Archaeology, claimant connection to sites, and native title: employment of successful categories of data with specific comments on glass artefacts.
Veth, Peter ; O'Connor, Susan
Abstract: This paper argues that Indigenous utilisation and
manipulation of post-contact materials should be given more attention in
both routine and native title-oriented archaeology. We analyse a range
of categories of post-contact occupation, including art, habitation sites, and implements based on introduced materials. We draw particular
attention to glass artefacts in that they have the advantage of being
near ubiquitous in the landscape. We would argue that judiciously
treated they can be highly informative about the timing and nature of
settlement and subsistence patterns after contact (revealing both
continuities and transformations). They may also reflect on group
identity and processes of aggregation during the imposition of pastoral,
mining, forestry, defence and other regimes on traditional lands. Of the
numerous Federal Court archaeology expert witness reports prepared by
the authors in the arid zone, in all cases glass artefacts were
recorded. Equally, in all cases claimants had some connections to and
knowledge of sites where such post-contact artefacts were noted.
Archaeology as expert evidence has been employed since the Mabo
decision. For example, it was solicited by the Aboriginal Legal Service
of Western Australia in the Martu native title claim in 1992, with
multiple reports being produced over the next ten years by one of the
authors (PV), contributing towards the successful consent determination
of 2002. This resulted in native title being given for 136 000
[km.sup.2] of Western Desert lands (Federal Court of Australia 2002a;
Veth 2001, 2003). This was the largest portion of land accorded native
title in Australia. The use of archaeological evidence and sites, and
claimant connections to these, was initiated by claimants and
respondents before the Native Title Act 1993, the passing and amendment
of which has pushed evidence towards statutory thresholds rather than
Common Law particulars.
Archaeological evidence and claimant connections to sites
containing archaeological features have historically been seen as an
integral part of land determinations in other settler societies, such as
New Zealand, Canada and the USA (cf. Bartlett 1993). There was no reason
to think it would have a different valency in the Australian context.
Despite the obvious primacy of claimant testimony and contemporary
(anthropological) evidence in native title proceedings, there has been a
persuasive and ongoing need to locate present and past social
configurations (i.e. the group or coalition) in space and time.
Archaeology is uniquely equipped to do this, often in a complementary
fashion to oral, historical and linguistic narratives.
In this paper we will examine the categories of archaeological data
which have been used in selected archaeology expert witness reports
prepared for the Federal Court. We will critique how these materials,
and claimant connections to them, have been accepted as evidence and
where judges have found these to address native title particulars. We
will then elaborate on a single class of post-contact artefacts--glass
implements--as an exemplar of the opportunities and limitations inherent
in the deployment of archaeology in native title cases.
Claimant connections to archaeological sites
In an earlier paper Veth (2000) made an extended case for the
relevance of archaeology to native title. He argued that the
construction of an 'archaeological landscape', employing
conventional methods of inference and reconstruction, without reference
to a known historic or contemporary Indigenous group, would not
meaningfully address a consideration of native title. Specifically, he
argued (2000:80) that archaeology was relevant:
in its ability to provide both independent and
complementary evidence to tests for continuing and
referable occupation, use and exploitation of land some
time before, during and after colonisation consistent
with the laws and customs of the original inhabitants.
Importantly, it allows an added appreciation of the
transitions that may have occurred to groups through
enforced changes to social organisation, economy and
technology such as the imposition of pastoral regimes.
However, this evidence will need to be framed within
the context of peoples' known association to sites,
places and landscapes.
He further suggested that the types and landscapes that might be
most meaningfully considered are those that:
* are known to claimants through oral records, use and visitation;
* are part of a domestic or totemic landscape; and
* can possibly provide information on laws and customs via standard
archaeological approaches.
He concluded (2000:85) that the optimal approach was a staggered
one, involving the following stages:
* intensive background preparation through inspection of cultural
heritage databases, reports, relevant literature and extant collections
towards a predictive model;
* survey on the claim lands, with claimants focusing on places
known to them; and
* documentation of archaeological evidence at these sites (where
present) and how this might address particulars of the claim. A
combination of data from background research and additional survey at
this stage can control for sample bias in characterising the recent
archaeology of the claimed lands.
What aspects of the group can archaeology help to establish?
The requirement for the independence of the archaeologist as an
expert witness to the Federal Court has been clearly outlined in
Practice Directions by the Chief Justice, and essentially notes that the
witness has an overriding duty to assist the court in that person's
area of expertise; that the witness must not act as an advocate for a
party; and that the paramount duty is to the court and not to the person
retaining the expert. In this sense, the archaeology expert witness has
no obligation to prove that there is a seamless trajectory between the
pre-contact and contemporary society (with attendant laws and customs
intact) or to make the opposite case. The Practice Directions make it
clear that an archaeologist should endeavour to interpret and understand
the archaeological evidence and share such knowledge with the court
towards an informed decision.
Major claims which have found that native title exists, such as
Miriuwung-Gajerrong (Federal Court of Australia 1998, 2003c) and
Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi (Federal Court of Australia 2003a), specifically
note in their judgements that archaeology has helped to establish:
* long occupational histories of the study areas;
* change and continuity in occupation consistent with the use of a
* community organisation and connection with the land at
* varying levels of maintenance of connection;
* consistency with historical evidence of connection; and
* occupation reasonably attributable to the claimant group.
In Ben Ward and Ors v State of Western Australia & Ors [1998]
1478 FCA (24 November 1998), Justice Lee did not require that the
claimants had a seamless history with the past. There was no expectation
that the claimants were in some sense a fossilised society immune from
the effects of frontier conflict, pastoral activity or engagement with
the modern economy. Rather, different lines of evidence attested to the
continuities and transformations experienced by the claimants with the
resulting conclusion that their use and occupation of their lands had
been ongoing.
Although some subsequent judgements, which have taken a more
'limited' approach (cf. Strelein 2003), have provided little
room for historical transformation--for example, The Members of the
Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community (Federal Court of Australia 2002b)--the
fact remains that the 'standing brief' for archaeologists is
to interpret the archaeological record and share such understanding with
the court and not to act as an advocate per se in the case for either
historic continuity or change.
Requirements of the Native Title Act 1993
Key particulars for archaeology reports in litigation/ consent
determinations (seeking definition of the group, its connection to the
claim land/waters, its traditional laws and customs and referable
behaviours) include establishing:
* patterns of residence;
* the nature and maintenance of residential mobility patterns;
* subsistence behaviours on both lands and waters;
* the nature of economies based on hunting and gathering of foods;
* the construction and use of shelters;
* aggregation based on ceremonial activities;
* the procurement and use of stone, ochres and minerals;
* the sharing, exchange and trade of resources derived from the
* visitation and residence at particular places on the landscape;
* the production and curation of art.
Although normative in their tenor, these categories immediately
evoke images of the numerous bundles of archaeological information which
have already been recorded and analysed from numerous parts of
Indigenous Australia and which are contained in myriad sources, such as
cultural heritage reports, theses, management plans, research papers and
regional volumes, or which are physically housed in major holding
institutions, such as the Australian Museum. These kinds of information
can be readily assessed in situ at sites known to claimants and also
recorded during systematic survey of claim areas.
The material spatial and chronological dimensions of these
particulars should be immediately obvious, and clearly fall into the
domain of a discipline which provides a diachronic perspective on the
emergence of contemporary social configurations, characterised
inevitably in a settler society both by cultural continuities and
Although current guidelines for the preparation and content of
connection reports prepared for mediation with the state (e.g. WA
Government 2004) provide no direction as to how archaeology may be
employed, the categories of information required seek data on: (a) the
native title claimant group; (b) the traditional system of law and
custom; (c) the connection between the claimant group and the claimed
area; (d) description of the claimed area; and (e) the claimant
group's asserted rights and interests in the claimed area.
Examples of cases where native title was found to exist
Here we will restrict ourselves to cases that one of the authors
(PV) has been directly or indirectly involved with, and which have been
heard to judgements/ consent determinations, including Martu (Federal
Court of Australia 2002a), Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi (Federal Court of
Australia 2003a), De Rose Hill--successfully appealed (Federal Court of
Australia 2003b), and Miriuwung-Gajerrong (Federal Court of Australia
1998, 2003c; Fullagar & Head 2000; Veth 1998, 1999, 2001). In all
cases there were categories of archaeological sites and data which were
admitted as evidence to be considered in the question of whether native
title had continued to exist or not. We will use specific examples from
each of the cases to illustrate how different categories of information
have been mobilised. In summary, the kinds of evidence that may be
addressed include:
* Aboriginal presence in the form of European materials such as
glass, metals and ceramics (often located on pre-contact sites);
* the depiction of European items such as horses and guns in
* hunting and gathering behaviours, in the form of food processing sites and dietary remains;
* shelters/caves with evidence for occupation which contain
modified European materials;
* ceremonial activity, witnessed by the maintenance of regeneration
ceremonies at places comprising stone arrangements/modified landscapes;
* quarrying of stone and ochres still in contemporary circulation;
* distribution of resources, as seen in the exchange of prized
commodities, such as pearl shell and ochres;
* camping at specific places on the land, and in the repeated and
structured occupation of a range of habitation sites on a homeland; and
* the establishment and maintenance of totemic estates, as
witnessed in the production and repainting of art.
Aboriginal presence in the form of European materials
In all of the above claims there were numerous localities where
pre-contact assemblages had post-contact artefacts lying on their
surfaces as a palimpsest. In some cases pastoral-era outstations
contained modified artefacts, and these did not overlie earlier
assemblages. Spatial relocation of Aboriginal groups as part of an
indentured labour system appears to be reflected in these post-contact
occupation sites.
A number of government wells constructed at the end of the
nineteenth century in the arid lands of Western Australia--to provide
watering points for camel trains, prospectors, and the like--have large
assemblages of pre-contact flaked and ground stone artefacts. The wells
were often constructed near Aboriginal rockholes, soakages and spring
sites. These water sources have been the focus of millennia of
occupation and the assemblages visible on contemporary and older land
surfaces (where exposed) may number in the hundreds of thousands of
artefacts. The routine presence of hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of
glass artefacts, which have unquestionably undergone secondary
modification at these localities, attests to the presence of an
Aboriginal population at/after contact. These glass artefacts
additionally document the continuation of a tradition of production,
especially where the types have some functional correlates (e.g. tula
adzes and concave scrapers). The fact that bottles and objects known to
have been produced/discarded during a relatively narrow timeframe (c.
1895-1914) are systematically modified and that later assemblages (say
of beer bottles dating to the 1950s) are not, attests to the transferral
of a 'tradition'--however, one that has likely undergone
further transformations through time (see discussion of glass artefacts
below and paper by Harrison, this volume).
In the Kimberley, metal shovel-nose spearheads and glass points are
found at such sites; in the arid lands, glass is the most common
post-contact artefact class (often close to where bottles have been
discarded, thereby providing quarries), and, where near early telegraph
lines and mining centres, modified ceramics from insulators, porcelain
containers and crockery become more common.
The depiction of European items in rock-art
In three of the five claims, painted and engraved art sites
depicting contact themes were documented by either the claimants'
or respondents' archaeologists. Examples include the depiction of
mounted riders, horses and bullocks, guns, axes, European dwellings and
European apparel. Sometimes this contact art overlies demonstrably
earlier art, such as a mounted rider painted near engravings with desert
varnish (in De Rose Hill), or is found on structures which are known to
date to the pastoral era, such as engravings of Europeans with details
of their clothes engraved onto dry stone walling used to enclose sheep
(in Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi).
Hunting and gathering behaviours
All claims had a plethora of evidence for such behaviours which
could be reliably dated to both before and overlapping with sovereignty
and/or contact.
For example, in Miriuwung-Gajerrong, the long-term sequences
described from the excavation and analysis of cultural assemblages from
Monsmont and Miriwun rockshelters in the Ord River Valley were relied on
to show the antiquity and breadth of reliance on both riverine/aquatic
and terrestrial resources from that catchment. In De Rose Hill,
materials were collected in situ and dated. For example, a hearth at an
occupation site (a 'traditional' bough shelter, or wiltje),
stated by the senior claimant to have been occupied by him in the early
1960s (with his father) while residing and mustering on the station,
returned a modern date which due to the presence of atmospheric
'bomb carbon' located it precisely to this period (Alan Hogg,
pers. comm.).
In the Western Desert, it is common for groups to leave behind
larger grindstones (as site 'furniture') and to place the
working surface face down--or to bury the stone altogether. In both the
Martu and De Rose Hill cases, senior claimants recalled where they had
buried large basal grindstones. In Martu, some of these had been buried
by senior women in family groups as early as the 1940s in the more
remote portions of their claim. In these claims it was both highly
persuasive and salutary that claimants could pre-describe the nature and
size of these large basal stones (tjiwa) and then unerringly locate them
and dig them up during survey.
Arid land economic fauna, whose presence from excavations within
and adjacent to the arid land claims could be reliably dated to the
pre-contact period and chronologically overlapped with the dates for
sovereignty and contact, were still being procured, processed, consumed
and ceremonially 'maintained' by claimants during survey. This
referable resource use provided tangible connections between the past
and present. That this continuing subsistence pattern was against new
pastoral backdrops was not at issue.
Linear and mound middens excavated and dated from the Dampier
Archipelago (Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi) attest to the procurement and
consumption of marine fauna from the time the sea reached the outer
islands (c. 8500 BP), to the base of the Burrup Peninsula (c. 6000 BP)
and then through to the contact era (modern dates). Some of the larger
mounded and linear middens on West Intercourse Island and elsewhere have
contact materials lying on their surface.
Shelters/caves containing modified European materials
There are rockshelters and caves from the Kimberley, Goldfields and
wider Western Desert which have evidence for repeated occupations which
demonstrably extend into the contact period. The oldest Western Desert
site, Serpents Glen, has glass artefacts on its surface (O'Connor
et al. 1998). One of the caves excavated and reported on in Martu
extends back several thousand years. One of the claimants was born in
this cave and reported that he took back clothes and fruit to it, when
he first encountered Europeans, in this case Len Beadell in 1963 near
Rudall River, to the west of the Canning Stock Route. Needless to say,
the shelter has contact materials on its surface. One of us (PV) was
shown another exceptionally remote site to the east of the Canning Stock
Route where a known individual camped in the early 1970s--again, there
were contact items at this site, such as fence-droppers which had been
ground down at one end to form edges similar to an adze.
Ceremonial activity
A persuasive case of such activity is the thalu site of the West
Pilbara. These can be both stone arrangements and modified earth mounds
but also natural features. These are regeneration sites designed to
perpetuate a range of economic fauna (such as fish, turtle and
kangaroo), natural phenomena (such as rain) and also pestilences focused
against enemies (such as sand flies). They were recorded by amateur
ethnographers in the late nineteenth century, professional
anthropologists such as Radcliffe-Brown in the early twentieth century
and researchers in the latter part of that century, and, most
significantly, published on (in bilingual illustrated format) and
registered with the Department of Indigenous Affairs by
Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi claimants and Sites Officers in the early 1990s
(Daniel 1990).
Many of these sites are still actively visited and maintained by
Aboriginal people in the West Pilbara and some of these people provided
first-hand accounts of prior use to the anthropologists and Peter Veth
when preparing the expert witness reports for trial. While respondents
in the case were quick to challenge the veracity of claimant-thalu
connections under various aspects of the Evidence Act, the trial judge
dismissed the majority of the objections.
Quarrying of stone and ochres
There are specific ochre and stone quarries from which materials
are still being actively procured for a range of ceremonial and ritual
activities in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Western Desert regions. While
the economic utility of lithic materials is all but gone, particular
stone materials and ochres are still procured, traded and used by
Aboriginal people from all of these culture areas. The presence of these
specific materials in deposits dated to before and overlapping with
sovereignty and contact attests to the longevity of these procurement
practices. While the functional context through time needs to be
ascertained via independent means, the evidence for naming, maintenance
and exploitation of quarry sites (some of which have totemic
significance) clearly embeds these sites in the cultural landscape of
claimants. For example, there are named chalcedony outcrops within the
Martu native title area which people still visit and collect materials
from. These stones are imbued with additional powers which extend well
beyond the functional or technological context (cf. Veth 2001).
Distribution of resources
The presence of coastal shellfish (e.g. baler and pearl shell) and
ochres at considerable distance from their known sources in both the
Martu and De Rose Hill claims provides clear evidence for exchange
down-the-line and gives an insight into the social systems which
supported high group mobility and transferral of prized goods.
In a recent paper Smith and Veth (2004) describe baler shell
fragments recovered with claimants for the Martu native title claim at
sites associated with rainmaking along the Percival Lakes of the Great
Sandy Desert. These fragments date from as early as c. 2500 BP right
through to the recent period. It appears that at least the chains of
connection to the very remote coast extend back several thousand years
before European contact.
Camping at specific places
In particularly the Ngarluma-Yindjibarndi and De Rose Hill cases,
it was argued that while there was clearly a new residential
configuration in place following the impacts of pearling/pastoralism
(and restricted access to land), the post-contact use of particular
habitation sites was referable to the pre-contact mode. For example,
large middens on the Abydos Plain and Dampier Archipelago had marine
fauna and contact artefacts added to them after the advent of pearling,
pastoralism and then mining.
Habitation sites based on dune tongues on De Rose Hill Station had
clear evidence for habitation continuing during the pastoral era
(twentieth century), containing modified glass and metal artefacts.
There were also multiple occurrences of both 'traditional'
domed bough shelters (wiltje) and 'transitional' square-framed
shelters--both kinds had grinding stones and other contact materials in
association. Perhaps most persuasive was the fact that apparently
'traditional' shelters were often bound with fencing wire or
had the addition of flattened kerosene tins-some of these identical to
the earliest European structures on the station and presumably recycled
once the original structures were abandoned. Early tobacco tins and
matchboxes, toys made from wire, and wooden items such as digging
sticks, boomerangs and spear-throwers all combined to attest to the
exclusive (or shared) Aboriginality of these early pastoral sites.
The establishment and maintenance of totemic estates
Perhaps the clearest example of ongoing maintenance of totemic
sites comes from varied West Kimberley claims and the
Miriuwung-Gajerrong claim, where totemic sites are retouched (repainted)
with ochres procured from quarries. As with the copiously described
Wandjina repainting sites of the south-west Kimberley, these are much
more than solely art sites or places where markings have been made.
Claimants and clans exert rights to repaint such sites at multiple
levels and these connections can be elaborated on as claimants clearly
over-paint earlier phases of art production. Archaeological approaches
involving the documentation of superimposition, patina and rates of
weathering allow reasonable inferences about phases of art production,
as being either more recent or of greater antiquity, to be made. Direct
dating of organic admixtures can provide absolute dates for such phases.
Glass artefacts as a contact category
One of the most commonly reported items of material culture that
was adopted by Aboriginal people at contact with Europeans / settlers
was glass, essentially as a replacement for the stone that was used to
fashion a wide range of flaked stone artefacts (see Harrison, this
volume). Many of these artefacts were used in the manufacture,
decoration and maintenance of wooden implements, such as spear-throwers
and shields, or for the butchering of game.
Gould (1968:177) comments on the use of glass in the Western Desert
in the 1960s:
Contact with advanced technology has caused rapid
changes in aborigines' choice of tool materials. A piece
of glass ... is used to sharpen a spear, while the leaf of a
Landrover spring ... has replaced the stone adze ... New
or old, the tools are used in identical fashion.
Further comment is made by Gould, Koster and Sontz (1971:165) from
the Cundeelee Reserve:
Sometimes an untrimmed piece of broken bottle-glass
will serve as an impromptu spokeshave or (as on one
occasion witnessed at the Cundeelee Reserve) as a
circumcision knife.
A number of archaeological studies in the Australian context
provide a firm basis for assessing the technology, form and age of glass
artefacts and also of understanding variations that have been noted due
to cultural differences at a regional level (see reviews in Birmingham
2000; Bolton 1999; Harrison 2000, 2002, 2004b and this volume;
McCarron-Benson 2004; Paterson 1999; Ulm et al. 1999; Williamson 2002).
Although analyses of Aboriginal glass artefacts can be found in a range
of earlier theses and papers (e.g. Allen 1969; Allen & Jones 1980),
a critical assessment of technological modes of production, use-wear
patterns and organic residues has been a relatively recent development.
Of particular relevance are two studies that examined assemblages
of glass artefacts which come from the arid zones of Western Australia
and Central Australia. Harrison (2000:39) compared glass artefacts from
the same kinds of late nineteenth century bottles recovered from Shark
Bay and the Southwest. He noted that the majority from the arid study
area were fashioned from the bases of bottles (>90%), while most from
the Southwest were made on bottle body parts. Regional differences are
also suggested in glass artefacts from the Kimberley and from the
Pilbara (Harrison, pets.comm.).
Harrison (2000:39) divided glass pieces into four artefact types
based on morphological characteristics and the presence of use-wear,
residues or secondary modification:
* glass flakes with a single ventral surface, a point of applied
force or intact margins;
* glass cores where at least one negative flake scar having an
inverse percussive bulb and/or inverse feather or hinge termination;
* worked fragments which, while neither flakes nor cores, had
use-wear, residues or apparent secondary edge modification; and
* other category to accommodate items such as burnt glass.
Many of the bottles described are the same as those recorded from
the claims and include: olive-green turn-past ale bottles whose
production is dated c. 1880-1920; and black (dark olive) glass ale
bottles dating from the late nineteenth century.
The study of glass artefacts by Bolton (1999) focused on a
functional analysis of artefacts from the Illamurta Springs Police camp,
Northern Territory, which operated from 1893 to 1912. Ethnographic
evidence suggested that the glass had been used by Aboriginal people
when they came into contact with Europeans, and this was confirmed
through the functional analysis with evidence for the scraping and
engraving of wood. While no preference for bottle part was recorded, the
darker olive bottles were preferentially selected.
Bolton (1999:10) considers dating in some detail and notes how
amethyst glass was manufactured before 1915, as the supply of magnesium
it was treated with to make it clear was lost at the outbreak of World
War I. Dark olive, or black, glass was used in the 1890s. Olive bottles
with ring seals were used for alcohol such as champagne until c.
1900-20, while amber bottles with ring seals were made by the Pickaxe
Brand in 1911 and 1912. With reference to how dates can be bracketed,
Bolton (1999:19) notes:
Dating the glass provides the earliest date that the glass
arrived at the site (terminus post quem). It also provides
an approximate date of when the glass was used. For
example, if there are two deposits of glass at a site, one
dating from the 1890s and one from the 1950s, and it
was found that only the glass from the 1890s had been
used by Aborigines, it is possible that the Aborigines
used the 1890s glass before the 1950s.
Bolton (1999:16) advocates an integrated approach in the
identification of utilised glass. Features to note include presence of
flaking, secondary modification (retouch flakes), microscopic evidence
of use and the presence of residues, and the context in which the
artefact was found.
For the purposes of field inspection, the criteria that might be
employed to assess glass artefacts and which are consistent with recent
critical reviews included the presence of: point of applied force,
ventral surface and margins on flakes; negative flake scars; retouch
flakes; and undercutting, step fractures, crushing and polishing (under
10x hand lens).
A detailed consideration of use-wear and residues is beyond the
scope of most first-stage inspections of artefacts in the field. An
extremely conservative approach must be employed in accepting the
deliberate modification/use of a glass bottle or fragment, especially
given the range of taphonomic factors that can cause accidental damage
to glass on open sites (cf. Allen & Jones 1980; Cooper & Bowdler
1998). Harrison (2003) and Wolski and Loy (1999) have drawn attention to
the differences between formal and 'ad hoc' glass tools in
showing that many unmodified edges of glass bottles in south-eastern
assemblages have been used as tools while, conversely, many formal tools
have not been utilised.
Comments on glass implements from the arid lands of Western
The presence of formal glass artefacts from the Kimberley region of
Western Australia is well documented, with the pressure-flaked Kimberley
points being well described in the literature (cf. Harrison 2004b). Here
we want to profile the presence of a much wider range of formal glass
artefacts from the arid zone of Western Australia which are certainly
much less well known.
During the course of several native title surveys in the
state's arid zone (Figure 1), and especially during more intensive
inspection of contact sites where early Aboriginal groups are known to
have at least temporarily co-resided with early mining, pastoral and
government depots, we have identified significant numbers of modified
glass artefacts. Major complexes of demonstrably pre-contact lithic
artefacts have palimpsest assemblages of thousands of pieces of both
modified and unmodified glass. What was unexpected was the recurrence of
standardised forms in glass, mirroring those in stone. Types included
tula adzes (both minimally reduced and also in slug form), burren adzes,
thumbnail, notched and nosed scrapers, and specialised wood engraving forms such as the marni wadna. Some of these forms occur repeatedly at a
variety of sites where aggregation is known to have occurred at contact.
The presence of many thousands of formal glass artefacts in the
arid zone of Western Australia (away from ports, collectors and other
external sources which might influence mode of production) raises some
important questions about their intended purpose, function and perhaps
even their meaning. These questions might include:
* Are these formal artefacts evidence for the continuation of a
technology of production and set of cultural attributes that extend into
the historic period?
* Is the ready adoption of glass for long use-life implements
evidence that it is a highly prized and amenable new medium?
* Is the evidence for continuance of standardisation an ongoing
technological response to mitigate risk (after Hiscock 1994)?
* Could these formal types have acted as markers of group identity
and cohesion in contested spaces when disparate groups were brought into
atypically close and extended proximity?
These and related issues will now be explored here. We would
emphasise that the main purpose of this part of the paper is to
highlight the presence of these formal artefacts and to be discursive,
rather than attempt to provide absolute answers to these varied
questions. All materials have been recorded in situ and we believe that
a program of systematic collection and detailed analysis at key sites is
now warranted.
Regional variability in glass artefacts
in their discussion of the problems of identification of
Indigenously flaked glass artefacts and of distinguishing these from
discarded pieces of glass which have been fortuitously flaked, Cooper
and Bowdler (1998:75) argue that, with the exception of Kimberley
points, formal morphological types were not made in glass, noting that
'Kimberley points ... are unusual, as they are clearly identifiable
as artefactual whether hafted or not ... We are not aware of other
examples of composite tools including a flaked glass component'.
Recent studies, however, demonstrate that this dearth of formal
patterned glass artefacts results from the sparse attention that
archaeologists have traditionally accorded to glass assemblages, rather
than reflecting a low-level regional variability in this component of
the archaeological record. The proliferation of research projects
focused on cross-cultural engagement in the pastoral and mining
industries, and claimant-led (rather than research-led) recording of
known sites for native title, have produced many hundreds of sites with
flaked glass assemblages and brought to light significant regional
variations in Indigenously worked glass. Our preliminary observations
indicate that these variations occur at both the assemblage and artefact
level. Indeed, for the Kimberley, Harrison (2004a, 2004b) has noted that
there are predictable assemblage differences depending on site context.
He found that there are more glass artefacts in general, as well as more
formal glass artefacts, on 'fringe' settlements associated
with European places (e.g. pastoral camps, town camps, prisons) than on
contemporary 'bush' settlements.
Over the past five years the authors have undertaken surveys
throughout the eastern Goldfields of Western Australia--including
contact sites at and near Leonora, Laverton, Wiluna, Kalgoorlie and
Coolgardie (and to the east of here in the Great Victoria Desert and on
the Nullarbor Plain)--for native title claims and other purposes. In a
more purposeful search for modified glass it became apparent how
numerous these artefacts were at major aggregation sites (usually
associated with early contact), the glass clearly being introduced onto
sites both as whole bottles which were then reduced or in already
reduced forms (i.e. only part of the bottle or jar had been brought onto
the site for use or further reduction).
Our greatest surprise was in the high percentage that appeared to
have been manufactured into tools with formal morphology that had
parallels in the lithic domain. Our overview of consultancy reports for
this region indicated that while this fact had not gone entirely
unrecognised, it had failed to make its way into the academic
literature. For example, Builth and Draper (1999) report that they found
many glass 'adzes' and retouched implements in an area they
surveyed in Kalgoorlie and this was despite the fact that the area had
been designated to be set aside for its bushland value and had
previously been cleared of European materials. The morphological types
they report include an anvil rested backed adze made from purple glass
and a 'very fine example of a tula adze ... created from a glass
with a thick base'. The latter artefact featured an air bubble
which had been centrally positioned in the finished implement (Builth
& Draper 1999:4).
Discussion of specific examples
The most commonly occurring formal artefacts in glass from the WA
arid lands include tula adzes and slugs, burren adzes, steep-edged,
concave and discoidal retouched/utilised flakes, geometric microliths,
and engravers. The majority of these implements have been manufactured
on the base, kick-up and neck/rim segments of dark ale and champagne
bottles. The apparent retouch/use of body segments appears to be less
than, say, in the south-west of the state and consistent with patterns
noted by Harrison (this volume) for the Murchison and Pilbara. It is
reasonable to note that these areas are also arid zone habitats where
stone implements were made for the manufacture and maintenance of
hardwood artefacts (such as shields, spear-throwers and bowls).
Numerous bottle bases have also been used as single platform cores,
with the orientation of flaking towards either the interior or exterior.
From our field notes we can observe several emerging patterns in
artefact form and bottle portion:
* Tula adzes are largely made on (flakes/portions) from bottle
* Burren adzes are made on bases/lower portions of robust bottles
(Figure 2).
* Geometric microliths are made on straight body segments / flakes
(Figure 3).
* (En)gravers are made on turned surfaces such as bottle lips and
necks (Figure 4).
* Steep-angled scrapers are largely made on robust basal portions
(Figure 5).
* Discoidal scrapers are made on gently curved body/shoulder
portions (Figure 6).
We believe that these early observations now invite detailed
recording of these sites, with sample collections subjected to
technological, use-wear and residue studies. As noted above, the large
size of many of these assemblages will permit this kind of analysis
(thousands of pieces of segments / flakes with hundreds of formal
These observations lead to the inevitable conclusion that formal
glass types are not restricted to the more obvious and spectacular
Kimberley point style and that the glass forms are morphologically and
technologically referable to lithic suites found in the same areas.
What can glass artefacts tell us about contact settings?
The transferral of bifacial point production from cryptocrystalline materials (such as silcrete and chalcedony) in the Kimberley into larger
glass forms after contact has been argued to be a product of its
commoditisation for consumption by and for national and international
museums (Harrison 2004a). These same incentives were not in place for
more mundane objects, such as tula adzes, in the arid lands of Western
Australia, however. The production of broad platform flakes (from bottle
bases) with deeply convex dorsal surfaces, and then the subsequent use
and retouch of these artefacts, initially opposite the platform, is
identical to the technology of formal production and reduction witnessed
in the stone analogues.
Perhaps the most parsimonious explanation for the mirroring of
adzes, scrapers and specialist engravers from stone to glass forms
(using apparently similar technological approaches) is that the same
organisational systems for implement manufacture and maintenance, and
the extraction of resources, were still in place following contact. What
we might be witnessing here is simply the transfer from one optimal raw
material to another even more desirable supply. The preference for the
use of fine-grained highly siliceous stone materials with predictable
fracturing qualities, such as chert, chalcedony and silcrete, for the
manufacture of 'formal types' can be seen in the qualitative
and quantitative assessments of large arid zone lithic assemblages (cf.
Veth 2001). In many cases these hard, controllable raw materials were
not available locally near the freshwater source which formed the focus
of habitation, and their acquisition would need to have been embedded in
a wide economic or social procurement round.
The consumption of alcohol and other beverages at early prospector,
provisioning and watering points which were one and the same as, or
close by, the watering points that were the focus of Indigenous
habitation appears to have been ubiquitous across the WA arid zone and
perhaps brought a new source of high-quality material to hand. That
these large volumes of thick bottle glass were discarded at, or near,
these settlements seems axiomatic. Significant 'quarries' of
flakeable glass become present, therefore, almost immediately after
European settlement in the final years of the nineteenth century. At the
same time the increasing presence of European prospectors and the
establishment of government wells and ration depots may have brought
changes that curtailed traditional range or the frequency of procurement
of fine-grained stone supplies. In this scenario, glass simply
substitutes for stone as a fine-grained raw material with controllable
fracturing properties.
Another reason for the continuation of these formal types into a
new medium (and the technological strategies which produced them) might
also be the phenomenon of the continuation of 'ideal' types,
whereby isochrestic and/or aesthetic factors result in the reproduction
of proscribed templates which may or may not have associated symbolic
dimensions or meanings. Many of the larger contact assemblages we
inspected were at places which are known historically to have served as
aggregation locales (after Veth & McDonald 2002).
This appears to have been a unique historical process whereby
social gatherings of speakers of different dialects and languages not
only came together in possibly larger numbers than would have occurred
in pre-contact times, but also for longer periods of time. Certainly
ration depots provided continuous supply lines which were a novel
experience for most arid land peoples. The pressure to assert group
identity and possibly negotiate new forms of alliance (and enmity) would
accelerate in these situations. An increase in group identifying
behaviour is predicted where additional external stresses are
encountered (McDonald 1994; Wiessner 1990). The production of
recognisable forms may have intensified in the 'contested'
spaces of these aggregation centres. Harrison (2002:372) extends this
line of argument, in the context of glass Kimberley point manufacture by
dislocated Aboriginal men, to include gender signalling.
Glass bifacial points have been subdivided on the basis of size,
shape and margin treatment (Akerman & Bindon 1995). However, even
within this relatively well-studied class of glass artefact, opinion is
divided over factors responsible for resultant variability in gross
morphology and margin finish. Suggestions include selective pressure on
form as a result of European collector preference (Harrison 2004a); new
styles or 'fashions' which flourished when a new medium
allowed elaboration and experimentation within traditional types which
were stimulated by wunan exchange (Akerman 1978; Akerman et al. 2002);
expressions of ethnic/group identity; expressions of individual skill
and style; size and availability of glass preforms; and metal indentors
for pressure flaking.
While we can be certain that European collectors were not
responsible for promoting or stimulating the production of glass tulas,
burrens, scrapers or microliths in the regions discussed above, it does
seem that the continuity of the manufacture of some of these types may
extend beyond purely functional requirements. For example, the selective
use of bottle base segments for tula adzes, some of which show
deliberate aesthetic centring of included air bubbles and portions of
the kick-up, may provide an analogue to the well-documented aesthetic of
Kimberley point production described by Love (1936:75-6) and other
Why do these forms occur in such numbers in this culture bloc?
One of the most intriguing aspects of our observations is the fact
that these formal artefacts are present in noticeable numbers in the
Western Australian arid zone. This is an extensive region where many
previous descriptions of lithic assemblages have characterised the
majority of implements as being multifunctional and utilitarian. While
use-wear and residue studies of a sample of bottle segments and flakes
from these sites are necessary to test this assumption (after Bolton
1999), it is worth briefly revisiting some previous studies and
In an earlier study Gould et al. (1971) stressed the ad hoc nature
and form of Western Desert implements. However, they did note that in
the utilised category there was a bimodal distribution between those
that were (thought to) represent cutting versus scraping functions.
While Gould (1977) has certainly espoused the formal typological
approach (see also Hiscock & Veth 1991), his contemporary
observations of the use of modern materials suggest that this was
One of the central tenets of Hayden's (1976) doctoral thesis
was the homogeneity between assemblages of Western Desert habitation
sites and, again, the ad hoc nature of many maintenance tools. While his
ethnoarchaeological work (Hayden 1979) does examine post-contact
artefact categories and attributes (e.g. form, edge-angles, fracture
mechanics and wear patterns), these are focused on lithic rather than
modern materials. The multifunctionality of implements and the marred
lines between form and function appear real--apart from, again, the
artefacts' edge-angle characteristics.
In contrast to these kinds of conclusions about the impromptu
nature of Western Desert forms, however, was a study on the
ethno-taxonomy and form of implements from the northern Great Sandy
Desert, which led Cane (1984:172) to conclude that ethno-taxonomical and
functional data indeed corresponded closely with ethnographically
recorded use-categories: 'Of particular interest also is the close
correlation between the Aboriginal taxonomy of stone tools and the
formal stone tool typology used in this thesis and by other
archaeologists working in arid Australia'. Equally, Veth (1993)
found that there were repeatedly recurring implement forms in both
lithic and post-contact materials from the southern Great Sandy and
Little Sandy deserts.
Again, any debate about the relative frequencies of formal glass
artefacts in the arid zone, their proportion of overall glass
segment/flake assemblages and degree of regional formal variation (after
Harrison 2000) must reply on analysis of controlled collections,
including the technology of production, use-wear and residue studies.
We have carried out systematic survey and some in situ recording of
post-contact glass assemblages and formal artefacts located at early
aggregation locales, such as government wells and ration depots. Over
100 sites have been found in the vicinity of early pastoral and
prospecting centres of the WA arid zone (e.g. near Leonora, Laverton,
Wiluna, Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie) and on the western edge of the
Nullarbor Plain. Other researchers (e.g. Builth & Draper 1999) also
note the presence of formal glass artefacts at such centres. We conclude
that the occurrence of formal glass artefacts, such as tula adzes,
discoidal 'scrapers' and geometric microliths, is not a
fortuitous product of taphonomic processes. It remains for future
research to investigate these artefacts as components of total
assemblages in the same way as has been undertaken for their lithic
counterparts. Only then will it be possible to begin to evaluate the
technological, functional and/or symbolic dimensions of their
production. In the meantime, however, glass artefacts constitute
powerful evidence of the continuity of traditional practice throughout
the arid and semiarid regions of Western Australia.
While we would agree with Harrison (this volume) that Indigenous
utilisation and manipulation of other types of post-contact materials
should be given more attention, glass artefacts have the advantage that
they are ubiquitous in the landscape. The nature of specific claimant
connections to country (as recorded by both archaeologists and
anthropologists both before Mabo and during native title surveys)
included oral tradition, birth, labour history, visitation during their
lifetime, or actual knowledge of historic structures and artefacts. Of
the 14 Federal Court archaeology expert witness reports prepared by the
authors in the arid zone, in all cases at least some claimants had such
connections and knowledge. In all cases glass artefacts have been
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Peter Veth
AIATSIS, Canberra
Susan O'Connor
Australian National University, Canberra
Peter Veth is Director of Research at AIATSIS and also holds an
adjunct Senior Research Fellowship at the Australian National
University. He specialises in the emergence and nature of desert
societies. He has also carried out longer-term research and cultural
heritage projects in most parts of Australia and more recently in the
Aru Islands and East Timor. Peter has prepared numerous reports for
Federal Court native title cases in Australia.
Susan O'Connor is Associate Professor of Archaeology and
currently Head of the School of Archaeology and Natural History,
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National
University. She has specialised on the archaeology of the Kimberley and
the emergence of maritime societies. Susan has carried out major
research projects in both northern and southern Australia and also
initiated long-term research within the islands of eastern Indonesia.