The role women farmers in traditional rain fed farming system in North Kordufan.
Abdel-Magied, Ahmed
The role women farmers in traditional rain fed farming system in
North Kordufan. Makki, Elsamawal and Mohamed, Aisha (School of REED,
Ahfad University for Women).
This exploratory study was conducted during June 2006 in four
villages (western and eastern Ummjomot, Umm Seiala and Tandar) in
Sheikan Province, North Kordofan State. The study involved exploring the
role of women farmers in the traditional rain fed system.
A sample of 120 women farmers was randomly selected. Primary data
was collected by using a pre-tested questionnaire. The results showed
that women play a major role in traditional agriculture and do most of
the agricultural practices from land preparation to harvesting. They are
the main actors in crops marketing and storage. Crops produced by women
farmers include food and cash crop. The result also showed that most of
women farmers in the study area have relatively secured access and
control rights to the land they farm on. However, they lack access to
services and specially extension; but this falls within the general
context of low standard of services in the area.
Besides farming, women are responsible for domestic activities and
water and fire wood collection, which adds to their burdens. On average,
they spend 8-12 hours/day in these activities. In some cases, women
farmers are assisted in domestic activities by female family members and
in farming by their husbands and family members. Regarding the tools
women farmers use, it was found that they use hand tools that are
basically designed to be used by men. Therefore, they complained and
reflected the necessity of development.