Etsjopok Avenging the Ancestors. The Asmat Bisj Poles and a Proposal for a Morphological Method.
Craig, Barry
This publication is a reworked section of van der Zee's Art
History thesis on Asmat bisj poles. The first 30 pages is a useful
summary of published material on bisj poles, with the bonus of
previously unpublished information obtained by the author through
personal communication with Father Gerard Zegwaard, the noted authority
on Asmat culture and first publisher of Asmat bisj poles. In particular,
the belief that the poles are carved from mangrove is corrected; they
are carved from wild nutmeg.
The myths and rites of the bisj cult and the cultural significance of
the bisj poles are competently explained. The author states that:
'the meaning of the bisj pole should be sought in underlying
universal ideas such as the principles of balance and inversion, and
complementary components like life and death, masculinity and
femininity' (p.8).
Of particular ethnographic interest is the reason for organising a
bisj feast (p. 19): 'When due to certain circumstances the
community's life force has diminished, people consider the time
right to organize a bisj feast. In that way they wish to reopen contact
with the ancestors in safan to assure new physical and spiritual forces.
The feast is organized for several deceased at the same time' .This
recalls the practice of malagan on New Ireland, and end-of-mourning
rituals among the people of the Lower Sepik-Ramu region, in Papua New
The second part of the paper (pp.31-75) consists of a morphological
analysis of the sculptural form of bisj poles in an aftempt to develop a
terminology which is objective and can be applied to any sculptural
material. 'The vocabulary is based on terms from descriptive
anatomy and from basic geometry...' (p.8). This section is doggedly
systematic in the an historical manner but whilst not exciting to read
is nonetheless a timely antidote to the highly subjective, waffly
stylistic analyses often provided for tribal material. On the other hand
it is arguable that a few good photographs and some carefully-worded
comparisons would render the verbal morphological analysis unnecessary.
The 173 notes are listed at the end (pp.76-79) which I found a bit of
a nuisance as almost all of them are references which could have been
kept in the text. Most of the village names on the first map are
unreadable but the second map is somewhat more satisfactory and would
have been sufficient. However, I could not find Japtambor (p. 15),
although it may be equivalent to Dartambor, nor Pirien, despite the
referral to Map 2.
In the Bibliography, 'People 1989' appears not to refer to
an author; the Renselaar reference is repeated three times; and
single-authored and multi-authored works are incorrectly sequenced.
Despite the minor flaws, this publication is quite useful for
students of Pacific art and material culture and for museum curators who
have Asmat material in their collections.
Barry Craig South Australian Museum