Growth in worker quality.
Aaronson, Daniel ; Sullivan, Daniel
Introduction and summary
Improvements in worker quality due to changes in the distribution
of education and work experience are among the key determinants of the
economy's potential rate of growth. The rate of such improvements
is thus of substantial interest to monetary and fiscal policymakers
concerned with maintaining balance between aggregate supply and demand.
It also is of importance to officials charged with planning for the
future of programs such as Social Security, whose projected financial
condition is highly sensitive to assumptions about long-term economic
In this article we provide new estimates and forecasts of the rate
of improvement in worker quality. Consistent with previous research, we
find that changes in the distribution of workers' education and
work experience levels account for a significant portion of the growth
in labor productivity. In particular, of the 2.7 percent average growth
rate in labor productivity since 1965, we find that about 0.22 of a
percentage point is attributable to the growth of labor quality. We also
find that this contribution has fluctuated significantly over the last
35 years. For instance, as recently as the late 1980s and early 1990s,
improvements in worker skill levels were adding about 0.40 percentage
points per year to the growth of output. However, by the end of the
1990s, this figure had fallen to about 0.18 percentage points. Our
forecasts call for a further decline to about 0.05 percentage points by
The recent figures represent the combined effects of two
long-running demographic trends and a partially offsetting
business-cycle effect. The two demographic trends are the continuing
increase in the education levels of the labor force and the movement of
workers toward experience levels associated with higher wages and
productivity. A major factor in the latter trend has been the aging of
the Baby Boom generation, many of whom are now in their peak earnings
years. The positive effects of demographic change are partially offset
by what has recently been the relatively faster employment growth of
low-education and low-experience workers, the typical pattern in a
business-cycle expansion.
Our forecast of a declining growth contribution from worker quality
derives from two sources. First, we expect a slight decline in the rate
of educational gains. Second, and more important, as the decade
progresses, a significant portion of the Baby Boom generation will move
beyond the highest earnings years that most workers experience in their
early 50s. Indeed, by the end of the decade, the leading edge of the
Baby Boom will be at an age associated with lower than average wage
rates. At the same time, the age ranges associated with maximum wages
and productivity will become populated with the smaller cohorts born in
the late 1960s and early 1970s. As a result, the change in experience
levels will turn from a positive to a negative factor for worker quality
We also examine the gap in labor quality between the employed and
the pool of available workers, those who, while not working, currently
report that they want a job. We find that available workers typically
have predicted wages and productivity that are 15 percent to 20 percent
lower than the employed. Over the course of a business cycle expansion,
most potential workers with higher skill levels become employed, which
tends to expand this gap. The long business cycle expansion that began
in the early 1990s is particularly notable in pushing the gap in quality
between the employed and the pool of available workers to nearly 23
percent, its highest level in our data.
The compositional changes in the labor force we study can obscure
the effects of changes in labor supply and labor demand on the price of
an hour of constant quality labor. This may make it more difficult to
evaluate macroeconomic theories that have implications for the behavior
of real wages. Thus, we provide new estimates of real wage growth
adjusted to a constant quality of labor hour. The resulting series is
modestly more procyclical than unadjusted real wage growth measures. We
also construct an unemployment rate for human capital that accounts for
the fact that the loss in labor input associated with unemployment is
greater when the affected worker is at a higher skill level. The
resulting measure is between 0.5 and 1.0 percentage point lower than the
standard civilian unemployment rate that counts all members of the labor
force equally.
The importance of labor quality has been made clear by the
development of human capital models, which relate productivity and wage
rates to characteristics such as education and work experience. The last
35 years have seen several major shifts in the distribution of such
characteristics in the labor force, most notably the increase in the
share of college-educated workers and the influx of relatively
inexperienced women and Baby Boomers in the 1970s. In addition, the
nature of the skills learned through formal education and on-the-job
training has changed, with, in particular, a tremendous increase in
workers with computer skills in the 1980s and 1990s. Human capital
models quantify the extent to which these transformations have caused
the growth of total labor input to differ from that of raw hours worked.
This difference is known as worker quality growth. It is positive when
total labor input is growing faster than the raw total of hours worked.
As we show in this article, fluctuations in labor quality growth
have had a significant impact on trends in output growth. Thus, by
quantifying the expected future gains in labor quality, we can improve
forecasts of potential output growth. In addition, quantifying past
gains in labor quality is vital to producing productivity growth
estimates that constitute a meaningful measure of our economy's
progress. Indeed, the simple observation that accurate measurement of
productivity is critically dependent on using correctly measured outputs
and inputs has been the root of a long literature on growth accounting
that dates back to influential work by Solow (1957), Denison (1962), and
Jorgenson and Griliches (1967) and has been updated and revised by
Jorgenson and his coauthors (1987, 1999, 2000) and the U.S. Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (1993), among others. (1) One
recent prominent example is Young (1995), who argues that input growth
explains all the extraordinary output growth in East As ia in the 1970s
and 1980s. This is very much in the spirit of Jorgenson and Griliches
(1967) and Jorgenson, Gallup, and Fraumani (1987), who argue that proper
measurement of inputs should result in estimates of total factor
productivity growth that are close to zero (2) By more clearly
articulating the trends in worker quality, this article also contributes
to improved productivity measurement.
Our measure of labor quality relies on the basic empirical
implications of capital models. Workers invest in
productivity-increasing skills through formal education and on-the-job
training. Moreover, in long-run competitive equilibrium, firms hire
additional labor until workers' marginal productivity coincides
with their wage rate. This allows us to infer the effects of worker
characteristics on productivity, which are not directly observable, from
their effects on predicted wages, which can be estimated from
cross-sectional data. We use such wage function estimates to value
additional years of education, experience, and other forms of human
capital. Applying these value estimates to the changing distributions of
human capital indicators yields estimates of the growth in average
worker quality.
The critical assumption underlying our approach is that
workers' wage rates are equal to their marginal productivity, a
basic implication of the competitive model of labor markets. There are,
of course, models of the labor market in which wages are not equal to
marginal products. For example, if firms discriminate against women or
minority groups or if unions or firms exercise market power, wage rates
may differ from productivity. (3) In addition, Spence (1973) argues that
firms use education and other observable human capital variables as a
signal of unobservable worker ability. This can lead workers to invest
in education even when it provides no actual increase in productivity.
Finally, implicit contract models of the type studied by Lazear (1979)
suggest that in order to induce higher effort and investment in skills,
firms defer a portion of workers' compensation until later in their
careers. This leads to wages being below productivity early in
workers' careers and above productivity in later years.
While not denying the relevance of these alternative models of the
labor market in some contexts, we are nevertheless comfortable relying
on the competitive model to provide at least a good first approximation to the growth in worker quality. An enormous number of empirical studies of the labor market have found competition to be a useful framework. In
contrast, there is less evidence for the widespread relevance of the
alternative models. Moreover, some direct support for the link between
human capital and aggregate growth emerges from recent studies using
international macroeconomic data. Though some early research found
little correlation between changes in human capital and output growth,
studies by Heckman and Klenow (1997), Topel (2000), and Krueger and
Lindahl (1999) show that macro and micro estimates of the return to
education are similar once adequate account is taken of measurement
A bigger concern is that the available data on worker
characteristics only begin to scratch the surface in explaining the
determinants of wages and productivity. For instance, the productivity
increase associated with a college degree must depend on the program of
study, the quality of the institution, and a myriad of other factors.
But typical data sources merely record whether a worker has any college
degree. Similarly, the productivity increase associated with a year of
work experience will vary with the nature of the work, how much time is
devoted to training, and other factors. But data sources do not
typically include such information. Indeed, almost all research on
worker quality growth is based on proxies for years of work experience
derived from the difference between a worker's age and their years
of formal education. Unobserved differences in time out of the labor
force due, for example, to raising children will lead such proxies to
differ from actual experience.
The existence of unmeasured differences in worker characteristics
will not greatly bias estimates of worker quality growth if the
distributions of such characteristics around their means remain
relatively fixed over time. In that case, changes over time in mean
years of schooling and age are reasonable proxies for the overall
improvement in productivity due to education and work experience. But
systematic changes in unmeasured characteristics can lead to biases. For
example, women tend to spend more time out of the labor force than men.
So the ongoing increase in female labor force participation could lead
to progressively greater overestimation of the average level of labor
market experience by the usual proxy measure. In addition, some
researchers suggest that the quality of education has changed
systematically over time, which could cause growth in true education to
differ from that suggested by increases in years of schooling. In
particular, Bishop (1989) attributes a significant portion of the
post-1973 slowdown in measured productivity growth to deterioration in
the quality of education as evidenced by declining test scores. More
recently, we suspect the greatly increased use of computers in the work
place has raised the quantity of on-the-job training associated with a
year of work experience, which could also bias estimates of worker
quality growth.
Other recent work on labor quality includes Ho and Jorgenson (1999)
and BLS (1993). Our methodology and data differ somewhat from these
papers, as we discuss in a later section. This leads to some differences
in estimates of labor quality growth. However, the broad contours of our
results agree reasonably well with earlier work for periods in which our
results overlap. Together, our research and the earlier work show that
growth in labor quality has fluctuated in important ways over time.
The quarter century after World War II was a period of especially
rapid gains in worker skill levels. Indeed, Ho and Jorgenson describe
the period from 1948 to 1968 as the golden age of labor quality growth.
During this period, they estimate that rapid expansion of secondary and
post-secondary education caused labor quality growth to average nearly 1
percent per year. As noted above, this means that changes in the
composition of the labor force caused total labor input to grow nearly 1
percentage point more rapidly than total hours. However, with the flood
of inexperienced Baby Boomers and female workers into the labor force in
the 1970s, labor quality stagnated. Then, after 1980 as the Baby Boomers
aged and educational attainment soared to new heights, labor quality
accelerated again, to a growth rate of about 0.5 percent per year, about
half of that seen in the 1950s and 1960s. Our estimates indicate that
labor quality continued to advance in the last few years, but at a yet
slower rate of only about 0.27 p ercentage points per year. Our
forecasts call for annual growth to decline further to about 0.07
percentage points by 2010.
Given the standard assumptions of constant returns-to-scale
production and cost minimization, the contribution of labor input to
output growth is the product of the growth rate of labor input and
labor's share in production costs. The latter figure is
approximately two-thirds. Thus, our estimates for labor quality growth
imply effects on real output growth of 0.18 percentage points late in
the 1990s and 2000, declining to about 0.05 percentage points by 2010.
In the next section of this article, we review some of the broad
trends in human capital accumulation that underlie our estimates of
labor quality growth. In the following two sections, we discuss our
methodology and our detailed results.
Trends in human capital accumulation
Here, we document some of the broad trends in human capital
accumulation that underlie estimates of worker quality growth. These are
the increases in educational attainment, fluctuations in the age
distribution, and the rising fraction of female workers. We also note
some other changes in the nature and composition of the work force that
may affect the growth of human capital but are not usually included in
analysis of labor quality.
U.S. levels of formal education have expanded greatly over the last
century. We can see this in figure 1, which shows the increase in high
school and college graduation rates since 1870. (5) During this period,
high school graduation went from a rarity to the norm. As the figure
shows, a good part of that transformation occurred during the early part
of the twentieth century, a period Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz
(Goldin 1998, Goldin and Katz, 1999a) argue was formative for American
education. College attendance and graduation rates also rose rapidly
during the twentieth century. Increases in college graduation rates were
especially rapid after WWII with the introduction of the GI Bill and
increased growth in federal funding of higher education. But even before
WWII, growth in college graduation rates was impressive. Enrollment
rates quadrupled between 1940 and 1970 but also tripled between 1910 and
1940. This pre-WWII expansion in education levels was unique to the
U.S.; education did not expand at such rates in other countries until
several decades later. These trends likely increased potential output
growth in the U.S. during the early twentieth century relative to other
developed nations that were slower to invest in education.
More recently, the growth in the rate of high school completion has
stalled. Indeed, relative to the population of 17 year olds, the number
of new high school diplomas granted in the late 1990s was 7 percentage
points lower than it was in the early 1970s. Only when general
equivalency diplomas (GEDs) are added to the totals do recent rates
match earlier levels. However, Heckman and Cameron (1993) have shown
that GED holders typically possess considerably less human capital than
high school graduates. Thus, the recent data in figure 1 should be
regarded as showing an overall deterioration in the fraction of new
labor market entrants with the skills typically associated with
secondary school completion. (6)
College graduation rates, however, have continued to increase,
though not without some significant fluctuations. Indeed, after an
especially rapid advance during the Vietnam War era, growth in new
college degrees granted actually lagged the growth in 22 year olds until
the mid-1980s, when it turned up again. More recently, growth
accelerated in the early 1990s, and by the end of the last decade
graduation rates were back to the trend line established in the
post-WWII period.
Increasing graduation rates have led to a corresponding increase in
the percentage of workers with high school and college education. In
1964, the beginning year for the data we use for this study, less than
58 percent of workers had completed high school or had a GED. By 2000,
this figure was over 90 percent. In 1964, less than 12 percent of
workers had college degrees. By 2000, more than 28 percent did. There
were also healthy increases over the same period in the share of workers
with at least some college education and with post-graduate education.
Though still significant, the growth in average levels of education
has slowed since its high point in the early 1960s and late 1970s. This
can be seen in figure 2, which plots the five-year moving average of the
annual change in the percentage of workers with high school and college
degrees. (7) The figure indicates that the increase in high school
graduation rates has fallen relatively steadily from around 1.7
percentage points per year at its peak in the early 1970s to only about
0.1 percentage points the last several years. Increases in college
graduation rates have also declined over time, but the drop has been
smaller. Between 1970 and 1975 and again between 1978 and 1983, the
increase in the share of college workers peaked at a rate of about 0.8
percentage points per year. Since the mid-1980s, the advance has been
relatively stable at about 0.4 percentage points per year.
Such fluctuations in the growth of average educational levels can
occur for two reasons. First, younger workers entering the labor force
are constantly replacing older workers reaching retirement age. The
former have historically had more education. Second, some of those in
the age ranges typically associated with working choose to acquire more
education, often while continuing to work part or full time.
Figures 3 and 4 shed some light on the importance of new entrants
replacing retiring workers for the increase in education levels. Figure
3 plots the difference in high school and college graduation rates
between those near the end of their careers (55 to 59 year olds) and
those near the beginning of their careers (25 to 29 year olds). As the
graph shows, in the 1960s, there was a more than 30-percentage-point
difference between the high school graduation rates of older and younger
workers. Likewise, the expansion of college graduation rates in the
1970s led to a more than 15-percentage-point difference between the
college graduation rates of older and younger workers. These large gaps
between workers entering and leaving the work force were a major factor
behind the rapid growth of average educational attainment during those
periods. But those differences, and their resulting implications for
labor quality growth, had all but disappeared by 2000. This is one of
the factors underlying the slower growth in ave rage education levels in
the 1990s seen in figure 2.
The size of cohorts entering and exiting the labor force also
drives fluctuations in the growth of educational attainment. When the
flow into the labor market of younger, more highly educated workers is
faster than the flow out of the labor market of older, less highly
educated workers or vice versa, the average educational level increases
more rapidly for a given gap in the two groups' educational
attainment. These flows are, of course, largely determined by changes
over time in the size of birth cohorts. Figure 4 provides an indication
of how cohort sizes have varied since the mid-1960s. Specifically, the
colored line shows the percentage of the working age (18-69) population
made up of 25 to 29 year olds and the black line shows the percentage of
55 to 59 year olds.
The figure shows that the fraction of the working-age population
accounted for by early-career workers rose from around 10 percent in the
early 1960s to nearly 14 percent in the mid-1980s, A big part of that
rise, which acted to increase the growth of average educational
attainment, was the Baby Boom generation reaching working age. The first
members of that generation reached age 25 around 1970 and its last
members reached age 25 a few years after the peak in the share of
early-career workers. Since the mid-1980s, the share of early-career
workers has dropped to around 10.5 percent, which has contributed to the
slower pace of growth in average educational attainment. Census Bureau projections call for the 25-29 share to stabilize this decade at around
10 percent.
The share of late-career workers fluctuated somewhat less, dropping
from around 8 percent in the early 1960s to a minimum of about 6.5
percent in the mid-1990s, before starting to rise again. Projections are
for it to continue to rise to nearly 10 percent by 2010. The increase in
the size of retiring cohorts is a positive for the growth in average
educational attainment, but given the currently small gap in educational
attainment shown in figure 3, it is only a small positive.
Of course, many workers continue to acquire formal education until
quite late in their lives. Moreover, workers with greater formal
education tend to live longer and to remain more firmly attached to the
labor force. Thus, even without additional school attendance, the
average educational attainment of a cohort of workers can rise as the
less educated workers tend to drop out of the labor force more quickly.
The combined effects of additional education and the greater tendency
for the less educated to drop out of the labor force induces a
significant increase over time in the average educational attainment of
workers from a given birth cohort. For example, figure 5 follows the
cohort born between 1941 and 1945. It shows that the fraction with
college degrees increased between 1970, when they were aged 25 to 29,
and 2000, when they were 55 to 59. The colored line shows the proportion
of the whole cohort with college degrees, while the black line is
limited to those working in the given year.
As the graph shows, the increase in the share reporting a college
education has been quite significant. When this cohort was between the
ages of 25 and 29 in 1970, only 16.5 percent reported having a college
education. Thirty years later, the share was 25.5 percent. When we limit
the samples to those who were working, the increase in the percentage
was even greater, going from about 19.3 percent to about 29.3 percent.
As the gap in educational attainment between younger and older workers
narrows, the increasing educational attainment of middle-aged workers is
becoming a bigger factor in the growth of educational levels.
Work experience
Workers' labor market experience is a second important
determinant of skill levels. Until they reach their early fifties,
workers' wage rates and, thus by inference, their productivity,
tend to increase with age. These increases presumably reflect skills
learned over time in the labor market. As a rough indication of the
trends in labor market experience, figure 6 shows the average age of
workers between 1890 and 2000. Consistent with greater life expectancies
and lower birth rates, the average age of workers grew from 35 at the
turn of the twentieth century to over 40 at its apex in the mid-1960s.
However, starting in the late 1960s, the first of the large Baby Boom
cohorts entered the labor force, causing the average age to drop for the
next 20 years, reaching a bottom at around 37.5 as the last of the Baby
Boomers entered the labor force in the early 1980s. As we show later,
this drop in experience levels partially offsets the labor quality
improvements arising from the tremendous gains in formal education
during the 1970. Since the early 1980s, the aging of the Baby Boom
cohort has helped to push the average age of the working population back
to about 39.5, roughly where it was in the early 1970s.
Sex composition
The final, major and easily quantifiable change in the composition
of the labor force is the rise of female workers, particularly during
the second half of the twentieth century. Though the gap has been
narrowing in recent decades, women tend to earn lower wages than men of
the same age and educational level. The competitive labor market
framework that we employ in this article implies that this male-female
wage gap reflects differences in productivity, rather than
discrimination or some other factors. (8) One interpretation is that the
error in approximating labor market experience by age minus years of
education minus six is greater for women than men, who generally spend
less time not in the work force or attending school. Thus among groups
with the same level of measured experience, women will tend to have less
actual experience. Indeed, the wage gap between men and women is
significantly smaller at low levels of experience. Under this
interpretation, it is not that women are intrinsically less productive
than men, but rather that they have less actual labor market experience
than men of the same age and education level. Still, given their lower
wage, an increasing share of women in the labor force lowers the growth
of labor quality below that expected on the basis of age and education.
Beginning after WWII, the share of female workers rose from less
than 25 percent to about 38 percent in 1970 to close to 47 percent by
1990, before flattening out during the last decade. Given their lower
wage rates, rapid increases in the share of female workers, such as
occurred in the 1950s to 1980s, tended to hold down the growth in labor
quality. This negative effect on worker quality has diminished as the
share of women has grown more slowly over the last decade.
Other factors
While most analyses of labor quality, including the basic estimates
we present below, are based exclusively on the trends in education, age,
and sex composition that we have just discussed, there are good reasons
to think that other factors may also play a role. We have already noted
that crude measures of years of schooling or labor market experience may
fail to fully capture the accumulation of human capital when educational
or work experiences differ across workers and time. One change that we
wish to highlight is the increasing computerization of the workplace,
which may be leading to more on-the-job investment in skills per year of
labor market experience.
The 1980s and 1990s saw an explosion in the use of computer skills.
Among workers age 18 to 64, roughly 25 percent used a computer in 1984.
That fraction grew to 37.4 percent in 1989, 46.6 percent in 1993, and
60.5 percent in 1997. (9) At first glance, this seems like an obvious
improvement in the skill level of the work force. Kreuger (1993) even
attempts to quantify the rate of return to using a computer at work by
estimating the gap in wages between otherwise similar workers who report
that they do or do not use a computer. However, DiNardo and Pischke
(1997) argue that similar apparent rates of return are associated with
using a pencil or sitting in a chair at work. In other words, computer
usage may be associated with higher wages because it is correlated with
unmeasured ability. On average, workers with more ability tend to have
jobs that require sitting or using a computer (or pencil) at work.
Therefore, the extent to which computer usage has added to labor quality
is subject to a great deal of uncerta inty. Thus, it would be difficult
to implement a labor quality measure incorporating computer usage, even
if such data were available in a general enough form. Nevertheless, the
fact that there has been such a sharp increase in an important form of
on-the-job training highlights the fact that simple years of labor
market experience is a rather crude measure of the human capital
acquired while working.
Finally, there have been a number of other trends in labor force
composition that may have implications for labor quality. One is the
steady increase in the minority and immigrant portions of the working
population over the last 30 years. The latter is discussed extensively
in work by Borjas (1999). Because minorities and immigrants tend to have
lower wages than natives and whites, these trends may have had an impact
on worker quality growth. A second trend is the fall in the share of
married workers from around 75 percent in the mid-1960s to around 60
percent in 2000. Research on the productivity implications of marriage,
and how those vary by gender, is discussed in Gray (1997). Finally, the
share of those working part time has fluctuated over the years. This may
have implications for productivity, since part-time workers tend to earn
lower wages. (10)
In this section, we discuss our methodology for summarizing the
effects of the changes outlined above in an overall measure of labor
quality growth.
Our labor quality estimates are derived from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics' Current Population Survey (CPS). The CPS, the source
for such well-known statistics as the unemployment rate, is a monthly,
nationally representative survey of approximately 50,000 households
conducted by the Census Bureau. Importantly for our purposes, it
collects basic demographic data, such as age, race, sex, and educational
attainment, as well as data on labor market status.
Participating households are surveyed for four months, ignored for
the following eight months, and then surveyed again for four more
months. Those households in the fourth and eighth months of their
participation are known as the outgoing rotation groups (ORGs) and are
asked some additional questions that allow construction of an hourly
wage measure. Moreover, the micro data from the ORGs are collected in
easily accessible form. The major advantage of the ORG files is the
large sample sizes (150,000 households per year) that are available.
However, the data only go back to 1979, a relatively short period for
examining labor quality.
Therefore, we base most of our results on the CPS data for March of
each year, which are available from 1962. The advantage of the March
data is that they are supplemented with additional questions about
income, weeks worked, and usual hours worked per week in the previous
calendar year. Using data since 1975, we can compute an hourly wage as
annual earnings in the last year divided by the product of usual weekly
hours and number of weeks worked in the last year. Prior to the 1976
survey, data on usual weekly hours are not available; but there are data
on hours worked in the week prior to the survey that we can use to
construct a wage measure. Although the March CPS files are available
starting in 1962, education is missing in the 1963 survey. So we begin
our analysis with the 1964 data. A disadvantage of the March data
relative to the ORG files is the smaller sample sizes (50,000 households
per year). However, we find that after 1980 when we can compute measures
based on both data sources, the March data yie ld a series that, while
somewhat more variable, is quite close to that based on the ORGs.
Statistical methodology
In order to compute an index of labor quality based on the trends
surveyed in the last section, we need to evaluate the impact of such
variables on productivity, or on what is assumed to be the same thing,
wages. We do this by estimating linear regression models that relate the
natural logarithm (log) of workers' wage rates to their education,
age, sex, and other characteristics. The estimated coefficients are the
predicted effects of worker characteristics on wages and productivity.
Combining the estimated regression coefficients with the micro data on
education, experience, and sex yields a predicted average wage. Using
the same regression coefficients to compute the predicted average wage
in adjacent years isolates the portion of aggregate wage growth that is
due to changes in worker characteristics, the definition of labor
quality growth.
One could in principle use a single, fixed regression model to
evaluate worker characteristics in all years. However, because there
have been major changes over time in the valuations associated with
worker characteristics, we choose to allow the regression coefficients
to vary over time. Moreover, to compute our index, we adopt a
chain-weighting procedure that bases the growth in the index from one
year to the next on the geometric average of the growth rates in worker
quality obtained using regression coefficients in the two years.
In more detail, the first step in the construction of our index is
to estimate for each year regression models for the log wage of the form
log [] = [][[alpha].sub.t] + [summation over
(4/j=1)] [][[beta].sub.jt] + [summation over (4/j=1)]
[][][[gamma]] + [F.sub.i][[phi].sub.t] +
[][[delta].sub.t] + [[epsilon]],
where log [] is the log hourly wage of worker i in year t,
[] is a vector of education variables, [] is
estimated labor market experience raised to the jth power, [] is
an indicator variable that takes the value one if the worker is female,
and [] is a vector of other background variables that might
affect wages, including, race, marital status, and whether the worker is
employed part time. (11) We also include an interaction between the
quartic polynomial in experience and the female indicator to allow for
different rates of return to experience between genders. We do this
because, as we discussed in the last section, the only available measure
of work experience is potential (maximum) experience, computed as age
minus years in school minus six. Since women have more career
interruptions than men, they also have larger deviations between actual
and potential experience. The interaction terms account for this
difference by allowing a different rate of retum to pot ential
experience across genders.
In each year in our sample, we classify individuals into five
education categories: less than high school, high school graduate, some
college, college graduate and post-graduate. However, a complication arises because a 1992 redesign of the CPS changed the educational
attainment question from one on the number of years of education to one
on type of degree completed. This change caused a significant break in
the fractions of our sample in the five education categories. We
employed two methods for dealing with this problem. First, we followed
the method described in Jaeger (1997) for optimally matching CPS
education questions pre- and post-1992. Second, for the construction of
1991 to 1992 labor quality growth rates, we collapsed the responses into
three more easily comparable categories: less than high school, high
school graduates (including some college), and college graduates
(including post-graduates). We then use these three categories to
compute labor quality growth for 1991 to 1992 and the five categor ies
for all other years.
The next step of the calculation is to compute weighted averages of
predicted wages for workers in the CPS based on coefficients for
education ([[alpha].sub.t]), experience ([[beta].sub.jt]),female-male
differential in value of experience ([[gamma].sub.jt]) and female
([[phi].sub.t]) estimated from alternative years of data
[] = exp ([][[alpha].sub.s] + [summation over
(4/j=1)] [][[beta].sub.js] + [summation over (4/j=1)]
[F.sub.i][][[gamma].sub.js] + [F.sub.i][[phi].sub.s]),
where the s superscript on [] denotes that the
predicted wage is computed using coefficients estimated from years data.
The weights given to different individuals vary for two reasons. First,
the CPS is a probability sample in which different individuals have
different probabilities of being sampled. In order to form consistent
estimates of population quantities, the Census Bureau provides weights
that undo the probability sampling in expectation. Using these weights
would allow us to consistently estimate the average predicted wage for
all workers in a given year. However, our interest is not in the average
worker, but rather in the average hour worked. Those who work more hours
are, therefore, more important for this average than those who work
fewer hours. Thus, we base our weights on the product of the usual CPS
weight and hours worked by the individual. That is, the averages of the
[] are based on = [] =
[][]/[SIGMA][][] for person i in year t,
where [] is the usual CPS weight and [] is the number of
hours worked.
Finally, for each year t, we identify growth in average labor
quality with the growth in average predicted wages relative to year t-1
using a common set of rates of return to value human capital
characteristics in the two years. We compute such growth using rates of
return estimated using year t-1 data,
d[Q.sup.0.sub.t] = [summation over (i)] []
[]/[summation over (i)]
and using year t data,
d[Q.sup.1.sub.t] = [summation over (i)] [][]
/ [summation over (i)] [][].
Both of these ratios are estimates of the growth in average wages
that is attributable to improved worker quality; they differ from one
only because of changes from t-l to t in the distribution of education
experience, and sex. Since it is arbitrary whether we use rates of
return based on estimates from year t or t-1, we emulate the strategy of
a Fisher ideal index by taking the geometric average of the results
based on year t and t-l regression coefficients. Thus, the final
estimate of worker quality growth in year t can be expressed as
d[Q.sub.t] = [(d[Q.sup.0.sub.t] x d[Q.sup.1.sub.t]).sup.1/2].
An overall index can be formed by "chaining" together the
above growth rates from an arbitrary base level in some year. Relative
to an index based on a single, fixed vector of rates of return, the
advantage of the above is that it allows for varying rates of return.
Alternative measures of labor quality
Our method of measuring labor quality differs to some extent from
that used by earlier researchers. BLS (1993) provides a detailed account
of its methodology, along with those of Jorgenson et al. (1987) and
Denison (1985). Below, we briefly describe the BLS (1993) methods and
those of Ho and Jorgenson (1999), an updated version of Jorgenson et al.
Ho and Jorgenson split the working population into 168 possible
cells, partitioned by sex, age ranges, education, and self-employment
status. They then compute changes in hours worked and compensation per
hour for each cell. In addition to using data from the decennial Census
of Population and the CPS, their measures of compensation include
imputations of the value of nonwage compensation that they derive from
the National Income and Product Accounts. In this framework, the growth
in total labor input is a Tornqvist index or weighted average of the
change in log hours in the various cells, where the weights are given by
the average share of total compensation attributable to the cell in the
two years. The growth in their labor quality index is defined as the
difference between this total labor input growth and the growth in raw
labor hours worked.
Ho and Jorgenson's disaggregation of workers into many cells
allows for substantial flexibility in measuring the distribution of
labor services across "types" of workers. However, their
method assumes that all workers in a given cell have equal levels of
human capital, which our regression analysis shows not to be the case.
At the same time, mean wages must be estimated based on some relatively
small samples. Thus, we prefer our approach, which in a sense allows for
a separate cell for each individual worker in the CPS, but derives wage
estimates from a standard wage regression. This provides the maximum
possible flexibility, while keeping the number of estimated parameters
relatively low. Since fringe benefits and the value of social insurance
make up a significant fraction of total labor compensation, we are
sympathetic to Ho and Jorgenson's attempts to account for them in
their wage measures. However, splitting measures of total nonwage
compensation obtained at high levels of aggregation between different
classes of workers based on factors such as age and education is
inherently arbitrary. The fundamental problem is that none of the
sources of data on wages by demographic characteristics contain
information on the value of nonwage compensation. Thus, we find it most
sensible to stick to wage and salary compensation for which there is
solid data.
The methodology developed by the BLS (1993) uses a combination of a
regression approach to estimating the effect of worker characteristics
on wages that is similar to ours and a Tomqvist index computed on a
number of discrete worker cells based on characteristics that resembles
Ho and Jorgenson's methodology. Relative to Ho and Jorgenson, the
major difference is that rather than estimating average wage rates for a
large number of cells, the BLS estimates cell means using a regression
model. This eliminates the problem of cell means based on small numbers
of observations, but the use of a constant growth rate for all workers
in a cell still represents what we think is an unnecessary constraint relative to our less restrictive analysis.
A potential strength of the BLS methodology is its use of a special
data set containing records from the 1973 CPS matched to Social Security
Administration work history files. This allows the BLS to compute actual
work experience for this group of workers. Moreover, based on a
regression model estimated using this sample of 25,000 workers, the BLS
imputes actual experience for workers in all time periods.
The BLS's imputation of actual work experience data addresses
one of the most serious shortcomings of CPS data for measuring labor
quality. However, patterns of labor force participation change over
time, so it is not clear that those imputations are particularly helpful
for data separated significantly in time from 1973. Moreover, such
imputations may do little other than to provide an interpretation of why
certain variables affect wages. For instance, if marital status affects
the level of actual experience relative to potential experience, then
marital status may be useful for predicting wages even if wages in
reality only depend on education and actual work experience. Consistent
with this possibility, the BLS approach forces the dependence of wages
on such factors to be through their effect on experience. However, it is
also possible that factors such as marital status have a direct effect
on wages in addition to any effect on work experience. In such cases,
the alternative results discussed below, in wh ich we include such
variables in the calculation of the quality index, may better capture
their effects on worker quality growth.
Differences in methodology may not be particularly critical to
estimates of labor quality. Where samples overlap, our results are
broadly similar to those of Ho and Jorgenson (1999) and the BLS (1993).
However, as we discuss below, our estimated series appear to be somewhat
less variable and to align in a more reasonable way with the business
Forecasting labor quality growth
In this article, we also provide forecasts of labor quality growth
for the rest of this decade. These are necessarily somewhat speculative,
relying on the extrapolation of certain trends in population,
educational attainment and labor force participation. We do not attempt
to forecast changes in the regression coefficients used to value
education and experience. We simply rely on the coefficients estimated
in the last year of our actual data. These are applied to simulated
populations of workers defined by age, education, race, and sex.
In constructing these simulated populations for the rest of this
decade, we start with the "middle" population projections made
by the U.S. Census Bureau. These show the likely number of U.S.
residents by one-year age group, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity. We
combine this information with a statistical model predicting educational
attainment on the basis of such characteristics to obtain a simulated
population broken down by educational levels as well. That is, each cell
of the Census's projected population is divided into separate cells
corresponding to different levels of education. The breakdown of the
population into these sub cells is determined by the statistical model
to be described below. The final step in the construction of our
simulated population is to project what fraction of the people in these
simulated populations will be in the labor force. We do this also on the
basis of a statistical model. We then use the 1999 regression
coefficients relating wages to worker characteristics to compute the
growth in predicted wages due to the changing distribution of age,
education, and sex among the labor force participants in the simulated
Given that the Census Bureau has good information on the population
of individuals not yet of working age as well as birth rates, they are
in a good position to forecast the growth and changing composition of
the working-age population over the next decade. (12) These translate
fairly straightforwardly into projections for the component of labor
quality based on labor market experience.
Given that the average age of workers is projected to rise over the
decade by about a year and a half to a little over 42 years, one might
expect the contribution of work experience to boost labor quality growth
over the decade. However, the contribution of labor market experience to
worker quality growth depends on the whole distribution of experience
levels, and as the decade progresses, the large Baby Boom cohorts move
beyond their peak earnings years, which actually contributes to slowing
labor quality growth.
The forces underlying our projections of the effect of experience
on worker quality are illustrated for men in figure 7. (13) The upper
panels of the figure show the change in the proportion of people of a
particular age. The leading edge of the Baby Boom stands out in the
graphs. In 2001, the cohort born in 1947, which was much larger than
that born in 1946 is 54 years old. Thus the first panel of the figure,
which covers the change from 2000 to 2001, has a large spike at age 55.
Birth cohorts continued to grow until the early 1960s. Thus, in the
first panel there are generally positive changes in the proportion of
the population aged 40 to 52. Of course, the sum over all ages of the
changes in the proportion of the population accounted for by each age is
zero, so there are always ages that are declining in their share of
population. For instance, in the case of the panel corresponding to the
2000 to 2001 transition, most of the ages between 25 and 40 have
decreasing shares of the population.
The top panel graphs in figure 7 also show the relative wage rate
associated with each age. These are obtained from a log wage regression
like those described above, except that the quartic in experience was
replaced with a quartic in age. The coefficients of the quartic are used
to compute wages for each age level. The plots show the percentage
difference between this predicted wage and the overall mean wage based
on the base year's distribution of ages. Thus, if the value shown
for a given age is 0.1, that age is associated with wages that are 10
percent above average. The graph shows that male workers generally earn
higher than average wages between their mid-thirties and late fifties.
The peak age for wages is in the early fifties.
The contribution to worker quality will be greatest when there is a
positive correlation between the change in the proportion at the age and
the relative wage deviation. That is, quality grows fastest when there
are large increases in the proportion of workers at the age levels
associated with high relative wages and large decreases in the
proportion of workers at ages associated with low relative wages. The
bottom panels in figure 7 show the product of the change in the
proportion at the age and the relative wage associated with the age. The
overall contribution of the changing age distribution to worker quality
is approximately the sum of those products.
For the 2000 to 2001 transition, the positive products in the
bottom panel substantially outweigh the negatives, leading to a positive
contribution to worker quality growth from the changing age
distribution. A big part of that contribution comes from the effects of
the leading edge of the Baby Boom. The age group (55 year olds)
associated with the big increase in proportion of the labor force is one
that also has a high relative wage. This implies a sizable positive
contribution to labor quality growth.
The panels on the right in figure 7 show what happens by the end of
the decade. In 2010, the oldest Baby Boomers will actually be at an age
(63) associated with below-average wages. This, combined with the
movement of the smaller birth--dearth generation into the peak earnings
years, swings the overall labor quality growth contribution of the age
distribution to negative territory.
Forecasting the effects of changes in education requires making
additional forecasts of educational attainment and labor force
participation. We make these forecasts based on statistical models
estimated using the ORG files for the years 1992 to 1999. The detailed
methodology is described in box 1.
The approximate effects of our educational projections on labor
quality growth are shown in figure 8. This figure has the same layout as
figure 7, except that instead of showing the impact of changes in the
age distribution, it shows the impact of changes in the educational
distribution. The top panels show the projected change in the fraction
of the population with each of the five educational levels and the
relative wage rate associated with those levels. The contribution to
labor quality growth is the product of the change in proportion with the
relative wage and is shown in the bottom panels. The sum of these
contributions approximates the contribution of increasing education to
worker quality.
Figure 8 shows that between 2000 and 2001, the shares of workers
with less than a high school education and exactly a high school
education were both falling. In contrast, the shares with some college,
a college degree, and post-graduate education were all rising. Figure 8
also shows the relative wage rates associated with the different levels
of education. These range from negative 45 percent for high school
dropouts to positive 85 percent for those with post-graduate education.
Clearly, there is a strong positive correlation between relative wages
and growth in population share. This positive correlation is reflected
in the mainly positive contribution estimates shown in the bottom left
panel. The sum of these contributions is substantially positive.
Figure 8 also shows that the effects of education on worker quality
will change only slightly by 2010. Our predictions indicate that the
rate at which the share of high school dropouts is shrinking will
decline by about half from 0.29 percentage points to 0.14 percentage
points, and that there will be a similar sized decline in the rate at
which the some college group is growing. Given the large negative
relative wage of dropouts, the former effect has a bigger impact on
labor quality growth. Thus, as the decade progresses, we predict a
slightly smaller increase in labor quality growth from improving
educational attainment.
Worker quality
Figure 9 displays our estimate of 1964 to 2000 labor quality growth
for the working population based on trends in the educational,
experience, and sex distributions of workers. The black line uses the
CPS March supplements. The colored line uses the ORG files. As we
mentioned earlier, the ORG begins in 1979 (so growth rates begin in
1980). As the ORG-based measure is based on three times more data, the
year-to-year variability of ORG-based labor quality growth is lower.
(14) However, the general trends are very similar; from 1980 to 2000,
labor quality grew 0.50 percent per year according to the ORG and 0.43
percent per year according to the March supplements. Furthermore, since
1990, the ORG and March growth rates are also similar--0.48 percent and
0.42 percent per year, respectively. Therefore, the use of one data set
over another has little effect on any of our inferences.
There are several notable features of figure 9. First, labor
quality is somewhat countercyclical; peaks in the data occur near the
trough of recessions in November 1970, March 1975, November 1982, and
March 1991. This is consistent with firms reacting to economic downturns
by first dismissing low-quality workers, resulting in an increase in the
aggregate quality of the working population (but not the full
population). As hiring heats up during expansions, workers of lower
productivity find employment more readily and labor quality drops.
Typically, toward the end of expansions, we might expect to see labor
quality growth slow even further, as the pool of available human capital
is drained. This seems to have happened somewhat in the 1990s but not
during the 1980s expansion.
The extraordinary increase in educational attainment during the
1970s and 1980s offset any cyclical effect from the declining pool of
high human capital. This brings us to the second notable feature of the
data: the deceleration, acceleration, and deceleration of labor quality
over the last three decades. During the late 1960s and 1970s, labor
quality grew by approximately 0.2 percent per year. This coincides with
the beginning of the post-1973 productivity slowdown, which lasted for
two decades. (15) But the slowdown in labor quality did not last long.
Beginning in the early 1980s, the U.S. experienced a sizable
acceleration in labor quality growth, rising to 0.4 percent per year
from 1979 to 1987 and close to 0.6 percent per year from 1988 to 1995.
Since 1995, labor quality has decelerated to 0.27 percent per year,
although there was a mild upturn (0.36 percent per year) from 1997 to
1999, including a 0.38 percent rate of growth in 1999. In 2000, labor
quality growth fell to 0.
Figure 9 also shows our projections of labor quality growth. As
described above, these are based on projections of the labor force.
Thus, they are free from any variation due to changes in the level of
unemployment. As can be seen, they decline smoothly as the decade
progresses. By 2010, they are down to only 0.07 percent, much below the
average of the previous 35 years.
Figure 10 decomposes the growth of overall labor quality into
contributions due to education, experience, and gender. The overall
trends in education and experience that we saw in figures 2 to 5 are
readily apparent. The improvement in education attainment in the 1970s
and 1980s was the sole positive contributor to labor quality growth,
adding 0.54 percent per year to labor quality growth between 1965 and
1985. The slowdown in education, particularly the lack of further
progress in reducing the fraction of high school dropouts, resulted in a
decelerating education component of labor quality growth of 0.30 percent
per year after 1985 and 0.18 percent per year after 1995. (16) The
modest increase from 1997 to 1999 is the main contributor to the pickup in overall labor quality observed in that period.
Offsetting the big increases in education during the 1970s and
1980s was the drop in work experience resulting from the entry of the
Baby Boomers. This cut 0.34 percentage points per year off labor quality
growth from 1965 to 1980. However, as those workers moved into age
ranges associated with higher relative earnings after 1980, the
contribution of labor market experience averaged a positive 0.09
percentage points per year.
The increase in female labor force participation has little overall
impact on our labor quality growth estimates, cutting only about 0.03
percentage points per year over the full period. This small effect is
partly due to a somewhat arbitrary accounting choice. That is, we
include the effects of the female--experience interactions in the
contribution attributable to experience. This means that the only wage
gap between men and women that goes into the calculation of the female
contribution is that corresponding to zero years of experience. Since
the male-female wage gap is relatively minor for new labor market
entrants, the corresponding implications for worker quality are also
minor. Given our preferred interpretation of the wage gap, our
accounting convention seems appealing. However, some might argue to
include the interactions of the female and experience terms in the
female category. Doing so would make the contribution of the female
component of the index substantially more negative. The contribution of
the experience component would be correspondingly more positive.
The forecasts of the individual components show that the forecast
decline in quality growth over this decade is largely due to the
contribution of experience becoming negative by mid-decade. The forces
underlying this projection were discussed in detail in the last section.
The positive contribution to growth from increasing education levels is
also forecast to decline slightly. Given our definition of the female
contribution, it is unimportant to the projections.
Figure 11 provides an indication of how our results change with the
inclusion of an expanded list of human capital variables available in
the CPS. These are race, gender-race, marital status, gender-marital
status, and full-time work status. As we discussed, on the one hand,
there are reasons why such variables might affect workers'
productivity or be correlated with unmeasured variables that affect
productivity, and, thus, ought to be included in a measure of worker
quality. On the other hand, it is possible that the correlation of such
variables with wages may be due to labor market discrimination or other
reasons unrelated to productivity, in which case they ought not to be
included in a measure of labor quality. While the patterns look quite
similar, growth in the expanded labor quality index is lower,
particularly in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This suggests that more
work might be warranted to investigate the source of correlation between
these variables and wages.
The detailed reasons for the growth in the extended index being
below the one based only on education, experience, and sex are shown in
figure 12. Race has evidently had little impact and, since 1976, the
same is true for full-time/part-time status. But steady drops in
marriage rates have consistently been a drag on the extended measure of
labor quality growth.
Table 1 presents growth rates in labor quality by gender, industry,
and region. For comparison, the top row presents overall trends. The
results are split into business cycle periods with the first column
presenting the average growth rate over the full 35-year period.
Rows 2 and 3 stratify the sample by sex. Since 1965, female labor
quality has grown faster than male labor quality by 0.15 percent per
year. (17) There has been a remarkably stable 0.13 percentage point per
year difference in growth rates between the two sexes for most of the
sample--except the 1980s, when the difference expanded to 0.26 percent
per year.
Productivity analysts have been concerned with explaining
differences in productivity growth across industries and regions. Our
results show that some of those differences reflect differences in the
growth rates of labor quality. Table 1 shows that labor quality has
grown fastest in agriculture, durable and nondurable manufacturing, and
transportation, communication, and public utilities (TCPU) over the last
35 years. Lagging industries include retail trade and construction. All
industries follow the general overall trend of lower growth in the late
1960s and 1970s, followed by accelerating growth during the 1980s and
early 1990s. However, some--for example, nondurable manufacturing and
construction--experience more variable labor quality growth, while
others--for example, services and government--grow more steadily. Over
the last five years, labor quality growth has been particularly strong
in durable manufacturing and weakest in mining, agriculture,
construction, and services.
Finally, labor quality in the south (East South Central and South
Atlantic) and east (Mid Atlantic and New England) has grown quickly
since 1965, while the west (Mountain and Pacific) has lagged behind.
Since 1995, the midwestern region has experienced the fastest labor
quality growth and the western region the slowest.
Labor quality growth of nonworkers
The results above provide evidence on labor quality growth of the
working population. However, in light of the rise in
employment-to-population ratios over the last five years and the ensuing concern about the size of the pool of available workers, we are also
interested in evaluating quality growth trends among those who are
available and interested in jobs, but not currently at work. Therefore,
in this section, we report results for the quality of the potential work
Figure 13 presents one view of this. The colored line represents
the labor quality growth of workers and the black line represents labor
quality growth of the entire labor force. The latter includes workers
plus those who are unemployed (that is, searching for work). (18) Not
surprisingly, the graphs line up quite well since most of the labor
force is employed. The most important differences arise during
recessions when hoarding of higher-skilled workers leads to a more rapid
increase in the labor quality of the working than the unemployed.
A more comprehensive view of the quality of available workers is
presented in figure 14. Here, we link two groups together--those
unemployed (searching) and those not in the labor force (not searching)
but who want a job--and refer to them as the group of available workers.
(19) Figure 14 reports the ratio of the labor quality of workers to the
labor quality of available workers. (20) For example, if the ratio is
1.18, it implies that the labor quality of the employed is 18 percent
higher, on average, than the quality of the average available worker. If
the ratio increases, the quality of workers is growing faster than the
quality of available workers. If the ratio decreases, the quality of
available workers is growing faster than the quality of workers.
From 1965 to the early 1990s, the labor quality ratio remained
roughly flat, bouncing between 1.15 (during recessions) and 1.20 (at the
end of expansions). (21) However, in the last five years, the labor
quality of workers has risen steadily faster than the quality of
available workers. By 2000, an average employed worker had 21.5 percent
higher human capital than an average available worker; this is just off
the highest that this ratio has been over the 35-year sample period
which was reached in 1999. The jump in the last five years is due to
relative changes in both education and work experience between the two
groups. Among the employed, high school and college graduation rates
have increased by 0.5 percentage points and 1.7 percentage points,
respectively, since 1995, but, among available workers, high school
graduation rates have dropped by 0.5 percentage points and college
graduation rates have increased by only 0.7 percentage points.
Furthermore, the average age of a worker has increased by 0.9 years, but
the average age of an available worker has dropped by 0.8 years.
Moreover, it seems likely that the ratio of labor qualities shown
in figure 14 underestimates the true ratio. As we have noted, the
reported information on education and age barely begins to summarize the
differences between workers' skill levels. There are many
differences in the quality of education, actual labor market experience,
and the like that are unmeasured in the CPS. It seems likely that those
in the pool of available workers would also have a worse distribution of
such characteristics. This would lead to the ratios in figure 14 being
underestimated. Somewhat more speculatively, the business-cycle-related
swings in the quality ratio may also be underestimated.
Related measures
In addition to being an input into forecasts of longrun output
growth and improved measures of productivity, such as in Basu, Fernald,
and Shapiro (2000), our labor quality measures can also be used to
adjust measures of wage growth to better reveal fluctuations in the
price of a raw hour of labor and to provide a more comprehensive measure
of the extent of unemployed labor resources.
Fluctuations in standard measures of aggregate wage growth confound the effects of changes in the price of a constant unit of labor with
changes in worker quality. In particular, some portion of the increase
in measured wage rates reflects changes in the distribution of education
and work experience rather than actual changes in the price of a
constant unit of labor services. Using our measure of labor quality
growth, however, it is straightforward to adjust measures of aggregate
wage growth to reveal fluctuations in the true price of labor services.
Such a measure could help to clarify the nature of business cycles. For
instance, simple equilibrium business cycle models can only account for
the relatively substantial fluctuations in hours worked if the real wage
is significantly procyclical.
One measure of the price of raw labor is shown in figure 15. The
black line is just the standard growth rate in real hourly compensation
in the business sector. (22) The colored line is our adjusted measure
obtained by subtracting our measure of labor quality growth. As we have
noted already, on average, labor quality grew by roughly 0.33 percent
per year over the last 35 years. However, the cyclical nature of labor
quality growth implies the most important labor quality adjusted
differences in compensation growth occur in or near recessions. For
example, in March 1992, real hourly compensation growth increased 2.0
percent, but 0.9 percent of this gain was due to improvements in the
quality of the labor force. Therefore, the price of raw labor increased
only 1.1 percent over the previous March. Over the last four years, real
hourly compensation has grown about 2.2 percent; the labor quality
adjusted growth rate is 1.9 percent. Thus, adjusting for labor quality
growth does make real wage growth appear somewhat more procyclical.
The adjustments to the price of labor reported in figure 15, while
noticeable, do not greatly increase the extent to which real wages
appear to be procyclical. Thus, they do not greatly change the evidence
on the plausibility of simple equilibrium business cycle models.
However, as noted above, it is possible that our results, which rely
only on a few observable worker characteristics, underestimate the
effects of worker quality in masking procyclical wage growth. For
instance, Solon et al. (1994) find a larger compositional effect using
longitudinal data that control for changes in unobserved worker
Our labor quality growth measures can also help to clarify the cost
of unemployed labor resources.
Because workers differ significantly in their levels of human
capital, the standard unemployment rate, which counts every member of
the labor force equally, does not fully capture variation in the level
of unutilized labor resources. In particular, there is a greater loss of
output when high-productivity workers are unemployed than when
low-productivity workers are unemployed. Figure 16 shows an alternative
measure of unemployed human capital based on our labor quality estimates
that does allow for differences in worker productivity. This is
estimated by computing the unemployment rate of the March CPS labor
force, weighted by our gauge of labor quality.
The colored line in figure 16 shows our quality-adjusted
unemployment rate. In general, accounting for human capital accumulation
reduces the unemployment rate by 0.5 to 1.0 percentage points. Most
recently (March 2001), the CPS unemployment rate drops from 4.4 percent
to 3.6 percent, after labor quality adjustments are included. These
figures indicate that because higher skilled workers are less likely to
be unemployed, the standard unemployment measure overestimates the
fraction of human capital that is not being utilized.
As we have seen, the characteristics of the labor force have
changed significantly over the last 35 years, with educational levels
improving at varying rates and typical labor market experience levels
first falling then rising. Using the cross-sectional relationship
between these characteristics and wage rates allows us to infer that the
pace of improvement in worker quality has varied over time from a low of
around 0.15 percent per year between 1964 and 1971 to a peak of around
0.58 percent per year between 1987 and 1994. In the period since 1995,
we find that worker quality improvement had slowed to about 0.27 percent
per year. Largely because the Baby Boom generation will be moving beyond
their peak earnings years, we forecast that worker quality improvement
will slow further over the remainder of this decade to a rate of about
0.07 percent per year.
In addition to such long-run variation in the pace of worker
quality improvement, we observe shorter-run fluctuations associated with
the business cycle. In particular, average worker quality improvement
tends to be especially rapid during downturns, as those with lower
predicted wages are more likely to become unemployed or leave the labor
force. Conversely, as more and more workers are drawn into the labor
force over the course of a long expansion, there is a tendency for
worker quality growth to slow.
A related finding is that the gap in predicted quality between the
employed and the pool of available workers widens over the course of an
expansion. That pattern was particularly pronounced over the course of
the long expansion that began in the early 1990s, with the gap between
the average predicted wage rate for workers and that for the pool of
available workers reaching an all-time high of 23 percent in 1999.
Correcting for variation over time in average worker quality
implies a modestly more procyclical pattern to real wage growth. It also
shows that depending on the state of the business cycle, the rate of
unemployment of total human capital is between 0.5 and 1.0 percentage
points lower than the standard civilian unemployment rate that counts
all members of the labor force equally.
Finally, while our current findings provide substantial insight
into the determinants of long-term productivity growth, it should be
recognized that the measures of worker characteristics on which our work
is based are quite crude. Levels of formal schooling and years of
potential labor market experience only begin to scratch the surface in
predicting productivity and wage rates. While we find that including in
our analysis additional characteristics such as race, marital status,
and part-time status led to only modest changes in our conclusions, even
these characteristics likely fail to capture the full range of human
capital determinants that may be evolving in ways significant for
productivity growth. Extending the analysis to other data sources that
contain a richer characterization of the determinants of workers'
wages may be a priority for future research.
Daniel Aaronson is a senior economist and Daniel Sullivan is a vice
president and senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
(1.) A recent innovation has been the use of longitudinal
firm-level data to measure not only the factors that underlie
productivity growth but also the extraordinary amount of heterogeneity and persistence in productivity growth across manufacturing firms. See
Bartelsman and Doms (2000) and Hulten (2000) for recent surveys.
(2.) Topel (2000) criticizes this line of research for, among other
reasons, the difficult measurement issues involved, including the
complexity of distinguishing capital and labor returns in a simple
Cobb--Douglas framework and the limitations of human capital measures.
(3.) See Altonji and Blank (2000) for a review of the labor market
discrimination literature and Lewis (1986) for a review of the union
(4.) That is, two-thirds of labor quality growth rates of 0.27
percentage points and 0.07 percentage points equals approximately 0.18
percentage points and 0.05 percentage points of output growth.
(5.) New high school and college graduates are compared to,
respectively, the population of 17 year olds and 23 year olds. These
figures were obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics
website at and the U.S. Department of Commerce,
Bureau of the Census (1975).
(6.) Unfortunately, the data we use to construct our measures of
labor quality do not distinguish between high school graduates and GED
holders. Given the more rapid growth in the latter, this may imply some
overestimation of the rate of quality improvement.
(7.) Because of the lack of strict comparability between the 1991
and 1992 figures, this change is left out of the moving averages. For
the five years effected, the average is based on only four years of
(8.) See Altonji and Blank (2000) for a review of the literature.
(9.) These are computed from the October supplements of the Current
Population Survey.
(10.) See Aaronson and French (2001).
(11.) All of the results in this paper are very robust to some
common differences with other papers, including controlling for state of
residence, using age instead of potential experience, and eliminating
government, self-employed, and private household workers from the
(12.) Of course, changes in immigration policy could make a
significant difference to that composition.
(13.) The forces determining the contribution of work experience to
labor quality for women are very similar.
(14.) The standard deviation of the 1980 to 2000 annual growth
rates is 0.27 for the March data and 0.16 for the ORG data. Our March
estimates are actually slightly less variable than those of Ho and
Jorgenson. For comparable years in our samples (1965 to 1995), the
standard deviation of Ho and Jorgenson's annual measure is 0.37
percent versus 0.31 percent for ours. We use the quality series reported
in table B2 of Ho and Jorgenson.
(15.) Bishop (1989) argues that a drop in labor quality, as
measured by test scores, explains much of the productivity slowdown
during the 1970s.
(16.) As we noted earlier, growth in educational attainment of
older workers has been particularly strong in the last decade. The labor
quality of workers aged 50 to 59 increased by 0.72 percent per year
during 1996 to 2000. By comparison, over the same period, labor quality
of workers in their thirties grew 0.28 percent per year, and labor
quality of workers in their forties fell by 0.22 percent per year.
(17.) Note that labor quality growth for both men and women is
higher than for workers overall. This reflects the negative effects on
overall quality growth of a growing fraction of female workers.
(18.) Because unemployed workers have no hours worked, our labor
quality measure is weighted by CPS population weights only. For
comparison purposes, the colored line also is weighted by CPS population
(19.) Prior to 1976, the CPS does not ask about wanting a job.
Therefore, we include the unemployed from 1964-75 and the unemployed
plus those not in the labor force who are available for work from 1976
to the present.
(20.) The ratio is computed as [[SIGMA].sub.workers]
[] / [[SIGMA].sub.available] [] where the
numerator is weighted by [][] / [[SIGMA].sub.workers]
[][] and the denominator is weighted by
[][] / [[SIGMA].sub.available] [][].
(21.) Educational attainment gains were fairly similar across
groups between 1964 and 1995. The rate of high school graduation of
employed workers grew from 58 percent to 90 percent, a gain of 32
percentage points, and from 41 percent to 75 percent among available
workers, a gain of 34 percentage points. Likewise, college graduation
rates grew from 12 percent to 26 percent among the employed and 3
percent to 11 percent among available workers. The average age of each
group dropped by about two years.
(22.) The real compensation measure is the nominal hourly
compensation measure reported in the BLS productivity report deflated by
the CPI. The adjusted growth rate subtracts the growth in worker
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Labor quality growth, by gender, industry, and region
1964-00 1964-71 1972-77 1978-86 1987-94 1995-00
All workers 0.33 0.15 0.23 0.40 0.58 0.22
Men 0.40 0.23 0.36 0.49 0.59 0.25
Women 0.55 0.37 0.49 0.75 0.72 0.30
Construction 0.21 0.12 0.07 0.27 0.46 0.06
Durables 0.43 0.12 0.24 0.61 0.52 0.63
Nondurables 0.46 0.27 0.16 0.60 0.83 0.30
TCPU 0.39 0.03 0.40 0.63 0.61 0.19
Wholesale trade 0.31 0.28 0.21 0.07 0.58 0.43
Retail trade 0.11 -0.10 -0.13 0.18 0.41 0.15
Services 0.32 0.20 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.06
FIRE 0.34 0.27 0.16 0.30 0.76 0.13
Government 0.34 0.03 0.38 0.48 0.39 0.44
Agriculture 0.45 0.25 0.77 0.27 1.01 -0.06
Mining 0.41 0.46 -0.45 0.94 0.90 -0.37
New England 0.37 0.21 0.33 0.36 0.74 0.07
Mid Atlantic 0.39 0.26 0.34 0.39 0.64 0.21
East North Central 0.34 0.11 0.06 0.32 0.54 0.52
West North Central 0.36 -0.11 0.31 0.37 0.53 0.48
South Atlantic 0.46 0.39 0.51 0.49 0.65 0.17
East South Central 0.53 0.60 0.38 0.43 0.79 0.47
West South Central 0.36 0.18 0.35 0.56 0.45 0.05
Mountain 0.19 0.37 -0.34 0.46 0.34 0.00
Pacific 0.20 -0.09 0.07 0.29 0.52 -0.01
Notes: TCPU is transportation, communication, and public utility. FIRE
is financial, insurance, and real estate.
Source: Authors' calculations based on data from U.S. Department of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, 1964-2001.
Forecasting trends in educational attainment and labor force
This section describes the statistical models that we use to
forecast trends in educational attainment and labor force participation
in order to forecast the growth of labor quality. We begin by
forecasting educational attainment as a function of age, birth year, sex
and race. We then forecast labor force participation on the basis of
those variables and educational attainment.
Let [] = Prob [[] = j] j = 1, ..., 5 be the
probability that the ith worker in year t has educational level j, where
j = 1 is less than high school and j = 5 is more than college and let
[] = Prob [[] [greater than or equal to]
j\[] [greater than or equal to] j - 1] j = 2, ..., 5 be the
probability that the worker reaches at least level j given that he
reached level j = 1. We fit statistical models to predict the
[] and then recover the [] from
[] =
Specifically, the [] are predicted on the basis of
logistic regression models of the form
log []/1 - [] = [summation over (a)]
[][[alpha].sub.ja] + [summation over (b)]
[][[beta].sub.jb] + [][[gamma].sub.j],
where the [] and [] are indicator
variables for the person being age a and born in year b, respectively,
and [] is a vector of additional control variables. Models for
[] are estimated using all those in the ORG files from
1992 to 1999 that had education of at least level j - 1 and met an age
requirement of 18 for the high school, 19 for the some college, 22 for
the college, and 26 for the post-graduate models.
The idea behind this model is that there is a typical lifetime
pattern of the probability of completing another level of schooling. For
instance, the probability of completing high school or the equivalent
rises very rapidly up to age 20, then increases only slowly with age.
According to the model, cohorts born in different years follow the same
basic time pattern, but at a uniformly higher or lower level in terms of
the log odds. Models for high school, some college, and college are
estimated separately for the eight sex by race combinations without any
additional controls ([] variables). Samples of nonwhite workers
with college degrees become somewhat small, however. So models for
post-graduate education are estimated separately for men and women with
race indicators included as controls. For each population cell defined
by age, birth year, sex and race, the estimated model is used to predict
the fraction in each year with each of the five levels of educational
Our estimation samples yield birth year coefficients
([[beta].sub.jb]) corresponding to birth years for which there are
individuals in the appropriate age range in the ORG files. But as the
projection period progresses, we also need cohort coefficients for
workers born too soon to be in the ORG files. For instance, no one born
in 1990 is included in our ORG files. Thus we have no data from which to
estimate the tendency for that cohort to complete different educational
levels. However, by 2010, many such individuals will be in the labor
force. For each race and sex combination, we forecast these additional
cohort coefficients on the basis of a linear regression on year of birth
using the last 15 coefficients up to, but not including, the last one
estimated. (The last one estimated is based on only one year of data and
thus, especially for minority races, small sample sizes.) This
admittedly ad hoc procedure extrapolates recent trends in educational
attainment. We chose 15 years because most of those trends ap peared
fairly close to constant over that period. Results are not sensitive to
extrapolating based on the last 10 or last 20 birth year coefficients.
The above procedure yields forecasts of the distribution of age,
sex, and educational attainment. These can be used to obtain forecasts
of labor quality for the whole population. However, to obtain forecasts
of labor quality for workers only, we also need to forecast labor force
participation. We do that using a model with the same form as above,
except that educational attainment becomes an additional control
variable. As with educational attainment, cohort coefficients for birth
years too late to yield workers in our data sets are forecast from a
linear regression on birth year using the last 15 coefficients up to,
but not including, the last one estimated. For each year out to 2010,
this procedure yields a forecast of the population of cells defined by
age, race, sex, educational attainment, and labor force participation.
Thus, we can construct a forecast for labor quality in those years.