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  • 标题:E-commerce security standards and loopholes.
  • 作者:Srinivasan, S.
  • 期刊名称:Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:1524-7252
  • 出版年度:2000
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:The DreamCatchers Group, LLC
  • 关键词:E-commerce;Electronic commerce;Security management

E-commerce security standards and loopholes.

Srinivasan, S.


The Internet offers tremendous opportunity for merchants around the world to sell their products online. However, the anonymous and open nature of public communication networks has presented serious challenges for securing personal and bankcard information over the Internet. U.S. businesses are seeking opportunities worldwide by using the Internet to open up unreachable foreign markets. According to Internetstats.com, nearly 134 million Americans are online today compared to 118 million last year. Cap Gemini USA estimates that roughly 55,000 new users are going online every day. With this much growth in online use the natural beneficiary is online commerce. Industry's role in this regard then is to provide confidence for the customers that the transactions online are secure.

Standards play a significant role in securing the transactions on the Internet. Standards provide interoperability, connectivity, consistency of applications, transparent data exchange, distributed open environments, improved information sharing, security, and lower costs to users and software providers. The banking industry estimates that it costs approximately $1.07 per transaction. Surprisingly, without costly branches and human interaction, the cost per transaction using online will be one cent. With such a profound cost differential the businesses are slowly going to gravitate towards electronic transactions, with sufficient incentives to attract customers for online usage. U.S. Internet Council estimates that the capacity of the Internet backbone to carry information is doubling every 100 days in order to meet this added volume. Compared to a growth rate of only 10% in voice communications, the data traffic is rising at the rate of 125%. This phenomenal growth can be directly attributed to the expected $1.3 trillion e-commerce sales by 2003.


Some of the newer and popular Internet standards include Secure Electronic Transactions (SET), Enhanced Data Encryption Standard (DES), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP), and Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME).

Secure Electronic Transactions (SET)

Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) is a standardized, industry-wide protocol designed to safely transmit sensitive personal and financial information over public networks. Jointly developed by MasterCard and Visa International, SET uses RSA encryption and authentication technologies to enable secure payment transactions (RSA, 2000). SET uses RSA with 1024 bit keys. The RSA algorithm is the most scrutinized, tested, and trusted public key algorithm. The SET protocol contains state-of-the-art cryptographic technology that provides on-line transaction security that is equivalent or superior to the safeguards in present physical, mail and telephone card transactions.

To meet the security needs of bank card transactions over public networks, the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol uses cryptography and related technology to provide confidentiality of information about financial data, to ensure payment integrity, and to authenticate merchants, banks, and cardholders during SET transactions. The level of security incorporated into SET is based on RSA's Public-Key Cryptosystem, which has been proven over the last 10 years as the most commercially viable, widely used security technology available. The RSA Cryptosystem is used in over 100 million copies of messaging, groupware, email, and Internet-based applications. In this context it is worth noting the following.


With these many sources for online access around the world, the e-commerce industry has to guarantee security of transactions. Otherwise unscrupulous elements will try to take advantage and bring down the entire e-commerce industry. The stakes are enormous.

The SET protocol defines four main entities involved in a SET transaction: the Cardholder, the Merchant, the payment Gateway, and the Certificate Authority (Keen, 2000). Message integrity and authentication are achieved in the SET protocol through digital signatures. The confidentiality of messages in the SET payment environment is accomplished through encryption of the payment information using a combination of public key and secret key algorithms. The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem is the public-key algorithm used in SET and the symmetric key algorithm is DES (Data Encryption Standard). The SET protocol is also designed to allow for more complex transactions such as returning goods and obtaining a credit, or reversing an authorization for an amount when goods cannot be shipped. The key aspect of SET is that no physical card is required for processing SET transactions. Digital signatures help facilitate the transactions.

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was published in 1977 as an encryption standard for U.S. Government applications. It was based on an encryption standard known as Lucifer cipher. When DES was adopted as a federal standard, its expected life was ten years. The DES is an U.S. national standard and de facto international standard. DES security is based on repeated bit permutations within a 64-bit block of text, where the permutations are derived from the specific DES key. Benchmarks have shown that a DES can encrypt about 300 kbps. The fastest DES chips are designed to encrypt data with one key and not to test many keys against the same block of cipher text.

Over the years, there have been several different attempts to crack DES. Although DES can only be cracked through brute force, the increasing speed and sophistication of computer processing power has rendered the standard insecure. Exhaustive key search remains the fastest known attack against the DES. But improvements in technology, leading to the potential for faster key search machines, now pose a greater threat to the use of single-key DES.


Triple-DES is based on the existing DES, but has been enhanced by tripling the key length. The longer key will make it more difficult to use brute force to crack the code. Triple-DES, a strengthened version of the DES standard, is an alternative favored by banking and financial services industries. The new mode of multiple encryption is the triple-DES external feedback cipher block chaining with output feedback masking. The aim is to provide increased protection against certain attacks like dictionary attacks and matching cipher text attacks, which exploit the short message-block size of DES. The new mode is part of a suite of encryption modes proposed in the ANSI X9.F.1 triple-DES standard (X9.52) (Coppersmith, Johnson, & Matyas, 1996).

The use of triple encryption with multiple keys is generally accepted as the best and most practical method for increasing the strength of the DES against key search attacks. The two major concerns that are addressed when standardizing the triple-DES modes are matching ciphertext attack and dictionary attack. The new method for increasing the strength of triple-DES mode against these attacks, without having to change the 64-bit block size of the DES algorithm, uses secret masking values. It also uses external feedback with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC).

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

NIST's Information Technology Laboratory has initiated a process to develop a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) incorporating an Advanced Encryption Algorithm (AEA). It is initiated that the AES will specify an unclassified, publicly disclosed encryption algorithm capable of protecting sensitive government information well into the next century. The Advanced Encryption Standard will replace DES, which is more than 20 years old. They are looking for a 128-bit block cipher that supports keys of 128, 192, and 256 bits (NIST, 2000). NIST foresees that a multi-year transition period will be necessary to move forward any new encryption standard and that DES will continue to be sufficient strength for many applications.

RSA has delivered a proposal to the U.S. government for a new and more secure algorithm, designed by RSA laboratories team led by Ronald L. Rivest. According to NIST, Advanced Encryption Standard will be publicly defined, a symmetric block cipher designed so that the key length may be increased as needed and be implementable in both hardware and software. Algorithms submitted to NIST will be judged on security, computational efficiency, memory requirements, hardware and software suitability, simplicity, flexibility, and licensing requirements (Corman, 1998). The review process will take several years before the new standard is finally formalized. As the government's business on the public networks like Internet increased, the importance for more security, and higher standards of encryption is necessary.

These three standards together account for majority of the secure transactions online today. We need to keep in mind the rapid and sustained growth of the Internet over the years. The following table shows such a growth:
Year Number of Americans online

1993 90,000
1997 19,000,000
1998 84,000,000
1999 118,400,000
2000 134,200,000

Source: www.internetstats.com

In this scenario the communication industry needs to reassure people that their transactions online are secure. The DES encryption schemes have stood the test of time and the newer open standards makes it easy for the entire world to adopt this scheme. This is essential today because the electronic commerce is not limited to one country alone, rather the entire world.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a program layer created by Netscape for managing the security of message transmissions in a network. Netscape's idea is that the programming for keeping messages confidential ought to be contained in a program layer between an application, such as Web browser or HTTP and Internet's TCP/IP layers. The "sockets" refer to the sockets method of passing data between a client and a server program in a network or between program layers in the same computer. Netscape's SSL uses the public-and-private key encryption system from RSA, which also includes the use of a digital certificate. The prevalence of Netscape's servers and browsers in the marketplace today makes SSL easier to use and the most dominant technology for securing Web sessions.

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the defacto secure protocol for e-commerce transactions today. SSL is a layered approach to providing a secure channel. Although SSL does not provide mechanisms for handling payment, it offers confidentiality in Web sessions, authentication of Web servers, and data integrity of the message packet. The easiest method to test if the site supports SSL mode is by adding an "s" to the http portion of the URL. If the browser switches to secure mode, the encryption key will be activated in Netscape.

SSL secures the channel by providing end-to-end encryption of the data that is sent between a Web client and Web server. SSL provides authentication through a certification authority (CA). The CA endorses the identity of the Web site. Most Web browsers today come with a built-in box that contains a list of certification authorities. When one hits a Web site over the SSL session, the certificate of registration is downloaded to the user's Web browser. If the certificate signed matches the CA's corresponding public key in the browser, the Web site will be authenticated. SSL helps to detect Web spoofing by inspecting the certificate of the Web site (Thomas, 2000).

Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP)

Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP) is a secure extension to HTTP which provides a number of security features, including client/server authentication, spontaneous encryption, transaction confidentiality, and request/response nonrepudiation. The protocol was designed to be general enough to provide broad support for a number of different secure technologies, including symmetric encryption for data confidentiality, public key encryption for client/server authentication, and message digests for data integrity. S-HTTP was also designed to be interoperable with nonsecure HTTP services.

S-HTTP provides the user with the ability to communicate securely with a Web server by selecting the desired secure properties of the transaction. S-HTTP supports a vast array of options to enforce the secure properties, which make S-HTTP flexible, but more difficult to configure for the Web site developer.

Smart Cards

Smart cards can be used in many different applications, including electronic commerce; home banking; access to corporate intranets, networks, and E-mail programs; and computer and building security. The cards are also used by transit systems for fare payments on buses, subways, and toll roads. The new contactless smart card product called Practical Security can be read from a distance using an infrared signal. This product will automatically log computer users on or off as they approach or leave their terminals. Smart card technology will replace existing passwords and authentication methods in computers and on the Internet (Sandler, 1998). A serious limitation among proponents of general-purpose smart cards has been the lack of standards. With all the different manufacturers and types of cards, interoperability/functionality does not look like the central focus.

Smart cards are one technology the U.S does not lead because of the deregulated nature of the U.S. financial and telecommunications industries. A new blend of Java promises the ability to use a single card for multiple applications-such as electronic cash, credit, debit and buying-profile data (Chen, 2000). Java also allows hardware-independence, such that a single version of Java applet would run on any Java smart card, and of robust security, permitting a vendor to insert new applets into the card but minimizing the risk of criminals breaking into the card's data. The security algorithm in a smart card is in ROM.

The SSL and Secure HTTP technologies provide a source level encryption for data thereby assuring the consumer that no data leaves their computer until it is secured. The Smart Card technology on the other hand provides a means whereby the consumer an alternative means for paying for the products and services online and at the same time limit the potential loss in the event of a security breach. This alternative is required simply to guarantee faster transaction. The SSL and Secure HTTP inherently needs to perform additional functions before the data is transmitted and needs to reverse the process while receiving data. This requires additional processing time. However, Smart Card has the information encoded in the card itself thereby the processing time is reduced. The following table shows the growth of households online over the years, including a projection for 2004:
Year Number of households in millions

1995 14.9
2000 46.5
2004 90

Source: www.internetstats.com

With an estimated 90 million households trying to send data online that needs to be secured, Smart Card indeed provides a cost-effective alternative. The liability reduction of Smart Card comes from the fact that the worth of a Smart Card at any one time is limited to a few hundred dollars and it is also well suited for micro-transactions involving small sums since we saw earlier that it costs a significant sum per transaction for offline processing.


The loopholes exist in every technology that has been tried so far. This is inevitable in a fast changing technology. In the brick-and-mortar world people are able to observe and judge a business based on their location and size. In the e-commerce world this is not quite easy. For example, a con artist could easily develop a good web site similar to a well-known company's site and offer items for purchase. In the process the site could ask for people's credit card information and misuse that information. Along similar lines, a major corporation that wants to make available as much information as possible to the customers might inadvertently leave a hole in their computer system. This could be taken advantage of by people and cause hardship to genuine users as was the case in the recent 'denial of service attacks' on major web sites. These issues reinforce the need for building trust among the e-commerce partners (Keen, 2000).

Efforts are already underway to address some of these loopholes. A new tool called the Security Profile Inspector (SPI) is available to perform security assessment. This tool can analyze and point out potential loopholes in system configuration. In addition, this tool can alert the systems administrator when an intrusion is attempted. Another such software is Tripwire.


We have discussed several methods available for secure Internet transactions. Extensive deployment of fiber cables and the availability of high-speed access such as ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) have made it possible for people to access the Internet in a secure way. Moreover, companies like Amazon.com and eBay have given the confidence to customers for online transactions. Recent trend in e-commerce indicates that several billion dollars worth of transactions are already taking place on the Internet. Enhancing security further only helps to do more business online.


Chen, Z. (2000) Java Card Technology for Smart Cards: Architecture and Programmers Guide, Addison-Wesley, MA.

Coppersnith, D., Johnson, D.B., & Matyas, S.M. (1996). A proposed mode for Triple-DES Encryption. IBM J. RES. DEVELOP, 40(2).

Corman, P. (1998). RSA enters proposal for new U.S. Advanced Encryption Standard. http://www.pathfinder.com/money/latest/press/PW/1998April15/130.html.

Keen, P., Ballance, C., Chan, S., & Schrump, S. (2000) Electronic Commerce Relationships. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall PTR.

NIST. (2000). Triple-DES. http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/cryptval/des.htm RSA. (2000). http://www.rsasecurity.com

Sandler, N. (1998). Infrared Smart Cards replace Passwords. http://www. techweb.com/wire/story/TWB19980428S0008.

Sun. (2000). Java Smartcard. http://java.sun.com/products/javacard Thomas, S. A. (2000). SSL & TLS Essentials: Securing the Web, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Acknowledgment: The author wishes to thank Ms. Vasanthi Sunkara for the help in the preparation of this paper.

Note: An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Allied Academies Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, April 6, 2000.

S. Srinivasan, University of Louisville
