United States.
Davidson, Mary Wallace
Board of Directors: Mary Wallace Davidson (president); Jane
Gottlieb (past-president); Robert Acker (secretary); Mary Alice Fields
and Carolyn Dow (treasurer); Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, Alan Green, and
Elizabeth Davis (members-at-large); John Roberts and James Cassaro (IAML Board)
Elections were held early in 2007 for one Member-at-Large, to
succeed Barbara MacKenzie, yielding Elizabeth Davis (Columbia
University). Mary Alice Fields having indicated her wish to step down as
Treasurer, the Nominating Committee recommended Carolyn Dow to be her
successor. This appointment by the President was ratified by the Board
in March. The Nominating Committee, comprising Linda Solow Blotner, Jane
Gottlieb, and Geraldine Ostrove, chair, also took the opportunity to
make several recommendations for by-laws changes, and other methods for
strengthening the organization, currently under consideration by the
In the United States, the Music Library Association, founded in
1931, is the principal organization in which most music librarians are
active, and comprises something over 900 personal members. As of
December, 2006, the IAML-US branch comprises about 88 of the same
members, representing an increase of 24% from this time last year. At
the annual meeting of both organizations, plus the Society for American
Music (SAM), the IAML-US Branch requested, and received an exhibit table
gratis in an attempt to increase visibility of IAML-US within MLA. We
also held a raffle at the exhibit table for a free one-year membership
in IAML-US. The recipient, Cathy Lutz, Cataloging Librarian at the
University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, was delighted. We noted
with a smile that one of the many contestants was someone whose
membership had lapsed for several years, and that person, though not a
winner, immediately paid up. At one of the SAM sessions, Mary Davidson
made a brief presentation, "Librarians without Borders,"
providing an overview of IAML-US, CAML, and IAML.
In another effort to improve our visibility, this time on the
Internet, the position of Web master was separated from that of the
elected Secretary, and Manuel Erviti was appointed at the recommendation
of the Nominating Committee, to begin in June 2007. Manuel has already
created a new design, and some new content, which he has presented for
approval by the IAML-US Board at this meeting.
With respect to financial matters, a successful transition occurred
to a calendar fiscal year coinciding with IAML's, which will
clarify our accounting and reporting. Our Non-Profit corporate tax
status, established provisionally in 2002, was reviewed by the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service, and that status confirmed permanently.
Guidelines for the Lenore Coral Travel Fund were established, and
we hope to have enough contributions to make the first award in 2008.
The Fund was established in 2006 to assist new members' attendance
at international IAML meetings.
The chief continuing activity of IAMLUS is the Donated Materials
Program, hosted at the University of Pennsylvania under the creative
leadership of Marjorie Hassen. The most significant activity was the
transfer of twenty-two boxes of books and journals from the estate of
Barry Brook to the music library of the Univerzitet Umetnosti in
Belgrade. Shipping costs were covered by IAML Outreach. Naxos agreed to
extend its previously-granted 5-user subscription to its Music Library
to Jagiellonian University, Krakow, through December 2007.
Finally, the IAML-US Board issued an invitation to the IAML Board
offering the Juilliard School in New York City as a site for the 2015
meeting. The invitation was evidently accepted by the Board, and is to
be approved by the IAML Council at this meeting in Sydney.
Mary Wallace Davidson
IAML (United States)