Functional decentralization in Portuguese local governments.
Ballesteros, Beatriz Cuadrado ; Ferrero, Jennifer Martinez ; Marques, Maria Da Conceicao 等
In the 1980s, the large bureaucracies that characterize most states
across the world were seen as a threat to the efficiency of public
administrations. Thus, the theory of new public management (NPM) was an
attempt to overcome the problems of large bureaucracies through private
sector mechanisms (Haynes, 2003). It is characterized by the principles
of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, and it aims to allow public
administrations to manage public resources efficiently. One of the main
reforms proposed by the NPM theory is the functional decentralization
processes used for public service delivery. This process consists of
governments creating autonomous entities to provide citizens with public
services. These new entities have autonomous characteristics and
management systems, but continue to form part of the public
administration since this maintains the decision-making and control
capacity. The main advantage is that they can specialize in certain
services and they are closer to citizens. Thus, they know their
preferences and needs to a greater extent (Hayek, 1945).
Since the 1990s, there has been a general increase in the creation
of these agencies around the world (Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2012).
In the specific case of Portugal, functional decentralization processes
have gained importance at the local level in recent years, in an attempt
to improve municipal management and productive efficiency, taking
advantages of the flexibility and financial management rules of
decentralized entities (Tavares & Camoes, 2007). Accordingly,
because of the growth in the number of decentralized entities in
Portugal (Carvalho et al., 2013), the aim of this paper is to show the
situation of Portuguese public service delivery at the local level by
population range and service type, since we have not found previous
papers that carry out this task. Then, we introduce some reasons
explaining the Portuguese situation in relation to local public
services, proposing the basis for future empirical research. These
reasons are mainly related to the size and indebtedness of local
To achieve these aims, we consider the 308 local governments that
existed in Portugal in 2011. We divide our sample into population ranges
(fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, between 5,000 and 10,000, between 10,000
and 20,000, between 20,000 and 50,000, and more than 50,000
inhabitants). The year under review is the most recent for which
information is available (2011).
The results show the strategic use of functional decentralization;
the biplot analysis illustrates that functional decentralization tends
to be used by local governments of municipalities with more than 50,000
inhabitants, since these agencies are closer to citizens, therefore
allowing their demands to be met. In addition, large municipalities tend
to be more indebted (Mitchell, 1967; Pettersson-Lidbom, 2001; Ashworth
et al., 2005; Hagen & Vabo, 2005). Thus, local politicians may use
these agencies to transfer part of the indebtedness and at the same time
increase the public revenues through public fees instead of taxes.
Authors such as Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al. (2013b) found for the
Spanish case that functional decentralization is used to overcome
indebtedness restrictions imposed on local governments and increase the
public revenues associated with the real cost of the public service
delivery. Taxpayers do not perceive an increase in incomes, because it
is carried out not through taxes, but rather through fees and public
charges collected by public companies, leading to "citizens'
Moreover, by taking into account the typologies of public services
provided by Portuguese local governments, the results show that
decentralized agencies are usually used to provide water, urban
planning, cultural, and economic services. Functional decentralization
is not used for health services in any municipality, and protection,
social, and environmental services are decentralized in very few cases.
Thus, services entailing a high level of human assets are provided by
the local government itself to a greater extent, instead of transferring
the service delivery to decentralized entities. In this way, greater
productive efficiency is achieved, since local officials may claim
credit for delivering human and social public services (Tavares &
Camoes, 2007).
This paper is divided into four further sections. The next section
presents the basic ideas of NPM and functional decentralization
processes. The third section describes public administration in
Portugal. In the fourth section, we present the results of several
analyses to show the use of these processes in Portuguese local
governments. Finally, we present the main conclusions and reflections
derived from this study.
Functional decentralization occurs when the public administration
(central or under central) creates smaller, more flexible, and
business-oriented entities (Aberbach & Rockman, 1999), such as
companies, organizations, and foundations for public service delivery.
In this paper, we focus on decentralized agencies created at the local
level. These entities have their own legal personality, with an
autonomous management system, but continue to form part of the public
administration--in this case local governments--which enjoy the decision
and control capacity to a large degree.
The decision on whether to provide public services in-house or to
create decentralized public bodies could be taken through a cost
perspective (Tavares & Camoes, 2010). When services are provided
in-house, bureaucratic monopoly inefficiencies arise. In addition, a
"discretionary budget" problem may lead bureaucrats to request
a greater necessary budget (Niskanen, 1971), and "influence
costs" may arise since the number of employees and hierarchy levels
would also increase (Bendor, 1985; Miranda & Lerner, 1995).
Decentralized agencies may avoid these costs; they are smaller,
more flexible, and business-oriented entities (Aberbach & Rockman,
1999) that may avoid the typical rigidities of public administrative
systems. From the view of the new public management theory (1), these
agencies may improve their efficiency in attaining goals (Boyne, 1996)
and streamlining bureaucratic processes (Niskanen, 1971), modernizing
the traditional public sector. In addition, these entities produce
faster service provision (Downs, 1967), because they are closer to
citizens and therefore more aware of their preferences and needs (Hayek,
1945). The fact that the management units are smaller and more flexible
as a result of less normative rigidity makes them more dynamic and leads
users to express greater satisfaction than with traditional
bureaucracies. Furthermore, functional decentralization reinforces the
delegation of responsibilities, which may inhibit the ability of public
officials to manage public resources opportunistically (Pollit &
Bouckaert, 2000).
However, when public services are provided by an autonomous public
organization, transaction costs may appear (Tavares & Camoes, 2010)
in economic and political terms (Rodrigues et al., 2012). Following
Williamson (1989, p. 142), transaction costs are "comparative costs
of planning, adapting and monitoring task completion under alternative
governance structures".
Economic transaction costs are derived from the uncertainty
involved in decentralizing decision-making, since bounded rationality
and opportunism can occur. This situation leads to negotiating,
monitoring, and enforcing contract costs (Brown & Potoski, 2003a,
2003b; Rodrigues et al., 2012), since decentralization may involve
excessive fragmentation of the public sector, producing poor
coordination and overlapping functions and use of resources (Rhodes,
1994). In other words, a greater number of entities represent a greater
cost, derived largely from control mechanisms to avoid the previous
problem, so functional decentralized administrations may be more
expensive than large bureaucracies (Andrews & Boyne, 2009).
Furthermore, in the specific case of local governments, political
transaction costs arise in relation to the credibility of the local
government in a contractual exchange (North, 1990; Dixit, 1996;
Rodrigues et al., 2012). The desire for re-election is very influential
in the case of the political market, in which, following public choice
theory, agents interact to achieve their goals (Downs, 1967; Niskanen,
1971). Information asymmetries between politicians and citizens
(Lindstedt & Naurin, 2008) favour politicians, who act
opportunistically with the aim of being re-elected (Osborne &
Slivinski, 1996; Dixit & Londregan, 1998). When local governments
create decentralized agencies, they lose political control, but this is
compensated for by greater flexibility in service delivery and greater
satisfaction of citizens/voters. Thus, functional decentralization may
occur either when voters will be more satisfied or when it will improve
the productive efficiency (Tavares & Camoes, 2007).
In view of these arguments, local governments carry out a balance
analysis of the costs/benefits when they choose how to provide public
services. In short, public services will be decentralized if the risk
arising from this transfer is insignificant or the potential exists to
achieve great gains in productive efficiency through greater operational
and financial flexibility (Tavares & Camoes, 2007). In fact,
functional decentralization processes have become particularly important
around the world (Molinari & Tyer, 2003; Utrilla, 2007; Cuadrado,
2008). The empirical evidence shows that municipalities that carry out
functional decentralization processes for local service provision
improve the quality of life (Sanderson, 1996; Marshall, 2004;
Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2012), social welfare (Hong, 2011), and
income distribution (Gupta, 2004), as well as reducing the public
deficits (Vengroff & Reveron, 1997).
Decentralized entities have acquired special significance in public
administrations that suffer from difficult economic situations
(Dominguez, 1999; Garcia, 2000) as a means of delivering public services
that satisfy citizens' needs as well as masking less altruistic
objectives (i.e. politicians might use decentralized agencies for their
own benefits). Concretely, governments may decentralize in order to
avoid budgetary restraints by transferring part of their debt
expenditure to the newly created entities (Bennett & Dilorenzo,
1982, 1984; Blewett, 1984; Marlow & Joulfaian, 1989; Bunch, 1991;
Escudero, 2002; Grossi & Mussari, 2008; Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009;
Grossi & Thomasson, 2011; Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013a,
2013b). Alternatively, they can be used to generate income through fees
and public charges instead of using other forms viewed less favourably
by citizens/voters, such as tax increases (Monasterio et al., 1999;
Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009). Citizens' myopia leads them to believe
that local governments are providing more/better public services with
the same resources, which positively influences politicians' images
(Garria-Sanchez et al., 2011).
Portuguese state organizations are characterized by the existence
of local entities, defined as an area containing a group of people,
endowed with representative organisms (art. 236 of the Constitution of
the Portuguese Republic). Among these local entities are municipalities,
which are responsible for the management of local public services,
ensuring the interests of their respective populations. Throughout
history, many Portuguese local governments have played a central and
decisive role in the organization of the state, which is apparent in the
diversity of areas that have participated (Carvalho, 2011).
Municipalities have great importance in the context of public
decisions, with an increasing transfer of responsibilities and
competences from the central government. Currently, they have
jurisdiction over different public services (art. 13 of Law 159/99 of
14th September): urban planning, energy, transport, education, culture
and technology, sports, social services, health, civil and municipal
police protection, waste collection and treatment, consumer protection,
and external cooperation. They are composed of two bodies, namely the
Municipal Assembly and the City Council, the latter of which is the
executive body responsible for the daily management of municipal affairs
and implements the decisions taken by the Municipal Assembly.
Moreover, in Portuguese local governments, two sectors coexist: an
administrative sector and a business sector. The latter is composed of
local public companies, local public business entities, local
corporations, and inter-municipality entities. There are also a number
of "municipalized services", generally related to the integral
water cycle (water collection, supply, and sewage treatment). The public
funds vary according to the form (Tavares & Camoes, 2011). The
creation of these entities for public service delivery represents a
functional decentralization process, which has gained importance in
Portugal in recent years, (2) despite it being a traditionally
centralized country (3) (Carvalho et al., 2013). Their activities,
creation, extension, and extinction have been updated recently by Law
50/2012 of 31st August.
In Portugal, the functional decentralization process has become
relevant since the Municipal and Inter-municipal Corporations Act of
1998 was adopted (Tavares & Camoes, 2007), since this law allowed
the transfer of in-house public service delivery to decentralized
entities. The increase in this method of service delivery is justified
by the growth in the local business public sector, which materialized
via the increasing number of municipal companies. However, in its
orientation towards greater decentralization, the state cannot lose its
true sense of existence, retaining its regulatory, monitoring, and
referee function and seeking to promote to society the best possible
balance between the use of resources and the collective interests and
individual freedom.
In general, Portuguese decentralized entities are similar to those
of other countries, such as Sweden and Spain, but different from those
of Italy, where such agencies are normally joint stock companies that
can be, and often are, traded on the stock exchange (Argento et al.,
2010). In Portugal, as in Sweden and Spain, decentralized agencies are
wholly owned by municipalities, and none are listed on any stock
Portuguese municipalities tend to be large and are highly dependent
on the expenditure of the central administration (Carvalho et al.,
2013). This situation has led them to create such agencies in order to
meet the demands of their citizens in a better way. In addition, these
new methods of public service delivery result from the attempt to
improve local public management and make their organizational systems
flexible, thereby circumventing administrative law (Tavares &
Camoes, 2010). Decentralized agencies are being created to avoid control
from authorities such as the Court of Accounts, the Inspector General of
Territorial Administration and the General Inspectorate of Finance
(Oliveira, 2001).
Accordingly, previous studies show the opportunistic behaviour of
local politicians, who enjoy broad freedom to establish an adequate
governance structure of service delivery to achieve political
efficiency, which translates into electoral gains (Tavaes & Camoes,
2011). They transfer part of the expenses and debts of local governments
to decentralized agencies, so the public finances seem healthier
(Bennett & Dilorenzo, 1982, 1984; Blewett, 1984; Marlow &
Joulfaian, 1989; Bunch, 1991; Escudero, 2002; Grossi & Mussari,
2008; Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009; Grossi & Thomasson, 2011;
Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013a, 2013b). This allows them to
circumvent the legal constraints on public expenditure (Tavares &
Camoes, 2007, 2010).
In addition, local governments may create decentralized entities to
generate revenues through fees and public charges, receiving income in a
different way from taxes. Citizens believe that local governments are
providing more or better public services without increasing the taxes.
In relation to local revenues, financial dependency is a problem in
Portuguese local governments. According to Carvalho et al. (2013),
around 60% of their public revenues come from central grants and
transfers (this percentage increases to 70% in the smallest
municipalities). The central government has transferred great
competencies to local governments, but not financial capacity in terms
of taxes. Thus, local governments could create decentralized agencies
with the aim of receiving public fees and charges that increase their
financial independency. Different authors have shown that public
companies have emerged as an attractive source of revenues, since they
charge public service delivery directly to citizens, who see these
companies as "private organizations" but not as part of the
local government (Rubin, 1988; Tyer, 1989; Molinari & Tyer, 2003).
Another reason to create decentralized agencies is related to
population size. Large municipalities' behaviour differs from that
of smaller municipalities, since the demand for public services is
higher. Large municipalities are expected to use decentralization
processes to a greater extent since they need a higher degree of
specialization to satisfy citizens' needs (Montesinos et al.,
The aim of this study is to describe the degree of functional
decentralization in Portugal in relation to the level of liquid
indebtedness as well as the typology of public services provided by
local governments.
Population and Variables for the Analysis
We analyse the 308 Portuguese municipalities existing in 2011.
Specifically, we obtain information on functional decentralization,
liquid indebtedness, and service type, based on Carvalho et al. (2013).
The financial yearbook of Portuguese municipalities, based on the
accounts of 308 national government agencies, is a document of great
value for the analysis of aggregate municipalities on budgetary,
financial, economic, and equity position information. The variables
included in the analysis are:
Decentralization: Following previous decentralization studies
(Tavares & Camoes, 2007, 2010; Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2012,
2013a, 2013b, 2013c, 2013d), we measure decentralization by the number
of decentralized entities (public companies, public business entities,
public corporations, and municipalized services) affiliated with each
Public services: Based on the classification criteria proposed by
Miller and Miller (1991), the different public services provided by
Portuguese local governments are represented by a dummy variable, which
takes 1 if a specific service is decentralized and 0 otherwise. This
criterion has been used previously by Prado-Lorenzo and Garria-Sanchez
(2006) and Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al. (2012). Specifically, services
are grouped into water, waste, culture, social services, health
services, environment, economic services, transport, urban planning,
protection, and others. Table 1 shows the public services included in
each typology.
Indebtedness: With the aim of showing whether politicians engage in
opportunistic behaviours, namely by transferring part of their
expenditures and debt to decentralized agencies, we use the level of
indebtedness of the local government. This is measured by the liquid
indebtedness ratio, calculated as follows:
LiqIndeb = Total Debt - (Debt to receive + Cash)/Incomes in t - 1
This measure is in accordance with article 36 of Law 2/2007,
regarding local finances, which defines liquid indebtedness according to
the concept of financial needs of SEC95 as the difference between
financial liabilities and assets. We use this ratio as the level of
indebtedness because the Portuguese Local Finances Law refers to it when
it imposes indebtedness limitations. Concretely, it is posited in
article 37 of Law 2/2007 from 15th January that:
"the amount of total liquid indebtedness of each municipality,
on 31st December of each year, shall not exceed 125% of the revenue from
municipal taxes, from the holdings of the financial equilibrium fund,
the participation in taxes on personal incomes and the participation in
the results of entities of local business sector. "
In this regard, we believe that this is a valid measure of the
level of local governments' indebtedness. Other authors, such as
Carvalho and Teixeira (2007), Ribeiro (2013), and Ribeiro and Jorge
(2013), have previously used this proxy.
Population: The number of inhabitants by municipality. The analysis
is carried out by dividing the 308 municipalities into population
ranges: fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, between 5,000 and 10,000, between
10,000 and 20,000, between 20,000 and 50,000, and more than 50,000
inhabitants. These divisions are made because there are large
disparities in the characteristics of municipalities (Carvalho et al.,
2013), which require us to create subgroups or subsamples to conduct the
analyses (Benito et al., 2010; Navarro et al., 2010; Guillamon et al.,
2011; Navarro-Galera & Rodriguez-Bolivar, 2011; Cuadrado-Ballesteros
et al., 2013a, 2013b).
Global Analysis
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of these variables. In
general, Portuguese municipalities are characterized by a high
dimension, as shown by the average value of POPULATION, in line with the
findings of Carvalho et al. (2013). However, the standard deviation is
quite high, representing the existence of very small municipalities.
The mean value of INDEBTEDNESS is positive, indicating that, on
average, Portuguese municipalities support liquid indebtedness. The
standard deviation is quite high, too, representing large differences in
the level of indebtedness. The minimum value is -140, showing that some
municipalities have no liquid indebtedness. In general, small
municipalities enjoy a better situation in this regard (Carvalho et al.,
2013), as shown in Graph 1.
The mean value of DECENTRALIZATION is 1.04, indicating that local
governments tend to create a decentralized entity to provide certain
public services on average. The mean values for the dummies that
represent the different services provided show us that in general these
are created to provide cultural, water, economic, and urban services. It
is noteworthy that no decentralized agencies provide health services and
very few are created for protection services. Section 4.3 provides a
more detailed analysis by the typology of service.
By examining Graph 1 more thoroughly, we can deduce a pattern of
behaviour between the liquid indebtedness levels and the degree of
municipal decentralization, except for the case of the largest
municipalities (over 50,000 inhabitants). In other cases, the higher is
the degree of functional decentralization, the higher is the level of
liquid indebtedness. This finding might suggest the use of these
decentralized agencies for opportunistic purposes, such as transferring
part of their indebtedness (Bennett & Dilorenzo, 1982, 1984;
Blewett, 1984; Marlow & Joulfaian, 1989; Bunch, 1991; Escudero,
2002; Grossi & Mussari, 2008; Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009; Grossi
& Thomasson, 2011; Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013a, 2013b).
Alternatively, they might be used to generate incomes from fees and
public charges instead of increasing taxes, which is not supported by
citizens/voters (Monasterio et al., 1999; Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009).
Such citizens' myopia leads us to assume that local governments are
providing more or better public services with the same resources,
improving the political images and prestige of politicians
(Garda-Sanchez et al., 2011).
In the specific case of municipalities with over 50,000
inhabitants, the degree of decentralization is higher, although the
liquid indebtedness ratio remains more or less similar to that of the
other local governments. The use of decentralized agencies in this case
is because of the need to meet higher demands. Larger municipalities are
expected to use decentralization processes to a greater extent, since
they need a higher degree of specialization to satisfy the needs of all
their users (Montesinos et al., 2010). Furthermore, we use the
Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon W, and normal distribution Z non-parametric
tests to show the differences between the groups of analysis,
specifically between local governments that use functional decentralized
agencies to provide public services and those that do not. These tests
are statistically relevant at the 99% and 90% confidence levels for the
variables POPULATION and INDEBTEDNESS, respectively. This allows us to
reject the null hypothesis of equality between groups for these
variables, meaning that local governments tend to use functional
decentralization according to their population size and their level of
Biplot analyses: The biplot methodology is a statistical technique
that graphically depicts a data matrix X (nxp), being n
individuals--rows--that are analysed in relation to p
characteristics--columns (Vicente-Villardon, 2001). The individuals are
the 308 Portuguese local governments and the characteristics considered
in this study are the population, the level of indebtedness, and the
level of functional decentralization. The biplot offers a visual
representation of individuals and characteristics in the same reference
system, using vectors. More concretely, the representations show points
and vectors (Gower & Hand, 1996); points represent individuals
(local governments in this study) and vectors represent the
characteristics of these individuals (population, indebtedness, and
decentralization in this case), as shown in Figures 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
The origin coincides with the mean value of all the characteristics.
Vectors with a small angle are highly correlated and show similar
behaviours, and if they have opposite directions, they are highly
correlated in an inverse sense. The interpretation of the figures could
be conducted based on the closeness of points and vectors: if a point is
close to a vector, then this characteristic has a high value for the
individual. The distance among points shows the variability of
individuals in the analysis.
The first approximation to the biplot technique was proposed by
Gabriel (1971). However, it was argued that the approach of this author
does not represent individuals appropriately. Then, Galindo (1985)
proposed a new biplot approach, called the HJ-Biplot, which provides a
representation of multivariate data, representing individuals and
characteristics with the same quality (Galindo, 1985, 1986). In this
study, we use the software developed by Vicente-Villardon (2010) to
implement the HJ-Biplot. (4)
We use the biplot technique because it easily represents the
differences and similarities among Portuguese local governments
according to the use of functional decentralization in a visual way.
This technique is related to principal component and factorial analysis,
but the advantage of biplot analysis is that it allows the visualization
of individuals and characteristics in the same space; thus, it is
possible to see correlations among individuals, among characteristics,
and between individuals and characteristics. The biplot technique
provides a representation of multivariate data, unlike the scatter plot,
which shows the distribution of only two variables (Gabriel, 1971;
Gabriel & Odoroff, 1990).
Using the HJ-Biplot method instead of other conventional
techniques, such as principal component and factor analysis, we gain
important advantages. The axes in principal component analysis are
combinations of variables, but they do not appear on the plots, so
important information is lost, such as the situation of individuals with
respect to characteristics (Gonzalez-Cabrera et al., 2006). Thus, biplot
analysis is more representative in showing the situation of Portuguese
local governments according to public service delivery. In the area of
research on the local public sector, this technique has been used
previously by Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al. (2013c) and Garria-Sanchez et
al. (2013).
Figures 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 show the biplot analyses of
municipalities according to the population ranges. The individuals are
municipalities and the variables are DECENTRALIZATION, INDEBTEDNESS, and
POPULATION. To understand the relationships between individuals and
variables, we need to project the points (municipalities) on the vectors
(variables). If the projection falls on the continuous line illustrated
in the figure, then the relationship between the individual and the
variable is positive, and it is negative otherwise.
Following this interpretation, for municipalities with over 50,000
inhabitants (Figure 1), the largest and most indebted local governments
tend to create decentralized agencies to provide public services, such
as the case of Lisboa, Esponsende, Sintra, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, and
Loures. For these municipalities, the two previous arguments may apply:
both the use of decentralized agencies opportunistically by politicians
and the need to create them to meet the demands of citizens, who are
more numerous than in other municipalities. Other relationships can also
be observed; for example, some local governments decentralize their
public service delivery because they are large, although their level of
liquid indebtedness is not as high as that of the other municipalities
(Aveiro, Santarem, Santa Maria da Feira, Matosinhos). By contrast,
others decentralize for different reasons, unrelated to either size or
indebtedness (Castelo Branco, Vila Real, Viseu, Faro, Figueira da Foz).
These local governments may create decentralized agencies due to an
imitation effect or because they are tourist cities that need to meet
increased demands at specific times (Diez-Ticio & Mancebon, 2003;
Garria-Sanchez, 2006).
Figure 3 shows the representation for municipalities with
populations between 20,000 and 50,000 inhabitants. In this case,
municipalities decentralize to a lesser extent and there is no
association between the three variables at once. Local governments
create decentralized agencies owing to demand (Guarda, Elvas, Braganca,
Marinha Grande, Olhao), indebtedness (Portalegre, Povoa de Lanhoso,
Lagos, Entroncamiento, Celorico da Basto, Vila da Paia da Vitoria,
Fundao), or neither (Beja, Mealhada, Sao Joao do Maadeira, Mirandela,
Tavira, Peniche).
The representation for municipalities with populations between
10,000 and 20,000 (Figure 5) is curious, since most of them show a
similar trend towards no decentralization. Most of those that create
these agencies do so for reasons of indebtedness, such as Santa Comba
Dao, Vouzela, Vila Franca do Campo, Obidos, Vieira do Minho, and Resende
(among others).
A similar situation is observed for municipalities with populations
of between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants (Figure 7). The few
decentralized entities are created for reasons of indebtedness, such as
Velas, Meda, Porto Santo, Alfandega da Fe, Povoaao, Sao Vicente, Vila do
Porto, Madalena, and Sousel. Another small group is characterized by a
higher population (10,000 maximum) and a higher level of indebtedness
than the other municipalities. They tend to create decentralized
entities for reasons of population size and indebtedness, such as
Celorico da Beira, Vinhais, Melgaco, Miranda do Douro, Nisa, Almeida,
and Pinhel. The other municipalities in this group, which are the vast
majority, tend to use decentralization processes to a lesser extent.
Finally, smaller municipalities (fewer than 5,000 inhabitants) are
represented in Figure 9. In general, these local governments rarely
decentralize services. The few local governments that have decentralized
public services are more liquid indebted (Rio Maior, Vimioso,
Castanheira de Pera, Lajes do Pico, Santa Cruz de Grandiosa, Mora, Cuba,
Vida de Rei, Sao Roque do Pico, and Porto Moniz).
In summary, decentralized entities are created by the largest
cities to a greater extent, mainly owing to opportunistic behaviour by
politicians. This is because they transfer part of their indebtedness to
these newly created agencies, as previous authors have evidenced in
other countries (Bennett & Dilorenzo, 1982, 1984; Blewett, 1984;
Marlow & Joulfaian, 1989; Bunch, 1991; Escudero, 2002; Grossi &
Mussari, 2008; Prado-Lorenzo et al., 2009; Grossi & Thomasson, 2011;
Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013a, 2013b). In this way, the local
public finances seem to be healthier. In addition, as their populations
are larger than those in other municipalities, they have to satisfy more
needs through public services. Thus, according to Montesinos et al.
(2010), they tend to create decentralized entities that offer more
specialized services and are more flexible and closer to citizens, with
the aim of improving the public service delivery and meeting all the
citizens' needs. Small municipalities tend to use different modes
of public service delivery. It is possible that local services are
provided directly by the local government, since the demand is lower
than that in other municipalities. This situation occurs in other
countries, such as Spain (Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013c).
Analysis by Services
Graph 2 shows the average values of the dummy variables that
represent the different typologies of public services by population
ranges. It can be seen that when municipalities are small, they tend to
use decentralization processes to a lesser extent, especially for
social, environmental, and protection services. Protection services are
provided by decentralized agencies only in the largest municipalities
(more than 50,000 inhabitants) and social services in municipalities
with populations over 10,000. From this graph, another conclusion can be
drawn: water services (collection, supply, and sewage treatment) are
highly decentralized in municipalities with more than 50,000
inhabitants, as well as urban planning and public transport services.
Economic services (related to business, business development, tourism,
etc.) tend to be decentralized by all municipalities.
In addition, several biplot analyses are carried out to explain the
behaviour of municipalities by service type (Figures 2, 4, 6, 8, and
10). In this case, we use a specific biplot technique, called the
logistic biplot, because the characteristics are measured using dummy
variables. More concretely, matrix X (nxp) shows information on n
individuals (i.e. 308 Portuguese local governments) and p
characteristics, which correspond to the typologies of public services
shown in Table 1: water, waste, culture, social services, health
services, environment, economic services, transport, urban planning,
protection, and others. All of them are dummy variables that take the
value 1 when public services are provided by decentralized agencies and
0 otherwise.
The interpretation is similar to that of the HJ-Biplot, with the
assumption that variables are represented only when their relation with
individuals is statistically relevant. In other words, services that do
not appear in the figures are not statistically significant at the 95%
confidence level in explaining the behaviour of local governments (i.e.
local governments do not create decentralized agencies for the delivery
of these public services). To implement the logistic biplot, we use the
algorithm proposed by Vicente-Villardon et al. (2006). It is related to
factor analysis for binary data, latent trait analysis, and item
response theory, but it visually represents the relationships between
individuals (local governments) and characteristics (public services
provided by decentralized agencies), in an easy and intuitive way.
The results in Figure 2 (municipalities over 50,000 inhabitants)
are consistent with those in Graph 2, since most decentralized services
are water and urban planning as opposed to social, protection, or
environmental services. The next group of municipalities, with
populations between 20,000 and 50,000 inhabitants (see Figure 4), tends
to decentralize public services to a lesser extent, and those that do so
focus mainly on water, culture, and economic services. Economic and
cultural services are the most decentralized in the case of
municipalities with populations under 20,000 inhabitants, along with
urban services, as Figures 6, 7, and 8 show. Municipalities with
populations under 5,000 inhabitants rarely use functional decentralized
In summary, water, urban planning, cultural, and economic services
are the most decentralized by Portuguese local governments. In
particular, the largest cities tend to use decentralized agencies for
water and urban planning service delivery. Economic and cultural
services are provided using decentralized entities, especially in
medium-sized and small municipalities. This situation is similar to that
of other countries, for example Spain, according to Cuadrado-Ballesteros
et al. (2013c). However, none of the local governments use decentralized
agencies to provide health services in Portugal. In the case of Spain,
these entities are usually special organizations called public
foundations, and there are few of them. Finally, functional
decentralization for protection and environmental service delivery is
used by very few Portuguese local governments. This is probably because,
as in Spain, these services tend to be externalized (contracting with a
private company) (Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al., 2013c).
As a consequence of the dramatic growth in functional
decentralization processes in Portuguese local governments, the purpose
of this study is to examine the current situation of public service
delivery in this country by population range (fewer than 5,000
inhabitants, between 5,000 and 10,000, between 10,000 and 20,000,
between 20,000 and 50,000, and more than 50,000 inhabitants) and public
service type. We analyse the 308 Portuguese local governments in 2011
via several biplot representations, proposing some reasons for such
situations related to the population size and the level of indebtedness.
The results show that functional decentralization is more important
in the largest cities. This could be due to two reasons. First, large
municipalities need to create decentralized agencies to meet the demands
of citizens. As a result, decentralized entities know citizens'
needs in more depth, since they are more flexible and closer to the
population. Second, large municipalities tend to be more indebted. Thus,
politicians use opportunistically decentralized agencies with the aim of
transferring part of their expenditure and indebtedness to them,
increasing the public revenues associated with the real cost of the
public service delivery. This has an important effect on citizens'
behaviour, since taxpayers do not perceive an increase in taxes, as they
pay fees and public charges collected by public companies. This
situation could be called "citizens' myopia", which
causes citizens to have a good image of their politicians, because local
governments meet all the citizens' demands but "do not
increase taxes".
By taking into account the different typologies of public services
provided by Portuguese local governments, the results show that water,
urban planning, cultural, and economic services are the most
decentralized services, in contrast to social, protection, and
environment services. Functional decentralization is not used for health
services in any municipality, and protection, social, and environmental
services are decentralized in very few cases. Following Tavares and
Camoes (2007), services entailing high levels of human assets are
provided by the local government itself, with the aim of achieving
greater productive efficiency, since local officials may claim credit
for delivering human and social public services (Tavares & Camoes,
These results contribute to the extant public service delivery
research, illustrating the situation in a particular country, Portugal.
We think that it is important to continue this analysis since we have
not found papers that analyse this topic in Portugal. However,
functional decentralization has gained importance in Portugal in recent
years, increasing the number of municipal companies. We propose
different reasons to explain the situation of public service delivery in
this country: (i) large municipalities create decentralized agencies to
meet the demands of citizens and satisfy their needs; (ii) politicians
may create decentralized agencies opportunistically, to transfer part of
their expenditure and indebtedness to them, increasing the public
revenues through public fees and charges instead of taxes; and (iii)
services with a high level of human assets are provided in-house with
the aim of achieving greater productive efficiency.
Nonetheless, this paper presents some limitations associated with
the data used in the analysis, which can be tackled in future research.
The data only refer to the year 2011 and it would be interesting to
consider a longer period of time in order to obtain more robust results.
In addition, the biplot methodology allows the visualization of
individuals and characteristics in the same space, representing in this
case the differences and similarities among Portuguese local governments
according to the use of functional decentralization. However, causal
relationships and effects cannot be proposed, since it is a descriptive
and not a predictive technique. Biplots are useful for graphically
describing the data or for displaying results provided by more formal
In this respect, this paper presents great interest for future
researchers who could overcome the shortcomings of the present study. It
would be interesting to analyse the evolution of functional
decentralization processes, not only in 2011 but also to contemplate the
differences before and after the economic and financial crisis. In
addition, it would be interesting to compare countries in Europe or
around the world, specifically in Southern Europe, taking into
consideration socioeconomic and cultural aspects. Finally, this study
proposes theoretically different reasons to explain the situation of
Portuguese local governments. It would be very interesting to test these
reasons empirically, especially in relation to the opportunistic use of
decentralised entities by politicians in the case of Portugal.
University of Salamanca
University of Coimbra
(1.) One of the main characteristics of new public management
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management structures of public administrations while well-known
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weaknesses are available in the private sector (Haynes, 2003;
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(2.) Rising from 34 decentralized agencies in 1991 to over 300 in
(3.) Local public expenditure accounts for only about 15% of the
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Appendix A Figures from the Biplot Analyses
Table 1
Analyzed services
Water Water cycle (sanitation, water Water
supply, etc.)
Urban waste Comprehensive management of Waste
municipal waste and road cleaning
Culture, Management education, training
education and centres, cultural activities, sports, Culture
sports cultural facilities, shopping
facilities and sports facilities
Social and Social services, funeral services
human Social
Health care Hospitals Health
Environmental Management of urban environment Environment
services (parks, gardens)
Companies, Business support, promotion of
trade and economic activity, employment, Economic
tourism tourism, markets and
Transport Urban transport, bus stations, Transport
maritime and railway transport
Public works, land development,
Urban parking, architecture, housing Urban
planning management, lighting, Planning
infrastructure maintenance
Citizens' Protection services (police, fire, Protection
protection civil defence, etc.)
Others Administration, energy Others
management, and others
Source: Authors from the proposal of Miller and Miller (1991),
Prado-Lorenzo and Garda-Sanchez (2006), Cuadrado-Ballesteros et al.
Table 2
Descriptive statistics
Variable Obs. Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
POPULATION 308 35268.91 59170.08 430 547733
INDEBTEDNESS 308 124.4123 209.6322 -140 3308
DECENTRALIZATION 308 1.042208 1.86206 0 23
WATER 308 0.1461 0.3538 0 1
WASTE 308 0.0162 0.1266 0 1
CULTURE 308 0.2143 0.411 0 1
SOCIAL 308 0.0292 0.1687 0 1
HEALTH 308 0 0 0 0
ENVIRONMENT 308 0.0519 0.2222 0 1
ECONOMIC 308 0.1883 0.3916 0 1
TRANSPORT 308 0.039 0.1938 0 1
URBAN 308 0.1299 0.3367 0 1
PROTECTION 308 0.0097 0.0984 0 1
OTHERS 308 0.0455 0.2086 0 1
Table 3
Nonparametric tests of mean differences for two
independent samples
Population Indebtedness
Mann-Whitney U 6917,500 10540,500
Wilcoxon W 18242,500 21865,500
Z -6,314 -1,676
Statistical significance 99% 90%
(confidence level)