Slow work force growth: a challenge for the Midwest?
Kaglic, Richard E. ; Testa, William A.
Introduction and summary
During the mid-1980s, demographers and work force analysts began
forecasting slower work force growth and tighter labor markets as the
last of the so-called baby boomers entered the work force and rising
female work force participation began to level off (Johnston and Packer,
1987). Employers were warned that the shrinking pool of new workers,
along with their increasing diversity, would present new challenges in
obtaining and managing a productive work force. In the Midwest, such
concerns seemed very remote. Throughout much of the 1970s, 1980s, and
very early 1990s, employment demand was weak and migration of workers
from the Midwest was the norm. In the late 1990s, however, labor market conditions have changed significantly. Currently 3.0 percent, Midwest
unemployment has consistently ranged between 0.5 and 1 percentage point
below the national average over the last five years. And many business
executives in the Midwest report "finding good help at current wage
offers" as the most vexing of current problems (Bank of America,
In this article, we examine whether the current tight labor markets
in the Midwest are likely to continue. We conclude that, although a part
of this labor market tightness is transitory, the Midwest will
experience slower work force growth accompanied by continued strong
demand for workers.(1) After a severe shock in the early 1980s, the
region's mainstay industries have restructured and found ways to
compete. Auto and truck production have reconcentrated in the
mid-section of the nation due to a complementarity between the
industry's new emphasis on just-in-time delivery and the
region's advantageous location and dense highway infrastructure.
Supply-side limitations also suggest labor market tightness will
continue. The region's robust work force growth of the past ten
years has come about, to a significant extent, through reemployment of
an underemployed population rather than new workers. Net migration of
workers from other regions and other countries does not appear to be as
significant in the Midwest as in many regions of the South and West.
Meanwhile, like other regions, the Midwest is expected to continue to
experience a tepid pace of entry of young adults into the work force.
What are the implications of ongoing labor market tightness for the
region's businesses and policymakers? Because tight labor markets
bring both benefits and costs, policy initiatives to stimulate work
force growth will not be uniformly favored. For example, while business
and property owners might favor policy actions to encourage workers to
migrate to the region, such measures might adversely affect Midwest
workers by putting downward pressure on wages. On the other hand,
workers have much to gain from tight labor markets - rising real wages
and incomes and better job opportunities. Despite these reservations
about expanding labor supply, work force growth can benefit indigenous
workers, particularly in areas where population growth may be needed to
sustain declining towns, cities, and industries. In addition, incoming
workers with specific skills may help generate demand for groups of
indigenous workers with related or complementary skills who may be
Policies to ease labor-constrained growth by expanding the skills
and education of the region's existing population may be less
contentious than those aimed at boosting migration. Such policies are
also more likely to raise wages and per capita incomes on a sustained
basis, because they are based on improvements in worker productivity.
Labor market participation rates may also be increased through
improvements in transportation between inner cities and suburbs offering
new job opportunities and other programs that facilitate the entry of
low-income groups into the work force.
Midwest labor market tightness: A transitory problem?
Now into its ninth year of expansion, the U.S. economy is enjoying
the longest run of uninterrupted growth in modern history. Concerns
about work force availability might be expected to characterize such a
period and, to some extent, may reflect the transitory nature of a
peaking business cycle rather than a fundamental change in the labor
market. As economic expansions develop, worker participation rates
increase, supported by rising wages and employment opportunities. The
robust pace of recent economic expansion, with gross domestic product
growing at 3.7 percent annually over 1996-98, has been especially
conducive to work force participation. In 1997, the national
participation rate among those aged 16 and older reached 64 percent, an
all-time high. In the Midwest, the rate reached 67 percent.
([ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1 OMITTED] shows the trend for 1981-97; table
1 shows participation rates for all age groups.)
Clearly, a portion of the region's labor market tightness is
cyclical rather than secular. Figure 1 reveals that the Midwest's
participation rate rises during strong periods of national growth and
wanes during recessions. This is due to the highly cyclical nature of
the region's mainstay sector - durable goods manufacturing. The
Midwest economy is 35 percent to 40 percent more concentrated than the
nation in durable goods production.(2) Consequently, [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE 1 OMITTED] studies report that a swing in employment at the
national level is associated with a more than proportionate swing in the
employment levels of Midwest states.(3) The cyclical element of the
Midwest's labor market tightness might discourage workers from
migrating to the region.(4) Accordingly, labor tightness is likely to
ease as the economy's cyclical strength abates.
Furthermore, while manufacturers remain more heavily concentrated
in the Midwest, the industry's share of total employment continues
to decrease in the region as well as across the country.(5) Figure 2
shows the percentage of the regional and national work force that is
engaged in manufacturing. Current projections indicate that
manufacturing and farm employment will continue to decline, reducing
some of the demand pressure in the Midwest labor market.(6)
Case for continued labor market tightness
We believe that any easing of labor demand in goods-intensive
industries will be more than offset by 1) the resurgent long-run
performance of the region's economy and 2) national and regional
demographic trends that will slow the growth of available workers.
Although the region remains more heavily concentrated in
manufacturing than the nation as a whole, its industrial sector has not
been counted on as a major driver of job creation since the 1960s.
Rather, the bulk of new employment opportunities have come from
service-producing industries - such as the finance, insurance and real
estate sector; wholesale and retail trades; and the rapidly expanding
business services sector. Since 1990, for example, the services sector
has expanded by 32 percent in the region, creating nearly 1.2 million
jobs. At the same time, manufacturing payrolls have grown at only
one-eighth that rate. Demand for workers from the services sector, then,
has more than made up for the comparatively anemic pace of manufacturing
job creation.
A recent assessment of the Midwest economy's recovery since
the 1980s, conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, concludes
that much of this recovery is due to fundamental changes.(7) The
region's industries have adopted new technologies and management
practices to become globally competitive, while keeping costs in line
with market realities. Midwest payroll employment growth outpaced that
of the nation from 1990 through 1996, rising 10 percent compared with
national growth of 9 percent. Although it is somewhat characteristic for
the Midwest to come out of a recession at a fast pace, its above-average
performance in the 1990-91 recession and the duration of its subsequent
recovery indicate the beginning of a long-term competitive trend
relative to other parts of the U.S.
Since 1996, employment growth in the Midwest has slowed relative to
the nation [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 3 OMITTED]. However, the evidence
indicates that this is largely as a result of work force capacity
constraints, and that demand for labor remains strong.(8) Indeed,
surveys of the hiring plans of Midwest companies and help wanted
advertising in the region's newspapers point to growing demand for
labor. Furthermore, falling levels of initial claims for unemployment
insurance indicate fewer job losses in the region.
Supporting evidence for continued tight labor markets also arises
from demographic trends that will slow the growth of available workers
in the nation and, to an even greater extent, in the Midwest. National
forecasts, based on both the age structure of the population and work
force participation rates, indicate a slower rate of work force growth
in the decades ahead.
The so-called baby boom generation of Americans began entering the
work force en masse during the 1970s. Owing to both this population
bulge and to climbing work force participation rates for women, the work
force grew at a pace of 2.2 percent per year from 1970 through 1986, but
slowed thereafter [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 4 OMITTED]. As early as the
mid-1980s, research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the
Hudson Institute indicated that these demographic changes would cause
labor markets to tighten. However, the demographic factors were obscured
by the more obvious impact of the 1990-91 recession. Now, as we approach
the end of the decade, the long-term trends are reasserting themselves.
National work force growth has averaged an anemic annual rate of 1.1
percent in the 1990s. Most estimates put work force growth at only 1
percent per year in the decade ahead, possibly stagnating in the
following two decades.(9)
Such forecasts can be made with reasonable confidence, based on
known birth and death rates. More uncertain issues are future work force
participation rates and immigration levels. Work force participation
rates for women have been climbing since the 1950s, almost doubling to a
current level of 57 percent [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 5 OMITTED].(10)
These increased participation rates have been accompanied by (and
attributable to) greater educational attainment among women, rising
wages relative to men, delayed age of marriage and first childbirth, and
expanded occupational opportunities. Meanwhile, participation rates
among men have been falling steadily, a trend that has been less widely
studied. At least part of the decline is due to the rapid fall in jobs
in the goods-producing sectors, where men still account for the bulk of
the work force (73.1 percent). In addition, rising incomes among older
male workers and their families (due to economic growth and social
security) have allowed many men to retire or temporarily withdraw from
the labor force. Analysts at the BLS are forecasting modest increases in
the work force participation rates of workers aged 55 and over in the
next ten years.(11) Figure 6 shows that participation rates among older
workers have already started to pick up.(12) The improving general
health of seniors, rising educational levels, and the economy's
occupational shift away from manual labor are allowing workers to remain
on the job longer.(13)
The Midwest work force remains blue collar, slightly undereducated,
and older relative to the rest of the U.S. (see table 2). In 1996, the
region's population share in the 25-34 age group was smaller than
that of the rest of the nation (table 3). While participation rates may
increase among older workers in the Midwest and elsewhere, this will not
be enough to offset the growing demand for better educated, high-skilled
workers.(14) Indeed, the aging of the population will be a chief
contributor to slowing work force growth across the U.S. in the coming
decades. Another significant contributor for the Midwest will be the
migration of younger, well-educated workers out of the region.
Percent of persons 25 years and over by education, 1990
[less than] High High school Advanced
school graduate College degree
U.S. 24.8 30.0 13.1 7.2
Illinois 23.8 30.0 13.6 7.5
Indiana 24.4 38.2 9.2 6.4
Iowa 19.9 38.5 11.7 5.2
Michigan 23.2 32.3 10.9 6.4
Wisconsin 21.4 37.1 12.1 5.6
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the
Census, 1990, Census of Population.
Except for Illinois, which contains the Chicago metropolitan area,
the percentage of the Midwest's population having college and
advanced degrees fell short of the national level at the last Census in
1990. At the same time, Midwest high school graduation rates tend to be
above the national average. Apparently, many college-educated
Midwesterners - especially younger graduates - have tended to migrate
[TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 3 OMITTED] to other regions in search of
suitable employment.(15) Since 1969, the Midwest's share of U.S.
population has declined from 16 percent to slightly over 13 percent.
Labor market imbalances are a prime determinant of migration flows. In
the early 1980s, when jobs were scarce and layoffs common, the region
lost an average of 250,000 people per year. This outflow slowed as the
economy recovered, and even became a small net inflow during the early
1990s [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 7 OMITTED], as coastal states experienced
slower job growth. Now that coastal labor markets have tightened, the
region is again experiencing a net outflow of workers.
The Midwest is experiencing a small positive net migration from the
Northeast, but population outflows toward the South and West are
expected to continue. According to the Census Bureau, states in the
South are expected to gain between 10 percent and 30 percent in
population by 2015 and in the West, 20 percent to 45 percent. The Census
Bureau forecasts population growth of 0 percent to 10 percent for the
Midwest [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 8 OMITTED]. To some extent, these flows
are related to a general shift of jobs away from goods-producing
regions.(16) Of course, workers are also attracted by the warmer
climates of the South and West and, at least in the South, the
relatively low cost of living. Edmondson (1997) finds that of the 272
U.S. metropolitan areas that had population increases in excess of 10
percent between 1990 and 1995, only 18 were prone to extremely cold
winters.(17) In addition, 15 of the 21 metropolitan areas that
experienced a decrease in population were in areas characterized by
extremely cold winters.
Positive immigration from abroad has helped to offset net migration
from the Midwest. This, along with natural increase (births over
deaths), has kept the region's population growing in absolute
terms.(18) On average, 171,000 individuals per year have moved to the
North Central Census region from other countries in the 1990s. However,
the flow of immigrants to other parts of the U.S. outpaces that to the
In summary, the evidence suggests that the Midwest's work
force growth prospects will remain relatively weak in the coming
decades, while its strong economy implies continued growth in demand for
labor, particularly for workers with high levels of education and
skills. As a result, employers will find it increasingly difficult to
hire the workers they want at the wage levels they prefer. This marks a
significant change from the past ten to 15 years, when the Midwest was
able to grow its labor supply largely through increased participation
among its existing work force. That reservoir of underemployed workers
is now running low.
Policy responses to labor market tightness
How should Midwest public policymakers respond to tight labor
markets? What are the factors that will shape popular support for policy
alternatives? Of course, one possible response to the era of tight labor
markets is to make no policy adjustments whatsoever. In light of the
slow growth and high unemployment that the region experienced in the
1980s, an era of tight labor markets looks awfully good. For workers,
tight markets can mean plentiful job opportunities and rising incomes.
Indeed, we find some evidence of recent Midwest gains - per capita
income has risen to slightly above the national average in the 1990s
[ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 10 OMITTED]. The employment cost index values
for private industry workers have been growing of late in both the
region and the nation (table 4).
Change in employment costs
(percent change, year over year)
Dec. Sep. Dec.
1997 1998 1998
U.S. total compensation 3.3 3.7 3.4
Wages and salaries 3.8 4.0 3.7
U.S. Consumer
Price Index 1.7 1.5 1.6
Midwest compensation 3.6 3.5 3.3
Wages and salaries 4.2 4.0 3.8
Midwest Consumer
Price Index 1.3 1.5 1.6
Note: Midwest is defined herein as the East North Central and West
North Central Census regions.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
1997-98, compensation and working conditions statistics.
Despite these gains, policymakers may consider measures to
encourage growth, because continued wage growth is by no means assured.
For one thing, the increasingly global economy may limit wage increases
for the region. As wages are bid up, the competitive rigors of product
markets will tend to shift production and production capacity to
competing regions. Furthermore, the recent rise of wages and incomes
could be interpreted as a recovery from a temporary economic shock in
the early 1980s. If so, wages and incomes should now revert toward their
average or "equilibrium." This would be consistent with models
of interregional growth that point to eventual convergence of incomes
and wages across U.S. regions. Public policy alternatives that passively
allow tight labor markets to materialize in a low-growth environment
may, therefore, do little to enhance the material well-being of the
Midwest population. For this reason, the region's policymakers may
pursue measures to enhance work force availability and promote economic
Encouraging migration to the Midwest
Encouraging migration from other regions or countries may
facilitate growth in output and total income. However, it may also put
downward pressure on the wages of some types of workers, to the extent
that migrant workers act as substitutes for indigenous workers.(19) So
too, depending on its demographic characteristics, the incoming
population can create a fiscal burden for state and local governments.
In particular, for lower paid migrants who contribute little in state
and local taxes, the costs of public services, such as education, can be
high.(20) Because not all job expansion necessarily benefits the local
population, work force expansion policies that encourage movement of
workers into the region may not receive universal public support.
In spite of these pitfalls, there are reasons why growing the labor
supply might produce broad benefits for the work force. For example, in
some cases, newcomers may help a region's economy to achieve
economies of scale or scope in a critical industry, thereby raising
wages and income. New workers also generate income, some of which is
spent within the region. Such expenditures may improve the well-being of
all the region's residents, much as trade and specialization tend
to do. More generally, to the extent that labor market recruitment
programs attract the professions that are most needed, overall labor
demand may be raised for complementary professions of indigenous
workers. Today, the greatest demand in the Midwest is for workers with
technical skills; such workers may be needed to attract industrial
development that would also provide jobs for lower skilled workers.
In some areas, general increases in population may allow small
towns to survive and provide necessary support for the agricultural
economy. Like most of the U.S., the Midwest has seen its rural
population shrink throughout most of this century. Among Midwest states,
Iowa has been the hardest hit by rural population losses. It follows
that Iowa, along with other heavily agricultural states, has been at the
forefront of public policies and public-private partnerships to
encourage recruitment from outside the region and abroad. One example of
such a public-private initiative is The Iowa Human Resource Recruitment
Consortium, which is funded by the Iowa General Assembly. The program is
employer-driven, with staff assistance from the Iowa departments of
Workforce Development and Economic Development.(21) It is designed to
attract professional and technical job seekers to Iowa through alumni
contacts from the state's universities.
If policymakers decide that attracting more workers from outside
the region is desirable, one way to promote such migration is to focus
on quality of life or residential amenities. Although studies have found
that job availability and wages are often the dominant motivators of
migration,(22) regional amenities may be an important secondary factor
in workers' location decisions.(23) For example, research suggests
climate is significant in motivating interstate and inter-metropolitan
migration of workers and retirees. While little can be done to eliminate
the Midwest's cold-climate disadvantage, policy initiatives with
respect to built environment are another matter. These include land use
policies that optimize amounts and types of open space and recreational
opportunities. Improving public services, such as surface transportation
and schools, may be just as important. Publications aimed at those
considering a move(24) also cite regional cost of living as an important
factor in location decisions. In this, the Midwest region fares well. As
of 1997, median home prices in the Midwest were below those in the
Northeast and the West. In any case, from a policy perspective, a focus
on quality of life is a positive- sum endeavor, at least to the extent
that cost-effective improvements in public amenities raise the
consumption wages of residents.
Improving education and training
At present, highly educated workers are being paid a growing
premium for their productivity, as reflected in the average weekly wages
of college educated versus high school educated workers shown in figure
11. It is perhaps no accident that the personal computer/information
highway revolution coincided with a runup in this premium from 47
percent in 1978 to 69 percent in 1997. Evidence from employer surveys
indicates that newly created jobs require higher skills than existing
jobs.(25) Therefore, removing barriers to educational achievement would
increase available skills while also boosting wages and income.
Moreover, rising wages might not be confined to those attaining higher
education levels; a declining supply of less skilled workers (as more of
them reach higher skill levels) may put upward pressures on the wages of
these workers as well.
The importance of raising the number of skilled workers is
reflected in several midwestern states' strategic development plans
for growth and development. For example, the Indiana Economic
Development Council's (IEDC) recent blueprint for 1999-2004
includes plans for state funding of a credit/debit card and lines of
credit that could be used by young adults for education and training in
a wide spectrum of state programs. Another IEDC initiative focuses on
providing consumers with timely information on the performance and
outcomes of schools and training programs.(26)
In addition to enhancing workers' skills, greater educational
attainment is associated with greater work force participation. In 1997,
U.S. unemployment rates of college graduates averaged only 1.7 percent,
versus an average of 7.0 percent for those without high school diplomas
[ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 12 OMITTED]. This is not to say that all of the
gaps in work force participation can be closed by education and training
alone. Significant supplemental investment may be required to help
workers overcome other factors, such as disabilities or social
environment factors, that limit their ability to benefit from education
and training. For example, a review of the effectiveness of publicly
sponsored training programs to date suggests that the amounts invested
have been modest relative to what would be needed to boost participants
out of long-term poverty.(27) Programs also vary in effectiveness by
target group, with those directed toward women showing more promise so
far than those aimed at youth or men. based on the somewhat limited
evidence to date, it is far from clear whether more intensive
investments, such as classroom training and extensive on-the-job
training, are effective or as effective as more modest training and
job-matching services that are often provided to the unemployed.
Welfare-to-work initiatives
Welfare-to-work policies represent another way to access untapped
labor in the Midwest, but moving welfare recipients into the economic
mainstream poses many significant challenges for policymakers. However,
with unemployment rates running well below the national average and
employers searching for workers, Midwest state governments have been
some of the most innovative and responsive to federal welfare policy
changes in the nation. Midwestern states took the lead when the federal
government began allowing states more freedom to "experiment"
within federal parameters of welfare policy in the mid-1980s. As a
result, when welfare reform legislation was passed in 1996, the region
was already moving forward. Wisconsin's initiative, Wisconsin Works (W-2), is widely credited with being the first comprehensive and
detailed plan under the new state block grant system. The W-2 plan,
which has become somewhat of a blueprint for other states to follow, is
based on four main principles. First, it ties eligibility for nearly all
cash assistance to some form of employment. Second, it tailors cash
assistance to what individual recipients ask for, rather than all they
are eligible for. Third, W-2 programs are implemented quickly. Lastly,
W-2 shifts responsibility for moving welfare recipients into the work
force from the Department of Health and Social services to the
Department of Workforce Development.(28)
Some Midwest states have expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit,
which provides income tax refunds to low-income families. Other states
have reduced disincentives to work by increasing the vehicle asset limit
(a limit imposed on the value of a vehicle owned by cash assistance
recipients).(29) Some states have tailored programs for specific groups
of welfare recipients. For example, Indiana's Welfare to Work
program earmarks funds for moving those with problems of substance
abuse, poor work history, or significant educational deficiencies into
the work force.
The results of these and other programs are encouraging. Statistics
released by the Illinois Department of Human Services show that the
state's welfare caseload declined 22 percent from November 1997 to
November 1998, while the number of case cancellations resulting from
employment jumped 41 percent. Michigan reports that its welfare caseload
has been reduced by more than 200,000 since 1992 as a result of excess
earnings. However, much of this success has come during an exceptionally
robust economic expansion. Further research is needed to gauge the
long-term success and cost-effectiveness of the region's
welfare-to-work experiments.
Linking jobs with workers
Policy measures that facilitate matching job seekers with job
openings may also be important in an era of labor market tightness.
Currently, employment rates and earnings gaps are especially stark
between low-income and minority neighborhoods of central cities and
suburbs. Differences in education, age, and family structure play a
large role in these gaps. However, while the research is not definitive,
many observers believe that geographic isolation has also depressed
earnings and work participation rates in inner cities.(30) Residents of
low-income inner city neighborhoods find it more difficult to learn of
job openings and to travel to work, often having to rely on public
transportation. Also significant are the peer group effects of income
and racial segregation on long-term residents of low-income
neighborhoods. Lack of successful role models, isolation from mainstream
culture and values, and the physical hurdles of crime and safety are
thought to have created, or expanded, an underclass of adults who are
not "job ready." Bringing these adults into the work force,
and helping them to succeed once employed, may require programs
specifically tailored to their needs.(31) While it is difficult to gauge
the precise impact of residential segregation on work force
participation, the trends are not encouraging. Black families remain
highly concentrated in central cities and this trend has declined only
slightly since the 1980s.(32) Furthermore, the slightly downward trend
is explained by the suburbanization of higher income and middle income
Black families, while the lowest income families have become even more
concentrated in central cities.
Some metropolitan areas are addressing the spatial mismatch between
workers and jobs by improving access to transportation and information
about jobs for city residents. For example, some areas are creating
informational networks to inform workers about distant job opportunities
and to screen workers for job openings. (These networks may also allow
firms to reliably identify high-quality workers by establishing ongoing
relationships with program intermediaries.) One such program is the
Chicago City/Suburban Job/Link program. The program not only identifies
suburban jobs for city residents and provides transportation to and from
the jobs, but offers clients assistance in developing employable skills
and in certifying a consistent record of employment. Some governments
are also considering measures to develop more affordable housing in
proximity to job locations. For example, a recent comprehensive policy
and land use plan for the Chicago metropolitan area recommends that the
metropolitan area's major employers agree by compact to favor, in
their site location decisions, suburban locales that provide adequate
affordable housing.(33) In response to feedback from program
participants (both cash assistance recipients and employers), Michigan
initiated a pilot project in early 1999 to provide welfare recipients
with rental assistance. The plan pools the resources of two state
agencies to provide up to $200 a month in cash assistance to recipients
for up to two years if they need to relocate for employment or to be
closer to transportation or high-quality child care.
An alternative to helping workers to access suburban jobs is to
bring more jobs into the central cities. Some policymakers believe that
job redevelopment in depressed neighborhoods benefits all the
residents.(34) Little is known about the effectiveness of public
policies to draw businesses into inner city neighborhoods. One policy
approach being tried is supporting (for example, through subsidies) the
environmental remediation of formerly contaminated sites, so-called
brownfields.(35) For example, Illinois provides a 25 percent income tax
credit, capped at $150,000 per site, to developers that restore
contaminated sites; Cook County, Illinois, offers a companion 25 percent
credit for such sites; Indiana permits localities to designate affected
zones for special tax abatements; Michigan allocates general obligation
bond proceeds for brownfield purposes; and Wisconsin cancels back taxes
for those willing to clean up abandoned and contaminated property.
Federal and state governments are also extending favorable tax and
regulatory treatment to firms that locate or invest in distressed
neighborhoods. The designated areas are often called enterprise zones
(or renaissance or entrepreneurial zones).(36) The evidence on the
effectiveness of such initiatives is mixed.(37) Some studies, such as
Sridhar's (1996) evaluation in Illinois and Papke (1994) in
Indiana, find that the programs result in incremental economic activity,
while others find a very modest impact at best (Dowall, 1996).
Furthermore, it is unclear whether the associated economic activity is
being created or merely shifted from one location to another.
Other programs focus on development opportunities for retail and
business services in low-income neighborhoods. Studies have found that
local markets for such services are much more lucrative than official
statistics suggest and, further, that siting stores and offices in inner
city neighborhoods can successfully be accomplished by tapping the
knowledge of local neighborhood organizations.(38) For example, a recent
analysis of low-income neighborhoods in Chicago argues that the personal
income of residents is underestimated by standard governments
statistics; hence, these areas may offer greater market success that is
commonly recognized by large, nationally branded retailers.(39) Another
study of Chicago's neighborhoods documents the
"underservicing" of business service firms, such as photocopy
shops, mailing/packaging outlets, and accounting services.(40)
The advent of tight labor markets was anticipated in the latter
half of the 1980s, but the concern was temporarily forgotten when the
economy slowed in the early 1990s. Robust economic growth since then has
alerted researchers, businesspeople, and policymakers to the likelihood
that labor market tightness will continue. Labor demand has revived
after many decades as the Midwest's industries have returned to
global competitiveness. At present, the region's unemployment rate
is almost 1 full percentage point below the nation's. Although the
goods-intensive nature of the region's industry mix suggests lower
demand for labor, work force growth will be slower in the Midwest than
elsewhere. Currently, work force participation rates are higher in the
region than in the nation. But, long term, the relatively older and less
educated composition of the region's work force will lower
participation rates. More importantly, net migration out of the Midwest
continues, as younger workers, especially, move to warmer regions.
Although work force growth is aided somewhat by immigration from abroad,
the inflow of immigrants to the Midwest is relatively weak.
Quality of life initiatives present an attractive policy
alternative for state and local governments both to retain and to
attract workers - at least to the extent that such initiatives are
As employers increasingly require higher skilled workers, promotion
of further educational attainment is an important tool to boost labor
availability. Work force participation rates among educated workers
continue to grow. The possible downside of educational investments by
state or local governments is that workers, once educated or trained,
are free to move away. However, the downside potential is probably lower
for lower skill levels, such as high school and just beyond, where the
Midwest's present occupational structure matches its own industries
rather than those of other regions.
Most Midwest states have aggressively begun programs to substitute
work-support assistance for cash welfare grants. Policymakers believe
the benefits of bringing the welfare population segment into the work
force will flow to the Midwest rather than to other regions.
Public policies to assist the functioning of the labor market might
also be important to overall work force availability. Work force
participation rates in central cities remain low, especially in poor and
minority neighborhoods, while job opportunities continue to move to
distant suburbs, which often provide little housing for low-income
residents. Although the evidence is not definitive, living at a
significant distance from one's place of work seems to adversely
affect earnings and employment rates, as well as imposing hardships such
as longer commuting times.
1 Unless otherwise specified, the Midwest is defined as Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 2 Measured by the ratio of the
region's share of total income from manufacturing relative to the
national share.
3 For example, Blanchard and Katz (1992) regress annual changes in
state payroll employment on changes in national employment from 1948-90.
Industrial states of the Midwest report a coefficient greater than one.
Commodity base (farm and mineral) states are generally found to be out
of sync with national business swings. One Midwest state, Iowa, displays
such a tendency.
4 Hojvat-Gallin (1998) offers evidence that regional labor market
disequilibrium in U.S. states adjusts through migration and labor
supply, and that migration responds differently to permanent versus
transitory shocks.
5 Using the U.S. Census Bureau's definition of multistate
regions, only New England approaches the Midwest in manufacturing
6 For some modifying views, see Cohen and Zysman (1987) and Testa
7 See Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1997).
8 For further discussion, see Kaglic (1997).
9 See Lommel (1997) and Fullerton (1997).
10 Midwest trends in work force participation by gender are not
significantly different from national trends.
11 Fullerton, op. cit.
12 Currently, the incentive structure embedded in OADSI discourages
work force participation of eligible retirees by reducing payments as
earned income rises. Pressure for seniors to remain in the work force
will come if social security payments decline after 2010 when the system
faces the heavy demands of the retiring baby boom generation.
13 See Hubler (1999). Note also the tendency of participation rates
to pick up during cyclical expansions.
14 The region has already attained employment/population ratios for
workers aged 54-64 that are slightly higher than the national average
(table 1).
15 For details on the education and skills of workers who migrate
versus those who do not, see Borjas, Bronars, and Trejo (1992). Odland
(1990) reports on young entrants to the labor force (1975 to 1980), who
resided in the
five-state East North Central Census region in 1975. Managers and
professionals were the most likely to migrate, while operatives and
laborers were the least likely. Migration from small towns and rural
areas was most prominent.
16 For a discussion, see Rosen (1993). Also, Kim (1997) documents
the fact that the industry mix among manufacturing industries has
sharply homogenized over the course of this century. In part, this shift
in specialization away from the Midwest may be attributed to falling
transportation costs, increased factor mobility, and production methods
that are less resource-intensive.
17 Edmondson (1997) uses the Federal Emergency Management Agency definition of "extremely cold," which is reaching below
freezing temperatures on 90 or more days in an average year. For an
extensive treatment of climate and migration, see Graves (1979).
Greenwood and Hunt (1989) argue that job-related factors are much more
important. Hojvat-Gallin (1998) finds that labor demand shifts
predominate in long-run regional growth.
18 The Chicago metropolitan area ranks fourth in the country as a
destination for legal immigrants. Cities, suburbs, and rural areas alike
have benefited from immigration in the 1990s. Central cities continue to
experience net out-migration of domestic population. In rural areas,
population growth from domestic and foreign migration now exceeds
natural population increase. See Johnson (1996).
19 See Frey (1998), Jaeger (1996), and Borjas, Freeman, and Katz
20 For a review of local fiscal impact of residential land
development in metropolitan areas, see Oakland and Testa (1995).
21 See Iowa Business Council (1999).
22 For example, recent evidence shows that the early 1990s
migration of workers from California owed more to job availability than
to declining "quality of life" (due to congestion). See
Gabriel, Mattey, and Wascher (1995).
23 The weight of evidence favors the importance of economic
variables. See Greenwood and Hunt (1989). Employment growth and rising
wages tend to covary, indicating labor demand rather than supply shocks,
although there are important exceptions in states like Florida and
California, where foreign immigration has been heavy (Hojvat-Gallin,
1998, and Blanchard and Katz, 1992). Moreover, Mueser and Graves (1995)
find that amenities often carry equal weight in explaining regional
population growth. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) find that climate
variables, such as "heating degree" days, are significant. The
relative importance of amenities versus jobs and wages varies over time
and from place to place. Over the long run, the pull of migration
related to amenities can dominate.
24 Savageau (1997).
25 For example, see Holzer (1996).
26 See Indiana Economic Development Council, Inc. (1999).
27 See LaLonde (1995).
28 For a more complete review of Wisconsin's welfare
initiatives, see Wiseman (1996).
29 Other states have been slow to recognize the disincentives to
work that are inherent in their state income tax structures. According
to a recent report, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan continue to tax the
income of families earning at or below 75 percent of the poverty line.
See Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (1999).
30 In addition to barriers relating to transportation and
informational costs of employment, inner city residents are subject to
environmental effects that are more difficult to measure, for example,
lack of role models and absence of a culture of job-readiness. For a
thorough review, see Mayer (1996). Workers who seek to relocate to
suburbs offering jobs also face barriers.
For example, to avoid having households that do not pay enough in
taxes to cover the cost of public services, wealthy suburban communities
engage in large-lot zoning and other exclusionary devices. In the
process, central city and older suburbs become the default locations for
low-income households, which, in turn, drives up tax rates and
discourages business property (and job) development. Firms do not demand
affordable housing (and labor force) in individual suburbs, at least to
the optimal extent, because they draw on a larger labor pool than the
individual suburb in which they locate. That is, in a system of small
suburbs, people do not live where they work. See Oakland and Testa
31 See Wilson (1990).
32 Mayer (1996).
33 See Johnson (1999).
34 For a review of the literature and recent evidence on the
effects of nearby job locations in Chicago, see Immergluck (1998).
35 See Bartsch (1998).
36 Enterprise zones were proposed by British urban planning expert
Peter Hall in the 1970s and implemented in the UK. The concept was
introduced in the U.S. by Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation and
proposed as a bill by Representatives Kemp and Garcia in 1980. Since
then, many states (37, according to Boarnet and Bogart, 1996) have
adopted some form of enterprise zone program.
37 For a review of this literature, see Sassaris (1999).
38 See Porter (1995).
39 Social Compact (1997).
40 Boston Consulting Group/Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
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Richard E. Kaglic is an economist and William A. Testa is a senior
economist and vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The
authors would like to thank David Oppedahl, Surge Sen, and Loula
Sassaris for their assistance.