Desert Warrior.
Neumann, Robert G.
by HRH General Khaled bin Sultan. New York: Harpers, 1995. xx plus
492 pages. $35.00, hardcover.
This is an interesting book, written by the Saudi co-commander of
the Joint Allied Forces in the Gulf War with the help of noted British
Middle East Expert Patrick Seale. It was obviously intended to "set
the record straight," i.e., in partial answer to or refutation of
American General H. Norman Schwarzkopf's earlier book, It Does Not
Take a Hero (New York: Bantam, 1992). Schwarzkopf, in Prince
Khaled's view, did not do justice to the Saudi contribution to
"Desert Storm."
The work under review does more than deal with the Gulf War.
Written by an important member of the House of Saudi, it is in itself a
novelty, as few, if any, books have been written by members of the Saudi
royal family. The book's author is a son of Prince Sultan bin
Abdulaziz, the number two in succession to the Saudi throne (after Crown
Prince Abdullah). This is why the first chapters of the work, dealing
with the author's childhood and upbringing, offer insights into
some of the relationships with the otherwise secretive and secluded
family. But readers who might expect revelations on the inevitable feuds
and rivalries bound to exist in any Arab family will be disappointed, as
the prince not unexpectedly treats everyone with great respect and
restraint, especially his father, and of course King Fahd. Whether
conclusions are warranted in microviewing different degrees of warmth is
difficult to say. In any event, the author treats his mother with great
affection as well as several non-princely members of their household,
especially his nurse.
Prince Khaled deals quite frankly with the considerable hardship
of his training at Sandhurst, the British West Point, and he emerges as
a well-qualified professional officer.
When he comes to the major section of the book, the preparation
for the Gulf War and its execution, the author succeeds quite well in
underscoring how great was the material and personal role played by the
Saudis in this large combined undertaking. There is no doubt that the
kingdom massively underwrote the financial burden and, in fact, still
suffers from its consequences. This is one subject to which neither
General Schwarzkopf nor the media has, in the author's opinion,
done justice.
Still, Prince Khaled cannot and does not wish to hide the enormous
differences between the American and Saudi undertakings. He succeeds
quite well in underscoring how important it was for the Saudi side to
stress its formal (nominal?) co-equality. Much of that takes the form of
appearances, the place where the co-commanders were to meet, the
deference shown to the Saudi side and its smaller allies, and many other
examples. In particular, Prince Khaled underlines successfully how
difficult or potentially difficult it was for King Fahd to agree to the
presence of large foreign, especially American, forces on Saudi soil,
and against how much potential criticism the rulers had to guard.
Sensitive non-Arab readers will find here important points to ponder.
But it also emerges how very well the foreign, especially
American, forces behaved in such an alien cultural environment and
confirms that frictions and misconduct were at a minimum, considering
how large the American contingent was. And it is notable how well the
Americans accepted the relative segregation of their forces from the
open exposure to Saudi life that would have been normal in a European
country. Clearly the contrast between the conduct of war in Vietnam and
in the Gulf is well and tactfully portrayed. It is good to know that in
that respect the lessons of Vietnam were well learned.
General Khaled underscores clearly the unique character of the
Gulf War: that the topography, the climate, the Saudi military and
preparatory action favored the massive infusion of forces and that the
Iraqi enemy was in no position to disturb the allied time-table. So, as
Khaled clearly states, the circumstances of the Gulf War were unique,
unlikely to be repeated in any further conflicts, and it was only the
total obtuseness of Saddam Hussein and the brutal nature of his regime
that prevented wise counsel from getting to him. The author is clear in
his conclusion that the danger to Saudi Arabia's security was clear
and present, that the king had no choice but to agree quickly (very
quickly by Saudi standards) to the full participation of foreign forces
and that idle talk of an "Arab solution" to the conflict was
so much poppycock.
On the personal relationship between Khaled and the allied
commanders, the Saudi co-commander is extremely tactful, more so than
General Schwarzkopf was in his book, but the clashes of personalities
are clear and not unlike comparable situations in World Wars I and II.
In only one case does Khaled lose his cool; that is when dealing with
the French defense minister, Jean-Pierre Chevenement, a doctrinaire socialist who was intensely disliked by all, including his French
Much of the book is taken up by the description of logistics and
command-and-control decisions in which the prince's constant
maneuvering for apparent equality is obvious, but also obvious is his
need for doing so in the face of potential and undoubtedly real
criticism within the Saudi establishment and the conservative religious
element. That there was not more friction is a tribute to the military
statesmanship of the American leadership, among whom Khaled gives
special praise to General Colin Powell, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff (the General Marshall of this conflict), although General
Schwarzkopf also comes off relatively well.
In the description of actual battles, the clash of Al-Khafji is
fully but not completely treated, in which the Saudis were caught by
surprise and suffered a mauling. Such shocks are common when green
troops first encounter battle-hardened foes. Certainly the American
defeat at Kasserine Pass in World War II, although much larger, is a
parallel. Khaled's analysis does not wholly excuse the debacle, nor
does it hide the fact that the Saudi National Guard performed better
than the Saudi regulars--a surprise because the guards had often been
derided as mere tribal levies. They were, but their years of American
training showed up well. Good also was the performance of a Qatari unit,
but the author does not underscore the fact that its soldiers were
Pakistanis. In any event, the fact that the outcome of the war was never
in doubt, due to the enormous inequality of the contending forces, made
the battle of Al-Khafji a sideshow.
In a relatively brief epilogue, the author draws a number of
lessons that are bound to be restricted by his earlier recognition of
the uniqueness of the Gulf War and Saddam Hussein's exceptional
First of all, Prince Khaled blames insufficient intelligence on
the part of both Americans and Saudis. But, considering the
exceptionally closed and brutal Saddam regime, there is a real question
whether the intelligence performance could have been much improved.
There is also the notorious fear on the part of such services of
underestimating the opponent. One might call this a "political
handicap," especially of the American services.
The author further sees the lesson that Saudi
"overbuilding" of its facilities--always with a view to having
them filled up by allied, i.e., American, forces)--will remain a
mainstay of Saudi security planning. Finally, Khaled shows that he has
learned well what both Sandhurst and the U.S. Command Staff training
taught him--namely that wars cannot be planned in a political vacuum,
which means that Saudi Arabia cannot defend itself alone but must always
count on foreign, i.e., American help. That will determine all present
and future Saudi political and military diplomacy. The Gulf War, while
unique, proves that this can be done.
Robert G. Neumann Dr. Neumann is a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi,,
Arabia, Morocco and Afghanistan.