Could decision trees help improve farm service agency lending decisions?
Foster, Benjamin P. ; Zurada, Jozef ; Barney, Douglas K. 等
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) directly loans, or guarantees loans
to farmers totaling billions of dollars. The need for an understandable,
accurate decision tool to assist FSA employees in their lending
decisions is as great today as in the past. This article describes a
substantial extension and reanalysis of an earlier work by Barney,
Graves and Johnson (1999) examining Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)
(predecessor of the FSA) lending decisions. Also, see Barney (1993) for
a full description of the background and analysis. We do not recommend a
loan classification system for immediate FSA use. Rather, we test
whether a decision tree could potentially improve FSA lending practices,
make lending decisions more transparent and be easily understood by
applicants and the FSA staff. This study extends the earlier work by
examining additional logistic regression models and neural networks and
by investigating whether a decision tree could improve FSA lending
decisions. This new analysis indicates that a decision tree could aid
FSA employees in their lending decisions. The decision tree provides as
good or better predictive accuracy than other methods, and provides
logical, understandable rules for lending decisions.
Section 2 ties this study to the prior Barney, Graves and Johnson
(1999) study, briefly reviews FSA lending, and summarizes relevant
literature. Then, research methods are described in Section 3, followed
by discussion of results in Section 4 and conclusions in Section 5.
Relationship of This Study to Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999)
The authors of the 1999 study used the newest methodology of that
time (i.e. neural networks) to develop a model for FmHA use. This study
investigates whether a better, possibly more accurate, fully transparent
and interpretable methodology could now be applied by the FSA. This work
extends the earlier work of Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999) by
comparing a data mining technique, the decision tree, with the
methodologies used in the 1999 study. Also, different logistic
regression models and neural networks than those used in the 1999 study
are developed.
Two factors are central to a technique's usefulness for the
FSA: (1) ability to clearly and accurately categorize potential farm
borrowers between those who will make scheduled debt payments and those
who will not make timely debt payments, and (2) transparency and
understandability to borrowers and FSA employees. The FSA is subject to
the provisions of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1975) and therefore
must be able to provide a clear explanation to borrower applicants when
the FSA denies them a loan. The 1999 study found that the neural network
produced predictive accuracy superior to criteria developed internally
by the FmHA (FSA), criteria developed by Price Waterhouse, logistic
regression and ordinary least-squares regression models. Even so,
operation of the neural network model was not transparent to FSA
employees and borrowers.
A neural network tends to work as a "black box" which
would render lending decisions less subject to manipulation by loan
applicants. However, that aspect of neural networks would make
justifying a loan denial more difficult because FSA employees could not
point to particular criteria as reasons for the denial. A decision tree
may well serve as a lending decision tool as accurate as a neural
network, but with the transparency of more traditional models and less
subject to manipulation than the FSA model.
Also, the Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999) study concentrated
entirely on two techniques: logistic regression and neural networks. In
both methods they used all 14 input variables for building the models
and testing their classification accuracy rates. The decision tree
techniques and stepwise linear regression used in this study are
classification and variable reduction techniques at the same time. Our
best model, the chi-square decision tree, identified only four variables
as relevant in predicting future loan payments, and pruned the remaining
ten variables. Similarly, the stepwise linear regression method
identified only three variables (out of 14) as significant. Because
Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999) included all variables in his
analyses, he developed a large neural network with a dozen neurons in
the hidden layer. Such a large network can cause overtraining, i.e.,
memorizing the training patterns to produce almost perfect
classification results on the training set, but less desirable
performance on the test set. In this study, we used a small neural
network with 2 neurons in the hidden layer to prevent overtraining.
Farm Service Agency Lending
What was once the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) was merged
into the Farm Service Agency (FSA), along with several other federal
agencies, in 1995. While the name of the government entity changed, its
function, at that time, remained basically unaltered (Farm Service
Agency, 2006). Today, as in the early 1990s, the FSA is a lender of last
resort for farmers. This means that the FSA will lend to individuals who
are unable to obtain funding at reasonable terms from a commercial
lender, (i.e. commercially risky borrowers).
Because the FSA is the "lender of last resort" it would
expect higher default rates than commercial lenders. For example, the
default rate was approximately 27.8% for loans from the early 1990s
examined in this study. In contrast, general farm-level data from the
Illinois Farm Business Farm Management Association from 1995 to 2002
contained a default rate of 0.567% (Katchova & Barry, 2005). Also,
the Seventh Farm Credit District (Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, and
Wisconsin) total loan accounting data base for 2001 contained a total
default percentage of 1.83% (Featherstone, Roessler & Barry, 2006).
In comparison, according to Anne Steppe, a loan officer with the
FSA, the FSA's direct loan default rate was 10.55% at the end of
September 2008 and 16.1% at the end of April 2009 (per email
communication on October 16, 2008 and phone conversation May 18, 2009).
While this rate is certainly lower than the default rate in
Barney's study, the rate is higher than that for other agricultural
lenders, as would be expected from the lender of last resort. In
addition, the FSA has experienced increased demand for its farm loans as
a result of the 2008 lending/financial market crisis (per phone
conversation with Tracy Jones, FSA Senior Loan Officer, Washington DC,
May 13, 2009).
The FSA has two major farm borrowing plans. Originally, the FSA
mission was to directly lend money to farm borrowers. More recently, the
FSA has attempted to reduce its direct loan program and focus its
activities more on guaranteeing loans made to farmers by commercial
banks. Under the guaranteed loan program farmers start the loan process
by requesting a loan from a commercial lender. If the commercial lender
sees the loan as borderline, the lender then approaches the FSA about
guaranteeing the loan. The FSA program will guarantee up to 95% of a
farm loan.
The FSA has clearly moved away from making direct loans and
emphasizes its guaranteed loan program. For example, at December 31,
1990 (shortly before data collection for the 1999 study) the FmHA held
approximately $17 billion in direct loan debt, approximately 13% of all
outstanding farm debt. At December 31, 2007, the FSA held approximately
$5 billion in direct loan debt, approximately 2.3% of all outstanding
farm debt. (Amounts calculated from information at Consequently,
the relative overall importance of the FSA in direct agricultural
lending has declined. However, the FSA continues to guarantee much
outstanding farm debt.
From fiscal 2000 to 2004, 98,000 unique farmers and ranchers
received 137,000 FSA direct and guaranteed loans totaling $16.3 billion.
Direct programs accounted for only about one-fourth of all dollars
obligated, but because of their lower average loan size accounted for
half of all borrowers served. (Farm Service Agency, 2006, p. 25)
The decision to guarantee a loan should require diligence by FSA
employees similar to that expended in evaluating a direct loan. Thus,
finding an adequate decision criteria/tool may be as important today as
in the early 1990s.
Lending Criteria
Despite changes in the focus of FSA lending, discussed above, the
process of direct lending at the FSA has undergone only minor changes
since the original data was collected in the early 1990s. The FSA (FmHA)
for decades used the same, primarily unaltered, form to collect farm
financial data. This form, the FHP, provided some current balance sheet
and projected income statement information. In 2005, new forms replaced
the FHP nationwide. The FSA now uses the information on these two forms
(FSA 2037 and FSA 2038) to develop the Farm Business Plan. The Farm
Business Plan is very similar in content to the Farm and Home Plan,
which it replaced. Both required considerable information about expected
production operations (e.g. acres of corn, number of cows), revenues and
expenses. To verify the reasonableness of the expense estimates on the
Farm Business Plan, the FSA now also expects the borrower to provide up
to five years of tax returns, if available. Lack of tax return data to
support the expense estimates does not disqualify a borrower from
receiving a loan and the tax returns are not otherwise used in the
lending decision.
At the time of the Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999) study, the
FmHA lending decision process was based on one number (a score for
projected repayment ability) developed from actual and projected
financial statements. Because projected repayment ability was based
entirely on projected data, it was highly subject to manipulation. The
FSA still uses only one number to make the loan decision, the Margin
After Debt Service (MADS). This number is calculated in essentially the
same manner as projected repayment ability. MADS is calculated by
subtracting all projected operating and living expenses and next
year's principal and interest payments from projected total farm
In the past, the FSA tried to change both the financial statements
required of borrowers and the criteria used in the lending decision. In
the late 1980s the FmHA attempted to switch to GAAPbased farm financial
statements. Negative feedback from farmers (and from some FmHA
employees) was so harsh that Congress passed a law forbidding the FmHA
to use those statements further.
Also in the 1980s, the FmHA engaged Price Waterhouse to develop a
lending model. After considerable time and expense, Price Waterhouse
developed several credit screens, for different types of loans. In
addition, for several years the FmHA tested and used internally (not for
making or denying loans, but solely for evaluation purposes) a four
ratio evaluation model somewhat similar to the Price Waterhouse model.
The FmHA never used the Price Waterhouse or internally developed models
in its lending decisions.
Despite not adopting either the Price Waterhouse screening tool or
its own internally generated model, the FSA evaluated these methods
based on the FSA's two primary criteria: discriminatory power to
separate borrowers who will repay FSA debt from those who will not, and
transparency. Transparency, in essence, means that the decision criteria
are understandable by both potential borrowers and the FSA local staff.
Thus, the method used should provide clearly identified criteria for why
a borrower received or was denied a loan.
Decision Trees as a Possible Improvement
Barney, Graves and Johnson (1999) examined the accuracy of
different techniques/models at predicting whether farm borrowers would
make farm loan payments as scheduled one year hence, based on data from
the FHP and the past two years of repayment history. They found that a
neural network could predict loan repayment (based on model accuracy
measured in Type I, Type II, and total errors) better than the
internally developed FmHA, Price Waterhouse, logistic regression, and
ordinary-least-squares regression models.
Classification/predictive ability is an important criterion for any
technique/model used. The previous discussion indicates that
understandability of the loan decision process is also important to the
FSA. Research with publicly traded companies has noted the same issue.
Consequently, decision trees may be appealing because they produce
easily interpretable results which could be understood by participants
in the FSA lending process. For example, data mining literature
specifically endorsed decision trees as an analytical method to generate
easily understood and explained decisions in the form of if-then rules
(Berry & Linoff, 1997; Kantardzic, 2003). Decision trees offer other
advantages over alternative predictive methods, including that they do
not require an excessive amount of computation, and unlike neural
networks, easily identify the most important predictive variables (Berry
& Linoff, 1997). If decision trees can be effective in predicting
repayment or default on loans, they may be useful tools to help the FSA
evaluate the ability of farmers to repay loans.
To attempt to find the best predictive techniques, prior research
with public companies has compared several different methods, including
decision trees. During the financial crisis of the late 1990s, critics
of South Korean financial institutions' loan decisions believed
that those decisions themselves determined whether a company survived or
entered bankruptcy (Kyung, Chang & Lee, 1999). According to Kyung,
Chang and Lee (1999), financial institutions' reliance on arbitrary
judgment or a complicated statistical method would not satisfy business
and political leaders who would prefer to hear well-defined,
understandable decision rules for lending decisions. Consequently, they
evaluated the predictive ability of a decision tree for data from
corporations listed on the Korea Stock Exchange. They concluded that the
decision tree performed well, with substantially higher predictive
accuracy rates than a multiple discriminant model under crisis
conditions and slightly higher predictive accuracy under normal
Koh (2004) compared the ability of a logistic regression model, a
neural network, and a decision tree to accurately classify 165 U.S.
companies that became bankrupt from 1980 to 1987 and 165 matching U.S.
companies. Similar to Kyung, Chang and Lee (1999), Koh (2004) observed
better overall classification rates produced by the decision tree than
the logistic regression model or neural network. Consequently, research
in the corporate setting indicates that the decision tree technique may
provide a viable alternative tool for loan screening by the FSA.
Data Collection and Variables
The data set used in Barney (1993) and Barney, Graves and Johnson
(1999) was collected from FSA employees (FmHA loan officers) randomly
across the United States. Loan officers provided anonymous (borrower
personal information was deleted) copies of FHPs. The data set and
variables used in this study are the same as were used in the 1999
study. (See Barney, Graves & Johnson, 1999; Barney, 1993 for a more
complete explanation of the variables and the data collection process
The FHPs included financial operating results for 1990 and balance
sheet balances at 1 January 1991. (Variables are defined in Table 1.)
Whether the related borrowers made scheduled debt payments on 1 January
1992 was also noted by the loan officers. Lending officers reported a
total of 261 observations. These observations were randomly divided into
196 training set observations and 65 test set observations. After
eliminating 17 observations with incomplete data, the training set
contained 184 observations (130, 70.7% repayments and 54, 29.3%
defaults) and the test set contained 60 observations (46, 76.7%
repayments and 14, 23.3% defaults).
Analytical Methods
Logistic regression models, neural networks, and decision trees
were used to analyze the data. A more detailed description of decision
trees than the other techniques follows because use of the decision tree
technique is the main extension provided by this study. Because many
research studies involving use of categorical dependent variables have
used logistic regression and neural networks, readers may see Press and
Wilson (1978, Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989) for a complete description of
logistic regression, and Hagan, Demuth and Beale (1996), Han and Kamber
(2001), Giudici (2003), Kantardzic (2003) and SAS Enterprise Miner at for a detailed and theoretical description of neural
Logistic Regression
We will only briefly discuss logistic regression because many
previous research studies with categorical dependent variables have used
logistic regression. Logistic regression is included in several
statistical packages. We performed analysis using the Statistical
Analysis System (SAS) which uses an iteratively reweighted least squares
algorithm to compute maximum likelihood estimates of the regression
parameters (SAS Institute, Inc. 1999). SAS uses the following model to
classify farmers into the missed payment or made payment categories:
g(Y) = ln [P(PAY92=0 | x) / P(PAY92 =11 x)] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[summation][[beta.sub.i] [x.sub.i] + [member of] (1)
where: PAY92 = 0 if the farmer missed payment due January 1, 1992;
and 1 if the farmer made payment due January 1, 1992.
The independent variables included in the analysis are denoted with
the general expression, x.
Neural Networks
Popular data mining tools include neural networks. Neural networks
have been used in a variety of business applications. Neural networks
are simple computer programs that build mathematical models of the
connections in the human brain by trial and error during data analysis.
The computational property, the architecture of the network, and the
learning property characterize neural network models (Hagan, Demuth
& Beale, 1996).
The computational properties of a neural network are defined by the
model of a neuron and weights connecting neurons. Typically, each neuron
includes the summation node and the nonlinear activation function of the
sigmoid 0 = 1 / 1+exp(-[lambda]s) form and/or hyperbolic tangent form
0 = exp( s)--exp(-s) / exp(s) +exp(-s).
where s=Wx is the scalar output from a summation node; l is the
steepness of the activation function; W is a weight matrix and x is an
input vector.
In SAS Enterprise Miner, which was used in this simulation, the
hyperbolic tangent and sigmoid are the default activation functions used
in the hidden and output layers, respectively.
Neural networks are built from many neurons, organized in layers,
because single neurons have limited capability. The typical neural
network contains a hidden layer and an output layer. Using a numerical
connection called a weight, each neuron in the hidden layer connects
with every input and neuron in the output layer, if the neural network
is fully connected. The strength of the connection and the relative
importance of each input to the neuron are represented by the weights.
Because the network learns through repeated adjustment of the weights,
they are crucial to neural networks' operation. Knowledge gained by
the network during learning is encoded by the weights.
Neural networks come in several architectures. One of the most
common architectures used in financial/accounting applications is the
two-layer feed-forward network with error backpropagation. In such a
network, signals propagate through the two layers from input to output.
Neural networks learn by experience from training patterns,
typically in a supervised mode. A neural network is presented with many
training patterns, one at a time. Each of the training patterns is
marked by the class label of the dependent variable. After seeing enough
of these patterns, the neural network builds the response model which
reads in unclassified cases not seen during training, one at a time, and
updates each with a predicted class.
Neural networks use a nonlinear activation function to model
nonlinear behavior. Consequently, researchers often employ neural
networks to solve sophisticated tasks and approximate functions in which
relationships and interactions between variables are complex and
nonlinear. One of the drawbacks of neural networks is the fact that the
explicit mathematical equation estimated by the network to classify data
is unknown; the neural network's knowledge is encoded in the
numerical connections, called weights. Consequently, if/then rules that
represent the relationships between inputs and outcomes cannot be easily
constructed, making the produced results difficult to explain.
In our study we used a feed-forward network with back-propagation,
default learning algorithm, and standard deviation normalization for
input variables, all available in SAS Enterprise Miner. We tested
several networks with different number of neurons in the hidden layer
and one neuron in the output layer. The network with 2 neurons in the
hidden layer apparently yielded the best classification results.
Decision Trees
Decision trees can also perform efficiently in classification
tasks. Decision trees consist of flow-chart-like tree structures, where
tests on the attributes are represented by nodes, conditions are
represented by branches, and classes are reported in leaf nodes.
Decision trees learn from input data in a supervised mode. For
classification, the attribute values of an unknown sample are tested
against the decision tree. The tree traces a path from a leaf node
predicting a specific class back to the tree root for that sample.
Each unique path from the root to a leaf is represented by a rule.
From the tree, if-then rules can easily be constructed to represent
relationships between the dependent and independent variables. These
rules can be very useful by providing insight into the model's
operation and a compact explanation of the data. Reported at each node
is the number of observations entering the node, the classification of
the node, and the percent of cases correctly classified.
In decision trees, the type of splitting criteria available depends
on the measurement level of the dependent variable. When the dependent
variable is binary, the following three splitting criteria are common:
entropy reduction, Gini reduction and chi-squared test. One of the most
common techniques for construction of entropy-based decision trees is
the C4.5 algorithm which builds decision trees by a recursive, top-down,
divide-and-conquer method (Quinlan 1993). The algorithm continually
divides a data set into finer and finer clusters. The algorithm places
the strongest predictive variable at the root of the tree.
The algorithm tries to produce pure clusters at the nodes by
progressively reducing impurity in the original data set. Entropy (a
concept borrowed from information theory) measures the
impurity/information content in a cluster of data. The algorithm
computes the gains in purity from all possible splits, and chooses a
split that maximizes information gain. The process continues and the
algorithm determines the least amount of splits to minimize the error
rate on the training data set. Fewer splits, branches, and variables,
produce a more understandable tree.
We now provide a brief introduction to the well-established
concepts of entropy and information gain used to measure impurity. If a
collection, S, contains positive (yes) and negative examples (no) of a
target concept, the entropy of S in relation to that Boolean
classification is:
In the equation, [p.sub.yes] and [] are the proportions of
positive and negative examples in S, respectively.
The entropy of S, when the target attribute can take on k different
values, is related to a k-wise classification defined as:
reduction method, and
reduction method.
Relative to a collection of examples S, Gain(S, A), the information
gain of an attribute A, is defined as:
In the formula, Values(A) represents the set of all possible values
for attribute A, while [S.sub.v] represents the subset of S when
attribute A has the value v (i.e., [S.sub.v] = {S[member of]S|A(S)=v}
Chi-squared splitting criteria measure the reduction in variability
of the target distribution in the branch (child) nodes. Specifically,
the likelihood ratio Pearson chi- squared test statistic is a measure of
association between the categories of the dependent variable and the
branch nodes. This test statistic can be used to judge the worth of the
split; it measures the difference between the observed cell counts and
what would be expected if the branches and target classes were
independent. We used a default significance level of 0.20 recommended by
SAS for binary classification problems. (The 0.1 significance level
produced exactly the same decision tree and the same classification
rates for the training and test sets, whereas the 0.05 and 0.01
significance levels produced two simple trees with worse classification
rates than the 0.2 significance level.
To summarize, logistic regression and neural networks embed their
knowledge in their coefficients and weights, respectively, whereas
knowledge in decision trees is represented in the form of linear and
transparent rules. We discuss decision trees further in the following
Results section. For a more thorough and comprehensive description of
decision trees, see Giudici (2003; SAS Enterprise Miner at;
Quinlan (1993); Dhar and Stein (1997; Kantardzic (2003).
Decision Tree
Because use of a decision tree is the focus of this study, we begin
this section discussing results from the three decision tree methods. An
advantage of using decision trees over neural networks is their ability
to calculate the relative importance of input variables based on their
predictive power and overall contribution to the classification tree
(Breiman, Friedman, Olshen & Stone, 1984). The tree node
incorporates the agreement between the surrogate split and the primary
split in the calculation. The variable importance measure is scaled to
be between 0 and 1 by dividing by the maximum importance. Thus, larger
values indicate greater importance. Variables that do not appear in any
primary or saved surrogate splits have importance equal to 0.
Table 2 presents the variables deemed important by the three
decision tree methods. Panels A and B for the entropy reduction and Gini
reduction methods, respectively, show that seven and ten variables,
respectively, are important in those methods. The entropy reduction and
Gini reduction methods consequently contain numerous splitting rules. In
contrast, the results for the chisquared test method, reported in Panel
C, include only four important variables and relatively few splitting
All three decision tree methods find that OE90, REST90, and
DEBT/ASSETS are three of the four most powerful predictive variables.
The methods disagree on what other variables are important. The
chi-squared method found REST90 to contain the most predictive power.
Thus, REST90 serves as the root of the chi-square tree. The relative
importance of this variable is 1. Then OE90, DEBT/ASSETS, and REST91, in
that order, were used in the tree. All the remaining ten variables have
been pruned because their presence does not increase the overall
classification accuracy of the tree.
All else equal, the simpler the decision tree and the fewer
splitting rules, the better, particularly for FSA use. The chi-squared
test method produced the simplest tree. However, predictive accuracy is
an important criterion for potential users of decision trees. The
decision trees developed on the training set were applied to the 60 test
cases not included in the training set. Table 3 reports the predictive
accuracy at different cutoff probabilities for these 60 observations
overall, for the 14 defaulted loans, and the 46 paid loans.
Overall, the chi-squared method classifies loans as accurately, or
more accurately, than the other two decision tree methods at all
reported cutoff levels above 20 percent. The Gini reduction method is
more accurate at the 20 percent and 10 percent cutoff levels. A 50
percent cutoff implies that predicting a repayment is just as important
as predicting a default; the cost associated with lending money to a
farmer who does not repay (Type II error) is equal to the cost of not
lending money to a farmer who would repay the loan (Type I error). A 30
percent cutoff implies that a Type II error is more costly than a Type I
In a research note, Hsieh (1993) estimated that capital investors
considered not correctly predicting an actual bankruptcy 3.242 times
more costly than falsely predicting that a nonbankrupt firm would become
bankrupt. She recommended using a cutoff percentage of .3085 for
corporate bankruptcy predictions (Hsieh, 1993). While the loss function
of equity investors is certainly different than that for FSA lending
decisions, Hsieh's findings provide a reference to estimate
appropriate cutoff percentages.
The FSA has a dual purpose in lending money: (1) providing support
to farmers and (2) protecting taxpayer dollars through judicious lending
decisions. Consequently, a 50 percent cutoff criterion may be
appropriate. If the FSA mandate calls more heavily on protecting
taxpayer funds, a lower cutoff percentage (perhaps 30 or 40 percent)
would be more appropriate. Cutoff percentages above 50 percent would
imply the unlikely assumption that denying loans to farmers who could
repay their loans (Type I error) is more costly than lending money to
farmers who do not repay (Type II error).
We discuss the results for the chi-squared test method in more
detail because it produced the best overall classification results on
the test set at cutoffs of 30% or greater with the least complex tree in
terms of the number of leaves, the number of splits, and the depth of
the tree. The tree is easy to understand because it uses only five rules
and four variables to classify the data. The tree diagram with results
for the training and test sets is shown in Figure 1.
The decision branches and their split values in the tree make sense
intuitively. The rules and classification rates produced by the tree for
the training set follow. (N = number of cases entering the node).
Remember that the dependent variable, payment of FmHA loan due on
January 1, 1992, (PAY92) = 0 if missed, 1 if made, and REST90 and REST91
= 0 if farmer's FmHA debt was restructured and 1 if FmHA debt was
not restructured in 1990 or 1991, respectively.
The tree generates five rules which use four variables only. As an
example, the predicted values are calculated for a 50% cut-off. The tree
first classifies loans to any farmers who did not restructure their farm
debt on January 1, 1990 as expected to repay.
IF REST90 = 1
THEN Predicted value: 1
N : 137 training cases
1 : 79.6%--109 training cases
0 : 20.4%--28 training cases
N : 41 test cases
1 : 87.6%--36 test cases
0 : 12.4%--5 test cases
As can be seen in Figure 1, farmers unable to make loan payments in
1990 (REST90 = 0) also faced difficulty paying off the loan due in 1992.
(More than half of the farmers with REST90 = 0 in the training set
defaulted on the 1992 payment.) For loans to these farmers, the tree
examines their operating expense ratio first. If the operating expense
ratio is less than 0.6858, whether farm debt was restructured in 1991
becomes the determining classification factor. Farmers who did not
restructure debt in 1991 were predicted to repay in 1992 while farmers
who restructured in 1991 were not expected to repay in 1992.
IF REST90 = 0 AND OE90 < 0.6858 AND REST91 = 1
THEN Predicted value: 1
N : 16 training cases N
1 : 87.5%--14 training cases 1
0 : 12.5%--2 training cases 0
N : 5 test cases
1 : 80.0%--4 test cases
0 : 20.0%--1 test case
IF REST90 = 0 AND OE90 < 0.6858 AND REST91 = 0
THEN Predicted value: 0
N : 7 training cases N
1 : 42.9%--3 training cases 1
0 : 57.1%--4 training cases 0
2 : test cases
1 : 0.0%--0 test cases
0 : 100.0%--2 test cases
If farmers restructured debt in 1990 (REST90 = 0) and exhibited
operating expenses [greater than or equal to] 0.6858 of farm income
(OE90 [greater than or equal to] 0.6858), the likelihood of not paying
off the loan increases to about 83%. In this case, the debt to asset
ratio becomes the determining classification factor. Such loans
exhibiting DEBT/ASSETS < 0.7051 are predicted to make their 1992 debt
repayment, while observations with DEBT/ASSETS [greater than or equal
to] 0.7051 are predicted to not repay their debt for 1992.
IF REST90 = 0 AND OE [greater than or equal to] 0.6858 AND
DEBT/ASSETS < 0.7051
THEN Predicted value: 1
N : 5 training cases
1 : 60.0%--3 training cases
0 : 40.0%--2 training cases
N : 4 test cases
1 : 75.0%--3 test cases
0 : 25.0%--1 test case
IF REST90 = 0 AND [OE.sup.3] 0.6858 AND [DEBT/ASSETS.sup.3] 0.7051
THEN Predicted value: 0
N : 19 training cases
1 : 5.3%--1 training case
0 : 94.7%--18 training cases
N : 8 test cases
1 : 37.5%--3 test cases
0 : 62.5%--5 test cases
Neural Network and Logistic Regression
To fully evaluate the predictive ability of the decision tree, the
data was also analyzed to select a logistic regression model and neural
network that produced the best predictive results. Unlike Barney, Graves
and Johnson, (1999) who included all available variables in their
logistic regression model, three variable selection methods available in
SAS were used to find the best logistic regression model: forward,
backward, and stepwise. In the forward selection method, the best
one-variable model is first chosen. Then the method selects the best
two- variable model among those that contain the first selected
variable. The process continues until no additional variables have a
p-value less than the specified entry p-value known as a significance
level. In the backward selection technique, the process begins with all
variables included in a model. Variables are then removed from the model
until only variables with a p-value less than a specified significance
level remain.
The stepwise method is a modification of the forward selection
method. The difference is that variables already selected for the model
do not necessarily stay there. The stepwise process may remove any
variable already in the model that is not associated with the dependent
variable at the specified significance level. The process continues
until none of the variables outside the model has a p-value less than
the specified significance level and every variable in the model is
significant at that level.
We analyzed the data using the three methods. The stepwise
selection method, at a specified p-value of 0.05, identified a model
including three significant variables, DEBT/ASSETS, REST90, and REST91,
that produced the best overall classification results for the test set
for any logistic regression model. Of several types of neural networks
examined, the best classification results were produced by a two-layer,
feed-forward network with back-propagation having two neurons in the
hidden layer available in SAS Enterprise Miner. Table 4 presents output
from the best logistic regression classification model and neural
network selected.
Evaluation/Comparison of Results
Of primary interest is the predictive ability of the analytical
methods on the test set--the 60 observations not included in the
training set. The logistic regression model, neural network, and
decision tree developed on the training set were applied to the 60 test
cases. Table 5 reports the overall classification accuracy for at
different cutoff percentages for the FmHA's internally developed
criteria, and the criteria developed by Price Waterhouse, reported in
the original studies by Barney (1993) and Barney, Graves and Johnson
(1999). Table 5 also reports the classification accuracy rates for the
overall test set, defaulted loans, and paid loans for the chi-squared
test decision tree, neural network, and logistic regression model.
The chi-squared test decision tree, neural network, and logistic
regression model perform better (significantly) overall than the FmHA
criteria at the 30 percent through 60 percent cutoffs. These methods are
also significantly better than the Price Waterhouse selection criteria
at the 30 percent and 40 percent cutoffs. The decision tree and neural
network are significantly better at the 50% cut off. Table 6 presents
the null hypothesis and the proportional z- statistics for comparisons
of the overall accuracy rates of the techniques. The decision tree
produces the highest overall classification accuracy rates for the 30,
40, and 50 percent cutoffs. However, the overall classification accuracy
rates between the three analytical methods are not significantly
different for cutoff percentages 30 percent and higher.
A weakness of the decision tree is that the technique predicts
relatively poorly for very low probability cutoffs, those that consider
the cost of a missed payment (Type II error) extremely high compared to
the cost of not lending to a farmer who could repay the loan (Type I
error). The Price Waterhouse model, logistic regression model, and
neural network all performed significantly better than the decision tree
at the 20 percent and/or 10 percent cutoff probability. However, given
the mission of the FSA, a cutoff percentage lower than 30% would not
likely be considered. Another weakness could be that the overall
accuracy rates for the decision tree (80.0 and 83.3 percent at the 30
percent and 50 percent cut off probabilities, respectively), while
relatively high compared to other methods, are not much higher than the
76.7 percent of loans in the test set that were repaid. A naive, but
unrealistic assumption that all loans will be repaid would produce a
76.7 percent overall classification accuracy rate. The decision tree
achieves its accuracy rates while properly classifying 50.0 and 57.1
percent of loans that are not repaid at the 50 and 30 percent cut off
probabilities, respectively.
The aim of this study is not to recommend a loan classification
system for immediate FSA use. Rather, we build, test, and present a
viable and transparent model, the decision tree, which could potentially
improve FSA lending practices, making lending decisions more transparent
and easily understood by applicants and the FSA staff. With loan default
percentages varying over time, we discuss classification accuracy rates
at several possible cut-offs. At the most likely relevant cut off
percentages, a decision tree, neural network, or logistic regression
model would significantly improve classification accuracy rates over the
internally developed FmHA (FSA) criteria and perform better than the
criteria developed by Price Waterhouse at much government expense. While
the chi-squared test decision tree performs comparatively as well as the
neural network and logistic regression model, its clarity when used in
practice is a major advantage.
Once the decision tree determines the variables indicative of loan
repayment or default and determines the appropriate cutoff point for
those variables, the tree accounts for relevant possible combinations of
those variables. In this manner, the decision tree accounts for all
possible input observations and provides clear, understandable
predictions (more so than other analytical methods). Then, the model or
its user can determine into which group a loan application falls to
predict repayment or default. FSA employees, farmers, and legislators
could all understand the decision rules and evaluate the results of
lending decisions based on those rules.
The decision tree technique should be considered in any revision of
the FSA lending program because of its great potential to improve the
FSA's lending practices and make them more transparent. Analysis
with a more recent and larger data set would be an appropriate extension
of this study as would performing more tests and implementing k-fold
cross- validation to obtain more reliable and unbiased classification
error estimates. The decision tree could be updated annually based on
actual repayment data from recent years. Assembling national data on
repayment and default rates by farmers would be essential to improving
and maintaining the system.
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Benjamin P. Foster, University of Louisville
Jozef Zurada, University of Louisville
Douglas K. Barney, Indiana University Southeast
Table 1. (a) Prediction model variables (b)
Dependent Variable: FmHA loan payment on 1 January,
1992 (PAY92) = 0 if missed, 1 if made
Independent Variables:
Current Ratio (CR) = 1991 Total current farm assets
1991 Total current farm liabilities
Working Capital (WC) = 1991 Total current farm assets - 1991
total current farm liabilities
Debt-to-Assets = 1991 Total debts
(DEBT/ASSETS) 1991 Total assets
Debt-to-Equity = 1991 Total debts.
(DEBT/EQUITY) 1991 Total assets - 1991 Total
debt + 400,000
Return on Farm Assets = 1990 Total cash farm income from
(RFA90) operations - operating expenses
- family living expenses
1990 Beginning total farm assets
Return on Equity (RRE90) = 1990 Total cash farm income -
operating expenses - interest
expense - family living expenses
1990 Total assets - 1990 Total
debt + 400,000
Operating Proft Margin = 1990 Total farm income - actual
(OPM90) operating expenses - family
living expenses
1990 Total farm income
Projected Debt Repayment = Total debt and interest payments
ratio (PDR91) due on 1991 FHP
1991 Projected total cash farm income
+ Non-farm income
Debt Repayment Ratio = Total debt and interest payments
(DR90) due on 1990 FHP
1990 Total cash farm income +
Non-farm income
Asset Turnover (AT90) = 1990 Total cash farm income
1990 Beginning total farm assets
Operating Expense (OE90) = 1990 Total operating expenses (c)
1990 Total farm income
Interest Expense (IE90) = Total 1990 actual interest expense paid
Total 1990 farm income
Dummy Variable (REST90) = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1990;
1 otherwise
Dummy Variable (REST91) = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1991;
1 otherwise
(a) From Table 1 of (Barney, Graves, & Johnson, 1999)
(b) Unless stated otherwise, all ratios are calculated after
restructuring and new loans.
(c) Unless stated otherwise, operating expenses do not include
interest expense.
Table 2. Decision Tree--Relative Importance of Variables
Panel A. Entropy reduction method
Number of
Splitting Rules
Variable Name Importance Variable Using the
Value Role Variable
OE90 1.0 Input 4
REST90 0.798 Input 1
DEBT/ASSETS 0.62 Input 2
DEBT/EQUITY 0.62 Input 2
WORK_CAP 0.464 Input 1
AT90 0.458 Input 1
RFA90 0.349 Input 1
Remaining 7 variables 0.0 Rejected 0
Panel B. Gini reduction method
Number of
Splitting Rules
Variable Name Importance Variable Using the
Value Role Variable
OE90 1.0 Input 2
REST90 0.906 Input 1
RRE 0.763 Input 2
DEBT/ASSETS 0.703 Input 2
RFA90 0.542 Input 1
IE90 0.528 Input 1
AT90 0.518 Input 1
DEBT/EQUITY 0.513 Input 1
DR90 0.458 Input 1
REST91 0.431 Input 1
Remaining 4 variables 0.0 Rejected 0
Panel C. Chi-square method
Number of
Splitting Rules
Variable Name Importance Variable Using the
Value Role Variable
REST90 1.0 Input 1
OE90 0.951 Input 1
DEBT/ASSETS 0.528 Input 1
REST91 0.477 Input 1
Remaining 10 variables 0.0 Rejected 0
Dependent Variable: PAY92 = 0 if missed, 1 if made
Independent Variables:
REST90 = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1990;
1 otherwise
REST91 = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1991;
1 otherwise
DEBT/ASSETS = 1991 Total debts/1991 Total assets
OE90 = 1990 Total operating expenses/1990 Total
farm income
DEBT/EQUITY = 1991 Total debts/(1991 Total assets -
1991 Total debt + 400,000)
WORK_CAP = 1991 Total current farm assets - 1991
total current farm liabilities
AT90 = 1990 Total cash farm income/1990 Beginning
total farm assets
IE90 = Total 1990 actual interest expense
paid/Total 1990 farm income
RFA90 1990 Total cash farm income from operations -
= operating expenses - family living expenses
1990 Beginning total farm assets
RRE 1990 Total cash farm income from operations -
= operating expenses - family living expenses
1990 Total assets - 1990 Total debt + 400,000
DR90 = Total debt and interest payments due on
1990 FHP
1990 Total cash farm income + Non-farm income
Table 3. Classification Accuracy Rates for the Test Set by Different
Decision Tree Methods: Counts and Percentages Classified Accurately
for Different Cut-off Probabilities.
Cutoff DT
probability [%] Entropy reduction
[O.sup.1] [D.sup.1] [P.sup.1]
0 14 14 0
23.3 100.0 0.0
10 29 14 15
48.3 100.0 32.6
20 33 11 22
55.0 78.6 47.8
30 34 10 24
56.7 71.4 52.2
40 34 10 24
56.7 71.4 52.2
50 48 7 41
80.0 50.0 89.1
60 48 7 41
80.0 50.0 89.1
70 46 5 41
76.7 35.7 89.1
80 46 5 41
76.7 35.7 89.1
90 47 5 42
78.3 35.7 91.3
Cutoff DT
probability [%] Gini reduction
0 14 14 0
23.3 100.0 0.0
10 34 9 25
56.7 84.3 54.3
20 41 8 33
68.3 57.1 55.0
30 42 8 34
70.0 57.1 56.7
40 42 8 34
70.0 57.1 56.7
50 44 7 37
73.3 50.0 61.7
60 42 5 37
70.0 35.7 61.7
70 42 5 37
70.0 35.7 61.7
80 42 5 37
70.0 35.7 61.7
90 46 5 41
76.7 35.7 89.1
Cutoff DT
probability [%] Chi square
0 14 14 0
23.3 100.0 0.0
10 14 14 0
23.3 100.0 0.0
20 17 13 4
28.3 92.9 8.7
30 48 8 40
80.0 57.1 87.0
40 48 8 40
80.0 57.1 87.0
50 50 7 43
83.3 50.0 93.5
60 48 5 43
80.0 35.7 93.5
70 48 5 43
80.0 35.7 93.5
80 48 5 43
80.0 35.7 93.5
90 48 5 43
80.0 35.7 93.5
DT--Decision tree
Of a total of 60 cases divided into 14 defaulted loans and
46 paid loans, counts and percentages for: O--Overall, D
--Defaulted, P--Paid
Table 4. Logistic Regression Model Output
Panel A: Likelihood Ratio Test for Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq
Likelihood Ratio 37.2599 3 <.0001
Panel B: Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Parameter DF Estimate Error
Intercept 1 0.7643 0.7315
REST90 1 1.0551 0.3977
REST91 1 1.1170 0.4090
DEBT/ASSETS 1 -1.8589 0.6959
Parameter Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq
Intercept 1.0916 0.2961
REST90 7.0366 0.0080
REST91 7.4596 0.0063
DEBT/ASSETS 7.1354 0.0076
Dependent Variable:
PAY92 = 0 if missed, 1 if made
Independent Variables:
REST90 = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1990; 1 otherwise
REST91 = 0 if restructured on 1 January, 1991; 1 otherwise
DEBT/ASSETS = 1991 Total debts/1991 Total assets
Table 5. Classification Accuracy Rates for the Test Set by
Different Methods: Counts and Percentages Classified Accurately
for Different Cut-off Probabilities
Cutoff FmHA (a b) PW (a c) LR (d)
[%] O (g) O O D (g) P (g)
0 15 17 14 14 0
25.0 28.3 23.3 100.0 0.0
10 16 25 15 14 1
26.6 41.7 25.0 100.0 2.2
20 18 29 42 14 28
30.0 48.3 70.0 100.0 60.9
30 20 30 46 12 34
33.3 50.0 76.7 85.7 73.9
40 24 37 47 10 37
40.0 61.7 78.3 71.4 80.4
50 28 39 49 9 40
46.6 65.0 81.7 64.3 87.0
60 35 43 53 8 45
58.3 71.7 88.3 57.1 97.8
70 43 43 51 5 46
71.6 71.7 85.0 35.7 100.0
80 43 44 47 1 46
71.6 73.3 78.3 7.1 100.0
90 45 44 46 0 46
75.0 73.3 76.7 0.0 100.0
Cutoff NN (c) DT (f)
[%] O D P O D P
0 14 14 0 14 14 0
23.3 100.0 0.0 23.3 100.0 0.0
10 22 12 10 14 14 0
36.7 85.7 21.7 23.3 100.0 0.0
20 26 12 14 17 13 4
43.3 85.7 30.4 28.3 92.9 8.7
30 46 5 41 48 8 40
76.7 35.7 89.1 80.0 57.1 87.0
40 47 5 42 48 8 40
78.3 35.7 91.3 80.0 57.1 87.0
50 47 5 42 50 7 43
78.3 35.7 91.3 83.3 50.0 93.5
60 47 5 42 48 5 43
78.3 35.7 91.3 80.0 35.7 93.5
70 47 5 42 48 5 43
78.3 35.7 91.3 80.0 35.7 93.5
80 47 5 42 48 5 43
78.3 35.7 91.3 80.0 35.7 93.5
90 46 4 42 48 5 43
76.7 28.6 91.3 80.0 35.7 93.5
(a) Adapted from Table 17 in (Barney, Graves & Johnson, 1999)
(b) FmHA--Farmers Home Administration internally developed
criteria in 1992
(c) PW--Price Waterhouse model developed for the FmHA
(d) LR--Logistic regression model
(e) NN--Neural network
(f) DT--Decision tree--Chi-square method
(g) Of a total of 60 cases divided int
Table 6. Overall Classification Rate Comparisons Z-scores for
the Test Set.
Cutoff %
Comparison: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
FmHA v. PW -0.41 -1.74 * -2.05 ** -1.86 * -2.38 **
FmHA v. DT 0.22 0.42 0.20 -5.16 ** -4 47
FmHA v. LR 0.22 0.20 -4.38 ** -4.78 ** -4.27 **
FmHA v. NN 0.22 -1.19 -1.51 -4.78 ** -4.27 **
PW v. DT 0.63 2.15 ** 2.25 ** -3.45 ** -2.21 **
PW v. LR 0.63 0.56 0.55 -3.04 ** -1.98 **
PW v. NN 0.63 1 94 -2.42 ** -3.04 ** -1.98 **
DT v. LR 0.00 -0.22 -4.57 ** 0.44 0.23
DT v. NN 0.00 -1.60 -1 71 0.44 0.23
LR v. NN 0.00 -1.39 2.95 ** 0.00 0.00
Cutoff %
Comparison: 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
FmHA v. PW -2.03 ** -1.54 -0.01 -0.21 0.21
FmHA v. DT -4.21 ** -2.57 ** -1.07 -1.07 -0.66
FmHA v. LR -4.01 ** -3.71 ** -1.78 * -0.85 -0.22
FmHA v. NN -3.59 ** -2.35 ** -0.85 -0.85 -0.22
PW v. DT -2.29 ** -1.06 -1.06 -0.87 -0.87
PW v. LR -1.62 -0.83 -0.83 -0.64 -0.43
PW v. NN -2.07 ** -2.27 ** 1 77 -0.64 -0.43
DT v. LR 0.23 -1.24 -0.72 0.23 0.44
DT v. NN 0.70 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.44
LR v. NN 0.47 1.47 0.95 0.00 0.00
Note: Z-score for null hypothesis that: (the proportion properly
classified by the first method mentioned--the proportion properly
classified by the second method mentioned) = 0.
* Significant at p < 0.05.
** Significant at p < 0.01