Business process reengineering with grade.
Lockwood, Diane ; Tenteris, Janis ; Ansari, A. 等
Huge investments in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) have been
made recently to replace legacy systems. However, the resulting
efficiency of the entire organization often does not increase
dramatically because information technology projects are carried out
without first reengineering the underlying business processes
(Davenport, 1993; Keller & Brenner, 1995).
What is different about the systems development methodology
embedded in GRADE (Graphical Re-engineering, Analysis and Design
Environment) is that it explicitly begins with the basic reengineering
principle advocated by Hammer and Champy (1993) that business processes
should be redesigned before information systems are developed. That is,
information systems are typically developed to model the existing
"as is" way of doing business. In Hammer and Champy's own
words (1993), "we are merely paving the cow paths," when we
use this approach. Other common methodologies such as De Marco (1978),
Yourdon and Constantine (1978), and tools based on structured
methodologies (e.g., IEW, IEF, Excelerator), do not explicitly link
business process modeling and redesign to subsequent applications
development (as does GRADE), at least in any internally consistent way.
This does not mean that these methodologies cannot be used to develop
"as proposed" systems, but that there is no explicit formal
method for articulating, simulating, and linking business process models
with subsequent applications development. The purposes of this paper are
twofold. First, it proposes a methodology to support the main tasks
involved in Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Second, it describes
ah way to model Business Processes (both "as is" and "as
proposed") using a graphical software tool called GRADE (Graphical
Re-engineering, Analysis and Design Environment).
A model of business processes is required to develop a successful
BPR. On the basis of such a model, three tasks of BPR can be performed
using GRADE. First, the current business process is modified in order to
improve it by means of static analysis. Next, a dynamic analysis is
performed to effect further improvements of the business processes.
Finally, it coordinates the redesigned business processes with the
organizational structure and skill sets of the employees (performers of
tasks). These tasks are discussed in more detail in the following
Principles of Static Analysis
The 'static analysis' refers to the analysis of the
structure of business processes without recourse to simulation
experiments. The goal of static analysis is to improve or optimize the
business processes in accordance with several recommendations. A summary
of such recommendations follows.
1. Wherever possible, try to perform activities in parallel
(concurrently) instead of in a sequential chain of tasks. This reduces
the total duration of business processes considerably. According to Hammer and Champy (1993), a 50% reduction in total duration time is a
realistic goal in BPR projects.
2. Avoid organizational breaks within one business process. This
means that the same person should perform any two sequential tasks if
this person is qualified to do both tasks. Furthermore, this tends to
minimize both the number of employees in each business process and the
number of employees in any one business process and the number of
different employees required to perform any particular task.
3. Eliminate the execution of redundant tasks, especially those
that do not add value or increase customer satisfaction.
Principles of Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis of business processes consists of performing
various simulation experiments in order to optimize the model. In order
to obtain credible results the model requires a variety of process
metrics, such as the duration of each task, transfer times, the expenses
and productivity of each employee (referred to in the tool as
"performer" of the task), the underlying logic behind business
rules and the frequency of inputs. Such information often is readily
available in some form in many organizations, although it must often be
reorganized in order to be put to use in the model.
Coordination of New Business Processes with Organization Structure
This step of BPR can be performed only after the dynamic analysis
of the business process is completed. Coordination means that changes in
the structure of the organization are needed to reflect changes in the
new business process. Preferably this should be done for the system as a
whole. If such activities are performed for separate subsystems
(departments, branch offices, etc.) there is always a risk that these
local changes might not improve the characteristics of the entire
GRADE provides a unique function 'Build System Model'
(1999) to implement these recommendations. This function extracts the
information from multilevel business process diagrams and organization
charts and generates Communication Diagrams (CD). The CD's
represent communication between different performers. In simple cases a
visual inspection of the CD's is enough to make conclusions on how
to restructure the organizational optimally. It is easy to determine
from the CD's whether the performers that belong to the same
organizational unit communicate intensively among themselves. If
external communication (with performers from other branches) is more
intensive than internal communication, appropriate changes in the
structure of the organization (redeployment of performers) should be
Realistically, it is often necessary to redesign several complex
cross-functional business processes in a large application development
project. However, to illustrate the methodology, the scope of this paper
will be limited to two main business processes in the credit department
of a commercial bank. The organization unit (credit department) involved
and the two business processes are represented in Figures 1 and 2,
respectively. The GRADE software tool produced all figures used in this
In addition to organization structure analysis, business processes
are also required to undergo static analysis. The two main business
processes, 'Short Term Credit' and 'Other Credit',
reflect the current situation (as is) model, shown in Figure 2. The
first model depicts the short term credit process for small and medium
size credits, for current customers of the bank. The second model
demonstrates the approval of other credits (large and/or long term
and/or credits for new customers).
Application of Static Analysis
First Requirement: Perform Activities in Parallel. Although both
business processes seem to be quite similar, the parallel execution of
tasks can be introduced only in the first process, as show in Figure
2-a. The only input document required to start the task Compare Request
and Debts is Registered Request. This task does not require Financial
Statement which is produced by the previous task Credit Check. Thus, the
first business process can be transformed so that the tasks Compare
Request and Debts and Analyze Credit History are executed in parallel
with the task Credit Check. The modified version of this business
process is depicted in Figure 3.
However, as shown in Figure 2-b, a similar modification for the
second business process is not possible. This is due to the fact that
the task Register Guaranties and Collateral is initiated by Copies of
Documents that are received from the previous task Receive Documents.
Second Requirement: Same Performer for Sequential Tasks. The tasks
Compare Request and Debts and Analyze Credit History are performed in
sequence by two different performers (Junior Expert and senior Expert in
Figure 2a. This causes an extra transfer of work materials from Junior
Expert to Senior Expert. It is assumed that the task Analyze Credit
History does not require the qualification of a Senior Expert, in which
case a Junior Expert can manage it. This, consequently, leads to a
change in the structure of the organization. Thus, we could reduce the
number of Senior Experts and increase the number of Junior Expert
positions. These changes in the organization diagram are reflected in
Figure 4.
Application of Dynamic Analysis
A number of simulation experiments were carried out with the model
obtained after static analysis. During these experiments the number of
positions was changed and the duration of the tasks and the utilization
of the employees were varied. The number of concurrently active
transactions and the lengths of queues were reasonably low and the
Credit Division, as a whole, was able to manage the volume of incoming
Credit Requests.
The utilization of performers (depending on the number of assigned
performers) is represented in comment fields of the organization diagram
in Figure 4. The optimal number of positions was determined
experimentally (utilization analysis is not discussed herein for reasons
of page limitations) but the results are represented graphically by
comparing Figure 1 with Figure 4. Some comments on these results are:
1. The utilization of two Loan Officers is not sufficient (less
than 40 %) and even when reduced to one, the utilization is not more
than 80 % of the total work time;
2. The number of Senior Inspectors was reduced from four to three
which gave an average utilization of 81.79%. Even two Senior Inspectors
could manage the work load but then their high utilization (99.52%)
would likely result in a waiting queue which would cause an increase in
the cycle time of the process.
3. The replacement of one Senior Experts with another Junior Expert
has proven to be successful from a utilization viewpoint. The two Junior
Experts now have a combined load factor of 89%.
4. The utilization of Senior Expert and Expert is still too low
(around 52%). In this case the options are to a) combine the two
positions into one if the skills are transferable or b) give additional
tasks to these experts in order to reduce slack time.
5. The total number of employees in the Credit Division can be
reduced from 15 (see Figure 1) to 13 (see Figure 4). The tasks of Senior
Expert and Expert would be combined in Figure 4 since the current
utilization rate is low (around 50%).
The duration of business transactions after reducing the number of
performers is depicted in Table 1. Although the duration of each task
was given (see Figures 2, 3 and 4) as a constant value (which is an
obvious simplification of reality), the duration of business
transactions varied from 50 minutes to as long as 14 hours.
The range of task duration for the second Business Process is
relatively small when compared to the duration for the first Business
Process. This can be explained on the basis of performer utilization.
The average utilization of performers for the second Business Process is
around 82% while that for the first Business Process, which has two
Inspector positions, is 98%. The execution of the tasks of the
Inspectors might often be delayed because they are still busy with the
previous transaction.
This situation could be improved by increasing the number of
Inspectors to three but this would decrease their utilization to 66 %
(see Figure 4). This would also increase the total costs (14 employees
versus 13). The positive result of such a change would be a shorter
duration and range of the Business Process. This should be done if the
customers consider the total processing time of Short Term Credit
applications to be rather lengthy and if there is a risk that they might
switch to another bank.
New Organization Structure According to the Business Processes
One of the Communication Diagrams (CD) obtained after the
modification of the organization chart is represented in Figure 5.
This example shows that the Guaranty and Collateral Department has
an isolated (stand-alone) object--Senior Expert. However, the Senior
Expert communicates with other objects (external to this department).
This is depicted through external (dashed line) communication paths
X--Sen Exprt and Sen Exprt--X where the Senior Expert sends messages to
Senior Loan Officer and Senior Inspector of Long Term Credit Department.
These observations could lead us to the first modification
step--move Senior Expert to the Long Term Credit Department thus
improving the communication within the Long Term Credit Department. In
contrast, analysis of additional interface tables (not shown here) for
Expert and Junior Expert reveals that they are communicating mostly
internally with performers of the Short Term Credit Department, i.e.,
the Loan Officer and the Inspector. This could be the basis for a major
change in the organizations-move the Expert and the Junior Expert to the
Short Term Credit Department and eliminate the Guaranty and Collateral
Dynamic experiments with such changes are easy to make in the GRADE
tool: one need only move (by drag and drop) both experts to another
branch in the organization diagram. Then, with the push of a button, one
can regenerate the communications structure of the Credit Division while
maintaining referential consistency. Such changes in the organization of
Credit Division might also reduce the total duration of each business
process because the transfer time of messages between tasks (and their
performers) would decrease as a result of the close proximity of each
performer to his partners in the Business Process. In order to keep the
model simple the transfer times are not represented in this case.
Notice in this study that when the organizational changes are
completed we have followed a strategy of maintaining a "flat"
organization. The main results of these reorganizations can be
summarized as follows:
* Instead of three departments we now have just two--one for each
business process. Both departments have similar numbers of employees,
six to seven, and they both have intensive internal communication;
* The two new departments do not interact with each other. The next
transformation possibly could be the elimination of the unit Credit
Division in the next superordinate hierarchy level. This change would
reduce the number of hierarchy levels, the number of manager positions,
and make the entire organization more "flat".
However, our goal was not to build a flat organization. GRADE
equally well could help one follow the opposite strategy and create a
traditional organization with specialized departments and a multilevel
A tool like GRADE can be helpful in understanding the current
situation and in managing the changes to be made. GRADE consists of two
primary components-Business Process Modeling and Information Systems
Specification and Development. The front-end computer assisted systems
engineering component (Business Process Modeling), can be used in
undergraduate and graduate level MIS courses in Systems Analysis and
Design, as well as in Operations Management courses where the focus is
on process and work flow modeling.
The back-end application development component, Information Systems
Specification and C-code Generation, can be used in upper division
capstone MIS/CIS courses where the focus is project-oriented (i.e., the
specification and development of a working prototype application).
Ideally, GRADE should be used in a two-course sequence consisting of:
(1) Business Process Modeling, and (2) Information Systems Specification
& Development. Currently, GRADE is being used in a an MBA Business
Process Re-Engineering course to model "as-is" processes,
simulate and identify bottlenecks, and model proposed
"as-redesigned" processes. A follow-up Computer Information
Systems course on Applications Development could use the
"as-redesigned" process as a starting point for applications
protoptyping. It would capture re-useable entity relationship data
models, document detailed process specifications, and automatically
generate C-code for applications. All the model elements previously
described (data, processes, performers, and user interfaces) are still
kept in a central repository in a consistent and integrated manner. This
makes any changes easy to accomplish. Used in this way, the emphasis on
C-programming, per se, is minimized in favor of learning formal modeling
and specification methods.
The BPR methodology and tool described in this paper are only one
example of how Business Process Modeling can be systematically
approached. Other methodologies and tools exist, but the integrated
nature of the GRADE tool and documentation merits further examination
and empirical testing of competing products.
Business Modeling Language GRAPES-BM and Simulation Tutorial.
(1999). Infologistik, Holzkirchen, Germany.
Davenport, T. (1993). Process Innovation. Boston: Harvard Business
School Press.
De Marco, T. (l978). Structured Analysis and System Specification.
NY: Yourdon Press.
Hammer, M. & Champy, J. (1993). Reengineering the Corporation,
NY: Harper Collins.
Yourdon, E. and L. Constantine (l978). Structured Design. NY:
Yourdon Press.
Keller G., Brenner, W. (1995). Business Reengineering mit
Standartsoftware, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
** The GRADE tool is available for education institutions from
Infologistik, 3 Wagnerbreite, Holzkirchen, D-83607, Germany. Phone:
+49-8024 30450. Web sites: and
Contact Mikus Grasmanis for further details on educational versions.
Diane Lockwood, Seattle University
Janis Tenteris, Infologistik Holdings, Inc.
A. Ansari, Seattle University
Table 1: Elapsed Duration of Business Processes (results of
simulation experiments)
Value 1st Business Process 2nd Business Process
Minimum 50 m 2 h 32 m
Average 6 h 41 m 3 h 25 m
Maximum 14 h 24 m 6 h 17 m