The effect of the run-up in the stock market on labor supply.
Cheng, Ing-Haw ; French, Eric
Introduction and summary
There are many anecdotes of people who quit their job after having
their stock market wealth increase dramatically. This article assesses
whether these anecdotes represent isolated incidents or whether the
stock market has significantly affected U.S. labor supply. There are two
main reasons why this is an important question. First, quantifying the
effects of stock market fluctuations may help forecast future variation
in labor force growth, employment, and unemployment. If the stock market
suddenly dropped, it is possible that many people would rapidly reenter the labor market in order to rebuild enough wealth to finance their
retirement. This would cause the number of potential workers in the
economy to increase. If the number of new jobs grew more slowly than the
number of new workers, short-term unemployment problems would result.
This would exacerbate the potential unemployment problems caused by more
conservative hiring practices of employers after a market downturn.
Second, we are interested in evaluating the extent to which the
consumption response to variations in stock prices is consistent with
economic theory. Current estimates of the marginal propensity to consume out of stock wealth, that is, the "wealth effect" often
described in the popular press, range from .01 to .05. This means that
each additional dollar in stock wealth increases consumption one to five
cents annually. The estimate more consistent with simple economic models
that posit that people eventually consume their wealth (see Poterba,
2000) is .05. If a dollar increase in stock wealth results in only a one
cent increase in consumption, then 99 cents would be saved until next
year. Assuming the 99 cents earns a 3 percent post-tax rate of interest,
it would grow to approximately $1.02 next year. Therefore, people would
not eventually consume all of their wealth, contrary to the simple
economic models. If the post-tax interest rate is 3 percent, people must
have a marginal propensity to consume of at le ast .03. Poterba (2000)
suggests .04 as a reasonable lower bound.
However, these simple economic models assume that labor supply does
not respond to variations in wealth. If much of the stock market wealth
goes toward affording people increased leisure in addition to increased
consumption of market goods, then the .01 estimate for the marginal
propensity to consume market goods may be consistent with economic
models that account for the effect of wealth on labor supply. People
would eventually "consume" all of their wealth, but mostly in
the form of increased leisure. If individuals consume three cents worth
of leisure in the form of reduced earnings (that is, their earnings drop
by three cents each year) in addition to a one cent increase in
consumption of market goods in response to a $1 increase in wealth, then
total consumption would be four cents in response to a $1 increase in
wealth. This story is perfectly consistent with the theory that
individuals eventually consume all their wealth.
In this article, we present estimates of the size of the increase
in wealth in the U.S. economy from 1994 to 1999. Recent stock returns
are high by historical standards. We also show that growth rates in
stock prices are difficult to predict. Therefore, most of the recent
increase in wealth caused by rising stock prices represents an
unanticipated increase to national wealth. We estimate that every dollar
held in stocks on December 31, 1994, resulted in $1.12 in unanticipated
wealth shocks if those stocks were held until December 31, 1999. We
estimate that the unanticipated component of the increase in national
wealth from 1994 to 1999 was $5.8 trillion in 1999 dollars.
In order to understand how many people may have been affected by
the run-up in the stock market, we examine the distribution of stock
market wealth in the economy. The more concentrated the distribution,
the fewer people whose labor supply will be directly affected by stock
market variations. Using data on the distribution of stock market wealth
and on stock returns, we estimate the distribution of unanticipated
increases in wealth for different groups of the population. We show that
about 15 percent of all individuals aged 55 and over had an
unanticipated wealth increase of $50,000 in 1999 dollars or more between
December 31, 1994, and December 3l, 1999.
Next, we show changes in labor force participation rates for
different age groups in different years. Holding all else equal, we
would expect groups with large unanticipated increases in wealth to
reduce their labor force participation rates. As it turns out, this is
not the case. Individuals aged 55 and above have the highest levels of
stock wealth (both directly and through pensions) and, thus, have had
the greatest unanticipated increases in wealth. However, labor force
participation rates for individuals aged 55 and older have increased
over the last five years.
In our view, one should not take these counterintuitive results as
evidence against the theory that the run-up in stock market wealth has
decreased labor force participation rates. Instead, we believe these
results imply that the run-up in the stock market has not been the
primary determinant of recent changes in labor force participation
rates. There are many other reasons that labor force participation rates
should be rising for older workers. For example, the strong economy has
resulted in increased wages and improved employment opportunities for
older workers. Importantly, too, the Social Security System has reduced
the work disincentives for those eligible for Social Security benefits.
In order to understand how increases in stock market wealth affect
aggregate labor supply, we use two basic approaches. First, we use
estimates from two previous studies to predict the change in labor
supply for a given unexpected change in wealth. Imbens et al. (1999)
estimate the effect on labor supply of winning a lottery, which
presumably represents an unanticipated change in wealth. Again assuming
that the wealth increase is unanticipated, Holtz-Eakin et al. (1993)
estimate the labor supply effect of receiving an inheritance. Both
papers suggest that unanticipated increases in wealth reduce work hours
and labor force participation rates. Using these estimates and the
distribution of wealth, we predict the likely decline in work hours
caused by the run-up in the stock market. Our estimates suggest that in
the absence of the run-up in the stock market (but holding all else
equal), labor force participation rates today would be .78 percentage
points higher for men aged 55-64, 1.94 percentage points higher for
women aged 55-64, and 1.16 percentage points higher on aggregate.
Our second approach to predicting the effect of the run-up in the
stock market on labor supply is to simulate the effect using a dynamic
structural model described in French (2000). French estimates the model
using data on life cycle profiles for assets, hours worked, and labor
force participation rates. Simulations from the model closely mimic the
life cycle profiles in the data. Therefore, the model is also
potentially able to closely mimic the behavioral effects of the run-up
in the stock market. Our simulations imply that in the absence of a
run-up in the stock market, labor force participation rates would have
been 1.3 percentage points higher for men aged 65 and above and 3.2
percentage points higher for men aged 55-64. In other words, the
simulation model predicts much larger behavioral responses than the
estimates from other studies. We discuss why the simulation model may
overestimate the behavioral responses and the estimates from other
studies may underestimate the behavioral responses later in th e
article. Overall, our view is that the predictions from the lottery and
inheritance studies form a lower bound on the effect of the stock market
on labor supply and the simulation model forms an upper bound.
Lastly, we present estimates of the marginal propensity to consume
leisure (also known as the marginal propensity to earn out of wealth).
Recall that an estimate of the marginal propensity to consume market
goods of .01 is consistent with the life cycle model only if the
marginal propensity to consume leisure is at least .03. The estimates
from the direct lottery and inheritance studies are in the range of .01.
In other words, for every $1 increase in wealth, aggregate earnings
decline one cent. The simulation model predicts a larger marginal
propensity to consume leisure--about .02. In either case, the marginal
propensity to consume leisure is too small to reconcile a marginal
propensity to consume consumption goods of .01 with a life cycle model.
Therefore, either the life cycle models are wrong or the .01 estimate of
the marginal propensity to consume market goods is wrong.
Increase in national wealth in the 1990s
We provide evidence that the increase in wealth caused by the
run-up in stocks was largely unanticipated and estimate the
unanticipated wealth shock. The issue of whether the increase in the
level of wealth was anticipated is important. If people knew in December
1994 that five years in the future they would have higher levels of
wealth, then it is possible that they would have reduced the number of
hours worked in 1995-99, knowing that they would be able to finance
their low levels of work because of the anticipated run-up in the stock
market. [1] Therefore, we would not expect to see any correlation
between stock market gains and labor supply. [2]
Figure 1 shows the growth in household net worth in the economy
from 1945 to 1999. While household wealth not in equities rose at a
moderate rate of 27 percent over the decade, the market value of
equities increased 260 percent between December 31, 1989, and December
31, 1999. The value of equities rose by almost $9.5 trillion during the
1990s, comprising about 64 percent of the growth in wealth. Figure 1
also shows that changes in household wealth in this period are largely
explained by changes in the value of equities. Figure 2 shows growth
rates in the value of equities, based on Federal Reserve Board data, and
growth rates in the stock market, as measured by the Center for Research
in Security Prices (CRSP). The appendix describes the CRSP measure in
greater detail. The two measures are almost perfectly correlated (with
differences relating to treatment of dividends and American
stockholdings overseas.)
Figure 3 shows rates of return in the stock market over five-year
horizons, with the latest being the rate of return between December 31,
1994 and December 31, 1999. Figure 3 also shows the results from a
simple forecasting model (described in box 1), which uses information on
five-year Treasury bond yields and stock returns from 1950 to 1999 to
predict stock returns. We compute the difference between five-year total
stock returns and total returns on five-year Treasury bonds, that is,
the "excess" return on the stock market. Between 1950 and
1999, the excess return was 45 percent over five years. The forecast of
the five-year return in the stock market is the sum of the excess return
(which is assumed constant) plus the five-year Treasury bond return. The
predicted five-year return has increased over time because interest
rates have increased.
Figure 3 shows there have been very large differences between the
predicted return and the five-year realized return. Over the past five
years, the average annual rate of return in excess of the Treasury bond
rate has been 16.4 percent. The five-year excess return was 93 percent.
This is well above the historical average of a 45 percent excess return
over five years. It has not been since the 1950s that there has been
such a large, sustained increase in the stock market. Moreover, because
stocks represented about twice as large of a share of national wealth in
1994 than in 1950, the growth in national wealth was greater in the late
1990s than in the 1950s. Figure 3 shows that $1 invested in December 31,
1994, would have reached $2.82 in December 31, 1999, compared with a
predicted level, based on the historical average, of $1.70. This means
that every $1 invested in December 31, 1994, resulted in a windfall gain of $1.12 by December 31, 1999. Because stock market wealth constituted
just over 15 percent of agg regate wealth in 1994, the run-up in stock
market wealth resulted in national wealth being 17 percent greater in
1999 than it would have been if returns had been as expected. The run-up
in the stock market represents a $5.8 trillion shock to national wealth.
It seems unlikely that people anticipated the high rates of return
during the late 1990s. For one thing, why did many people not invest in
stocks at all? Rates of return on risk-free assets declined in the late
1990s. If stocks were a sure bet, nobody would ever prefer bonds to
Another way of looking at the problem is to ask whether any
historical relationships would predict high stock returns in the late
1990s. We investigate two relationships, described in detail in box 1.
First, people might believe that if returns were high in the recent past
they would continue to be high in the future. We find that since 1950
high returns over the previous four years and the previous ten years
have indicated high returns in the near future. However, as figure 3
shows, the 1980s and early 1990s were not remarkably good years for the
stock market. The second historical relationship we investigate is that
between price/dividend ratios and stock returns. When price/dividend
ratios are high, stocks are possibly overpriced and should perform
poorly in the near future. We do see this pattern in stock market data
from 1950 onwards. However, in 1994 price/dividend ratios were already
high. Therefore, the statistical evidence indicated that stocks would
perform poorly in 1995-99. If people were making forecasts according to this simple statistical model, every dollar in the stock market on
December 31, 1994, would have led to a $1.46 unexpected gain in wealth
by December 31, 1999. Therefore, assuming a constant excess return of
stocks over bonds leads to a conservative estimate of the unexpected
shock to the stock market.
Unexpected wealth changes in the population
Given a U.S. population of just under 300 million and an aggregate
wealth shock of about $5.8 trillion, the run-up in the stock market from
1994 to 1999 represents an unanticipated increase in wealth of $20,000
per person. This is roughly enough to finance one year out of the labor
market with no change in consumption of market goods for every
individual in the U.S. However, because wealth in stocks is highly
concentrated among the wealthy, we would expect the effect on labor
supply to be smaller than it would be if stock market wealth were evenly
distributed. Our information on the distribution of stock market wealth
comes from two sources--data on non-pension stock market wealth from the
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and pension wealth data from other
studies that used data from the Health and Retirement Survey (FIRS).
The PSID is a nationally representative dataset that includes
demographic information, the value of non-pension wealth held by
individuals, and breakdowns of wealth into various components, including
stock wealth. The stock market wealth measure includes the value of
stocks in mutual funds, IRAs, and Keogh plans, in addition to directly
held stocks. Juster et al. (1999) show that respondents in the PSID
report over 85 percent of their stock market wealth and over 75 percent
of total wealth. [3] They also find that the distribution of wealth in
the PSID is extremely accurate for everyone but the wealthiest 2 percent
of the population. To adjust for the slight underreporting of stock
market wealth in the PSID, we multiply stock market wealth in the PSID
by 1/.85 = 1.18. The PSID does not provide information on who controls
the wealth within households. We assume that non-pension household
wealth is split evenly among spouses, with each receiving 50 percent.
Browning et al. (1994)
show that consumption between husbands and wives is close to an even
split, regardless of the resources brought into a household. [4] We
attribute pension wealth to the individual receiving the pension.
Figures 4 and 5 show the distribution of stock market wealth by age
of the individual for women and men. The data show two things. First,
older individuals have more stock market wealth than younger
individuals. The fraction of the population with over $50,000 in stock
market wealth is less than 4 percent for households where the head is
younger than 54. Second, most individuals have little stock market
wealth. Even for households aged 55 and older, less than 13 percent had
over $50,000 in the stock market (including stocks, mutual funds, IRAs,
and Keogh plans).
Gustman and Steinmeier (1999) show that pension wealth is very
broadly held in the population and constitutes a large portion of
overall wealth. Not surprisingly, the run-up in the stock market has led
to an increase in pension wealth for many people. Figure 6 shows total
national wealth held in defined contribution pension plans. In this type
of plan, individuals contribute a portion of their income and the
account's value grows by that amount plus the rate of return on the
plan's portfolio of assets. Data from the Federal Reserve
Board's Flow of Funds shows that by 1999 about 12 percent of all
U.S. wealth in equities was held by defined contribution pension plans
and that the amount of stock wealth in defined contribution pension
plans rose 182 percent from 1994 to 1999.
The other major type of pension plan, the defined benefit pension
plan, provides benefits that are specified by the employer. These
benefits do not depend on the rate of return for assets in the pension
fund. If there is a run-up in the stock market, the employer gets the
windfall. Likewise, in the event of a market crash, the employer must
make up the shortfall if pension fund reserves are low. Therefore,
changes in the stock market affect the stock price of the firm holding
the pension reserves but do not affect the wealth level of employees at
the firm.
Gustman and Steinmeier (1999) show that in their HRS sample of
older workers, 66 percent of all households are covered by a pension
plan. Of the households covered, 48 percent are covered by a defined
benefit plan, 21 percent are covered by a defined contribution plan, and
31 percent are covered by some combination of defined benefit and
defined contribution plans. Defined contribution pension plans tend to
be less generous than defined benefit pension plans and joint plans. In
1992, average wealth held in defined contribution plans at age 65 was
$57,000 in 1999 dollars. In contrast, the amount held in defined benefit
plans was $135,000 and the amount held in combined plans was $153,000.
We assume that half the wealth in combined plans is in the form of
defined benefit wealth and the other half is in defined contribution
wealth. This means that 35 percent of all households in the HRS held an
average level of wealth in defined contribution plans equal to $69,000
at age 65 in 1994. The other 65 percent held no defined contribution
wealth. Given that 40 percent of defined contribution plan pension
wealth is in the form of equities, 35 percent of all elderly households
would have an average of $28,000 in the stock market by age 65. Since
$28,000 invested in the stock market on December 31, 1994, would have
resulted in an unanticipated windfall of about $31,000 by December 31,
1999, a large number of elderly households would have received a large
unexpected increase in wealth because of their pensions.
Because the PSID only has data on whether respondents were covered
by a pension plan and whether they contributed to that plan in 1989, we
assume that those who were contributing to a defined contribution plan
in 1989 were also contributing in 1994. If the individual was not
contributing in 1989, we assume that person never contributed to a
defined contribution pension plan. The fraction of the population
covered by a pension does not vary much by age, except for those under
35 who have lower coverage rates. We assume that individuals over 35 who
are contributing to a defined contribution plan contribute a fixed
amount after age 35. We assume individuals younger than 35 contribute
for only one year.
Younger households would also have had windfalls from increases in
stock market wealth, although the windfalls would be smaller. To
calculate the amount of pension plan wealth at each age, we assume a 2.3
percent real rate of return on pension investments, the same amount of
pension contributions each year, that the worker starts working at a
firm that provides a defined contribution plan at age 35, and that the
level of wealth in the defined contribution plan would be $69,000 at age
65, on average. For example, an individual who contributes $1,550
annually would have an imputed defined contribution wealth of $10,000 at
age 40, $28,000 at age 50, and $53,000 at age 60. [5]
Given the distribution of stock market wealth in the economy and
the rates of return on stocks computed in the previous section, we
compute a measure of unexpected wealth increases for different segments
of the population. Recall that $1 invested in December 31, 1994, would
have resulted in $1.12 in unanticipated wealth gains by December31,
1999. Figures 7 and 8 show the distribution of wealth shocks in the
economy for women and men. The differences between these figures and
figures 4 and 5 are twofold. First, figures 7 and 8 include information
on pensions for 1994. Second, figures 7 and 8 do not describe total
stock wealth but how stock wealth in 1994 became wealth shocks in 1999.
These figures make two points clear. First, there is a sizable minority
of individuals who received wealth shocks in excess of $50,000. Second,
individuals aged 55 and older received most of the wealth shocks; 21
percent of all individuals aged 55 and older received unanticipated
wealth gains in excess of $50,000. Given that most individuals had
earnings below $50,000, an unanticipated wealth gain of $50,000 could
replace at least one year of earnings for most individuals.
Changes in labor force participation rates
Estimates of the level of unexpected wealth increases show that a
sizable minority of the population had large unexpected increases in
wealth. Most of these increases in wealth are concentrated among
individuals aged 55 and above in 1999 (or 50 and above in 1994).
Therefore, we would expect this group to have the largest declines in
labor force participation rates between 1994 and 1999.
Figures 9 and 10 show labor force participation rates between 1980
and 2000. For men aged 55 and above, labor force participation rates
have been rising recently, following a steady decline from 1980 to 1993.
For women aged 65 and above, labor force participation rates have
remained steady since 1994. For women aged 55-64, labor force
participation rates have been rising since 1994. These data show that
the rise in the stock market has not been the dominant source of changes
in labor force participation rates for individuals aged 55 and over. The
trends do not support the wealth effect hypothesis.
However, we argue that this should not be taken as evidence that
the unanticipated increase in wealth has resulted in no change or an
increase in labor force participation rates. Instead, in our view, the
data provide evidence that other factors have offset the effects of the
increase in the stock market. Among these factors are recent increases
in wages in the economy. Moreover, the Social Security System has
reduced the work disincentives for individuals 65 and older. Social
Security benefit accrual is now closer to actuarially fair for
individuals aged 65-70 than it was in 1994. [6] It is not clear what
effect the stock market may have had on labor participation rates for
individuals aged 55 and above in the absence of other factors. Next, we
look at the likely behavioral responses to the run-up in the stock
market, holding all else equal.
Estimates of the effect of unanticipated wealth increases on labor
Here, we present estimates of the effect of unanticipated wealth
increases on labor supply holding all else equal. Estimating the effect
of an unanticipated wealth increase on labor supply is difficult
because, usually, changes in wealth are anticipated or are accompanied
by wage changes. The labor supply response to an anticipated wealth
increase is different from the labor supply response to an unanticipated
wealth increase. If the wealth change is anticipated, we expect a small
labor supply response after receipt of the wealth. If people know they
will receive a large sum of money tomorrow, their labor supply may not
change much between today and tomorrow. They may already have reduced
their labor supply in anticipation of having the wealth in the near
Inheritance and lottery studies
Table 1 presents estimates of the effects of inheritances on labor
supply. Inheritances cause plausibly unanticipated changes in wealth.
Holtz-Eakin et al. (1993) estimate the effect of receiving an
inheritance on labor force participation rates. Using tax records, they
observe whether reported earnings are positive (our measure of labor
force participation) both before (in 1982) and after (in 1986) the
receipt of an inheritance. They find fairly large effects on labor force
participation and earnings. Among single households who receive a small
inheritance (average of $13,000) in their sample, labor force
participation rates increase from 89.9 percent to 91.1 percent (column
4), or an increase of 1.2 percent (column 5). Single households who
receive a medium-sized inheritance (average of $120,000) show a labor
force participation rate decline from 82.7 percent to 80.5 percent, or a
decline of 2.2 percent. We interpret these changes in labor force
participation rates to mean that in the absence of a medium-s ized
inheritance, labor force participation rates would have increased 1.2
percent instead of declining 2.2 percent for those who received the
medium-sized inheritance. Therefore, labor force participation rates
would have been 3.4 percent higher (column 6) had those individuals not
received a medium-sized inheritance. Those who receive a large
inheritance (average of $609,000) show a labor force participation rate
decline of 9.8 percent from 75.4 percent to 65.6 percent. If these
people had not received an inheritance, their labor force participation
rate would have increased 1.2 percent. Therefore, receiving the
inheritance potentially reduces their labor force participation by 11.0
percent. Holtz-Eakin et al. find similar results for married couples.
Receiving a medium inheritance reduces average labor force participation
rates within the household by 3.8 percent, and a large inheritance
reduces labor participation by 4.2 percent.
Most of the individuals who received inheritances were young.
Singles who received small inheritances (the youngest group) were aged
33.4, on average, and the mean age of couples who received large
inheritances (the oldest group) was 44.7 years. Therefore, the sample in
the Holtz-Eakin et al. study is significantly younger than the segment
of the general population that has received most of the stock wealth
gains. Since it is likely that large wealth gains have larger labor
supply effects for those who are nearing retirement than for younger
individuals, our view is that the inheritance study most likely
understates the labor supply effects from the run-up in the stock
Joulfaian and Wilhelm (1994) find slightly smaller but similar
effects using data from the PSID. Their results show that the results in
Holtz-Eakin et al. are not specific to a particular dataset. Joulfaian
and Wilhelm also estimate the effect of inheritances on consumption
using PSID data. [7] They find that the marginal propensity to consume
all goods out of inheritance wealth is about .0012. This is an order of
magnitude smaller than the .01 to .05 marginal propensity to consume out
of stock wealth estimated in most studies. This evidence suggests that
people may anticipate inheritances and that the inheritance estimates,
therefore, may underestimate the effect of unanticipated wealth changes
on labor supply.
Imbens et al. (1999) use data from the state lottery of
Massachusetts to estimate the effect of winning the lottery on changes
in hours worked and earnings. They use data on individuals who received
a prize, ranging in present value from $100 to over $1,000,000. [8] A
subsample of winners received a questionnaire about purchases made,
labor supply, and earnings several years after they won the prize. Many
of the players released their Social Security earnings records.
Therefore, one can see the earnings of an individual both before and
after winning the prize as measured by earnings reported to the Social
Security Administration.
Unfortunately, those who won medium and large prizes included both
season ticket holders and those who purchased tickets one at a time,
whereas those who won a small prize included only season ticket holders.
As a result, individuals who won the small prizes were much older
(average age of 53.2) than individuals who won medium-sized (average age
of 44.6) or large (average age of 48.5) prizes. This makes the lottery
study less than perfect, although Imbens et al. attempt to overcome this
problem. Moreover, sample sizes in the study are relatively small. There
were a total of 496 respondents in the entire study.
Given these caveats, Imbens et al. (1999) estimate the effect of
annual lottery winnings on annual labor income. Lottery winners who won
a medium-sized or large prize (that is, more than several thousand
dollars) received labor income for 20 years. We compute the present
value of the lottery winnings and use their estimate of the effect of
annual winnings on labor income to compute the effect of lottery
winnings on labor income, a measure of labor force participation.
Results from these computations suggest that $1 in lottery winnings
reduces labor income by one cent annually. In other words, the marginal
propensity to consume leisure out of wealth shocks is about .01.
Imbens et al. also find that the marginal propensity to consume
leisure out of wealth shocks is greatest for individuals ages 55-65. For
example, they find that for individuals younger than 55, the marginal
propensity to consume leisure is .0082, whereas for individuals aged
55-65, the marginal propensity to consume leisure is .0132. This is an
important point given that much of the stock market wealth is held by
individuals aged 55-65. Imbens et al. also find that the marginal
propensity to consume leisure is the same for both men and women.
Lastly, they find that the marginal propensity to consume leisure is
greater for individuals who won small amounts than for individuals who
won large amounts. For example, it is .0091 for individual with almost
no winnings and .0076 for individuals with close to $500,000 in
winnings. It is these final two numbers that we will use to predict the
labor supply response to changes in wealth.
Also somewhat interestingly from this study, the Social Security
earnings records show that the labor supply response to winning a
lottery is not immediate. It is several years before labor supply fully
declines in response to the wealth effect. Therefore, the labor supply
response to the run-up in the stock market may not be immediate either.
Other studies have also found that the consumption response to changes
in the stock market is not immediate (see Dynan and Maki, 2000, for
The lottery and inheritance studies are not the only studies of the
effect of financial resources on labor supply. Blundell and MaCurdy
(1999) survey a wide range of approaches to estimating the effect of
income on labor supply. The majority of these studies find that
increased non-labor income reduces labor supply. Assuming that income is
constant over the life cycle, one can compute the annuity value of a
lifetime increase in income. Given the estimates surveyed in Blundell
and MaCurdy and the computed annuity value of increases in income, we
estimate the change in labor supply given a change in wealth. Measured
against the results from most other studies, the estimates in the
lottery and inheritance papers are relatively small, although there are
enormous differences in estimates from study to study. An average
estimate of the effect of the annuity value of income on labor supply
from Blundell and MaCurdy is about twice as large as the inheritance and
lottery estimates. Therefore, our view is that the res ults from the
inheritance and lottery surveys represent conservative estimates of the
true effects of unanticipated wealth gains on labor supply.
Our interpretation of the studies
We expect unanticipated changes in wealth to lead to larger changes
in labor supply for low-income workers than for high-income workers. An
unanticipated $50,000 wealth change replaces two years of labor income
if a worker earns only $25,000 dollars per year. In other words, this
worker could retire two years earlier and still consume that same amount
at each age as a result of the unanticipated $50,000 wealth change. On
the other hand, if the same worker earns $50,000 per year, the $50,000
unanticipated wealth change replaces only one year of earnings.
High-wage workers have been receiving most of the wealth gains from
the stock market. Mean annual income for all households in the 1994 PSID
is $36,500, but mean income is $52,900 in 1994 for households with
unanticipated stock wealth gains of $50,000- $250,000 and $94,300 for
households with unanticipated stock wealth gains in excess of $250,000.
Therefore, $1 in unanticipated wealth gains probably has a smaller
effect for individuals with large stock wealth gains than for people who
receive an inheritance. We overcome this problem by measuring the labor
supply response to wealth divided by income, as described below. This
procedure assumes someone with twice the income of another person would
need twice the unanticipated wealth gain of the other person to cause
the same labor supply response.
Figure 11 uses the information in table 1 and results from the
lottery study to plot changes in labor force participation rates against
the amount of unanticipated wealth change divided by the mean earnings
of people with that unanticipated wealth change. Labor force
participation rates and unanticipated wealth shocks are relative to the
reference group of small inheritance receivers in the inheritance study.
Thus, the points for labor force participation rates are shown in column
6 of table 1 and the points for inheritances are shown in column 2 of
table 1. The average pre-inheritance earnings for the different groups
are shown in column 3. Therefore, four points in figure 11 are the four
values in column 6 plotted against the values in column 2 divided by the
values in column 3. We divide inheritances by two for married couples
(the husband and wife each get one half), just as we divide household
unanticipated wealth shocks by two for married couples in the PSID. The
other two points on figure 11 are the t wo points previously described
from the lottery study.
For example, single individuals who receive an average $120,000
inheritance ($106,000 above the reference group of those who receive a
small $12,000 inheritance) have $23,000 in income before receipt of the
inheritance. Therefore, the value of their unanticipated wealth gain
divided by earnings is 4.6. They show a 3.4 percent drop in labor force
participation. Couples who receive an average inheritance of $125,000
(or $112,000 above the reference group of couples) have an average of
$59,000 in annual earnings. This results in both the husband and wife
having $56,000 in inheritance wealth gain and $29,500 each in annual
earnings. Therefore, the wealth shock divided by average earnings is
(56,000/29,500) = 1.9. Both husbands and wives show an average decline
in labor force participation of 3.8 percent.
To use the stock market wealth gain information to predict the
effect of the stock market run-up on labor force participation rates, we
need a functional form for the effect of unanticipated wealth gains on
labor force participation. Because we have only six data points to fit
and some of the data points seem more reliable than others, we use no
formal criteria to measure the functional form for how stock market
gains affect labor force participation. Instead, we fit the data
free-hand to an assumed functional form. We follow three guidelines.
First, the functional form is "close to" the individual points
in figure 11. Second, we believe that the incremental (or marginal)
effect of increasing stock wealth gains on labor force participation is
smaller for very high levels of stock wealth gains than for low stock
wealth gains. The millionth dollar increase in stock market gains will
most likely have a smaller effect on the probability that one drops out
of the labor force than one's first dollar of gains. Fina lly, an
unanticipated wealth shock that is close to zero should have a labor
supply response that is close to zero. Our assumed functional form for
the effect of an unanticipated wealth shock on the labor force
participation rate is
5) E[[delta][]\ ([delta][]/[E.sub.j])] = [beta]
where E[[delta][]\([delta][]/[E.sub.j])] is the
expected change
in labor force participation rates given a change in
([delta][]/[E.sub.j]) and [delta][] is the
unexpected wealth shock of
individual i at time t. Also, [E.sub.j] is mean earnings for
individuals in an unexpected wealth shock cell (for example, men with
over $250,000 of unexpected wealth gains) in 1994. The functional form
for equation 5 is plotted on figure 11.
Recall from the introduction that understanding the marginal
propensity to consume leisure is of central importance to understanding
the marginal propensity to consume goods. Also recall that the life
cycle model predicts that the marginal propensity to consume leisure
plus the marginal propensity to consume market goods should add up to at
least .04. Our interest is in whether the marginal propensity to consume
leisure is a large fraction of that .04 number. An attractive feature of
the specification in equation 5 is that the marginal propensity to
consume leisure through the labor force participation decision is
parameterized. For example, equation 6 shows that if
([delta][]/[E.sub.j])[less than]8,
E[[delta][]\([delta][]/[E.sub.j])] = 0.10 x
Note that this means that the average change in labor income for
individuals in wealth cell j is
E[[delta][] \ ([delta][]/[E.sub.j])] X [E.sub.j]
= .010 X ([delta][]), or a marginal
propensity to consume leisure of .01. In other words, for every
unexpected $1 gain in wealth, earnings decline by one cent. This number
is below the estimates of a one- to five-cent increase in consumption
that most studies have found for the effect of stock market values on
consumption. Therefore, the dominant behavioral response to increases in
stock market wealth is in the form of increased consumption of goods,
not in reduced labor force participation that leads to reduced earnings.
Because the earnings response to changes in stock market wealth is
small, life cycle models that ignore the effect of wealth on labor
supply are not severely biased.
Predicted changes in labor participation due to stock market
Given the assumed labor supply function and the distribution of
wealth shocks in the economy, we predict the aggregate labor supply
response to the increase in stock wealth. Figure 12 shows that the
predicted decline in labor force participation rates is about 1 percent
for most groups, but that these estimates vary by group. For men aged
25-34, the predicted decline in labor force participation rates is .05
percent. Because older men have greater stock wealth than younger men,
the predicted decline in labor force participation rates is greater for
older men--.9 percent for men 55 and older.
We find larger predicted labor supply effects from the stock market
for women. Women have lower earnings than men, but we assume women in
married households have 50 percent of household wealth. Therefore, a $1
increase in wealth for a woman replaces a larger share of her lifetime
resources than a $1 increase in wealth for a man. While this result
depends critically upon the assumption of a 50/50 split of wealth for
married households, most studies of income effects show larger income
effects for women than for men, so we believe the results presented here
are reasonable. The predicted labor supply response of women aged 25-34
to the increase in stock market wealth is a .17 percent decline in labor
participation. The predicted decline becomes greater with age. For women
aged 55 and over, the predicted response is a 2 percent decline in labor
force participation rates.
Simulations of effect of unexpected wealth changes
Next, we describe an alternative approach to predicting the labor
supply response to unanticipated changes in wealth. These results are
from a dynamic model described in French (2000), which aims to
accurately model the incentives individuals face over their life times.
In this model, we characterize the preferences of people in the economy
for consumption versus leisure, and we model how consumption and labor
supply decisions by people of various ages are affected by changes in
wages, wealth, taxes, and the structure of Social Security benefits.
Individuals within the model choose consumption, work hours (including
the labor force participation decision), and whether to apply for Social
Security benefits. They are allowed to save, although assets must be
non-negative. Therefore, they trade off the value of consumption in the
present against the value of consumption in the future. Their annual
income depends on asset income, labor income, and Social Security
benefits. Individuals face federal and state incom e taxes as well as
payroll taxes. When making these decisions, they are faced with several
forms of uncertainty: survival uncertainty, health uncertainty, and wage
uncertainty. The most interesting aspect of the model is the detailed
modeling of the Social Security incentives to exit the labor market.
Individuals who are younger than age 62 are ineligible for Social
Security benefits. Once eligible for Social Security benefits, the
individual faces a tradeoff of the value of receiving benefits in the
present versus deferring them and receiving greater annual benefits in
the future. Once the individual is drawing Social Security benefits, he
or she faces the Social Security earnings test, which is a large tax on
labor income above a certain threshold level.
There are seven preference parameters within the model. One
parameter describes an individual's willingness to trade
consumption in the present for consumption in the future. Another
parameter describes an individual's willingness to trade goods for
leisure. These preference parameters are estimated using data from the
PSID. Given that individuals in the model face the same incentives as
individuals in the data, they should behave just like individuals in the
data at the true preference parameters. At the estimated parameters, the
decisions of individuals in the model are very similar to those of
individuals in the data. Therefore, we believe that the estimated
parameters are "close to" the true preference parameters and
that the model accurately describes how people behave. Consequently, we
believe we can usefully apply the model to understand how the run-up in
the stock market affects labor supply. We discuss the estimation of
preference parameters in box 2.
Our simulated life cycle profiles for hours, labor force
participation rates, and assets match the data very well. Simulated
labor force participation rates begin to decline around age 55 and
decline very rapidly at the exact ages of 62 and 65, when there are the
strongest Social Security incentives to exit the labor market. Given
that the model fits the data very well within sample, it potentially
predicts well. Further details are in French (2000).
The model is useful in that it overcomes the previous problems in
the lottery and inheritance studies. Most importantly, predictions from
the lottery and inheritance studies assume that two individuals of
different ages should have the same labor supply response to a $50,000
wealth shock given the same income. However, our expectation is that
$50,000 in wealth at age 60 would generate a larger labor supply
response than $50,000 at age 30. The 30-year-old will most likely save
the money toward an early retirement, whereas the 60-year-old may use
the money immediately to retire early. The lottery and inheritance
studies do not address this problem.
This model also overcomes the question of whether the wealth
changes in the inheritance studies are anticipated. If inheritances are
anticipated, estimates from the inheritance study will be biased towards
zero effect on labor supply. Therefore, the predicted decline in labor
force participation rates caused by the run-up in the stock market is
biased toward a zero effect. Using simulations, one can generate wealth
shocks that are completely unanticipated.
Earlier, we estimated that the run-up in the stock market resulted
in aggregate wealth levels being 17 percent higher than they would have
been had the late 1990s been average years for the stock market. We
assume that these increases in wealth are taxed at 33 percent.
Therefore, we assume that every $1 in wealth results in $0.17 in pretax unanticipated wealth gains and $0.11 in post-tax unanticipated wealth
Because we do not formally model rates of return as a function of
wealth and age, the simulation model potentially overstates the labor
supply response to the run-up in the stock market. Using PSID data, we
find that older individuals and individuals with high wealth have more
of their portfolios invested in stocks than younger and lower wealth
individuals. This tends to overstate the effect of the run-up in the
stock market on labor supply. In our model, low-income individuals
receive too much unanticipated wealth; and it is low-income people who
are the most prone to dropping out of the labor market. However,
wealthier and older individuals usually pay higher taxes. This
attenuates the problem of high wealth people having higher rates of
return since more of the return is taxed away. To the extent that the
model does not completely overcome this problem, we are overstating
wealth shocks for low wealth (and, thus, low-income) people.
Figure 13 presents the simulated changes in labor force
participation rates for men of different age groups. There are two
striking differences when comparing the simulated changes against the
predicted changes using the lottery and inheritance studies. The first
is that the simulation study predicts much larger effects than the
inheritance and lottery studies. For men aged 55-64, the simulations
predict a 3.2 percentage point decline in labor force participation,
whereas the inheritance and lottery studies predict only a .78
percentage point decline. As we described earlier, the inheritance and
lottery studies might understate the effect of unanticipated wealth
changes on labor supply. Inheritances are potentially anticipated and
younger individuals usually receive inheritances. In the lottery study,
the small prize group is much older than the medium and large prize
groups, so the small prize winners are more likely to retire.
The second striking difference between the two sets of predictions
is that our simulation only gives such large predictions for men aged
55-64. For men aged 65 and older, the simulation study predicts a 1.3
percentage point decline in labor force participation rates. This result
is much closer to the results of the inheritance and lottery studies,
which show a .90 percentage point increase for men aged 65 and above.
The simulation study therefore provides a useful insight. Men younger
than 55 are unlikely to drop out of the labor force regardless of the
positive wealth shock. Most men older than 65 have already dropped out
of the labor force. Men aged 55-64 are near the time when they exit the
labor market. Therefore, the estimates from the other studies probably
understate the effect of stock wealth on labor supply between the ages
of 55-64 vis-a-vis other ages. Recall that the lottery study came to the
same conclusion.
This last point is particularly important for assessing the
estimates from the inheritance study. Recall that the inheritance study
mostly uses information on individuals aged 35-44. Note that the
predicted decline in labor force participation from the simulation study
is only -.27 percent. This is only twice as large as the prediction for
men aged 35-44 when using data from the inheritance study. This
reaffirms our earlier point that by focusing on individuals aged 35-44,
the inheritance study probably underestimates the labor supply response
to changes in wealth for individuals aged 55-64. Figure 13 shows that
this underestimate is likely to be significant.
In this article, we quantitatively assess the effect of the run-up
in the stock market on aggregate labor supply. We arrive at our
conclusions using three steps. First, we estimate the total size of the
aggregate wealth shock. We find that every dollar invested in the stock
market on December 31, 1994, produced on average $1.12 in stock wealth
gains by December 31, 1999. Given the aggregate level of wealth in
stocks in 1994, the aggregate unanticipated increase in wealth between
1994 and 1999 was $5.8 trillion, which represents an unanticipated
increase in wealth of almost $20,000 per person in the U.S.
Second, we estimate the magnitude of the unanticipated wealth shock
for different age groups. Using PSID data, we find that very few people
younger than age 55 today benefited greatly from the run-up in the stock
market. About 15 percent of all individuals aged 55 and above had
unanticipated wealth increases of greater than $50,000. For most
individuals, $50,000 would be more than enough to afford an additional
year of retirement without any change in the consumption of market
Third, we predict the effect of the run-up in the stock market on
labor supply. We find that labor force participation rates for
individuals aged 55 and older have increased since 1995. Increases in
stock market wealth should cause reductions in labor force participation
rates, all else equal. This implies that the stock market has not been
the dominant factor influencing labor force participation rates from
1995 to the present. Other factors, such as rapidly rising wages, seem
to be more important.
We use two approaches to predict the effect of rising stock prices
on labor supply. In the first approach, we take estimates of the size of
the wealth effect from other studies. Although nobody has used variation
in stock prices to estimate the wealth effect on labor supply,
researchers have used data on inheritances and lotteries to estimate the
effect of wealth on labor supply. Using estimates from these studies and
the estimated distribution of wealth shocks to different groups of
people in the economy, we estimate that in the absence of a run-up in
the stock market, aggregate labor force participation rates would be
1.16 percent higher today. We believe that these are conservative
predictions of the stock market effect.
Our second approach is to use simulations from a model described in
French (2000). We find that simulations from this model give much larger
predictions of the effect of the run-up in the stock market. The
predicted decline in labor force participation rates for men is over 1
percent, on average. (The model does not address the labor supply
response of women.) The simulations also predict that the largest
effects should be at age 55-64, when men are considering exiting the
labor force. For this age group, the predicted decline in labor force
participation rate is 3.2 percent. These results might overstate the
effect. Therefore, we interpret the predictions based on estimates from
the lottery and inheritance studies as a lower bound on the effect and
the simulations as an upper bound.
Lastly, we note that the lottery, inheritance, and simulation
studies imply that for every $1 in increased wealth, earnings decline by
one to two cents. As we noted at the outset, total consumption of goods
plus leisure must rise by at least four cents to be consistent with the
life cycle model. This means that consumption of goods must rise by at
least two or three cents in order to be consistent with the life cycle
model. Most empirical estimates are in the range of one to five cents;
as such, results at the lower end of this range are at odds with the
life cycle model. Therefore, our work provides additional evidence that
either the marginal propensity to consume market goods is at least 2-3
percent or that the life cycle model is not a reasonable model of
consumer behavior.
Ing-Haw Cheng is a student at the University of Chicago and Eric
French is an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The
authors thank Dan Sullivan and David Marshall for helpful comments and
David Marshall for data.
(1.) This effect would be ambiguous, however, as people may have
wished to work more hours in 1995-99 in order to generate more wealth.
Increased wealth could in turn be invested in the stock market.
(2.) One caveat to this article is that it is not clear why the
stock market rose in the first place. Our analysis assumes that the
stock market rose for reasons unrelated to future productivity
growth--perhaps financial markets have become more efficient. If the
stock market rose because of beliefs about increasing productivity in
the future, then there are three effects that we do not consider here.
First, people should believe that wages will rise rapidly in the future
because of increased productivity. Not only would stockholders feel
wealthier, but so would all individuals who believe that they will be
working in the future. If this is true, our analysis underestimates the
true wealth shock to the economy and, thus, underestimates the true
effect of the run-up in the stock market on labor supply. Second, any
change in future beliefs about productivity is likely to be accompanied
by wage changes in the present and near future. This potentially
increases hours worked as incentives for work are greater. Thi s offsets
the wealth effect. Third, interest rates should rise if people believe
productivity will rise, because higher productivity leads to higher
demand for capital. If interest rates are relatively high (as they are
today), people should work more hours today so that they can develop
greater wealth that will earn a high rate of return. Again, this offsets
the wealth effect. Any rapid change in stock prices will likely be
accompanied by these three additional effects, if the change in prices
reflects changing beliefs about future productivity. Therefore, it is
not clear how labor supply would respond to a large stock market change
in the future. However, we believe that we have increased understanding
of the effect of the stock market on labor supply by focusing on the
direct effect.
(3.) This is done by comparing the PSID to another dataset, the
Survey of Consumer Finances, and assuming that respondents in the Survey
of Consumer Finances report 100 percent of their assets. The Survey of
Consumer Finances is considered to have extremely high quality data on
wealth, although the respondents probably report slightly less than 100
percent of their assets.
(4.) They do note that when the husband's income accounts for
75 percent of total household income instead of 50 percent, the
husband's share of consumption rises by about 2 percentage points.
This shows that assuming an even split is not perfect but is roughly
correct. They also note that consumption of women's clothing is
slightly higher than men's, but again assuming an even split of
resources is roughly correct.
(5.) Using the previously described procedure to estimate defined
contribution wealth, we aggregate defined contribution wealth in our
PSID sample up to the national level. In other words, we take aggregate
wealth in the PSID and multiply it by the ratio of U.S. households to
PSID households. We compare this estimate to defined contribution wealth
in the Flow of Funds. We find that our PSID defined contribution measure
is 15 percent greater than the Flow of Funds measure.
(6.) See Social Security Bulletin Annual Statistical Supplement,
1997, p. 60.
(7.) Unfortunately, the PSID measures only food consumption not
total consumption. The consumption results show that the marginal
propensity to consume food out of inheritances is about 1 percent, far
lower than the i percent to 5 percent marginal propensity to consume out
of changes in stock wealth that most studies find (Parker, 1999;
Ludvigson and Steindel, 1999; and Dynan and Maki, 2000). Because food is
a necessity, the marginal propensity to consume food is lower than the
marginal propensity to consume all consumption goods. For example,
Attanasio and Weber (1995) show that for every 1 percent increase in
food consumption, total consumption rises about 1.2 percent.
(8.) All calculations assume that the after-tax real interest rate
is 2.3 percent and the inflation rate is 3.3 percent.
Attanasio, Orazio, and Guglielmo Weber, 1995, "Is consumption
growth consistent with intertemporal optimization? Evidence from the
Consumer Expenditure Survey," Journal of Political Economy, Vol.
103, No. 6, pp. 1121-1157.
Blundell, R., and T. MaCurdy, 1999, "Labor supply,"
Handbook of Labor Economics, Orley Ashenfelter and David Card (eds.),
Amsterdam: Elsevier, North Holland.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2000, Flow of
Funds Accounts of the United States: Flows and Outstandings, Fourth
Quarter 1999, Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Browning, Martin, Francois Bourguignon, Pierre-Andre Chiappori, and
Valerie Lechene, 1994, "Income and outcomes: A structural model of
intra-household allocation," Journal of Political Economy, Vol.
102, No. 6, pp. 1067-1096.
Cochrane, John, 1997, "Where is the market going? Uncertain
facts and novel theories," Economic Perspectives, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, Vol. 21, November-December, pp. 3-37.
Dynan, Karen, and Dean Maki, 2000, "Does stock market wealth
matter for consumption?," Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, mimeo.
French, Eric, 2000, "The effects of health, wealth, and wages
on labor supply and retirement behavior," Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, working paper, No. 00-02.
Gustman, Alan, Olivia Mitchell, Andrew Samwick, and Thomas
Steinmeier, 1998, "Evaluating pension entitlements," Dartmouth
College, mimeo.
Gustman, Alan, and Thomas Steinmeier, 1999, "Effects of
pensions on savings: Analysis with Data from the Health and Retirement
Study," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, pp.
Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, David Joulfaian, and Harvey Rosen, 1993,
"The Caragie conjecture: Some empirical evidence," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Vol. 108, May, pp. 413-435.
Imbens, Guido, Donald Rubin, and Bruce Sacerdote, 1999,
"Estimating the effect of unearned income on labor supply,
earnings, savings, and consumption: Evidence from a survey of lottery
players," National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper, No.
Joulfaian, David, and Mark Wilhelm, 1994, "Inheritance and
labor supply," Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp.
Juster, F. Thomas, James Smith, and Frank Stafford, 1999, "The
measurement and structure of household wealth," University of
Michigan, manuscript.
Kennickell, Arthur, Martha Starr-McCluer, and Brian Surette, 2000,
"Recent changes in family finances: Results from the 1998 Survey of
Consumer Finances," Federal Reserve Bulletin, January, pp. 1-29.
Ludvigson, Sydney, and Charles Steindel, 1999, "How important
is the stock market effect on consumption?," Economic Policy
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, July, pp. 29-51.
Parker, Jonathan, 1999, "Spendthrift in America? On two
decades of decline in the U.S. savings rate," NBER Macroeconomics Annual, pp. 317-370.
Poterba, James, 2000, "Stock market wealth and
consumption," Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.
U.S. Social Security Administration, 1997, Social Security Bulletin
Annual Statistical Supplement, Washington.
Predicting stock returns
This section shows the method we use to compute the difference
between the k-year realized and expected returns. Denote the return over
the past year as [r.sub.i] (for example, [r.sub.1995] is the one-year
rate of return from the end of December 31, 1994, through the end of
December 31, 1995) and the gross return over a k-year horizon as
[R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]], where [t.sub.k] = [t.sub.0] + k
(for example, if k= 5 and [t.sub.0] = 1994, the five-year return is
[R.sub.1994[right arrow]1999], the return from the end of December 31,
1994, through December 31, 1999). We measure all returns and growth
rates in real terms. The k period rate of return is
1) [R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] = [[[pi].sup.k].sub.i=1]
(1 + [r.sub.[t.sub.0]+i]).
We can compare this to the gross k-year expected return, which we
forecast as:
2) [R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] =
[[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] +
[excess.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]],
3) [excess.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] =
[R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] - [[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right
arrow][t.sub.k]] = [alpha] + [[epsilon].sub.t],
[alpha] is the constant excess rate of return, [[epsilon].sub.t] is
a white-noise random variable, and [[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right
arrow][t.sub.k]] represents the continuously compounded return on a
k-year risk-free asset. The rationale for forecasting the excess stock
return (that is, stock returns net the risk-free return) is that the
k-year total return of a risk-free asset is known in advance at time
[t.sub.0]; for example, we can easily find information regarding yields
on five-year Treasury bonds today, and thus compute the associated
five-year holding period return (assuming the bond is held until
maturity). Thus, the only variables in the forecast at time [t.sub.0] of
future expected returns is the average excess return over the sample
period and the five-year Treasury bond return.
The unexpected windfall for an investor at time [t.sub.1], who had
M dollars in the stock market at time [t.sub.0] is thus simply
[delta][A.sub.t] [equivalent] M([R.sub.[t.sub.0][right
arrow][t.sub.k]] - [R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]]),
where [[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] is the
predicted stock market return given by equations 2 and 3.
Equation 3 is an extremely simple model of forecasting excess stock
returns; in fact, the predicted value [excess.sub.[t.sub.0][right
arrow][t.sub.1]] is simply the mean of the risk premium over the entire
time span. Other models have been suggested. Cochrane (1997) recommends
several possible indicators that track long-horizon market movements
relatively well. In particular, he suggests that the price/dividend
(P/D) ratio is a good indicator of long-horizon market movements. When
P/D ratios are high, stocks are overpriced and, thus, stock prices
should grow slowly.
The regression
4) [excess.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] =
[R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] - [[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right
arrow][t.sub.k]] = [alpha] + [beta] [P.sub.[t.sub.0]]/[D.sub.[t.sub.0]]
+ [[epsilon].sub.t]
using excess returns over k = five-year horizons of the CRSP NYSE value-weighted portfolio from the end of 1954 to the end of 1996 (that
is, using stock market information from the start of 1950 to the end of
1996) and five-year Treasury yields (see the appendix for more
information) gives a point estimate of [beta] = -5.30 with an [R.sup.2]
of 0.54. Using these estimates, the predicted excess return for December
31, 1994, to December 31, 1999, is -27 percent. This is an implausible prediction given that if people expected stock returns to be lower than
bond returns, nobody would invest in stocks. However, extending the
regression to include 1997-99 as in-sample years cuts the point estimate
to -2.79. Using these estimates, the predicted excess return for
December 31, 1994, to December 31, 1999, was 12 percent. If anything,
these estimates indicate that our model would actually underestimate the
unexpected wealth shock during 1994-99, since our model simply predicts
the market to return the mean historical ex cess return plus the going
return on bonds, whereas more complex models predicted the market would
perform poorly. In fact, our estimate for unexpected windfalls 1994-99
using equation 3 is $1.12 on every dollar, whereas the same estimate
using equation 4 and our own data is $1.46 on every dollar (in 1999
Interestingly, forecasting the following unrestricted version of
equation 3 using 1954-99 data,
[R.sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] =
[alpha]+[beta][[R.sup.f].sub.[t.sub.0][right arrow][t.sub.k]] +
yields a point estimate of [beta] = 0.95 with a standard error of
0.40 (not including adjustments for heteroskedasticity and serial
correlation), so one cannot statistically reject our model where we
assume [beta] = 1.
Method of simulated moments
The method of estimating preference parameters in the simulation
model is called the Method of Simulated Moments. It can be described as
follows. First, we estimate life cycle profiles for assets, hours
worked, and labor force participation rates using Panel Study of Income
Dynamics (PSID) data. Second, we estimate individual histories of health
and wage shocks using PSID data. Third, we solve the model backwards,
obtaining optimal decisions for consumption, work hours, and whether to
apply for Social Security benefits for each possible level of assets,
wages, health status, and potential Social Security benefits. Fourth, we
simulate individual life cycle profiles for assets, hours worked, and
labor force participation rates using the individual histories of health
and wage shocks and the decision rules from the structural model.
Finally, we aggregate the simulated profiles and the data profiles by
age and compare them. Preference parameters that create simulated
profiles that look like the profiles from the data are considered the
true preference parameters. Details are in French (2000).
Risk-free asset data
We calculate the risk-free five-year return as the continuously
compounded return on holding five-year Treasury instruments to maturity.
To obtain the zero coupon rate, we use data that have been adjusted
using a Fisher/Zervos technique. We obtained Fisher/Zervos estimates for
1961 to the present from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors,
Division of Research and Statistics (courtesy of Mark Carey). For
returns prior to 1961, we use five-year Treasury bonds. There is only a
small difference in returns between the two data series (during periods
of overlap).
Stock market data
Stock market annual returns (including dividends) for 1926 to the
present are from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) Index
Series, No. 100080, a value-weighted portfolio of all NYSE, AMEX, and
NASDAQ stocks. We impute missing entries for 1999-2000 using 1970-2000
S&P 500 total return (including dividend reinvestment) data. Values
represent end of December 31 to end of December 31 returns.
Flow of funds data
Our data on the market value of equities owned by households (and
related data) are from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Flow of
Funds Accounts of the United States. All values are in 1999 billions of
dollars and represent year-end levels. Equities in pensions include
defined contributions pensions only. Equities are defined as shares of
ownership in financial and nonfinancial corporate businesses, both
common and preferred shares of domestic corporations, and U.S. purchases
of shares of foreign corporations (including ADRs).
Price level data
We use December levels from the Consumer Price Index for all urban
consumers (1999 = 100) to make our price adjustments.
PSID data
We use the 1989 and 1994 waves of PSID data in our analysis of
stock and pension wealth. Our 1989 sample excludes those who do not
provide an answer regarding pension status or do not respond to whether
they contributed to a pension (for either husband or wife in the
household). The 1994 sample includes only those families in the 1989
sample, less those who changed marital status or whose head of household
had changed since 1989. We use the 1989 weights wherever applicable.
Juster et al. (1999) show that the 1989 PSID accounts for
approximately 85 percent of household stock wealth in the Survey of
Consumer Finances (SCF). Limiting the sample to only those who match
between 1989 and 1994 (less those who experienced a change in marital
status or change in household head during those years) results in a 30
percent higher mean stock wealth than the full 1994 sample (using 1994
weights, when both are scaled by 1/0.85 1.18), so we adjust by scaling
down 1994 stock wealth by a total factor of 1.18/1.30 0.91. In order to
analyze men and women separately, we assume that allocation of
non-pension stock wealth in married households is 50 percent to each
To analyze 1989 pension wealth, we use a simplified model assuming
constant lifetime accrual amounts (in 1999 dollars) with a real return
of 2.3 percent per year. Using figures from Gustman and Steinmeier
(1999) and assuming that half the wealth in combined pension plans is in
the form of defined benefit wealth, the average level of wealth in
defined contribution plans per household is $69,000 (1999 dollars).
Assuming that it is at age 65 when the amount is $69,000, and that it is
at age 35 when the worker starts contributing, we compute a schedule of
pension wealth at each age. We give workers less than 35 years old one
year's worth of pension accrual and workers older than 65 the
maximum amount ($69,000). Assuming a 5 percent contribution rate, we use
our imputed annual accrual level to impute the associated level of
annual earnings. We then assign each worker (who has a defined
contribution plan) a level of pension wealth equal to the previously
calculated pension wealth level (associated with their age), scaled by
the ratio of their 1988 earnings (from the PSID) to the imputed mean
level of earnings from the HRS. To analyze the amount of pension wealth
in stocks, we assume that stocks comprise 50 percent of pension wealth.
To find pension wealth in 1994, we use the previously calculated
schedule of pension wealth to assign a new level of pension wealth based
on the individual's new age, again using 1988 earnings to scale the
We make a number of other imputations to account for shortcomings
in the PSID data. First, since the 1989 PSID data contains only 1988
earnings (not the pre-retirement earnings level, which is the earnings
level in question), we impute the level of earnings of pre-retirement
work as follows. For individuals who are covered by a pension and work
more than 1,000 hours, we do not modify their level of earnings; if they
work less than 1,000 hours, we take their pre-retirement earnings as the
earnings in the data plus the mean earnings of those who work more than
1,000 hours, less the mean earnings of those who work less than 1,000
hours. To obtain a person's 1994 earnings (required for the
computation of labor supply elasticities), we look to the person's
earnings in the 1995 PSID and proceed in a similar fashion.
The 1989 PSID pension question does not allow retired persons to
indicate whether they were covered by a pension while they were working;
therefore, we take positive pension income as an indicator for a
pre-retirement pension. To find whether that pension is a defined
contribution pension, we perform the following procedure. If a person
indicates pension coverage in response to the direct PSID question
regarding pension coverage, we take the response to whether they
contribute toward that pension as given. If a person indicates no
pension coverage, but is receiving positive pension income, we assign
the person a random number (according to a uniform [0,1] distribution);
if that number is less than the probability of having a defined
contribution plan (given age and pension coverage), we assume the
pre-retirement pension is a defined contribution plan (otherwise not).
We calculate the probability of having a defined contribution plan as
Pr(DC \ age, pension = yes) = Pr(DC \ age) / Pr(Pension \ age),
Pr(DC \ age) = Pr(PSID DC = yes \ age) + [Pr(PSID DC = yes \ PSID
Pen yes) x Pr(receiving pension income \ age)].
Lastly, to find the people who are covered by defined contribution
plans in 1994, we simply carry over those who were covered in 1989,
since the 1994 PSID data release at this time does not include any
questions regarding defined contribution pensions.