Effect of various treatments on banana ripening.
Farid, Huda Ahmed Ridda
Huda Ahmed Ridda Farid (School of Pharmacy Ahfad University for
Women, Omdurman, Sudan.)
Physiological changes were measured during the ripening and storage
of bananas. Mature green banana fruit subjected for different periods at
temperatures of 9.5, 11.5, 13.5, 20, 30, 34, 38 and 42[degrees]C to find
out the effect of different temperatures on the physiology of banana
Fruit held at each of the temperatures softened and sweetened as
determined by changes in pulp rupture, force and pulp soluble solid
content. Although no significant differences were observed, fruit
softened slightly faster at higher temperatures than at lower ones. A
similar trend for changes in the pulp soluble solids was observed with
increasing temperatures Exposure to high temperature before storage,
accelerated the rate of ethylene production as well as the degree of
degreening. The fruit developed a golden yellow peel colour when fully
ripened, compared with those kept at chilling temperature which acquired
a dull yellow peel colour. Despite these differences in the extent of
degreening, other assessed parameters indicated that the fruit treated
at different heat and chilling temperatures had all softened to the same
extent by day 5.
From the experimental results, it was concluded that pre-ripening
heat treatment at the range between 20 and 34[degrees]C had no
deteriorative effect on the quality of the fruit.
The banana is a remarkable fruit. Not only because, to this day, it
is the only tropical fruit ever to have sealed the ratified heights of
the total consumer recognition, but also because its cultivation and
marketing are so totally different from those of any other fruit (1-2).
The most obvious difference is that the harvesting of bananas goes on
all year round and is not confined to a particular season.
Bananas are a perishable commodity. Fruit grown for export is
harvested much earlier compared with those intended for the local Wade
because of the possibility of some ripening fruit to produce sufficient
ethylene to induce ripening within the rest of the consignment. As fruit
begins to soften, it is much more prone to mechanical damage, which
reach the consumer in poor condition. Therefore, control over the
ripening process is required to ensure predictable ripening and good
quality ripe fruit (3).
Temperature is one of the major environmental constraints governing
the quality of many tropical and sub-tropical fruits, which exhibit a
physiological dysfunction when exposed to temperatures, which are either
too high or too low (4-8). Thus, the choice of temperatures will be
greatly affected by various practical considerations and limitations.
Therefore, there will be a need to initially establish the subtle
physiological effects at the borderline chilling temperatures and during
potential high temperature treatment. The present study involved
investigations on the response of bananas to elevated temperatures in
comparison to chilling temperatures and the relationship between changes
during ripening.
i. Plant Material
Pre-climacteric bananas from Honduras (Dole and Hoya) and Ecuador
(Fyffes) were obtained from a commercial source (Fyffes Ltd, Dartford,
UK.). they belong to the Cavendish Subgroup. The fruit used were of the
normal commercial maturity of three quarter grade to full three quarter
grade, which means they were almost fully grown.
Only undamaged green fruit were selected for the experiments and
the cut crown of each fruit was dipped for 10 seconds in a 50ppm
fungicide, benomyl (benlate wetable powder) to control crown rot. The
bananas were then air-dried before any further treatment. Before
exposing to ethylene, all fingers were weighed and assessed for peel
colour, using a colorimeter, after which two set experiments were
carried out in duplicate to determine the effect of temperature on the
physiology of ripened bananas.
ii. Heat Treatment
Eighteen fruits were held for 45 hours at each of the five
temperatures via 20 (as control), 30, 34, 38 and 42[degrees]C. After
this the fruit was ventilated and exposed to ethylene for 24 hours to
stimulate ripening
iii. Cold Treatment
Eighteen fruits were held for one week at each of the four
temperatures 8.5, 11.5, 13.5 and 20[degrees]C. The latter used as
control. During this period, peel colour was assessed every two days.
Ripening of the fruits was then initiated
iv. Parameters Measured
A. Peel colour score:
A.1. Visually
Colour of banana peel was determined visually and classified
according to a banana ripening guide described by Van Losseck (1949).
A.2. Colorimeter
Colour of banana peel was ascertained by Minotla Chroma Meter II:
Reflectance (Minotle UK Ltd.) employing a 8ram viewing aperture.
B. Pulp Rupture Force:
This was determined using a salter 0-10kg. electronic force gauge.
C. Pulp to Peel Ratio:
The peel and pulp were separated, weighed individually and
expressed as pulp to peel ratio.
D. Total Soluble Solids Content of the Pulp:
This was determined using Abbe Bench Repactometer (Bellingham and
Stambey Ltd.).
E. Weight loss:
The weight loss, on removal from a ripening temperature, was
calculated as a percentage of initial weight.
F. Ethylene Determination:
This was determined employing a Photorac (10s) Portable
Photoionzation Gas chromatography. The instrument was calibrated with
3.4 [micro]l/l of ethylene in nitrogen.
Data obtained were analysed by an analysis of variance.
Results and Discussion
Changes observed in ripening bananas include the visual appearance
such as skin colour and shape, which occur simultaneously with other
physiological parameters, particularly increase in pulp weight relative
to peel weight, pulp soluble solids content and ethylene production.
The colour index changed during ripening in all the treatments and
there were no measurable variations within treatments. It was observed
that exposing the bananas to high temperature before storage at
20[degrees]C enhanced the rate of ripening. The skin developed on
attractive golden yellow colour. By day 7, the fruit developed many dark
brown flecks and spot (senescence spotting) on the peel illustrating
that it was fully ripened.
There were no significant differences between measurements at low
temperatures compared to the control at 20[degrees]C. Four days after
initiation of ripening, bananas that had been stored at 9.5 and
11.5[degrees]C developed a dull greenish-yellow colour, which became
dull yellow when the fingers are fully ripened.
In heat treatment, it was observed that the pulp rupture force of
fruit decreased as the fruit ripened from 2.65 to 0.16 kg And 1.01 to
0.13 kg at 20[degrees]C and 42[degrees]C respectively. The increase in
temperature from 20 to 42[degrees]C accelerated the rate and determined
the degree of softening of the pulp over the seven days storage period.
By day 5, the pulp of all fruits had softened to the same extent. After
7 days, the pulp of the fruit stored at 20[degrees]C 2 after exposure to
42[degrees]C had developed a watery texture, whereas the pulp of fruit
held at 20, 30, 34 and 38[degrees]C had a normal appearance of ripe
fruit by day 7. Concerning cold treatment, measurement of the pulp
rupture force showed that after 2 days the pulp softened more rapidly
except for those at 20[degrees]C which showed a steadily softening fill
day 5. The variation of pulp firmness with temperature reflects how the
various enzymatic process involved in these changes varied in their
sensitivity to temperature.
For heat treatment, values obtained indicate that the pulp to peel
ratio increased with increase in temperature.
Increase in ratio of pulp to peel tissues occur mainly due to high
moisture loss from the latter. Values obtained for cold treatment showed
a steadily change in ratio, which means that the cold temperature does
not appear to affect this aspect of ripening.
Temperatures between 42 and 30[degrees]C were found to exhibit a
significant higher soluble solids content compared with the control
20[degrees]C on day 2. The development of soluble solids on day 4 was
similar for the control and the other heat treatments (30-42[degrees]C)
which implies that there was a sudden change in the initial ripening
response between different temperatures. On the other hand, from the
values obtained at lower temperatures, it is noteworthy that the
increase in soluble solids content was comparatively much higher between
0 to 4 days than between 4 to 7 days.
The rate of ethylene production was increased with increase in
temperature with maximum production at 34[degrees]C. On the contrary,
the low values obtained indicate that chilling temperature seemed to
delay its evolution.
Conclusion and Recommendations
From these experimental results, there would appear to be no
significant difference in the pulp rapture forces and development of
soluble solids content during ripening in which case, suggested the
possibility that more of these temperature treatments causes abnormal
rates of softening or sugar production. However, one should consider the
inherent variation in banana maturity. Regarding ethylene production,
unlike heat treatment, 'chilling temperatures seemed to delay the
rate of its production.
The primary index of maturity used when banana fruit become edible
is the peel colour. It is observed that colour changed during ripening
in all treatments. The degree of brightness varied. A dull yellow colour
was developed in some of the fingers exposed to temperatures below
11.5[degrees]C. On the other hand, exposure of fruit to high temperature
for 45 hours prior to storage gave reproducible results. The fruit
developed a golden yellow colour. This reveals that pre-storage
conditioning could be a practical treatment to prolong the storage life
of chilling sensitive crops.
With increased shipments of commodities from tropical and
subtropical countries, and with the increase use of mechanical
refrigeration in tropical countries, these would remarkably contribute
to the growing importance of chilling injury. Therefore, this area of
study, pre-storage conditioning in bananas, certainly merits further
Table (1): Peel Colour Change (Heat Treatment)
Treatment Period of Colour Score
Temperature Storage
([degrees]C) (Days) L. value A. value B. value
20 0 62.4 -17.2 36.4
2 61.6 -18.4 38.5
4 73.0 -6.2 50.6
5 74.9 -4.4 51.9
7 75.9 -3.2 51.2
30 0 57.9 -18.6 38.7
2 65.7 -14.4 41.9
4 73.9 -6.2 50.0
5 75.5 -4.2 52.3
7 73.0 -1.8 53.1
34 0 61.7 -16.2 39.6
2 59.0 -16.7 40.3
4 69.9 -10.1 48.6
5 69.7 -3.0 48.9
7 72.0 -0.9 49.9
38 0 61.5 -16.5 38.2
2 65.7 -15.8 42.0
4 71.2 -7.8 49.1
5 68.1 -4.4 50.3
7 65.8 0.5 45.5
42 0 61.2 -18.1 41.0
2 63.2 -15.7 43.1
4 57.4 -5.7 34.6
5 67.1 -3.3 49.1
7 67.3 -1.1 47.7
Table (2): Peel Colour Change (Cold Treatment)
Treatment Period of Colour Score
Temperature Storage
([degrees]C) (Days) L. value A. value B. value
20 0 62.4 -17.2 36.4
2 61.6 -18.4 38.5
4 73.0 -6.2 50.6
5 74.9 -4.4 51.9
7 75.9 -3.2 51.2
9.5 0 57.3 -12.3 33.8
2 56.9 -9.8 33.3
4 65.6 -3.0 40.9
5 66.1 -1.6 41.6
7 73.2 -1.7 51.5
11.5 0 58.9 -9.3 34.2
2 59.1 -7.6 34.3
4 61.7 -1.0 35.0
5 62.2 -0.7 38.1
7 65.1 -0.2 34.0
13.5 0 69.0 -6.5 47.1
2 69.9 -2.4 48.7
4 69.7 -1.2 48.1
5 71.6 -1.6 48.6
7 67.3 -0.2 46.4
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(6) Olorundra, A. O., Meherink, M. and Looney, N. E. (1978), Some
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(8) Seu, S., Charkrabonty, S. and Chatterjee, B. K. (1982). Some
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