The temporary labor force.
Segal, Lewis M. ; Sullivan, Daniel G.
In this article we examine the characteristics of workers in the
personnel supply industry, the great majority of whom are employed by
temporary help supply firms.(1) We examine the changes that have
occurred to the demographic and occupational composition of this
industry's work force over the last decade. We also provide
evidence on the labor force attachment and industrial mobility of
temporary workers and examine how their wages compare to those of
similar workers, as well as to their own wages on previous or subsequent
"permanent" jobs.
Several factors motivate this undertaking. First, employment growth
during the current economic expansion has been led by the service
sector. One of the fastest-growing components of this sector has been
the personnel supply industry, which supplies temporary and continuing
workers to client firms (see table 1). Indeed, though the personnel
supply industry currently comprises less than 2 percent of total
employment, it accounted for over 15 percent of employment growth
between 1992 and 1993, and many analysts predict continued rapid growth.
Thus it is worth understanding the makeup of workers in this growingly
significant sector.
Furthermore, the personnel supply industry has received attention
because it is widely believed to be a leading indicator of employment
conditions. As we confirm below, employment in the industry has led
total employment during recent business cycles. Such leading indicators
are useful to policymakers and others who need to base decisions on
where the economy is headed rather than where it has been. However,
there is evidence that the temporary help industry has undergone
structural changes, including expansion into industrial settings.
Assessing these structural changes can help us assess the implications
of using employment growth in the temporary help industry as an
indicator for the economy as a whole. Toward this end, in the pages that
follow we examine micro data on workers.
The increasing use of temporary help in manufacturing has also been
suggested as a possible explanation for the puzzlingly slow growth of
manufacturing employment coming out of the recent recession. That is, it
is possible that more workers were employed in manufacturing activities
than the manufacturing employment totals would suggest, but that a
sizable fraction of the workers were temporaries and so not counted in
those totals. Examining occupational data on individual workers in the
personnel supply industry helps us to evaluate this explanation.
Finally, there has been considerable controversy about the social
desirability of temporary help. Some describe temporary workers as an
underclass who, because of their contingent status, do not receive
sufficient human capital investments to succeed in today's labor
market.(2) Defenders of the temporary help industry point out that
temporary employment provides workers with additional skills and serves
a number of other important economic functions. They note that the
industry has increasingly provided human resource services that were
traditionally provided within client firms, and that the use of
temporary workers has increased the efficiency and competitiveness of
U.S. industry. While such controversies are beyond the immediate scope
of this article, some relevant facts can be learned from the data on
individual workers. For instance, from the micro data we can determine
if temporary employment is a permanent condition, as implied by the
"underclass" designation, or rather, a transitory state en
route to permanent employment.
Payroll employment by industrial sector
Annual average
(thousands of workers)
Year Total Manufacturing Services (SIC 736)
1990 109,423 19,076 27,934 1,535
1991 108,262 18,408 28,336 1,485
1992 108,599 18,105 29,050 1,630
1993 110,525 18,005 30,276 1,926
Annual growth rate
Year Total Manufacturing Services (SIC 736)
1990 1.4 -1.6 3.8 5.5
1991 -1.1 -3.5 1.4 -3.3
1992 0.3 -1.6 2.5 9.8
1993 1.8 -0.6 4.2 18.2
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Current Employment Survey, (various years).
Most prior analyses of the personnel supply industry have drawn on
data collected from temporary help firms. Such sources include the
Bureau of Labor Statistics' Current Employment Survey (also known
as the establishment survey or the payroll survey), surveys conducted by
the National Association of Temporary and Staffing Services (NATSS), and
special surveys of personnel supply firms conducted by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS).(3) Our analysis draws on these sources as well
as a new one constructed from the 1983 through 1993 Current Population
Survey (CPS). The CPS data provide a perspective on individual workers
in the personnel supply industry and the labor force as whole. These
data can, moreover, be used to observe changes over time in individual
workers' labor force status and earnings.
The remainder of this article has the following organization. First
we describe the personnel supply industry in greater detail, sketching its recent growth and verifying its status as a leading indicator of
employment conditions. Second, we review some of the reasons why client
firms and workers turn to temporary supply services. Last, we examine
the characteristics of the temporary labor force as viewed through CPS
micro data, focusing on the questions raised above.
Overall, we find that the personnel supply industry is a leading
indicator of aggregate economic growth as measured by aggregate
employment. However, the industry is also undergoing substantial
structural change in demographic and occupational composition, showing a
long-term trend towards increased male participation and increased
placement in blue-collar occupations. The increase in temporary
blue-collar positions offsets up to one-half of the decline in
manufacturing employment observed between 1991 and 1993. Workers in the
personnel supply industry exhibit weaker attachment to the labor force
than other workers, and yet a large fraction shift into permanent work
within a year. Temporary workers earn lower wages than workers with
similar demographic characteristics and educational attainment.
Moreover, among workers who held both temporary and permanent jobs,
wages were lower when they worked as temporaries. The wage differential for temporary work varies widely by occupational group, being largest
for blue-collar workers and essentially zero for managerial and
professional workers. Although temporary status often lowers
workers' wage levels, it does not lower their average wage growth;
wage growth of those who remain temporaries does not differ
significantly from that of workers who remain permanent employees.
Composition of the personnel supply industry
Our main interest is in analyzing the characteristics of temporary
workers. Unfortunately, our primary source of data for this analysis,
the CPS, does not identify workers' industries to this level of
detail. All we can tell from the data is whether workers are in the
broad industrial category called "personnel supply." Below, we
will follow the fairly common practice of ignoring the distinction
between the temporary help supply and personnel supply industries. In
order to assess the impact of this imprecision on our results for
temporary workers, we briefly discuss the composition of the personnel
supply category.
The 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) scheme decomposed personnel supply services (SIC 736) into employment agencies (SIC 7361),
temporary help supply services (SIC 7362), and a residual category of
firms not elsewhere classified (SIC 7369). The BLS payroll survey
estimated employment in these three industrial categories on a monthly
basis through 1989. The first category, employment agencies, includes
firms that match workers with other employers. As such, they provide an
alternative hiring mechanism that aims to improve the speed and quality
of the employer/employee matching process. In contrast, the second
category, temporary help supply service firms, provide temporary workers
to client firms, directly providing an alternative source of labor.
While temporary workers are under the supervision of the client
organization, they remain on the payroll of the supplying firm. The
residual category includes firms that supply workers on a longer-term
basis, including employee leasing services, firms providing facilities
management, and continuing maintenance services. The 1987 revision of
the Standard Industrial Classification scheme combined temporary
services and the residual category (excluding facilities management and
continuing maintenance services) into a single category named "help
supply services" (SIC 7363). This procedural Change prompted NATSS
to contract with private survey firms to gather comparable data on
temporary help supply firms at a quarterly frequency.
Figure 1 shows total employment in the personnel supply industry and
its principal components: employment agencies (SIC 7361) as tracked by
the BLS, and temporary help supply firms as tracked by the BLS until
1989 and NATSS thereafter. (We omitted the small residual category which
accounts for only about 2 percent of all workers in the industry.) As
the figure illustrates, the temporary help supply sector accounts for
the lion's share of employment in the personnel supply industry.
For instance, of the approximately 1.9 million workers employed in the
personnel supply industry in 1993, more than 1.6 million worked for
temporary help supply services.(4) The figure also illustrates that the
explosive growth of the personnel supply industry has come mainly from
growth in temporary help services.
Personnel supply workers employed outside the temporary industry are
likely to resemble permanent workers in other industries. Thus
differences between personnel supply workers and workers in other
industries are likely to understate differences between temporary and
permanent workers, but they are not likely to be of a different
direction. Moreover, since temporary workers are such a large fraction
of all personnel supply workers, the attenuation of differences between
temporary and permanent workers is likely to be modest. Additionally,
because most of the growth in personnel supply services has come from
growth in temporary help services, our results on changes over time in
industrial composition should mainly reflect changes in the temporary
industry. Thus we feel that our inability to distinguish in the CPS
between temporary and non-temporary personnel supply workers, while a
drawback, is not a major limitation of our analysis. Nevertheless, the
fact that some workers identified in the CPS as personnel supply
industry workers are not temporary workers should be kept in mind as one
interprets our results below.
For many, the term temporary worker evokes the image of a part-time,
female, clerical worker. In actuality, temporary workers are involved in
both full-time and part-time jobs, in a broad spectrum of activities. A
1989 BLS survey of wages in the help supply industry (that is, temporary
services and employee leasing) found that only 45 percent of the workers
supplied to client firms were placed in administrative and support
occupations, including clerical workers.(5) In fact, 30 percent of all
help supply employment fell into the industrial categories of
"operators, fabricators, and laborers," and "precision,
production, craft, and repair" occupations. Technical and related
support occupations, including health and computer-related employment,
comprised another 5 percent.(6) Below we use the CPS micro data to
provide more information on the occupational distribution of all
personnel supply workers as well as how that distribution has shifted
over time. But first we examine the relationship between the personnel
supply industry and aggregate employment, and the forces that drive
employment in the industry.
Growth in personnel supply services and aggregate employment
Figure 2 plots quarterly data on employment growth for the personnel
supply industry and for the economy as a whole. Two features are
obvious. First, the average growth rate of the personnel supply industry
has been much higher than that of the economy as a whole, averaging 11
percent annualized growth per quarter since 1972 compared with 2 percent
in the aggregate economy. Thus the pattern displayed in table 1 is not
unique to the current business cycle. Second, personnel supply
employment growth is much more volatile than aggregate employment,
falling more during economic contractions and rising more during
expansions. When, as in figure 2, the data are smoothed and plotted on
scales that make their swings comparable, another feature of the series
emerges: Temporary help tends to lead aggregate employment by at least a
quarter or two over the course of a business cycle.(7) This relationship
is most evident during the 1980s and 1990s.
Statistical analysis confirms the visual impressions of figure 2.
Using quarterly data from 1973:Q2 through 1994:Q4, a four-lag bivariate autoregression of the quarterly growth rates reveals that growth in
personnel supply employment Granger causes (statistically significant at
the 0.01 level) aggregate employment growth but not vice versa. In other
words, lagged data on temporary employment growth improves the forecast
of aggregate employment growth over forecasts based solely on lagged
values of aggregate growth.(8) Within this bivariate model, an
unexpected one percent increase in the growth rate of personnel supply
employment would increase the one quarter ahead prediction for aggregate
employment growth by approximately one-tenth of a percent and would
increase the one year ahead forecast by nearly one-fourth of a percent.
The predictive power of this industry for the aggregate economy is
particularly interesting in view of its small size.
For comparison, we repeated the bivariate analysis using employment
growth in the entire service sector instead of growth in the help supply
industry. We found that service sector employment growth does not
Granger cause aggregate employment growth. Perhaps this is not
surprising given that service employment is already one-quarter of total
Why client firms use temporary workers
A number of reasons have been suggested for why firms sometimes use
temporary workers. These include the possibility of lower hourly costs
per worker, increased flexibility, the desire to maintain a dual
internal labor market, economies of scale, and the desire to screen
potential permanent employees.(9)
Lower hourly wage rates and benefit levels
Lower wage rates can make temporary workers attractive to firms. A
widely cited statistic suggests that the average temporary worker earns
only about three-fourths of what the average worker earns. For example,
according to the Current Employment Survey, the average hourly earnings
for all private workers in 1993 were $10.83, but only $8.27 for workers
in personnel supply services.(10) However, gross wage comparisons are
misleading, as the average temporary worker may perform substantially
different tasks and have substantially different levels of training and
experience than the average for all workers. In later sections we use
the data from the CPS to make comparisons of wages that take into
account differences in the type of work and the characteristics of
A full comparison of labor costs would require information on the
markup charged by help supply firms as well as benefit costs (vacation,
sick time, insurance) for permanent and temporary workers. While little
information is publicly available on temporary firm markup rates, NATSS
reports that total temporary supply firm receipts are approximately 50
percent more than their total payroll, suggesting that the average
markup is approximately 50 percent.(11)
On the benefits question, the 1989 BLS survey of help supply workers
found that just over half of them worked for establishments that offered
hospitalization, surgical, and medical insurance coverage to workers who
had met a minimum service requirement. However, many non-permanent help
supply workers elect out of this coverage. Overall, employers paid
health insurance benefits for only one-fourth of all help supply
workers. In comparison, in 1991 four-fifths of all full-time workers and
slightly more than one-fourth of all part-time workers in private
establishments employing 100 or more workers were covered for medical
care.(12) For permanent manufacturing workers, benefit costs may account
for as much as 40 percent of total payroll costs.(13) Whether temporary
or permanent workers cost firms more per hour is likely to vary
significantly by firm and by job category, depending on the relative
contribution of benefits to labor costs.
Increased flexibility and lower adjustment costs
Temporary workers may also be attractive to firms because they allow
increased flexibility in meeting production schedules that vary over
time or in dealing with short-term absences of permanent employees.
Firms can of course adjust hours per permanent worker as well as the
number of permanent workers. However, there are limits and costs to such
adjustments. Overtime premiums are substantial, and valued workers might
quit if their hours fall below a threshold. Hiring and firing permanent
employees costs large amounts of time and money. Firms are often thought
to "hoard" permanent workers during low production periods in
order to reduce the costs associated with locating and hiring them at a
later date, Compensating workers during periods of non-production is
obviously a costly strategy.
Given the difficulties of adjusting a permanent work force, it may be
cost-effective for a firm to respond to variations in production
schedules by means of intermittent use of temporary workers even if the
hourly rates are higher than for permanent workers. Costs of recruitment
and, in many cases, training are borne by the temporary agency, which
can spread the costs over a longer time period than the client firm
since the temporary worker may work several assignments for the agency.
Hiring temporary workers to meet varying production schedules is likely
to be most attractive to firms whose production schedules are especially
variable, whose production processes are simple enough or common enough
that temporary workers can easily substitute for permanent ones, and
whose permanent workers cannot perform other tasks during periods of low
production. For example, firms that can postpone maintenance tasks to
slack periods when permanent workers are available would have less to
gain from the use of temporary workers. In a study of the use of outside
contractors by manufacturing firms, Abraham and Taylor (1993) found that
firms in more cyclical industries are more likely to contract for
accounting services but less likely to contract for janitorial and
machine maintenance services. The latter two activities am more easily
deferred to otherwise slow periods.
Support for dual internal labor markets
Many firms appear to use a combination of permanent employees and
contingent workers, including temporary workers. This mixture might be
termed a dual labor market within a single firm.(14) Positions that
require less firm-specific human capital and have little chance for
advancement are filled on a contingent, as-needed basis. Positions that
require significant matching of worker skills and firm needs, or that
require a stable relationship, are filled on a permanent basis. The
latter set of jobs might be described as embodying a firm's core
competencies. Using external sources of personnel such as temporary
workers may enhance a firm's ability to operate a two-tiered
Having dual labor markets within one firm can be rationalized by
theories of efficiency wages and worker equity. In the simplest theory
of labor markets, workers need only be paid their opportunity wage, the
value of their services elsewhere. Efficiency wage theory recognizes,
however, that it may be profitable for the firm to pay more than the
opportunity wage in order to promote a long-term relationship with the
employee. For example, as mentioned earlier, given hiring and
termination costs, firms may prefer to pay above the market wage in
order to reduce worker turnover and avoid the expense of rehiring. Other
formulations of the efficiency wage model argue that it is hard to
assess workers' productivity before they are hired, and that
above-market wages attract workers with higher productivity. Yet another
version suggests that since monitoring workers is costly, firms may
decide to pay above-market wages to raise the cost to workers of being
terminated if they are discovered to perform poorly.
There is, however, no reason why firms that find it efficient to pay
above-market wages to some workers must find it efficient to pay them to
all workers. Thus firms may decide to pay above-market wages for
difficult-to-monitor jobs or jobs for which it is hard to judge the
qualifications of applicants, while paying market wages for other jobs.
Similarly, the firm might provide a promotion and wage growth path for
some but not all workers. Under some circumstances, however, it may be
in a firm's interest to maintain certain forms of equity across
workers. This might be because of union contracts, equal employment
opportunity concerns, or worker productivity effects. Indeed, there is
some evidence that high-wage firms pay high wages to all workers, not
just those in particular occupations. Hiring temporary workers to fill
jobs that pay only market wages may be a useful way to implement a
two-tiered wage structure while treating all permanent employees
equitably. Such would be the case, for example, if valued permanent
workers suffered lower productivity from working with lower-paid
permanent employees but not with temporary workers, or if government
regulations mandating uniform benefits policies for all employees did
not extend to temporary help.(15)
Opportunity to preview workers
Firms may also use temporary workers in order to screen and evaluate
potential permanent employees more thoroughly than they could otherwise.
This is a reasonable choice if there are costs associated with hiring
inappropriate permanent workers. For example, terminating an
inappropriate permanent employee may require a great deal of
administrative work, or a high turnover rate among permanent employees
may be especially disruptive. Offering permanent employment to temporary
workers who perform well appears to be relatively common. In a 1993
NATSS survey, more than one-third of temporary workers reported being
offered full-time employment by a firm for which they had worked on
Economies of scale and worker specialization
Imagine a firm that needs to perform a certain task only one day per
month; imagine further that the task requires special training. The firm
could hire a permanent employee and provide the necessary training, but
it would obviously be attractive to pay the worker for only the one day
of service per month. Using a temporary worker may make this possible.
Indeed, the same worker could perform the task for many different firms
each month. The use of temporaries for such reasons should be most
prevalent among small companies, since large firms would be more likely
to have sufficient demand for the specialized services to justify
permanent hiring. Abraham and Taylor (1993) find that contracting out of
machine maintenance, engineering and drafting, and accounting and
computing services is indeed more common in small organizations.
Location in a metropolitan area, a correlate of economies of scale, is
also associated with increased contracting out for services.
Why workers work for temporary help supply firms
The previous section discussed firms' reasons for using
temporary labor. However, the labor market involves both supply and
demand forces. In this section, we sketch reasons why workers might
prefer this type of employment. They include preferences for
flexibility, compensating wage differentials, the ability to continue
searching for permanent employment, and access to low-cost or free
training and experience.
Many workers prefer relatively flexible schedules or have a taste for
diversity, preferring to change tasks and surroundings frequently.
Temporary help supply firms can accommodate such workers more readily
than other firms. Since their work does not typically require
firm-specific skills, temporary firms can build up lists of qualified
workers on whose services they can draw. Thus they may more easily be
able to find two or more workers to staff what might normally be a
full-time position. Similarly, they may find it less disruptive to have
workers decline assignments.
Compensating wage differentials
Temporary work need not imply low wages. Workers in certain
occupations such as professional nursing are paid more when they work as
temporaries. Higher wages may compensate for the disadvantages of
temporary employment such as uncertainty about work availability. In
those occupations in which temporaries receive compensating
differentials, workers who value the extra wage compensation more highly
will be drawn to jobs as temporaries. Similarly, working as a temporary
may be more attractive to those for whom benefits such as health
insurance are less important - younger workers, for example - since the
compensation packages of temporary firms usually are more heavily
weighted towards wage income.
Support during an extended job search
Workers searching for permanent employment may find it advantageous
to work for a time as temporaries while pursuing their job searches.
Without an interim job, they may grow so short of cash that they need to
accept a permanent job paying less well than a job they might ultimately
find through a longer search. Working as a temporary may enable them to
support themselves until they find a more appropriate job.(17)
Opportunity for training and experience
Many temporary help firms provide training to their workers prior to
placement. NATSS reports that in 1993, 29 percent of the temporary work
force received more than 20 hours of training from their temporary help
company. Additionally, 66 percent reported that they gained new skills
while working as temporaries.(18) Such training and experience may
increase the likelihood of moving into permanent employment and make
temporary employment more attractive.
The temporary labor force
In this section we study the workers of the personnel supply industry
using data from the CPS (also known as the household survey). This is a
monthly survey of approximately 160,000 individuals in 60,000 households
selected to represent the U.S. population 16 years of age and older.
Households are interviewed during four successive months, ignored for
eight months, and interviewed again during four months. Several
questions on earnings are asked only during the fourth and eight
interviews, known as the "outgoing rotations." The resulting
sample is too small to provide monthly information on an industry the
size of the personnel supply industry. However, by combining all data
from the outgoing rotations within a given year, we can construct useful
annual information on temporary workers.(19)
Comparison of CPS and establishment survey employment estimates
The CPS micro data can be used to estimate total employment in the
personnel supply industry. Table 2 contains such estimates along with
the corresponding estimates from the BLS establishment survey. The
differences are striking. Employment estimates based on the CPS are on
the order of half those from the establishment survey. Moreover, the
former suggest slower growth over time and also suggest that the
industry's employment peaked in 1990.
These discrepancies are difficult to explain. Imprecision of the
household estimates due to sampling error does not account for the
consistent undercount, as the standard errors for the annual estimates
are relatively small, less than 30,000 workers per year in 1993.
Differences in survey methodology and design may explain some of the
difference.(20) The establishment series are compiled from monthly
payroll records and count all jobs for which workers were paid. The
resulting figures are adjusted to a comprehensive count of employment in
an annual process known as the benchmark revision. The CPS series is
constructed from a monthly survey of individuals asked about primary
jobs. Thus these figures exclude individuals holding a second job in the
personnel supply industry. However, the difference in the treatment of
multiple job holding cannot account for much of the difference between
the temporary employment estimates. Currently, approximately 6 percent
of employed persons report that they hold multiple jobs. The May 1989
Current Population Survey, which included questions on multiple job
holding, showed that less than one percent of the multiple job holders
reported that their second job was in the personnel supply industry.(21)
One percent of 6 percent of the labor force is less than 75,000 workers,
which is only a fraction of the difference to be explained.
Estimates of SIC 736 employment
Establishment Household
Year survey survey
1983 619 390
1984 797 480
1985 891 607
1986 991 614
1987 1,177 628
1988 1,351 727
1989 1,455 790
1990 1,535 713
1991 1,485 655
1992 1,630 705
1993 1,926 689
Sources: Establishment survey - U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Current Employment Survey (various years).
Household survey based on estimates from outgoing rotations of the
Current Population Survey of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau
of the Census, 1983-93.
Perhaps the most likely explanation is that many personnel supply
workers in the CPS mistakenly report that their employer is the client
firm to which they are temporarily assigned rather than their actual
employer - the personnel supply firm. Despite this difficulty, we see no
reason to discount the responses of temporary workers to other
questions. In the following sections, we analyze those responses.
Occupational and demographic shift
The observed growth of the personnel supply industry raises questions
about the nature of the workers and the tasks they perform. As noted
earlier, the stereotypical image of a temporary worker portrays a woman
in a clerical position. Table 3, which tabulates demographic and
occupational statistics from the CPS data, shows that only a minority of
temporary workers actually fit that description.
While temporary workers remain predominantly female, the portion who
are male has grown significantly. In 1983 it was 25 percent and in 1993
it was 38 percent, with the bulk of the change occurring in the last
four years. This observation becomes somewhat more remarkable given that
over the same ten-year period, the male fraction of the total labor
force fell slightly from 56 percent to 54 percent. Over the same period,
the average age of temporary workers remained remarkably [TABULAR DATA
FOR TABLE 3 OMITTED] constant at around 36 years; educational attainment
also remained relatively constant.
Another striking finding is the shift over time in the occupational
distribution of temporary workers. Using the occupational information in
the CPS, we identified three non-exhaustive categories of workers:
blue-collar (industrial), white-collar (professional), and pink-collar
(administrative support and clerical).(22) The share of temporary work
classified as blue-collar grew from 9 percent in 1983 to 23 percent in
1993. This increase occurred while the share of blue-collar workers in
total employment fell from 32 percent to 28 percent. The increasing
share of blue-collar workers did not come at the expense of the
pink-collar share, which stayed relatively constant at about one-third.
Rather, it came from a declining share of white-collar and other
workers. While the share of white-collar workers fell, the actual number
of such workers increased, according to CPS-based estimates, from
133,000 to 187,000. This 41 percent increase was, however, less than the
67 percent increase in pink-collar workers and 468 percent increase in
blue-collar workers. The shift into blue-collar occupations may increase
the cyclical sensitivity of the personnel supply employment, since
blue-collar employment typically experiences greater fluctuations over
the business cycle. In turn, this would increase the value of the
industry as a leading indicator so long as proper allowance is made for
its increased variance.
The great majority of workers whose primary job is in the personnel
supply industry are paid hourly, and only about 30 percent work
part-time. Indeed, their 1993 average usual weekly hours of 35.8 is not
much less than the average 38.4 hours for all workers. Of all temporary
workers who are working part-time, over half are doing so for economic
reasons (or "involuntarily"), significantly higher than in the
labor force as a whole, where 70 percent of part-time workers indicate a
preference for part-time work. The relatively high fraction of
involuntarily part-time workers suggests at least two things. First,
relatively few workers accept temporary jobs because they want a short
work week. Second, the uncertainties of temporary employment are such
that in any given month, at least 15 percent (half of 30 percent) of
temporaries work fewer hours than they wish.
Implications for the interpretation of recent manufacturing
The standard measures of employment in the manufacturing sector
continued to decline for several quarters after the official end of the
recent recession, and even afterwards grew very slowly. As a result,
from 1991 to 1993, manufacturing employment fell by more than 400,000
workers, a decrease of more than 2 percent.
The personnel supply industry has been shifting towards industrial
occupations, as documented above. Yet these workers count as part of the
service sector, resulting in a substantial underestimate of those
working in manufacturing settings. Table 4 uses the estimated fraction
of personnel supply (SIC 736) employment in industrial occupations to
estimate its contribution to manufacturers' use of labor. If we
assume that all personnel supply workers in industrial occupations were
hired in the manufacturing sector, the manufacturing employment
estimates for 1991-93 would increase by 252,000, by 359,000, and by
443,000 workers, respectively. Even with these adjustments,
manufacturing employment fell annually during 1989-93, but the
adjustments substantially reduce the decline. On an unadjusted basis,
manufacturing employment declined by 403,000 workers from the end of the
recession in 1991 until the end of 1993. On an adjusted basis, the
decline was only 213,000. Thus half of the measured job loss in
manufacturing may have been due to the increased use of temporary and
leased workers. Employers' use of temporary workers is similarly
likely to affect estimates of wage inflation and worker productivity
within manufacturing, though we do not assess the magnitude of such
Manufacturing employment adjusted for use of temporary workers
Manufacturing SIC 736 SIC 736 manufacturing
Year employment employment blue-collar(a) employment(b)
1983 18,436 619 56 18,491
1984 19,375 797 88 19,463
1985 19,249 891 89 19,338
1986 18,947 991 119 19,066
1987 18,999 1,178 165 19,164
1988 19,314 1,351 189 19,503
1989 19,391 1,455 160 19,551
1990 19,076 1,535 230 19,306
1991 18,408 1,485 252 18,660
1992 18,105 1,630 359 18,464
1993 18,005 1,926 443 18,447
a Percent blue-collar from table 3 multiplied by total SIC 736
b Sum of manufacturing employment and the blue-collar component of
SIC 736 employment.
Note: Totals may not match because of rounding error.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Current Employment Survey, 1983-93.
Labor market attachment and industrial mobility
As we noted earlier, our CPS data are drawn from the fourth and
eighth interviews, which occurred one year apart. When possible, we
matched observations on individual workers for the two interviews to
study changes in labor force attachment, wages, and temporary versus
permanent status.(23)
The first column of the upper panel of table 5 displays the
percentages of workers who were working in personnel supply services at
the time of their first interview and who were in various labor force
states at the time of their second interview. These states are out of
the labor force, employed (in either a temporary or permanent position),
and unemployed. The second column displays the corresponding percentages
for all workers employed at the time of their first interview. A number
of points stand out. First, temporary workers were almost twice as
likely to leave the labor force as the average worker (11.6 percent
versus 6.8 percent). Second, table 5 also shows that temporary workers
were more than twice as likely as the average worker to be unemployed
one year later (4.9 percent versus 2.3 percent). This is further
evidence that working as a temporary decreases security, a factor that
motivates much of the concern over the growth of the contingent labor
The higher probabilities of leaving the labor force and becoming
unemployed appear within each of the occupational categories shown in
table 5. There are, however, some notable differences among the
categories. For instance, white-collar workers, whether temporary or
permanent, are significantly more attached to the labor force. The
chance that a worker will be out of the labor force one year later is
significantly less for white-collar than for blue- or pink-collar
workers, and the difference is especially pronounced among temporaries.
The difference in strength of attachment between temporary and other
workers is greatest among blue-collar workers. For instance, among all
employed workers, the probability of leaving the labor force is higher
for pink-collar than for blue-collar workers (7.2 percent versus 6.5
percent); the opposite is true of temporaries (13.2 percent versus 15.2
percent). Blue-collar temporaries also have a particularly high chance
of falling into unemployment the next year (7.5 percent).
Another relevant finding from table 5 is that for most temporary
workers, that status itself is temporary. Less than one-third of
temporary workers were still temporaries one year later; more than half
were in permanent positions.(24) These figures varied somewhat by
occupational group. On the one hand, blue-collar temporaries were
especially unlikely to remain temporaries. One year later, only about 15
percent were still temporaries, while 63 percent had permanent jobs. On
the other hand, almost half of the white-collar temporary workers
remained temporaries after one year, more than the fraction that moved
into permanent positions. The estimates for pink-collar occupations lay
between those of blue- and white-collar workers. The relatively high
degree of industrial mobility suggests that a large underclass of
temporary workers is unlikely to develop, since there are significant
paths for moving out of temporary work.
The lower panel follows a similar format, except in reverse. That is,
the first column shows the distribution of the labor force states
workers were in at the time of their first interview, given that they
were employed as temporaries a year later. As can be seen, temporaries
were more than twice as likely (13.3 percent versus 6.3 percent) to have
been out of the labor force in the earlier year. This is further
evidence of their weaker-than-average labor force attachment. It is also
consistent with the view that temporary employment is a popular way to
re-enter the labor force. Pink-collar temporary workers were especially
likely to have been out of the labor force in the earlier period, which
probably reflects the higher fraction of women who may have taken time
out to raise children.(25)
Table 5 also shows that temporaries were more than two and a half
times as likely (7.8 percent versus 2.9 percent) to have been unemployed
a year earlier, consistent with a below-average level of economic
security. Blue-collar temporaries were especially likely to have
experienced unemployment the previous year.
The picture of industrial mobility that emerges from the lower panel
of table 5 is consistent with that of the upper panel. Less than a third
of temporary workers had been temporary workers the previous year. Just
under half (48.2 percent) had been employed in permanent positions the
previous year, a bit less than the fraction (51.6 percent) observed in
the upper panel who were permanent employees the following year. The
breakdown by occupation is also consistent with the earlier tables. On
the one hand, blue-collar workers were particularly unlikely (12.4
percent) to have been temporaries previously. On the other hand,
white-collar temporaries were significantly more likely (46.9 percent)
to have been temporaries a year before. Again, pink-collar temporaries
fell in between (26.2 percent).
Wage comparisons
The labor market transitions described above are accompanied by wage
rate adjustments. The CPS data are well suited to analyses of wage
changes, as they include detailed demographic information on
individuals. Our analysis begins by asking whether personnel supply
workers are paid more, less, or the same as comparable workers outside
of SIC 736. The aggregate comparison presented earlier ($10.93 per hour
for all private workers in 1993, compared to $8.27 for SIC 736 workers)
does not account for differences in worker abilities and activities. To
address this criticism we estimated a log wage regression using the CPS
outgoing rotation data for 1983-93. The regression controls for age, age
squared, race, sex, and educational attainment, and allows for
year-specific wage inflation rates. We estimated the model separately
for blue-, white-, and pink-collar occupational groups, and limited the
sample to full-time hourly workers. The results, shown in table 6,
indicate that a pink-collar SIC 736 worker earns 10.2 percent less
(standard error 0.7 percent) than a comparable worker outside that
sector. While considerable, this differential is much smaller than the
25 percent often reported. The wage [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 6 OMITTED]
differential for blue-collar workers operates in the same direction but
is larger - a difference of 34.3 percent with a standard error of 1.2
percent. This gap exceeds the gross estimates. Finally, full-time hourly
white-collar SIC 736 workers earn 2.4 percent (standard error 1.4
percent) more than their non-SIC 736 counterparts. Perhaps the
controversial discussion about the desirability of the growth of
contingent work, including SIC 736 employment, needs to be considered at
a disaggregated level.
We also used the matched CPS samples to relate changes in wages to
temporary status at the time of workers' two interviews. This is of
interest for two reasons. First, temporary workers may differ from
permanent workers in ways not measured by the CPS. If such
characteristics are also related to wages, then the results in table 6
may reflect those unobserved differences rather than temporary status
per se. However, if the relevant unobserved characteristics are constant
over time, then analyzing how wages vary with changes in temporary
status may give a better indication of the effect of temporary status on
wages.(26) Second, it may be that the relationship between wages and
temporary status is more complex than is assumed in the statistical
model underlying table 6. For instance, temporary workers may not only
have higher or lower wages at a point in time, but also experience
faster or slower wage growth. Observing how temporary and permanent
workers' wages change between the two interviews allows us to check
this possibility.
Workers employed at both interviews could have been temporary at both
dates, changed from permanent to temporary status, changed from
temporary to permanent status, or been permanent at both dates. Table 7
reports how average wage growth for workers in the other cases differed
from that of the base case - workers who were permanent at both
interviews. In addition, base case wage changes were allowed to vary by
year and to depend on workers' ages.(27)
For pink-collar workers, the results in table 7 are relatively
consistent with those in table 6. Wage growth of workers who were
temporary at both dates did not differ significantly from that of
workers who were permanent at both dates. However, moving from permanent
to temporary status was associated with 4.7 percent (standard error 1.7
percent) less wage growth, and moving from temporary to permanent status
was associated with 9.6 percent (standard error 1.5 percent) more wage
growth than the base case. The latter figure is not very different from
the 10.2 percent estimate of the gap between temporary and permanent
workers' wages shown in table 6.
For blue-collar workers, the picture in table 7 differs dramatically
from that of table 6. Changing from permanent to temporary status was
associated with 12.2 percent (standard error 2.8 percent) less wage
growth, and changing from temporary to permanent status was associated
with 14.2 percent (standard error 2.6 percent) more wage growth than
that of the base case workers who were permanent at both dates. Both of
these figures are much less than the 34.3 percent estimate of the effect
of temporary status shown in table 6. This suggests that some of the
results of table 6 were due to temporary blue-collar workers'
having different unobserved characteristics [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 7
OMITTED] than permanent blue-collar workers. In addition, table 7 shows
that the wage growth of those who were temporary at both dates averaged
6.4 percent less than that of base case workers, though this difference
is not statistically significant.
In the case of white-collar workers, the differences in average wage
growth associated with different transitions are generally small
relative to their standard errors. This is consistent with table 6,
which showed no statistically significant differences between temporary
and permanent white-collar wage rates. However, table 7 suggests that
among white-collar workers, transitions from permanent to temporary
status are associated with higher than normal wage growth.
This article described the personnel supply industry, its
relationship to aggregate employment, and the changes occurring in the
industry over time. We presented evidence that the use of temporary
workers is a leading indicator of aggregate economic conditions. We also
found the industry to be undergoing fundamental change as well as rapid
Over the last decade, the industry has become increasingly male and
blue-collar. The latter development may further enhance the
industry's value as a leading indicator. Moreover, the increased
provision of temporary workers to the manufacturing sector suggests that
the decline of manufacturing employment in 1992-93 may have been
overstated by perhaps as much as 50 percent.
We also found that temporary workers have somewhat weaker than
average attachments to the labor force and that they tend to have less
economic security than the average worker, being more likely to become
unemployed and to be involuntarily part-time. However, workers
frequently move from temporary to permanent employment, suggesting that
fears of a developing underclass are exaggerated.
After adjusting for characteristics such as age and educational
attainment, we found that the wage differential associated with
temporary employment varies widely by occupation, from 34 percent less
for blue-collar workers to 10 percent less for pink-collar workers to 2
percent more for white-collar workers. Comparing temporary workers'
wages to those on their previous and subsequent permanent jobs suggests
more moderate wage changes, especially for blue-collar workers, for whom
the estimated change was on the order of 12 percent to 14 percent. We
also found little evidence that workers who remain temporary experience
wage growth that is slower than normal, as they might be expected to do
if they were accumulating less human capital.
Our analysis focused on the occupational decomposition of the
personnel supply industry. We attribute much of the employment growth in
the industry to its expansion into blue-collar occupations and document
differences across occupational groups (blue-, white-, and pink-collar)
in labor force transition rates, permanent/temporary wage differentials,
and wage growth. Disaggregate analysis such as this will become
increasingly important as the personnel supply industry continues to
1 The Bureau of Labor Statistics identifies the personnel supply
industry as Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 736.
2 The term "contingent work force" has been used to
describe temporary workers, part-time workers, the self-employed, and
independent contractors. among others. See Belous (1989) and Polivka and
Nardone (1989).
3 A special Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of contingent work,
including temporary work, has been scheduled for mid-1995. The 1994
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) also includes questions on
this topic. Until this year, NATSS was known as the National Association
of Temporary Services (NATS). For publications produced under the latter
name, we refer to it that way.
4 These counts include workers involved in recruiting and placing
workers, as well as the workers themselves. A 1989 BLS survey of the
help supply industry suggests that only about 6 percent of its employees
are permanent staff.
5 That survey estimates the total size of the help supply industry as
substantially smaller than the does the BLS's payroll survey. The
difference is largely due to differences in sampling methodology. See
U.S. Department of Labor, BLS (1993b) for details.
6 The estimates are largely compatible with the 1989 estimates for
the entire personnel supply industry from the household employment
survey (35 percent administrative and support, and 10 percent farm,
craft, operators, transport, and handlers) and the 1992 estimates for
all temporary workers from NATSS (46.6 percent clerical, 27.5 percent
industrial, 10.2 percent technical. and 8.8 percent medical). (NATSS
7 We seasonally adjusted the data before computing the growth rates,
which we then smoothed by computing a five-quarter-centered moving
average of the growth rates.
8 The regression results are robust to a variety of specifications
including different lag lengths, sample periods, and trend
9 This section follows the analysis of Abraham and Taylor (1993)
regarding the firm's decision to contract out for certain
10 A special wage survey of the help supply services industry
conducted in October 1989 estimates the nationwide average earnings at
$7.59 per hour (BLS 1993b).
11 For instance, NATSS reports that total 1992 receipts of temporary
supply firms were $24.9 billion, or 49 percent greater than their
payroll of $16.7 billion. See NATS (1993).
12 Bureau of Labor Statistics (1993a).
13 U.S. Chamber of Commerce (1993).
14 Mangum, Mayali, and Nelson (1985) suggest that the desire to
implement dual internal labor markets motivates the use of contingent
15 Such considerations also suggest the value to firms of contracting
out certain functions such as food service and janitorial work.
Temporary firms are also taking over whole functions such as word
processing and data entry, in which they may have more expertise than
client firms, thus freeing the latter to concentrate on areas in which
they have a competitive advantage.
16 NATS (1994b).
17 See Hotchkiss (1991).
18 NATS (1994b).
19 The National Bureau of Economic Research provided the micro data
for the outgoing rotations used throughout this section. The resulting
size of the sample of SIC 736 workers ranges from 1,122 workers in 1983
to 1,823 in 1993.
20 Green (1969) outlines the differences between the household and
payroll surveys.
21 Tabulations by authors. Precise estimation of the fraction is
difficult because of the small number of people who have second jobs.
22 White-collar workers include executive, administrative, and
managerial occupations (Standard Occupational Classification codes
003-037) and professional specialty occupations (SOC 043-199).
Blue-collar workers include farming, forestry, and fishing occupations
(SOC 473-499); precision production, craft, and repair occupations (SOC
503-699); machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors (SOC 703-799);
transportation and material moving equipment occupations (SOC 803-859);
and handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers (SOC 863-889).
Pink-collar workers include administrative support occupations,
including clerical (SOC 303-389).
23 The BLS provides a household identifier in the monthly CPS data
that allows us to match households across interviews. However, the CPS
data do not provide an identifier to match individuals within the
household. As a result, we used the available individual level
demographic information (age, race, sex, and educational attainment) in
conjunction with the household identifier to match individuals across
interviews. Welch (1993) and Hirsch (1993) use similar matching
procedures. Approximately 75 percent of the records are matched across
years. However, the rate is lower in 1985 and 1986 because the 1995
survey tested new population weights and area identifiers. A portion of
the unmatched data is attributable to mobility factors. Within the CPS
methodology, individuals and households who relocate are dropped from
the sample.
24 With the current data we are unable to address the interesting
question of how many workers accepted permanent positions at the firms
to which they were assigned as temporaries. Considerable anecdotal
evidence suggests that such career paths are common. For example,
Manpower Incorporated alone reports that approximately 150,000 temporary
workers made a transition into permanent positions with client companies
during 1993 (U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Commerce
25 In aggregate, during 1993 approximately 80 percent of the workers
in our pink-collar category were women, compared with nearly 50 percent
of our white-collar category and only 20 percent of our blue-collar
26 That is, the wage change regressions of table 7 allow for the
existence of worker-specific fixed effects.
27 More specifically, the coefficients shown in table 7 were obtained
by regressing the change in log hourly wage on year dummies, age, and
dummies for the three remaining possible combinations of temporary
statuses at the two interviews.
Abraham, Katherine G., and Susan K. Taylor, "Firms' use of
outside contractors: Theory and evidence," National Bureau of
Economic Research, working paper no. 4468, September 1993.
Belous, Richard S., "How human resource systems adjust to the
shift toward contingent workers," Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 112,
No. 3, March 1989, pp. 7-12.
Green, Gloria P., "Comparing employment estimates from household
and payroll surveys," Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 92, No. 12,
December 1969, pp. 9-20.
Hirsch, Barry T., "Trucking deregulation and labor earnings: Is
the union premium a compensating differential?" Journal of Labor
Economics, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 279-301.
Hotchkiss, Julie, "The effect of transitory employment on
duration of search and subsequent wage gains," Georgia State
University, College of Business Administration, research paper, No. 20,
Mangum, Garth, Donald Mayall, and Kristin Nelson, "The temporary
help industry: A response to the dual internal labor market,"
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, July 1985, pp.
National Association of Temporary Services, "Temporary help
industry continues to lead employment recovery," press release,
June 18, 1993.
-----, "Temporary help/staffing services industry continues to
create employment opportunities," press release, April 1, 1994a.
-----, "Profile of the temporary work force? Contemporary Times,
Alexandria, VA: NATS, Spring 1994b.
Polivka, Anne E., and Thomas Nardone, "On the definition of
'contingent work,"' Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 112, No.
12, December 1989, pp. 9-16.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Fringe Benefits and Employee Benefits,
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, "Current
population survey," data file conducted for the U.S. Department of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC, various years.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current
Employment Survey, Washington, DC, various years.
-----, Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Private Establishments,
1991, Washington, DC, Bulletin 2422, May 1993a.
-----, Industry Wage Survey: Help Supply Services October 1989,
Washington, DC, Bulletin 2430, September 1993b.
U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Commerce, Report and
Recommendations: Commission on the Future of Worker-Management
Relations, December 1994.
Welch, Finis, "Matching the current population surveys,"
Stata Technical Bulletin, No. STB-12, March 1993, pp. 7-11.
RELATED ARTICLE: Terms used in this article
Personnel supply services (SIC 736) - establishments involved in
supplying workers to firms. This aggregate category includes employment
agencies, temporary help services, and other help supply services.
Employment agencies (SIC 7361) - establishments primarily engaged in
providing employment services by assisting either employers or those
seeking employment. Examples are chauffeur registries, employment
agencies (excluding theatrical and motion pictures), executive placing
services, labor contractors, maid registries, model registries,
nurses' registries, ship crew registries, and teachers'
Help supply services (SIC 7363) - establishments primarily engaged in
supplying temporary or continuing help on a contract or fee basis. The
help is always on the payroll of the supplying establishment, but is
under the direct or general supervision of the business to whom the help
is furnished.
Temporary help supply services - establishments primarily engaged in
supplying temporary help on a contract basis to other businesses. The
help is always on the payroll of the supplying establishment, but is
under the direct or general supervision of the business to whom the help
is furnished. Examples are office help supply services, model services,
labor pools, manpower pools, and usher services. Prior to the 1987
revision to the Standard Industrial Classification scheme, these firms
were classified as SIC 7362; they are currently part of SIC 7363.
Employee leasing services - establishments that take on the payroll
of an existing work force, becoming the legal employer but having no
role in the recruiting or screening of workers. Part of SIC 7363.
Contingent employment - a broad category of positions including
part-time work, temporary work, employee leasing, self-employment,
out-sourcing, and home-based work. Positions in this category are often
associated with low job security, high variability, and considerable
Source: Adapted from Executive Office of the President, Office of
Management and Budget (1987).
Lewis M. Segal is an economist and Daniel G. Sullivan is a senior
economist and assistant vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of