Editors note.
Salih, Osama Awad
Dear Reader,
This is a special issue that was exclusively dedicated to the very
important theme of "Human Nutrition in the Sudan".
This issue includes mainly articles on different aspects of human
nutrition: The first article describes the process of development of the
first nutrition policy for Sudan. The final outcome of the exercise is a
"Nutrition Policy for Sudan and Strategy for Implementation".
The second article examines the nutrition status and health risk factors
of older persons from Shattaya Fur, living in displacement camps in Kass
province. The third article examines the health problems and nutritional
status of hospitalized Sudanese elderly in Khartoum State Hospitals. The
forth article reveals the nutritional status and health risk factors of
older persons living in different settings in Sudan. The fifth article
describes the nutritional status and health risk factors of Sudanese
older persons living in older people homes in Khartoum State and free
living older persons of different socioeconomic levels. The sixth
article describes the food security, health risk factors and nutrition
status of older people from Tuls province of Southern Darfur. The
seventh article assesses the nutritional value of the leaves and
extracts of Moringa oliefra tree. The eighth article is on the effect of
addition of Whey on the acceptability of Tebeldi juice.
The issue also includes nine interesting research notes on
different aspects of human nutrition. A tenth research note is on the
dilemma of typology and terminology of FGM. There are also four book
reviews on different interesting themes. This is in addition to books
recently received by Alhafeed Library and the usual Ahfad News.
Guest editor
Dr. Osama Awad Salih