Does business development raise taxes?
Oakland, William H. ; Testa, William A.
Many suburban communities experienced rapid business development and
employment growth during the 1980s. Community planners and development
officials tended to encourage business development not only because it
promised increased employment, but also because they believed it would
increase the tax base, drawing new taxes from nonresident business
owners to the benefit of community residents.(1)
These beliefs have recently been challenged, however, by some urban
planners and other analysts of the suburban growth process who maintain
that business development brings along high costs in associated public
services and infrastructure, and that intergovernmental aid to pay for
these costs is too low.(2) Critics of urban land-use expansion further
contend that job suburbanization isolates the urban poor from gainful employment, contributes to over-development of land and spoilage of
agricultural land at the urban fringe, and raises overall
metropolitan-area public service costs by requiring new infrastructure
that duplicates what already exists in the urban core. In contrast,
others argue that the "not in my backyard" response by
communities has unduly constrained economic growth and standards of
living. This article assesses the local fiscal impact of business
development by first reviewing previous studies and then investigating
the statistical relationship between business development and
residential property tax rates for 115 Chicago suburbs during the 1980s.
What do previous studies tell us?
Previous studies have assessed the fiscal impact of business
development using two different methodologies. One approach generalizes
from the outcomes of many different case studies that tabulate the
fiscal costs and benefits of individual business developments. The other
examines the statistical relationship between general business growth
and community fiscal well-being. So far, both approaches have produced
ambiguous or contradictory findings; studies can be found suggesting
that business development brings a net fiscal benefit, and that it does
Fiscal impact studies
So many local officials have become concerned about the fiscal impact
of land development that an entire methodology has been developed to
address the question in specific circumstances. This methodology, known
as fiscal impact analysis, compares the public service costs of land
development in a particular use to the public revenues that the
development is expected to generate.(3)
Although most recent fiscal impact studies share this general
methodology, these studies vary widely in sophistication.(4)
Nonetheless, the findings of fiscal impact studies over the past four
decades indicate a dichotomy between business and residential
development with respect to fiscal impact. Generally speaking, and with
important exceptions, commercial and industrial development (hereafter referred to as "business development") appears to more than
pay its way fiscally. Specifically, the public revenues generated from
business development tend to exceed the costs of the public services
they require. For example, some extensive studies of the impacts of
individual developments, such as the Saturn plant, suggest that the
local revenues generated by industrial development exceed the generated
service costs by a factor of three.(5) In contrast to most business
development, most types of residential development, especially
single-family detached housing, are found to be losing propositions. The
households inhabiting such housing tend to pay property and other local
taxes that fall short of the costs of public services consumed.
Elementary and secondary education is commonly implicated as the major
public service cost associated with such households.(6) The divergence between the fiscal impact of residential development and that of
business development can, in some instances, become irrelevant because
people tend to follow jobs, and vice versa. Accordingly, for example,
the fiscal benefits of business development can be subsequently negated
as population in-migration responds to job growth. In other instances,
however, communities act to exclude unrewarding types of development
through zoning restrictions while admitting lucrative business
development to the community.
While some studies conclude that business development showers
community residents with fiscal benefits, others claim that those
studies are flawed. They argue that cost-benefit methodologies do not
fully account for the added costs of public infrastructure, and some
important case studies find that when these costs are acknowledged,
business development does not pay its own way.(7) This may explain why
some communities that experienced rapid employment growth in the 1980s
also experienced rising property tax rates. In addition, fiscal impact
studies may be turning up more negative findings because revenue
assistance from state and federal government has become less responsive
to community growth.(8)
Statistical studies of fiscal impact
The majority of studies from the economic and professional planning
literature have concluded that business development tends to pay its own
way. However, statistical evidence of fiscal impact is sometimes
ambiguous. Some look for associations between business development and
changes in local property tax rates. From the standpoint of community
residents, falling property tax rates are a fiscal benefit because lower
property tax rates allow a greater proportion of personal income to be
devoted to consumption (assuming that public service consumption does
not decline). However, evidence that residential property tax rates are
rising can be more difficult to interpret.(9) Rising property tax rates
imply either 1) that community residents have taken advantage of their
enhanced ability to tax nonresident business property owners in order to
increase public services, or to the contrary, 2) that business
development has imposed higher costs on the community, which must now
raise tax rates.
One recent statistical study examined 365 contiguous municipalities
of northern New Jersey that gained 400,000 new jobs and 150,000 new
residents during the 1980s.(10) The study assessed whether growth in
jobs and population affected several indices of fiscal and nonfiscal
benefits. In general, the authors concluded that employment growth
benefited local communities while population growth was largely
detrimental. With specific regard to fiscal benefits, community
employment growth significantly lowered property tax rates while raising
local government revenues per capita.
While lower property tax rates strongly suggest fiscal benefit to
community residents, evidence showing increased local government
revenues and services is more ambiguous. New businesses may necessitate increased public expenditures for services such as police and fire
protection, thereby offsetting increased revenues that derive from an
augmented properly tax base. Some ambiguity can be reduced by focusing
on the growth of those public expenditures that more directly benefit
community residents, such as local school spending. While an educated
work force benefits the broader business sector to some degree, no
individual business will draw its entire labor force from the immediate
community, as table 4 below indicates. Accordingly, school spending at
the community level largely benefits residents rather than community
Studying the educational spending decisions of communities in the
Boston metropolitan area, Ladd found that a greater proportion of
commercial and industrial property signals local voters that they face a
lower "tax price" for education.(11) That is, for every
additional dollar that voters decide to spend, they behave as if pan of
the additional costs will be borne by out-of-community people associated
with the business property.(12) A study of 56 Bergen County (New Jersey)
communities found similar results.(13) In a recent study of northern New
Jersey, community employment growth was found to increase per pupil
school spending significantly; in contrast, population growth tended to
depress it.(14)
The Bergen County study looked at both the tax rate and local
education expenditures. It found that 70 percent of commercial and 52
percent of industrial property tax payments benefited residents in the
form of lower taxes and higher educational expenditures per
household.(15) In particular, a hypothetical $1,000 extra of commercial
property was estimated to have resulted in $8.60 lower property tax
payment per household, and an extra $8.10 in educational expenditures
per household.
Some empirical studies do not support the hypothesis that community
pursuit of commercial and industrial property is advantageous. Margolis
examined both the real effective property tax rate of municipalities in
the San Francisco Bay area in 1953-54 and their total property value per
resident.(16) Margolis classified cities according to their intensity of
commercial/industrial property land use. and then compared the
distribution of property value and real tax rate by type of city. He
found that "dormitory" cities (that is, those choosing to
specialize in residential property) tended to display lower property tax
rates than did "balanced" cities (those with substantial
proportions of both nonresidential and residential property). However,
the evidence for this conclusion is not compelling. First, the study
entirely excluded the type of community - so-called industrial enclaves
- that contains the largest proportion of commercial and industrial
property. It is arguable whether such communities should have been
excluded from the comparison sample, that is, whether there is any good
reason to treat them as essentially nonresidential. In any case, as
discussed earlier, higher property tax rates do not necessarily indicate
fiscal benefits accruing to community residents.
More recently, a study by the staff of the DuPage County (Illinois)
Development Department (1991) has received much public attention for its
finding that the growth of nonresidential property has had a major
negative impact on the fiscal situation of 133 communities.
Specifically, the study finds that both residential and nonresidential
land uses have significant impacts on property tax revenues and that the
areas of the county that experienced the most rapid change from
residential to nonresidential bore additional service provision costs
that required higher tax levies. The DuPage study did not distinguish
among types of property tax payers, but considered all residential and
nonresidential property tax payments together. However, increased
payments by nonresidential property owners are not likely to be a burden
to local residents; in fact, they may compensate or benefit residents.
Moreover, the study examined the growth of the tax levy in absolute
dollar amounts (and not the "price" or "tax rate"
effect of growth and development).
The empirical analysis
We begin the empirical analysis with an examination of the following
question: Has business development been associated with reductions in
tax burdens? We used correlation analysis to address this question. If
the analysis indicates a relationship between business development and
reduced tax burden, then the burden of proof for the claim that business
development has either a negative or no fiscal impact would seem to rest
with those who take such a position.
The study sample and period
We drew our sample communities from suburbs within a six-county
Chicago area.(17) The unit of observation was the municipality. We
defined sample communities by municipal boundaries rather than, say,
school districts, because significant control over land use is vested
with municipal governments. Our sample included incorporated
municipalities with populations of more than 10,000 in Cook County and
the six counties that border it. We excluded the city of Chicago because
of its size and economic maturity. The 115 suburbs we included account
for just over two-thirds of the suburban population. Because the sample
excluded the many smaller municipalities in the six-county region, our
results may not apply to such areas. The period of observation was
roughly 1980-90. We say "roughly" because some data were
available only for the Census years 1979 and 1989, or for the fiscal
years 1981 and 1991.
Trends in population, employment, and total equalized assessed value
Place name 1970-80 1980-90 population
(percent change)
Chicago -10.7 -7.4 2,783,726
Cook County -4.3 -2.9 5,105,067
Cook County suburbs 5.8 3.1 2,321,341
DuPage County 33.9 18.6 781,666
Kane County 10.9 14.0 317,471
Lake County 15.1 17.3 516,418
McHenry County 32.6 23.9 183,241
Will County 30.9 10.1 357,313
Suburbs 13.6 9.2 4,477,450
SMSA 1.8 2.2 7,261,176
Place name 1972-81 1981-90 employment
(percent change)
Chicago -9.1 -1.9 1,201,136
Cook County 1.6 8.2 2,247,098
Cook County suburbs 22.3 22.7 1,045,962
DuPage County 68.7 91.9 380,334
Kane County 17.3 30.8 120,331
Lake County 24.5 61.8 183,823
McHenry County 23.9 55.4 52,778
Will County 15.1 21.1 75,145
Suburbs 26.8 37.4 1,858,373
SMSA 6.8 18.7 3,059,509
Equalized assessed value
Place name 1980-90 1990 EAV
(percent change) (billions)
Chicago 90.9 $23.1
Cook County 103.9 56.0
Cook County suburbs 114.2 32.9
DuPage County 145.0 13.6
Kane County 89.1 3.5
Lake County 127.9 8.7
McHenry County 107.1 2.4
Will County 112.1 4.6
Suburbs 119.7 65.7
SMSA 111.4 88.8
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Census
of Population and Housing, various issues; Illinois Department of
Employment Security, Where Workers Work, 1981 and 1990; and Illinois
Department of Revenue, Property Tax Statistics, various issues.
During the period under study, population in the overall suburban
area surrounding the city of Chicago grew by a robust 9.2 percent, while
the city's population fell by 7.4 percent (see table 1). All
suburban counties experienced population growth, as did Cook County, in
which Chicago is located. Population grew most rapidly in the
farthest-outlying suburbs. It grew more slowly nearer the center of the
six-county area and declined in the inner-ring suburbs immediately
Consistent with the experience in much of the nation during this
time, employment growth greatly exceeded population growth. Several
noted demographic trends contributed to this development. Generally, the
large baby-boom generation continued to enter the labor force during the
decade, and labor force participation of females continued to rise.
Consequently, many suburbs saw their commercial and industrial base
expand, many experienced population growth, and many experienced both.
In most of the municipalities we sampled, numerous local taxing
jurisdictions overlap. Therefore, we found it necessary to estimate an
aggregate tax rate or tax burden for each municipality, reflecting the
combined burden of all the levies imposed within the municipality's
boundaries.(18) We refined these aggregate tax burdens further to
reflect differences in assessment practices and in the incidence of
major tax exemptions, such as the homeowner's exemption.
Measures of tax burden
We considered three measures of tax burden: 1) the statutory property
tax rate,(19) which is applied to equalized assessed value (EAV), and
hereafter denoted as trate; 2) effective tax rate on owner-occupied
housing, denoted as rate; and 3) effective tax rate in terms of income,
denoted as burden. Each of these measures is interesting in its own
right. Trate is of interest because it is the measure set by local
governing authorities; it is also the tax rate applied to commercial and
industrial property. Rate is of interest because it reflects the degree
to which residential property is taxed, and is relevant to decisions to
build or improve residential property. It reflects residential tax
payment in relation to full market value. Finally, burden measures
property tax payments by residential property owners in relation to
their personal income and thus measures the average sacrifice required
of homeowners within a community. Increases in this measure imply that
fewer funds are available for private consumption.
Mathematically, these measures can be represented as follows:
burden = RPTAX/INC,
RPTAX = aggregate residential property tax payments,
EAVRES = aggregate equalized assessed value of residential property,
FVRES = aggregate market value of residential property, and
INC = aggregate homeowner income.
Simple algebraic manipulation reveals the following relationships
among these measures:
trate= [rate.sup.*] (EAVRES/FVRES)
burden = [rate.sup.*] (FVRES/INC).
The term EAVRES/FVRES is commonly known as the assessment ratio,
while FVRES/INC is the average ratio of house value to income. The
assessment ratio differs among [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 2 OMITTED]
communities despite efforts by the State Board of Equalization to keep
them uniform. The ratio of housing value to income will differ because
of underlying differences in land values and the average age of housing
Simple regression analysis
We began by testing for a simple correlation between business
development and percentage change in tax burden. As our measure of
business development (chbus) we used the change in the
inflation-adjusted equalized assessed value of commercial and industrial
property divided by total assessed value:
chbus = (EAVBUS91-EAVBUS81)/EAV91,
EAVBUS = inflation-adjusted equalized assessed value of business
property, and
EAV = inflation-adjusted total equalized assessed value.
This measure reflects the maximum potential reduction in trate
afforded by the growth in taxable business property. The model tested
then takes the form
(1) ch[(taxmeasure).sub.i] = a + [b.sup.*] [chbus.sub.i] + [e.sub.i],
where [e.sub.i] is an error term, and the subscript i denotes the
various sampled communities. The results displayed in table 2 indicate
no significant relationship between chbus and trate, a marginal negative
relationship with rate, and a strong negative relationship with burden.
Whether business development is associated with a reduction in tax
burden therefore depends on which measure of burden one adopts. If one
is most interested in burden relative to housing value, assessed or
otherwise, one must conclude that there is at best a weak negative
association between business growth and tax burden. On the other hand,
if one is more interested in tax sacrifice, there appears to be a much
stronger negative association.
Multiple regression analysis
The lack of a strong relationship between business development and
two of the three measures of tax burden may be due to intervening
changes in other elements of the tax base. For example, business
development may sometimes be accompanied by increases in residential
investment. If such a pattern is uneven among communities, the true
relationship between business investment and tax burden may not be
revealed by simple correlation measures. Multiple regression can often
overcome this difficulty, since it controls for the intervention of
confounding factors.
Accordingly, we decomposed the change in residential EAV into a
capital gain element (capgain) and a new housing component [TABULAR DATA
FOR TABLE 3 OMITTED] (chres). Like changes in business EAV, these
changes in residential EAV were expressed relative to total EAV. By
construction, therefore, the three components exhaust the change in
total EAV over the period.
We introduced these added variables into the relationship between
ch(taxmeasure) and chbus, as follows:
(2) ch[(taxmeasure).sub.i] = a + [b.sup.*] [chbus.sub.i] + [c.sup.*]
[capgain.sub.i] + [d.sup.*] [chres.sub.i] + [e.sub.i].
Table 3 presents estimates of equation 2. A significant negative
relationship now emerges for all three measures. Thus, if the effects of
changes in residential EAV are taken into account, changes in business
EAV have been associated with decreases in residential tax burdens. It
is noteworthy that the capital gain component of the change in
residential EAV also is significantly associated with tax burden
changes. However, in the case of chburden, the correlation is positive.
This might reflect the failure of taxing authorities to fully roll back
property tax rates for increases in EAV caused by housing appreciation.
Under such circumstances, tax bills would increase even though income
did not, leading to greater tax sacrifice.
It is further noteworthy that for chtrate, capital gain has a larger
coefficient (in absolute value) than chbus. This might reflect the need
for public services to accommodate economic development, whereas no
expenditure needs may arise from housing appreciation. It might also
reflect the tendency to spend some of the fiscal benefits of economic
development by raising community consumption of public services. By
contrast, housing appreciation per se seemingly provides no fiscal
Finally, it is noteworthy that new housing capital as measured by
chres is not correlated with any of the burden measures. This dichotomy
with business investment may well reflect the greater expenditure needs
that added population places on local government relative to its
contribution to government revenues. This finding is in harmony with the
view that people "simply don't pay for themselves."
Discussion and conclusions
Simple correlation analysis indicates that business development and
tax burden are, if anything, inversely associated in the suburban
six-county area during the period under study. Although correlation does
not necessarily imply causation, this finding would seem to ease the
burden of proof from those who believe that business development is
associated with fiscal benefits, unless it is shown that there are
intervening forces that may be causing the observed correlation.
One such intervening force may be the growth of population and
residential property that often accompanies business development. When
we included residential growth in our correlation analysis, we found
that the inverse relationship between residential property tax rates and
nonresidential development was strengthened rather than diminished.
Nonetheless, the observed relationship between business development and
property tax rates may fail to tap some important indirect impacts of
the former on the latter. For example, fiscal benefits of business
development may be partly reflected and hence capitalized into the value
of residential property. If so, the coefficient attributing lower tax
rates to business development may actually understate that beneficial
impact. We can begin to understand such complexities only by fully
modeling and estimating the important interrelationships among land uses
and other important factors.
Another important relationship may be that business development
induces residential growth as people follow jobs so as to reduce the
distance between home and work. Such migration has been observed in
other studies that focus on the aggregate city versus suburban location
of jobs and people.(20) Recently, such migration has been observed among
suburban communities around Philadelphia.(21) This behavioral
relationship may be important for two reasons. First, population
in-migration to a community in response to jobs may be accompanied by
residential public service costs. In turn, those added public service
costs may offset fiscal benefits derived from expanding the business
property tax base. Perhaps more important, population in-migration can
have spillover impacts on neighboring communities. As table 4
illustrates, in most suburban municipalities, employees tend to work
outside of their community of residence. Accordingly, a community that
brings in business development may not bear the attendant population
increase and residential fiscal burden of their actions. If all or many
adjacent communities similarly follow their own self-interest in
attracting business development, the resulting area-wide impact may be
to raise population pressures in a wider region, thereby lowering or
negating the fiscal benefits attendant to business development. Such
hypotheses can be tested only with a more complete model of community
Percentage of employed residents who worked elsewhere, 1990
Top ten
Rank Municipality Percent
1 Justice 96.2
2 Country Club Hills 95.3
3 Sauk Village 94.3
4 Hanover Park 92.9
5 Riverdale 92.8
6 Palos Hills 92.4
7 Calumet Park 92.2
8 Woodridge 91.9
9 Glendale Heights 91.7
10 Hazel Crest 91.6
Bottom ten
Rank Municipality Percent
106 Chicago Heights 68.3
107 Naperville 66.8
108 Crystal Lake 65.6
109 St. Charles 65.1
110 Waukegan 64.2
111 Elgin 61.4
112 Aurora 61.0
113 Evanston 57.4
114 Joliet 51.0
115 North Chicago 24.0
Average for suburban
municipalities in the study 81.7
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Census of
Population, 1990.
1 Fiscal benefit is defined from the perspective of a typical
household in the home community. Broadly construed, fiscal benefit means
an enhanced ability of a representative household to consume more
publicly provided goods and services, such as education and parks, and
private goods and services. A fiscal benefit can arise from an increase
in the community's taxable resources or, on the expenditure side,
from a reduced need for public services. For example, a new business
development typically adds to a community's tax base - property or
other. As the community levies taxes on this addition to the tax base,
new revenues will be generated. If these revenues exceed the public
service demands that accompany the new development, then the community
household will be able to 1) lower its own tax rate, thereby enabling
increased consumption of private sector goods, 2) consume more
residential services as financed from the added tax base, or 3) both.
Note also that the accrual of fiscal benefit does not necessarily imply
greater overall levels of general welfare for community residents.
Business development may cause congestion and environmental degradation
that lower the quality of life for residents.
2 See Gomez-Ibanez (1993), Ladd (1994), DuPage (1991), and White
3 An extensive handbook details how to measure the fiscal impact
associated with any particular property development; see Burchell and
Listokin (1993).
4 See Testa (1995), Gomez-Ibanez (1993), and Burchell and Listokin,
5 Bartik (1991), citing Fox and Neel (1987) and Bartik et al. (1987).
6 On average, and with much variation, education accounts for 40
percent of local government spending i.n the U.S. (Advisory Commission
on Intergovernmental Relations 1993).
7 See, for example, Gomez-Ibanez (1993).
8 Gomez-Ibanez (1993); Ladd (1994).
9 If a growing business property tax base tends to reduce residential
property tax rates, this does not necessarily mean that a business
development has paid its own way in the host community. Nonproperty
taxes borne by community residents may increase at the same time that
property tax rates decline and service demands by the business sector
rise. In such a situation, the rising service demands from business
could crowd out the public services enjoyed by the community's
households. Such Crowding out is unlikely, however. The greatest demands
on local governments are not usually for services to business but for
10 Danielson and Wolpert (1991).
11 Ladd (1975). Commercial and industrial property is defined by most
local governments as that land and building used (and assessed for tax
purposes) in profit-making enterprises. Hence it is closely aligned with
what we refer to in our empirical work as "business
development." Of course, some job-creating businesses are not
subject to the local property tax for example, government operations and
private colleges - and hence are not included in measurements of
commercial and industrial property.
12 Unlike the assumption of some statistical studies and most fiscal
impact studies, Ladd's study suggests that local residents
comprehend that part of local taxes imposed on businesses is shifted
forward to local consumers or backward to local wage earners or
landowners. Ladd found that in their selection of property tax rates,
communities act as if 39 percent to 45 percent of the property taxes
paid by industrial property are borne by that property rather than by
local residents.
13 Fischel (1975).
14 Danielson and Wolpert (1992).
15 Some studies, including Fischel (1975), posit that fiscal surplus
attendant to business development represents an implicit price or
compensation that businesses pay to gain entry into communities. Fiscal
benefit compensates for environmental noxiousness (see Fischel 1975,
McGuire 1987, and White 1975). Under some conditions of competitive
bidding among communities to attain fiscal surpluses associated with
business, the surplus itself may be bid down to zero; that is, an
observed fiscal surplus may be exactly compensating a community for
environmental noxiousness (White 1975).
16 Margolis (1956b and 1957).
17 This area is not identical to the present Metropolitan Statistical
Area as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce; rather, it is the
former SMSA area that continues to be used by local government-related
planning agencies.
18 We did this by overlaying maps of each type of jurisdiction upon
that of the municipality in question. The fraction of a
municipality's tax base that was subject to the property tax levy
of an overlapping jurisdiction of a particular type (for example, school
district) was assumed to equal the fraction of municipal land area
accounted for by that particular jurisdiction. A detailed description of
the methodology and the data themselves will appear in a forthcoming
working paper, "Does business development raise taxes? An empirical
analysis of Chicago's suburbs," Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, working paper, 1995.
19 The statutory tax rate reflects all the property tax rates imposed
by all overlapping governments on real property in the sample community.
Equalized assessed value is the taxable base against which the statutory
rate is applied. After the assessor has assigned an "assessed
value," the state of Illinois applies a county-wide multiplier
factor to all assessed values within each county in order to bring the
aggregate assessed value in each county to approximately one-third of
fair market value. This process is called equalization. After this,
certain exemptions are deducted to arrive at a taxable base against
which all local property tax rates are applied.
20 For a recent review, see McDonald (1989) and Thurston and Yezer
21 Luce (1994).
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William H. Oakland is professor of economics at Tulane University,
and William A. Testa is senior regional economist and assistant vice
president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.