The Australian National University--Vanuatu Cultural Centre Archaeology Project, 1994-97: Aims and Results.
Bedford, Stuart ; Spriggs, Matthew ; Regenvanu, Ralph 等
Despite an intensive period of research in Vanuatu during the 1960s
and 1970s, a number of basic questions regarding the archaeology of the
islands remained largely unanswered. The Australian National
University--Vanuatu Cultural Centre Archaeological Project began in
1994, and was established in an attempt to address some of these
questions. Research has been carried out on the islands of Malakula,
Efate and Erromango, and has concentrated on establishing cultural
sequences for the different islands. The evidence collected thus far
overwhelmingly indicates that the islands were initially colonised some
3000 years ago by Lapita settlers. Dentate-stamped Lapita ceramics
arrived with the initial colonisers and the ceramic traditions that
followed evolved from the Lapita tradition. A more technical report on
the 1994-97 work has recently been published (Bedford et al. 1998) and
includes full reporting of radiocarbon dates on which the chronologies
presented here are based. The project has also included intensive
archaeological field-training of Cultural Centre staff and fieldworkers.
This has proved invaluable where fieldworkers are able to heighten local
awareness and understanding of archaeological remains.
The Australian National University's (ANU) long history of
involvement in the archaeology of Vanuatu dates back to 1972 when Les
Groube carried out a series of surveys and excavations on the islands of
Erromango and Aneityum in the south and very briefly on the Banks
islands in the north (Groube 1972, 1975). Other ANU researchers of early
1970s included Norma McArthur, assisted by Win Mumford, and Graeme Ward
(McArthur 1974; Ward 1979).
Matthew Spriggs' research in Vanuatu dates back to 1978,
leading to the completion of his PhD thesis in 1981. The thesis
concentrated on agricultural intensification and human impact on the
environment of Aneityum, the southern-most inhabited island of the
archipelago, as well as ethno-archaeological study of irrigation systems
on the northern island of Maewo (Spriggs 1981, 1986). As part of this
project, the first pollen analysis for Vanuatu was carried out by Geoff
Hope, and this revealed vegetation clearance on a massive scale at about
3000 BP (Hope & Spriggs 1982). But erosion and subsequent valley
infilling is of course a problem when looking for early sites. On
Aneityum Spriggs saw no land surface in alluvial sections older than
2000 years, so at least a thousand years of history was essentially
Lapita pottery, the earliest and most widespread style of pottery
in the Pacific, was initially found in Vanuatu on Efate and Malo islands
in the 1960s (Hebert 1966; Hedrick 1971). It has been linked to the
spread of Austronesian-speaking agriculturalists from Taiwan through
island Southeast Asia and into the Pacific. It has been found from New
Guinea, through the Solomons, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji to Tonga
and Samoa. It is often decorated using toothed or dentate stamps
impressed into the wet clay, and has been dated from about 3500 through
to about 2800 BP, perhaps later in some areas (see Kirch 1997 for a
recent survey).
A separate style of pottery, also apparently widespread, was found
by Jose Garanger at the Mangaasi site in north-west Efate in the 1960s,
and was named after that site. Its relationship to Lapita was unclear.
Mangaasi decoration involved applied clay bands and incised designs, and
it was believed to date from 2750 years ago, perhaps continuing to the
12th or even 18th century. A third style, Erueti ware, was recovered
from the site of that name on the south coast of Efate and dated to
about 2300 BP. This seemed more evidently derived from Lapita and was
generally plainware with a distinctive flat lip. Garanger considered
that both Lapita and Erueti ware were later than and unrelated to
Mangaasi ware in central Vanuatu (Garanger 1972, English translation
When at the University of Hawaii in 1983, Spriggs started a project
on Erromango, working with Vanuatu Cultural Centre (VCC) fieldworker
Jerry Taki (who had earlier worked with Les Groube), to research
pre-2000 BP history in southern Vanuatu. The uplifted coral-reef
terraces on the east coast of the island were not covered by alluvial
deposition, and it was hypothesised that pottery would be found close by
reef passages and freshwater sources at river-mouths. Here were located
the first in situ pottery sites recovered from southern Vanuatu, and a
date of 2300 BP was obtained (Spriggs & Wickler 1989). Previously,
the apparent lack of pottery in southern Vanuatu had been used to
bolster a theory of aceramic pre-Lapita settlement of the region.
Partly based on initial results from Erromango, Spriggs published
an article in the Journal of Pacific History, arguing against the idea
that Lapita and Mangaasi pottery styles were two separate pottery
traditions. Those who believed that they were separate traditions often
took them to represent two separate migrations of people into the
Pacific. The alternative theory of cultural continuity from Lapita to
Mangaasi was derived from earlier work in the region by Jim Specht
(1969) and Jean Kennedy (1982). Spriggs argued that a series of sites
were transitional from Lapita to Mangaasi, with features of both; that
is, a developmental sequence existed between the two traditions (Spriggs
This was further investigated by Ephraim Wahome, an ANU PhD student
(Wahome 1997; in prep.), who extended the analysis on the basis of
largely published sources to show that the pottery sequences in island
Melanesia were basically changing in a similar sequential pattern. That
is, different archipelagos go through the same sequence of change,
beginning with Lapita pottery dating from about 3500 to 2800 BP through
to 1500 BP in the areas where pottery survived that long. After that
period the gaps in distribution of pottery-making centres were such that
contact among them was no longer maintained. The potters no longer saw
each other's work and a rapid localisation of styles emerged. The
Vanuatu research was designed to further test this model of continuing
post-Lapita interaction by comparing pottery sequences in different
areas of the archipelago to see if they too changed in step.
In 1994, archaeological work resumed in Vanuatu after a ten-year
moratorium on research. In the meantime, the Vanuatu Cultural and
Historic Sites Survey (VCHSS) had been set up by Jean-Christophe
Galipaud and David Roe, but their brief was for an archaeological survey
and mitigation measures and did not involve any significant
archaeological excavations (Roe et al. 1994). The questions, however,
remained very basic, in particular: how long has Vanuatu been settled by
humans? During the ten-year hiatus in Vanuatu research a lot had
happened in island Melanesian archaeology, largely as a result of
another ANU initiative, the Lapita Homeland Project, which investigated
the archaeology of the Bismarck Archipelago in Papua New Guinea (Allen
& Gosden 1991). Human occupation was established as going back at
least 35,000 years, and in a related project Stephen Wickler, a student
of the University of Hawaii, established that human occupation of the
main Solomons chain went back at least 29,000 years (Wickler 1990, 19
95). Previously, the earliest sites in the Solomons were associated with
the pottery-using Lapita culture of 3200 years ago. Lapita sites were
also the earliest trace of human occupation in Vanuatu, so the question
was raised as to whether there might be much earlier occupation as well.
Earlier experience on Aneityum and Erromango suggested where to
look for such answers: on coasts where early sites would be preserved by
tectonic uplift through earthquakes; and where old shorelines dating
back beyond the time of modern sea levels, that is before 6000 BP, would
be preserved. These sites had never been drowned, as uplift of the coast
matched or exceeded sea level rise. This might be expected on several
islands, such as Erromango, Efate and Malakula. Malakula, in particular,
seemed promising. The island undergoes frequent tectonic uplift, with
some of the highest rates in the whole of Vanuatu, particularly in the
north-west where it is estimated to be some three metres every thousand
years (Taylor et al. 1980). The coastal landscape comprises a series of
uplifted coral terraces riddled with caves and shelters, many of which
were known to contain rock art.
A second aim was to provide cultural sequences for key islands in
the group. Despite the pioneering efforts of Elizabeth and Richard
Shutler (1966, 1975) and Jose Garanger (1972) in the 1960s and later
work by researchers such as Ward (1979), the most basic questions about
Vanuatu archaeology remained unanswered. With the partial (and, as
subsequently shown, misleading) exception of central Vanuatu known from
Garanger's work, no reasonably complete cultural sequences were
available from any area of Vanuatu before the present ANU-VCC project.
This was a particular inconvenience for the conduct of the VCHSS, as
lack of pottery or other artifact chronologies made it hard to assess
the archaeological significance of sites where surface collections were
made during surveys. It was not known whether sites were 3000 or 300
years old. The present project aimed to rectify this by producing basic
cultural sequences for particular islands in southern, central and
northern Vanuatu. Related to this was the construction o f parallel
sequences of environmental change, based on pollen cores from a range of
coastal and inland areas of the archipelago.
In 1994 the archaeology of Erromango was initially targeted, as
previous research had revealed suitable cave sites. In 1995 research was
extended to the island of Malakula and in 1996 to Aneityum, Efate and
Maewo. The principal ANU researchers involved are Stuart Bedford,
Meredith Wilson (see her contribution to this collection) and Matthew
Spriggs. In 1995 Nicola van Dijk conducted part of her PhD research on
Pacific island human skeletal analysis at Erromango (1998). A project on
palaeo-environmental reconstruction is also under way, initially
concentrating on following up the results of Spriggs' 1981 thesis
on Aneityum, and involving Geoff Hope on pollen analysis and Brad
Pillans on aspects of geomorphology. Geoff Hope has also done
preliminary pollen work on Erromango and Efate.
Although much of the excavated archaeological remains is in the
initial stages of analysis, general conclusions can be presented.
Progress has been made in establishing archaeological and environmental
sequences from a number of islands in Vanuatu and in addressing the
question of possible pre-Lapita settlement in the archipelago. We will
briefly discuss the results from each area worked on, but will not
include the rock art studies by Meredith Wilson which are described
elsewhere in this volume.
On Aneityum we sought to further clarify the nature of human impact
on the environment of the island through pollen and geomorphological analyses. In the late 1980s and early 1990s University of the South
Pacific geographer Paddy Nunn had challenged earlier interpretations of
Aneityum landscape history, suggesting that the major environmental
changes documented were the result of natural rather than human-induced
forces (see, for instance, Nunn 1994:323-26). We thus set out to examine
aspects of these changes by comparing pre- and post-settlement
environmental histories. We were able to establish that the island is
geologically very stable, with no evidence of recent tectonic uplift,
and that a reasonably stable environment before 3000 BP showed major
signs of change post-3000 BP. Dating of agricultural sites buried under
alluvial flood deposits confirmed earlier estimates of valley-floor
agriculture having started about 1300 years ago.
In 1994 on Erromango, Spriggs and VCC fieldworker Jerry Taki
excavated four cave sites along the west coast at a range of altitudes
from 5 to 125 metres, where potentially early Holocene (past 10,000
years) and Pleistocene (earlier than 10,000 years) shorelines were
preserved. The aim of excavating Velemendi, Velilo, Raowalai and Ilpin
caves was to look for evidence of pre-3000 BP human settlement. The
earliest cultural deposit from any of the sites occurred at five to ten
metres above sea level at Velilo cave. It consisted of a shallow trench
and several postholes, associated with a charcoal date of 1150-1100 BP.
The only other excavation that provided dates earlier than the last few
hundred years was at Raowalai Cave where charcoal and shell associated
with two burials was dated to 750-700 BP and 500 BP respectively. The
next use of the site was domestic, a large earth oven which gave a date
of within the last 400 years.
The other cave sites returned radiocarbon dates no earlier than the
last few hundred years. The lack of evidence of earlier use would be
surprising if there were widespread occupation of the island before the
Lapita expansion at about 3200-3000 BP. The only pottery found on
Erromango comes from village sites situated at prime settlement
locations at river-months and associated reef passages. Two such sites,
Ponamla in the north and Ifo in the south-east, have been intensively
investigated. The pattern of occupation on Erromango would suggest
Lapita agriculturalists and their immediate successors were moving into
an empty landscape and were able to establish settlements in the prime
locations for habitation and canoe access. Only later, as populations
grew and people spread out from these locations, did these caves become
part of the settlement system of the inhabitants.
In the last few days of the 1994 fieldwork the open-settlement site
of Ponamla was visited and tested. The site's potential was
recognised by former VCC fieldworker Sempet Naritantop, who identified
pottery brought to the surface during posthole digging for a fence
around the hamlet of Ponamla. In 1995 Stuart Bedford, Jerry Taki and
Matthew Spriggs returned to the site for over five weeks of excavation.
Ponamla is a prime location for settlement with its sheltered bay
facilitating canoe access and reliable freshwater supplied by the
Ponamla River. It is a relatively undisturbed settlement site with
cultural deposits dating from 2750-2300 BP. Stone structural features
were recorded at the site, the earliest significant stone structures yet
found in the Pacific. They were stone terraces which appear to have been
constructed to form flat areas for the construction of houses and/or
activity areas. At least three levels of structural features were
identified within the cultural deposit (Spriggs 1998). An areal
excavation revealed what appeared to be a former cooking area. The
recovered pottery changed from a predominance of plainware in the
earliest layers of the site, from around 2750 BP, to increased
proportions of fingernail impressed and incised decorated ware in the
upper layers, dating to around 2300 BP. The pot forms are globular cooking vessels with out-curving rims that were made on the site
(Bedford 19 98). One sherd of classic dentate-stamped Lapita pottery was
also recovered from the site in a disturbed deposit, suggesting that
there may be earlier human presence in the area back to 3000 BP.
Ponamla appears to be a secondary colonising settlement on
Erromango, a few hundred years after it was first settled by Lapita
colonists possessing dentate-stamped ceramics. The initial occupation
was relatively short and intensive with ceramics that are culturally
transitional between Lapita-period plainware and incised and applied
relief traditions like Mangaasi ware. The inhabitants moved into a
pristine environment and commenced an intensive exploitation of the
local fauna and marine resources. David Steadman from the University of
Florida is analysing bird bone from this and other Vanuatu sites and has
identified a range of now-extinct species (Steadman, pers. comm.). The
site was abandoned after 2400 BP, probably due to resource depletion,
and was not re-occupied until c. 1600 BP, for which there is evidence of
an ephemeral use of the area. People left with the ceramic tradition
intact and returned without it.
Ifo is located on the south-east coast of Erromango. It is one of a
number of pottery sites that was recorded along the east coast of the
island in 1983, all of which are located near reef passages or at
river-mouths. The site is concentrated on a series of linear ridge
formations. A number of these ridges run parallel to the river and
appear to be former beach ridges, while others run at right angles and
are primarily made up of cultural material. During the 1983 fieldwork,
Spriggs and Taki excavated a trench across one of the ridges. Taki
returned to this site with Bedford during June and July 1996 and
excavated a larger area on the same ridge. The site comprised a central
core of flattish coral cobbles on top of a relatively level coral
subsurface. These flattish coral blocks appear to have been the result
of people clearing a flat area on first arrival. Once these linear piles
of coral had been formed they appear to have served as a focus for the
dumping of cooking debris and refuse. Cultural material wa s excavated
from throughout the ridge feature.
At the lowest level of the mound -- below and amongst the coral
blocks -- cultural material associated with Lapita settlement was
recovered. The ceramics include dentate-stamped and finely incised
Lapita sherds from a number of different vessels, along with numerous
plain sherds. The ceramics at this lowest level were associated with
bones of large birds, turtle and fruit bat, as well as shell adzes and
armrings. A charcoal sample returned a date of about 2900 BP. The Lapita
ceramics were followed by globular pots with fingernail and incised
decoration. Although a lot of plain pottery exists on the site,
stratigraphically this could not be clearly separated from the later
decorated material as it could be at Ponamla. This later decorated
pottery is very similar to the decorated sherds recovered from upper
levels of Ponamla, and it is of similar age. Thus far dates of about
2700-2100 BP have been obtained.
Finally, near the top of the mound, thick sherds of several crudely
made and roughly incised globular pots occur. This material appears to
signal the final phase of the ceramic tradition on Erromango, probably
around 2000 BP. Disturbance from more recent activity may make precise
dating of the end of the ceramic sequence somewhat difficult at this
The two Erromango sites of Ponamla and Ifo have produced a wealth
of ceramic material, and the sequences of each add further strength to
the argument of a basic cultural continuity in Vanuatu between Lapita
and the cultures that followed. First settlement of Erromango occurred
around 3000 years ago with the arrival of Lapita colonists. It appears
that ceramics produced on the island were used for up to a thousand
years with production ceasing around 2000 BP.
On Malakula pottery is found on the ground surface all over the
island. It was produced there until recent times, perhaps dying out
around the time of European contact. Potentially, the island has a
3000-year ceramic sequence, and provides an ideal area to investigate
pre-Lapita settlement.
Bedford, working with VCC fieldworker Jimmyson Sanhanbath,
conducted work in north-west Malakula in 1995-97. An intensive survey
was conducted along ten kilometres of the coast between Tenmiel and
Tenmaru, along with transects some kilometres into the interior. The
sheltered bays at the mouths of perennial streams were the focus of
research; on the basis of previous experience on Erromango, these were
seen as prime areas for early settlement. Caves at varying altitudes in
the Pleistocene reef terraces were also targeted to test for pre-3000 BP
remains and to establish pottery sequences and chronology.
The oldest occupation appeared to be at Malua Bay, an
open-settlement site where a single dentate-stamped Lapita sherd,
associated with thin-walled, plainware, was found at the base of the
cultural deposits. Following this occupation the site was abandoned for
a period. Again, we seem to be within a few hundred years of the initial
settlement of Vanuatu. The site thus represents a secondary colonising
event, perhaps from the nearby Lapita 'metropolis' of Malo
Island, where extensive Lapita pottery deposits have been found (Hedrick
n.d.). The rock shelter and inland open sites on Malakula have produced
late dates.
A common factor in the Malakula and Erromango cases is that key
sites are located in dry leeward areas of the islands. Initial
colonisation may have had more devastating environmental effects than
would have been the case in wetter regions. We might, for instance,
expect poor forest re-growth after clearance and more marginal
agricultural production given the rainfall regime.
The archaeology of Malakula is far from complete, but an
understanding of settlement patterns is beginning to emerge. The
earliest settlements were concentrated on the coast around sheltered
bays with reliable water sources. It is not until sometime later that
permanent settlement shifts inland and also to more marginal areas of
the coast. Possibly, after initial settlement and full use of the
resources to the point of depletion, people moved to another island or
another part of Malakula, the north-west being resettled at a later
date. Segments of the ceramic chronology, at least for the north-west,
confirm that the lengthy pottery tradition began with the arrival of
Lapita peoples, although the relationship of that material to the later
material still needs refinement. Pre-3000 BP settlement is not
indicated: there was certainly no suggestion of any evidence of
pre-Lapita settlement in any of the fifteen cave sites so far excavated
on the island.
In August 1996 Spriggs supervised four weeks of excavation at the
Mangaas, or Mangaasi, site on the west coast of Efate, central Vanuatu,
and returned again with Bedford in 1997 for a second season. The
research was designed to further develop the pioneering work of Jose
Garanger on Mangaasi pottery,, in light of the work on Erromango and
Malakula, and to address questions raised by Graeme Ward in his 1979
thesis concerning the Efate pottery chronology (see also Ward 1989).
Researchers had questioned the validity of Garanger's early-to-late
Mangaasi ceramic sequence, and the termination date for pottery use on
Efate had still to be established (Spriggs 1997a:179-81).
The 1996 and 1997 excavations at Mangaasi were run as part of a
training program for VCC personnel. A total of four testpits were
excavated in 1996 and a further seven in 1997 in areas inland and to the
east of Garanger's excavation (totalling 18.5 square metres). The
area has experienced tectonic uplift, estimated at some two metres in
the last 3000 years. This was confirmed by the excavation of the
testpits, adjacent to the area excavated by Garanger, which reached the
former reef at 3.6 metres below the ground surface. The lower deposits
consisted of a series of former coral foreshore deposits. Water-worn
pottery was found throughout the stratigraphy. The presence of the
water-worn pottery in the earlier foreshore levels suggests that people
from a settlement further inland than the locations excavated in 1996
were dumping refuse onto the former inter-tidal beach area.
The excavations of 1997, again a series of testpits (with one later
enlarged to a two-by-two metre area), located deep cultural deposits (up
to two metres below the surface) that were relatively undisturbed. The
main area of cooking and of dumping refuse is concentrated along the
bank of a small perennial stream and on the changing shoreline, due to
uplift, some distance back from the high tide mark.
From the excavations a clear picture of the ceramic sequence at the
Mangaasi site has emerged. Plain pottery, frequently with notching on
the lip, was recovered from the base of the testpits. The form and
slight decoration on the lip are very similar to the ceramics excavated
by Garanger at Erueti, hence the term 'Erueti ware' for this
material (Garanger 1972:26-29). This plainware material was not
recovered by Garanger during his excavations in the 1960s, as the area
he worked on was located nearer the sea and dated to a later period,
that of the incised and applied relief ware known as Mangaasi ware. The
plainware excavated in 1997 is followed by pottery decorated with both
incising and punctation. Finally, applied relief ware appears at the end
of the ceramic sequence at the site along with both incised and punctate material. The applied relief material was largely recovered from the
upper layers of the site.
The major Erueti ware occupation occurred around 2700-2200 BP, and
is separated from the incised and applied relief pottery by a layer of
volcanic ash, perhaps from the Ambrym volcano caldera-forming event of
about 2000 years ago. The later Mangaasi ware occupation occurred over a
wider area of the site and was more diffuse in nature, although there
was not necessarily any hiatus in settlement. The only date directly
relating to this occupation is about 1600 BP. Garanger had previously
dated Mangaasi ware as starting at 2700 BP, but the recent excavations
clearly indicate that it first appears several hundred years later.
There is some evidence that the area was later used for gardening,
and then in 1452 AD it was buried by ash from the Kuwae eruption that
formed the present Shepherd Islands (Robin et al. 1994). The area was
resettled in the 17th century; oral traditions place the village of the
legendary figure Roy Mata at this site (Garanger 1972:49). The area was
abandoned after Roy Mata's death, until gardening was resumed at
the site in the 1920s. Previously, it was thought that Roy Mata lived
about 1265 AD but the dates from his settlement at Mangaasi and
re-dating of artifacts from his burial site on Hat Island or Retoka now
place him in the 1600s.
The traditions concerning Roy Mata have always been somewhat
fragmentary, and indeed contradictory. The redating of his supposed
grave and village site fit much better with the stories about his role
in Efate society than the previously accepted pre-Kuwae age. Roy
Mata's claim to fame was not some overlordship of the whole region
as is sometimes asserted, nor is it likely that he was a stranger chief
from somewhere in Polynesia as is often believed. He seems to have been
an Efate chief with an idea that transformed the political structure of
Efate during a time of major conflict, known as the Takarua War
(discussed in Espirat et al. 1973). He may indeed have brought that war
to an end. He is said to have instituted a peace ceremony and feast held
every five years, called natamwate. The natamwate was an opportunity to
talk over disputes which had arisen since the previous feast and thus it
reduced the incidence of inter-tribal warfare by providing a forum for
peaceful dispute resolution. His peacemaking role may explain the
reverence with which he was treated in death.
The two excavation seasons at Mangaasi have been run as field
training programs for VCC staff and fieldworkers. During the field
training program a range of skills was imparted to the participants,
depending in part on their literacy and other educational skills and in
part upon their previous archaeological experience. For instance, one
participant had some prior university training in archaeology and was
given supervisory and recording tasks. Some of the participants in 1997
had taken part in the 1996 training program and so were involved in
explaining the work to those who were participating for the first time,
they were given supervisory tasks in relation to the first-time
The program was conducted mainly through one-on-one informal
training sessions, rather than through group classes. The skills
developed through the program include those listed below:
* the purpose and value of archaeological research;
* basic principles of archaeological excavation and recording
* digging to ten or twenty cm levels while observing changes in
sediment colour etc., signifying a transition between cultural layers;
* accurate measurement of level depths using line-level and tape,
and accurate recording of feature and artefact placement where these
were noted during excavation;
* basic principles of stratigraphy and recognition of different
layers, and the reasons for their formation. The site occupation layers
included house floors, volcanic ash layers from local eruptions, tidal
wave deposits, (probably) former gardened topsoils, former beach
deposits and ancient raised reefs; it was thus ideal for imparting
stratigraphic principles;
* techniques of wet and dry screening of excavation sediments;
* sorting of screened sediments into artifact classes, such as
pottery, charcoal, shell, stone artifacts and bones;
* artifact recognition, particularly important for flaked stone
artifacts (with which the participants were not previously familiar) and
for distinguishing shell artifacts and manufacturing debris from general
food shell;
* artifact handling and specialised collection techniques for in
situ charcoal, useful for radiocarbon dating;
* communicating to others how archaeologists construct a site
picture from the remains found, and why they use particular excavation
strategies, in this case systematic testpit transects followed by
expansion of one-metre square testpits to larger area excavations.
The re-mapping of the site by trainers in 1997 confirmed the
accuracy of the 1996 mapping exercise, undertaken as part of that
year's training program. The aim of the project is to train
Cultural Centre staff to undertake small-scale test excavations as part
of the evaluation work of the VCHSS. Training will continue in the form
of 'refresher' courses as staff gain experience of field
For VCC fleidworkers such skills mean that they can assist
professional archaeologists, from both the Centre and other
institutions, on excavations in their home islands. In addition,
fleidworkers can play a crucial liaison role between professional
archaeologists and local communities, explaining what archaeological
work entails and its aims and values. After participating in the
program, all trainees are fully conversant with the processes involved
in archaeological work and are able to explain them to their home
communities, who sometimes confuse archaeology with mineral exploration
activities. The fieldworkers are thus able to heighten local awareness
and understanding, particularly as the pace of mining exploration
increases in Vanuatu. Some major mineral projects will be starting up in
the near future.
In addition to the training program, the full-time VCC staff were
introduced to a range of more advanced techniques in recording,
excavation planning and survey methods. There were limits to this
training during the 1997 season, because staff were under great work
pressure at the time and were not able to spend as much time on the
program as had been originally planned. Some were overseas on courses or
involved with a large travelling exhibition of artifacts from the
Cultural Centre. It is hoped, however, that sufficient forward-planning
can be undertaken to increase participation by full-time staff during
subsequent seasons of the project.
The ANU-VCC Archaeology Project has succeeded in a number of its
objectives and brought greater clarity to the early history of the
archipelago. Ceramic sequences from key regions of Vanuatu have now been
established, with some uniformity being recognised throughout the
islands for the first thousand years of ceramic production -- Lapita to
plainware to incised and applied relief wares. The new dates from the
Mangaasi-type site now situate it more clearly within the pattern of
similar pottery styles found from Manus to New Caledonia and Fiji.
The excavations have established that the islands were first
settled by Lapita colonists some 3000 years ago and the ceramic
sequences that followed evolved from the Lapita ceramic tradition. The
excavation of a series of cave sites in Malakula and Erromango, in areas
of rapid uplift, have thus far produced no evidence for settlement of
Vanuatu prior to 3000 BP. A similar picture has been established for New
Caledonia through the recent work of Christophe Sand (Sand 1995a,
1995b). Strategies of initial Vanuatu settlement are also emerging. The
pattern suggests the arrival of colonists, followed by intensive
resource exploitation, followed by resource depletion and other
environmental impacts, site abandonment, and then movement to other
islands or areas of the same island. The areas of initial settlement
were later re-occupied as the population grew. This pattern also holds
for many other Pacific islands (Spriggs 1997b).
Further work is planned for the Mangaasi site and adjacent areas on
Efate in 1998, and there are still plenty of areas in Vanuatu as yet
untrammelled by the archaeologist's trowel or pollen analyst's
piston corer.
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of William
Dickinson, Jose Garanger, Joe Gyngell, Geoff Hope, David Luders, Brad
Pillans, David Steadman, the staff of the Vanuatu Cultural Centre, and
the landowners and chiefs of Aneityum, Erromango, Efate and Malakula.
The training program was funded by a grant from the Sasakawa Pacific
Island Nations Fund administered by Professor Yosi Sinoto of the Bishop
Museum, Honolulu and (for 1996 only) a grant from the South Pacific
Cultures Fund of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Funding of fieldwork and analysis by ANU personnel came from the
Division (now Department) of Archaeology and Natural History, Research
School of Pacific and Asian Studies and from an Australian Research
Council small grant to Matthew Spriggs. Full acknowledgements are given
in Bedford et al. 1998.