Performance and the access to government guarantees: the case of small business investment companies.
Brewer, Elijah, III ; Genay, Hesna ; Jackson, William E., III 等
In 1953, Congress established the Small Business Administration (SBA)
to ensure the provision of adequate capital for the formation and growth
of the nation's small businesses.(1) Small business investment
companies (SBICs) are SBA-chartered and -regulated financial
intermediaries that finance the activities of small business through
equity investments and loans. While traditional financial intermediaries
such as commercial banks provide loans to businesses, they do not, in
general, provide equity financing. However, SBICs can simultaneously
hold the equity of and lend to a client commercial firm. SBICs obtain
their funds primarily from two sources - privately invested capital and
long-term debentures (leverage) guaranteed by the SBA. In this article,
we analyze the performance of 280 SBICs that were active at the
beginning of 1986. Of these 280 SBICs, over half, or 56 percent, had
failed by 1993. As of September 1995, 189 SBICs were in liquidation,
with SBA-guaranteed debentures outstanding of over $500 million.(2) The
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) estimated that only $200 million
would ultimately be repaid (United States General Accounting Office
While these absolute dollar losses are small, the failure rates and
the associated losses per dollar of guaranteed debentures are quite high
compared with those of banks and thrifts over the 1980-91 period.(3)
Because the SBA, a government agency, provides funds directly to SBICs
and serves as a financial guarantor of securities sold by SBICs to third
parties, taxpayers' funds are at risk. As a result, policy-makers
and taxpayers have a stake in evaluating the economic performance of
SBICs. Such a study can shed light on the impact of government
subsidization and loan guarantees on the behavior of financial
Furthermore, the SBIC program enlarges the permissible activities and
investments of banking organizations beyond those typically permitted
for their commercial bank and venture capital units. Banking
organizations own and operate SBICs, as well as other venture capital
firms. While traditional bank-owned venture capital units can only own
up to 5 percent of a small firm's equity, SBIC units of banking
organizations can own up to 50 percent of a small firm's equity.
Thus, the SBIC program gives banking organizations a way to hold a
substantial amount of commercial firms' equity while simultaneously
holding their debt. Learning about how bank-owned SBICs operate may shed
light on what could happen if the restriction on bank ownership of
shares in commercial enterprises were relaxed.
In previous research, Brewer and Genay (1994, 1995) studied the
profitability of SBICs and documented a negative relationship between
their use of SBA leverage and returns on equity (ROE). In this article,
we extend this work to consider the relationship between various
financial factors and SBIC failure, as well as the relationship between
those factors and ROE, with special attention paid to the roles played
by SBA leverage and SBICs' investment choices. We find that the
relationship between failure and SBA leverage is positive and that
between ROE and SBA leverage is negative. Poor short-term performance,
as measured by ROE, does not necessarily imply losses to the taxpayers.
Losses are incurred only when an SBIC experiences sustained losses over
time and is unable to meet its obligations. For this reason, we also use
a long-term measure of SBIC performance, specifically whether an SBIC
fails or survives, to assess the relationship between SBA funding and
the performance of SBICs.
Because Brewer and Genay (1994, 1995) found evidence that bank-owned
SBICs differed significantly from nonbank-owned SBICs, we also consider
whether the SBA leverage-performance relationship differs between
bank-owned and nonbank-owned SBICs. We find that, compared with
non-bank-owned SBICs, bank-owned SBICs had higher ROEs and lower SBA
leverage use, and their investments in small businesses were more likely
to be in equity form and to be intended for projects requiring careful
monitoring, such as research and development and marketing projects. We
also find that the significant negative relationship between SBA
leverage and ROE differs between the two types of SBICs. When leverage
is measured by an SBIC's ratio of SBA-guaranteed debt to total
assets, both bank- and nonbank-owned SBICs exhibit a strong, negative
relationship between ROE and leverage - high leverage use is associated
with low ROE. Using an alternative leverage measure, the ratio of
SBA-guaranteed debt to private capital, yields similar results. But when
leverage is measured by the change in SBA funding relative to assets,
the negative relationship remains significant only for nonbank-owned
SBICs. The lack of correlation between leverage and ROE for bank-owned
SBICs holds, even when we examine only those bank-owned SBICs that have
positive SBA leverage. This suggests that the perceived costs and
benefits of using SBA subsidies differ across SBIC types. Our findings
for SBIC failure rates are broadly similar to those for ROE. In
particular, we find that the likelihood of an SBIC failure increases
with SBA leverage, though our results are somewhat sensitive to the
definition of failure.
Our findings that ROE decreases and the likelihood of failure
increases with SBA leverage are consistent with 1) the notion that risky
SBICs are more likely to make greater use of SBA funding than other
investment companies (adverse selection); 2) the tendency for firms with
government liability guarantees to invest excessively in risky assets
(moral hazard); 3) the prepayment effect, stemming from an SBA
restriction that limited the ability of SBICs to refinance their SBA
debt; and 4) the mismatch effect resulting from using SBA debt to
finance equity investments. We offer some evidence on these
explanations, but we cannot definitively quantify the relative
importance of each. However, our research suggests that government
subsidization of activities to fund small businesses can have unintended
consequences if the assets financed by the subsidized intermediaries are
riskier than they would be in the absence of the subsidies.
The SBIC program
The SBIC program was established in 1958 and is administered by the
SBA.(4) The goal of the program is to encourage the provision of
long-term capital to small firms, defined as firms having less than $6
million in net worth or a two-year average net income of less than $2
million. A company can be licensed as an SBIC if it satisfies a minimum
capital requirement of $1 million. SBICs can be organized as
corporations or partnerships and can be owned by individuals or other
firms, including banking organizations.
Investment companies are eligible to receive subsidized funds through
the issuance of debentures which are purchased directly or are
guaranteed by the SBA. These debentures are usually of ten years
duration. Each SBIC can receive up to $3 in SBA funds for every $1 of
private capital, up to a maximum of $35 million.(5) The SBA's
creditor position on debentures is fully subordinated to all third-party
creditors of the SBIC. Furthermore, if an SBIC is organized as a
partnership, the general partner of the firm, in general, is not liable
for the debt.(6) However, as a condition of receiving funds, the SBA may
require a general partner to guarantee the repayment of SBA debt.
Finally, during the period under review, SBICs could not prepay their
SBA-held or -guaranteed debt during the first five years of issue.
SBICs provide both equity capital and long-term loans to small firms.
However, they are subject to certain restrictions on their investments.
SBICs cannot invest in certain sectors, such as real estate, or foreign
firms, and, in general, they cannot provide short-term financing. If an
SBIC makes an equity investment in a small firm, it cannot acquire a
controlling interest without a plan of divestiture.(7) SBICs owned by
banking organizations face the same regulations on equity investments as
other SBICs. The SBA also places restrictions on the maturity and
interest rate of loans made by SBICs. The minimum maturity allowed is
five years; the maximum interest rate that can be charged to small
businesses is based on the interest rate on debentures issued by the
SBICs are subject to annual examinations by the SBA and certain
reporting requirements, such as reporting their financial condition
annually. They also are required to provide documentation on each
investment they make in a small business. For instance, SBICs are
required to provide information certifying that the firm meets SBA size
standards and describing the financial condition of the firm.
In addition to these oversight regulations, SBICs using SBA leverage
are subject to capital requirements. The SBA determines that an SBIC has
serious financial problems if the sum of its net realized losses plus
net unrealized losses on securities held exceeds 50 percent of its
capital. If an SBIC is capital impaired by this test, the SBA gives the
firm an opportunity to correct its weak capital condition. If the SBIC
fails to correct the capital impairment or defaults on its payments, the
entire SBA debt may be declared immediately payable. Under these
circumstances, or if there is another violation of the loan agreement or
any agreement with the SBA, the SBIC is liquidated or its license is
Overview of performance and leverage
The data used in this article are for 280 SBICs active at the
beginning of 1986, which filed reports of both condition and
investments.(9) The reports of condition provide detailed balance-sheet
and income-statement information of SBICs for the 1986-91 period.(10)
The investment data provide the name, SIC code, total assets, number of
employees, and location of the firms being financed; the dollar amount
and type of financing provided (loans, equity, or debt with equity
features); whether there was a put option on the equity financing that
requires the small firm to repurchase its equity in the future; whether
the deal included debt financing; the interest rate charged; the
activity that was being financed; variables that indicate whether the
SBIC previously provided financing to the firm; and whether the SBIC
offered management services to the small business.
Figure 1 provides a comparison of several measures of performance for
our sample of SBICs versus other financial institutions over the 1986-91
period. In brief, SBICs performed poorly over this period. Panel A of
figure 1 shows that SBICs experienced very low ROEs between 1986 and
1991 and performed worse than commercial banks. SBICs' returns on
equity were negative (-0.2 percent) over the 1986-91 period, and were
positive for only two of the six years. Panel B of figure 1 reports the
failure rates for sampled SBICs and other financial institutions. The
failure rate for SBICs was a little above 11 percent per year, compared
with 5.5 percent for savings and loan associations and 1 percent for
commercial banks.(11) Over 56 percent of the 280 SBICs were liquidated,
had their licenses revoked, or voluntarily surrendered their licenses
prior to the end of 1993.
Figure 2 shows that bank-owned SBICs performed significantly better
than their non-bank-owned counterparts.(12) Bank-owned SBICs had a mean
ROE of 1.9 percent over the 1986-91 period, while nonbank-owned SBICs
earned a -1.5 percent ROE. Failure rates differed as well: 41.4 percent
of bank-owned SBICs had failed by 1993, while the comparable figure for
nonbank-owned SBICs was 64.1 percent. The difference in failure rates is
even greater if failure is defined to include only liquidations and
license revocations.
Figures 3 and 4 show that SBA leverage was used by a majority of the
SBICs in our sample, but it also reveals two other aspects of SBA
leverage usage. First, nonbank-owned SBICs are much more likely to use
SBA leverage than bank-owned SBICs [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 3 OMITTED].
Consequently, the mean ratio of SBA funds to total assets is much lower
for bank-owned SBICs than for nonbank-owned SBICs ([ILLUSTRATION FOR
FIGURE 4 OMITTED], panel A). Second, conditional on using any SBA
leverage at all, bank-owned SBICs still used less leverage than their
nonbank-owned counterparts, and their usage declined over the period
under review ([ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 4 OMITTED], panel B). It is clear
from these figures that, by and large, bank-owned SBICs are not
exploiting the SBA financing subsidy to the same extent as other SBICs.
Factors affecting SBIC performance
Why should SBA leverage influence return on equity (ROE) and the
likelihood of failure, and what other factors may explain SBICs'
weak earnings and failure? How might access to SBA subsidies affect the
returns on capital invested in SBICs? One would expect that borrowing
money at a subsidized rate would raise the returns to private investors.
If there are no market imperfections, then investors will invest in
SBICs until their risk-adjusted (post-subsidy) rates of return equal
those available in other financial intermediaries. This means more
projects would be funded than would be the case in a world without SBA
subsidies. However, if only the riskiest SBICs - those that would
otherwise be unable to raise funds or could do so only at a hefty risk
premium - use leverage, then this adverse selection problem may mean we
observe a positive relationship between failure and SBA leverage.
Further, if SBICs that use SBA leverage do so because they intend to
invest in riskier projects than they would if only their own money were
at stake, this moral hazard may also point to a positive relationship
between failure and leverage.
Finally, aside from these two information-related concerns, we
consider the prepayment effect and the mismatch effect. The SBA
regulations in effect during the period under review essentially forbade prepayment of SBA-guaranteed debt during its first five years; hence,
SBA regulations matched the minimum duration of SBICs' debt and the
loans they made. Thus, falling interest rates could mean a decline in
investment income but no commensurate decline in interest expenses,
putting pressure on SBICs' profits. This prepayment effect would
likely be most pronounced for SBICs with large loan portfolios.(13) A
second factor is that SBA leverage required regular interest payments to
the SBA, whether or not the SBIC earned any income over that period.
Thus, many SBICs, especially equity-oriented SBICs whose realized income
consists primarily of variable capital gains, may have found SBA
leverage quite burdensome - the mismatch effect. Overall, then, we have
several reasons to expect that SBA leverage may be negatively related to
ROE and positively related to failure.
The relationship between ROE (and failure) and SBA leverage is
obviously a complex one. We consider three measures of SBA leverage. The
first measure, the ratio of total SBA funds to total assets (SBATA), is
a good indicator of how an SBIC is funding its assets; that is, whether
it is funding a large or small fraction of its assets with publicly
subsidized funds. The second leverage measure, the ratio of total SBA
funds to private capital (SBAPRIV), gives a sense of the extent to which
the SBIC's own dollars are at stake relative to subsidized dollars.
Thus, SBAPRIV may be a better measure of the possibility of moral hazard
problems arising. The SBA implicitly recognized this possibility when it
developed regulations limiting the amount of leverage to $3 of publicly
subsidized capital for every $1 of privately provided capital. Our third
leverage measure, DSBATA, is defined as the net change in SBA funding
relative to total assets. Holding other things constant, we expect that
ROE should decrease and the likelihood of an SBIC failure should
increase with SBA leverage. Thus,
where SBALEV captures the extent to which an SBIC uses SBA funds;
FAILURE is an indicator variable which is equal to one if an SBIC is
liquidated, voluntarily surrenders its license, or has its license
revoked, zero otherwise; CONTROL VARIABLES is a set of additional
variables influencing ROE and SBIC failure; and [Epsilon] and [Mu] are
identically and independently distributed error terms.
The bank failure literature suggests a set of control variables that
is likely to be important in examining the relationship between SBA
leverage and performance, as measured by profits or failure.(14) We
group these variables as follows:
Asset composition and quality - The diversification and quality of an
SBIC's asset portfolio, as well as the share of loans in its
securities portfolio, are likely to be related to profitability
(failure). PCOMP, the ratio of loans to portfolio securities, is a crude
measure that controls for asset risk. SBICLOSS, the ratio of loss
provisions on accounts receivable to total expenses, is a measure of
asset quality and may be negatively (positively) related to
profitability (failure). Two diversification measures, HERFGEO and
HERFSIC2, are Herfindahl indexes constructed from the flows of
investments made by the SBIC over the 1983-92 period; HERFGEO (HERFSIC2)
is based on flows by state (two-digit SIC industry) of the small
business receiving funding.(15) High levels of diversification (low
Herfindahls) may be associated with high profitability (low failure),
but specialization can yield economies on monitoring costs incurred by
the SBIC; consequently, the net effect of the Herfindahls on
profitability and failure is uncertain. A related measure is INSTATE,
which is the share of dollars invested by an SBIC in small businesses
located in its home state over the 1983-92 period. High levels of
INSTATE may mean lower monitoring costs, thus higher profits (lower
failure) for an SBIC.
Other SBIC characteristics - SBIC size (SBICSIZE), as measured by the
natural logarithm of total assets (TA), and age (SBICAGE) are control
variables, though standard arguments are that large SBICs may be more
diversified and may hire better managers than small ones. We also
include the ratio of operating expenses to total assets (OPEX) to
capture the notion that efficient SBICs will earn superior returns and
be less likely to fail.
Characteristics of the small businesses being financed - We consider
two features, the dollar-weighted mean age of the small businesses
receiving funding by the SBIC (AGEFIRM); and the share of dollar
investments going to firms with fewer than 50 employees (E1-49). These
measures also help to control for asset risk, to the extent that
smaller, younger firms are riskier on average than are larger, older
Projects being funded - We argue that the types of projects funded by
an SBIC are likely to be correlated with its profitability (and
failure). Each investment made by an SBIC is identified as being
intended to finance a certain type of project being undertaken by the
small business receiving funding, for example, research and development,
land acquisition, or operating capital. We grouped the ten possible
project types into three categories. USETRANS is defined as the share of
dollars invested in transactions-type projects, whose execution is
likely to involve little managerial discretion by the small business and
to require little monitoring by the SBIC. We include plant
modernization, debt consolidation, new building or plant, machinery
acquisition, and land acquisition projects in this category. USERELAT is
defined as the share of dollars invested in relationship-type projects
that are likely to involve high levels of managerial discretion and SBIC
monitoring. We include acquisitions of existing businesses, marketing,
research and development, and an other catch-all category here. Finally,
USEOPKAP is the share of dollars invested in the last category,
operating capital.
In principle, it is important to control for the types of projects
and financial characteristics of the small businesses being financed by
SBICs when examining the relationship between SBA leverage and
performance. Hence, [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] in the empirical
specifications of equations 1 and 2, we include many of these measures
as control variables.
Comparison of means - Table 1 reports the mean values of selected
variables for all SBICs and for the bank- and nonbank-owned SBICs over
the 1986-91 period. First, compared with nonbank-owned SBICs, bank-owned
SBICs were larger (SBICSIZE), more equity-oriented (PCOMP), and more
liquid (SBICLIQ and ACOMP). Second, as described above in more detail,
bank-owned SBICs used less SBA leverage (SBATA and SBAPRIV). Third, they
funded larger firms (E1-49 and E50-249) and more relationship-oriented
projects (USERELAT). They also funded more firms in the manufacturing
and service sectors and fewer in the transportation and retail sectors.
Finally, bank-owned SBICs grew much more rapidly than did nonbank-owned
SBICs from 1986 to 1991 (AGROW).
Performance of SBICs
The following equation provides a simple empirical specification of
the relationship between ROE and selected financial variables:
3) [ROE.sub.j,t] = [k.sub.0] [summation of] [k.sub.0,t] [DUM.sub.t]
where t=2 to T + [k.sub.1] [SBICSIZE.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.2]
[SBICAGE.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.3] [SBICLOSS.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.4]
[PORTFOLIO.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.5] [SBALEV.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.6]
[OPEX.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.7] [AGEFIRM.sub.j,t] + [k.sub.8] [El-49.sub.j,t]
+ [k.sub.9] [HERFGEO.sub.j] + [k.sub.10] [HERFSIC2.sub.j] + [k.sub.11]
[INSTATE.sub.j] + [[Epsilon].sub.j,t],
where j,t denotes SBIC j in year t, [DUM.sub.t] (t = 2,3,..., T) are
time-specific binary variables, other explanatory variables are as
defined earlier (see table 1 and text); and [[Epsilon].sub.j,t] is an
error term.(16) PORTFOLIO is a vector of measures of income-earning
assets held by SBICs, and we consider two alternative vectors detailed
below. We estimate equation 3 using time-series cross-sectional data
from 1986 to 1991 for the full sample of SBICs and for the bank-and
nonbank-owned subsamples of SBICs.
To determine the relationship between failure of SBICs and our
explanatory variables, we estimate the following logit model by
maximum-likelihood procedures:
4) Prob([FAILURE.sub.j,t] = 1) = [Phi]([X.sub.j,t-2] [Beta]),
where [FAILURE.sub.j,t] is equal to one if an SBIC is liquidated,
voluntarily surrenders its license, or has its license revoked and zero
otherwise; [X.sub.j,t-2] is the vector of explanatory variables on the
right-hand side of equation 3; [Beta] is a vector of parameter estimates
for the independent variables [X.sub.j,t-2]; and [Phi] is the log odds
ROE results
Table 2 reports the results from regressing ROE on our first SBALEV
measure, SBATA, and other variables, for the full sample as well as
separately for the bank-owned and nonbank-owned SBICs. Column 1 contains
the results on the simplest model estimated over the full sample of 280
SBICs, 1986-91, where the PORTFOLIO vector includes USETRANS and
USERELAT. Two things stand out in column 1. First, the relationship
between SBA leverage and ROE is negative, even after controlling for
SBIC age, size, and portfolio composition, and characteristics of
projects and small businesses. Second, several, though not all, of the
other variables are significantly related to ROE. In particular, the
operating expense variable, OPEX, has a significant negative correlation with ROE, and asset quality, as measured by SBICLOSS, has a modest
negative effect. The share of investments going to transactions-type
projects and, to a lesser extent, the share going to relationship-type
projects are positively correlated with ROE (recall that operating
capital is the excluded category). The diversification measures HERFGEO
and HERFSIC2 are not significant, nor are INSTATE, AGEFIRM, or E1-49.
Thus, there is little evidence that, once portfolio characteristics are
taken into account, the types of small businesses funded by SBICs are
important correlates of profitability.
Columns 2 and 3, which report results from the same regression
estimated for the bank and nonbank samples, show that SBICLOSS,
USETRANS, and USERELAT are important only for the nonbank SBICs. Given
that the effect of the loss variable is likely to be nil for SBICs whose
portfolios contain mostly equities (losses on accounts receivable are
not likely to be related to the ultimate quality of the equities held by
the SBIC) and that banks do most of their investing in the form of
equity, the SBICLOSS result is not surprising. Why USETRANS and USERELAT
seem important only for nonbank-owned SBICs is more of a puzzle. An
alternative specification is presented in columns 4-6 of table 2; here,
the USETRANS and USERELAT variables are replaced by [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE 2 OMITTED] PCOMP, the ratio of loans to securities at book value.
Since USETRANS and PCOMP are highly correlated (SBICs tend to finance
transactions-oriented projects with debt), we exclude the USE variables
in this specification. The main result is unchanged: SBA leverage is
negatively related to ROE, even after controlling for other factors that
may influence profitability.
Next, we consider our two alternative measures of SBA leverage,
SBAPRIV and DSBATA. The results from using SBAPRIV shown in columns 1-3
of table 3 are quite similar to the results using SBATA in table 2,
columns 4-6: SBA leverage has a significant negative effect, though the
statistical significance of the effect is dampened with the new measure.
The regression results from using DSBATA, in columns 4-6 of table 3,
indicate that increases in SBA leverage relative to total assets affect
ROE negatively only for nonbank-owned SBICs, not bank-owned SBICs. When
considered in light of the SBA leverage usage patterns described above,
this result is not surprising. Bank-owned SBICs were shedding their
already low levels of SBA leverage over the 1986-91 period, while they
were growing rapidly and earning higher returns than non-bank-owned
SBICs. The relationship between leverage and ROE thus seems quite
different for the two types of SBICs.
Our principal finding from tables 2 and 3 is that after controlling
for other factors that can influence ROE, we still find a strong,
negative relationship between SBA leverage and profitability of SBICs.
Can we identify which of the stories sketched above is most important? A
report from the U.S. GAO (1993) emphasizes both the mismatch effect and
the prepayment effect. To investigate the mismatch story, we reestimated
equation 3, adding an interaction term to the set of regressors - the
product of SBATA and PCOMP. Our reasoning was that the sign of its
coefficient would be positive under the mismatch story, that is, the
negative effect of SBA leverage on ROE would be most pronounced for
SBICs with low values of PCOMP (high shares of equities in their
portfolios). In fact, we do obtain a positive coefficient estimate on
this interaction term, offering some support for the mismatch story.(18)
To investigate the prepayment effect, we reestimated equation 3,
allowing the coefficient on SBA leverage to vary over time. We found
statistically significant coefficients on the time dummy - SBA leverage
interaction terms, suggesting that the prepayment story may be
important. Next, we considered three possible ways of identifying the
contribution from prepayment restrictions, and we found little evidence
that prepayment restrictions were the source of the negative
leverage-ROE relationship. Below, we briefly describe the interest rate
environment faced by SBICs during our sample period and our findings on
the prepayment issue.
Interest rates were high in the early 1980s compared with the years
covered by our study, 1986-91. In the 1981-85 period, the ten-year U.S.
Treasury bond rate averaged 12.2 percent, while over the 1986-91 period,
it averaged
8.3 percent. If SBICs were unable to refinance their existing
high-rate debt in the early years of our sample period, their
profitability may have been adversely affected. We argue that this
restriction, if important, should show up in our analysis in any one of
the following three ways. First, the impact of SBA leverage on ROE
should vary depending on whether interest rates are high or low relative
to previous years. When interest rates are falling, we would expect the
negative effect of SBA leverage to become more pronounced. To address
this, we reestimated the ROE equation of table 2, columns 4-6, adding an
interaction term for SBA leverage and the change in the ten-year
Treasury rate.(19) We found a negative coefficient on the interaction
term, so that when interest rates were falling in the early years of our
sample, the negative impact of SBA leverage on ROE was mitigated, not
exacerbated as the prepayment story would imply.
A second prepayment story emphasizes that the cost of failing to
refinance high-rate debt is that though liabilities remain expensive,
the assets of SBICs earn lower returns in the lower interest rate
environment. That is, if an SBIC's customers can refinance when
rates fall but the SBIC cannot, then the SBIC's liabilities remain
costly, while its earnings on assets decline. Under this story, a
measure of the interest rate spread earned by an SBIC would be a
narrower and better measure of the net earnings likely to be affected by
a decline in interest rates. To investigate this, we reestimated
equation 3, now using an interest rate spread as the dependent variable,
including an interaction term between SBA leverage and the change in
interest rates, and controlling for macroeconomic conditions by
including the growth rate of real GDP.(20) Again, we found no evidence
that leverage's negative effect is most pronounced when interest
rates are falling.
Finally, we computed what each SBIC's interest expenses would
have been had it refinanced its entire stock of debt at the current
year's ten-year Treasury rate. The prepayment story implies that
SBICs whose actual interest expenses greatly exceeded these imputed expenses (measured by the difference between actual and computed
interest expenses relative to total assets) are those for whom the
prepayment restrictions are most burdensome; thus, we should see low
ROEs for these SBICs. The simple correlation between ROE and this
difference measure is indeed negative.(21) However in a regression of
ROE on the same variables as in table 2 columns 4-6, plus this
difference measure, the measure comes in strongly significant but with a
positive coefficient, not a negative one. Again, this evidence does not
support the prepayment story.
In summary, we have little evidence that the prepayment restrictions
faced by SBICs during our sample period are the main source of the
negative relationship between SBA leverage and ROE. However, we do find
some support for the idea that the regular interest payments due on SBA
leverage adversely affected profits at equity-oriented SBICs. More
research is needed to consider the relative importance of other possible
explanations for the negative ROE-SBA leverage relationship.
Failure results
Table 4 reports the results from the estimation of equation 4 for the
full sample and the bank- and nonbank-owned samples. The first column
for each sample presents the maximum likelihood estimates of the
parameters and their standard errors. The second column reports the
marginal effects of the explanatory variables on the probability of
Consistent with the ROE results, SBA leverage measured by SBATA is
negatively correlated with SBIC performance: SBICs with higher SBATA
have a higher probability of failure two years hence. Furthermore, the
positive relationship between SBA leverage and probability of failure is
stronger for nonbanks. While an increase in SBATA increases the
probability of failure for a bank-owned SBIC by 0.125, a similar
increase in SBATA increases the probability of failure for a
non-bank-owned SBIC by 0.187.
The correlations between failure and SBICSIZE and SBICLOSS are also
consistent with the earlier results. SBICSIZE is negatively correlated
with the probability of failure in all samples. SBICLOSS is positively
correlated with the probability of failure, but has a significant effect
only for the full sample. In the full and nonbank samples, higher ratios
of loans to [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 4 OMITTED] total portfolio
securities (PCOMP) are associated with lower probabilities of failure.
On the other hand, PCOMP is not significant in the bank-owned sample.
This result is comparable to the ROE results reported above.
Higher operating expenses are associated with higher probabilities of
failure, and this relationship is particularly strong for the
nonbank-owned SBICs. Taken together with earlier results on ROE, these
results indicate that high operating expenses are associated with low
profitability contemporaneously for all SBICs. For nonbank SBICs, high
operating expenses are also associated with poor long-term performance,
which suggests that the consequences of operating inefficiencies at
nonbank-owned SBICs are more persistent.
Among the variables that describe the investment strategy of SBICs,
only the industry-diversification measure, HERFSIC2, is significantly
related to probability of failure. SBICs that are not diversified are
more likely to fail than well-diversified SBICs; however, the
relationship is significant only for the bank-owned SBICs.
Alternative views of failure
As Kane (1985, 1989) and others have recognized, failure of
institutions with access to government liability-guarantees is not an
automatic consequence of a weakened financial condition. It results from
a conscious decision by the regulatory agency to acknowledge and act
upon the weakened financial condition of an institution. Our definition
of SBIC failure combines three different events, liquidation,
revocation, and surrender of license. Liquidation and revocation are
generally thought to be choices of the SBA, while surrender of license
is a choice of the SBIC. How sensitive are our results about SBA
leverage to our definition of failure? When we reestimated equation 4 on
the sample of SBICs consisting of survivors and those who were
liquidated during our sample period, we obtained results very similar to
the ones described above. However, using a sample consisting of
survivors and those who surrender their licenses over the sample period
yields different results: SBA leverage is no longer a statistically
significant correlate of the probability of failure, where failure is
defined as the surrender of a license.
The positive leverage-failure correlation in the liquidation sample
reflects both an economic and a regulatory effect of leverage, and
without further work, we cannot disentangle the two. Since leverage is
not an important correlate of failure in the surrenders-only sample,
[TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 5 OMITTED] a sample for which regulatory
determinants of failure were presumably not important, the economic
effect seems to be nil. How can we reconcile this result with our claims
about the economic effects of leverage? First, the distinction between
liquidations and surrenders in practice is not as clear as our
discussion has implied. An SBIC may surrender its license just before
facing a certain liquidation action by the SBA. Similarly, liquidations
may occur for purely economic reasons. For example, the U.S. GAO (1993)
reported that several SBICs entered liquidation to avoid the prepayment
penalties associated with paying off their SBA leverage. So, we do not
view liquidations as purely regulatory events, nor surrenders as purely
economic events. Second, we have other evidence from our ROE analysis
that the negative effect of SBA leverage on performance remains even
when the sample consists only of survivors and surrenders, that is, when
SBICs that ultimately are liquidated are removed from the sample.
Estimating equation 3 on this other sample still yields a significant,
negative coefficient on SBA leverage, which is consistent with there
being an economic effect of leverage on performance. In summary, though
we cannot gauge the quantitative importance of the economic effects of
leverage versus any regulatory impact coming through the SBA's
closure rule, we feel confident that the positive coefficient on
leverage in the failure equations truly reflects the negative economic
impact of leverage on performance.
Finally, as noted earlier, the SBA considers an SBIC to be a poor
performer if net realized losses plus unrealized losses of the SBIC
exceed 50 percent of its private capital. If an SBIC is capital impaired
by this measure, the SBA considers the SBIC in default and has the right
to liquidate its assets. Table 5 reports the results from the estimation
of equation 4 when the SBA's measure of performance, KIMPBA, is
included in the model as another explanatory variable.(22) The greater
the SBA's exposure to losses, the more likely it is to take actions
to close an investment company. Thus, we expect that the probability of
SBIC failure will increase with SBA leverage and with the degree of
capital impairment.
We find that SBICs that perform well by the SBA's standards are
indeed less likely to fail; this relationship is particularly strong for
the nonbank-owned SBICs. For nonbank-owned SBICs, including KIMPBA in
the model dampens the relationship between probability of failure and
SBA leverage. Because most of the nonbank-owned SBICs take advantage of
SBA subsidies, it is not surprising that SBA closure decisions are
related more to the financial condition of these SBICs than to the level
of their SBA funding. On the other hand, SBA leverage remains a
significant correlate of probability of failure for bank-owned SBICs,
even after KIMPBA is included. Since there are significant differences
across bank-owned SBICs in the use of SBA funding, it is not surprising
that the level of SBA funding, as well as their financial condition, is
significantly correlated with the probability of failure for these
Encouraging financial institutions to provide funding to small
businesses has been a central goal of U.S. public policy for a long
time. The SBIC program is designed to encourage the flow of long-term
capital to small firms. Because government guarantees are used to fund
many of the companies licensed under the program, their performance is
of particular interest to policymakers.
In this article, we analyze the performance of 280 SBICs that were
active at the beginning of 1986, paying special attention to the impact
of access to government liability guarantees on ROE and failure. We find
that SBICs performed poorly. Of the 280 SBICs, over half had failed by
1993. The ROE measure reveals a similarly dismal performance.
We find that high usage of SBA-guaranteed debt is associated with
poor performance, particularly for nonbank-owned SBICs. We describe
several factors that may account for this relationship and offer
evidence on two of them, the prepayment effect and the mismatch effect.
We find little evidence that prepayment restrictions faced by SBICs are
important factors behind the poor performance record of SBICs, but we do
find evidence that equity-oriented SBICs found SBA leverage burdensome
due to its regular interest payment requirements. Our results are also
consistent with information-related problems (adverse selection and
moral hazard) being important. However, our results are not sufficiently
precise to differentiate these information-related effects of leverage
from its other effects. Nevertheless, the results suggest that public
subsidies aimed at encouraging the flow of funds to small firms may have
unintended consequences if the assets funded by SBICs are riskier than
they would have been in the absence of the subsidy.
Finally, we note that in 1994 the SBA revised many regulations
pertaining to the SBIC program. For example, minimum private capital
requirements were raised, prepayment restrictions were lifted, and a new
equity-like form of leverage was developed and made available to
equity-oriented SBICs. Our analysis suggests that the latter change may
be quite valuable and that lifting the prepayment restrictions may be
less so. Furthermore, higher capital requirements could, in principle,
mitigate some of the information-related problems that characterized the
program in earlier years. However, a complete assessment of the likely
impact of the new regulations on the performance of SBICs must wait for
future research.
1 Initially, the Small Business Administration was established as a
temporary government agency to provide intermediate-term financing to
small firms. In 1958, Congress made the SBA a permanent government
agency. For a discussion, see Osborn (1975).
2 The SBA's Statistical Package reports that 1,361 SBICs were
licensed over the 1959-94 period. Of these, 455 (33 percent) were
transferred into liquidation between 1967 and 1994.
3 For example, bank failures generated losses to the FDIC of about
$40 billion. For thrifts, the loss was near $200 billion, most of which
was beyond the resources of the deposit insurer and was thus charged to
taxpayers. For a discussion of the magnitude of the bank and thrift debacle of the 1980s, see Bartholomew (1993) and Kaufman (1995). Over
the 1985-89 period, the cost to the FDIC to close failing commercial
banks averaged about 17 cents per dollar of failed bank assets. See
Barth, Brumbaugh, and Litan (1992) for a discussion of resolution costs
associated with bank failures. For the now defunct Federal Savings and
Loan Insurance Corporation, the cost to close failing S&Ls averaged
about 33 cents per dollar of assets over the 1985-89 period. See Barth
(1991) for the numbers used to compute the cost per dollar of assets.
4 In 1994, the SBA put into effect new regulations that were
significantly different from those in effect over the 198691 period. In
this article, we focus on the regulation during the 1986-91 period. In
1976, the program was extended to include specialized SBICs (SSBICs)
that provide funds to small firms owned by "economically
disadvantaged persons." In this article, we focus only on regular
SBICs, leaving an analysis of SSBICs for a future study.
5 Under certain circumstances, SBICs can obtain up to $4 in SBA funds
for every $1 of private capital, up to a maximum amount of $35 million.
6 The general partners are usually liable for all obligations of a
partnership. Thus, the liability structure offered by the SBA is a
departure from this norm and offers a relief to general partners.
7 If the SBIC provides a plan of divestiture, it can maintain a
controlling interest in a small business up to seven years.
8 Limits on interest rates that can be charged to small businesses
are effective for all SBICs, whether or not they use SBA leverage.
9 The SBA's SBIC Statistical Package reports that there were 335
reporting SBICs in 1986.
10 Specifically, the financial statements pertain to the fiscal years
11 Our definition of SBIC failure is not exactly comparable with that
used for banks and savings and loan associations (S&Ls). For SBICs,
we define failure as liquidation, revocation, or voluntary surrender of
license. Few, if any, banks or S&Ls voluntarily surrender their
charters, and the numbers in figure 1 exclude these voluntary
surrenders. If our definition of SBIC failure included only
liquidations, the results would still indicate a higher failure rate for
12 An SBIC is classified as bank-owned in any year in which at least
10 percent of its equity was controlled by a banking organization.
Otherwise, the SBIC is classified as nonbank-owned.
13 This would be true if the mean duration of equity investments was
greater than the mean duration of debt investments.
14 Sinkey (1975), Altman (1977), and Martin (1977) analyze financial
ratios constructed from balance sheets and income statements to develop
a system to help regulators identify financially troubled institutions
as early as possible. These financial ratios were grouped into five
broad categories: capital adequacy, asset quality, management
competence, earnings, and liquidity. The same types of broad categories
were used by Avery and Hanweck (1984), Barth et al. (1985), Benston
(1985), and Gajewski (1989) to examine the likelihood of an
institution's closure. Cole (1993) examines economic insolvency and
closure using a larger number of financial factors than in the previous
studies. For an excellent review of the literature on bank failure, see
Demirguc-Kunt (1989).
15 The Herfindahl index is often used to measure competition in
banking markets. It is calculated as the sum of the squares of deposit
shares of all competitors in a market. If the index is equal to one,
little or no diversification (or competition) in the market is present,
and the smaller the index the more diversified (or competitive) the
market. Here, HERFSIC2, for example, is calculated as the sum of squared
shares of funding in a particular SIC code to the total fundings made by
an SBIC over the 1982-92 period. Similarly, the shares of investments
made by an SBIC by state are used to calculate the HERFGEO index.
16 Recall that HERFGEO and HERFSIC2 are computed over the full
ten-year period, 1983-92, as opposed to separately for each year. Our
method implicitly assumes a ten-year duration for the investments made
by SBICs, whereas the year-by-year method assumes a one-year duration.
17 Many failed SBICs are missing financial records for the year
preceding failure. Consequently, we focus on two-year ahead failure
prediction in the models we present below. Once we discard the available
observations pertaining to the year before failure, as well as four
observations with data problems, we have 1,102 observations, of which
414 (688) are classified as bank-owned (nonbank-owned) SBICs.
18 Our coefficient (standard error) estimates are -0.326 (0.044) on
the SBATA variable and 0.119 (0.083) on the SBATA-PCOMP interaction
variable. At the sample mean of PCOMP, which is 0.381, this implies a
total coefficient of -0.281 on SBATA; for SBICs with zero loans in their
portfolios, the total coefficient is -0.326. Analyzing bank-owned and
nonbank-owned SBICs separately, we find that the interaction coefficient
is positive and significant at the 1 percent level for only the
nonbank-owned SBICs.
19 We controlled for macroeconomic conditions by including the growth
rate of real GDP in this regression, as well as in all the other
regressions described in this section on prepayment restrictions; thus,
time dummies are not included as in equation 3.
20 We defined the interest rate spread as the difference between the
interest rate received by the SBIC (interest income relative to
interest-earning assets) and the interest rate paid by the SBIC
(interest expenses relative to total debt owed by the SBIC).
21 We recognize that we cannot exclude the possibility that a large
difference may occur for some SBICs because they are currently poor
performers that wish to avoid the scrutiny associated with refinancing.
Though the SBA may not explicitly price risk when it sets interest rates
on its debentures, it may indirectly penalize a poorly performing SBIC
in other ways when the SBIC requests new funding.
22 This analysis uses our original definition of SBIC failure.
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Elijah Brewer III, Hesna Genay, and Paula R. Worthington are
economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and William E. Jackson
III is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. The authors would like to thank Julian Zahalak for his
excellent research assistance, the Small Business Administration for
providing the data, Leonard W. Fagan, Jr., for providing detailed
information on the SBIC program, and Anil Kashyap and David Marshall for
comments on earlier drafts of this paper.