A computer-based decision support system for truck dispatching.
Yang, Jiaqin ; Lee, Huei
The trucking industry provides the essential
service--transportation for all commodity shipments. It is estimated
that in general over 50% businesses depend on trucking for delivery of
their goods. Therefore, the trucking industry has been viewed as
"the lifeblood of the economic structure and the linchpin of the
industrial network". For example, it was reported that in 1991, 1.2
million tractors and 3.6 million full or semi trailers conveyed about
2.7 billion tons of goods between US cities at a cost of $167 billion
and local truck deliveries cost another $110 billion (Transportation in
America, 1993). For many states, the trucking companies offer one of
largest state income revenues and more than 10% of employment
opportunities (North Dakota Motor, 1995). Since switching between
companies is quite easy for customers, intensified competition has
squeezed the industry margins so tight that to remain profitable, the
company must maintain as a low cost producer. With a continuing increase
in operating costs (due to inflated diesel fuel taxes, multiple state
registration fees and sales taxes in the last decade), trucking
companies have been responding to low cost competition by cutting
capital requirements, upgrading information management, and more
important, improving driver productivity.
Truck dispatchers are the company's daily operations managers
and the quality of their decisions is vital to the company's
success. They are responsible for directing the production of the
company's two major investments--its drivers and its trucks. The
difficulty of dispatcher's job comes from industry unique problems
such as unforeseen demand patterns, tight schedule time tables, unique
drivers' requests and emergency situations. Advanced planning is
difficult since many customers wait to place their orders, leaving
little time to blend the customer into the delivery schedule mix. The
growth of JIT (Just-In-Time) production by customers has led to even
less time for planning and higher time pressure for trucking
company's operations. Additionally, the time frames set by
customers regularly overload drivers, as a result, affecting their
capacity in the following days. A shortage of quality drivers creates
other problems. Dissatisfied with their current company, drivers often
quit by leaving their trucks on the side of the road to find employment
with another company. Aware of their bargaining power, drivers use it
extensively to request time-off, specific work loads, and selected
destinations. All those industry unique problems demand high quality
driver-to-load dispatching assignments to satisfy drivers' requests
as often as possible while meeting customers' delivery
requirements. As on-time delivery has become a key factor in
differentiating competitors, driver-to-load dispatching is evidently
critical for firm's on-time delivery performance.
In the trucking industry, dispatchers perform several important job
functions. They are salespeople, operations specialists, trouble
shooters, and driver supervisors. As a primary duty, the selling task
requires the majority of a dispatcher's time. Whereas standing
contracts are the responsibility of management and generally result in
outbound loads, it is the dispatcher's responsibility to direct the
trucks back to the terminal with a minimum deadhead (i.e., non-revenue
travelling) miles. Finding inbound loads along the desired routes
accomplishes this goal. These loads (hauling contracts or sales) come
from (1) previous customers, (2) load brokers, (3) cold sales calls, and
(4) call-in and walk-in customers. The first place to check is previous
customers with whom the company has a quality working relationship. Next
to be examined are load brokers, or clearing houses, whose purpose is
finding transportation for loads. They often handle the arrangements for
large volume shippers and receive a percentage of commission for their
service. Cold sales calls are a last resort because of their low success
ratio. The selection of appropriate drivers for loads requires that the
dispatcher has cognitive ability. In assigning return loads, the
dispatcher considers driver location, desired trip length, vehicle
capacity and other factors like weather or the ability to find a new
load at the next drop point. As the number of trucks supervised by a
dispatcher increases, the complexity of managing truck delivery
operations grows at an increasing rate, especially with the
communication gaps between drivers and dispatchers. Communicating with
drivers is the last primary duty of a dispatcher. Dispatchers take
time-off requests and prepare driver schedules. They communicate load
assignments to the drivers and monitor their progress. In addition,
dispatchers provide a link between drivers and management to discuss any
potential problems.
Advanced information technologies have been used in the trucking
industry in recent years (Brown et al., 1987), such as using computer
programs in evaluating truck loads, tracking customer orders through
satellite, and paperless transaction processing with telecommunication
techniques. Most recently, Bausch et al. (1995) describe a
computer-assisted system that automatically consolidates and dispatches
truck shipments of packaged and bulk lubricant products at Mobil Oil
Corporation from 10 lubricant plants nationwide. With the help of this
system, the dispatchers have been able to make minimal-cost truck
schedules to reduce the company's transportation costs by about $1
million per year. Another example was reported by Sankaran and Ubgade
(1994) in which a computer-based decision support system was developed
to help a dairy company in constructing vehicle routes and scheduling
delivery trucks to pick up milk from 70 milk collection centers within a
150 km distance. An $1 million annual transportation cost savings has
been projected from such a system. Most reported computer-based vehicle
dispatching systems, however, have been developed for specific
non-trucking companies which have their own vehicle fleets and fixed
routes and destinations in their unique transportation operations.
For a general trucking company, it has been suggested that a
computer-based information system will offer dispatchers the advantage
of automatic form completion, instant order tracking, direct
communication with vehicles, and an on-line information inquiry. Based
upon the information system, a computer-based Decision Support System
(DSS) for truck dispatching can be developed to help dispatchers make
improved driver-to-load assignments under given constraints with the
objective of minimizing total deadhead miles. This is the primary
motivation of this research. The proposed DSS will have more
advantageous performance for large scaled problems, since such a DSS
will be able to examine a much larger number of alternatives under time
constraints for possible dispatching suggestions. The dispatchers then
have the option to either accept or reject the computer
"assignments" based on personal experiences and judgements.
The development of computer-based Decision Support Systems (DSS)
for complex decision-making problems has been the focus of both
academics and practitioners in last two decades (Alter, 1980; Bodily,
1985; Carter, et al., 1992). The continuing progress in the field of
computer simulation and artificial intelligent (AI) further promotes the
research of knowledge-based Expert Systems (ES) and Executive Support
Systems or Expert Support Systems (ESS) (El-Najdawi & Stylianou,
1993; Rockart & Delong, 1988; Sprague & Watson, 1989; Turban
& Watkins, 1986). The detailed discussion on the system framework,
interface structure, solution techniques and procedures, and other
design issues in the development of DSS can be seen in Badiru, et al.
(1993), Courtney, et al. (1987), Sankar, et al. (1995), and Turban
<TransDispatch Lite> is a Windows based system developed with
the popular Visual Basic. <TransDispatch Lite> has several basic
working screens dedicated to its database and decision support
functions. The mouse navigates the dispatcher through a graphically
driven interface. Windows provides easy to use and esthetically pleasing
screens. The system consists of two basic working units--Database Module
and Decision Support Unit--both are briefly described below.
Database Module
The database module provides near instant access to information
using a variety of search criteria. <TransDispatch Lite> is
automatically copying information to all applicable areas so as
eliminating duplicate data entry. The module manages the information
through three databases: Geographic Data, Customer Data, and Driver
Data. Upon receiving hauling contracts, the dispatcher enters all
applicable load information including addresses, rates, dates, billing
and cargo information. Time-off requests and current locations complete
driver information as the dispatcher receives them. The program allows
editing of both driver and customer data at any time, often from
different screens. The geographic database contains latitude and
longitude data along with postal codes for all U.S. towns and cities.
The five basic working screens for the database module are described
Orders Screen--Upon taking an order from a customer, the dispatcher
enters the information on the Orders Screen. The three data frames that
comprise the Orders Screen follow the logical progression of a sales
call. The procedure begins with the information concerning the
load's source including the company, street address, zip code,
contact person or department, and telephone number. Input of the zip
code triggers the program to complete the city and state blanks with
data retrieved from the geographic database. At the same time, the
program loads the source latitude and longitude into memory for later
use. Next, the dispatcher enters the destination data that call a
routine to calculate the length of the trip in miles.
After the check for a source zip code, the program starts its
search for zip code data, retrieving four items from the geographic
database: city, state, longitude, and latitude. Although extensive at
over 36,000 entries, the current geographic database is not complete and
if any of the four items is missing, the program prompts the dispatcher
to provide the zip code of a neighboring town. The next step converts
latitude and longitude from a minutes/degrees/seconds format to a
decimal format so that the Pythagorean Theorem can then be used to
calculate the distance between points. Preparing a customer quotation at
a later time will use this information. <TransDispatch Lite>
enters the load mileage and prepares a quotation based on rates and
premiums or discounts set by the dispatcher. If the customer agrees to
the quotation, copying the source address, or destination address to the
billing frame or entering a new address completes this frame. Load
information is the next frame including dates, weights, times, and
cargo. The noteworthy feature of this frame is its ability to store more
than one pick-up or drop date for a load. Separate databases for pick-up
and drop dates store the date selections made from a three-month list.
Opening the load information frame runs a routine to construct the
pick-up date and drop date lists. It is possible to select any number of
dates, but at least one is necessary for the system to consider this
Schedule Screen--Truck driving is a job of varying hours with a
workweek as unpredictable as the wind. Because of the dynamic scheduling
environment, the system provides an interface dedicated to organize
driver scheduling. This screen (also titled as Driver Availability
Screen) uses lists to give the dispatcher point and click access to
drivers and dates. Opening this screen automatically populates the
driver list. Selecting a driver makes the program in search of
driver's time-off requests, displaying the results by highlighting
dates in the date list. For larger companies which may have a very long
list of driver's names, the system provides a handy text searching
Assign Screen--After setting the drivers' schedules and
entering the available loads into the database, the dispatcher now may
choose the option to make manual driver-to-load assignments. The Assign
Screen provides side-by-side access to both schedule and load
information so as to make the process faster and easier. In addition,
this screen also reports the driver's current position and a list
of loads assigned to the driver. With the mouse, the dispatcher scrolls
through unassigned loads selecting those requiring more information.
After viewing the available information, the dispatcher can assign a
load to a driver by double clicking its table entry. The table then
removes this load and places it in a list showing all the assigned loads
for that driver.
Reports Screen--This screen is an interface used to aggregate and
display information of various types. The screen displays assignments by
drivers, unassigned loads, and tentative deadhead miles. The Deadhead
report is a useful piece of information that the dispatcher can use to
fill gaps in a driver's route. For example, if a route has a driver
unload in city A and reload in city B, the trip from A to B produces no
revenue. The Deadhead report alerts the dispatcher to this who can then
take steps to find an A-to-B load to eliminate, or at least, reduce the
non-revenue miles traveled. In the report, the number of deadhead miles
provides a flag so the dispatcher can easily identify which gaps have
priority consideration in filling. In addition, identifying these
deadhead miles earlier makes it more likely that the dispatcher will be
able to find a load to replace the non-revenue miles. To construct the
Deadhead report, the system finds all loads assigned to a driver and
sorts them by their pick-up dates through retrieving all of a
driver's loads from the database and placing them into a sorting
list box. The list box then sorts the list items automatically by
placing the load with the earliest pick-up date as the first list item,
and the next earliest date the second list item. The distances between
loads are then calculated using the information of the destinations and
sources read from the sorted list box. After the system formats deadhead
miles, dates and times, and locations, the report is ready for use by
the dispatcher.
Forms Screen--This screen is the last working screen of the
database module, and is designed as the interface that prints company
documents. The document's layout can be customized according to the
needs of each customer.
Decision Support Unit
Various route scheduling and vehicle dispatching heuristics have
long been reported in the literature, such as; Gillett and Miller
(1974), Mole and Jameson (1976), Golden et al. (1977), and Bodin et al.
(1983). Most of these heuristics have been, however, developed for
non-trucking companies which have their own vehicle fleets and fixed
routes and destinations in their unique transportation operations. That
is, these heuristics have a limited applicability in the truck
dispatching for a commercial trucking company which has dynamic and
complex vehicle routings and destinations.
The Decision Support Unit of the proposed DSS is designed to aid
the dispatcher in making driver-to-load assignments. Using available
heuristics, the system makes suggestions according to the given
Selecting a driver and a load date starts the solution process.
First, the system examines the driver's work schedule to determine
the number of days available for the trip. Subtracting the current date
from the next requested time-off accomplishes this step. Next, the
program reads the driver's current position and places it into
memory. With this as a reference, the procedure searches all available
loads for those with pick-up dates matching the current date. The load
with the closest pick-up point becomes the load of choice. Before
assigning this load to the driver, it must satisfy three rules:
Rule 1: Is the length of the trip (in days) shorter than the
driver's available time?
Rule 2: From the driver's home, is the trip's destination
within 500 miles times the number of days remaining in the trip?
Rule 3: Is the pick-up point within 150 miles of the driver's
current position?
If any of the three rules is unsatisfied, the system does not
assign the load. Violating Rule 1 prohibits assignment since the
load's time requirement is greater than the available time. Not
meeting Rule 2 makes getting the driver home for next day off too
difficult. Finally by Rule 3, with the pick-up point greater than 150
miles away, it is economical to let the truck sit for a day and check
the next day's loads for a better match. If the next day does not
provide a load within 50 miles, Rule 3 is relaxed and the load may be
Violating Rule 1 or Rule 2 makes a match impossible. In search of a
match, the system checks loads with progressively farther pick-up
points. Without finding a match, the process is terminated and the
dispatcher needs to manually find an appropriate load. Assigning a load
reduces the driver's available trip time by the time length of the
assigned load. If time remains in the driver's trip, the current
date becomes the assigned load's drop date and the process repeats.
The solution process flowchart is depicted in Figure 1. The explanation
for the Decision Support Unit working screen--the Auto Screen, is
discussed below.
Auto Screen--In this screen, different solution heuristics are
first incorporated and evaluated by a predetermined set of criteria, and
then adopted and selected to make driver-to-load assignments under the
objective of minimizing total deadhead (i.e. non-revenue) miles. The
solution process begins by selecting a date for the initial assignment.
This date tells the system which loads to use in making an initial
assignment and with only loads whose pick-up date matches the selected
date being considered. The dispatcher then picks a driver for load
assignment. Calculating the driver's available trip time is
followed. The system finds the driver's record in the driver
availability database and subtracts today's date from the
driver's next requested vacation day. This results in a trip length
in days that controls the number of loads assigned to a driver.
Each load assigned to a driver reduces the trip time by the time
length of the load. The search terminates when assigned loads consume
all of the driver's trip time or when no appropriate load is
available. Subroutine programs are coded based on the corresponding
solution heuristics to find loads suitable for assignment. In the
heuristics, the starting reference is the driver's current
position. Subsequent search steps use the destination of the previously
assigned load as the starting reference. If the load proposed by the
heuristic is greater than 150 miles away, the system will search the
next day. Finding an alternative load that is at least 100 miles closer
replaces the previous load and then making the alternative load as the
current load. Assigning the current load then will reduce the
driver's remaining trip time by the load's time requirement.
The process will repeat until load assignments consume all of the
driver's trip time or no appropriate load is available. Otherwise
the search terminates and the selected driver's assignment process
is ended.
With the driver's current position or the position of the
driver's last drop point as a starting reference, the solution
heuristic will search for the load with the closest pick-up location. To
select a current load, the heuristic will search through the available
loads to find the best match. The first step is to check if a match
exists between the load's pick-up date and the current date for
assignment. If the load is already assigned or if the dates do not
match, then advances to the next load and repeats the process. When a
match is made, the system reads the load's source location and
calculates its distance from the driver's current position. The
first iteration forces the selection of a current load if its distance
is less than a preset bookmark-distance initialization. If a load's
distance is less than the bookmark-distance, the current load lowers the
benchmark by setting bookmark-distance equal to the current load. Two
subroutines are designed to find the time required to pick-up and
deliver a load and to determine the distance from the destination of the
proposed load to the location designated as home.
As a driver's trip time expires, load assignments should bring
the driver closer to home. The solution heuristics are thus designed to
never assign a load with a destination farther than 500 miles per
remaining trip day away from home. In addition, before adding a load,
the heuristic will check to see if the driver can arrive at the source
location on time. If the proposed load's pick-up date is the same
as the previous load's drop date, a routine runs to examine the
time difference between the two. If reaching a source on time by
traveling an average of 45 miles per hour is not possible, load
assignment does not take place. Satisfying the distance and time
requirements makes the current record the new benchmark. Setting
pointers to the current load and giving the new record a true value
change the benchmark and the current record. The last two bookmarks
return the record pointer to the benchmark record, or the record of
first choice. The system then returns this record for possible
Example problems are used to test the efficiency and effectiveness
of the proposed DSS for truck dispatching. For testing purposes, the
three primary database--Geographic Database, Customer Database, and
Driver Database, are first developed with over 36,000 entries of major
U.S. cities and towns in the Geographic Database, 300 customer load
requirements in the Customer Database, and 200 drivers' information
in the Driver Database. Two experiments are conducted with 128 and 200
customer loads respectively. All example problems are solved by both the
proposed DSS and manual procedures. For comparison purposes, two
different search heuristics are used to generate solutions for the
proposed DSS, and several experienced truck dispatchers from a local
trucking company were asked to participated in the manual search
procedures--to ensure that the solutions from manual search procedures
are the best possible manual solutions. Table 1 summarizes the
comparison results. (Note: Detailed lists of 200 customer load examples
and their dispatching solutions from the proposed DSS and manual
procedure are available upon request.)
As shown in Table 1, the proposed DSS has performed expectedly
superior compared to traditional manual solutions. Measured by the
Average Distance-To-First-Load, the DSS solutions are only about 25% of
manual solutions or less in miles. In terms of the Total
Non-Revenue-Miles-Traveled, the proposed DSS solutions are 60% below the
manual solutions. Such percentage reductions in average distance to
first load assigned and in total non-revenue traveled miles will have
significant implications in practice for trucking operations cost
reductions. Additionally, the proposed DSS on average only needs about
5% (9:180 or 21:360) of manual solution times to produce much better
The heuristic of initial load assignment used in the proposed DSS,
however, was found not to work well under some specific conditions.
Since that heuristic assigns the loads based on a list of available
drivers, it can make some potential "bad" initial load
assignments. In a case where there are two drivers, A and B, and one
work load, Load-1, the heuristic will automatically consider Driver A
first, and assign Load-1 to Driver A as an initial assignment because
Load-1 is the closest available load to Driver A at the time. When it is
time to consider Driver B, Load-1 has been already assigned to Driver A,
no longer under the consideration as a unassigned load. It can be a
"bad" initial load assignment if the load would have been
better carried by Driver B.
Some modifications have been suggested for better and more
consistent initial load assignments. One is to use two initial load
assignment heuristics, the first will assign customer loads based on the
list of available drivers, while the second will assign drivers based on
the list of accumulated customer orders over a specified time period.
The two assignment lists will be both holding for a while to compare
their performance (such as the Average Distance-To-First-Load or Total
Non-Revenue-Miles) for the final assignment. Another improvement
technique is to add an algorithm similar to the famous multiple
traveling salesperson problem. That is, for every two drivers, a
multiple traveling salesperson solution routine will examine their
assigned routes and make load exchanges between them (a pairwise
exchange) if an improvement in performance (such as a reduction in
Average Distance-To-First-Load or in Total Non-Revenue-Miles) can be
realized. Similarly, a more complex T-interchange algorithm can also be
added into the initial load assignment procedure, in which, all initial
load assignments will be held by the dispatcher periodically and
examined by the T-Interchange algorithm (Yang and Deane, 1993). The
T-interchange algorithm will investigate all possible two-way
(pairwise), three-way, four-way, or-nway load exchanges among the
drivers to identify any potential performance improvements before the
final load assignments are made.
Trucking transportation is a cut throat industry today where the
competition is intensified and focused on cost reductions. In addition
to other cost reduction measures, improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of truck dispatching has attracted the attention of
industrial practitioners in recent years. New technology advancement in
computer science and management science has helped the trucking industry
to replace their traditional paper-based transaction processing systems
with advanced computer-based management information systems for fast
paperless transaction processing, on-line instant information inquiry,
and direct information sharing and communications between drivers and
dispatchers. This paper presents a truck dispatching decision support
system which further incorporates a database module (e.g., an MIS unit)
with a decision support unit to help the dispatcher to make better (if
not "optimal" in a mathematical sense) driver-to-load
assignments under given constraints with the objective of minimizing
total deadhead (i.e., non-revenue) miles while satisfying drivers'
specific requests. It is believed that such a DSS will assist the
trucking company to reduce its operating cost considerably in practice.
The testing results from the example data in this research have
demonstrated that significant improvements in solution efficiency and
effectiveness could be achieved by the proposed DSS for driver-to-load
dispatching assignments. The Windows based system is also shown that it
is easy to use, esthetically pleasing, and flexible to allow it for
future expansion as the user's needs grow.
There are several suggestions to improve the performance of the
<TransDispatch Lite> system. One is to improve the quality of
initial load assignments by adding new assigning heuristics, such as: a
multiple traveling salesperson solution routine, or a pairwise exchange
algorithm procedure. Another is to provide a graphical interface for the
dispatcher to display a map that highlights the related times, routes,
and current locations of drivers and loads. The dispatchers will thus
have a visual reference to assist them in making necessary adjustments.
Before the <TransDispatch Lite> system becomes a commercial
quality program, some modifications and improvements will be made
accordingly. As the current focus of academic research for trucking
industry is on fixed route scheduling, the development of computer-based
DSS to deal with more practical but also more complex and dynamic
driver-to-load dispatching problems definitely represents a significant
opportunity for future research.
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Jiaqin Yang, Georgia College & State University
Huei Lee, Eastern Michigan University
Table 1
Comparison between DSS and Manual Solutions
Problem Set Performance Criteria DSS Manual
Solutions Solutions
128 Load Set Average Distance-To-First-Load 70 280
Total Non-Revenue-Miles-Traveled 3,800 10,200
Total Solution Time (minutes) 9 180
200 Load Set Average Distance-To-First-Load 63 284
Total Non-Revenue-Miles-Traveled 5,700 15,000
Total Solution Time (minutes) 21 360