Consumption and the Great Recession.
De Nardi, Mariacristina ; French, Eric ; Benson, David 等
Introduction and summary
The Great Recession of 2008-09 was characterized by the most severe
year-over-year decline in consumption the United States had experienced
since 1945. The consumption slump was both deep and long lived. It took
almost 12 quarters for total real personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) to go back to its level at the previous peak (2007:Q4).
In this article, we document key facts about aggregate consumption
and its subcomponents over time and look at the behavior of important
determinants of consumption, such as consumers' expectations about
their future income and changes in consumers' wealth positions
related to house prices and stock valuations. Then, we use a simple
permanent-income model to determine whether the observed drop in
consumption can be explained by these observed drops in wealth and
income expectations.
We begin our data analysis by using macroeconomic data to study the
behavior of consumption and its subcomponents. We then use microeconomic data from the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers (1) to
study nominal expected income growth and inflationary expectations.
Our main findings from the macrodata are the following. First, the
Great Recession marked the most severe and persistent decline in
aggregate consumption since World War II. All subcomponents of
consumption declined during this period. However, the large drop in
services consumption stands out most, relative to previous recessions.
Second, while the decline was historic, the trends in consumption and
its subcomponents leading up the recession were not substantially
different from past recessionary periods. Third, the recovery path of
consumption following the Great Recession has been uncharacteristically weak. It took nearly three years for total consumption to return to its
level just prior to the recession. In contrast, the second-worst rebound
observed in the data followed the 1974 recession and lasted just over
one year. We find that this persistence is reflected most in the
subcomponents of nondurables and especially in services.
Our main findings from the analysis of the microdata are as
follows. First, expected nominal income growth declined significantly
during the Great Recession. This is the worst drop ever observed in
these data, and this measure has not yet fully recovered to
pre-recession levels. Second, the decline exists for all age groups,
education levels, and income quintiles. Relative to previous recessions,
those with higher levels of income and education are more pessimistic coming out of this recession than their poorer and less-educated
counterparts. Third, expectations for real income growth have also
declined, and the decline in expected real income growth is more severe
when personal inflation expectations are used instead of actual Consumer
Price Index (CPI) inflation. Fourth, expected income growth is a strong
predictor of actual future income growth. Since expected income growth
is a very important determinant of consumption decisions, the observed
drop in expected income has the potential to explain at least part of
the observed decline in consumption.
In the context of a simple permanent-income model, we find that the
negative wealth effect (coming from decreased stock market valuations
and housing prices) and consumers' decreased income expectations
were big factors in determining the observed consumption drop. In fact,
we find that in this model, the observed drops in wealth and income
expectations can explain the observed drop in consumption in its
entirety, depending on what we assume about future income growth beyond
the time horizon covered by the Reuters/ University of Michigan Surveys
of Consumers data set.
Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) have stressed the similarities between
the current financial crisis and many earlier ones stretching across
centuries, continents, and economies. These crises entailed large
declines in real housing prices, equity collapses, and profound declines
in output and employment. They emphasize the importance of balance sheet
repair. We complement their research by emphasizing the role played by
consumers' income expectations, as well as wealth effects.
Macrodata: Total real PCE
Figure 1 displays the level of real PCE from 1962 to 2011 :Q3. Even
over this long horizon, the chart shows a flattening out of the
consumption growth rate in 2008-09. The fact that this pattern is
clearly visible, even over a period of almost 50 years, highlights the
severity and persistence of the Great Recession and the very slow
recovery that is following it.
Figure 2 shows that consumption growth outpaced gross domestic
product (GDP) growth through past recessionary periods. The nominal
PCE-GDP ratio has increased in each recession since 1962. In contrast,
during the Great Recession, it increased more modestly. Since the latest
recession, this ratio has either fallen or stagnated. Thus, as a share
of GDP, consumption has been hit harder than in previous recessions.
Petev, Pistaferri, and Eksten (2011) document that while real per
capita consumption declined monotonically until the middle of 2009, real
per capita disposable income was relatively stable and its decline was
significantly smaller. This stability in per capita income is explained
entirely by a strong increase in government transfers to households, as
wages and financial income fell. The increase in government transfers
was partly due to higher take-up rates for unemployment insurance and
food stamps and partly due to the increased generosity of means-tested
programs enacted by the federal government (such as extended
unemployment benefits and increases in food stamps and emergency cash
assistance). Given that these transfers are means tested, they primarily
help poorer households. Consistent with this finding, we find that in
the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, the drop in
income expectations for the next 12 months among poor households was
smaller than that among all other households.
Figure 3 compares the time path of real PCE over several
recessionary time periods, where the level of PCE is normalized to 1 at
the business cycle peak (as defined by the National Bureau of Economic
Research, NBER) prior to each recession. The NBER dates for the
recessions' peaks are 1973:Q4, 1980:Q1, 1981:Q3, 1990:Q3, 2001:Q1,
and 2007:Q4.
Figure 3 highlights that in the 2008-09 recession, consumption
dropped 3.4 percent from peak to trough (six quarters after the peak)
and was slow to increase afterward. This pattern contrasts with every
other recession since 1974. During all previous recessionary periods,
consumption either fell only modestly or increased following the peak.
Figure 4 displays the time path of the real PCE growth rate for the
2008-09 recession around the NBER peak and compares it with the average
real PCE growth rates from all other recessions since 1971. This graph
shows that the average real PCE growth rate around the 2008-09 recession
was significantly lower than the corresponding average over the previous
five recessions. Consumption has grown 4.1 percent in total over the
past five years, or an average rate of 0.8 percent per year. This
consumption growth rate contrasts sharply with its average rate since
1971 of 3.1 percent, adding up to about 15 percent growth over an
average five-year period. Thus, consumption expenditures are about
15%-4% = 11% below what they would have been had they grown at their
historical averages from 2007:Q4 onward.
All subcomponents of PCE fell during the Great Recession. Durables
growth was somewhat weaker than in the previous five recessionary
periods, both in terms of average growth rate and pattern of recovery.
However, nondurables, and especially services, were the most depressed
compared with previous recessions.
Macrodata: Total real PCE services
Figure 5 highlights that the behavior of PCE services was starkly
different over the 2008-09 recession from all other recessions since
1974. In all other recessions, PCE services grew both before and after
the peak, while during the latest recession, it stagnated starting two
quarters after the peak (four quarters before the trough) and kept
stagnating for four additional quarters afterward. PCE services took
until 2010:Q4 to return to peak levels.
Regarding the main services subcomponents, Petev, Pistaferri, and
Eksten (2011) document that spending on health services increased, held
stable for housing and utilities, but declined substantially for
services related to transportation, food, and recreation. In sum, the
most adjustable services dropped, while those components that the
consumer has little discretion to adjust did not.
Macrodata: Total real nondurables PCE
We can see from figure 6 that the rise in PCE nondurables was
similar to that experienced in most other recessions before the peak,
but its recovery path in the latest recession was among the worst.
Petev, Pistaferri, and Eksten (2011) document an unusual decline in
spending on food, an important indicator of consumer well-being, which
raises concerns about the extent and depth of the strains on households
during the latest recession. An interesting new paper by Aguiar, Hurst,
and Karabarbounis (2011), however, documents that during the most recent
recession, a significant fraction of foregone market work hours went to
home production (based on diary information) -35 percent, including
childcare. This is an important channel that could produce more goods
(such as food) and services (such as childcare) at a lower cost. More
research is needed to determine if home production could completely
explain the observed decline in food spending.
Macrodata: Total real PCE durables
Figure 7 displays a large drop for durables over the most recent
recession. Five to six quarters after the peak, this recession actually
displayed the largest drop in durables, compared with the previous five
recessions. In addition, the pace of recovery in durables was slow--it
took 12 quarters for durables to regain the previous peak level.
Petev, Pistaferri, and Eksten (2011) document that the bulk of the
decline in real per capita spending is attributable to purchases of cars
(a 25 percent decline by the end of 2008) and partly of furniture (a 9
percent decline).
To summarize, our main findings from the macrodata are as follows.
First, the Great Recession marked the most severe and persistent decline
in aggregate consumption since World War II. All subcomponents of
consumption declined during this period. However, we find that the
significant drop in consumed services stands out most, compared with
previous recessions. Second, while the decline was historic, the time
path of consumption and its subcomponents leading up the recession was
not substantially different from past recessionary periods. Third, the
recovery path of consumption following the Great Recession has been
uncharacteristically weak. It took nearly three years for total
consumption to return to its level just prior to the recession. In
contrast, the second-worst rebound observed in the data followed the
1974 recession and was just over one year. We find that this persistence
is reflected most in the subcomponents of nondurables and especially in
services consumption.
Microdata: Expected income
This section uses consumer expectations for future income from the
Reuters University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, both in nominal and
real terms, to see whether shocks to expected future income are
contributing to the consumption dip that we have experienced. The survey
asks two questions to identify the magnitude and sign of income changes.
1. "During the next 12 months, do you expect your income to be
higher or lower than during the past year?"
2. "By about what percent do you expect your income to
(increase/decrease) during the next 12 months?"
The resulting index of expected income growth ranges widely across
individuals, but on average, the estimates tend to accord with what we
might have anticipated ex ante. The historical mean is +5.5 percent,
split between +4.8 percent during recessions and +5.6 percent during
expansions. While the realized measure is much more variable, figure 8
shows that expected nominal disposable income tracks realized income
quite well.
The survey also asks about expected changes in the price level over
the next 12 months. Historically, this survey estimate has been very
similar to realized CPI inflation. We construct expected real income
growth by subtracting each individual's inflation expectations from
his expected nominal income growth.
We construct time series from the microdata. For each month of the
survey, we take cross-sectional means within each demographic group and
then aggregate to quarterly frequency to minimize noise. The data begin
in 1978 and go through the first half of 2011, though some series only
go back to 1990. Thus, we typically have five recessionary periods to
Microdata: Nominal income growth expectations
Except for the Great Recession and the 1980 recession, income
expectations show a downward trend for up to four quarters around the
NBER peak, but then stabilize and actually rise by the end of our
four-year window (see figure 9). For both the 1980 and most recent
recession, we observe larger and more prolonged dips before and after
the NBER business cycle peak. Besides the abnormal drop, both in terms
of size and duration, the recovery periods also stand out for their
length and sluggishness. Even well after ten quarters from the peak,
expected nominal income growth was still well below its pre-recessionary
level. It should be noted that the most recent recession is the only one
during which nominal income expectations reached negative growth rates.
In all of the previous recessions that we study, even when nominal
income growth rates went down, they stayed well above 4 percent. Of
course, inflation has been lower during the most recent recession. We
discuss real income patterns in the next section.
Figure 10 shows that since the late 1970s, nominal income growth
expectations have not varied demographically until the most recent
recession. The prime-aged individuals (30-59) experienced the largest
drop in expected nominal income growth during the Great Recession and
have now only partly recovered, ten quarters after the peak. For younger
consumers, expectations dropped well before the peak--five quarters
ahead--but then stabilized after the peak.
In past recessionary periods, nominal income expectations of the
elderly population had hovered around or just above zero. However, these
expectations have been markedly negative since the NBER peak in 2007:Q4.
Focusing on this population, Christelis, Georgarakos, and Jappelli
(2011) use the 2009 Internet Survey of Health and Retirement Study (HRS)
to look at the effects of three different shocks--the drop in house
prices, the decline in the stock market, and the increase in
unemployment--on households' expenditures during the Great
Recession. This data set refers to the population aged 50 years and
older. The HRS Internet Survey contains detailed measures of both
housing wealth losses (between summer 2006 and summer 2009) and losses
in various financial assets (between October 2008 and mid-2009). It also
contains measures of consumption growth and qualitative indicators of
consumption changes, allowing the researchers to estimate the effect of
the losses on adjustments in consumption expenditure.
Their main finding is that losses on housing and financial wealth,
together with the income loss from becoming unemployed, led households
to reduce their spending. The estimated elasticity of consumption to
financial wealth implies a marginal propensity to consume with respect
to financial wealth equal to 3 percentage points. The decline in house
prices also had an important impact on consumption: The estimated
elasticity implies that the marginal propensity to consume out of
housing wealth is 1 percentage point. Put differently, these estimates
suggest that every dollar of financial wealth lost reduces consumption
three cents per year and every dollar of housing wealth lost reduces
consumption one cent per year. Additionally, households in which at
least one of the two adult members (or the single head) became
unemployed in 2008 and early 2009 reduced consumption by 10 percent in
2009. See Hurd and Rohwedder (2010a, 2010b) and the citations therein
for more estimates on the responsiveness of consumption to asset and
income shocks.
Figure 11 shows that all income levels adjusted their expected
income growth downward during the most recent recession. In past
recessions, these adjustments were smaller. In the most recent
recession, the first quintile (the poorest) dropped their income growth
expectations the least. By the end of 2010, all income levels had
roughly converged to the same post-peak level and their expectations are
now much closer together. This result is consistent with Petev,
Pistaferri, and Eksten's findings. First, they find that increased
government transfers propped up income among the poorest households
during the Great Recession. Second, using the Michigan Index of Consumer
Sentiment (constructed using a subset of questions from the
Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers), they document that
high-income individuals became more pessimistic than other groups during
the Great Recession. (2) Finally, using the Bureau of Labor
Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), they find that
respondents in the top decile of the wealth distribution are the ones
who decreased spending during the Great Recession (-5.4 percent). This
finding holds for the subcategories of nondurables and services. This
drop in consumption might be due to the large negative wealth effect
experienced by these households due to declining house prices and stock
market valuations.
Figure 12 shows that in previous recessions, income expectations
across education groups were rather flat over the cycle. In the most
recent recession, everyone reduced their expected income growth.
Microdata: Real income growth expectations
Nominal income growth during the Great Recession was low, but
realized inflation was also low. To study the behavior of real income
expectations, we measure inflation in two ways. First, we use actual CPI
inflation over the 12-month period covered by the survey question, which
assumes that consumers have perfect foresight over the next year
concerning inflation. Second, we use the answer to the survey question
about the individual's expectation about growth in prices over the
next 12 months. Using these two measures, we construct individual-level
expected real income growth and then aggregate up to population-quarter
The two inflation series have diverged in the past, but after the
late 1970s the differences are minor. At the start of the Great
Recession, however, a large gap opened up, making for the largest
discrepancy we have observed between these two data series. The swing in
2008:Q2 is +6 percent in expected inflation, compared with--1 percent
actual CPI inflation. The two measures have since become much closer
(see figure 13). The gap in these two measures, of course, affects
measured real income growth expectations as we document next.
In figure 14, there is no clear cyclical pattern prior to the Great
Recession in real income expectations. Before the most recent recession,
real income growth was rather flat; it dropped into negative territory
several quarters before the peak; and it then went up to about 4 percent
four quarters after the peak. From then on, however, it had a large
drop, reaching--3 percent five quarters after the peak. In summary, real
income growth expectations deflated by CPI showed a deterioration and
lower average growth during the latest recession than during previous
Figure 15 shows that perceived real income growth based on
consumers' inflation expectations paints a much more pessimistic
picture of consumers' purchasing power during the Great Recession.
Consumers' perceived real income growth dipped in and out of
negative territory well before the recession started, and sustained a
large drop starting four quarters before the peak. That drop brought
expectations from almost +2 percent to a -4 percent growth rate three
quarters after the peak. It took two more quarters for expectations to
go back up to a -2 percent growth rate, and they have remained stagnant ever since. The recession window in figure 15 ends in 2011 :Q4, with
expected real income growth of -2.5 percent. In 2011, the series has
recorded values of-3.1 percent, -3.7 percent, and -2.9 percent for the
first three quarters of the year, respectively.
Our main findings from the analysis of the microdata are as
follows. First, expected nominal income growth declined significantly
during the Great Recession. It is the worst drop ever observed in these
data, and this measure has still not recovered to pre-recession levels.
Second, the decline exists for all age groups, education levels, and
income quintiles. Relative to previous recessions, those with higher
levels of income and education have been more pessimistic this time than
their poorer and less-educated counterparts. Third, expectations for
real income growth have also declined, and the decline in expected real
income growth is more severe when we look at personal inflation
expectations instead of actual CPI inflation.
Do the Michigan microdata have predictive power?
Below we show that the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of
Consumers have remarkable forecasting power for both future disposable
income and consumption growth. (3) We estimate the regression for
disposable income ([Y.sub.t]) in period t first:
(([Y.sub.t+k+4] - [Y.sub.t+k])/[Y.sub.t+k]) = [[alpha].sub.0] +
[[alpha].sub.1] (([Y.sub.t] - [Y.sub.t-4])/[Y.sub.t-4]) +
[[alpha].sub.2][g.sub.Mt] + [[epsilon].sub.t+k],
where [[alpha].sub.0], [[alpha.]sub.1], [[alpha.]sub.2]are
parameters to be estimated, and [alpha].sub.1], and [[alpha].sub.2], are
reported in table 1. The variable (([Y.sub.t+k+4] -
[Y.sub.t+k])/[Y.sub.t+k]) is next year's annual income growth k
quarters from now, so k is 0 when forecasting income growth over the
next year and 4 when forecasting income growth over the subsequent year.
(([Y.sub.t] - [Y.sub.t-4])/[Y.sub.t-4]) is income growth over the past
year, and [g.sub.Mt], is expected real income growth from the Michigan
surveys, where we deflate using expected inflation from the survey.
As can be seen in table 1, lagged income growth has a negative
coefficient, and expected income growth has a positive coefficient. The
coefficient on expected income growth in the next year is 0.8,
indicating that a 1 percent decline in expected income growth reduces
next year's income growth 0.8 percent, taking into account the
previous year's income growth. The right-hand column shows that
predicted income growth over the next year (2011:Q3 to 2012:Q3), using
lagged income growth and expected income growth, is 0.6 percent, well
below its average of 2.8 percent over the 1978-2011 sample period.
Income growth between 2012:Q3 and 2013:Q3 is also forecasted to be low.
Expected income growth also turns out to be a good predictor of
consumption growth. Table 1 presents regressions using future
consumption growth as the left-hand-side variable and lagged consumption
growth and the Michigan expectations variable as the right-hand-side
variables. Using these estimates, the consumption forecast for 2011 :Q3
to 2012:Q3 calls for a meager growth rate of 0.1 percent.
In short, the low expected income growth in the expectations data
of the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers suggests that
the U.S. will experience low growth in both income and consumption over
the next two years. Obviously, there are many things not included in
this specification, so the estimates should only be taken as suggestive.
However, the results are fairly robust to changes in model specification
and to the addition of a few other variables, such as the unemployment
Quantifying the effects of the drops in wealth and income
Data from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' flow of
funds accounts show that in 2008, American households experienced a loss
of $13.6 trillion in wealth, with most of the loss concentrated in stock
market wealth. While stock market wealth has partially recovered since
then, housing wealth has continued to decline. The resulting wealth
loss, combined with lower expected income growth, has the potential to
explain the extent to which consumers cut back consumption during the
Great Recession.
Now, we quantify the effects of these declines by first calibrating
a simple model of consumption that matches the observed level of
consumption in 2007:Q4 and that implies empirically plausible marginal
propensities to consume (MPCs) out of both assets and permanent income.
Then, we show the model's predicted consumption in 2011:Q2 under
different expectations for income and asset values. We find that for
reasonable parameter values, the decline in asset values can explain
one-third of the gap between actual and potential consumption, while
declines in permanent income expectations can easily explain the rest.
That is, the weak growth in consumption that we have experienced in the
past few years can be explained by the combination of realized wealth
losses on equity shares and housing and a more subdued outlook for
future income growth.
We define [C.sub.t] as consumption expenditures at time t (where
time is measured in quarters). Households maximize
1) [[infinity].summation over (t = [t.sub.0]] [[beta].sup.t]
subject to the following asset accumulation equation,
given [A.sub.t0] and given income expectations, and r denotes the
interest rate earned on assets ([A.sub.t]). To avoid the additional
complication of dealing with uncertainty, we make the simplifying
assumption that individuals are certain of future income. However, we
allow them to revise their perceived income process if they make a
The solution to the consumer's optimization problem is:
3) [C.sub.t] = (1 - [beta]) ([[??].sub.t] + [A.sub.t]),
4) [[??].sub.t] = [[infinity].summation over ([tau] = t] [(1/(1 +
r)).sup.[tau]-t] [Y.sub.[tau]]
is the present value of discounted future labor income.
We compute [[??].sub.t], by assuming that consumers observe income
up to 2011:Q2 and that from that point on, income expectations for the
next year are those measured in the most recent Reuters/University of
Michigan Surveys of Consumers, but they revert to long-run income growth
Mathematically, we can write this as
[Y.sub.t+k] = [(1 + [g.sub.M]).sup.k][Y.sub.t], k [less than or
equal to] 4,
[Y.sub.t+k] = (1 + g) [Y.sub.t+k-1], k > 4,
where [Y.sub.t] is disposable income, [g.sub.M] is the perceived
real income growth for the next year in the 2010:Q4 Reuters/University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers (the most recent release of this
variable suggests even more pessimism on consumers' part than in
2010:Q4), while g is the average growth rate of income over the past 40
years. Putting these equations together yields
We call the income process above income process 1. Then, to show
the importance of low expected income growth, we consider a more
pessimistic scenario, which we call income process 2, in which rather
than reverting back to a long-run expected growth after four quarters,
pessimism about income growth persists forever. In this case,
6) [[??].sub.t] = [[[summation].sup.[infinity].sub.[tau]=t][(1/(l +
r)).sup.[tau]-t]] [Y.sub.[tau]] = [Y.sub.[tau]][((l + r)/r -
Figure 16 reports four different lines for the time path of real
disposable income since the beginning of 2007. The black line shows a
counterfactual disposable income level--the level that would have
existed had it continued to grow at its historical average rate of 3.2
percent from 2007:Q4 onward. The blue line shows realized disposable
income up to 2011 :Q2. The grey dotted line begins with realized
disposable income in 2011 :Q2. It then tacks on the expected level of
disposable income using expectations data from the Reuters/ University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers for all periods thereafter. This
corresponds to income process 2. The blue dotted line begins in 2012:Q2,
assuming that income grows according to the Reuters/University of
Michigan Surveys of Consumers between 2011 :Q2 and 2012:Q4 and then at
its historical rate afterwards. It corresponds to income process 1.
The three key moments we wish to match are the marginal propensity
to consume (MPC) out of assets, the MPC out of permanent income, and the
level of consumption in 2007:Q4.
Most estimates of the MPC out of assets are in the range 0.01-0.05,
and most estimates of the MPC out of permanent income are between 0.5
and 1. We assume the MPC out of assets is 0.03 per year. We use per
capita income growth for the individual's decision problem. Thus,
we set g = .032 - .014 = .018 (average disposable income growth over the
1967:Q4 to 2007:Q4 period less population growth of those aged 16 and
older over the same period). We then pick r and [beta] to match the MPC
out of assets and the level of consumption in 2007:Q4. Thus, we match
where [C.sub.2007:Q4] = $9,312.6 billion (at an annualized rate),
[Y.sub.2007:Q4] = $9,944 billion (annualized), and [A.sub.2007:Q4] =
$69,139 billion.
The unit of time in this analysis is a quarter. So, we convert
annual growth rates to quarterly ones, using the formula [(1 +
g).sup.(l/4)] - 1 when taking the quarterly growth rate for g. For
dollar amounts, we divide by 4. After converting everything to quarterly
rates, we use the above two equations to solve for [beta] and r. Table 2
presents all variables at quarterly and annualized rates. At annualized
rates, [beta] = 0.97 and r = 0.060. This gives a quarterly MPC out of
permanent income equal to
[partial derivative][C.sub.t]/[partial derivative][Y.sub.t] = (1 -
[beta])[(1 + r)/(r - g)] = .730,
which is about in the middle of the normal range estimates in the
literature for the MPC.
Over the past 40 years, annual population growth for those aged 16
and older is 1.4 percent, which we define as p. We assume this rate of
population growth continues in the future. Income growth in the
individual's decision problem is in per capita terms. We then
account for aggregate growth at the end by adjusting up disposable
income by 1.4 percent at an annual rate.
Table 3 explains our key findings. All quarterly numbers in this
section are annualized; that is, they are the quarterly flows multiplied
by 4. Consumption expenditures in 2011 :Q2 were $9,379 billion. Had they
grown at average rates from 2007:Q4 onward, they would have been at
$10,472 billion in 2011 :Q2, which is 10 percent higher than they are
today. This difference of $1,093 billion, line 3 of the table, is the
shortfall we seek to explain with the model. Figure 17 depicts this
shortfall graphically.
Lines 4 and 5 in table 3 trace out the effects of the decline in
asset prices. Net worth fell $9,746 billion in real terms over this
period. Given a quarterly MPC of 0.0074 out of assets, we predict a
($9,746 billion) x (0.0074) x 4 = $289 billion fall in consumption, at
an annualized rate.
The following lines in the table predict the consumption fall due
to various permanent income scenarios. To perform this computation, we
first put ourselves in 2007:Q4 and predict Y as of 2011:Q2, had income
grown steadily at its long-run historical average. Second, we calculate
[??], given realized income in 2007:Q4 and the two income processes that
we described previously. To be clear, taking into account population
growth rates, we calculate [[??].sub.2011:Q2], given the information set
from 2007:Q4, as [[??].sub.2011:Q2] = [Y.sub.2007:Q4] l + r/r - g
[((l+p) l+g)).sup.14], where the term in the exponent (14) is the number
of quarters between 2007:Q4 and 2011:Q2.
Once we calculate the loss in [??] under different income and
interest rate scenarios, we use the model to calculate the resulting
consumption loss. The consumption loss associated with income process 1
is $0.917 trillion, which is reasonably close to the observed
consumption loss. This computation is sensitive to the time path of the
interest rate as well. The baseline calibration yields a yearly interest
rate of 6 percent. In the lower short-term interest rate scenario, we
assume that over the first year the yearly interest rate is 3 percent
and then reverts back to 6 percent. In this case, income is less heavily
discounted; hence its present value is higher and the implied
consumption drop is smaller, $710 billion rather than $917 billion.
Unsurprisingly, the very pessimistic income expectation scenario
considered in income process 2 generates a huge consumption loss of
$4.038 trillion, which is almost four times larger than the consumption
shortfall we wish to explain.
Because our model predicts that consumption is linear in resources
(assets and the present value of future income), we can add up the
losses from assets and income. Note that the predicted consumption
decline given the asset fall plus the predicted decline given income
process 1 of $1.206 trillion lines up almost exactly with what actually
This article documents key facts about aggregate consumption and
its subcomponents and looks at the behavior of important determinants of
consumption over the cycle, such as consumers' expectations about
their future income and changes in consumers' wealth positions due
to changes in house prices and stock valuations. We performed a simple
computation to determine whether the observed drop in consumption can be
explained by the observed drops in wealth and income expectations.
In the context of a simple permanent income model, we find that the
negative wealth effect (coming from decreased stock market valuations
and house prices) and decreased consumer income expectations were
crucial factors in determining the observed consumption drop. In fact,
we find that in this model, the observed drops in wealth and income
expectations can explain the observed drop in consumption in its
entirety, depending on what is assumed about future income growth beyond
the time horizon covered by the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys
of Consumers data set.
Agniar, Mark A., Erik Hurst, and Lonkas Karabarbounis, 2011,
"Time use during recessions," National Bureau of Economic
Research, working paper, No. 17259, July.
Barsky, Robert B., and Eric R. Sims, 2009 "Information, animal
spirits, and the meaning of innovations in consumer confidence,"
National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper, No. 15049, June.
Christelis, Dimitris, Dimitris Georgarakos, and Tullio Jappelli,
2011 "Wealth shocks, unemployment shocks and consumption in the
wake of the Great Recession," University of Naples, Italy, Centre
for Studies in Economics and Finance, working paper, No. 279, October.
Hurd, Michael D., and Susann Rohwedder, 2010a, "Effects of the
financial crisis and Great Recession on American households,"
National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper, No. 16407,
--, 2010b, "The effects of the economic crisis on the older
population," University of Michigan, Michigan Retirement Research
Center, working paper, No. WP 2010-231, March.
Ludvigson, Sydney C., 2004, "Consumer confidence and consumer
spending," Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 18, No. 2,
Spring, pp. 29-50.
Petev, Ivaylo, Luigi Pistaferri, and Itay Saporta Eksten, 2011,
"Consumption and the Great Recession: An analysis of trends,
perceptions, and distributional effects," Stanford University,
mimeo, August.
Reinhart, Carmen M., and Kenneth S. Rogoff, 2009, This Time Is
Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton, N J: Princeton
University Press.
Shapiro, Matthew D., 2010, "The effects of the financial
crisis on the well-being of older Americans: Evidence from the cognitive
economic study," University of Michigan, Michigan Retirement
Research Center, working paper, No. WP 2010-228, September.
Souleles, Nicholas S., 2004, "Expectations, heterogeneous
forecast errors, and consumption: Micro evidence from the Michigan
Consumer Sentiment Surveys," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
Vol. 36, No. 1, February.
(1) This survey also collects the data that form the well-known
Michigan Consumer Confidence Index. The survey is published monthly by
the University of Michigan and Thomson Reuters.
(2) As a possible explanation for the pessimism of the wealthy,
Shapiro (2010) finds that these households were exposed more to the
stock market and experienced larger declines in wealth as a consequence.
The median decline in wealth was 15% in Shapiro's data, and those
who lost at least 10% of their net worth had almost twice the mean
wealth and 3.5 times the median wealth of the sample.
(3) See Souleles (2004), Ludvigson (2004), and Barsky and Sims
(2009) for more on the predictive power of the Michigan surveys.
Mariacristina De Nardi is a senior economist and research advisor;
Eric French is a senior economist and research advisor," and David
Benson is an associate economist in the Economic Research Department of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The authors thank Richard Porter
and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and Helen Koshy for
editorial advice.
[c] 2012 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Economic Perspectives is published by the Economic Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The views expressed
are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.
Charles L. Evans, President ; Daniel G. Sullivan, Executive Vice
President and Director of Research; Spencer Krane, Senior Vice President
and Economic Advisor; David Marshall, Senior Vice Presulent, financial
markets group; Daniel Aaronson, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; Jonas D. M. Fisher, Vice President, macroeconomic policy
research; Richard Heckinger, Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa, Vice President,
regional programs, Richard D. Porter, Vice President and Economics
Editor; Helen Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Rita Molloy and Julia
Baker, Production Editors; Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Economic Perspectives articles may be reproduced in whole or in
part, provided the articles are not reproduced or distributed for
commercial gain and provided the source is appropriately credited. Prior
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Perspectives articles. To request permission, please contact Helen
Koshy, senior editor, at 312-322-5830 or email
ISSN 0164-0682
Regression results
Lagged Lagged
income Michigan consumption
growth income growth
Dependent variable variable expectations variable
Annual income growth -0.35 0.80 --
1 year forward (0.10) (0.17)
Annual income growth 0.06 0.36 --
2 years forward (0.08) (0.17)
Annual income growth -0.34 0.42 --
3 years forward (0.13) (0.20)
Annual consumption growth - 0.71 0.08
1 year forward (0.23) (0.13)
Annual consumption growth - 0.77 -0.25
2 years forward (0.23) (0.16)
Annual consumption growth - 0.58 -0.49
3 years forward (0.27) (0.19)
Annual consumption growth -0.20 0.75 0.18
1 year forward (0.14) (0.21) (0.14)
Annual consumption growth 0.10 0.76 -0.31
2 years forward (0.14) (0.23) (0.19)
Annual consumption growth -0.09 0.59 -0.44
3 years forward (0.16) (0.27) (0.21)
Dependent variable Q3/Q3 R-squared
Annual income growth 0.61 * 0.29
1 year forward
Annual income growth 1.24 ** 0.08
2 years forward
Annual income growth 2.16 *** 0.08
3 years forward
Annual consumption growth 0.05 * 0.37
1 year forward
Annual consumption growth 0.13 ** 0.18
2 years forward
Annual consumption growth 1.15 *** 0.11
3 years forward
Annual consumption growth 0.39 * 0.39
1 year forward
Annual consumption growth -0.07 ** 0.17
2 years forward
Annual consumption growth 1.36 *** 0.11
3 years forward
Notes: Regressions are run with data from 1978:01 to 2011:02.
Newey-West standard errors in parentheses. Average annual income
and consumption growth are 2.78 and 2.91, respectively. Using
data up to 2011:03, forecast of growth between: * 2011:03 and
2012:03; ** 2012:03 and 2013:03; *** 2013:03 and 2014:03.
Sources: Authors' calculations based on data from Haver Analytics
and Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers.
Model parameters
Annual Quarterly
(dollars in billions)
Exogenously set
[g.sub.M] -0.016 -0.0040
Population growth 0.014 0.0035
g 0.018 0.0045
MPC out of assets 0.030 0.0074
[Y.sub.2007-Q4] 9,944 2,486
[C.sub.2007-Q4] 9,313 2,328
[A.sub.2007-Q4] 69,139 69,139
[beta] 0.970 0.993
r 0.060 0.015
Implied MPC out 0.730
of income
Note: MPC is marginal propensity to consume.
Sources: Authors' calculations based on data from Haver Analytics
and the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers.
Realized consumption level 2011:Q2 9,379
Predicted consumption level 2011:Q2,
given information in 2007:Q4 10,472
Consumption loss 1,093
Consumption loss due to asset
value decline
Asset value decline 9,746
Predicted consumption decline due to
asset price decline 289
Consumption loss, given disposable
income decline
Income process 1 917
Income process 1 and lower short-term
interest rate 710
Income process 2 4,038
Consumption loss given both asset
and income declines
Income process 1 1,206
Income process 1 and lower short-term
interest rate 999
Income process 2 4,328
Note: All amounts in billions of dollars.
Sources: Authors' calculations and data from
Haver Analytics.