Energy markets and the Midwest economy.
Mattoon, Richard H.
Introduction and summary
The price and availability of energy has long been a critical
concern to industrialized nations. In 2002, the industrialized nations
as represented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) were responsible for consuming 61 percent of the
world's petroleum and 51 percent of the world's natural gas.
(1) Higher prices have lead to concerns about the potential drag that
energy costs might have on economic growth since the first oil embargo of the 1970s. For energy-intensive industries, high energy prices can be
particularly destructive. Yet the recent disruptive impact of high
energy prices appears to be muted as the U.S. economy has shifted to a
service base and gains have been made in reducing the reliance on energy
to produce U.S. output. Twenty-five years ago it took 15,000 Btu
(British thermal units) to produce $1 gross domestic product (GDP). By
2003, this had fallen to 9,500 Btu, a decline of nearly 37 percent.
For much of 2004-05, a significant economic story was the rising
price of virtually all types of energy. While crude oil prices grabbed
the headlines as nominal spot prices hit record highs approaching $60 a
barrel, (2) less attention has been paid to the rise in natural gas and
coal prices. The spot price for natural gas has risen from $4/MMBtu (per
thousand Btu) in November 2003 to better than $6.25 by early November
2004. (3) In late October 2004, spot prices peaked at nearly $8. (4)
Coal prices have seen an even more dramatic run up in the last several
years. The spot price of Central Appalachian coal has risen from roughly
$28 per ton in the first part of 2002 to a record nominal price of
$66.50 a ton by late October 2004. (5)
More than the rest of the U.S., the Midwest, with its industrial
legacy and seasonal weather pattern of cold winters and hot summers, is
more energy reliant than the rest of the nation. In this article I will
examine in greater detail how the Midwest economy (Seventh Federal
Reserve District--7G) is exposed to energy prices and how this exposure
has changed over time. In particular, I will look at two sources of
change. First I will examine systematic improvements in energy
efficiency and/or conservation. Second, I will examine changes in the
structure of the economy away from energy-intensive industries toward
services industries, focusing on how economic structure differs from
state to state within the District and in comparison to the U.S. as a
whole. I find that the Midwest has followed a similar path as the rest
of the nation in reducing the amount of energy input needed to produce
$1 of GDP. However, I also find that the region has, on a relative
basis, increased its national share of seven energy-intensive
industries, suggesting that the region will feel the effects of rising
energy prices slightly more than the nation as a whole. In particular,
the region is highly reliant on natural gas, so volatility and price
increases in this fuel bear our particular attention.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. The second
section will provide a brief literature review regarding the importance
of energy markets and energy prices to the macroeconomy and to state and
regional economies. The third section will briefly describe the recent
evolution of energy prices and volatility that shows that volatility may
be the more difficult issue for economic performance. Energy markets
have historically had a boom and bust cycle that has discouraged both
consumers and producers from changing their behavior. The fourth section
describes the economies of the 7-G states and how their similarities
and/or differences from other parts of the country with respect to
energy prices. The evidence suggests that the region is still relatively
more exposed to energy costs than the rest of the nation as a whole. The
final section offers some concluding observations.
Related literature
Since the mid-1970s economists have been examining the effect of
energy and, in particular, oil price shocks on the macroeconomy. Early
empirical studies tended to measure the effect by regressing GDP on oil
prices and other selected variables (Rasche and Tatom, 1977a, 1977b).
However isolating the effect of oil prices has always been a difficult
econometric task providing very little in the way of "clean
experiments" where oil prices alone cause declines in economic
output. Darby (1982) makes the case that the 1973 oil price shock was
the closest to a clean experiment in as much as the world was just
emerging from the international monetary arrangements established at
Bretton Woods and the U.S. was emerging from a period of generalized price controls, reducing the confounding effect of other factors on
economic performance. In a landmark article, Hamilton (1983) found that
an oil price increase has preceded every recession in the U.S. since
World War II with the exception of 1960. This finding focused research
attention on the importance of oil in the economy throughout the
post-World War II era rather than just on the economic effect from the
two oil embargoes of the 1970s.
Other work examined the effect of price volatility on adjustment
mechanism in the economy. Gilbert and Mork (1986) and Mork (1989) were
interested in explaining the weaker-oil-price-GDP relationship that
Hamilton had found during the late 1970s by examining whether the
economy had somehow adjusted to mitigate the impact of oil price shocks.
These studies examined whether price movements have symmetric effects on
production possibilities. They found that any change in direction
triggers resource reallocation; however, increases in prices tend to
have a more significant effect on the economy than decreases.
More recently, oil and energy price research has focused on its
relationship to business cycle theory. In particular research has
focused on the relationship between monetary policy adjustment and oil
price changes (Bernake, Gertler, and Watson, 1997). This research builds
on the work of Tobin (1980) that questioned whether a resource that
accounts for such a small share of U.S. GDP (oil is roughly 3 percent)
could cause large losses in GDP in ensuing recessions. These authors
suggest that it has been monetary policy adjustments in response to an
oil price spike that may have played a larger role in triggering
economic decline than the oil price spike in the first place.
A recent review article (Jones, Leiby, and Paik, 2004) suggested
some interesting conclusions about what is known about the current
relationship between oil prices and GDP. Their review of the literature
found that when price movements have been large compared with recent
volatility, the effects of oil prices on the economy have been greatest.
Sharp volatility is more important because a sustained higher price
causes consumers and producers to alter their behavior in response to
the higher price. Further they suggest that the effect is mostly seen in
the reallocation of labor within specific industries. Reallocation of
labor is particularly intense for manufacturing. Davis and Haltiwanger
(2001) found that the oil price shock of 1973 was related to a job
reallocation of 11 percent of total manufacturing employment over the
next 15 quarters. However, they note in particular that this
reallocation occurs within industry classifications and even at the
plant level. Sector-specific and plant-specific factors are at work,
suggesting that the real distributional effect of an energy price shock
needs to be examined at the sector or plant level.
Literature on regional adjustment to energy prices
Brown and Yucel (2004) have documented the effect of higher oil
prices on the Texas economy noting that the region's industries
have become less energy reliant tending to mute the impact of sudden
increases in oil prices. However, they have also noted that, as the oil
producing and refining industries have declined in importance, the Texas
economy has not received the same boost as in the past when oil
companies were major beneficiaries of higher prices. Using a vector
autoregression (VAR) model, they found that rising oil prices only
raised Texas gross state product (GSP) by one-fifth as much during the
period 1988 to 2002 as they had during the period 1970-87. (6)
In another regional study, Bradbury (2005) looked at the effect of
higher energy prices on households by census region over the winter of
2003-04 in comparison to the winter of 2004-05. During this period the
U.S. Department of Energy forecasted that fuel oil prices would increase
by 39 percent, gasoline by 24 percent, and natural gas by 13 percent.
This study recognized that the relative fuel mix used by a given region
largely determines what the effect of increased energy prices will be on
the average household. From the household's perspective, energy
consumption falls into two broad baskets--home heating and residential
needs and transportation. Each region of the country has specific energy
needs determined by weather, driving patterns, and region-specific
preferences for certain fuel types. Bradbury finds that the short-run
impact of higher energy prices will be most felt in New England due
largely to a preference for heating oil. For the Midwest, reliance on
natural gas and higher than national average transportation needs drives
energy costs. The projected energy cost increase as a share of consumer
spending from the winter of 2003-04 to the winter of 2004-05 is
estimated at 1.26 percent for New England and 1.11 percent for the East
North Central region. (7)
A brief history of fuel prices and volatility
In this section I provide an overview of fuel price behavior and
measures of price volatility. As figure 1 demonstrates, the price
movements of the three major energy fuels used in the U.S. have not
moved in synch. (8) This should not be of any real surprise given that
each fuel is governed by its own set of market dynamics. For example,
oil prices reflect supply and demand conditions in a world market. Oil
prices were clearly affected by the disruption in supply from the Arab
oil boycotts of the 1970s and more recently by the growing world demand
(particularly from China and India) and concerns over potential supply
disruptions. In contrast, natural gas and coal prices reflect regional
conditions and certain idiosyncracies specific to each fuel. In the case
of natural gas, the U.S. market is highly integrated with Canada,
creating a regional North American market. (9) Natural gas prices
reflect the infrastructure used to deliver the product, and prices are
set at regional trading hubs. The recent increase in natural gas prices
reflects limitations in the pipeline infrastructure to deliver the
product and growing concern that North American gas fields are maturing
leading to more expensive extraction and lower well productivity. In
addition the relative inability to increase liquefied natural gas (LNG)
imports by the U.S. (LNG accounts for 2 percent of U.S. energy
consumption) means that no ready substitute for North American
production exists. Finally, in the case of coal, the market has been
shaped by continued concern over the environmental attributes of the
fuel. While coal is still the preferred fuel for baseload electricity
generation, years of environmental regulation and potential concern over
options such as carbon taxes has limited coal consumption. The recent
increase in coal prices reflects a renewed desire by utilities to burn
coal to offset the sharp increases in costs of alternative fuels,
particularly natural gas.
Figure 2 provides a slightly different look at fuel prices. In it,
the prices for inflation have been adjusted and normalized by relating
the price to the price per million Btu. (10) Then, to more closely
reflect U.S. fuel consumption patterns, motor fuel is substituted for
oil since nearly 70 percent of U.S. oil consumption comes in the form of
motor fuel. Perhaps most notable in this figure is the relatively long
period of time in which all three fuels experienced flat or declining
real prices--from the mid 1980s to the late 1990s. Not until 2000 do you
begin to see a sharp upturn in both motor fuel and natural gas prices, a
harbinger of things to come.
Measuring volatility
It is not just price that has a major impact on energy markets. As
was noted in the literature review, economists have found that the
relative volatility of fuel prices has a significant effect on the
response of the economy, households, and firms to sudden changes in
energy prices. Casual evidence would suggest that greater relative
volatility slows the process of adaptation since neither consumers nor
producers know whether to make fundamental behavioral changes in the
face of uncertain prices. For consumers, if the price increase is seen
as temporary, they are likely to maintain their energy consumption
habits by reducing expenditures on other items or reducing savings
rather than making significant changes such as installing fuel-efficient
appliances or buying a more fuel-efficient car. Producers fearing a boom
and bust cycle in energy prices are likely to be wary of making
investments in long-lived physical assets based on prices that may be
short-lived. Even today in the era of oil at well above $60 a barrel,
major oil companies are determining their investment decisions based on
a long-run price of oil in the high $20 a barrel range. (11) Figure 3
shows the volatility of the three major fuels measured by the annual
standard deviation. Of the three fuels, natural gas has exhibited the
largest volatility for more than 30 years.
Sources of volatility
For all fuels, the recent increase in volatility is most closely
related to increased world demand and shrinking surplus capacity. In
general, the fuel system is operating at a higher capacity, and this can
make supplies tight when demand increases since there is little surplus
capacity. In the U.S. oil refineries have been operating above 90
percent capacity utilization since the early 1990s leaving little room
to compensate for an unplanned shutdown of a refinery. In addition, the
increased requirements for reformulated gasoline, now 30 percent of the
U.S. motor fuel market, further reduces the flexibility of refineries by
requiring the production of specialty motor fuels to meet environmental
standards for specific parts of the country. In the natural gas field,
it can take up to a year for significant new gas production to come
online even in the face of higher prices. Constraints in pipeline
capacity also can limit the ability to get gas to the market even if it
is available. In the case of LNG, it can take up to ten years to site
and build a terminal due to siting restrictions and construction
expense. Finally, there is the general reluctance to bring new energy
resources online given the long time frame over which the investment
must pay out. Energy assets often have useful lives of 20 years to 30
years. The decision to invest in a production asset is determined by the
cash flow expected from the asset based on the estimated price of the
fuel over the life of the facility. This tends to make energy companies
somewhat conservative even when prices are high. Having seen prior booms
and busts in prices, these companies' conservatism is
understandable. Energy industry analysts believe that market volatility
slows investment by oil and gas companies. (12) The bottom line is that
with lower reserves, tighter production, and an inability to rapidly
respond to increased demand, price becomes the mechanism for balancing
the market in the short run.
Turning attention to Midwest energy and the changing structure of
the 7-G economy
Much of the concern over higher energy prices in the Midwest has to
do with the region's economic structure. The region has long been
known as the nation's manufacturing belt. Manufacturing is
significantly more energy intensive, so it bears to reason that higher
energy costs will disproportionately affect the region's economy.
Figure 4, panel A-F illustrates the changing structure of the 7-G
economy based on the composition of GSP for the individual states and
for the District as a whole. What is most striking is that while the
share of GSP derived from manufacturing in the District has declined
significantly since 1980, it is still well above the U.S. average. In
contrast, the District is slightly below the U.S. average in its share
of GSP from less energy-intensive industry sectors such as services and
finance, insurance, and real estate. Perhaps more interesting is the
contrasting structure of each state's economy. Illinois has
dramatically reduced GSP from manufacturing from 25 percent in 1980 to
only 13 percent by 2003. The Illinois economy has departed from many of
its industrial neighbors and now has a structure that essentially
mirrors that of the U.S. In large measure this can be attributed to the
restructuring of the Chicago metropolitan economy where manufacturing
has declined dramatically and been replaced by growth in business
services, retail trade, and convention and tourism. In contrast, Indiana
and Wisconsin continue to have significantly higher shares of GSP from
manufacturing. In both states, manufacturing is still the largest share
of GSP at 27 percent and 22 percent, respectively, in 2003. Over this
period, these states have seen less systemic restructuring by industry
sector as measured by output. Indiana in particular has maintained a
heavy concentration of durable manufacturing in sectors such as
recreational vehicles and automotive parts. Iowa and Michigan fall
somewhere in the middle. Both have had significant declines in GSP
attributed to manufacturing (Iowa fell from 26 percent to 20 percent and
Michigan from 31 percent to 21 percent) but they still have
manufacturing shares well above the national average. Michigan
manufacturing is still highly related to the auto sector.
Another factor increasing the energy dependence of the region is
climate. Being a region characterized by cold winters and hot summers,
energy demand for heating and cooling in the Midwest is relatively high.
One of the easiest ways to document the relatively harsher climate of
the 7-G states is through the use of heating and cooling degree days.
(13) Heating degree days calculate the daily variation in temperature at
a location below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, while cooling degree days
calculate the variation above 65 degrees. States with high heating
degree totals require significant energy for space heating and usually
are marked by high consumption of natural gas and fuel oil. States with
high cooling degree totals are usually large consumers of electricity
needed to run air conditioners. (14) Table 1 (p. 26) shows the average
annual heating and cooling degree totals from 1971-2000 weighted by each
state's population in the 7-G, and for the U.S. population as a
The significant variation in heating days above the U.S. average
places a special emphasis on the use of natural gas in the region. As
table 2 (p. 26) demonstrates, natural gas is overwhelmingly the
preferred heating fuel in the District states, and the region's
cold winters make the Midwest more reliant on natural gas than any other
When it comes to energy consumption the five states that compose
the Seventh District have differing patterns that tend to reflect the
underlying structure of their economies. Table 2 compares energy
utilization in each state compared with the U.S.
Total energy consumption is above the national average for all
states except Iowa and much of this has been attributed to the above
national average concentration of energy-intensive manufacturing
industries and mid-western climate. However, on a per capita consumption
basis, the region appears more moderate in its consumption patterns with
the exception of Indiana.
The changing role of energy related to economic output
From an economic perspective, an important trend has been the
declining role of energy as an input to producing gross product in the
U.S. This trend has been mirrored in the 7-G, as well as played a
significant role in reducing the importance of energy as a basic input
to production. Figure 5 displays the change in the number of Btus needed
to produce $1 of gross product. For all three fuel types, Btu
equivalents are used to allow for more accurate comparisons. The
declines have been dramatic with the amount of energy needed to produce
$1 of gross product dropping by 77 percent for natural gas, 76 percent
for motor fuel, and 67 percent for coal. In the case of natural gas, 7-G
states followed this pattern for the most part although Indiana,
Michigan, and Iowa required higher levels of usage on natural gas to
produce GSP. As for coal, it is worth noting the significantly higher
utilization of coal to produce GSP. Indiana uses coal as a primary fuel
for 80 percent of its electricity generation and is more dependent on
coal as a fuel than the rest of the region.
Jones, Leiby, and Paik (2004) found that the largest economic
effect of energy price spikes was demonstrated through changes in
employment in specific industries. They suggest that reallocation
related to an energy price shock is often determined at the plant level
making estimates of economic impact at even the broad industry level
potentially misleading. In order to test this idea, I have selected the
seven industries (aluminum, chemicals, forest products, glass, metal
casting, petroleum, and steel) identified by the U.S Energy Information
Agency as the most energy intensive and examine how employment has
changed in these industries following oil shocks. I will do this for the
five District states and for the U.S. as a whole. In addition, I will
look at the effect of the relative concentration of these industries on
the District states over time. Using location quotients (LQ) based on
employment shares, I will demonstrate which states in the District have
the largest concentration of these energy-intensive industries and how
this has changed over time. This will shed light on the question of
whether the employment in region has in a relative sense become more or
less exposed to energy dependent industries over time.
In evaluating the structure of the Seventh District economy, there
is clearly a lack of many energy-producing industries, with the
exception of coal; however there is a reasonable concentration of
employment in energy-intensive industries. Table 3 (p. 28) shows some
basic properties of these industries and their relative concentration in
the Seventh District.
As this table demonstrates, Indiana in particular has a
concentration of energy-intensive industries. In total, Indiana had
nearly $37 billion in shipments from these industries, with total
employment of 83,000. In all, these industries made up more than 7
percent of GSP. Individual industries played important roles in specific
states. The forest products industry in Wisconsin is responsible for
almost 4 percent of that state's GSP and employs 71,000. In
Illinois, chemicals account for almost 2 percent of GSP and employ
58,000. However to assess the impact that high energy prices might have
on these industries, it is important to examine what their long-term
growth trends have been.
Employment trend
Figure 6 (p. 28) shows total employment in these seven industries
over 3 decades. In the case of the 7-G states employment decline was
more pronounced than the U.S. from 1972 to 1982, however employment
turned around in the early 1980s and these industries showed job gains
up until 2000. During this period, District employment outperformed the
U.S. as a whole. This pattern is more clearly reflected in figure 7 (p.
29) showing the annual percentage change in employment. It is also worth
noting the behavior of employment in light of major oil shocks. The
first and second oil embargoes of the 1970s and the related price shocks
created significant job loss in these seven industries, more so in the
District than for the nation as a whole. Interestingly, the change in
employment is significantly less volatile following the 1990 Persian
Gulf crisis. Some analysts suggest that this reflects a reallocation of
labor in these industries where production has moved off shore. However
it is worth noting that the sharper employment decline of these
industries in the District states beginning in 2000 may reflect that
these industries are still relatively more concentrated in the District
than they are in the nation as a whole, and therefore are more likely to
respond to higher energy prices.
Evaluating the relative concentration of energy-intensive
industries in the 7-G
I have decided to use location quotients (LQ) to examine how the
relative concentration of these seven industries has changed in the
District based on employment. An LQ is a common measure in economic
geography that identifies the relative significance of a phenomenon (in
this case employment in energy-intensive industries) in a region or
state compared with a benchmark region (in this case the U.S.). In
interpreting the results from LQs, any number above 1 indicates an
employment share in that industry that is above the national average.
For example, the forest products industry in Wisconsin has increased its
importance to that state's economy. Forest products are represented
by two Standard Industrial Classifications, (SIC), 2400 and 2600. In
Wisconsin the location quotient for employment in SIC 2400 rose from
1.16 in 1972 to 1.96 in 2002. This means that Wisconsin has nearly
double the national average of employment in this sector. Likewise,
employment rose from 18,500 in 1972 to 32,100 in 2002. SIC 2600
experienced even larger growth with its LQ rising from 2.99 to 3.82.
Employment rose from 43,000 to 50,000. Chemicals in Indiana have also
grown in importance to that state's economy. In 1972, chemicals had
employment of 26,000 and an LQ of 1. By 2002, employment had risen to
33,000 and the LQ to 1.46.
On an industry-specific basis, all of the industries have seen
gains in their LQ since 1972 in the 7-G. Specifically,
* Metal casting, 2.0 in 1972, 2.5 in 2002,
* Steel, 1.6 in 1972, 2.1 in 2002,
* Aluminum, 1.7 in 1972, 2.0 in 2002,
* Glass, 0.9 in 1972, 1.11 in 2002,
* Chemicals, 0.7 in 1972, 1.3 in 2002,
* Forest products 1.25 in 1972 to 1.4 in 2002, and
* Petroleum 0.6 in 1972, 0.7 in 2002.
Only petroleum has a relative employment concentration below the
U.S. average and three industries have concentrations that are double
the U.S. average.
For the District as a whole, while the relative concentration of
energy-intensive industries has increased over this period total
employment has declined. In 1972 the LQ for all seven industries
districtwide was 1.11 and by 2002 it was 1.24. Employment however fell
from 998,600 to 731,000 (26.9 percent). On a national level employment
in these seven industries fell from 5.580 million to 4.036 million over
the same period--a decline of 27.7 percent.
There is also significant variation by state (see figure 8). For
the entire Seventh District, employment in these highly energy-intensive
industries was a little better than 13 percent above the nation.
However, the LQ for the District has been on the rise since hitting its
trough in 1981 and has been consistently above the nation since 1988. On
an individual state basis, the story is quite different. Illinois and
Michigan have consistently lowered their employment LQs in these
industries. Iowa while still below the national average for employment
at 98, has shown rapid gains with its LQ doubling since 1975. The two
states that have the largest concentration of employment in these energy
sensitive industries are Indiana and Wisconsin. Indiana's LQ was
double the U.S. by 2000 while Wisconsin had seen its LQ rise to 129 from
a low of 70 in 1982.
This article makes three basic observations about energy markets
trends and behavior. First, the market dynamics for individual fuel
types are quite different. While oil prices are largely set in a world
market, natural gas and coal are influenced by regional dynamics. Issues
of fuel security, infrastructure for delivering the fuel, government
regulation, and the development of spot markets and trading centers all
have varying influences on the behavior of each fuel. However, recently
energy prices appear to have become more closely linked. Demand for all
fuel types has been on the rise, and fuel substitution has been limited
leading to similar levels of increases in all fuels. Second, price
volatility appears to influence investment decisions and may discourage
investment in costly energy infrastructure. Finally, the Midwest's
economic composition suggests that certain industries (metal casting,
steel, and aluminum) and states (Indiana and Wisconsin) will be more
significantly impacted by higher fuel prices.
Many extensions to this line of research are possible. Ultimately
to properly assess the impact of energy costs or energy spikes on the
region's economy it is necessary to identify the relative
importance of energy as a cost of business to individual firms. An old
maxim in economics is that high energy prices act like a tax on
consumers. If this is true the interesting questions need to focus on
the incidence (or distribution) of that tax based on specific attributes
of consumers/ industries. Further, it must be recognized that the price
paid for fuel and energy varies depending on company-specific purchasing
agreements. Some companies buy fuel on long-term contracts and some at
spot market prices. The impact of reported higher spot market prices may
be negligible on a well-hedged fund. In addition more research needs to
be done to examine the affect of energy prices on secondary markets for
industries. For example, the Midwest is still home to the Big Three auto
producers. Reports from Detroit blame high gas prices for reducing
demand for large sport utility vehicles. How will this affect the
regions economy? Finally, more needs to be done to understand the impact
of energy as it applies to the reallocation of resources globally.
Manufacturers increasingly see their competition arising off shore. Is
the energy picture different for industries located in key competitor
nations? By answering these questions, we can ultimately develop a far
clearer understanding of the impact of energy prices on regional
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(1) U.S. Energy Information Agency (2002), excel table.
(2) U.S. Energy Information Agency (2005b). West Texas Intermediate
rose above $55 a barrel in August of 2004, it has since risen over $60
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(3) U.S. Energy Information Agency (2005a).
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(5) U.S. Energy Information Agency (2004). Percent increase
reflects the change in the price per ton for central Appalachian coal
from May 31, 2002 to October 29, 2004. The October 29 price was a record
high of $66.50 per ton.
(6) Specifically the study found that a 10 percent increase in oil
prices increased Texas gross state product 2.6 percent during the period
1970-87 while only increasing gross state product by 0.4 percent in the
period 1988-2002. In addition the authors found that a 10 percent
increase in oil prices in the first period increased Texas employment by
1 percent. In the 1988-2002 period a ten percent rise in oil prices lead
to a 0.4 percent decline in employment.
(7) These estimates are based on forecasted prices in the U.S.
Energy Information Agency (EIA) Short-term Energy Outlook for November
2004. The EIA estimated that from the winter of 2004 to the winter of
2005 that the price of no. 2 heating oil would rise by 38.7 percent,
residential natural gas by 12.6 percent, propane by 22.4 percent,
residential electricity 1.6 percent, and gasoline by 23.9 percent. For
the U.S. as a whole, energy is 7.1 percent of the CPI-U. In the case of
the Midwest, energy is a slightly higher share of the consumer market
basket at 7.4 percent. Residential fuel is responsible for 4.1 percent
of the energy cost and motor fuel for the remaining 3.3 percent. Within
the residential fuel category, 52 percent of the estimates for the 2003
fuel mix was represented by electricity, 43.3 percent by natural gas,
3.5 percent by propane, and the remaining small shares from fuel oil and
kerosene. The Midwest reliance on natural gas in its fuel mix is the
highest in the nation. The next closest region is the Mid-Atlantic at
34.1 percent. Clearly changes in natural gas prices will have a larger
influence on household budgets in the Midwest. As Bradbury points out,
in the short run, there is little evidence that the household sector
reacts to higher fuel prices by dramatically reducing consumption or
switching to less expensive fuels. This can occur in the long run if
higher energy prices appeared to be sustained. Instead the household
sector is likely to either use savings to pay for higher fuel prices or
reduce other types of purchases in order to meet their budget. The
magnitude of the increase over the last winter is large enough to be
noticed by consumers but is unlikely to cause radical changes in
consumer behavior. Of course if energy is a larger portion of any
individual household's budget, the effect will be more pronounced.
(8) The prices used for coal are based on the delivered utility
price per ton and not the price for central Appalachian coal used in the
introduction. Given that coal is used almost exclusively for electricity
generation, this represents a fair estimate of the cost paid by
(9) North America has only 4.2 percent of the proved natural gas
reserves in the world, it produces 21 percent of the world's supply
and accounts for 30 percent of the world's demand. In contrast the
Middle East has nearly 41 percent of the world's proved supply and
Europe and Eurasia has 35 percent.
(10) A Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one pound avoirdupois of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Normalizing the price by Btu allows a comparison of the resources needed
to create this amount of heat and can be used as a rough proxy for the
heating price of a particular fuel stock.
(11) Briefing by Finley (2005).
(12) A report by the consulting firm Accenture and Cambridge Energy
Research Associates issued in 2003 analyzed the impact of market
volatility on 16 energy companies and found that volatility was
preventing increased investment in energy assets. (See Accenture and
Cambridge Energy Research Associates, 2003.) However economists have
been more ambivalent about the impact of volatility on investment. The
key determining factor influencing the relationship between volatility
and investment include the life of the investment, whether the
investment is reversible, the nature of competition that firms in the
industry are facing, and the relative risk aversion of firms in the
industry. Given these factors, both empirical work and theoretical work
come to widely differing conclusions about whether volatility helps or
hinders investment. However, it would appear that most energy companies
do have the profile (long-lived assets that tend to be irreversible once
started in an industry known for risk aversion) that would suggest that
volatility would impede investment. For a more complete discussion see,
Pindyck (1988), pp. 969-985. For an interesting empirical study, see
Bell and Campa (1997), pp. 79-88.
(13) A measure of the coldness of the weather experienced, based on
the extent to which the daily mean temperature falls below a reference
temperature, usually 65 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, on a day when
the mean outdoor dry-bulb temperature is 35 degrees Fahrenheit, there
would be 30 degree days experienced. A daily mean temperature usually
represents the sum of the high and low readings divided by two. A form
of degree day used to estimate energy requirements for air conditioning or refrigeration. Typically, cooling degree days are calculated as how
much warmer the mean temperature at a location is than 65 degrees
Fahrenheit on a given day. For example, if a location experiences a mean
temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit on a certain day, there were 10 CDD (cooling degree days) that day because 75 - 65 = 10.
(14) Diaz and Quayle (1980) found that the correlation between
energy use and heating degree days was as high as .97 at the household
level. Energy consumption increases as the number of heating and cooling
days increase in a highly related relationship. See Diaz and Quayle
(1980), pp. 241-246.
Richard H. Mattoon is a senior economist at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The author wishes to thank Sarah Diez and Alexei
Zelenev for excellent research assistance. The article was significantly
improved by comments provided by William Testa and Craig Furfine.
Annual average heating and cooling degree days in 7-G states
and U.S., weighted by population
Annual average Annual average
State heating degree days cooling degree days
Illinois 6,355 876
Indiana 5,894 894
Iowa 7,058 837
Michigan 6,950 568
Wisconsin 7,791 500
Contiguous U.S. 4,524 1,215
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "State,
regional, and national monthly heating degree days," Historical
Climatography, Series No. 5-1 and "State, regional, and national
cooling degree days," Historical Climatography, Series No. 5-2.
Energy consumption patterns in 7-G and U.S.
Energy consumption/ U.S.
per capita Rank Total energy consumption
Illinois 356 million Btu 22 4.4 quadrillion Btu (rank 5)
Indiana 457 million Btu 13 2.8 quadrillion Btu (rank 10)
Iowa 372 million Btu 19 1.1 quadrillion Btu (rank 29)
Michigan 314 million Btu 36 3.1 quadrillion Btu (rank 9)
Wisconsin 333 million Btu 29 1.8 quadrillion Btu (rank 19)
U.S. 349 million Btu N/A 98.9 quadrillion Btu
(rank 1 in world)
Primary heating fuel
Illinois Natural gas (81 percent)
Indiana Natural gas (65 percent)
Iowa Natural gas (66 percent)
Michigan Natural gas (78 percent)
Wisconsin Natural gas (66 percent)
U.S. Natural gas (61 percent)
Source: U.S. Energy Information Agency, 2000, "Petroleum profiles:
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin," available at
Energy consumption patterns in 7-G and U.S.
Energy intensity
(energy purchased Industry
as a % of value Primary energy/ percentage
of product fuel type used of GSP in top
Industry shipped, 2001) in production 7-G states
Aluminum 6.9 Electricity 76% Indiana .43%
Natural gas 20% Illinois .05%
Chemicals 3.7 Natural gas 37% Indiana 4.6%
Illinois 1.8%
Forest Wood-4.7 Wood residues 50% Wisconsin 3.9%
products Paper-2.0
Glass 6.5 Natural gas 54% Indiana .05%
Michigan .02%
Metal 4.7 Natural gas 37% Wisconsin .72%
casting Indiana .56%
Michigan .50%
Illinois .17%
Petroleum 3.9 Refined products-- Illinois .4%
refinery gas, coal,
coke, and other 94%
Steel 7.7 Natural gas 42% Indiana 1.75%
Coal 31% Michigan .39%
Illinois .27%
Employment Value of
in thousands shipments in
in top 7-G states billions of $, 2000
Industry (national rank) (national rank)
Aluminum Indiana 6.1 (1) Indiana $2.5 (2)
Illinois 2.5 (6) Illinois $0.9 (6)
Chemicals Illinois 58.1 (5) Illinois $22.2 (8)
Indiana 22.4 (10) Indiana $18 (10)
Forest Wisconsin 71.3 (2) Wisconsin $18.1 (1)
Glass Indiana 7.2 (9) Indiana $1.2 (9)
Michigan 7.2 (9) Michigan 1.6 (8)
Metal Wisconsin 22 (2) Wisconsin $3.2 (2)
casting Michigan 19.1 (3) Michigan $3.0 (3)
Indiana 17.7 (4) Indiana $2.9 (4)
Illinois 13.6 (5) Illinois $1.8 (5)
Petroleum Illinois 5.6 (5) Illinois $14.6 (4)
Steel Indiana 32.0 (2) Indiana $12 (2)
Illinois 14.9 (4) Illinois $ 5 (4)
Michigan 11.2 (5) Michigan $3.7 (5)