The antecedents of e-learning outcome: an examination of system quality, technology readiness, and learning behavior.
Ho, Li-An
The development of the Internet and computer technology has
generated a breakthrough in time and geographical limitations of
learning. Many developed countries such as England, Germany, and the
United States have gradually integrated information technology into
educational settings to support teaching and learning since the 1980s
(Starr & Milheim, 1996). In developing countries such as Taiwan,
e-learning has gained public awareness since 2000 through the popularity
of educational resources websites, such as EduCities
( and Etoe ( According to Lee, Tseng,
Liu, and Liu (2007), e-learning can be used as a supplemental learning
tool in support of conventional teaching (e.g., face-to-face
instruction), or as a stand-alone means of facilitating individualized
learning (e.g., distance education). Both methods aim to improve
students' learning efficiency and effectiveness.
Due to the increasing pressure on the formal educational system at
all levels in keeping with the 21st century and the global trends of
educational reform, Taiwan's government has recognized the urgency
for educational change in order to sustain the overall quality of
education and national competitiveness. The Ministry of Education (MOE)
has therefore initiated curricular and instructional reforms in
elementary and junior high school education. According to MOE (1997),
the reformed curriculum aims to equip students with knowledge and skills
for developing lifelong learning capabilities. Thus, one of the ten core
objectives is to help students utilize current technology. Furthermore,
since 2006 MOE has dictated that information technology (IT) and related
courses be incorporated into grades 1 to 9 curricula. However, many
shortcomings have surfaced in the process, such as the short life cycles
of information and communication technology, extensive investment in IT
infrastructures, lack of teaching and learning support, lack of computer
literacy of teachers and students, and slow or little learning outcome
(National Science & Technology Program Office for e-Learning, 2006).
Past research indicates that the factors that influence the outcome
of e-learning include student characteristics, such as proactive
personality and learning goal orientation (Kickul & Kickul, 2006),
learning strategy (Santhanam, Sasidharan, & Webster, 2008), learning
motivation (Meissonier, Houze, Benbya, & Belbaly, 2006), effective
or appropriate e-learning environment (Gregg, 2007; Wangpipatwong &
Papasratorn, 2007), technology acceptance, and system quality (Chang
& Tung, 2008). With regard to learning behavior, there is much
research on students' attitudes (Sun & Willson, 2008),
instructional technology (Wang, 2008), learning resources (Ouyang &
Zhu, 2008), learning resources (Ouyang & Zhu, 2008), learning
environment (Leung & Fung, 2005), learning methods (Wen &
Stefanou, 2007), group collaboration (Webb, Nemer, & Ing, 2006). In
addition, a number of studies have found a correlation between learning
behavior and learning outcome (e.g., Koopmans, Doornbos, & van
Eekelen, 2006; KSnings, Brand-Gruwel, & van Merrienboer, 2005; Leung
& Fung, 2005). However, beyond general assertations that the quality
of the e-learning system and students' technology readiness and
online behavior will lead to positive learning outcome, existing
literature offers no testable theoretical model to explain this
connection. As "noted, this study attempts to determine which
factors result in positive learning outcome through the proposal and
empirical validation of a theoretical model. The model incorporates four
major dimensions, namely (1) e-learning system quality (eLSQ), (2)
students' technology readiness (TR), (3) leadership behavior (LB),
and (4) learning outcome (LO). A structural equation modeling approach
was employed to test this model.
E-learning System Quality and Learning Behavior
Over the past decade, innovation in educational technology has
provided for more online cooperative learning behavior (Duffy &
Cunningham, 1996). Pollack (2007) points out that distance education is
using new technologies to increase learning and maximize collaboration
between teachers and students as well as among students. In their study,
Yli-Luoma and Naeve (2006) proposed a sensitive e-learning method based
on four phases of knowledge conversion: socialization, externalization,
combination, and internalization. They suggested that different emotions
and behaviors may be induced during various e-learning phases. For
example, the teacher-student interaction in the socialization phase
activates exploratory learning behavior. A number of studies demonstrate
that certain attributes of an e-learning system will stimulate
students' motivation to learn or solicit certain learning behavior,
such as reading, searching, browsing, or collaborating (Jung, Herlocker,
Webster, Mellinger, & Frumkin, 2008; Given, Ruecker, Simpson,
Sadler, & Ruskin, 2007; Finder, Dent, & Lym, 2006).
E-learning System Quality and Learning Outcome
In a study assessing the effectiveness of web-based lessons by
teacher perceptions and outcome data of participating students, Stewart
(2007) found that the design, content, and usability of web instruction
significantly influence students' posttest scores. Kebede (2007)
contends that well-designed Web-based geographic information system applications can promote the full potential of emerging technologies to
facilitate achievement of the users. In addition, a number of
researchers find interactivity to be one of the most important functions
of computer-mediated learning. For example, in their study, Proske,
Narciss, and Korndle (2007) discovered that interactivity provided
within a web-based learning environment is positively related to student
achievement. Furthermore, past research demonstrates the correlation
between IT system quality and learning satisfaction. Davis et al. (1989)
proposed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and' argued that
system attributes such as system friendliness and functionality have a
significant impact on users' satisfaction levels. In fact, past
research suggests that a number of factors influence learner
satisfaction with e-learning, including organization and clarity of
digital content, breadth of digital content's coverage, learner
control, instructor rapport, enthusiasm, perceived learning value, and
group interaction (Lee et al., 2007; Kickul & Kickul, 2006; Smith,
Technology Readiness and Learning Behavior
The literature suggests that personality characteristics have
significant moderating effects on online consumer intentions or
behavior. For instance, Ranaweera, Bansal, and McDougall (2008) contend
that trust disposition, risk aversion, and TR have fundamental relevance
to online behaviors. TR is considered a useful tool for identifying
users who exhibit both innovative attitudes and behaviors (Matthing,
Kristensson, Gustafsson, & Parasuraman, 2006). In their study, Lin,
Shih, and Sher. (2007) integrate TR into the TAM model in the context of
consumer adoption of an e-service system and discover that readiness and
acceptance of technology have a significant effect on consumers'
adoption of technological innovations. Moreover, similar correlations
between TR and LB may also be recognized in educational settings. For
example, van der Rhee, Verma, Plaschka, and Kickul (2007) argue that
although learning-goal orientation does not influence students'
online learning intentions, students who are more technology-ready do
place higher value on participating in a variety of online courses.
Garland and Noyes (2005), Keller and Cernerud (2002), and Chau (2001)
discovered that computer attitudes, such as confidence, self-efficacy,
and perceived usefulness, are influential facets of online LB.
Technology Readiness and Learning Outcome
A number of studies have investigated the use of technology in
education settings by analyzing the antecedents and outcomes of
technology application. For instance, Park and Wentling (2007)
discovered that learners' computer attitudes influence their
perception of the usability of e-learning courses, and that this
perception has an impact on their degree of skill development and thus
also the transfer of learning. Levin and Hansen (2008) argue that
students' perceived value of utility determines their attitude
toward course technologies, and that their use of course technology has
a positive relationship to the LO. Furthermore, Sivo, Pan, and
Hahs-Vaughn's (2007) study indicates a strong positive relationship
of student attitudes toward Web-based instruction and the effect on
three dimensions, namely end-of-course grades, online frequency, and
future preference to take a web-based course. Similar conclusions may
also be found in the work of Marcolin, Compeau, Munro, and Huff (2000),
Agarwal and Prasad (1997), and Lin, Kuo, Kuo, Ho, and Kuo (2007).
Learning Behavior and Learning Outcome
Past research indicates that certain online behavior will determine
the outcome of students' achievement (e.g., Hoskins & van
Hooff, 2005). In their research, KSnings et al. (2005) found that
students' perceptions of a learning environment influences their
subsequent LB, which consequently affects the quality of learning
achievement. In addition, Whisler (2005) states that online interaction,
including instructor-to-learner, learner-to-learner, learner-to-content,
and learner-to-learning interface, is a critical component of
students' satisfaction. In fact, how students learn to use
technology (i.e., be familiarized with the learning environment) is also
crucial to their LO. Webber (2004) identifies a link between orientation
to learning and various outcomes of learning activities. Moreover, Lei
(2004) compared students' LO and perceived effectiveness with their
e-learning behaviors as well as their computer attitude, computer
experience, and demographic characteristics. The results show that
lengthy computer experience does significantly affect students'
achievement scores. In addition, students appear to benefit from
frequent online interactions with peers, instructors, or content
material. Furthermore, students' self-regulatory behaviors as well
as formative assessment along with self-reflection are important aspects
of 5th grade science learning (King, 2003).
Research Structure and Hypotheses
The relevant hypotheses of the model and questionnaire design are
presented below. The research model is shown in Figure 1.
H1: E-learning system quality positively influences learning
behavior of junior high school students.
H2: E-learning system quality positively influences learning
outcome of junior high school students.
H3: The impact of students' learning behavior on learning
outcome will be stronger under the influences of e-learning system
H4: Junior high school students' technology readiness
positively influences their learning behavior.
H5: Junior high school students' technology readiness
positively influences their learning outcome.
H6: Students' learning behavior regarding learning outcome
will be stronger under the influences of technology readiness.
H7: Junior high school students' online learning behavior
positively influences their learning outcome.
Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire is composed of five parts including: eLSQ, TR,
LB, LO, and personal background (i.e., gender, grade level, and
e-learning experience). A five-point Likert scale was used (1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree). Details of the dimensions are as
E-learning system quality. This study adopted the three-factor
model of IT quality dimension proposed by Medina and Chaparro (2007).
The model includes the most studied elements in the modern world, namely
information quality, system quality, and service quality. While the
quality of information refers to the appropriateness, updated-ness,
usefulness, accuracy, completeness, and relevance of the online course
content, the quality of system refers to the friendliness, flawlessness,
efficiency, and adaptability of the e-learning system. Finally, the
service quality is defined as the tangible aspects of the system--staff
reliability, responsibility, and empathy as well as students'
confidence in the online staff.
Technology readiness.
Parasuraman (2000) defines TR as the tendency to embrace and use
new technology to accomplish goals in professional as well as personal
lives. This study adapts Rarasuraman's four-dimension TR model
which includes optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity, and
makes some adjustments. The factors included are optimism, innovations,
comfort level, and sense of security. While optimism refers to the
positive view of technology and the belief that it offers more control,
innovations refer to the tendency of learners to be a technology pioneer
who is open to new things or ideas. Comfort level is defined as
perceived control of technology (i.e., students are not overwhelmed by
the use of new technology). Finally, sense of security refers to trust
of technology in its ability to work properly or as expected.
Learning behavior refers to the approach to the challenge of
various learning situations (van Gelderen, van der Sluis and Jansen,
2005). This study adopted the LB construct applied in the study
conducted by Leung and Fung (2005). According to Leung and Fung,
learning behaviors are classified into six categories, including
coordination (i.e., work with peers, share with peers, get involved,
being happy), academic performance (i.e., study confidence, academic
goal, active, less distracted), attention (i.e., relaxed, refreshment,
concentration, energetic), online preference (i.e., excited in virtual
classroom, feel time passes quickly, remain in virtual classroom),
discipline (i.e., perform learning activities appropriately and express
opinions appropriately and politely), and goal achievement (i.e.,
creativity, persistence).
Learning outcome. This study adopts van Gelderen et al.'s
(2005) three measures in assessing junior high school students outcome
of learning, namely job goal achievement, satisfaction, and skill
development. Goal achievement refers to the extent to which the
self-perceived results of the students are consistent with their
expectations as well as their teachers and parents. Secondly,
satisfaction refers to the extent to which students are satisfied with
the e-learning system, their learning initiatives, as well as the
strategies they use in order to learn online. Finally, skill development
refers to whether the knowledge and skills learned online can be applied
to real-life situations.
The information used in this research consists of questionnaire
responses from participants in 10 urban junior high schools located in
six school districts in the city of Tainan in Taiwan. The survey
targeted students in grades 7 to 9 who have had e-learning experience in
school. The number of questionnaires distributed at each school was
based on probability proportionality to the total number of students who
have participated in e-learning courses. A total of 600 questionnaires
were distributed, of which 389 were returned; 376 were valid for
analysis (62.7%). Non-response analysis was conducted to ensure there
were no non-response biases. Results revealed no differences between
respondents and non-respondents. Table 1 shows the sample
Reliability and Validity Tests
Cronbach [alpha] reliability estimates were used to measure
internal consistency of the multivariate scales (Nunnally, 1978). In
this study, Cronbach [alpha] of each construct was greater than 0.907,
which indicates strong reliability for our survey instrument (Cuieford,
1965). Since the item-to-total correlations of each measure was at least
0.614, the criterion validity of each scale in this study is considered
to be satisfactory (Kerlinger, 1999). Table 2 shows the descriptive
statistics for each dimension.
Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to
ensure reasonable construct validity. The results of exploratory factor
analysis are presented in Table 3. The confirmative factor analysis
which consists of the convergent and discriminant validity followed
Campbell and Fiske's (1959) criteria. The results show that the
correlations are all greater than zero and large enough to proceed with
discriminant validity. Furthermore, discriminant validity was examined
by counting the number of times an item correlates higher with items
from other factors than with items from its own factor (Aldawani &
Palvai, 2002). Campbell and Fiske suggest that this number should be
less than 50 percent. Results also show adequate discriminant validity.
Jointly, the constructs in this study exhibit both convergent and
discriminant validity.
Analysis of the Structural Equation Model
The structural equation modeling approach is a multivariate
statistical technique for testing structural theory (Tan, 2001). This
approach incorporates both observed and latent variables. The analysis
for the present study was conducted using LISREL 8.52, utilizing the
maximum likelihood method. In the proposed model (Figure 1), eLSQ and TR
are considered exogenous variables, and LO is considered an endogenous
variable. LB serves as both an endogenous variable (to eLSQ and TR) and
exogenous variable (to LO). The individual questionnaire items were
aggregated into specific factor groups. The following four rules were
utilized for the hypotheses' structure: (1) each observed variable
has a nonzero loading on the latent factor within the structure, but
with a loading of zero toward other latent factors, (2) no relationship
among measurement errors for observed variables, (3) no relationship
among the residuals of latent factors, and (4) no relationship among
residuals and measurement errors. Reliability results are illustrated in
Table 4.
Additionally, the analytical results of the LISREL model reveal a
satisfactory fit for our sample data. The final result of LISREL
analysis is shown in Figure 2.
The final SEM model analysis is presented in Figure 2. The absolute
fit measures (GFI=0.98 AGFI=0.97 and RMSEA=0.044) indicate that the
structural model either meets or exceeds recommended levels, and thus
represents a satisfactory fit for the sample data collected. The
Chi-square statistic divided by the degrees of freedom also indicates a
reasonable fit at 1.74. It can be concluded that the proposed model
maintains good construct validity (see Table 5 for the statistics of the
fit test of the model). Based on Figure 2, five of our seven
hypothesized relationships (H1, H3, H4, H6, & H7) show statistical
Based on the analysis, a number of observations can be made, with
all of the observations having been positive effects. It is shown that
both e-learning system quality and technology readiness have a direct
and significant effect on learning behavior; thus the validity of
Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 4 is demonstrated. These results thus
support the observation that two dimensions, namely service, system and
information quality of e-learning systems and the self-perceived
technology readiness of junior high school students positively affect
their online learning behaviors. The analysis also shows that learning
behavior has a direct and significant effect on learning outcome,
establishing Hypotheses 7 as valid. The results show that online
learning behaviors of junior high school students result in improved
skill development, goal achievement, and satisfaction levels, an
observation which supports the work of van Gelderen et al. (2005),
Hoskins and van Hooff (2005), and Whisler (2005). Existing research
consistently offers evidence of the correlation between learning
behavior and achievement. For instance, Worrell and Schaefer (2004) note
that learning behavior scores can predict achievement scores of
academically talented students.
The analysis has shown that neither the quality of an e-learning
system nor students' technology readiness has a direct and
statistically significant effect on learning outcome. Hypothesis 2 and
Hypothesis 5 are thus rejected. The failure of both hypotheses are
partially supported by the observation made by Lin et al. (2007), that
IT investment and acceptance have no direct influence on adult
learners' learning outcome. The finding of their study indicates
that well-designed systems and competent leaders do not directly result
in better performance. Only if certain learning behaviors are followed
can better outcomes be achieved.
Finally, statistical analysis shows that the effect of learning
behavior on learning outcome is stronger under the influence of
e-learning system quality as well as technology readiness. Hypothesis 3
and Hypothesis 6 thus are shown to be valid. This finding is in line
with the work of Meissonier, Houze, Benbya, and Belbaly (2006) in which
they found that motivation and self-discipline of students are the main
drivers of e-learning outcomes. Similar results can be found in studies
conducted by Smith (2005) and Chang and Tung (2008), that technology
compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, system
quality, and learners' computer efficacy are critical factors in
students' behavioral intentions (or learning preference) to use the
online learning courseware, which consequently affect the actual
behavior as well as the outcome of their learning.
This study focused on analysis of e-learning system quality,
technology readiness, online behavior, and learning outcome of students
in urban junior high schools. Specifically, the study was designed to
determine the effect of students' technology readiness and
self-perceived e-learning system quality on the perception of learning
behavior. In turn, the effect of students' online behavior on their
learning outcome is also examined. An empirical investigation using
structural equation modeling shows that both the students'
perceived quality of e-learning system and their technology readiness
are positive and important aspects in reaching better goal achievement
and skill development as well as higher learning satisfaction. However,
it must be highlighted that the self-perceived system quality and
technology readiness do not directly result in better learning outcome.
Rather, these factors serve as catalysts in stimulating students'
online learning behavior (Hung & Cho, 2008). Appropriate learning
behaviors, in turn, serve as channels for better outcome of e-learning.
E-learning system quality and junior high school students'
technology readiness can thus be seen as links in a chain, with learning
behaviors in the middle linking those factors with learning outcome (Lu
& Yeh, 2008; Kaya, 2007; Siemsen, 1993).
While the empirical data collected have largely supported the
proposed model, it is necessary to point out the limitations of this
research. Even though the participants consisted of well-informed and
active junior high schools e-learning students, the existence of
possible biases cannot be discounted. Furthermore, it is evident that
the platforms, content, and hardware equipment used can differ among
schools in different areas or even those in the same areas which offer
dissimilar e-learning models (e.g., Dahl & Vossen, 2008; Lu &
Yeh, 2008; Hu, Chen, Zeng, Hao, Min, & Liu, 2008). Thus, the data
collected may not be fully representative of other scenarios.
In conclusion, the study can suggest that junior high school
principals and teachers can improve their students' learning
outcome via e-learning by facilitating proper learning behaviors, such
as promoting better interaction between peers and helping students
remain focused on online activities in order to accommodate the needs of
students with different levels of technology readiness. 'Also, they
can provide well-designed e-learning systems that match the content of
the subject matter and accommodate preferences of the students.
Furthermore, principals and teachers are reminded that the quality of
the e-learning systems and students' technology readiness are
supported by appropriate leadership behavior, without which better
learning outcome cannot occur.
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Requests for reprints should be sent to Li-An Ho, Department of
Educational Technology, Tamkang University, 151, Yin-Chuan Road, Tamsui,
Taipei Hsien 251, Taiwan, R.O.C. E-mail:
Table 1. Sample characteristics
Construct Classification Number (%)
Gender Male 204 54.26
Female 172 45.74
Grade level 7th grade 193 51.33
8th grade 104 27.66
9th grade 79 21.01
e-learning Yes 227 60.37
experience No 149 39.63
Table 2. Survey structure and description statistics for dimension
of items
per Std. [alpha]
Dimension dimension Mean Dev. Order value
system quality 14 3.518 0.586 2 0.931
readiness 16 3.370 0.457 4 0.907
behavior 27 3.523 0.490 1 0.955
outcome 11 3.503 0.490 3 0.928
Table 3. Validity and reliability for the questionnaire
Dimension % of Cumulative Total [alpha]
Factor Variance % Correlation Value
e-Learning system quality
Services 53.094 0.672 0.905
System 12,581 0.723 0.905
Information 10.672 0.754 0.936
quality 76.347
Technology readiness
Comfort level 42.917 0.678 0.864
Optimism 11.082 0.632 0.854
Sense of 8,487 0.671 0.837
Innovativeness 6.846 0.614 0.835
Learning behavior
Coordination 47,390 0.666 0.917
Attention 8.570 0.829 0.940
Discipline 6.273 0.775 0.922
Academic 5.630 0.780 0.911
Online 4.664 0.720 0.900
Goal 3.720 0.737 0.877
achievement 76.247
Learning outcome
Goal 58.432 0.837 0.945
Satisfaction 12.026 0.710 0.892
Skill 9.379 0.628 0.839
development 79.837
Table 4. Observed indicator reliability of factors
Dimensions Factors reliability
e-Learning Information quality 0.61
system quality System quality 0.68
Services quality 0.68
Technology Optimism 0.65
readiness Innovativeness 0.62
Comfort level 0.73
Sense of security 0.63
Learning Coordination 0.78
behavior academic performance 0.74
Attention 0.70
Online preference 0.7g
Discipline 0.57
Goal achievement 0.59
Learning Skill development 0.68
outcome Goal achievement 0.71
Satisfaction 0.80
Table 5. Fit test of the model
Measures and Indicators
Absolute Fit Measures
Chi-Square with 98 Degrees of Freedom=170.33 (P=0.00)
Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.98
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.044
P-Value for Test of Close Fit (RMSEA < 0.05) = 0.79
Expected Cross-Validation Index (ECVI) = 0.66
90 Percent Confidence Interval for ECVI =(0.57 ; 0.76)
ECVI for Saturated Model = 0.73
ECVI for Independence Model = 6.54
Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.97
Incremental Fit Measures
Normed Fit Index (NFI) = 0.93
Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI) = 0.96
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.97
Incremental Fit Index (IFI) = 0.97
Relative Fit Index (RFI) = 0.91
Parsimonious Fit Measures
Parsimony Normed Fit Index (PNFI) = 0.76
Parsimony Goodness of Fit Index (PGFI) = 0.71
Critical N (CN) = 294.87
Normed chi-square 170.33 / 98 = 1.74