Reversal of fortune: understanding the Midwest recovery.
Testa, William A. ; Klier, Thomas H. ; Mattoon, Richard H. 等
The Midwest economy has received considerable attention in recent
years as it has shed its image as the Rust Belt and reemerged as a
strong regional competitor both on the national and international stage.
This reversal of fortune has surprised some analysts, and explanations
of the region's resurgent strength have often been more anecdotal
than empirical. In this article, we take a more systematic approach to
analyzing the elements that have contributed to the region's
recovery since the mid-1980s.(1) Specifically, we describe the
contribution of external and internal factors to the economic revival of
the Midwest and identify the challenges and opportunities the region now
Charting the turnaround
A region's economy can be represented by many diverse
measures. Unemployment rates are perhaps the most widely recognized
indicators of both economic progress and participation of the
region's population in the economy. Looking at the aggregate
unemployment rate for the Midwest versus the nation from the 1980s to
date, two remarkable features can be seen.(2) First, from an average
annual rate that exceeded the nation's by 3 percentage points in
1983, the Midwest's unemployment rate had fallen to a full
percentage point below the nation's by 1996 (see figure 1). The
same year marked the fifth consecutive year that the rate remained below
the nation's. A second feature of the labor market reflected by the
unemployment rate is the behavior of the Midwest economy during the most
recent (1990-91) recession. In prior recessions, the highly cyclical
nature of the Midwest economy, combined with the region's eroding
share of national production, resulted in a more rapid rise in Midwest
unemployment relative to the nation. In contrast, during 1990-91, the
underlying secular strength of the region's economy allowed its
labor market to continue to gain on its national counterpart and,
ultimately, to experience a more fully employed work force.
Despite the Midwest's tight labor markets, its growth of
employment and population are not, in general, exceeding the
nation's. The Midwest turnaround has been characterized by a
convergence in the pace of employment growth with that of the nation.
Job growth in the early 1990s was especially strong relative to the
nation, but has now probably eased to a pace that is on par with the
nation. Because the region's work force is approximately at full
capacity, any further supranational employment growth cannot reasonably
be expected unless population growth increases sharply. Although recent
employment gains in the Midwest have been accompanied by population
growth, reflecting a turnaround from a net outflow in the 1980s to a net
inflow in the 1990s, the Midwest continues to lag other regions
(especially most of the Sun Belt) in terms of population growth.
This combination of strong employment growth and lagging
population accounts for the marked improvement in the Midwest's
labor force participation relative to the rest of the nation. From a
deficit position during the 1980s, the region's ratio of employed,
aged 16 and above, to population (at 0.65) has surpassed the U.S.
average (0.63).
Heightened work force participation appears to be reviving the
incomes of Midwest residents. Per capita income relative to the nation
had dipped sharply from a superior position in the late 1970s to an
inferior position by the early 1980s. However, the region's
relative position began to improve in 1991 and slightly exceeded the
national average in 1994 and 1995, the latest year available (see figure
2). Median household income, measured in constant purchasing power,
largely parallels this pattern. After dipping to parity with the nation
from 1980 to 1983, Midwest income continued on par with the nation
through 1994, and is now showing preliminary signs of strength relative
to the nation.
Midwest income continues to flow from the region's
traditional industries. The Midwest remains markedly more concentrated
than the nation in its mainstay industries--durable goods manufacturing
and agriculture (see figure 3). Examining industry composition at a
finer level of detail does little to alter this conclusion.
It is not surprising, then, to find that the revival in Midwest
job and production growth has been led by manufacturing and agriculture.
The Midwest lost 2.5 percentage points in its share of the nation's
manufacturing employment from 1977 to 1983 (going from roughly 19.5
percent to 17 percent). It has since regained 2 percentage points and
the rate of gain has accelerated in the 1990s. Manufacturing industries such as autos and steel have reconcentrated in the Midwest. For example,
the region had 31 auto plants in 1996, compared with 27 in 1979.
Although nine Midwest auto plants closed between 1979 and 1996, 13 new
plants opened.
Rural areas have benefited from both the rising manufacturing tide
and the recovery of production agriculture. Over the past 15 years,
rural growth in manufacturing jobs has outpaced metropolitan growth.
Meanwhile, the recovery of the farm sector from the debt overhang and
sagging markets of the late 1970s and early 1980s has lifted farmland
prices. Grain prices are high by historical standards and demand from
developing countries has buoyed world markets for grains, meat products,
and some processed foods.
Emergence of these goods-producing industries in rural
areas--especially manufacturing--has translated into an improvement in
population growth and a turnaround from net out-migration to net
in-migration.(3) In Midwest rural counties, population declined by 2.2
percent from 1980 to 1990, with 70 percent of counties experiencing
declines in absolute terms. From 1990 to 1994, rural Midwest counties
recorded population gains of 2.4 percent, with 74 percent reporting
gains during this period.(4)
Despite the dramatic swings in rural fortunes, the Midwest's
and nation's population continues to shift to metropolitan (metro)
areas, much as it has done throughout this century. By 1994, metro
areas' share of population was approaching 80 percent in the nation
and 76 percent in the Midwest. However, the pace of the shift appears to
be slowing considerably in the 1990s, harkening back to the rural-urban
turnaround of the 1970s.(5) In metro areas, the natural population
increase continues to dominate in-migration. Midwestern metro areas
experienced a modest out-migration from 1990 to 1994, even as employment
continued to grow. Some workers may be choosing to reside in adjacent
counties, while commuting to jobs in metro areas.
Metro areas continue to be magnets for jobs, but the nature of
jobs is changing: Many midwestern metro areas are successfully
transforming from manufacturing centers to service centers (see table
1).(6) Important industries of the service and information economy of
the 1990s include producer services, such as management consulting,
advertising, accounting, and business and legal, as well as trade,
travel, and financial services. Midwest metro areas have been very
successful in attracting these industries and, in some cases, developing
a service industry niche, such as sports-oriented travel centers
(Indianapolis), convention tourism (Appleton-Oshkosh), health services and insurance (Peoria), air freight/air maintenance centers
(Indianapolis), financial services/insurance (Des Moines), automotive
R&D (Detroit), and convention-business meeting centers (Chicago).
TABLE 1 Personal income derived from labor and proprietor earnings
(indexes of concentration)
1969 1977 1985 1994
Large MSAs 1.31 1.35 1.29 1.30
Core counties 1.28 1.34 1.22 1.20
Medium MSAs 1.52 1.63 1.70 1.70
Small MSAs 1.41 1.48 1.55 1.68
Nonmetro 1.10 1.19 1.34 1.62
Large MSAs 1.00 1.09 1.14 1.15
Core counties 1.12 1.22 1.37 1.32
Medium MSAs 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.78
Small MSAs 0.71 0.73 0.71 0.72
Nonmetro 0.60 0.62 0.51 0.47
Business services
Large MSAs 1.06 1.07 1.16 1.13
Core counties 1.13 1.02 1.01 0.97
Medium MSAs 0.52 0.58 0.63 0.75
Small MSAs 0.43 0.51 0.54 0.61
Nonmetro 0.49 0.53 0.44 0.40
Note: An index value of 1 signals the same importance of an industry
for the Midwest as for the U.S. That is, an index value of 2.0 could be
obtained from a 40 percent share of manufacturing in Midwest metro areas
divided by a 20 percent share of manufacturing in U.S. metro areas.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Regional Economic Information System.
Industrial restructuring has differed by size of metro area, with
large metro areas tending to transform to a greater degree away from
manufacturing toward business and financial services.(7) Manufacturing
losses in large metro areas, especially core counties, have been sharp.
Smaller metro areas have tended to lose out on some business-oriented
services such as financial service industries, while picking up the
slack, in general, as preferred manufacturing locations. As a result,
the Midwest's economic recovery, as reflected in relatively low
unemployment rates, has been pervasive across metro areas.
Timing and depth
From 1947 to 1987, the Midwest's (defined in this case as
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin) share of national
manufacturing declined from 30 percent to 22.1 percent.(8) To a large
extent, this reflected a natural process of population deconcentration within the continental U.S. For example, the Southeast developed
manufacturing industries as its work force was released from
agriculture, and improvements in technology, infrastructure, and
transportation opened up previously isolated areas in many parts of the
Recessionary periods were particularly difficult for the Midwest
because of its concentration in capital goods and consumer durables,
which were most vulnerable to a falloff in demand.(9) Furthermore, the
region's technology and physical stock of capital tended to be of
earlier vintage (and often lower efficiency) than in other regions of
the U.S. and abroad. Consequently, when demand slackened, it was more
cost-effective to continue remaining production at newer (lower cost)
plants elsewhere. During the 1979-83 period, as the nation passed though
two recessions in quick succession, the Midwest lost over one-fifth of
its manufacturing work force at the same time that the rural
agricultural economy experienced its worst times since the Great
After a languid recovery in 1983, the Midwest economy showed some
vigor in 1984, supported by strengthening auto demand. However, in 1985
and 1986, the dollar value of overall export sales from the region
remained flat despite depreciation of the value of the dollar against
currencies of trading partners.(10) Domestic markets for capital goods,
other than computer-related purchases from coastal regions, also
continued to disappoint.
Beginning in 1987, the Midwest's capital goods sectors began
to recover late in the expansion and exports began to grow. In the
agricultural sector, farm equipment purchases and exports began to show
some life and balance sheets began to strengthen.
Many observers believed that the shakeout of the early 1980s was
so severe that it destroyed a large portion of the most inefficient and
antiquated physical capital stock. Accordingly, the renewed strength of
the Midwest in the second half of the decade was interpreted as an
inevitable bounce-back in production and productivity, albeit from a
much lower baseline level.(11) Even as other regions such as the
Southwest and New England began to experience economic setbacks, few
believed that these setbacks would continue for very long. Although the
high-tech industry, the darling of the decade, was toppling in New
England, along with defense-related industries there and elsewhere, many
believed that a bounce-back in high technology was only a matter of
time, and that the Midwest was at a disadvantage because the fastest
growing sectors were almost nonexistent in the region.(12) It also took
some time before the extent of overbuilding in real estate in other
regions could be fathomed. The coastal regions and parts of the
Southwest struggled through the overbuilding and savings and loan debacles to a significantly greater extent than the conservative and
still "shell-shocked" Midwest. Through the distorted lens of
these events, fundamental changes underlying a sustained turnaround of
the Midwest were difficult to distinguish.
Today, it is evident that the signs of strength in the Midwest
economy of the mid- to late 1980s were more than the anticipated
snap-back from the restructuring of the early 1980s. Much of the
adjustment had taken place by 1985 and the transitory shocks in other
regions have significantly dissipated. Yet, the pace of economic growth
in the Midwest remains strong and capacity utilization remains high. The
Midwest economy has been changing from within during the past ten to 15
years, and these changes have been supported by favorable external
conditions and trends.
External conditions
External factors in the Midwest's economic turnaround include
technological and organizational changes in the automotive industry,
which have favored its reconcentration in the midsection of the nation;
the geographic pattern of federal defense spending; declining real
energy prices, important both as an input to the region's
industries and as a determinant of demand for its products; and, from
the mid-1980s until recently, a declining dollar, which improved the
international competitiveness of the region's companies.
Changing geography of the auto industry
U.S. auto assembly plants have tended to reconcentrate in the
Midwest over the 1980s and 1990s. Auto supplier plants had tended to
disperse over the three decades to 1990, but this trend appears to be
reversing during the 1990s (see figure 4) as more technologically
advanced and innovative automotive parts and services providers continue
to locate in the Midwest. The reconfiguration of auto assembly, the
continued preference of supplier R&D operations to locate close to
Detroit, plus evidence of spatial clustering of tier 1 supplier plants
around their assembly plant customers suggest a strengthening of
agglomeration effects in the auto industry.
As discussed in Rubenstein (1996), the reconcentration of auto
assembly has resulted from broad changes in the industry's product
mix that, consistent with neoclassical location theory, have changed the
economics of plant location in favor of the midsection of the country.
The costs of distributing the final product to the customer have always
been important in deciding the location of auto assembly plants. Henry
Ford opened far-flung branch assembly plants to produce identical Model
T cars closer to the population centers outside the Midwest; it was
cheaper to ship parts to branch assembly plants than to ship finished
automobiles across the country from a centrally located assembly plant.
Soon, General Motors and Chrysler emulated that strategy. However, by
the 1960s the proliferation of car and truck models meant that location
strategy was no longer optimal. The number of different car and truck
models sold in the U.S. increased eight-fold, from 30 in 1955 to 241 in
1995, while sales only doubled from about eight million units to about
16 million in 1995. With reduced output per individual model, the entire
output would best be produced at one plant. Consequently, the geographic
argument for an interior location became compelling; that way the
company could minimize the cost of distributing the output to a national
market. As a result, during the past 16 years auto producers have opened
assembly plants in the interior, especially along the I-65/I-75
corridor, and closed coastal plants. While freight costs can account for
the reconcentration of auto production in the Midwest, variables such as
the local labor climate, access to highways, and general costs of doing
business influence the selection of particular communities or sites.
Federal spending patterns
Historically, the Midwest has not fared well relative to other
regions in terms of receiving money from Washington. Measured as a
percentage of U.S. per capita levels, federal expenditures were below
the national average in each of the five states of the Seventh Federal
Reserve District from 1985 to 1995, with the exception of Iowa in 1988
(see figure 5). First, because of the small concentration of
defense-related industries, federal procurement spending in the region
is particularly weak. For example, in fiscal 1995, Illinois ranked 47th
and Indiana and Wisconsin tied for 46th on per capita military
procurement expenditures. In addition, the relatively small number of
military bases in the region keeps military spending on wages and
salaries significantly below the U.S. average. Spending by the federal
government for grants, federal salaries and wages, and direct payments
in the Midwest is generally below average on a per capita basis.
Over the past ten years, however, regions that depended heavily on
federal dollars have been particularly affected by program cuts. Defense
spending reductions and the difficulty of converting defense industries
to nondefense functions have damaged economies in California and New
England. Figures on U.S. military procurement spending from 1985 to 1996
and projected to 2002 demonstrate the spending boom in states with
concentrations of defense-related industries in the 1980s ($80 billion
in 1991) and the rapid decline in expenditure levels in the 1990s (an
estimated $40 billion in 1998). A study of the Chicago economy suggests
that even those industries in the Midwest that have traditionally done
business with the federal defense establishment may convert to civilian
products relatively easily.(13)
The Midwest is also less reliant on federal transfers (primarily
Medicaid, social welfare, and highway infrastructure funds) than many
other regions. According to data compiled by the Northeast-Midwest
Institute, in fiscal 1994 federal transfers on average represented 27.7
percent of total state budgets in the U.S.(14) Federal transfers
comprised 25.8 percent of the Illinois budget, 28.4 percent of the
Indiana budget, 25.7 percent of the Iowa budget, 25.4 percent of the
Michigan budget, and 24.4 percent of the Wisconsin budget.
Delivered prices of all major fuels have declined in the Midwest
since the early to mid-1980s (Bournakis, 1996). Despite recent price
run-ups, national real gasoline prices are currently lower than in 1967
and 25 percent lower than their peak in the latter half of the 1970s. At
that time, high petroleum-based fuel prices exerted a significant drag
on Midwest industry and hampered sales of domestic automakers. Recently,
midwestern energy prices have been edging down relative to national
energy prices (see figure 6). Why these prices have eased is not clear
but may be due to external developments, such as deregulation of the
U.S. natural gas market since the mid-1980s, or regional issues, such as
state-local tax and regulatory policies.
Exports now account for 13 percent of U.S. gross domestic product,
compared with 8 percent in 1987 and 5 percent in 1971. From 1992 to
1995, exports from the Midwest grew even more dramatically than exports
from the U.S. as a whole (see figure 7). Exports from the region's
telecommunications, farm machinery, construction machinery and
equipment, machine tools, and specialized capital goods sectors, as well
as the agriculture sector, have grown rapidly during the past ten years
to meet growing demand from developing markets worldwide.(15) The
lion's share of future trade expansion is expected to derive, not
from trade with developed nations, but from emerging markets in Asia and
South America.(16)
Currency swings since the dollar's peak in early 1985 are
often cited in the popular press as having boosted midwestern exports
and shielded domestic markets from displacement by foreign imports. The
Midwest's share of Big Three auto production has increased since
1991. Thanks to the reconcentration of domestic automakers and the
presence of Japanese automakers, the region's share of domestic car
production has climbed from 45 percent in 1981 to more than 56
percent.(17) However, the drop-off in the dollar's value was
completed by 1987. Over the past nine years, aggregate trade-weighted
dollar indexes suggest that the currency-influenced terms of trade have
remained mostly flat, even as exports have continued to climb. Moreover,
recent research by Hervey and Strauss (1996) suggests that the dollar
has appreciated rather than depreciated against currencies of nations to
which the Midwest exports.(18)
Changing how we do business (internal adjustments)
The Midwest's constancy in line of business and evidence of
productivity gains driven by internal private and public sector actions
suggest that internal factors have also been important sources of
regional revival. In particular, midwestern industry has adopted new
technologies and modes of business operation, and the region's
relative cost position has improved. The public sector has facilitated
regional competitiveness by prudent taxation and spending policies, by
focusing spending on value-producing services and public infrastructure,
and, more recently, by adopting innovative delivery of public services.
So too, the region's "institutional capital"--public and
private organizations, including universities, research centers, and
business and civic organizations--proved responsive in the face of
economic crisis.
Technology and organization
There is substantial evidence that the Midwest has changed the way
it does business--its organization, mode of operation, and technology.
As discussed in Klier (1996), implementation of best manufacturing
practices, notably lean manufacturing technologies, has helped
revitalize Midwest manufacturing. Lean manufacturing, which gained
widespread attention in the early 1980s, combines aspects of both craft
and mass production, ranging from teamwork on the shop floor, to
emphasis on low inventory and flexible production equipment, to close
relationships with suppliers. The most familiar setting is the U.S. auto
industry. Successful auto assembly operations have been transplanted to
the U.S. environment by companies such as Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi.
In some cases, existing assembly plants, such as GM's NUMMI venture
with Toyota in California, have been transformed through organization
and technology alone.
The extent to which this experience is characteristic of
manufacturing in general was addressed in two large-scale studies.(19)
Both Statistics Canada (Baldwin, Diverty, and Sabourin, 1988) and the
U.S. Census Bureau (1988 and 1994) administered surveys of manufacturing
technologies to measure the extent and type of advanced manufacturing
technologies used in their respective country's manufacturing
plants. Both surveys found that the application of advanced
manufacturing technologies was widespread across plants and industries,
typically with multiple technologies applied per establishment (see
table 2). These results indicate that advanced manufacturing techniques
are reshaping manufacturing on a broad scale. In the Midwest, more
concentrated in manufacturing than any other region, these technological
advances have tended to boost the economy.
Table 2
Application of some advanced technologies
FMC/ CAD/ Interco.
FMS CAE network
(---percent of plants using---)
Plant employment
20-99 7.6 49.5 12.0
100-499 21.4 76.4 28.4
500+ 40.4 87.2 47.1
Age of plant
Less than 5 years 13.4 63.5 15.0
5-15 13.3 62.0 18.0
16-30 13.4 64.4 20.5
Greater than 30 15.2 63.1 22.0
Major industrial groups
Fabricated metal products 9.5 46.5 16.7
Industrial machinery
and equipment 11.8 64.1 15.4
Electronic and other
electric equipment 17.0 64.2 21.9
Transportation equipment 15.5 53.9 23.4
Instruments and related
products 14.2 65.5 15.3
Notes: The table reports information on three of the 17 advanced
manufacturing technologies surveyed. They are defined as follows:
Flexible manufacturing cells and systems (FMC/FMS): two or more machines
with automated material handling capabilities controlled by computers or
programmable controllers, capable of single/ multiple path acceptance of
raw material and single/multiple path delivery of finished product.
Computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE): use of computers for
drawing and designing parts or products and for analysis and testing of
designed parts or products.
Intercompany computer network (Interco. network): use of network
technology to link subcontractors, suppliers, and/or customers with the
Source: U.S. Department Of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current
Industrial Reports: Manufacturing Technology: Prevalence and Plans for
Use, 1994, tables 4D and 4E.
At the same time, the region's industries are outside those
(mostly defense) sectors that require both a change in product mix and a
transformation in technology. Regions specializing in declining
industries, such as defense-oriented manufacturing, must change not only
how business is conducted but the entire product mix. To date, for
several regions that compete with the Midwest, the barriers of changing
both "how" and "what" have been too high to bring
about the resurgent experience of the Midwest.
Costs of business operation
The neoclassical view in economics suggests that firm location is
significantly driven by the search for low costs of operation. Labor
costs commonly comprise the largest share of operating costs to business
enterprises. This implies that capital investment flows toward regions
with low wage costs and that job openings grow in tandem with capital
investment. In many instances, labor does not migrate, as might be
expected, toward high-wage areas, because job openings are absent due to
rigid wages and, perhaps, institutional features such as
unionization.(20) As a result, economies with low wage costs can
experience economic growth of capital and labor.
Evidence from the past ten to 15 years is consistent with this
theory in partly explaining the Midwest turnaround. The Midwest has long
been reputed as a high-wage locale, especially for manufacturing. But
over the past ten to 15 years, workers in the Midwest have apparently
eased their wage demands relative to those of their national
counterparts. Real per worker earnings approached national levels from
1980-82 and continued to converge throughout the 1980s (see figure
8).(21) While these figures are merely suggestive of labor costs,
changes in the level of hourly wages of workers in the manufacturing
sector point in the same direction (see table 3).(22) Adjusting for
differences in industry mix, Midwest manufacturing wages eased from 17
percent above national levels in the early 1980s to a 13 percent premium
in the 1990s.
Table 3
Index of relative wages in manufacturing:
Midwest versus U.S.
1979 1983 1989 1993 1995
Illinois 1.09 1.10 1.07 1.03 1.02
Indiana 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.13
Iowa 1.16 1.14 1.03 1.04 1.03
Michigan 1.30 1.32 1.29 1.31 1.32
Wisconsin 1.09 1.11 1.03 1.04 1.03
Midwest 1.17 1.17 1.13 1.13 1.13
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As mentioned earlier, energy prices in the region have also eased
relative to national prices, including prices of coal and natural gas,
which the region consumes in greater proportion than the nation.(23) The
region has also taken measures toward greater energy conservation and
efficiency; at the same time, industry composition has shifted away from
energy-intensive sectors. Today, the Midwest consumes much less energy
relative to gross state product than 20 years ago (see figure 9). Thus,
Brown and Yucel (1995) suggest the region would experience dramatically
milder responses to potential oil price shocks (less than half of 1980
The public sector
Some analysts suggest that the Midwest has assisted its own
revival through judicious fiscal policies. The region followed a
conservative fiscal path characterized by minimal increases in levels of
taxation (even during the 1990-91 recession) and conservative spending
policies. At the same time, public spending was generally above national
levels in areas that are seen as contributing to economic growth, such
as education and highway expenditures, while spending was below national
levels in areas less associated with economic growth, such as government
administration, corrections/prisons, and welfare expenditures (see
figure 10).
It is hard to say to what extent this behavior contributed to the
Midwest's economic revival, since the relationship between public
spending/taxation and economic growth has not been definitively
demonstrated. Beneficial effects between state-local government fiscal
health and private sector economic growth run in both directions,
thereby making it difficult to discern cause from effect.
The Midwest's current prosperity is evident in its state and
local sector, as midwestern state and local governments have, in
general, rebuilt their budget balances and improved their fiscal
position. While the national average state fund balance (as a percentage
of state expenditures) was slightly more than 5 percent in 1996, Indiana
recorded a fund balance of 20 percent; Iowa, 15 percent; and Michigan,
13 percent. The recessionary period of the early 1980s reduced the
region's fiscal capacity and induced states to strain their
capacity to fund public spending. However, Midwest states are seen to
have begun easing the strain on their fiscal capacity by the
mid-1980s.(24) The fiscal experience of District states followed the
same break with the past that has characterized the economic performance
of the region. Unlike previous recessions which had usually forced
dramatic tax increases in the region, the national recession of 1990-91
had a relatively shallow impact.(25)
Institutional capital
Nonprofit institutions and organizations that engage in economic
growth and development policies and programs are often believed to be
influential to regional growth. In her 1995 book World Class, for
example, Rosabeth Moss Kantor suggests the places that succeed in the
new global economy often do so because they have created and supported
organizations, their so-called institutional capital.(26) These
organizations are often found in the not-for-profit sector and include
public-private partnerships and councils, nonprofit organizations of
business leaders, public-private development councils, foundations,
trade associations, chambers of commerce, research centers at local
universities, and research institutes.
The Midwest has fostered a rich endowment of organizations that
form its institutional capital stock, contributing to a variety of
regional economic development efforts. In the case of state and local
economic development planning, for example, community-based
organizations and local business associations provide important
information to public-sector decisionmakers on which efforts and
programs work best and often promote solutions that fall outside of
narrow political boundaries.(27) For example, several multistate efforts
have addressed environmental challenges in the Midwest. One such effort
is aimed at understanding the atmospheric science and fashioning
compliance solutions to the ozone-related ambient air quality standards
of the Clean Air Act Amendments.(28) Another arises from the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, a basin-wide approach to reducing toxic
contamination of the Great Lakes system.(29) Proactive development
initiatives at a multistate level have been no less common, including
tourism and export promotion and efforts to broaden skill standards and
What does the future hold for the Midwest?
This article has identified developments that have restored the
region's luster. With ten to 15 years hindsight it is evident that,
while business cycle timing and external factors have been very
important, profound changes have taken place in the way midwestern
businesses and governments compete and conduct their affairs. Although
it is impossible to discern the relative contribution of these forces
with a great deal of precision, it is clear that the Midwest is partly
responsible for its own recovery.
The challenges and opportunities facing the region can be
discussed in terms of two important characteristics of this economic
recovery: the resurgent strength of the region's mainstay
industries and the increase in labor force participation. First,
production agriculture and manufacturing exhibited startling resilience
during this period by improving productivity, regaining market share,
and aggressively targeting export markets. In this regard, there is
reason for optimism. Following the shocks of the 1980s, the
region's firms will most likely stay on their guard with regard to
changing technology and the benchmarks of global competition. So too,
much of the future growth in export markets is expected to derive from
developing countries, whose needs for the region's
products--capital goods and agricultural products--are expected to
continue to grow.
Second, the region's labor force faces an important
challenge. Will work force numbers and skills be adequate to sustain the
growth that the region has experienced in the 1990s? In achieving recent
growth, the region has drawn from both new work force entrants and
adults who were unemployed or underemployed. However, this pool of
skilled workers is now showing signs of strain. Currently tight labor
markets suggest the need for midwestern workers who no longer are seen
as disproportionately expensive relative to other regions. Labor supply
may become further strained in the years ahead, because the work force
in the Midwest is reported to be older than in the nation, so loss of
workers through retirement is likely to be relatively high in the
Insofar as the region's two industry mainstays--agriculture
and man manufacturing--continue to shed labor, a lower level of growth
in the work force may be needed. If so, natural population growth,
upgrading of skills, and work force innovations to bring more people
into the labor force may suffice. For example, job networking of workers
from the inner city to the suburbs and moving welfare recipients into
the workplace may ease labor market pressures. Furthermore, some workers
may decide to defer retirement, especially if the rewards of working
become more attractive.(32)
In-migration of population could provide another "release
valve" to labor market pressures. In most parts of the Midwest, the
cost of living does not present a barrier to in-migration. The median
home price in the Midwest is the lowest of any of the four regions
defined by the National Association of Realtors; the association's
index of housing affordability is also more favorable here than in other
regions. However, significant in-migration to the region has not
occurred to date, although out-migration has been stemmed. Moreover,
regions from which the Midwest might expect to draw workers, such as the
West Coast and the Northeast, are experiencing labor market tightening.
An alternative approach to easing labor shortages is the upgrading
of skills of the existing and emerging work force. This is a preferred
approach, because higher skills tend to be rewarded in the form of
higher wages and income for Midwest residents. For this to come about,
workers must act to acquire needed skills or credentials and
policymakers must act to create publicly assisted training, educational,
and job-assistance programs or increase the effectiveness of existing
programs. Young adults continue to enter the work force, but there is
concern that some training/educational programs have fallen into
disrepair or were abandoned during the early 1980s, when one in five
manufacturing jobs evaporated in the region and growth in other sectors
stagnated. As a result, a renewed push is needed to reestablish
school-to-career and other programs in selected skill areas. In the
absence of such initiatives, the region's residents could miss
opportunities for better and higher paying jobs and the region's
businesses and property owners could miss significant income-generating
(1) For a more detailed summary of this work, see Testa, Klier, and
Mattoon (1997). Unless specified otherwise, Midwest refers to the states
of the Seventh Federal Reserve District--Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, and Wisconsin.
(2) See Allardice and Bergman (1996).
(3) See Johnson (1996).
(4) Surprisingly, net migration into the rural Midwest exceeded
population gains derived from natural increase, that is, births minus
deaths. Throughout this century, population gains in rural counties have
generally been realized through natural increase concurrent with net
out-migration of young adults. By the 1990s, the resulting aging of the
population, coupled with in-migration, resulted in a notable reversal;
in-migration gains were leading those achieved by natural increase in
rural counties of the nation and the Midwest.
(5) See Johnson, op. cit.
(6) See Groshen and Robertson (1993).
(7) For further industry-specific analysis, see Testa (1992). Other
authors note the further spatial division of labor by size of metro area
according to industries or facilities characterized by routinized or
"back office" operations and those engaged in "command
and control," operations such as corporate headquarters or highly
specialized business and legal services. For further discussion, see
Atkinson (1996) and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1996a).
(8) Kim (1996).
(9) Howland (1984).
(10) Languishing total dollar volume of exports is somewhat expected
in this instance because rising physical quantities of exports may be
slight or insufficient to make up for lower dollar prices per physical
unit, that is, the "J-curve" effect. Of course, other forces,
especially changing economic growth of export destinations, also
determine export sales.
(11) A more farsighted view of the region is attributed to Annable
(1985) and Swonk (1991).
(12) For example, Browne (1983).
(13) Research completed by Philip Israilevich on defense-related
businesses in the metro Chicago economy found that less than 1 percent
of the total output of goods and services in the Chicago economy was
related to military procurement expenditures in 1987 (during the height
of the military spending boom). Furthermore, electrical machinery,
business services, food, and control instruments were the industry
groups that accounted for 73 percent of the procurement funds that the
metro economy received. These industry groups can serve civilian as well
as defense markets without the difficult transition associated with
prime contractors, such as ship builders, plane manufacturers, or
weapons and munitions firms. See Israilevich and Weiss (1992).
(14) Sutten (1996).
(15) See Aguilar and Singer (1995) and David Walters' comments
in Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1996d).
(16) Walters, ibid.
(17) The share of production has slipped during 1996. Some analysts
partly attribute this slippage to the climbing value of the dollar
versus the yen. See Meredith (1997).
(18) Hervey and Strauss (1996) constructed foreign currency measures
against the dollar that are specific to the Midwest's export
composition. They found that the Midwest's export success has run
counter to deleterious trends in the exchange currencies of the
region's major export destinations. It is likely that the
region's export success derives from a favorable expansion and
pattern of expansion in foreign markets and from improving productivity.
(19) Baldwin, Diverty, and Sabourin (1994); U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of the Census (1994).
(20) A popular exposition of the neoclassical theme with regard to
the recent Midwest experience can be found in Swonk (1996). For a
discussion of the possible effects of one such institutional feature,
that is, right-to-work laws, see Holmes (1995); also Kendix (1990).
(21) Such figures are merely suggestive and not definitive, assuming,
for example, the shift between part-time and full-time workers across
regions does not distort the findings, and that the findings are not
similarly distorted by regional differences in labor force growth.
(22) The evidence is also consistent with falling wages having
resulted from a shrinking economy (and shrinking labor demand). The
early period strongly suggests the falling wages were caused by loss of
manufacturing and attendant high-paying jobs and by excess supplies of
willing workers. It is unclear, as yet, whether lower wages have helped
revive investment and employment in the region.
(23) See Bournakis (1996).
(24) Fiscal capacity measures of a state are constructed by comparing
a state's per capita tax base to the nation's, aggregated
across all commonly used tax bases, for example, sales, income, and
property value. See U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental
Relations (1989).
(25) See Mattoon and Testa (1992).
(26) See Kantor (1995). The hypothesis that long-developed regions
will necessarily have an advantage in sustaining growth during a period
of adversity or shock remains contentious. For an opposing hypothesis,
see Kendix, op. cit. For a balanced and wide-ranging discussion of the
role of such institutions in economic development, see Bonser (1995).
For an in-depth discussion of state and local government development
initiatives and concepts in the 1980s, see Eisinger (1988).
(27) For example, see Ameritrust Corporation (1994), Wisconsin
Strategic Development Commission (1985), Iowa Business Council and
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1987), and the Commercial Club of
Chicago (1984).
(28) To understand and facilitate compliance with urban ozone
regulations, the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium has been
studying regionwide atmospheric chemistry; see Gerritson (1993).
(29) The Council of Great Lakes Governors has been active in shaping
the new environmental guidance for protecting the basin's water
quality. See DRI/McGraw Hill (1993).
(30) For a review of such efforts, see McNulty (1991).
(31) McAlinden, Smith, and Cole (1995).
(32) Judy and D'Amico (1997).
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William A. Testa is assistant vice president and team leader of
regional programs and Thomas H. Klier and Richard H. Mattoon are senior
economists in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. This article is drawn from the Bank's
"Assessing the Midwest Economy" study that began in the fall
of 1995. The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the
numerous participants in this study in helping to frame the issues
presented in this article.