Banking and currency crises and systemic risk: Lessons from recent events.
Kaufman, George G.
Introduction and summary
Many countries worldwide have experienced serious banking and/or
currency (exchange rate or balance of payments) problems in recent years
with high costs in terms of reduced income and increased unemployment to
their own countries as well as others. A study by the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that more than 130 of the IMF's
180-plus member countries had experienced serious banking problems
between 1980 and 1995, and this was even before the recent banking
crises in East Asia--Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia--as well
as in Russia (Lindgren, Garcia, and Saal, 1996).
A map of countries experiencing banking crises is shown in figure
1. Lindgren et al. define serious problems to include banking crises
that involve bank runs, collapses of financial firms, or massive
government intervention, as well as less damaging but extensive
unsoundness of institutions. With the primary exception of the U.K., the
Benelux countries, [1] and Switzerland, most of the countries that
avoided bank problems had no or nearly no modern banking systems.
Currency crises were even more frequent than banking crises. They are
typically defined as historically large depreciations in exchange rates
and/or large declines in foreign reserves. Another IMF study of 53
industrial and developing countries identified 158 currency crises and
only 54 banking crises in approximately the same time period (IMF,
1998a). Many countries suffered more than one such crisis during this
period. A third study by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996 and 1999) of 20
countries from 1970 to 1995 identified 71 currency crises and 25 ba
nking crises.
This article examines these twin banking and currency crises to
attempt to identify their causes, particularly any similarities and
interconnections, and their implications both for the country in which
they occur and for other countries through possible contagion. Lastly,
the article evaluates the effectiveness of alternative public policy
initiatives introduced to mitigate if not prevent these crises and their
accompanying potentially severe damage to the economy.
Not only have banking and currency crises been frequent in number
worldwide, but they have often been extremely costly in terms of both
declines in real output and increases in transfer payments (wealth
transfers) from taxpayers to bank depositors and other financial
claimants whose funds were explicitly or implicitly insured or
guaranteed at par value by the government. Thus, these crises are a
major public policy concern. The IMF estimated that cumulative losses in
gross domestic product (GDP) from potential (trend) growth in the 158
recent currency crises in 53 countries averaged 4.3 percent of the trend
GDP values in each country and 7.1 percent in the 96 crises in which any
output losses were suffered (IMF, 1998a). This is shown in table 1. The
average time to return to trend value was about one and a half years.
The output loss was greater in emerging economies than in developed
economies, although the crises lasted somewhat longer in industrial than
emerging economies. The estimated cumulative output loss from potential
output in the 54 banking crises was significantly greater than in the
currency crises, averaging 11.6 percent in all crises and 14.2 percent
in the 44 crises that experienced an output loss. The loss was again
greater for emerging than industrial economies. Moreover, banking crises
last 3.1 years on average, twice as long as currency crises. In
countries that experienced both a banking and a currency crisis
simultaneously, the estimated output loss was greater than when each
crisis was experienced separately. The average cumulative output loss
was 14.4 percent in the 32 such crises observed and this time was
greater for industrial than emerging economies. [2] The average time for
recovery averaged about the same as for a banking crisis alone, but
increased sharply for industrial countries to nearly six years.
The estimated transfer payments in support of deposit guarantees in
banking crises topped 10 percent of GDP in a number of countries and
exceeded 40 percent in Argentina, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, and
Malaysia (table 2). [3] The magnitude of comparable transfer payments in
currency crises from taxpayers to protected domestic or foreign
creditors, including repayment of any loans from official international
institutions, has not been estimated, but appears to have been sizable
in a number of recent crises. Both the income loss and transfer payment
estimates exclude the costs to other countries that may either have been
adversely affected by the above problems or provided assistance to the
countries experiencing the problems.
The large magnitude of these numbers and the fact that many of the
crises occur concurrently across countries and give rise to widespread
fear of contagion or systemic risk clearly indicate why banking and
currency crises attract the attention of bankers, policymakers, and the
general public worldwide. But the causes, characteristics, dangers, and
other features of these crises are not often clearly delineated and
analyses of these problems frequently suffer from vagueness. For
example, while liquidity and solvency problems at banks may be readily
visualized and differentiated, the idea of an illiquid or insolvent country is more difficult to convey. However, a sharp depreciation in
exchange rates may trigger defaults by private borrowers, including
banks, and by sovereign governments on their
foreign-currency-denominated debt and even on their domestic currency
debt, if the costs of their foreign currency debt increase sufficiently.
Until recently, the explanation and analysis of banking and currency
crises were largely undertaken by different researchers, many of whom
were largely unaware of or uninterested in each others'
contributions. This occurred in part because, until recently, currency
crises were more balance of payments current (trade) account than
capital (financial) account crises and the focus more of
macroeconomists, while banking problems were primarily the domain of
microeconomists. (Analyses of both types of crises include Glick, 1999;
Kaminsky and Reinhart, 1996 and 1999; McKinnon and Pill, 1998; and
Rogoff, 1999.)
Banking and currency breakdowns also tend to be feared more than
breakdowns in most other sectors of the economy, because the public does
not appear to understand the operations of these sectors very well. Both
sectors deal in finance and intangibles, which make them more difficult
for the public to comprehend than sectors that deal in tangibles, such
as steel, automobiles, and even communications. As a result, for many,
these sectors are shrouded in mystery and lend themselves readily to
fictitious accounts of their operations, particularly of the
implications of problems and breakdowns. Thus, for example, most of us
are more familiar and comfortable with the way firms produce automobiles
and what can go wrong than with the way banks produce deposits and loans
and what can go wrong there. After all, one can always kick the tires on
an automobile, but it is harder to kick the interest rate on a deposit
or loan. To the extent that the adverse implications of breakdowns are
exaggerated, the resulting tales of horror are widely reported in the
press as facts and become the stuff that popular novels and movies are
made of, which further fan the flames of fear. Thus, failures in the
financial sector lead to greater and stronger calls for government
intervention and remedies.
Triggering event
Crises have triggering events or shocks. A banking crisis is
generally ignited either by the economic (or legal) insolvency of one or
more large banks or similar financial institutions or by widespread
depositor runs on large banks or similar financial institutions
perceived to be insolvent and unable to repay their deposits or other
debt claims on time and at par value. A currency crisis is generally
started either by a sharp, substantial, and disorderly decline in the
exchange rate in one country, frequently, although not always, from
levels set by a fixed (pegged) or crawling peg exchange rate standard,
or by a speculative run (attack) on a country's currency that
exerts downward pressure on the exchange rate (Eichengreen, Rose, and
Wyplosz, l996). [4] Thus, banking and currency crises both involve an
actual or potential depreciation in the value of financial claims. This
reflects a failure by banks or countries on a fixed or semi-fixed
exchange rate to keep their promise to redeem or exchange, respective
ly, claims at a given rate (price). For banks and other privately owned
financial institutions, this results in insolvency and either
reorganization or liquidation. For countries, although they survive,
they are likely to experience losses from higher foreign debt burdens
and from economic, political, and/or social turmoil and subsequent
defaults and restructuring. (A broad spectrum of views on the causes and
triggering events of recent banking and currency crises appears in
Bisignano et al., 2000, Hunter et al., 1999, and Summers, 2000.)
Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996) develop a broad set of stylized facts (regularities) describing recent banking and currency crises.
Potential impact on the economy
The health of the banking and international sectors is viewed to be
important not only because these sectors are perceived to be
particularly vulnerable or fragile, but because they are both
economically important and closely intertwined with other sectors in the
economy and, therefore, perceived to be likely to infect other sectors
with their problems (Davis, 1995). A relatively small individual problem
may be turned into a much larger and broader crisis. Bank liabilities
comprise the major form of money in developed economies and nearly
everyone in such economies touches and is touched by money and credit in
their everyday life. The insolvency or near insolvency of one or more
important banks is believed to reduce credit, particularly loans, to the
market or markets served, ignite depositor runs either to other
"safe" banks or to riskless Treasury securities and currency,
reduce deposits and the money supply, disrupt the operation of the
payment system, increase uncertainty, disturb financial markets, and
cause, at a minimum, fire-sale losses that will drop security prices
below their otherwise equilibrium levels. Such effects endanger the
solvency of other economically solvent banks and could ignite further
runs (Council of Economic Advisers, 1999). These adverse effects are
magnified if the insolvent banks are physically closed or deposits
frozen for a significant length of time, so that some or all depositors
do not have immediate access to some or all of their funds. Dermine
(1996, p. 680) has noted that
The issue is not so much the fear of a domino effect whereby the
failure of a large bank would create the failure of many smaller ones;
strict analysis of counterparty exposures has reduced substantially the
risk of a domino effect. The fear is rather that the need to close a
bank for several months to value its illiquid assets would freeze a
large part of deposits and savings, causing a significant negative
effect on national consumption.
This does not happen in the U.S. today. With rare exceptions,
insured depositors at failed banks have access to the full value of
their funds the next business day and uninsured depositors to the
estimated recovery value of their claim the next business day through an
advance by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (EDIC) serving as
receiver (Benston and Kaufman, 1998, and Kaufman and Seelig, 2000).
However, this is not true in many other countries, where uninsured
depositors may have to wait long periods of time until the appointed
receiver actually recovers the funds through the liquidation of the
bank's assets, and even insured depositors at failed institutions
may have to wait some time to regain access to the full value of their
deposits. In either case, if depositors or other stakeholders suffer
losses, the adverse effects of problems at a single bank or small group
of banks could be transmitted quickly throughout the banking sector,
beyond to the entire financial sector, and possibly even beyond to the
macroeconomy, causing sharp and abrupt declines or aggravating already
extant declines in aggregate output (Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, 1999). At the same time, asset prices, particularly in real
estate and stock markets, are likely to decline sharply. Not
infrequently these prices had previously been bid up sharply with
financing provided in large measure by rapid bank credit expansion
permitted if not fostered by the central bank.
It is the suddenness of the transmission of shocks as well as the
breadth of the potential impact that appears to differentiate the
financial sector from most other sectors as a cause of crises. As former
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Gerald Corrigan
(1991, p. 3), has noted: "More than anything else, it is the
systemic risk phenomenon with banking and financial institutions that
makes them different from gas stations and furniture stores."
Indeed, there appears to be little fear of contagion and systemic risk
in most other, nonfinancial sectors of more or less equal importance,
such as automobiles, computers, transportation, and even agriculture
Banking problems may also ignite currency problems, particularly in
smaller, open economies on fixed or semi-fixed exchange rate standards.
If the banking and any accompanying macroeconomic and asset price bubble
problems are sufficiently severe, domestic and foreign depositors at
insolvent or near-insolvent banks are likely to shift their deposits to
perceived safer banks, including foreign-owned domestically or
nondomestically domiciled banks, possibly in
foreign-currency-denominated deposits. This is particularly likely if,
as the problem increases in magnitude, doubts arise about the
government's ability or commitment to maintain full deposit
guarantees. At the same time, other domestic and foreign investors are
likely to shift their funds abroad, again partially or totally in
foreign currency. Such capital outflows (runs) exert downward pressure
on the country's exchange rate. If the country attempts to protect
its exchange rate by selling its foreign reserves, aggregate bank
reserves are reduced by a l ike amount. Unless offset by increases
through other central bank operations, those sales intensify the banking
and macroeconomic problems by forcing further bank asset sales and
monetary contraction and encouraging further capital outflows. This
makes it more difficult for the country to avoid a currency
Currency crises characterized by a sharp depreciation in exchange
rates are likely to increase both the burden of debt denominated in
foreign currency to domestic borrowers and the probability of default on
such debt. The former will reduce the profitability of domestic debtor
firms and even threaten their solvency. The latter is likely to reduce
capital inflows, particularly in the short run. Both effects will exert
downward pressure on aggregate income. Likewise, a sharp depreciation in
the currency of one country relative to its trading partners will
increase the price of its imports and thereby also, at least in the
short run, its rate of inflation. The volume of imports is likely to
decline. In time, the lower exchange rate will stimulate increased
exports. These effects are likely to reduce the exports both of the
country's trading partners and of its export competitors to third
countries and may set off one or more rounds of competitive depreciation
(beggar-thy-neighbor responses), possibly accompanie d by increased
trade and capital barriers. If so, aggregate incomes in all affected
countries will be reduced.
Just as banking problems can ignite currency problems, currency
problems can ignite banking problems. If a country experiencing a
speculative run on its currency attempts to protect its exchange rate
from depreciation by selling foreign currency, the resulting reduction
in its international reserves will reduce bank reserves and, unless
offset (sterilized) by the central bank, ignite a multiple contraction
in money and credit that could threaten the solvency of banks.
Concurrently, to avoid, or at least delay, a depreciation from a
speculative run, countries frequently increase their rates of interest
to discourage additional capital outflows and attract capital inflows.
But the higher rates may dampen domestic economic activity, increase
loan defaults, and threaten bank solvency. Speculative runs on a
currency also are likely to include runs from domestic currency deposits
to foreign currency deposits, possibly even at the same banks. This is a
run on domestic currency, not on banks, but in time may invite a run on
banks. If a country does not prevent a depreciation and if accompanying
declines in aggregate income are sufficiently large, loan defaults are
likely to increase and could drive some banks into or near to
insolvency. Loan defaults are likely to be more frequent and larger if
banks and/or bank customers had borrowed in foreign currencies on an
unhedged basis and were forced by the depreciation to make larger
domestic currency payments than expected. Thus, even banks that fully
hedge their foreign currency borrowing by foreign currency loans to
domestic borrowers are likely to suffer defaults when the domestic
currency depreciates significantly The borrowers' exchange rate
risk becomes the bank's credit risk.
Thus, currency and banking crises are mutually reinforcing,
particularly under fixed or semi-fixed exchange rates. However, Kaminsky
and Reinhart (1996) report that, while banking crises statistically
predicted balance of payments crises in the countries they studied,
balance of payments crises did not predict banking crises. That is, they
find that, although often happening concurrently, banking crises have
been an important cause of currency crises far more often than the other
way around.
Systemic risk
What makes banking and currency crises different from most other
crises and particularly frightening to many people are the accompanying
cries of contagion or systemic risk. Systemic risk refers to the risk or
probability of breakdowns (losses) in an entire system as opposed to
breakdowns in individual parts or components and is evidenced by
components (correlation) among most or all the parts. Thus, systemic
risk in banking is evidenced by a high correlation and clustering of
bank failures in a country, a number of countries, or globally; and in
currencies, by a clustering of deprecations in exchange rates in a
number of countries. Systemic risk may also occur in other parts of the
financial sector, for example, in securities markets as evidenced by
simultaneous declines in the prices of a large number of securities in
one or more markets in a country or across countries. Systemic risk may
be either or both domestic and/or transnational.
Although systemic risk is frequently proclaimed during banking and
currency crises, its meaning is ambiguous. It means different things to
different people, particularly with respect to causation. One popular
definition refers to a "big" shock that produces near
simultaneous adverse effects for most or all of the domestic economy or
system. That is, systemic "refers to an event having effects on the
entire banking, financial, or economic system, rather than just one or a
few institutions" (Bartholomew and Whalen, 1995, p. 4). Likewise,
Mishkin (1995, p. 32) defines systemic risk as "the likelihood of a
sudden, usually unexpected, event that disrupts information in financial
markets, making them unable to effectively channel funds to those
parties with the most productive investment opportunities." How the
transmission occurs is unclear.
Other definitions focus on potential spillover to others. For
example, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) defines systemic
risk as "the risk that the failure of a participant to meet its
contractual obligations may in turn cause other participants to default
with a chain reaction leading to broader financial difficulties"
(BIS, 1994, p. 177). This definition emphasizes causation as well as
correlation (correlation with causation) and requires strong direct
interconnections or linkages among the institutions, markets, sectors,
or countries involved, so that when the first domino falls, it falls on
others, causing them to fall and, in turn, to knock down others in a
chain or "knock-on" reaction. For banks, this may occur if,
for whatever reason, bank A defaults on a loan, deposit, or other
payment to bank B that produces a loss greater than B's capital and
forces it to default on a payment to bank C with losses that are larger
than C's capital, and so on down the chain (Crockett, 1997). The
smaller a bank's capital-asset ratio, the more leveraged it is and
the more it is likely to be driven into insolvency by insolvencies of
banks located earlier on the transmission chain and to transmit losses
to banks located later on the chain.
For countries, this may occur through direct trade linkages so that
if country A experiences problems or a depreciation in its exchange rate
that reduce its imports from country B, it causes B's aggregate
income to decline, reducing its imports from country C, and so on down
the chain. What makes direct causation (chain reaction) systemic risk in
financial sectors particularly frightening to many is both the lightning
speed with which it is believed to occur and the perception that it can
infect "innocent" as well as "guilty" parties, so
that there is little or no protection against its damaging effects.
A third definition of systemic risk also focuses on spillover, but
does not involve direct causation and requires weaker interconnections.
Rather, it emphasizes similarities in third-party risk exposures among
the units involved. When one unit experiences an adverse shock that
generates severe losses, uncertainty is created about the values of
other units potentially subject to the same shock. To minimize
additional losses, market participants will examine other units (for
example, banks or countries) in which they have economic interests to
see whether they are at risk. The more similar the risk exposure profile
with that of the initial unit economically (in terms of macroeconomic
behavior, markets, or institutions), politically, or otherwise, the
greater is the probability of loss and the more likely are the
participants to withdraw funds as soon as possible and possibly induce
liquidity and even more fundamental problems. This is referred to as a
"common shock" effect and represents correlation without di
rect causation (indirect causation).
Because information on either the causes or magnitude of the
initial shock or on the risk exposures of the other units potentially at
risk is not generally available immediately, accurately, or free, and
analysis of the information is not immediate or free, participants
require time and resources to sort out the identities of the other units
at risk and the magnitudes of any potential losses. As credit markets
deteriorate, the quality of private and public information also
deteriorates and uncertainty increases further. Moreover, because many
of the participants are risk averse, they will transfer funds, at least
temporarily during the period of confusion and sorting out, as quickly
as possible to well-recognized safe or at least safer units without
waiting for the final analysis. In periods of great uncertainty and
stress, market participants increasingly tend to make their portfolio
adjustments in quantities (runs) rather than in prices (interest rates).
That is, at least temporarily, they will not lend at any rate, Thus,
there is likely to be an immediate flight or run to quality away from
units that appear potentially at risk, regardless of whether further
analysis would identify them ex post as having similar exposures that
actually put them at risk (guilty) or not (innocent). At this stage,
common shock contagion appears random, potentially affecting more or
less the entire universe and reflecting a general loss of confidence in
all units. Moreover, because these runs are concurrent and widespread,
such behavior by investors is often referred to as "herding"
The runs are likely to exert strong downward pressure on the prices
(upward pressures on interest rates) of the securities of affected
institutions and countries. At the same time, many of the affected
countries are likely to force their interest rates up even further to
reduce additional capital outflows and encourage inflows. Thus,
liquidity problems are likely to temporarily spill over to units not
directly affected by the initial external shock. At some later date,
after the sorting out process is complete, some or all of these flows
affecting innocent banks or countries may be reversed. During the
sorting out period, the fire-sale driven changes in both financial
quantities (flows) and prices (interest rates) are likely to overshoot their ultimate equilibrium levels and intensify the liquidity problems,
particularly for more vulnerable units (Kaminsky and Schmukler, 1999).
A distinction is often made between rational or information-based
systemic risk and irrational, non-information-based, random, or
"pure" contagious systemic risk (Kaufman, 1994, and Kaminsky
and Reinhart, 1998). Rational or informed contagion assumes that
investors (depositors) can differentiate among parties on the basis of
their fundamentals. Random contagion, based on actions by uninformed
agents, is viewed as more frightening and dangerous as it does not
differentiate among parties, impacting innocent as well as guilty
parties, and is therefore likely to be both broader and more difficult
to contain. It is likely that innocent parties may be impacted
immediately during the sorting out period under common shock contagious
systemic risk, but in time will be sorted out by investors and
depositors from guilty parties. Thus, the empirical borderline between
rational and irrational contagion is fuzzy and in part depends on the
time horizon applied. Likewise, definitions of "innocent" and
"guilty" are not alway s clear and precise. Innocent parties
may be defined as units that are widely perceived to be economically
well behaved. That is, banks that are perceived to be solvent and not
overly leveraged and countries that are perceived to have high foreign
reserves relative to their foreign liabilities and to be following sound
monetary and fiscal macroeconomic policies. Guilty parties then are
insolvent, near-insolvent, or excessively leveraged banks and countries
with low reserves or poor financial management.
The importance of the distinction between innocent and guilty
parties for evaluating contagious systemic risk underlies the recent
argument by the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers that international
assistance should be offered to "those cases where problems stem
more from contagion than from poor policies, ... [that is,] countries
with sound economic policies may be subject to attack because of
contagion" (Council of Economic Advisers, 1999, p. 285). It is
largely the perceived randomness of the contagion that appears to make
it more frightening in banking and exchange rates than elsewhere and
justifies special protective public policy actions.
Recent changes in environment
It may be argued that contagious systemic risk has become both more
likely and more important in recent years as a result of both 1)
economic development that increases the importance and interdependence
of banking and the global interdependence of countries, and 2) advances
in computer and telecommunications technology that permit funds to be
transferred more easily, quickly, and cheaply across large distances and
national boundaries and connect both banks and countries more closely.
At the same time, financial liberalization and deregulation of both bank
activities and international capital controls have permitted vastly
increased national and transnational capital flows to occur and
participants to increase their risk exposures. Gross international
capital flows through both banks and security markets have increased
almost twentyfold since the 1970s from about $50 billion annually to
nearly $1,000 billion (Eichengreen et al., 1998). Nevertheless, net
international capital flows, as measured by the negativ e of the net
current account, relative to GDP are still below the levels reached
under the gold standard and those of the 1920s. For example, Bordo,
Eichengreen, and Kim (1998) report that this ratio peaked at 6 percent
for 12 major countries in the late 1910s, declined to 1 percent in the
1960s, and recovered only to 2 percent by 1990. (See also
Folkerts-Landau et al., 1997, and Goodhart and Delargy, 1998.)
Through time, as income and wealth have increased, many more
economic units have been brought into contact with banks and other
financial institutions and markets. Thus, disturbances in the banking
and financial sectors are likely to impact a larger proportion of the
population than in earlier periods. One could ask how many individuals
were affected directly or even indirectly by the Tulip Bulb Bubble in
Holland in the 1630s or the South Sea Bubble in England in 1720. It is
unlikely to have been very many, either in absolute numbers or as a
percentage of the population, particularly relative to the numbers
affected by more recent financial crises. [5]
Advances in technology have made bank and currency runs both easier
and faster. Large depositors and other banks can withdraw funds almost
instantaneously. Even small depositors no longer need to line up
physically at banks to withdraw their funds. They can transfer their
funds to other banks by telephone and computer and obtain, at least
temporarily, currency at ATMs (automated teller machines).
"Silent" electronic runs now dominate "noisy" paper
runs. Not only can funds be withdrawn faster and more cheaply, but runs
can start faster upon receipt of any adverse news about the financial
health of institutions and countries.
Trading activity for financial assets, including both futures and
options as well as cash securities and trading by the banks for their
own accounts, has increased sharply and has vastly increased the volume
of interbank clearings. The notional value of derivative contracts has
increased nearly ninefold from $8 trillion in 1991 to near $70 trillion
in 1999. Spot and forward currency transactions increased from $600
billion per day in 1989 to $1,500 billion per day in 1998 (Bank for
International Settlements, 1998b). To the extent that interbank claims
are not settled immediately on a gross basis with good funds (payment
versus payment or delivery), risk exposures have increased both
domestically and internationally. In addition, the volatility of capital
flows from the ability of participants to change the directions and
reverse their investments almost immediately has increased. Thus, for
example, external bank and securities lending to the largely
"sick" East Asian countries dropped abruptly from $23 billi on
in the second quarter of 1997 to an outflow of about the same magnitude
in the fourth quarter and $35 billion in the first quarter of 1998
(figure 2). The reversal in private capital flows was even greater, as
part of the decline in 1997 and 1998 was offset by increased official
flows from international institutions and individual countries (Haldane,
1999). Net private inflows into these countries totaled $103 billion in
1996 and dropped to near zero in 1997 and to an outflow of $28 billion
in 1998 (Council of Economic Advisers, 1999). The reversals in net
private capital flows may also be large relative to a country's
GDP. For example, recent reversals in flows were equal to 18 percent of
Mexico's GDP in 1981-83 and 12 percent in 1993-95, 15 percent of
Thailand's GDP in 1996-97, 11 percent of Venezuela's GDP in
1987-90, and 9 percent of Korea's GDP in 1996-97 (Lopez-Mejia,
It is sometimes argued that financial liberalization and
deregulation effectively were responsible for the increases in both the
frequency and seriousness of banking and currency crises in recent
years. On the surface, there appears to be some truth to this. Capital
flows to developing countries increased sharply following the
liberalization of capital controls by these countries (Folkerts-Landau
et al., 1997, and Little and Olivei, 1999). In addition, a number of
studies have reported that most recent banking and currency crises
occurred after financial deregulation or liberalization. For example,
Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996) report that some 70 percent of banking
crises were preceded by deregulation and that financial liberalization
was statistically significant in explaining banking crises, although not
currency crises. By permitting increased competition and reducing
protection for existing institutions, financial deregulation may be
expected to increase the number of bank failures. Liberalization of cap
ital controls sharply increased capital inflows in many counties that
could reverse just as sharply and ignite pressures for depreciation.
But, more importantly, the liberalization and deregulation were poorly
implemented and sequenced in most countries that experienced crises,
rather than being inappropriate and unnecessary. (Surveys of recent
cross-country financial liberalization experiences appear in Williamson
and Mahar, 1998, and Eichengreen et al., 1998. Also see Gruben, Koo, and
Moore, 1999.)
Particularly for banking, the deregulation was generally introduced
to correct serious extant problems in the industry that had resulted in
widespread and massive silent insolvencies and severe misallocations of
resources from excessive government regulation and credit controls. When
deregulation was finally implemented, it was often only after the
problems had already been accumulating in size for some time, but the
losses were unhooked and not yet widely recognized by the public. Thus,
when the losses could no longer be concealed and exploded into public
awareness, they were often incorrectly but understandably associated in
the public's eye with the concurrent visible deregulation rather
than with the earlier and less visible fundamental causes. But, as is
argued later, by increasing risk, the government guarantees and credit
controls that accompany most forms of government regulation frequently
increased the probability of insolvency. Moreover, once insolvent, the
banks were likely to be permitted to con tinue to operate and generate
additional losses rather than being resolved. As a result, the
magnitude, although possibly not the frequency, of banking insolvencies
is likely to be greater than before the introduction of these
guarantees. The deposits financing the negative net worth of the
insolvent banks are effectively off-balance-sheet government debt and
liabilities of the taxpayer. At some point, the combined cost of the
increased burden on taxpayers and the lost efficiency and output from
the misallocation of resources increases sufficiently to cause
government regulation to lose support and be increasingly replaced by
market regulation. Likewise for liberalization of capital flows; the
cost of misallocation of resources from capital controls that directed
foreign credit and the loss of potential increases in income from
greater capital flows generate pressures for change.
But market discipline does not work in a vacuum. To be effective
and superior to government regulation, market regulation requires a
number of institutional preconditions. For banking, market regulation
requires a system of laws and property rights, particularly regarding
contact enforcement, bankruptcy and repossession, incentives that reward
success and punish failure, well-trained and knowledgeable bankers and
bank supervisors, and relatively stable macroeconomic conditions. These
conditions are particularly important because, with only rare if any
exceptions, governments appear unable to avoid providing at least some
explicit or implicit guarantees and downside protection for bank
depositors, other creditors, and occasionally even shareholders. Some
parties, at minimum shareholders, must be at risk and permitted to share
in any government losses to encourage the correct risk incentives and to
avoid privatizing only bank profits and socializing the losses. Market
discipline must be permitted to increase t o offset the decline in
regulatory discipline. For transnational capital flows, basically the
same preconditions are required.
In many if not most instances in recent years, deregulation and
liberalization were introduced before the preconditions were in place
(McKinnon, 1993). In the resulting absence of either government or
market discipline, the outcome is often increased risk taking with
resulting large losses and disruptions that are widely considered,
incorrectly, the result of the deregulation and liberalization per se.
Indeed, the transition from government regulation to market regulation
is often a dangerous road that is full of potholes and steep drop-offs
that, if not navigated carefully, can damage the process if not derail it altogether. If the appropriate prerequisites are not in place at
every step of the deregulation process, the result may be worse than the
starting point. That is, deregulation wrongly done may be more damaging
to the economy than the government regulation that it was intended to
replace. If, as is usual, deregulation and liberalization are introduced
after many years of government control and repre ssion, they are likely
to expose the extant economic insolvency of banks and the overvaluation of the country's currency. As a result, until the adjustment is
complete, banking failures could increase further and capital inflows
could increase to unsustainable levels that magnify the likelihood of
abrupt and disruptive reversals (McKinnon and Pill, 1996). As is often
the case in economics, many of the problems lie in the transition from
one equilibrium to another.
A study of 53 countries from 1980 to 1995 by Demirguc-Kunt and
Detragiache (1998) finds that financial liberalization increases the
likelihood of banking crises, but that the probability decreases the
stronger in place are the institutional preconditions for liberalization
and market discipline in terms of contract enforcement, lack of
corruption and bureaucratic interference, and respect for the rule of
law. Moreover, the more repressed is the financial sector at the time
liberalization is introduced, the more do gains from liberalization
outweigh the costs of any banking crises.
Corrective policies (solutions) and associated problems
What lessons may be derived from our analysis of the large number
of banking and currency crises worldwide in recent years? Unfortunately,
the major lesson appears to be that there are no silver bullets or easy
answers to either preventing such crises or solving them quickly at no
or low cost after they have developed. Although countries experiencing
either or both crises have many similarities and the guilty parties can
generally be identified after the event, nearly all crises differ in
significant ways and the guilty parties are often difficult if not
impossible to finger ahead of time. Nevertheless, some conclusions with
respect to potentially corrective public policies appear warranted.
Because systemic risk in banking and finance is widely perceived to
be destructive to the aggregate economy, governments have almost
throughout history introduced a wide array of public policies intended
to reduce the frequency and magnitude of its impact. Indeed, Corrigan
(1991, p. 3) has argued that it is systemic risk "more than any
other factor--that constitutes the fundamental rationale for the safety
net arrangements that have evolved in this (U.S.) and other
countries." Because the seriousness of systemic risk is often
judged by whether it is information based and impacts only guilty
parties or is irrational and nets innocent parties as well, different
policy strategies may be appropriate to each type of systemic risk.
If contagious systemic risk is assumed to be information based and
affects only guilty parties, then solutions should focus both on
strengthening each party's abilities to absorb adverse external
shocks, that is, reducing their vulnerability, and on reducing the
magnitude and frequency of any such shocks through appropriate
macroeconomic policies. In the absence of government intervention, the
market place will determine the optimal vulnerability of each party. If
deposit or currency values depreciate, losses would be suffered by
shareholders, depositors, and other creditors in the case of bank
failures and possibly by a broader range of participants in the case of
exchange rate depreciations. But it is precisely the fear of such losses
that encourages participants to protect themselves by reducing their
vulnerability. The long-term economic benefits of governments repeatedly
compensating guilty parties ex post for actual losses or ex ante
guaranteeing (insuring) them against potential losses from bank insol
vencies or currency depreciations appears, at best, highly questionable.
However, this does not rule out government actions to prevent or offset
temporary overshooting of price and quantity adjustments, which
frequently occur during the information gathering and processing
segments of the sorting out period, through lender of last resort type
activities. But the new, post-shock price equilibrium and the extent of
overshooting are both difficult to define, and governments at times may
unwisely attempt to restore the old pre-shock equilibrium price structure with unfortunate consequences.
If, however, the systemic risk affects both guilty and innocent
parties, then a stronger although not air-tight case can be made for
providing, at least, temporary liquidity assistance to harmed but
perceived economically solvent parties to tide them over until the
market has recognized their innocence and both prices and flows have
adjusted accordingly. But, an analysis of the historical record suggests
both that the market can generally differentiate innnocent from guilty
parties and that there is little evidence of severe and lasting damage
to innocent parties in either common shock or causation contagious
systemic risk, even in the period before government intervention. [6]
Moreover, it often appears difficult for governments to differentiate
between guilty and innocent parties and, at least, recent history
suggests that governments have frequently tended to define innocence
rather broadly and often provided assistance to insolvent parties. This
tends to delay the adjustment process and increase aggregat e costs to
the economy. For U.S. banks, particularly in the period before the
Federal Reserve System, monitoring of their interbank exposures appears
to have been practiced seriously. If a bank experienced a significant
run, the other banks in the market area, generally operating in concert
through the local clearinghouse, would examine the bank's financial
condition to determine whether it was suffering from a liquidity or a
solvency problem. If it was only a liquidity problem and the bank was
economically solvent, the other banks would effectively recycle the lost
deposits back to the bank through loans and interbank deposits. If it
was a solvency problem, the other banks would generally not recycle the
deposits and permit the bank to fail.
After the Federal Reserve was established, bank monitoring began to
change from a private to a public responsibility. The Fed's initial
lender of last resort activity through the discount window was
supplemented in 1933 by the insurance of at least some bank deposits by
the FDIC. As the ultimate guarantor of the safety net, the government
now had a direct financial stake in the security of the protected
institutions and needed regulation to control its potential losses. As
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (1999, p. 10) has noted,
"the safety net requires that the government replace with law,
regulation, and supervision much of the disciplinary role that the
market plays for other businesses." The introduction of the safety
net effectively also transferred the timing of the resolution of
insolvent banks from the market place, which had little if any
discretion, to the regulators, who had considerable discretion.
Because large units suffering adverse shocks are perceived to be a
greater threat to ignite more damaging systemic risk and threaten the
stability of the financial system, governments have been particularly
concerned with protecting such units and their stakeholders from serious
harm. Such policies are popularly referred to as
"too-big-to-fail," even though in some countries, such as the
U.S., the firms are generally permitted to fail. Rather, more
accurately, such institutions are "too-big-to-liquidate" or
"too-big to-impose-losses on important stakeholders" (Kaufman,
1990). Thus, in the U.S., the government may at times extend the safety
net below depositors and other creditors at very large banks beyond the
de jute non-FDIC insured $100,000 per account coverage and protect them
against loss. More recently, however, Chairman Greenspan (2000) has
stated that he views no institution as too big to either fail or
liquidate (unwind) in an orderly fashion. What the authorities wish to
avoid is a quick (disorderl y) reaction. But stockholders would not be
protected and appropriate discounts or "haircuts" would be
imposed on nonguaranteed deposits.
Bernard and Bisignano (1999) make a convincing case that much of
the large flows on the international interbank market in more recent
years at interest rates that hardly discriminate among borrowers were
fueled by the belief that central banks would intervene to prevent
losses. There is also a perception that the U.S. government might
intervene in the threatened insolvency of some large nondepository
non-FDIC insured financial institutions, such as insurance companies,
pension funds, finance companies, and hedge funds, for example, as it
was recently perceived to do in Long-Term Capital Management. This is
particularly likely if banks are among the major creditors and if the
rapid unwinding of large and complex derivatives positions may be feared
to produce uncertainty and large fire-sale losses. The safety net is not
likely to be stretched under smaller institutions of the same type. In
such interventions, the government's concern is likely to be as
much on limiting adverse spillover to financial markets as to other
Ironically, regulators and governments frequently encourage and
even force banks to engage in risky portfolio activities to further
their economic, social, or political goals in the form of credit
allocation. In the U.S., for example, until the thrift and banking
debacle of the 1 980s, the government encouraged and even forced
federally chartered thrift institutions to channel short-term deposits
into long-term fixed-rate residential mortgages. Such policies were
possible only because of the simultaneous government guarantees. Absent
these guarantees, depositors would have fled from institutions with such
large risk exposures and the institutions would have either failed or
changed their operating strategy. Indeed, before deposit insurance in
1934, savings and loan associations made primarily only three- to
five-year rollover mortgages. Thus, they assumed relatively little
interest rate risk. Use of banks by governments to pursue goals other
than safety and efficiency increased the vulnerability of the insti
tutions and prolonged the length and increased the cost of the recent
banking crises in the U.S., Mexico, Japan, and many more countries
(Kaufman, 1997a).
Because governments typically underprice the guarantees and
insurance that they provide, the insurance and guarantees have
encouraged depositors and banks to engage in greater moral hazard behavior than would be permitted by private insurers, whose primary
objective is minimizing losses to their shareholders. The increased risk
taking by banks in the form of greater credit, interest rate, and
foreign exchange rate risk as well as lower capital ratios both
increased the likelihood of banking crises and the costs to solvent
banks and taxpayers. In addition, the agency problems tend to be greater
for government provided insurance than for privately provided insurance.
Evidence developed by Calomiris (1999) suggests that the magnitude of
both banking and currency crises has been greater on average in the
post-safety net era than before. As a result, the costs of government
policies to restrict systemic risk frequently have exceeded the
benefits, although all the costs may not become widely visible until
long aft er any benefits--reduced runs and supported asset values--are
enjoyed. Such guarantees appear to be a classic example of the time
inconsistency problem in economics. The benefits of the guarantees are
observed today and the costs only tomorrow. Given that the public and
policymakers generally apply high discount rates to evaluating the
present value of future outcomes of policy actions, Kindleberger (1996,
p. 149) appears often to be correct when he argues that "today wins
over tomorrow."
More recently, public policy strategies to limit systemic risk in
banking have focused more on restricting the safety net and attempting
to have regulatory discipline resemble market discipline more closely.
These strategies would limit, if not eliminate, losses from bank
insolvency through more timely resolution of economically floundering
banks before their economic or market value capital turns negative.
Contagious systemic risk can only transmit insolvencies if the losses at
each and every party on the transmission chain exceed their capital. If
banks are resolved before their market value capital turns negative,
systemic risk transmitting losses is eliminated. These corrective
structures include measures such as "prompt corrective action"
and "least cost resolution." In the U.S., they were enacted in
varying and yet unknown degrees of effectiveness in the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) of 1991 (Benston and
Kaufman, 1988, 1994, 1995, and 1998, and Kaufman, 1997a and b).
Policies similar to those applied to banks have been used to deal
with currency crises. But, because domestic governments cannot print the
currencies of other countries, large scale purchases of domestic
currency with foreign currency to maintain exchange rates and the
provision of guarantees of foreign currencies effectively require the
assistance of one or more other countries or of multinational
international organizations (Fischer, 1999). Through time, as with
banks, such support was first provided by private parties, generally
bankers, and then by foreign governments (Bordo and Schwartz, 1998).
Most recently, it has been provided by official international
institutions, such as the IMF, World Bank, and regional development
banks. For example, in Mexico in 1994, the IMF effectively guaranteed
dollar-denominated Mexican government securities and in 1997, all
deposits, including dollar-denominated deposits, at Indonesian, Korean,
and Thai banks (Lindgren et al., 1999). These policies have been
subjected to the same criticisms as have been leveled at the similar
bank policies (Meltzer, 1999). They increase moral hazard behavior by
countries and private investors that in turn increases the vulnerability
of the international sector to future shocks. In addition, the benefits
of such support are likely to accrue as much, if not more, to foreign
creditors than to domestic citizens, who have to repay the loans. For
example, Kho and Stulz (2000) find that the announcement of the IMF
guarantee program in Korea resulted in large and statistically
significant excess returns to shareholders of large U.S., French, and
German banks that tended to have Korean exposures, as well as
shareholders of Korean banks. However, smaller and insignificant excess
returns were generally found in response to the announcements of IMF
support programs in the other East Asian countries. The largest gains at
U.S. banks were to those with the greatest exposure to Korea. Lastly,
international institutions are just as likely to be unable to diff
erentiate among guilty and innocent parties and too often support guilty
Corrective policies, appropriate or inappropriate, are more
difficult for currency crises than banking crises for at least two
reasons. One, countries are sovereign and it is difficult for other
countries or international organizations to impose enforceable
conditions on them without their cooperation and agreement. This is
evidenced by the frequent disregard of the IMF's conditionality
requirements by assisted countries or the "dumbing down" of
the conditionality features as the assisted countries protest their
perceived harshness. Two, as noted, international organizations are not
central banks that can print unlimited quantities of the currency of any
country. They can only borrow other countries' currencies in
limited quantities. Thus, the assistance packages often include the
worst of all worlds. They may be too small to prevent a devaluation or
mitigate most of its effects, but too large to avoid moral hazard
responses, increasing the likelihood and costs of future crises.
Many of the more recent capital inflows into developing countries
appear to have been undertaken on the perception of government or
international institution guarantees and would likely have been
significantly lower had such perceptions not existed. But, even smaller
capital flows from one or more larger countries can swamp the economies
of smaller countries and cause substantial pressures on their exchange
rates in rapidly changing directions that could damage even well-managed
countries (Little and Olivei, 1999). Short-term international capital
flows to emerging economies are considerably more volatile than
long-term flows. This is evident from figure 2, which shows bank loans,
which are primarily short term, and securities issuances, which are
primarily longer term, and from figure 3 for investments other than
long-term direct and portfolio. Indeed, direct international investment
has been relatively stable in recent years. A large part of the decline
in bank loans was in the form of particularly short-t erm international
interbank loans (Bernard and Bisignano, 1999). As a result, some propose
restricting only "bad" short-term capital inflows and not
"good" long-term (portfolio and direct) capital inflows
(Council on Foreign Relations, 1999, and Wyplosz, 1999). However, as
argued earlier, this may increase risk taking by private and government
debtors by reducing the ex ante threat of foreign investors disciplining
them on a timely basis by withdrawing their funds. (Some critics go even
further and question the benefit of permitting any international capital
flows on an unregulated basis; for example, Bhagwati, 1998. Edwards,
1999, provides a counter argument.)
In summary, a number of difficulties plague the use of government
policies to prevent or mitigate perceived systemic risk in either
banking or balance of payments without introducing counterproductive and
harmful longer-term effects. These include problems in:
* Differentiating innocent (economically sound) parties or sectors
that require only temporary liquidity assistance from guilty
(economically unsound) parties or sectors that require longer-term
support that if provided could often fail to lead to recovery and could
delay adjustment, result in substantial misallocations of resources, and
increase losses in the longer run. While governments and bank regulators
may have more timely and superior information about troubled banks in
emerging economies, this is less likely in industrial countries. Thus,
at least in industrial countries with well-developed money and capital
markets, it is likely to be more efficient to provide liquidity
assistance indirectly through open market operations and let the market
allocate the funds to perceived solvent parties than to attempt to do so
directly to the government-perceived solvent banks through the central
bank's discount window or otherwise (Kaufman, 1991, and Capie,
1998). This would also ease the pricing problem noted be low.
* Determining the correct amount of any assistance to be provided.
Too little would not solve the problem and be wasted and too much would
misallocate resources and create the potential for moral hazard problems
that could exacerbate the problem.
* Determining the correct price of the assistance to discourage
excessive moral hazard behavior on the part of the recipients.
* Avoiding political considerations and interference (forbearing),
so that the assistance is provided where needed on the basis of economic
considerations only.
* Implementing necessary actions that could harm powerful political
groups or government allies, such as requiring banks to officially
declare loans in default as nonperforming. These actions would cause the
borrowers to be declared legally bankrupt, reducing the market prices of
their shares and possibly ousting their management.
* Discouraging the adoption of simple and intuitively appealing but
ineffective policies, such as restoration of banking or currency
controls, that, although they were inefficient and ultimately motivated
the deregulation, concealed the problem for some time (time inconsistent
* Introducing fundamental structural legal reforms that are
necessary for market discipline to be effective, such as enforceable
contracts, property rights, bankruptcy laws, and a credible court
system. (For a description of the importance of the legal system in
finance, see Laporta et al., 1998.)
Long-term solutions
The most feasible long-run solutions to systemic risk in both
banking and exchange rates lie with increased reliance on market forces
and market discipline. (A wide rage of potential solutions is discussed
in Bisignano et al., 2000.) But this does not imply either that there
will not be failures--indeed these are likely to be relatively frequent
but small crises--or that there is no role for government policies.
Government policies may be required to improve the effectiveness of
market discipline, particularly if other government policies have
weakened the incentives for such discipline.
The evidence from recent currency crises clearly highlights the key
role of government protected economically insolvent banks in fostering
the underlying economic conditions that precipitated the speculative
runs and eventual depreciation of the currencies by financing
unsustainable increases in real estate and stock market prices (Adams et
al., 1998, BIS, 1997 and 1998, and IMF, 1998a and b). For example,
although varying widely among countries, bank credit extended to the
private sector expanded greatly in the four major East Asian
countries--Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand--in the years
leading up to the crises. In Malaysia, the ratio of private sector bank
credit to GDP doubled from 71 percent to 142 percent between 1990 and
1996, the year before the crisis, and in Thailand, the ratio increased
by 67 percent between 1990 and 1995 (World Bank, 1998). Much of this
credit went to real estate, which is traditionally viewed as risky. Each
of the four countries had such loans in excess of 20 percent o f total
bank loans, a level considered vulnerable by the IMF (Lindgren et al.,
1999). These loans helped push up real estate prices sharply and, when
these prices dropped abruptly, went into default and contributed
significantly to the severity of the crises.
The banks were able to grow their risky loans this rapidly in part
because they were not fully exposed to market discipline until the
domestic government's explicit or implicit guarantees lost their
credibility. By that time, it was too late. In addition, state-owned and
-controlled banks are rarely subject to market discipline and, as
effectively arms of government policy in allocating credit to targeted
sectors or allies, are notorious for badly misallocating credit
(Kaufman, 1999). The banking problems in transitional economies are
attributable largely to loans to insolvent state-owned or -controlled
and, recently, to poorly privatized enterprises and, at least in Russia,
also to finance securities and foreign exchange speculation. To properly
understand the operation and implications of these banks, their balance
sheets should be combined with those of their government, rather than
viewed separately.
To enhance the role of market discipline for larger banks in an
environment of partial government guarantees, they should be required to
issue a minimum percentage of term debt of a relatively short maximum
maturity that is subordinated to the government's claim. Similar to
the bank insurance agencies, these claimants have only limited upside
potential relative to their downside risk and, because they cannot run,
may reasonably be expected to monitor their banks carefully. This would
supplement monitoring and discipline by both shareholders and regulators
(Benston and Kaufman, 1998, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, 1999, Evanoff and Wall, 2000, and U.S. Shadow Financial
Regulatory Committee, 2000). The interest rate the market demands on
such explicitly uninsured debt sends a highly visible signal to the
market of the issuing bank's perceived financial condition and
makes it harder for the regulators to delay imposing sanctions required
under prompt corrective action.
In addition, most governments can greatly upgrade the quality,
prestige, and independence of their bank supervisors (Caprio, 1998, and
Bisignano et al., 2000). Supervisors must be able to understand the
nature and consequences of bank activities and have the respect and
authority of the bankers in order for their reports and recommendations
to have credibility and be evaluated seriously. This also requires that
they be adequately compensated relative to the bankers that they
Moreover, in some countries, the government guarantees are
perceived to extend beyond banks and other financial institutions to
other major firms. Thus, corporate leverage ratios in general are at
levels vastly inconsistent with the degree of macro instability in the
economy. In Korea and Thailand, for example, the debt to equity ratios
are four to five times the levels in the U.S. and much of Western Europe (figure 4) and are possible only because of the perceived guarantees. It
does not take much of an adverse shock, at times only a slowdown in
growth rates or small increases in interest rates, to drive these firms
into insolvency. If the government protects shareholders as well as
debtholders, little if any market discipline will exist. These countries
require the introduction or intensification of an equity culture, in
which losses as well as profits are privatized, rather than profits
privatized and losses socialized. Market discipline implies a system of
rewards (carrots) and punishment (sticks). Witho ut sticks, market
discipline is ineffective. Many countries need to put the discipline
meaningfully into market discipline. It is of interest to note that the
sharpest rebound in gross capital inflows to emerging Asian economies in
1999 occurred in equity financing. The inflow exceeded even precrisis
levels and suggests that, for the moment anyway, foreign investors
prefer less leverage (IME, 2000).
Lastly and perhaps most importantly, governments can reduce the
likelihood of systemic risk and crises in both banking and exchange
rates by pursuing stabilizing macroeconomic policies that reduce the
frequency and magnitude of adverse shocks. This is easiest for larger
diversified industrial countries and most difficult for smaller, open,
undiversified, developing countries. The less able a government is to
stabilize its economy, the more it must require its banks to be
protected by capital and its exchange rate to be protected by foreign
reserves or be prepared to permit the rate to float.
The above structural and political reforms are often not easy to
introduce. Important and powerful sectors and parties, for example,
risky real estate and corporate borrowers and their allies, benefited
from the existing arrangements, even if the economy as a whole may not
have, and are understandably reluctant to surrender this advantage.
Otherwise, the reforms would already have been introduced. Evidence from
past banking and currency crises suggests that major reforms (for good
or bad) are generally easier to introduce the more severe the crisis and
the more discredited the old policies and the more visible their costs.
Thus, mild crises rarely lead to fundamental and lasting reforms. It
took the severe banking and thrift crisis in the U.S. in the 1980s to
enact the reform FDICIA legislation that reduced the discretionary power
of the regulators and the severe currency crises in Korea and Thailand
in the late 1990s to begin to reduce heavy government intervention in
large domestic financial and nonfinanci al firms.
Costly banking and currency crises have plagued most countries in
recent years, significantly reducing their GDP and causing sizable
transfer payments among domestic sectors. Thus, these crises are of
concern to both monetary and bank regulatory policymakers. Considerable
time and efforts are being devoted to identifying the causes of these
twin crises and developing solutions to reduce both the probability of
their occurrence in the future and their severity if and when they do
occur. Banking and currency crises have a number of common
characteristics and are frequently interconnected, so that one may
ignite the other.
Because the banking and currency sectors are widely perceived to be
fragile, government guarantees are often introduced that protect at
least some claim holders from loss. But the guarantees or safety-nets
were often poorly designed. As a result, they frequently increased
rather than decreased the relative fragility of these sectors, so that
subsequent breakdowns were frequently more serious and costly. At least
part of the cost was shifted from the claim holders directly affected to
the insurance agency or government, so that the cost was less visible.
In addition, many countries in recent years introduced programs of
financial deregulation and liberalization to both increase the influence
of market forces and encourage greater efficiency and economic
development. Unfortunately, these changes were often introduced before
the underpinnings that permit market forces to operate efficiently and
successfully were fully in place. In the absence of either effective
market or effective regulatory discipline, breakd owns increased in
frequency and magnitude.
This article argues that lasting solutions to these crises need
both to avoid the difficulties from poor implementation and to be
incentive compatible, so that policymakers "do the right
thing." With respect to banks, adverse moral hazard and
principal-agent problems associated with government guarantees may be
reduced by limiting the guarantees so as to introduce at least partial
market discipline and by designing a structure of regulatory discipline
that both mimics market discipline and offsets any declines in market
discipline that the regulation itself may introduce.
Ironically, however, limiting government-provided guarantees to
increase emphasis on market discipline requires that governments
significantly upgrade the quality, prestige, and independence of their
bank supervisors both to monitor the condition of the banking system and
to implement appropriate sanctions on troubled institutions on a timely
and effective basis to turn the institutions around before they reach
insolvency. A system of regulatory prompt corrective action with
sanctions that become progressively harsher and more mandatory as a
bank's financial position deteriorates and least cost resolution
based on the provisions included in FDICIA in the U.S. could serve as an
anchor. To improve market discipline, it is also necessary in some
countries to establish or strengthen an equity culture in which losses
as well as profits are privatized. This requires putting in place the
legal, cultural, social, and political structures that permit markets
and market discipline to operate effectively.
Similarly for currency or exchange rate problems, guarantees by
either the domestic government or official international organizations
that eliminate entirely or even significantly reduce potential losses to
creditors if the domestic currency is depreciated have eventually
contributed to deprecations and their associated problems as often as
they have prevented them. To reduce the likelihood of exchange rate
breakdowns, increased emphasis must both be transferred to market forces
to discipline wrongdoers and be placed on stabilizing macroeconomic
policies to reduce the need for guarantees that delay and disguise the
adverse implications of poor policies.
Lastly, systemic risk for both banking and exchange rates appears
to be more serious in perception than in reality. The historical
evidence suggests that direct causation (chain reaction) contagion
rarely if ever occurs. Common shock contagion occurs more frequently,
but primarily on a rational, information-based basis. Banks and
countries with similar risk exposure to those of the bank or country
experiencing the initial adverse shock will also be adversely affected.
But to the extent that neither information nor processing of information
is free or immediate, innocent banks or countries may be adversely
impacted temporarily during the sorting out period. However, the effect
is rarely sufficiently strong to drive innocent banks into insolvency or
depreciate innocent counties' currencies permanently. Rather than
providing full guarantees and safety nets, the public interest would be
better served if public policy were directed at reducing both the time
required for market participants to sort out the innocen t from the
guilty parties and the costs of doing so. This may be achieved by
improving the timely and accurate disclosure of relevant information,
including that provided by the governments themselves.
George G. Kaufman is the John F. Smith Professor of Finance and
Banking at Loyala University Chicago and a consultant to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. An earlier, longer version of this article was
published in Financial Markets, Institutions, and Instruments, May 2000,
Vol. 9, No. 2. The author is indebted to Bill Bergman, Douglas Evanoff
and James Moser of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; George Benston
of Emory University: and participants at conferences at the Pacific
Basin Finance and Economics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York; and the Bank of the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
for helpful comments in the development of this article.
(1.) The Benelux countries consist of Belgium, the Netherlands, and
(2.) More recent estimates by the IMF place the cumulative
four-year total output loss (the sum of losses from both currency and
banking crises) of the Tequila crisis in the mid-1990s at 30 percent for
Mexico and 15 percent for Argentina and of the East Asia crisis of the
late 1990s at 82 percent for Indonesia, 57 percent for Thailand, 39
percent for Malaysia, and 27 percent for Korea (IMF, 1999b). In
addition, recent estimates place the decline in real GDP from peak to
trough in the crises countries in these years at 10 percent for Mexico,
19 percent for Indonesia, 14 percent for Thailand, 8 percent for Korea,
and 4 percent for Russia (Summers, 2000).
(3.) Estimates of the transfer payments generally have a wide range
of error and, until all insolvent institutions in the country are
completely resolved, can vary greatly from observation date to
observation date. The estimates are more or less equal to the aggregate
negative net worth of the protected economically insolvent institutions.
Because this amount is partially determined by the actual proceeds from
the sale of the institutions' assets since insolvency and the
projected proceeds from future sales and recoveries, it is highly
sensitive to the state of the economy and the level of interest
(discount) rates on the observation date. The poorer the state of the
economy on this date, the smaller will be the projected proceeds from
asset sales and the larger the necessary transfer payments. Conversely,
the better the state of the economy, the smaller the necessary transfer
payments. The total will be known with certainty only after all the
assets are sold and any embedded put options or other buyback agre
ements have expired.
(4.) For example, nominal exchange rates declined (depreciated) in
the 1990s crises countries from their peaks shortly before the beginning
of the crisis in each country to their troughs by 54 percent in Mexico,
527 percent in Indonesia, 57 percent in Korea, 58 percent in Thailand,
and 76 percent in Russia (Summers, 2000).
(5.) A recent article noted that Amsterdam merchants lost little if
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