Enterprise resource planning software as an organizing theme for MBA curricula.
Rivetti, Daniel A. ; Schneider, Gary P. ; Bruton, Carol M. 等
Business education has been largely function-centric since it
emerged from its origins in Schools of Economics. The science of wealth
became a practical apprenticeship in general business commerce.
Curricula were based on a core of fundamentals; studies in such areas as
Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Management,
Marketing, and Operations Research. Beyond the fundamentals core,
graduate business programs offered breadth courses and electives in such
areas as New Product Development, Entrepreneurship, Business and
Society, International Business, Real Estate, and Banking. Most programs
offered an end-of-program capstone course in business or management
strategy. Economists' theory of the firm often became lost amidst
disconnected and unrelated course offerings. Meanwhile, the radical
downsizing of corporate America and innovations such as business process
reengineering led function-centric business organizations into the post
industrial information age. Porter's (1985) Value Chain principles
have been widely discussed in the business research literature and have
been applied in many businesses.
Originally, computers were used to automate existing business
systems. Breakthroughs in client-server architectures have led to the
creation of enterprise-wide solutions in commerce and industry that have
approached being, for the first time, a unifying business technology. A
German software firm, SAP AG, is the leading enterprise resource
planning software (ERP) firm today (Curran, et al., 1998). Founded in
1972, SAP has defined over 800 business practices and modeled them using
graphical representations of events and tasks (Blain, 1997). Many
leading firms have adopted SAP or other ERP software implementations.
This paper recommends that business schools grappling with curricular
revision issues consider using the ERP structure of these software
For many firms, these software packages have allowed firms to do
many things that were impossible with earlier, non-integrated software
(Atre & Storer, 1995; Borthick, 1992, 1993; Elliot, 1996). Online
analytical processing (OLAP) software (Callaway, 1995; Fairhead, 1995;
Ricciute, 1994) has enabled managers to compile and analyze their
planned and actual results in a variety of ways. Hammer (1999), notes
that ERP software is an integrating tool. As such, it combines with OLAP
and data mining technologies to give managers integrated enterprises.
In the next section of this paper, we will present a brief history
of MBA curriculum revision in U.S. business schools. The two following
sections will provide a description of ERP software and present
arguments for using ERP software as an organizing theme for MBA
curriculum revision today.
In 1908, Harvard offered the first MBA program. Growth in MBA
programs was slow until the GI-Bill induced an increase in students in
the years following World War II. As the practice of business
administration became more regimented and "scientific" by use
of mathematical models, return on investment formulae, and
engineering-like behavioral control of human resources in the first half
of the twentieth century, business schools gradually adapted to the
trend. In some cases, business schools even led the trend.
The launch of the Soviet Union's Sputnik satellite spurred a
resurgence of interest in mathematics and science education throughout
the U.S. in the late 1950s. This trend pressured business schools to
become more quantitative in their courses and to follow the
sciences' publishing model for empirical research (Gordon &
Howell, 1959). A Carnegie report on higher education in business
(Pierson, 1959) that was highly critical of the business educational
practices of that time increased the pressure substantially. These
changes dominated the curricular designs of business schools for almost
thirty years.
Hancock (1998) noted that business schools became the guardians of
these new sciences of business and saw themselves as gatekeepers for
those who wanted to become the master practitioners of these sciences.
Accrediting agencies, notably the American Assembly of Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB), took on the job of sanctioning these
business school guardians. Most curricula in MBA programs featured a
separate course in each core area taught by business professors that had
developed research reputations and significant technical skills in that
The only integrative element in most of these programs was the
final capstone course. The goal of this capstone course, often titled
"business policy" or "management strategy," was to
combine the individual skills and knowledge of the core courses into a
common experience (Arben, 1997). These courses often used the case
method and were taught by professors who were specialists in strategic
management. To maintain their standing in the academy, these professors
had to engage in significant specialized research programs that often
added little to their teaching of this integrated capstone course. Thus,
the only course in most MBA curricula that included an integrative
experience was taught by professors who were spending most of their time
and professional skills on unrelated activities.
By the early 1990s, business schools began to once again feel
pressure from outside the academy to revise curricula that had lost
touch with the needs and realities of business practice. Distance
learning, accreditation standards, new missions, and other changes in
the business education environment are requiring institutions to develop
new levels of what management theorists call "organizational
plasticity" (Gioia & Thomas, 1996; Kimberly & Bouchikhi,
The University of Tennessee and the University of Southern
California were among the first in this latest trend of revision. Both
of these schools created interdisciplinary, team-taught programs (Cudd,
et al., 1995). Both the business press and academic journals have been
eager to report stories about curriculum redesign projects at Harvard,
Wharton, Indiana and many other business schools (Bongiomo, 1993; Byrne,
1991; Hettenhouse, 1998; Lord, 1993, Watkins, 1996). Survey results
reported by Cudd, et al. (1995) indicate that 84% of business schools
were undergoing or planning to undergo curriculum revision within the
next five years. These survey results include indications that many
schools are adding courses in globalization, communications, and
teamwork. Other schools are incorporating these skills into courses that
resemble current content offerings. A number of schools report increased
use of team teaching and courses or entire programs organized around
topical business themes, such as total quality management (TQM) or
business process reengineering (BPR). Although not specifically a
curriculum issue, many programs report that they are requiring new
applicants to have significant business experience prior to being
Most of these innovations lack a common unifying theme that is of
the same magnitude and strength as the scientific management movement
that captured the mood of U.S. business education in the early 1960s.
One way of identifying a common theme that could support a wide range of
curriculum organization issues is to examine current trends in business
practice. We examine one such trend, ERP software, in the next section.
Berman (1998) notes that 70% of the largest 1,000 U.S. firms have
implemented ERP software such as SAP, Baan, J. D. Edwards, Oracle, or
PeopleSoft. Many firms in the next tier, with revenues ranging from $50
million to $1 billion, are considering implementing such software. ERP
software requires a consideration of, and often modification of, the
business processes of a firm. As such, its implementation is often
accompanied by a complete review and examination of the business
processes of the firm. Since it is enterprise-level software, it demands
a conscious integration effort that includes all elements of the firms
activities and processes.
Hammer (1999) explains that using ERP software forces firms to
become integrated enterprises. Such enterprises demand extremely high
levels of teamwork, understanding of key business processes, and
distillation of business knowledge. In the course of implementing an ERP
system, firms often find themselves moving both authority and
responsibility from upper levels of management down to the operational
levels. This allows people in the firm to break down traditional
barriers and work toward shared goals in the collective spirit so often
discussed but seldom before implemented. Individual departments simply
do not have the ability to sustain an existence as individual empires
secluded in functional silos.
In a typical ERP software package, the enterprise solution is built
from existing modules that accomplish information gathering and
processing activities for individual business processes (Curran, et al.,
1998). In many cases, such as the logistics modules, the integration is
accomplished not only within the enterprise, but also extends outside
the firm to other participants in the industry's value chain. The
exact titles and specific purposes of these software modules vary
somewhat in ERP packages offered by different vendors. In this paper, we
will use some of the SAP modules to illustrate our approach.
SAP was founded in 1972 to provide integrated business software for
large enterprises that integrates all elements of an organization's
activities (SAP, 1999). The software is designed to show results for
such things as specific supply chains and customer relationships in
addition to providing the usual outputs needed by a large organization
to keep its bills paid, its financial statements prepared in a timely
fashion, its sales and distribution network under control, and its human
resources function operating in conformity with myriad laws in multiple
The main SAP modules include: financial management, control (which
accumulates costs by cost center, activity, order, project, and/or
profit center), treasury management, capital investment management,
production planning and control, sales and distribution, human
resources, plant maintenance, materials management, and enterprise
control. Some of the more specialized modules include applications for
conducting electronic commerce, managing foreign exchange transactions,
and doing business in particular geographic areas of the world. SAP also
offers specialized vertical integration for specific industries such as
automotive, banking, chemicals, real estate, health care, construction,
oil, utilities, and retail.
Other ERP vendors offer a similar range of modules (Baan, 1999;
Edwards, 1999; Oracle, 1999; PeopleSoft, 1999). In all cases, these ERP
vendors offer complete integrated business solutions. Many large firms
have used outside consultants to help them install these ERP software
packages. The need for consultants arises, in large part, because these
are more than just software packages, they change the way firms do
business and the way firms think about themselves doing business.
The integration and need to rethink business organization
structures that flow from ERP software implementations provide tangible
way to implement those desired goals in MBA curricula. Instead of
haphazard stabs at implementing teamwork and shared goals in MBA
courses, ERP software principles provide a structure for implementing
these features that is used increasingly in major corporations today.
In addition to providing a tangible model for implementing soft
skills such as interpersonal communication and team-building activities,
ERP software can provide an organizing theme for other elements in the
MBA curriculum. For example, most MBA programs include courses in
accounting. These courses are usually taught by professors that have
done considerable research and have high degrees of expertise in one of
the narrow areas of academic accounting. The use of ERP modules to
organize the accounting elements of the MBA curriculum could lead to a
completely different set of courses.
Instead of one financial accounting course and one managerial
accounting course, a business school may decide to have a financial
management course based on that module and then offer a course in
control that was based on the ERP controlling module. Such a course
would include elements of cost accounting, management theory,
organizational design, human behavior regarding incentives, and related
topics. The ideal instruction in such a course may come from a team of
professors rather than one with a high level of specialization.
Alternatively, a seasoned business executive who has taken an
executive-in-residence appointment might be an ideal instructor for this
course. The treasury management module and the capital investment module
might work well in a reengineered finance course. In all cases, these
modules could be used to emphasize the integration of business processes
across the enterprise. For example, both the financial accounting course
and the finance course might use elements of the financial management
module to show the integration of fixed asset accounting with the
capital investment process.
Similar opportunities abound for use of other ERP elements as
structuring themes for MBA courses. The sales and distribution module
could be used to organize and integrate marketing and management course
offerings. The enterprise control module would be an excellent fit with
strategic management or business policy courses, as would the
industry-specific module for conducting electronic commerce.
International business courses could use the international development
modules for one or several geographic areas. Courses in real estate or
health care management would find modules specific to those industries
available to support teaching in those areas.
Some MBA programs, such as Bentley and Carnegie Mellon (Crowley,
1999), are including specific tracks or degrees that emphasize
information technology. Classes are held in Internet-enabled, networked
classrooms that allow students to use ERP and other software directly in
finding solutions to business problems. Federal Express has joined with
the University of Memphis to create an Internet curriculum model that is
available for adoption at business schools (Roman, 1997). This model was
created in response to the severe shortage of information technology
professionals that have a good understanding of business processes.
The world of business is enthusiastically adopting ERP software.
Schools of business can gain a practitioner's edge by using some
elements of these software offerings as an organizing theme for
curriculum revisions that are currently underway. By using ERP software
to tie courses to business processes, MBA curricula will give students a
reason to engage in teamwork and goal sharing activities. This approach
can also give students a better view of the integrated enterprise of the
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Daniel A. Rivetti, University of San Diego
Gary P. Schneider, University of San Diego
Carol M. Bruton, California State University San Marcos