Perspective of gender mainstreaming development with in the interim period in Sudan.
Abdel-Magied, Ahmed
Perspective of gender mainstreaming development with in the interim
period in Sudan. Adam, Gehan; Laku, Macline; Baya, Esther (School of
REED, Ahfad University for Women).
The need for gender mainstreaming in Sudan is urgent, because
underdevelopment and poverty are extending all over the country. Studies
have shown that discrimination based on gender increases poverty, slows
economy growth and weakens governance. Through gender mainstreaming the
diverse situation of the different groups of both men and women (migrant
women, young women and old women ... etc) should be targeted to draw
attention to the broad effects of policies on citizens lives.
This study tried to find out how far the CPA and National Interim
Constitution address the issues of Gender Mainstreaming. The study also
attempts to identify the affected people during the South--North war in
Sudan in general with more emphasis on women and children, and the role
of the government and NGOs to overcome the effects.
The primary data were collected using questionnaire which was
filled by 40 respondents of different political parties and NGOs
officials. The respondents were mixed female and male. The secondary
data were collected from different sources.
The main findings of the research showed that women and children
are the most affected ones. There were different ideas of the
respondents towards the concept of gender mainstreaming. A majority of
the respondents have the same ideas, in relation to the concept of the
writers about the different definitions of gender mainstreaming.
Questing whether the CPA and the Interim Constitution address Gender
Mainstreammg, the study shows that both documents recognize and address
the issue of Gender Mainstreaming.
Also it underlines the role of NGOs and GOs in promoting Gender
Mainstreaming in different aspects of developmental programmes such as
political, economic, and social aspects; for the sake of women
empowerment in order to achieve sustainable development.
The study suggests that gender Mainstreaming is essential to
achieve sustainable development of women and men in a prosperous nation.