evaluating small-scale dynamic models. However, since it utilizes
standard econometric methodology, it provides diagnostic information
about the extent of uncertainty that one has about gaps between model
and empirical implications. Any such evaluation of the discrepancies
between a model's implications and the corresponding empirical
features involves taking a stand on a penalty function to be applied to
the discrepancies, i.e., on a function [Delta] that assigns a scalar loss to the vector of discrepancies (m - [Mu]). If this penalty function
is assumed to be quadratic, then one must simply specify a matrix L that
is used to penalize discrepancies between the model's implication
and the corresponding empirical features. That is, models may be
evaluated using a discrepancy function like
[Delta](m, [Beta]) = [m - g([Beta])]L[m - g([Beta])][prime], (7)
whose statistical properties will depend on the choice of L.
Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992) took the null hypothesis to be that
the model is correctly specified and choose L to be the inverse of the
variance-covariance matrix of [m - g([Beta])]. This permitted them to
perform powerful chi-squared tests of a subset of the model's
implications. Essentially, Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992) asked: Can
we reject the hypothesis that discrepancies between the model's
implication and the corresponding empirical features are due to sampling
error?(26) If the answer is yes, then the model is viewed as deficient.
If the answer is no, then the model is viewed as having successfully
produced the specified empirical features. While their paper focused on
implications for selected second moments (variances and covariances of
output, etc.), their procedure could readily be applied to other
implications such as spectra or impulse responses.
King and Watson (1995) alternatively assumed the null hypothesis that
models are not correctly specified and require, instead, that the
researcher specify the discrepancy function L. In contrast to the
procedures of Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992), their tests are thus of
unknown power. While they discussed how to use this assumed discrepancy
function to construct tests of the adequacy of an individual model, most
of their attention was directed to devising tests of the relative
adequacy of two models. Suppose, for sake of argument, that model A has
a smaller discrepancy measure than model B. Essentially, the question
that they asked was: Can we reject the hypothesis that a difference in
discrepancy measures between two models A and B is due to sampling
error? If the answer is yes, then King and Watson would say that model A
better captures the specified list of empirical features. While their
paper focused on implications for selected impulse responses
(comparative dynamics), the procedure could also be applied to other
implications such as selected moments or spectra.
Thus, the Northwestern approach involves two stages. In the first,
the parameters are estimated using a subset of model relations. In the
second, a set of features of interest is specified; the magnitude of
discrepancies between the model's implications and the
corresponding empirical features is evaluated. The approach broadly
parallels that of quantitative theory, but it also provides statistical
information about the reliability of estimates of parameters and on the
congruence of the model economy with the actual one being studied.
It is too early to tell whether the Northwestern approach will prove
broadly useful in actual applications. With either strategy for model
evaluation, there is the potential for one of the pitfalls discussed in
the previous section. For example, by concentrating on a limited set of
empirical features (a small set of low-order autocovariances), a
researcher would likely miss the main discrepancies between model and
data arising from the "typical spectral shape of growth
rates." Other approaches - perhaps along the lines of White (1982)
- may eventually dominate both. But the Northwestern approach at least
provides some econometric procedures that move in the direction of the
challenges raised by quantitative theory. The alternative versions of
this approach promise to permit systematic development of macroeconomic
models, as in quantitative theory, with the additional potential for
replication and critique of the parameter selection and model evaluation
stages of research.
The approach of quantitative economic theory also provides
opportunities for econometrics: these are for learning about (1) the
features of the data that are most informative about particular
parameters, especially dynamic ones, and (2) how to organize data in
exploratory empirical investigations. This section provides one example
of each opportunity, drawing on the powerful intuition of the permanent
income theory of consumption (Friedman 1957). For our purposes, the core
features of Friedman's theory of consumption are as follows. First,
consumption depends importantly on a measure of wealth, which Friedman
suggested contains expectations of future labor income as its dominant
empirical component. Second, Friedman argued that it is the changes in
expectations about relatively permanent components of income that exert
important wealth effects and that it is these wealth effects that
produce the main variations in the level of an individual's
consumption path.
Identifying and Estimating Dynamic Parameters
A common problem in applied econometrics is that a researcher may
have little a priori idea about which features of the data are most
likely to be informative about certain parameters, particularly
parameters that describe certain dynamic responses. Quantitative
economic theories can provide an important means of learning about this
dependence: they can indicate whether economic responses change sharply
in response to parameter variation, which is necessary for precise
To illustrate this idea, we return to consideration of productivity
and the business cycle. As previously discussed, Eichenbaum (1991)
suggested that there is substantial uncertainty concerning the
parameters that describe the persistence of productivity shocks, for
example, the parameter [Rho] in log[A.sub.t] = [Rho] log[A.sub.t-1] +
[Epsilon]. In his study, Eichenbaum reported a point estimate of [Rho] =
0.986 and a standard error of 0.026, so that his Solow residual is
estimated to display highly persistent behavior. Further, Eichenbaum
concluded that this "substantial uncertainty" about [Rho]
translates into "enormous uncertainty" about the variance
ratio [Lambda].
Looking at these issues from the standpoint of the permanent income
theory of consumption, we know that the ratio of the response of
consumption to income innovations changes very dramatically for values
of [Rho] near unity. (For example, the line of argument in Goodfriend
[1992] shows that the response of consumption to an income innovation is
unity when [Rho] = 1, since actual and permanent income change by the
same amount in this case, and is about one-half when [Rho] = 0.95).(27)
That is, it matters a great deal for individual economic agents where
the parameter [Rho] is located. The sensitivity of individual behavior
to the value of [Rho] carries over to general equilibrium settings like
Eichenbaum's RBC model in a slightly modified form: the response of
consumption to the productivity shock [[Epsilon].sub.t] increases
rapidly as [Rho] gets near unity. In fact, there are sharp changes in
individual behavior well inside the conventional confidence band on
Eichenbaum's productivity estimate of [Rho]. The economic mechanism
is that stressed by the permanent income theory: wealth effects are much
larger when disturbances are more permanent than when they are
transitory. Thus, the parameter [Rho] cannot move too much without
dramatically changing the model's implication for the comovement of
consumption and output. More specifically, the key point of this
sensitivity is that a moment condition relating consumption to
technology shocks is plausibly a very useful basis for sharply
estimating the parameter [Rho] if the true [Rho] is near unity.
Presumably, sharper estimates of [Rho] would also moderate
Eichenbaum's conclusion that there is enormous uncertainty about
the variance ratio [Lambda].
Organizing Economic Data
Another problem for applied researchers is to determine interesting
dimensions along which to organize descriptive empirical investigations.
For example, there have been many recent papers devoted to looking at
how countries behave differentially in terms of their national business
cycles, but relatively few of these investigations provide much
information on characteristics of countries that are correlated with
differences in national business cycles. There are some interesting and
natural decompositions: for example, Baxter and Stockman (1989) asked
how national business cycles are related to a country's exchange
rate regime and Kouparitsas (1994) asked how national business cycles
are linked to industrial structure and the composition of trade. But,
beyond these immediate decompositions, how is a researcher to determine
revealing ways of organizing data? In the discussion that follows, we
show how quantitative theories can provide a vehicle for determining
those dimensions along which revealing organizations of economic data
may be based.
To continue on this international theme, open economy RBC models such
as those of Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland (1992) and Baxter and Crucini
(1993) have the implication that there should be a near-perfect
cross-country correlation of national consumptions. This striking
implication is an artifact of two features of these models. First, they
incorporate the desire for consumption smoothing on the part of the
representative agent (as in Friedman's permanent income theory).
Second, they allow for rich international asset trade, so that agents in
different countries can in fact purchase a great deal of risk sharing,
i.e., they are complete-markets models.
But cross-national correlations of consumption are in fact lower than
cross-national correlations of output.(28) A plausible conjecture is
that incomplete asset markets, particularly those for national human
capital, are somehow responsible for this gap between theory and
reality. Thus, a natural research strategy would be to try to measure
the extent of access to the world capital market in various countries
and then to look cross-sectionally to see if this measure is related to
the extent of a country's correlation with world consumption.
Quantitative theory suggests that this strategy, while natural, would
miss a central part of the problem. It thus suggests the importance of
an alternative organization of the international economic data. In
particular, Baxter and Crucini (1995) investigated a two-country RBC
model in which there can be trade in bonds but no trade in contingent
claims to physical and human capital. They thus produced a two-country
general equilibrium version of the permanent income hypothesis suitable
for restricted asset markets. Further, as suggested by Hall's
(1978) random-walk theory of consumption, the restriction on asset
markets leads to a random-walk component of each nation's economic
activity, which arises because shocks redistribute wealth between
countries. When there is low persistence of productivity shocks in a
country, Baxter and Crucini (1995) found that the restricted asset
two-country model does not behave very differently from its
complete-markets counterpart. That is, trade in bonds offers the country
a great ability to smooth out income fluctuations; the wealth effects
associated with transitory shocks are small influences on consumption.
Yet, if the persistence of productivity shocks in a country is high,
then there are major departures from the complete-markets model and it
is relatively easy for cross-national consumption correlations to be
small (or even negative).
In this international business cycle example, quantitative theory
thus suggests that a two-way classification of countries is important.
One needs to stratify both by a measure of the persistence of shocks and
by the natural measure of access to the international capital market.
Further, it also makes some detailed predictions about how the results
of this two-way classification should occur, if restricted access is
indeed an important determinant of the magnitude of international
consumption correlations. More generally, quantitative theory can aid
the applied researcher in determining those dimensions along which
descriptive empirical investigations can usefully be organized.(29)
To this point, our discussion has focused on evaluating a model in
terms of its implications for variability and comovement of prices and
quantities; this has come to be the standard practice in quantitative
theory in macroeconomics. For example, in Prescott's (1986)
analysis of productivity shocks, measured as in Solow (1957), the basic
neoclassical model successfully generated outcomes that "looked
like" actual business cycles, in terms of the observed cyclical
amplitude of consumption, investment, and labor input as well as the
observed comovement of these series with aggregate output. In making
these comparisons, Prescott measured cyclical amplitude using the
standard deviation of an individual series, such as consumption, and
cyclical comovement by the correlation of this series with output. That
is, he evaluated the basic neoclassical model in terms of its
implications for selected second moments of consumption, investment,
labor, and output. Further, in Watson's (1993) analysis of the same
model reviewed above, the number of second moments examined was expanded
to include all of the autocorrelations of these four variables, by
plotting the spectra. However, in these discussions, there was
relatively little explicit discussion of the link between the driving
variable - productivity - and the four endogenously determined variables
of the model. In this section, we take up some issues that arise when
this alternative strategy is adopted, with specific emphasis on
evaluating models of business fluctuations.
Identifying Causes of Economic Fluctuations
Identification involves spelling out a detailed set of linkages
between causes and consequences. In particular, the researcher takes a
stand on those economic variables that are taken to exert a causal
influence on economic activity; he then studies the consequences that
these "exogenous variables" have for the dynamic evolution of
the economy.
To implement this strategy empirically, the researcher must detail
the measurement of causal variables. This might be as simple as
providing a list of economic variables assumed to be causal, such as
productivity, money supply, taxes or government deficits, and so on. But
it might also be more elaborate, involving some method of extracting
causal variables from observed series. For example, researchers
examining the effects of government budget deficits on macroeconomic
activity have long adjusted the published deficit figures to eliminate
components that are clearly dependent on economic activity, creating a
"cyclically adjusted" or "full employment" deficit
measure. Modern versions of this identification strategy involve
treating unobserved variations in productivity as the common stochastic
trend in real consumption, investment, and output (as in King, Plosser,
Stock, and Watson [1991]) or extracting the unobserved policy-induced
component of the money supply as that derived from unpredictable shifts
in the federal funds rate (as in Sims [1989]). This stage of the
analysis is necessarily open to debate; researchers may adopt
alternative identifications of causal variables.
Once these causal variables are determined, then they may be put to
three uses. First, one can employ them as the basis for estimation of
behavioral parameters, i.e., they may be used as instrumental variables.
Second, one can investigate how an actual economy reacts dynamically to
shocks in these causal variables, estimating "dynamic
multipliers" rather than behavioral parameters. Such estimates may
serve as the basis for model evaluation, as discussed further below.
Third, one can consider the practical consequences of altering the
historical evolution of these causal variables, conducting
counterfactual experiments that determine how the evolution of the
economy would have been altered in response to changes in the time path
of one or more of the causal variables.
Identification in Quantitative Theory
Since they involve simple, abstract models and a small amount of
economic data, exercises in quantitative theory typically involve a very
strong identification of causal factors. It is useful to begin by
considering the identifications implicit in the previously reviewed
For Douglas, the working hypothesis behind the idea of a
"practical" production function was that the factors of
production, capital and labor, represented causal influences on the
quantity of production: if a firm had more of either or both, then
output should increase. Estimates of production functions along these
lines are now a standard example in introductory econometrics textbooks.
Operating prior to the development of econometric tools for studying
simultaneous-equations systems, Douglas simply used capital and labor as
independent variables to estimate the parameters of the production
function. He was not naive: as discussed above, he was concerned that
his assumption of a pure causal influence might not be correct, so he
gave more weight to the results suggested by the "trends" in
capital, labor, and output than he did to results suggested by
shorter-term variation. A central objective of his investigation was to
be able to make "what if" statements about the practical
implications of varying the quantities of these inputs. Thus, he
employed his identification for precisely the first and third purposes
discussed above. Viewed with more than 50 years of hindsight, many would
now be led to question his identification: if there is technical
progress, then capital and labor will typically respond to this factor.
However, Douglas's transparent identification led to striking
In Solow's (1957) procedure, particularly as it has been used in
RBC modeling, the nature of the identification is also transparent:
output is transformed, using data on factor shares and factor inputs, to
reveal an unobserved component, productivity, to which a causal role may
be assigned.(30) In his investigation, Solow focused mainly on asking
the hypothetical question: What if there had been capital growth, but no
productivity growth, in the United States?
In the RBC analysis of Prescott (1986), the Solow productivity
process was used as the driving variable, with the objective of
describing the nature of macroeconomic fluctuations that arise from this
causal factor. In line with our third use of an identified causal
disturbance, the type of historical simulation produced in Section 2
above provides an implicit answer to the question: How large would
fluctuations in macroeconomic activity have been without fluctuations in
productivity, as identified by the Solow procedure? The confidence
placed in that answer, of course, depends on the extent to which one
believes that there is an accurate identification of causal
Identification and Moment Implications
Consideration of identification leads one squarely to a set of
potential difficulties with the model evaluation strategy used in
quantitative RBC theory, reviewed in Section 2 above, and also in the
econometric strategies described in Section 8 above. To see the nature
of this tension, consider the following simple two-equation model:
y - k = [Alpha](n - k) + a, (8)
n - k = [Beta]a + [Theta]b. (9)
The first of these specifications is the Cobb-Douglas production
function in logarithmic form, with y = log Y, etc. The second may be
viewed as a behavioral rule for setting hours n as a function of
productivity a and some other causal factor b, which is taken for
simplicity not to affect output except via labor input. In the case in
which a and b are not correlated, these two expressions imply that the
covariance of y - k and n - k is:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the variance of a and
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the variance of b. This covariance
is, of course, the numerator of the correlation that is frequently
examined to explore the comovement of output and labor input. Expression
(10) shows that the covariance depends on how labor and output respond
to productivity, i.e., on [Alpha] and [Beta]; on how output and labor
respond to the other causal factor ([Theta]); and on the extent of
variability in the two causal factors ([Mathematical Expression
Omitted], [Mathematical Expression Omitted]).
In models with multiple causal factors, moments of endogenous
variables like y - k and n - k are combinations of behavioral responses
determined by the model ([Alpha], [Beta], [Theta]), with these responses
weighted by the variability of the causal factors. If, as most
macroeconomists believe, business cycles are the result of a myriad of
factors, it follows that covariances and other second moments of
endogenous variables will not be the best way to determine how well a
model economy describes response to a particular causal factor.
Implications for Model Evaluation
These difficulties have led to some work on alternative model
evaluation strategies; a core reference in this line is Sims (1989). The
main idea is to evaluate models based on how well they describe the
dynamic responses to changes in identified causal factors.(31) The basic
ideas of this research can be discussed within the context of the
preceding two-equation model.
To begin, consider the relationship between the causal factor a,
productivity, and the endogenous variables y - k and n - k. One way to
summarize this linkage is to consider the coefficient that relates y to
a: call this a "response coefficient" and write it as the
coefficient [Pi] in y - k = [[Pi].sub.ya] a, with the subscripts
indicating a linkage from a to y. In the model above, this response
coefficient is [Mathematical Expression Omitted], with the superscript indicating that this is the model's response: productivity exerts
an effect on output directly and through the labor input effect [Beta].
In the preceding model, the comparable response coefficient that links
labor and productivity is [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
An identified series of empirical productivity disturbances, a, can
be used to estimate comparable objects empirically, producing
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where the superscript indicates that these are "data" versions
of the response coefficients. The natural question then is: Are the
model response coefficients close to those estimated in the data?
Proceeding along the lines of Section 8 above, we can conduct model
evaluation and model comparison by treating [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted] as the model features to
be explored. The results of model evaluations and model comparisons will
certainly be dependent on the plausibility of the initial identification
of causal factors. Faced with the inevitable major discrepancies between
models and data, a researcher will likely be forced to examine both
identification and model structure.
Explicit evaluation of models along these lines subtly changes the
question that a researcher is asking. It changes the question from
"Do we have a good (or better) model of business cycles?" to
"Do we have a good (or better) model of how fluctuations in x lead
to business cycles?" Given that it is essentially certain that
business cycles originate from a multitude of causes, it seems essential
to ask the latter question as well as the former.
In studies in quantitative theory, economists develop simple and
abstract models that focus attention on key features of actual
economies. In this article, quantitative theory is illustrated with
examples of work on the production function by Douglas, Solow, and
It is typical to view econometrics as providing challenges to
quantitative theory. In particular, in the years after each of the
aforementioned studies, applied researchers using econometric tools
indicated that there were elements missing from each theoretical
However, particularly in terms of the development of dynamic
macroeconomic models, there are also important challenges and
opportunities that quantitative theory provides to econometrics. To
begin, it is not an accident that there has been substantial recent
growth in dynamic macroeconomic research using the methods of
quantitative theory and little recent work building such models using
standard econometric approaches. The article argues that the style of
econometrics needed is one that is consistent with the ongoing
development of simple dynamic macroeconomic models. It must thus aid in
understanding the dimensions along which simple theories capture the
interactions in the macroeconomic data and those along which they do
not. In this sense, it must become like the methods of quantitative
theory. But it can be superior to the current methods of quantitative
theory because econometrics can provide discipline to model development
by adding precision to statements about the success and failure of
competing models.
Quantitative theory, however, is also not without its difficulties.
To provide a concrete example of some of these problems, the article
uses quantitative theory and some recent econometric work to evaluate
recent claims, by Kydland and Prescott (1991) and others, that the basic
RBC model explains most of economic fluctuations. This claim is
frequently documented by showing that there is a high ratio of the
variance of a model's predicted output series to the actual
variance of output. (It is also the basis for the sometimes-expressed
view that business cycle research is close to a "closed
field.") The article's contrary conclusion is that it is hard
to argue convincingly that the standard RBC model explains most of
economic fluctuations. First, a simple exercise in quantitative theory
indicates that most of the variance "explained" by a basic
version of the RBC theory comes from the direct effects of productivity
residuals, not from the endogenous response of factors of production.
Second, recent econometric research indicates that the basic RBC model
misses badly the nature of the business cycle variation in output growth
(as indicated by comparison of the power spectrum of output growth in
the theory and the U.S. data). Thus, the more general conclusion is that
business cycle research is far from a closed field. The speed at which a
successful blending of the methods of quantitative theory and
econometrics is achieved will have a major effect on the pace at which
we develop tested knowledge of business cycles.
1 In particular, we now think of an observed time series as the
outcome of a stochastic process, while Mitchell and his contemporaries
struggled with how to best handle the evident serial dependence that was
so inconsistent with the statistical theory that they had at hand.
2 A replication diskette available from the author contains computer
programs used to produce the four figures that summarize the Douglas,
Solow, and Prescott studies in this section, as well as to produce
additional figures discussed below. That diskette also contains detailed
background information on the data.
3 But the mathematics was not the major element of the investigation.
Indeed, it was not even novel, as Tom Humphrey has pointed out to the
author, having been previously derived in the realm of pure theory by
Wicksell (1934, pp. 101-28).
4 The Cobb-Douglas methodology was also applied to cross-sections of
industries in follow-up investigations (as reviewed in Douglas [1948]).
Many of these subsequent cross-section investigations used the
high-quality New South Wales and Victoria data from Australia. These
cross-section studies provided further buttressing of Douglas's
perspective that the production function was a useful applied tool,
although from a modem perspective they impose too much homogeneity of
production technique across industries.
5 It is an interesting question as to why Douglas's production
function results differed so much from Solow's, particularly since
the latter's have largely been sustained in later work. To begin,
Douglas's work looked only at 23 years, from 1899 to 1922, and the
study was restricted to manufacturing. During this interval, there was
substantial growth in manufacturing capital (as displayed in
[ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1 OMITTED]). Ultimately, it is this growth in
capital that underlies the different conclusions from the Solow
investigation. The capital series itself was created by Cobb and Douglas
using interpolation between U.S. census estimates in 1899, 1904, and
6 The construction of Panel B of Figure 2 actually departs somewhat
from the procedure used by Solow. That is, the indexes of capital and
labor from Panel A are used directly, while Solow corrected capital for
utilization by multiplying the capital stock by the unemployment rate.
For the trend properties of Figure 2, this difference is of little
importance, but for the business cycle issue to which we will now turn,
it is likely of greater importance.
7 For some additional discussion of the Hodrick and Prescott filter,
see King and Rebelo (1993). Recent related work, Baxter and King (1995),
showed that Hodrick-Prescott filtered time series on gross national
product resembles (1) the deviation from a centered five-year
(equal-weight) moving average and (2) a particular approximate high-pass
filter, which is designed to eliminate slow-moving components and to
leave intact components with periodicities of eight years or less.
In terms of the discussion in Section 7 below, it is useful to have a
version of "cyclical variation in productivity" present in
Figure 3. However, for Figure 4 below, the original time series on log
[A.sub.t] was fed into the dynamic model, not the filtered one. Since
optimal dynamic responses imply that "shocks" at one frequency
are generally translated to all others, it would be hard to justify
using filtered log [A.sub.t] as a forcing process.
8 To explore the consequences of such "technology shocks,"
the current discussion will assume that the model economy is driven by
the actual sequence of log [A.sub.t], which is the strategy used in
Plosser's (1989) version of this quantitative theoretical
experiment. Prescott (1986) instead assumed that the technology shocks,
[[Epsilon].sub.t], were drawn from a random-number generator and
explored the properties of simulated economies.
9 The model economy is the one discussed in King, Plosser, and Rebelo
(1988), with parameter choices detailed there. The productivity process
is assumed to be a random walk, and the changes in the Solow residual
(relative to the mean change) are taken to be productivity shocks. The
dynamic model is then used to produce a time series on output,
consumption, investment, and labor input; the resulting simulated
outcomes are then run through the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
10 Less realistically, in the specific simple version of the model
underlying Figure 4, labor is less volatile than output. However, as
Prescott (1986) discussed, there are several ways to increase labor
volatility to roughly the same level as output volatility without major
changes in the other features of the model.
11 That is, as it did for Douglas's indexes, input from physical
capital would need to grow much faster than final output if it is to be
responsible for the secular rise in wage rates. If capital input is
proportional to capital stock, the capital stock series that Solow used
would have to be very badly measured for this to be the case. However,
an important recent exercise in quantitative theory by Greenwood,
Hercovitz, and Krusell (1992) suggested that, for the United States over
the postwar period, there has been a major mismeasurement of capital
input deriving from lack of incorporation of quality change. Remarkably,
when Greenwood, Hercovitz, and Krusell corrected investment flows for
the amount of quality change suggested by Gordon's (1990) study,
capital input did grow substantially faster than output, sufficiently so
that it accounted for about two-thirds of growth in output per man-hour.
However, one interpretation of Greenwood, Hercovitz, and Krusell's
results is that these authors produced a measurement of technical
progress, albeit a more direct one than that of Solow. Thus, the net
effect of Greenwood, Hercovitz, and Krusell's study is likely to be
that it enhances the perceived importance of technical progress.
12 See also Poole (1976).
13 Recently, a small group of researchers has moved to a modified
usage and interpretation of the Hansen-Sargent methodology. An early
example along these lines is Christiano (1988). In recent work, Leeper
and Sims (1994) use maximum likelihood methods to estimate parameters,
but supplement likelihood ratio tests with many other model diagnostics.
Potentially, promising technical developments like those in Chow (1993)
may make it possible to execute the Hansen-Sargent program for
interesting models in the future.
14 In one case, in which they were least sure about the parameter
value - a parameter indicating the extent of time nonseparability in
utility flows from work effort, which determines the sensitivity of
labor supply to temporary wage changes - Kydland and Prescott explored a
range of values and traced the consequences for model implications.
15 The calibration approach is now mainly associated with work on
real business cycles, but it was simply a common strategy when used by
Kydland and Prescott (1982) and Long and Plosser (1983). For example,
Blanchard's (1980) work on dynamic rational expectations models
with nominal rigidities also utilized the calibration approach to
explore the implications of a very different class of models.
16 As noted above, Solow's calibration is at each point in the
sample, but this article's version of it uses the average value of
labor's share over the entire sample. The difference between these
two procedures is quantitatively unimportant.
17 Particularly in the area of real business cycles, some
investigations in quantitative theory follow Kydland and Prescott (1982)
by providing "standard deviations" of model moments. These
statistics are computed by simulating the calibrated model over a
specified sample period (say, 160 quarters) so as to determine the
approximate finite sample distribution of the model moments under the
assumption that the model is exactly true. Such statistics cannot be
used to answer the question posed in the text since they do not take
into account the joint distribution of the parameters [Beta] and the
empirical implications m. Instead, these statistics indicate how much
uncertainty in sample moments is introduced by sample size if the theory
were literally true, including use of the exact parameter values.
18 In particular, these constructs are 100 times the Hodrick-Prescott
filtered logarithms of model and data output, so that they are
interpretable as percentage deviations from trend.
19 There are some subtle statistical issues associated with the
computation of this confidence interval, as Mary Finn and Adrian Pagan
have pointed out to the author. In particular, the point estimate in
Eichenbaum [1991] for [Rho] is 0.986, thus suggesting that the finite
sample approximate confidence interval on [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is both wide and asymmetric because of considerations familiar
from the analysis of "near unit root" behavior. Pagan
indicates that taking careful account of this would shrink
Eichenbaum's confidence interval so that it had a lower bound for
[Lambda] of 0.40 rather than 0.05.
20 Both Thomas Sargent and Robert Barro have attributed this saying
to Zvi Griliches.
21 This fitting exercise is one that is easy to undertake because
Watson poses it as a simple minimization problem in the frequency
22 Previously, the empirical power spectrum's shape, or,
equivalently, the pattern of autocorrelations of output growth, has been
important for the empirical literature on the importance of stochastic
trends, as in Cochrane (1988) and Watson (1986). This literature has
stressed that it would be necessary to have a relatively lengthy
univariate autoregression in order to fit the spectrum's shape
well. Such a long autoregression could thus capture the shape with one
or more positive coefficients at low lags (to capture the initial
increase in the power spectrum as one moves from high to medium
frequencies) and then many negative ones (to permit the subsequent
decline in the spectrum as one moves from medium to very low
frequencies). However, short autoregressions would likely include only
the positive coefficients.
23 There is also a sense in which the overall height of the spectrum
is too low, which may be altered by raising or lowering the variance of
the technology shock in the specification. Such a perturbation simply
shifts the overall height of the model's spectrum by the same
proportion at every frequency.
24 Rotemberg and Woodford (1994) demonstrated that a multivariate
time series model displays a substantial ability to predict output
growth and also argued that the basic RBC model cannot capture this set
of facts. Their demonstration was thus the time-domain analogue to
Watson's findings.
25 In an early appraisal of the relationship between quantitative
theory and econometrics, Singleton (1988) forecasted some of the
developments in Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992).
26 The phrase sampling error in this question is a short-hand for the
following. In a time series context with a sample of length T, features
of the macroeconomic data (such as the variance of output, the
covariance of output and labor input, etc.) are estimates of a
population counterpart and, hence, are subject to sampling uncertainty.
Model parameters [Beta] estimated by generalized method of moments are
consistent estimates, if the model is correctly specified in terms of
the equations that are used to obtain these estimates, but these
estimates are also subject to some sampling error. Evaluation of
discrepancies [Delta] under the null hypothesis that the model is true
takes into account the variance-covariance matrix of m and [Beta].
27 The analytics are as follows: If income is a first-order
autoregression with parameter [Rho], then the change in permanent income
is proportional to the innovation in income with a coefficient: r/(r + 1
-[Rho]). Thus, if [Rho] = 1, an innovation in income has a unit effect,
and correspondingly, if [Rho] = 0, then the effect of a change in income
is simply the annuity factor r/(r + 1), which is much closer to zero
than to one. Even fairly persistent changes in income have much less
than a one-for-one effect: with r = 0.05 and [Rho] = 0.95, then it
follows that the adjustment coefficient is 0.5.
28 That is, there is a smaller correlation of Hodrick-Prescott
filtered output than of Hodrick-Prescott filtered consumption, as shown
in Backus and Kehoe (1992).
29 Prescott (1986) previously suggested that theory should guide
measurement in macro-economics. The example in the current section is
thus a specific application of this suggestion, applied to the
organization of international economic data.
30 There are essentially two equations of Solow's investigation.
In logarithms, the production function is y - k = [Alpha](n - k) + a,
and the competitive marginal productivity condition is w = (y - n) + log
[Alpha] + [Epsilon], where time-dating of variables is suppressed for
simplicity. In these expressions, the notation is the same as in the
main text, except that w is the log real wage and [Epsilon] is a
disturbance to the marginal productivity condition. To estimate [Alpha],
Solow assumed that the [Epsilon] are a set of mean-zero discrepancies.
He made no assumptions about the a process. Thus, Solow's
identification of a was conditioned on some additional assumptions about
the natures of departures from the competitive theory; it is precisely
along these lines that it was challenged in the work of Hall (1988) and
31 Sims (1989) studied how several models match up to multiple
identified shocks. Single-shock analyses include Rotemberg and
Woodford's (1992) analysis of government-purchase disturbances.
King and Watson (1995) considered evaluation and comparison of models
using individual and multiple shocks.
32 An alternative procedure would be to focus on a covariance, such
as cov(y - k, a), with the difference in the current context simply
reflecting whether one scales by the variance of a. In the dynamic
settings that are envisioned as the main focal point of this research,
one can alternatively investigate impulse responses at various horizons
or cross-correlations between endogenous and exogenous variables. These
features summarize the same information but present it in slightly
different ways.
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Robert G. King, the author is A.W. Robertson Professor of Economics
at the University of Virginia, consultant to the research department of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, and a research associate of the
National Bureau of Economic Research. This article was originally
prepared as an invited lecture on economic theory at the July 1992
meeting of the Australasian Econometric Society held at Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia. Comments from Mary Finn, Michael
Dotsey, Tom Humphrey, Peter Ireland, and Sergio Rebelo substantially
improved this article from its original lecture form. The views
expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.