Employability skills: the conceptual framework & scale development.
Misra, Rajnish Kumar ; Mishra, Prachee
Employment & Employability
The emergence of global economy has changed the meaning of
employment. Now the term employment is not just about getting a job or
pursuing a profession, but also sustaining it over lifetime 'an
aspiration of every employee of knowledge societies' (Tin 2006).
This change in meaning is important both for employers and prospective
employees, as well as, researchers alike. There are two questions
critical to its understanding, one: what is it that differentiates
employable from non-employable? ; and two, is employability an ongoing
phenomenon in ones job or profession? The present study intends to
answer the above questions and develop an instrument on employability.
Although review of literature reveals that Beveridge (1909), an
economist, introduced this term, it remained hidden from
researcher's sight till the 1970's. Tseng (1972) viewed
employability as labour market linked occupational knowledge and skills.
It becomes more relevant with changes in economy when people with these
transferable skills move across different work situations (Hoyt 1978).
This concept of employability evolved further with Outin's (1990)
work. It was viewed as a construct comprising four attributes that
enhance the opportunity of getting employed, like individual qualities
(relational, motivational), occupation-specific skills, labor market
situations, and government, and employer training policies (cited from
Grip, Loo & Sanders 2004: 215), while Betz (1992) observed
employability close to career self-efficacy. In doing so he focused on
career behaviour of employees. Later, Gazier (1999) described
employability as "dichotomic employability" to differentiate
between people eligible for relief (unemployable) and people looking for
work (employable) (cited in Grip et al. 2004: 213). This approach to
understanding employability was different from considering it as
"having the capability to gain initial employment, maintain it, and
obtain new employment if required" (Hillage & Pollard 1998).
But, the integrationists' views suggest that employability is an
interaction of person, occupational skills and labour market demands.
Therefore, the phenomenon of employability of workers is not just
dependent upon the labour market forces, but also on other factors. A
recent study found that the essential features of employability
encompasses individual's potential (capabilities) of being
successful in any labour market situation with focus on willingness as
well as capacity to be successful in a variety ofjobs (Thijssen 1998
cited in Grip et al. 2004:215-16).
Grip et al. (2004) extended this view in their study and worked
towards understanding workforce employability utilizing three attributes
measured at levels of willingness and capacity of an individual. The
attributes were: mobility (changing jobs and organizations), training
(skill enhancement), and functional flexibility (changing shifts,
working beyond job description). This study gave a new direction to
understand employability and stimulated later researches (Fugate,
Kinicki & Ashforth 2004). Fugate et al. (2004), emphasized
employability as "a form of work-force specific pro-active
adaptability" that includes three dimensions. First dimension dealt
with cognitive compass that motivates one to actively adapt in order to
realize opportunities matching one's career aspiration (career
identity, Ashforth & Fugate 2001). Second dimension focused on
willingness and readiness to change personal factors to meet demands of
the situation (personal adaptability, Ashford & Taylor 1990). And,
third one on awareness about career opportunities with information and
influence through social networking skills (social and human capital,
Portes 1998).
Besides differing perspectives on definition of employability,
there were measurement issues as well. Lately, three perceived
employability scales have been developed. The first one, Houser and Oda
(1990) deals with employability from the perspective of career self
efficacy, and therefore, assesses "individuals' belief about
their ability to successfully deal with situations and act in ways that
facilitate their career development" (cited in Daniels,
D'Andrea & Kaika 1998), for example, items like "obtain a
job", "keep a job for at least a year" on a seven-point
rating from 'definitely cannot do' to 'definitely can
do'. This scale focuses upon self-worth in getting or retaining a
job. The second instrument deals with competence-based employability
with emphasis on five dimensions, viz. occupational expertise,
anticipation and optimization, personal flexibility, corporate sense,
and balance (Heijde & Heijden 2005). And the third one by Rothwell
and Arnold (2007) also focuses upon self-perceived employability with
emphasis on internal and external employability along with individual
attributes and environmental support.
The present study on scale development on employability skills
incorporates the views of studies reported above, but takes a different
path in understanding employability skills. Here, employability skills
refers mainly to 'those basic skills necessary for getting, keeping
and doing well on a job, and more so are skills that can be taught'
(cited in Robinson 2000:1). Keeping this perspective of trainability of
employability skills, some information technology companies in India
have begun organizing workshops, either for training educators, imparts
learning to enhance the employability of graduating engineers or through
imparting skills to the learner graduate engineers to make them
employable, namely Mission10X Program of Wipro Limited, and Ignite
Program of Tata Consultancy Services. These organizational initiatives
are in line with the ILO (2000) report that initial training enhances
workers' employability. To achieve this end, the current study
focuses on generic employability skills which are necessary for any
individual interested in getting employed in various organizations, and
remain employable. Therefore, combining the views of Fugate et al.
(2004) and Robinson (2000), in this study, employability skills have
been operationally defined as the degree to which employees are able to
search, maintain and sustain themselves in employment through their
pro-active willingness, capacity to identify with their career, and
enhance their personal adaptability through social networking and
occupational (transferable or portable) skills.
Development of the Measure
Although there are existing literature and measures on
employability, it was decided not be guided by these concepts at the
initial level. Rather, an interaction was organized with managers, and
existing employees on what they mean by 'employable'. This
approach took 18 months to develop a questionnaire. The entire process
of scale development, divided into three stages is described below.
Stage 1: To begin with, twenty recruitment managers were asked to
describe their views on what do they look for in a candidate for
employability in terms of specific behaviours; and existing employees
about what they do to remain employable. Based upon this input, 60
behaviour statements were formulated keeping in view the Edwards (1957)
fourteen point criteria of item writing. These items/statements were
rated on a Likert five-point scale ranging from "1" strongly
disagree to "5" strongly agree.
Stage 2: These items were administered on recruitment managers, to
rate good and bad candidates on these statements. The good candidates
were characterized with responses on statements 4 and above, while bad
candidates on responses below 2. In this stage 10 items were left out as
both the types of candidates were scoring equally, not truly
discriminating between the two. This stage reduced the scale to 50
behavioural statements.
Stage 3: A sample of 348 respondents from both the work and
non-work categories were identified for this study with the following
demographic information: 40.2% were MBAs and rest were BBA/BCA/ BE. The
gender based distribution was 49.1% were males and the rest females.
Socio-economic status wise family income was of below Rs. 0.2 million
among 11.5%, above Rs. 0.20 million but less than Rs. 0.40 million among
37.9 %, and rest more than Rs. 0.40 million. Type of family--67.5%
belonged to nuclear, and the rest belonged to joint family. Age ranged
from 20 years to 53 years with average 25.14. All respondents completed
the employability instrument after reading the instructions in the
beginning of the scale. The total score on the scale was computed for
each respondent, the higher the total the stronger the attribute.
Statistical Analysis
Analysis was conducted in four stages: test of discrimination, test
of homogeneity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) for determining the construct validity of the
measure. Before moving to the analysis, 348 respondents were split into
two groups with 216 and 132 respectively, using the randomization
function of SPSS 18.0. In the first stage, the items were subjected to
correlation analysis (Pearson's product moment method) between
individual item responses and the total score. The criteria for
selecting the items was correlation coefficient (r) greater than 0.45
(p<0.01). In the second stage, test of discrimination was done on a
randomised split of the data in the sample. This sample was further
categorized into three: low, moderate and high on total employability
score. Then, the t-test was calculated between low and high category to
determine whether, the scale discriminates low and high scorers. The
items with t-test values (critical ratio) greater than 2.58 (p<0.01)
was accepted, and the rest were rejected as they could not differentiate
between the two category.
Third stage, an EFA was conducted on the items remaining after two
stages; to identify a viable factor structure of 23 items based on
principal axis factoring with varimax rotation. Items with primary
factor loading of = .40 (including values that were rounded to .4) and
secondary factor loading of = .30 and those that did not load on more
than one factor were retained. Items not meeting the criteria were
removed one at a time. Factor analysis was repeated until a solution in
which all the items included in the analysis met all criteria were
Fourth Stage, using Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS version
6.0; Arbuncle 2006), a CFA was then conducted on the remaining 132
respondents to determine whether the factor structure required
modification, and also as a method of determining construct validity.
The CFA was used to confirm the exploratory model, and if possible to
refine using separate sample of respondents. CFA is a structural
modelling technique used to determine the goodness-of-fit between
hypothesized model and the sample data. Kline (1998) suggested that
modification indices guided path addition to the model to improve the
goodness-of-fit. If a modification index between two items is high in
relation to other modification indices, it suggests that addition of a
path will improve the overall fit of the model. It is important to note
here that addition of path should be based either upon theoretical or
logical sense. The following goodness-of-fit indices were used to assess
the degree of fit between the model and the sample: c2, Tucker Lewis
Index (TLI >.90 acceptable, >.95 excellent) (Tucker & Lewis
1973), the comparative fit index (CFI >.90 acceptable, >.95
excellent) (Bentler 1990), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
(RMSEA <.08 acceptable, <.05 excellent) (Brown & Cudeck 1993).
CFA has several advantages; one such advantage is that it allows
specification of causal relationships between observed variables and the
latent constructs while simultaneously accounting for item level
measurement error (Bryant & Yarnold 1995 cited in Pai et al 2007).
Test of homogeneity: The next stage was to calculate the item-total
correlation coefficient for each individual item with total score of
each respondent using Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient
(r). Items that had r-value > .45 significant at p < .01 were
retained. Table 1 shows the items that were rejected, namely, 1, 2, 3,
11, 18, 23, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, and 35.
Test of Discrimination: The total score for the remaining items
were calculated for each respondent, and was categorized into low,
moderate and high scores. Then, the high and low scorers were compared
using the t-test. The items that were able to differentiate between the
above two categories were retained, and rest were discarded. The t-test
value >1.96 was significant at p < .05, and t >1.96 =2.58 was
significant at p < .01. Table 1 depicts items that have been rejected
through this analysis are reflected in bold letters. Item no. 37 was
Exploratory Factor Analysis: The third stage, EFA was calculated
that yielded a 19-item measure with seven factor solution: 6 items
measuring a factor called concern for challenging assignment and
self-development, 4 items measuring decision-making, 3 items measuring
professional networking, 3 items for teamwork, 2 items constant
feedback, 1 for trust. Each item was removed from the measure if they do
not meet the criteria of primary factor loading =.50 and secondary
factor loading of =.40. 14 items were deleted using this criterion of
loading on more than one factor. The items retained in the model and
factor loadings are presented in Table 2. Each factor was then
interpreted by examining the content and pattern of coefficients.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis: The five-factor solution derived from
the EFA was then cross-validated on 132 respondents retained from the
same overall sample on which EFA was conducted. Figure 1 shows the final
CFA for the sample. The initial model was then run and resulted in a
perfect fit with modification indices; a path covariance was then added
between error term of factor 1 and factor 4. The standardized estimates
and fit indices for each of the model tested are presented in tables 3
& 4. The a -estimates and CR values for each factor and
employability was significant at p>0.01. The final model shows a
perfect fit, where c2 (df=4, p<.68) = 2.27; CFI = 1.00, GFI = .99,
AGFI= .97, PGFI=.27, TLI=1.02, RMSEA=.000. The factors that emerged in
this study after EFA analysis got counter-checked through CFA analysis.
The resultant model was a perfect fit.
The factors that have emerged after the factor analysis are as
1) Factor one represents skill upgradation and career growth
attribute of the employees who make concerted efforts towards addition
of skills that supports their career growth. For example item, "I
feel happy receiving feedback from my superiors or peers", choice
of organization, item 31, "I am selective in choosing an
organization that would facilitate me in my career growth", and
item 30, "I am in constant touch with people in my
profession". The reliability estimate for this factor Cronbach
alpha is 0.86.
2) Factor two is labelled as task-orientation among employees. The
employee is prepared to take up new and challenging assignments, e.g.
item 15 "I intend to do my home-work well before taking up a new
assignment"; and item 16 "I am eager to take up new tasks
whenever new projects come up". The reliability estimate for this
factor Cronbach alpha is 0.76.
3) Factor three deals with being blue-eyed boy of bosses reflects
that employee is known to superiors and professionals through proven
track record in his/her field. Item 48 "I have built contacts with
people in the area where I would like to work"; item 49,
"People in my profession are aware about my achievements". The
reliability coefficient cronbach alpha for this 4 item factor is 0.71.
4) Factor four represents professional networking aspect of
employability and reflects how much an employee is receiving help from
professionals and superiors in getting new jobs or projects, like item
38 "My colleagues and superiors help me in identifying new
opportunities"; and item 39 "I am the preferred choice of my
seniors when the company takes up new projects" tells the
popularity of the employee in terms of his or her potentials. The
reliability estimate for this factor Cronbach alpha is 0.68
5) Factor five focuses upon concern for time, which refers to an
employee's importance to time, e.g., item 47 "I do not enjoy
spending time in unimportant meetings". The factor returned a
reliability estimate Cronbach alpha of 0.65.
6) Factor six deals with an employee's love for challenge in
taking up assignments. Item 37 "I can venture into challenging
assignments" that brings in achievement orientation among them to
succeed in their job/ career.
The full scale reliability oefficient for the instrument was found
to be (a) 0.90.
The objective of the present study was to develop a measure of
employability skills for respondents willing to work in business
organizations. The findings of the study show that employability skills
can be measured using this instrument on six dimensions: skill
up-gradation and career growth, task-orientation, blue-eyed boy of
bosses, professional networking, and concern for time and love for
challenge. The reliability of the instrument ranges from moderate to
high for each of these dimensions, the instrument can be further
validated with other existing instruments on employability to make it
more robust.
The preliminary findings of the study are limited to small sample
size. Therefore, before considering it as a selection tool (predictive
validity); the scale must be standardized across large cross-sections of
executives to develop norms for classification of executives and or
aspirants into employability skills, and make selection decisions, and
remedial measures for their development in existing executives.
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Rajnish Kumar Misra (E-mail: rajnish_misra@yahoo.com) is Associate
Professor & Prachee Mishra is Senior Lecturer in HRM & OB Area
in Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics, t-test between
High Scorer & Low Scorers & Item-Total Correlation
Item-total Std.
correlation Mean Deviation t-value
EMPLOY1 .126 4.24 .742
EMPLOY2 .101 2.54 1.269
EMPLOY3 .052 4.07 .926
EMPLOY4 .165 * 4.01 .867
EMPLOY5 .258 ** 3.23 1.052
EMPLOY6 .263 ** 4.31 .786
EMPLOY7 .210 ** 3.84 .907
EMPLOY8 .264 ** 4.03 .880
EMPLOY9 .372 ** 4.05 .879 -6.33 **
EMPLOY10 .259 ** 3.74 1.015
EMPLOY11 -.002 3.15 1.124
EMPLOY12 .162 * 4.06 .928
EMPLOY13 .227 ** 4.07 2.045
EMPLOY14 .185 ** 3.82 .938
EMPLOY15 .421 ** 3.86 .944 -7.76 **
EMPLOY16 .299 ** 3.97 .804
EMPLOY17 .446 ** 4.36 .684 -5.50 **
EMPLOY18 .042 3.13 .982
EMPLOY19 .453 ** 4.19 1.010 -7.64 **
EMPLOY20 .184 ** 4.47 .618
EMPLOY21 .255 ** 4.29 .673
EMPLOY22 .155 * 3.38 .788
EMPLOY23 -.013 4.26 .911
EMPLOY24 -.020 4.05 .989
EMPLOY25 .142 * 4.40 .774
EMPLOY26 .321 ** 4.21 .768 -7.64 **
EMPLOY27 .127 3.96 1.045
EMPLOY28 .156 * 3.21 1.136
EMPLOY29 .019 4.07 .966
EMPLOY30 .430 ** 3.71 .913 -5.84 **
EMPLOY31 .407 ** 3.93 .972 -4.84 **
EMPLOY32 .058 3.90 1.011
EMPLOY33 .007 3.50 1.006
EMPLOY34 .234 ** 3.75 1.604
EMPLOY35 .103 3.99 .944
EMPLOY36 .147 * 3.94 .719
EMPLOY37 .404 ** 4.12 .819 -6.59 **
EMPLOY38 .463 ** 3.74 .859 -7.67 **
EMPLOY39 .348 ** 3.46 .837 -6.88 **
EMPLOY40 .207 ** 3.75 .965
EMPLOY41 .350 ** 3.62 1.143 -6.09 **
EMPLOY42 .458 ** 4.20 .720 -7.23 **
EMPLOY43 .251 ** 4.14 .814
EMPLOY44 .311 ** 3.74 .916 -2.87 *
EMPLOY45 .504 ** 4.17 .687 -4.70 **
EMPLOY46 .566 ** 4.26 .683 -6.75 **
EMPLOY47 .340 ** 3.58 1.105 -2.97 *
EMPLOY48 .458 ** 3.58 1.066 -7 57 **
EMPLOY49 .389 ** 3.52 .913 -6.22 **
EMPLOY50 .434 ** 4.44 .753 -5.45 **
Note: (1.) For Descriptive statistics: 216 respondents were
divided into 3 categories, namely low, medium, and high scores;
and t-value was calculated for high and low categories. * p > 0.05,
** p > 0.01.
(2.) Item-total correlation was calculated for N=216 respondents.
* p > 0.05, ** p > 0.01
Table 2: Factor Loadings on Each Item
1 2 3 4 5 6
EMPLOY30 .586 .125 .141 .131 -.064 -.045
EMPLOY17 .580 .112 .139 .053 .072 .111
EMPLOY46 .485 .008 .161 .408 .425 .008
EMPLOY19 .449 .216 .086 .095 .106 .175
EMPLOY31 .447 .127 .086 .064 .158 .028
EMPLOY9 .394 .066 -.019 .332 .044 -.297
EMPLOY16 .176 .591 -.043 .065 -.012 .035
EMPLOY15 .214 .564 .194 .071 .332 -.296
EMPLOY26 .141 .560 .082 .165 -.052 .079
EMPLOY41 .030 .367 .056 .037 .193 .073
EMPLOY49 .179 .027 .913 .165 .008 -.003
EMPLOY48 .278 .123 .414 .203 .146 .017
EMPLOY42 .318 .244 .374 .050 .297 .263
EMPLOY38 .167 .215 .158 .652 .086 .083
EMPLOY39 .007 .243 .176 .540 -.127 .098
EMPLOY44 .148 -.071 .031 .333 .215 .001
EMPLOY47 .034 .116 .011 .005 .593 .057
EMPLOY50 .349 .026 .272 .181 .402 -.099
EMPLOY37 .286 .198 .032 .345 .102 .542
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. Rotation Method:
Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a Rotation converged in 11
Table 3: Standardized B-Estimate & Critical
Ratio among Research Variables:
Standardized C.R.
F1 <-- Employ 1.000
F2 <-- Employ .995 6.096 **
F3 <-- Employ .686 6.106 **
F4 <-- Employ .593 5.456 **
F5 <-- Employ .528 5.851 **
F6 <-- Employ .227 4.601 **
Note: N = 132; **p>0.01
F1 = Skill up-gradation & Career Growth;
F2 = Task-orientation; F3 = Blue-eyed boy of
Bosses; F4 = Professional Networking; F5 =
Table 4: Fit Indices
Proposed 0.99 0.98 0.42 0.98 1.046
Independence 0.56 0.38 0.40 0.00 0.00
Fit Indices CFI RMSEA [chi square]
Proposed 1.00 0.000 .44
Independence 0.00 0.30 13.14