Social support and self-esteem in unemployed university graduates.
Lackovic-Grgin, Katica ; Dekovic, Maja ; Milosavljevic, Branko 等
Adolescence is usually defined as a period from puberty until full
adult status has been attained. In modern societies this period appears
to be prolonged, not only due to a longer period of education, but
because of the increased length of time of unemployment afterwards. One
of the consequences of unemployment is economic dependence, which makes
it difficult for an adolescent to synchronize and to take full
responsibility for the social roles expected at the end of adolescence,
such as profession, spouse, and parent (Hultsch & Plemons, 1979).
Empirical research on the effects of unemployment undertaken in the
1930s, during and after the Great Depression, was mostly concerned with
the material consequences (Feather, 1989). In the 1980s, when
unemployment again became an issue, the focus of the studies changed to
the psychological impact. The effects revealed by these studies included
depression, lowered self-esteem, apathy, and self-doubt (Bachman,
O'Malley, & Johnston, 1978; Feather, 1989). For example,
Feather and Bond (1983) found that unemployed university graduates
reported more depressive symptoms when compared with the employed
sample. They also had lower self-esteem and were less organized and less
purposeful in their use of time. Some other studies (Finlay-Jones &
Eckhard, 1981; Kuzmanovic, 1985) indicated that between 30 to 40% of
unemployed adolescents experience severe emotional problems.
The main purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship
between the length of unemployment and level of self-esteem by
unemployed Croatian graduate students. Most of the studies which have
examined this relationship were carried out in countries where no such
long-lasting social and economic crises exist as has recently been the
case with Croatia. Given the poor economic conditions throughout the
country and the large number of unemployed, it is possible that Croatian
youths are less inclined to attribute failure to find a job to his or
her own efforts and/or other personal qualities than do youth in more
prosperous countries. Thus, the length of unemployment might have no
effect on their self-esteem.
The second aim was to examine the role of social support in coping
with unemployment, especially if it is long-lasting since it can be
conceived as a stress-inducing condition. "Stress is viewed as a
product of certain life events or conditions that can lead to a variety
of consequences - coping efforts and defense strategies, feelings of
distress, altered quality of functioning in major life roles, and
psychological and physiological symptoms" (Lieberman, 1982, p.
766). Several studies have examined the role that social support from
informal networks - family and friends - can play in stress reduction
(Lieberman, 1982; Lempers & Clark-Lempers, 1990; Krause, 1990). It
is generally assumed that social support can work as a stress buffer and
thus modify the effects of stressful events that erode self-esteem and
the sense of self-competence. This study examines that assumption.
The sample consisted of 98 unemployed university graduates (67 female
and 31 male). Mean age was 27 years and 3 months. All respondents were
registered at the Unemployment Registry Office in Zadar, Croatia.
In the first part of the questionnaire used, several items measured
demographic variables.
Self-esteem. The subjects completed Rosenberg's Self-esteem
Scale (1965), consisting of 10 items (e.g., "I feel I can't do
anything right") rated on a 4-point scale. This scale has been
extensively employed in self-esteem research, and its psychometric properties for the Croatian sample have been found satisfactory in a
previous study (Bezinovic, 1988). Internal consistency, Chronbach's
alpha, in the present sample was also high, .72.
Life satisfaction. The general feelings of happiness and satisfaction
with one's life was assessed by the Life-Satisfaction Scale
(Bezinovic, 1988), which consists of 7 items (e.g., "In general, I
am a happy person"). Internal consistency of this scale was .78.
Social support. The instrument for assessment of social support was
constructed especially for this study. Respondents were asked to
indicate on a 6-point scale the degree of support they receive from a
standard set of reference persons: parents, friend, partner, and
sibling(s). Factor analyses were conducted separately for each reference
person. In each case the analysis resulted in a three-factor solution:
Emotional support (4 items, e.g., "Comforts me when I am
upset"); Instrumental support-Advice giving (3 item, e.g.,
"Offers me advice when I am confronted with important
decisions"); and Instrumental support-Practical assistance (3
items, e.g., "Does things for me when I am busy"). The
reliabilities of the Emotional support scale were .59, .62, .67, and .63
for parents, friend, partner, and sibling(s), respectively. In the same
order, alphas for the Instrumental support-Advice giving scale were .52,
.52, .59, and .57. Since Alphas for the Instrumental support-Practical
assistance were lower, this scale was dropped from further analyses.
Subjects were first grouped into three categories according to length
of unemployment: the first consisted of persons who had been unemployed
for less than 6.5 months (n = 22); the second group included persons
whose unemployment varied from 6.6 to 18.5 months (n = 39), and the
third group included persons whose unemployment had lasted longer than
18.6 months (n = 37). Length of unemployment was related to two
demographic variables: age (r = .56, p [less than] .01). and marital
status (r = .29, p [less than] .05).
The first question was whether self-esteem of unemployed graduates is
related to the length of unemployment. Contrary to expectations and
previous findings with this same instrument indicating that self-esteem
tends to decrease as a function of long unemployment, the analysis of
variance in the present sample showed no such effect, F(2,95) = .43,
n.s. There was no relationship between length of unemployment and
self-esteem. Similarly, there were no differences between the three
groups in general life satisfaction (Table 1).
The next step in data analysis was to examine the relative effects of
possible determinants of self-esteem. The predictors consisted of the
two sets of variables: demographic (sex, age, marital status, housing
condition, profession, financial situation, and length of unemployment),
and social support (emotional and instrumental support of parents,
friend, partner, and siblings). A stepwise regression analysis was
conducted with self-esteem as the criterion variable. In the first step
all predictor variables were entered, and then in each of the following
steps the predictors were eliminated from the regression until the
deletion of a predictor in the next step yielded a significant decrement in the explained variance. The variables that remained as significant
predictors in the last step were instrumental support of the parents and
of the partner (Table 2). Thus, there is a possibility that social
support functions as a buffer against the negative effects of
unemployment on self-esteem. If this is the case, then social support
should increase with length of employment. But, as Table 1 shows, no
differences were found between the three groups on the social support
Table 2
Summary of Regression Analyses with Self-esteem as Criterion (last
step backwards)
Predictor R Beta F (1,95)
Instrumental support - parents .19 .18 3.57(*)
Instrumental support - partner .21 .21 4.47(*)
* p [less than] .05.
Contrary to previous findings (Bachman et al., 1978; Feather &
Bond, 1983), in this study no relationship between length of
unemployment and self-esteem and general life satisfaction was found.
Apart from the possible explanation for these findings noted earlier -
regarding the differences between countries in which the research is
done - several other explanations can account for these results.
First, most of the subjects in this study had majored in social
studies. For these young people especially, unemployment can be regarded
as a normative, rather than an unexpected event, given the high
unemployment rate in these fields.
Second, the subjects were university graduates and they may have been
able to maintain a relatively high level of self-esteem in the face of
unemployment because of their past record of achievement.
Third, length of unemployment was positively correlated with marital
status, i.e., many who were long-term unemployed were married during
this period. Finding a partner and taking on the role of spouse is also
one of the developmental tasks of late adolescence (Havighurst, 1953).
Success in this task may mitigate the failure to succeed in the other -
finding a job. An indication for the importance of the partner is the
finding that the instrumental (advice giving) support of the partner
predicts the adolescent's self-esteem. The role as spouse may also
help the unemployed to organize and structure their time and daily
activities. Feather and Bond (1983) showed that unemployed university
graduates who lack purpose and time structure in their lives have lower
self-esteem than those who reported relatively few difficulties in how
they used their time.
Fourth, 68% of the subjects were female. Warr, Jackson, and Banks
(1982) found that unemployed women showed less employment commitment and
higher psychological well-being in spite of longer unemployment. Feather
and Bond (1983) also report that male students had a higher employment
importance score than did female students. Though job importance is not
measured in this study, it is possible that a high proportion of our
sample regards having a job as less important than other aspects of
their lives (e.g., having a family).
Fifth, these young people are seeking work for the first time. Thus,
it is possible that the initial difficulties of finding a job may have
less effect on self-esteem than in cases of job loss (Kuzmanovic, 1985).
Bezinovic (1988) showed that unemployed graduates who have lost their
job have lower self-esteem than do the employed group. This is
consistent with findings on the effects of job disruption (Feather,
Regarding the function of social support in the period of
unemployment, the analyses proved not very informative. Social support
of the parents and the partner were related to self-esteem, but no
differences were found between the graduates who differ in length of
unemployment with regard to the social support they obtain.
Finally, it is important to note that the present study concerned the
effects of unemployment among university graduates, and the question
remains whether the findings would be different with samples of
unemployed young people from a different population.
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Katica Lackovic-Grgin, Ph.D., Developmental Psychologist; Branko
Milosavlijevic, Ph.D., Social Psychologist; Izabela Cvek-Soric, Research
Assistant; Goran Opacic, Research Assistant, Department of Psychology,
University of Split, Croatia.
Reprint requests to Maja Dekovic, Ph.D., Department of Youth, Family,
and Life Course, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.140, 3508 TC Utrecht,
The Netherlands.