Temporal instability of the unemployment-inflation relationship.
King, Robert G. ; Stock, James H. ; Watson, Mark W. 等
Econometric modeling of the relationship between inflation and
unemployment has been a central topic in macroeconomics since the
investigation of Phillips (1958), who documented a negative correlation between these variables in a half-century of U.K. data. Since the
simultaneous occurrence of high inflation and high unemployment in the
United States and other countries during the 1970s, there has been
general agreement that this econometric relationship is unstable.
Indeed, the instability has been so great that Lucas and Sargent
characterized it as "econometric failure on a grand scale."(1)
This article summarizes some results from our recent work that documents
various dimensions of this instability.(2)
We display econometric instability in three alternative and
complementary ways. First we look at the simple correlation coefficient linking the unemployment rate and inflation, which initially attracted
the attention of Phillips (1958) in U.K. data and Samuelson and Solow
(1960) in U.S. data. We show that this correlation has changed in an
important way since World War II, so that over the entire 1954-94 period
the correlation is essentially zero. However, we also show that this
largely reflects the changing trend behavior of the two series: When we
eliminate trends and high-frequency components of inflation and
unemployment so as to focus on the business cycle behavior of the two
series, we find that there has been a remarkably stable negative
This combined pattern of stability and instability suggests the
value of investigating the stability and performance of inflation and
unemployment forecasting rules over various sample periods and horizons.
Accordingly, our second approach is to investigate instability in the
parameters of a reduced-form bivariate forecasting model--a vector
autoregression (VAR)--for the two series. We document instability in the
parameters of the forecasting model, particularly for the coefficients
in the inflation equation. However, a closer examination suggests that
this statistically significant time variation in parameters has a
relatively small effect on the accuracy of forecasts.(3)
The inflation-unemployment relationship in major macroeconometric
models is governed in large part by the econometrics of the "price
equation" or "wage-price block," which specifies that the
inflation rate is a negative function of the level of unemployment.
Typically, these specifications imply that there is a rate of
unemployment at which inflation is stable--a nonaccelerating inflation
rate of unemployment (NAIRU), or "natural" rate of
unemployment.(4) One potential source of instability in the observed
unemployment-inflation relationship in major econometric models is time
variation in the NAIRU; our third approach is to study the extent of
this form of instability in a conventional price equation. We find that
while there may be time variation in the NAIRU, it is very hard to
estimate precisely the extent of this time variation and the level of
the NAIRU at any point in time. For example, in the econometric model with the most precise NAIRU estimate, the 95 percent confidence interval for the current value of the NAIRU ranges from 4.9 to 7.6 percentage
Instability in the correlation between the unemployment rate and
Figure 1 plots the unemployment and inflation data used in this
paper over the 1954-94 period.(6) The characteristics of the data
evident in the figure suggest that a single correlation coefficient will
do a poor job summarizing the relation between the two series. For
example, both inflation and the unemployment rate are lower in the first
half of the sample than in the second half. This suggests a positive
correlation between the series. On the other hand, during business cycle
recessions (shown as shaded areas in the figure), inflation tends to
fall and unemployment increases; the opposite occurs during business
cycle expansions. This suggests a negative correlation between the
series of the sort summarized in the Phillips curve.
Table 1 shows the correlation coefficient calculated over the
entire sample period and over two subsamples. When computed over the
entire sample period, the two forces discussed in the last paragraph
essentially cancel one another, yielding a correlation coefficient of
0.08. However, when we crudely adjust the data for time-varying trends
by splitting the sample, the negative business cycle correlation is
apparent. The sample correlations over the first half and second half of
the sample are -0.28 and-0.26, respectively.
Table 1
Sample correlation of unemployment and inflation
Raw Trend Cyclical
Sample period data component component
1954-94 0.08 0.43 -0.61
1954-73 -0.28 -0.12 -0.60
1974-92 -0.26 0.01 -0.64
Notes: The raw data correspond to the unemployment rate and the
monthly percentage change in prices. The trend and cyclical components
are the bandpass-filtered values of the raw data using a trend (with
periods > 96 months) and a business cycle (with periods between 6 and
96 months) filter. See text for additional details.
Figure 2 is a more careful attempt to extract the time-varying
trends from the series. Panel A shows the results of filtering the data
to isolate those components with cyclical periodicity greater than 8
years. These represent the slowly varying trend components of the data.
Panel B shows the results of filtering the data to isolate those
components with cyclical periodicity between 6 months and 8 years.(7)
This isolates the components of the series associated with business
cycle variability. As is evident from the figure, there is no apparent
systematic relationship between the trend components, but there is a
clear and apparently stable negative relationship between the business
cycle components. These correlations are summarized in the last two
columns of table 1. The sample correlation between the trend components
of the table is unstable: -0.12 in the first half of the sample, 0.01 in
the second half, and 0.43 over the entire sample period. On the other
hand, the correlation of the business cycle components is remarkably
stable: -0.60 in the first half, -0.64 in the second half, and -0.61
over the entire sample.
This analysis suggests that it may be possible to uncover a stable
forecasting relationship linking inflation and the unemployment rate,
but that the specification must focus on the shorter-run variation in
the series and mask longer-run trend variation.
Instability in the bivariate VAR
Trending behavior in the series can be masked if the forecasting
model is specified using the first differences of the variables.(8)
Accordingly, we consider forecasts constructed from a bivariate VAR that
incorporates [Delta] [[Phi].sub.t] and [Delta] [u.sub.t], where
[[Phi].sub.t] is the inflation rate and [u.sub.t] is the unemployment
Table 2 summarizes a variety of F-statistics constructed from each
of the equations in the model. Panel A of the table shows the results
for a VAR with lag lengths chosen by the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC, a standard model-selection model), and panel B shows results when
the lag lengths are set equal to 12 (a common specification for monthly
models). The first column of the table identifies the equation
considered, and the second column reports the Granger-causality
F-statistic for the equation. This statistic tests the hypothesis that
the other variable does not help predict the dependent variable in this
equation. For example, from panel A, the Granger-causality F-statistic
in the [Delta] [Phi] equation is 3.74, and this tests the null
hypothesis that lags of unemployment do not help predict future
inflation. Since the p-value (shown in parentheses) is very small, the
test suggests that lags of unemployment do help predict future
inflation. On the other hand, the Granger-causality statistic for the
[Delta] u equation is 1.85 with a p-value of 0.16. This suggests that
lags of inflation are not statistically significant predictors of future
changes in the unemployment rate. These results obtain for BIC and
fixed-lag-length specifications. Thus, unemployment helps predict future
inflation, but inflation does not help predict future unemployment.
Table 2
Predictive regression F-statistics
A. Lag lengths chosen by BIC
equation GC Chow(73:M12) QLR
[Delta] [Phi] 3.74 (0.00) 3.46 (0.00) 3.66 (<0.01)
[Delta] u 1.85 (0.16) 0.76 (0.58) 4.08 (0.03)
equation [QLR.sub.date] Lag length
[Delta] [Phi] 1974:M8 8
[Delta] u 1960:M1 2
B. Fixed lag length
equation GC Chow(73:M12) QLR
[Delta] [Phi] 3.55 (0.00) 2.24 (0.00) 2.60 (<0.01)
[Delta] u 1.37 (0.17) 1.81 (0.01) 2.46 (<0.01)
equation [QLR.sub.date] Lag length
[Delta] [Phi] 1974:M8 12
[Delta] u 1960:M1 12
Notes: GC refers to the Granger-causality F-statistic testing the
null hypothesis of no Granger-causality. Chow (73:M12) is the Chow test for instability in all of the coefficients with a single break allowed
in 1973:M12. QLR is the Quandt likelihood ratio statistic expressed here
in F-statistic form) for a single break at an unknown time period
between 1960:M1 and 1988:M12 (the middle 70 percent of the sample).
[QLR.sub.date] is the date at which the QLR statistic is maximized. Lag
length refers to the number of lags included in the regression. The
numbers in parentheses are p-values for the statistics under the null
The next three columns of table 2 investigate the temporal
stability of the regressions. The column labeled Chow(73:M12) is the
standard Chow test for the stability of the regression, allowing for a
break date in 1973:M12. Evidently, the inflation equation is
statistically unstable. The unemployment equation is stable if only a
few lags are included (panel A), but there is some evidence of
instability at longer lags (panel B). The Chow test can be criticized in
this context because the choice of the break date (1973:M12) is not
statistically independent of the data: Many have argued that the
relationship between unemployment and inflation changed around 1973, and
this "sample selection" invalidates the standard Chow testing
procedure. The next statistic labeled QLR (for Quandt likelihood ratio)
overcomes this problem by endogenizing the break date. This statistic is
calculated as the largest of the standard Chow F-tests over all possible
break dates between 1960:M1 and 1988:M12. The critical value for the
statistic now explicitly accounts for the sample selection associated
with choosing the largest of this sequence of statistics. Using the QLR
test, one sees instability in both the [Deltat] [Phi] and [Delta] u
equations regardless of the lag-length specification. The column labeled
[QLR.sub.date] shows the break date that yielded the largest
F-statistic. If there is only one break in the process, this serves as
an estimate of that break date. Notice that the inflation process
appears to have undergone a shift in the middle of the sample (in 1974),
while the apparent shift in the unemployment process occurred much
earlier (in 1960).
While the evidence suggests some instability in the inflation and
unemployment processes, table 2 says little about the magnitude of the
shift. This is addressed in table 3, which shows how forecasting
performance is affected by three factors: the forecasting horizon, the
sample period used to estimate the model, and the sample period for the
forecasts. For example, panel A shows results for 1-month-ahead
forecasts. The first row of each panel shows results for the forecasting
model estimated over the 1954-73 sample period, the second row shows
results for the model estimated over the 1974-94 sample period, and the
final row shows results for the model estimated over the entire sample
period, 1954-94. For each of these models, root mean square forecast
errors (RMSEs) are shown for forecasts constructed for the 1954-73
period (column 2), the 1974-94 period (column 3), and the 1954-94 period
(column 4). Panel B of the table shows the same set of results for
6-month-ahead forecasts, and so on.
Two conclusions emerge from the table. First, using different
coefficients over different forecast periods has relatively little
effect on forecast accuracy. For example, consider an experiment in
which the 1954-73 model is used to construct forecasts over the 1954-73
period, and the 1974-94 model is used to construct forecasts over the
1974-94 period. From panel A, this procedure produces one-month-ahead
full-sample RMSEs of about 0.18 for the unemployment rate and 0.21 for
the inflation rate. If the 1954-73 model is used for the entire sample
period. these RMSEs increase only slightly to about 0.19 and 0.24,
respectively. Similarly, if the 1974-94 model is used over the entire
sample period, the RMSEs increase to about 0.19 and 0.22. respectively.
From the other panels, this basic result holds for other forecast
intervals as well. Thus there is only a small gain from changing the
coefficients of the forecasting model over different forecast periods.
The second conclusion that follows from table 3 is that inflation became
more difficult to forecast over long horizons in the second half of the
sample. For example, at the twelve-month horizon, the in-sample RMSE
from 1954-73 is about 1.13, and this increases to 1.86 in the second
In summary, the results presented in tables 2 and 3 suggest that
statistically significant changes occurred in the unemployment-inflation
processes during the sample period. This change had little effect on the
best choice of a bivariate forecasting model but did have an effect on
the accuracy of inflation forecasts. Regardless of the forecasting model
used, inflation became more difficult to forecast in the second half of
the sample.
Instability in estimates of the NAIRU
One important characteristic of the forecasting relation linking
unemployment and inflation is the NAIRU--that value of the unemployment
rate, which if maintained, would forecast no long-run changes in the
inflation rate This NATRU can be estimated as the parameter [bar u] in a
regression specification of the form
where [a.sub.t] is a regression error. If it is postulated that
[u.sub.[Tau]] = [bar u] for [Tau] [is greater than] t, and if the lag
polynomial 1 - [[Gamma].sub.1L- . . . [[Gamma].sub.k] [L.sup.k] is
stable, then this equation produces long-run forecasts of [Delta][Phi]
that are equal to zero, so that inflation is unchanging.(90
Equation 1 differs from the VAR used above in one important way:
The level of u enters equation 1, while the VAR is specified using the
first difference of u. If the VAR is correctly specified (and we argue
that it is, given the trend behavior in the unemployment rate evident in
figure 2), then equation 1 can be correct only if the distributed lag of
u's entering the equation can be written entirely in terms of first
differences of u. This is possible only if [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. This constraint has important implications for
estimation of the NAIRU. Notice that the NAIRU, [bar u], enters equation
does not enter the equation, so that the inflation equation contains no
information about [bar u]. This implies that the value of the NAIRU is
econometrically unidentified from equation 1. Alternatively, the NAIRU
has no meaning in an equation when only changes in the unemployment rate
help predict future inflation.
There are two ways around this criticism. The first is simply to
equation I to estimate [bar u]. Since the [[Beta].sub.i]'s are
estimated as part of this process, if [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] = 0, then this will be true approximately for the
estimates as well. This in turn will lead to estimates of [bar u] that
are very imprecise, which should be apparent from large standard errors
for the estimate of [bar u]. Equivalently, the problem should surface as
wide confidence intervals for [bar u]. An alternative is to specify
equation 1 allowing the parameter u to vary through time, capturing the
time-varying trend in the unemployment data. This will obviate the need
to first-difference u in the equation.
Here we use a model that incorporates both of these possibilities.
Specifically we estimate a model of the form
(3) [[bar u].sub.t] = [[bar u].sub.t-1] + [e.sub.t],
where [e.sub.t] is an iid error term with a mean of zero and standard
deviation of [[Sigma].sub.e]. Since [[bar u].sub.t] = [[bar u].sub.0] +
u].sub.r] is constant when [[Sigma].sub.e] = 0, so that equation 2
collapses to equation 1. When [[Sigma].sub.e] [is not equal] 0, the
model allows the NAIRU to change by [e.sub.t] in each period. To
complete the model, we set the lag lengths as p = 12 and k=4, and allow
the error term [a.sub.t] to follow an MA(1) process:
(4) [a.sub.t] = [[Epsilon].sub.t] [Theta] [[Epsilon].sub.t-1],
with [[Epsilon].sub.t] an iid error term with mean zero, variance
with [e.sub.t] at all leads and lags. (The MA(1) specification turned
out to be a parsimonious way to model persistence in the inflation
process.) The model summarized by equations 2-4 is a standard stochastic time-varying parameter regression model that can be estimated using
Gaussian maximum likelihood methods as described in Harvey (1989) or
Hamilton (1994).(10)
Table 4 shows the results obtained by estimating the model over a
range of values of [[Sigma].sub.e], the time variation allowed in [bar
u]. Notice that the model with [[Sigma].sub.e] = 0 results in the
highest value of the log-likelihood and hence corresponds to the maximum
likelihood estimate. However, models with larger values of
[[Sigma].sub.e] produce log-likelihoods that are not significantly
larger, at least using conventional rules of thumb.(11)
Estimated parameters for time-varying NAIRU model
Parameter 0.00 0.05
u(-1) -0.724 (0.659) -0.723 (0.638)
u(-2) -0.377 (1.433) -0.373 (1.375)
u(-3) 0.729 (1.585) 0.721 (1.515)
u(-4) 0.115 (1.481) 0.110 (1.425)
u(-5) 0.190 (1.585) 0.194 (1.521)
u(-6) 1.529 (1.617) 1.532 (1.557)
u(-7) -0.831 (1.538) -0.822 (1.481)
u(-8) -0.478 (1.522) -0.481 (1.465)
u(-9) -2.215 (1.620) -2.198 (1.549)
u(-10) 2.725 (1.532) 2.701 (1.492)
u(-11) -1.267 (1.367) -1.309 (1.321)
u(-12) 0.560 (0.652) 0.605 (0.626)
[Delta][Pi](-1) -0.009 (0.049) -0.015 (0.048)
[Delta][Pi](-2) 0.024 (0.057) 0.020 (0.055)
[Delta][Pi](-3) -0.124 (0.055) -0.124 (0.053)
[Delta][Pi](-4) -0.010 (0.055) -0.101 (0.053)
MA(1) -0.831 (0.037) -0.827 (0.039)
[[Sigma].sub.[epsilon]] 0.278 (0.104) 0.260 (0.123)
Log-likelihood -711.73 -712.19
Parameter 0.10 015
u(-1) -0.728 (0.635) -0.727 (0.630)
u(-2) -0.361 (1.362) -0.341 (1.342)
u(-3) 0.704 (1.500) 0.679 (1.483)
u(-4) 0.102 (1.429) 0.079 (1.433)
u(-5) 0.223 (1.521) 0.267 (1.521)
u(-6) 1.525 (1.558) 1.493 (1.554)
u(-7) -0.816 (1.482) -0.792 (1.478)
u(-8) -0.480 (1.468) -0.452 (1.466)
u(-9) -2.191 (1.546) -2.189 (1.539)
u(-10) 2.669 (1.490) 2.605 (1.484)
u(-11) -1.321 (1.319) -1.320 (1.319)
u(-12) 0.633 (0.628) 0.663 (0.634)
[Delta][Pi](-1) -0.020 (0.051) -0.029 (0.057)
[Delta][Pi](-2) 0.018 (0.057) 0.014 (0.060)
[Delta][Pi](-3) -0.120 (0.054) -0.114 (0.056)
[Delta][Pi](-4) -0.095 (0.054) -0.086 (0.055)
MA(1) -0.838 (0.046) -0.854 (0.060)
[[Sigma].sub.[epsilon]] 0.247 (0.136) 0.226 (0.136)
Log-likelihood 712.74 -713.20
Notes: These are estimates of the parameters in equations 2 through 4
of the text. They are estimated by Gaussian maximum likelihood using
data from 1953:M1-94:M12.
Figure 3 plots the estimates of [bar u] produced by each of the
models, together with the actual unemployment rate.(12) When
[[Sigma].sub.e] = 0, the NAIRU is constant with an estimated value of
6.26 percent. As [[Sigma].sub.e] increases, more variation is apparent
in the estimated values of [[bar u].sub.t]. For example, when
[[Sigma].sub.e] is 0.15 (the largest value considered), the estimates of
[[bar u].sub.t] vary from a high of 7.87 percent (in 1980:M1) to a low
of 5.62 percent (in 1967:M2 and 1994:M12).
Table 5 presents estimates of [bar u] at five intervals for the
each of the models. Also shown are the estimated standard errors of the
estimates.(13) The most striking feature of this table is the size of
these standard errors. For example, if it assumed that the NAIRU is
constant, then the 95 percent confidence interval is 4.9 to 7.6
percentage points. If it is assumed that the NAIRU has significant time
variation ([[Sigma].sub.e]= 0.15), then the 95 percent confidence
interval for the NAIRU in 1994:M12 is 2.7 to 8.5 percentage points. The
source of this uncertainty in the estimated value of [bar u] is the very
ASCII]. This is estimated as -0.04 in the ([[Sigma].sub.e] = 0 model,
and does not change appreciably as [[Sigma].sub.e] is allowed to take on
non-zero values.(14)
Selected values of the NAIRU
Unemployment NAIRU with [[Sigma].sub.e]
Date rate 0.00 0.05
1954:M1 4.90 6.26 (0.67) 6.29 (1.28)
1960:M1 5.20 6.26 (0.67) 6.28 (1.17)
1965:M1 4 90 6.26 (0.67) 6.22 (1.10)
1970:M1 3.90 6.26 (0.67) 6.27 (1.04)
1975:M1 8.10 6.26 (0.67) 6.50 (0.98)
1980:M1 6.30 6.26 (0.67) 6.55 (0.95)
1985:M1 7.30 6.26 (0.67) 6.31 (0.94)
1990:M1 5.30 6.26 (0.67) 6.22 (0.95)
1994:M12 5.40 6.26 (0.67) 6.16 (0.98)
Unemployment NAIRU with [[Sigma].sub.e]
Date rate 0.10 0.15
1954:M1 4.90 6.40 (1.99) 6.68 (2.63)
1960:M1 5.20 6.33 (1.72) 6.53 (2.07
1965:M1 4 90 6.07 (1.58) 5.97 (1.80)
1970:M1 3.90 6.18 (1.46) 6.09 (1.64)
1975:M1 8.10 6.96 (1.30) 7.51 (1.47)
1980:M1 6.30 7.13 (1.23) 7.87 (1.38)
1985:M1 7.30 6.29 (1.17) 6.17 (1.30)
1990:M1 5.30 6.06 (1.17) 5.88 (1.33)
1994:M12 5.40 5.89 (1.24) 5.62 (1.48)
Notes: These are estimates of the NAIRU computed using the Kalman
smoother applied to the model 2 through 4 with parameter values taken
from table 4. The standard errors (in parentheses) were computed
following Hamilton 11986).
In summary, while the data may be characterized by a model with a
time-varying NAIRU, the value of this NAIRU is estimated very
imprecisely from the data.
In this article we investigated the temporal stability of the
relationship between unemployment and inflation. We documented both
stable and unstable characteristics of the relationship. The correlation
between the two series over the business cycle is remarkably stable, but
there appears to be no stable relationship over long horizons. We
uncovered statistically significant changes in the forecasting
relationship between the variables. However, splitting the sample to
allow changes in the coefficients did little to improve the forecasts.
The major unstable characteristic of the forecasting relationship is an
increase in the long-horizon variance of inflation. Finally, we
constructed models that allowed time variation in the NAIRU. The
resulting estimates of the NAIRU were very imprecise, which is
consistent with the theory that future inflation is better predicted by
changes in the unemployment rate than by the size of the unemployment
gap (the difference between unemployment and the NAIRU).
(1) Lucas and Sargent (1979).
(2) King and Watson (1994) and Staiger, Stock, and Watson (1995).
(3) The results reported in the first two sections are abstracted
from King and Watson (1994, sections 2 and 5.1-5.2), whose main focus is
a different type of econometric instability: the stability of structural
models of the unemployment-inflation trade-off with respect to specific
econometric identifying assumptions. In addition, King and Watson
discuss the stability of estimated structural trade-offs across
different periods.
(4) The natural unemployment rate concept is intimately linked to the
notion of a vertical long-run Phillips curve as explained in Phelps
(1967) and Friedman (1968). However, as Modigliani and Papademos (1976)
argue, NAIRU is an interesting concept even in models without a vertical
long-run Phillips curve trade-off.
(5) The work described in this section reports preliminary results
from Staiger, Stock, and Watson (1995).
(6) The unemployment rate is for all workers 16 years and older,
seasonally adjusted. The inflation rate is computed from the all-items
Consumer Price Index for urban consumers. Letting [P.sub.t], denote the
value of this price index at time t, the inflation rate plotted in
figure 1A is the annual inflation rate:
[100.sup.*]ln([P.sub.1]/[P.sub.t-12]). Much of the analysis in this
article is carried out using the monthly inflation rate (expressed in
percent at an annual rate) defined as [[pi].sub.t] =
[1,200.sup.*]ln([P.sub.t]/[P.sub.t-1]). Unemployment and Consumer Price
Index data are from Citibank (1994).
(7) Specifically letting [x.sub.t] denote the raw series, panel A of
figure 2 plots [y.sub.t] = A(L) [x.sub.t], where the spectral gain of
A(L) is approximately equal to 1 for periods greater than 96 months and
approximately equal to 0 for other periods; the spectral phase of A(L)
is 0. A(L) is a two-sided 24-term lag polynomial constructed as the
optimal approximate bandpass filter using the procedure developed in
Baxter and King (1994). The filter for panel B is constructed
analogously as the optimal approximate 6-month to 96-month bandpass
(8) Formally, this amounts to modeling the data as "integrated
processes," so that they exhibit stochastic growth, but not
"co-integrated," so that each series has its own distinct
long-run trend.
(9) The essentials of this method for estimating the NAIRU or the
natural unemployment rate can be traced back to Gordon (1972). In that
original work and much subsequent work, Gordon has investigated
nonlinearities, demographic and other shifts in the relationship, and
their implied effect on estimates of the natural rate. Equation 1,
however, captures the essential features of the relationship between the
NAIRU and inflation.
(10) The econometric model represented by equations 2 through 4 is
one version of Cooley and Prescott's (1973) adaptive regression
model. Its use as a forecasting tool is surveyed in Engle and Watson
(1988). and both Gordon (1994) and Staiger and Stock (1994) discuss the
model's potential for estimating the natural unemployment rate.
(11) In typical situation, 2 times the log-likelihood ratio is
approximately distributed as a [chi square] random variable. Since the
models in table 4 differ by the choice of one parameter, and since the
95 percent critical value for the [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is 3.84, this suggests log-likelihoods must
differ by more than 1.92 to be statistically significant.
(12) These estimates are computed from a Kalman smoother, conditional
on the parameter estimates shown in table 4.
(13) These standard errors were calculated using the procedure
developed in Hamilton (1986).
(14) One possible modification to increase the precision of [[bar
u].sub.t] is to use the unemployment equation in addition to the
inflation equation to identify the NAIRU. This would explicitly link the
NAIRU to the stochastic trend in the observed unemployment rate. Kuttner
(1994) estimates "potential output" in such a framework.
Baxter, M., and R. G. King, "Measuring business cycles:
Approximate bandpass filters for economic time series," manuscript,
University of Virginia, 1994.
Citibank, "CITIBASE: Citibank Economic Database
(machine-readable magnetic data file), 1946-Present," New York:
Citibank, N.A., 1994.
Cooley, T., and E. Prescott, "An adaptive regression
model," International Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1973, pp. 364-371.
Engle, R. G., and M. W. Watson, "The Kalman filter: Applications
to forecasting and rational expectations models," in Advances in
Econometrics, Fifth World Congress, T. Bewley (ed.), Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Friedman, M., "The role of monetary policy," American
Economic Review, Vol. 58, No. 1, March 1968, pp. 1-17.
Gordon, R. J., "Wage-price controls and the shifting Phillips
curve," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 2, 1972, pp.
--, personal communication to Mark Watson, November 17, 1994.
Hamilton, J. D., "A standard error for the estimated state
vector of a state-space model,"
Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1986, pp. 387-397.
--, Time-Series Analysis, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
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Robert G. King is a professor of economics at the University of
Virginia and a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. James
H. Stock is a professor of public policy at the Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. Mark W. Watson is a professor of
economics at Northwestern University and a consultant to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. The authors wish to thank Charles Evans, Robert
Gordon, Ken Kuttner, and Doug Staiger for comments.