Sectoral wage growth and inflation.
Rissman, Ellen R.
Most mainstream macroeconomists believe that the price of forcing the
unemployment rate permanently below the natural rate of unemployment for
a prolonged period of time is ever-increasing inflation. If this
overheating occurs, the conventional wisdom is that the inflation rate
can be reduced to more acceptable levels only if one endures a difficult
recessionary period during which the unemployment rate exceeds the
natural rate. In the parlance of economists, there is a vertical
long-run Phillips curve that limits the ability of policymakers to
independently affect both the rate of inflation and the unemployment
rate. In the short run, the Federal Reserve may be able to reduce the
unemployment rate below the natural rate, but in the long run the
economy would revert to producing at its equilibrium level. The only
lasting legacy of the Fed's actions would be to raise the level of
The Federal Reserve has raised the federal funds target rate seven
times since February 1994 in the hopes of keeping the economy from
"overheating." In doing so, the Fed has been attempting to
walk the fine line of the long-run Phillips curve. This is no easy feat.
It is more akin to a walk in the dark with policymakers feeling their
way than to a stroll down a well-marked street. The main obstacle is the
measurement of the natural rate of unemployment itself. If we could know
the natural rate with certainty, the Fed's course of action would
be clear: If the unemployment rate fell below the natural rate, the
Federal Reserve would conduct a more restrictive policy; if the
unemployment rate rose above the natural rate, the Fed would conduct a
more stimulative policy.
Unfortunately, the natural rate is not known and therefore must be
estimated. There are as many different estimates of the natural rate as
there are econometricians who estimate it. Furthermore, because these
are just estimates, there is some uncertainty with respect to how
confident we can be of these estimates. For example, a point estimate of
the natural rate of 6 percent may easily have confidence intervals of [+
or -]1 percent - an uncomfortably large spread if one is trying to
implement policy.
To complicate matters further, the natural rate hypothesis is
typically stated as a knife-edge phenomenon, that is, if unemployment is
above the natural rate, the inflation rate would decline, while if
unemployment falls below the natural rate, inflation would spiral out of
control. In fact, both scenarios appear unlikely and simplistic. One can
well imagine that as the unemployment rate slips below the natural rate,
some industries, although not all, will experience difficulties in
obtaining production inputs, including labor, at existing prices. As
these shortages become more restrictive, input prices will be bid up and
inflation will result. Only when these shortages become widespread at
the existing price level will inflation result. The presence or absence
of these shortages tells us a great deal about whether our assessment of
the natural rate is accurate. If we believe the rate of unemployment is
below the natural rate, then we should expect to see shortages and
ensuing price pressures. If such shortages are absent. then our original
assessment of the natural rate must be flawed. Absent such corroborating
statistical evidence, we must reexamine our estimates of the natural
It is tempting to argue that rising wages in specific sectors are a
precursor to widespread inflation. However, an analysis requires more
than simply identifying the industries in which nominal wage growth is
accelerating. Wages can increase for reasons other than inflationary
pressures. For example, as workers become more productive, their wages
naturally rise. Wages respond to sector-specific as well as aggregate
factors. Wages in one industry may be increasing relative to another
because of changes in the composition of product demand unrelated to
Further complicating matters, even if some industries have high
nominal wage growth unrelated to productivity growth, this does not
necessarily foretell future inflation. According to economic theory,
nominal wages adjusted for productivity should grow at the same rate as
inflation in the long run. In the short run there may be deviations from
this equilibrium relation, but the two tend to grow at the same rate
over long periods. A recent article by Campbell and Rissman (1994)
suggests that the direction of Granger-causality in aggregate wages is
from inflation to wage growth and not the opposite. If this result holds
true at the industry level, then high adjusted nominal wage growth need
not have any implications for future inflation. Nominal wage growth may
simply be "catching up" to past inflation.
In the remainder of this article, I attempt to document the
relationship between a measure of aggregate inflation and unit labor
costs in a number of one-digit industries. Specifically, I assess
whether changes in nominal wage growth in one industry have any
implications for future inflation. A positive finding would indicate
that a more disaggregated approach would aid policymakers in further
assessing estimates of the natural rate.
This article is divided into four sections. In the first section, I
present a simple two-sector model of a profit-maximizing firm that
employs two different types of labor. The implications for long-run
equilibrium behavior are analyzed. The data are presented in the second
section, with particular emphasis on the time-series properties. An
empirical model of wage growth and inflation is developed in the third
section. Conclusions and discussion of further research are found in the
last section.
To summarize the results, the evidence suggests that the direction of
causality for most industries is from prices to wages and not the
reverse. Only in manufacturing and retail trade is there strong evidence
for the hypothesis that wages Granger-cause inflation. The results for
manufacturing depend upon the measurement of productivity employed in
the analysis.
A simple model
Suppose that there are two different sectors (x and y), that each
produce a single good using two types of labor (1 and 2).(1) Let the
price of good i be denoted [P.sub.i], where i = x, y. Output in sector i
is produced according to the production function [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is
employment of type j labor in industry i. The superscript i on the
production function indicates the industry to which this technology
applies. It is assumed that [Mathematical Expression Omitted] if
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] for any i, j, that is, both labor
inputs are needed to produce any output; [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted], that is, adding
additional labor input increases output but at a decreasing rate.
Furthermore, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] states that the
production function is concave in its inputs, guaranteeing a local
maximum. The representative firm in each industry is assumed to take the
wage rate for each type of labor as given, that is, the firm's
actions do not affect the wage rate for either type of labor input.
Similarly, the firm is assumed to be too small to influence the price of
its output. Thus, the profit function of the representative firm is
given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [[Pi].sub.i] is the profit of the firm in sector i, and
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
are the wage rates paid respectively to type 1 and type 2 labor in
industry i. The firm's problem is to select the amounts of
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
given [P.sub.i], [Mathematical Expression Omitted], and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] so as to maximize profits. The firm's
first-order conditions are given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted], the marginal product of type
j labor in industry i, can be thought of as the extra output the firm in
sector i would produce if it hired an additional unit of type j labor
but held the amount of the other type of labor unchanged (i = x, y, and
j = 1, 2). The profit-maximizing firm chooses inputs of labor,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
so as to equate the value of the marginal product of each type of labor
to the wage rate for that labor input. If the value of the firm's
marginal product of labor exceeds the wage rate for a particular type of
labor, then the firm will not be profit-maximizing. This is because the
firm could increase its revenues more than its costs by hiring
additional labor. Conversely, if the value of the firm's marginal
product of labor were less than the wage rate for that particular type
of labor, then the firm could increase profits by reducing its
employment of the labor input.
Until this point, the model has not addressed how labor is allocated
across industries. The representative firm takes the wage rate as
outside its control and hires all the labor input it requires at the
existing wage. How wages and the allocation of labor across industries
are determined depends upon assumptions concerning resource flows and
supplies. To address these issues in a simple way, it is assumed that
labor resources flow freely across industries. In fact, if a particular
type of labor could earn more in one industry than in the other, labor
would flow to the industry that pays the highest wage.(2) Thus, we would
expect that in the long run, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] for all
j. The first-order conditions imply that in equilibrium, the value of
the marginal product of labor [Mathematical Expression Omitted] must be
equated across industries for both labor inputs.
Suppose that the wage rate paid to type 1 labor is higher in industry
x than in industry y. Then from the first-order conditions, the value of
the firm's marginal product of labor in industry x exceeds the
marginal value product for the same type of labor in industry y, that
is, [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. Type 1 labor sees the wage
differential and flows to industry x. In the process, wages are reduced
there and the marginal value product is lowered. At the same time, the
outflow of labor from industry y causes the wage rate and marginal value
product to rise in that industry. This adjustment continues until the
wage rate and the VMP are equilibrated across sectors. In equilibrium,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Of course, the average wage rate paid in a sector can differ across
industries. For one thing, firms use labor inputs in different
combinations. Those industries employing more professional workers, for
example, will typically pay higher wages than those that require
lower-skilled workers. However, in the long run, professionals
(lower-skilled workers) should earn the same regardless of the industry
in which they are employed.
In an economy populated by many small firms such as those described
above, the price of output always equals the productivity-adjusted wage
rate in equilibrium. Firms' profit-maximizing behavior constrains
the price's growth rate as well as the growth rate of
productivity-adjusted wages. To see this, take logarithms of equation 1
and subtract it from itself across adjacent time periods, t and t-1
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Delta][w.sub.j](t) = ln[W.sub.j](t) - ln[W.sub.j] (t-1) is the
growth rate of nominal wages for type j labor; [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is the growth rate of type j's marginal physical product
of labor in industry i; and [Delta][p.sub.i](t) = ln [P.sub.i](t) - ln
[P.sub.i](t-1) is the growth rate of the price of output in industry i.
It can be shown that equation 2 can be aggregated so that
(3) [Delta][w.sub.i](t) - [Delta][z.sub.i](t) = [Delta][p.sub.i](t),
where [Delta][w.sub.i](t) is the growth rate of nominal wages in
sector i, [Delta][z.sub.i](t) is the growth rate of total factor
productivity in sector i, and as before, [Delta][p.sub.i](t) is the
growth rate of prices in industry i. Market discipline ensures that,
given industry productivity growth, the growth rate of nominal wages
cannot deviate from the growth rate of output prices in equilibrium.
The model examined above overlooks some potentially interesting
questions about labor market and product market behavior. For example,
firms and workers may not be price-takers as assumed above. Instead,
they may be monopolists and monopsonists, exerting some degree of
control over prices and wages respectively. Although this modifies the
tight connection between productivity-adjusted wages and price growth
described above, as long as the wage and price markups do not deviate
from a constant mean for prolonged periods of time,
productivity-adjusted wages and prices must move in tandem.
Second, the model expounded above does not take into consideration
how the participants adjust to changing economic conditions. For
example, suppose that the firm incurs substantial hiring and firing
costs when adjusting its labor input. In the interests of
profit-maximization, the firm must assess how its current hiring and
firing decisions affect its future production. By increasing its level
of employment, the firm incurs not only the direct cost of wages, but
also an additional adjustment cost that depends on the change in the
level of employment. If the firm's level of employment is nearly
optimal, then adjustment costs will be relatively small and the
equilibrium condition of equation 3 will hold reasonably well. However,
adjustment costs can be substantial, with significant short-run
deviations from the equilibrium occurring.
Similarly, workers may not be completely mobile. For example, suppose
that an individual is currently employed in one industry but wages are
higher for the same type of worker in another industry. The worker will
not necessarily switch industries as this may require moving costs, both
pecuniary and nonpecuniary. Only over time are workers likely to switch
industries. Again, the equilibrium condition relating the growth of
wages, productivity, and prices would hold only in the long run.
The data
The theory of the profit-maximizing firm presented above suggests
that productivity-adjusted wages in an industry must grow at the same
rate as the industry output price in the long run. However, the model is
not particularly informative on the subject of short-term dynamics.
Short-term deviations from equilibrium may occur, but economic theory
suggests that there is a tendency for these variables to converge to
their equilibrium relationship as described in equation 3.
In the analysis that follows, the price-wage-productivity linkages
are examined in ten one-digit industries for the nonfarm non-government
sector. These industries include construction (CON); mining (MIN);
manufacturing (MFG); durable manufacturing (MFGD); nondurable manufacturing (MFGN); finance, insurance, and real estate (FIR);
services (SRV); retail trade (RT); wholesale trade (WT); and
transportation and public utilities (TPU). The agriculture and
government sectors are omitted from the discussion because of the
difficulty in imputing wages in the former and the noncompetitive nature
of the latter.
While nominal wage information is available for each of these
industries, productivity data are unfortunately available for only a
subset including manufacturing and its durable and nondurable
components. Let [Z.sub.i] be productivity in industry i, with [Z.sub.i]
defined as
[Z.sub.i] [equivalent to]
where [Y.sub.i] is nominal output in that industry, [P.sub.i] is an
appropriate price index, [L.sub.i] is the number of workers in the
industry, and [h.sub.i] is the average number of hours worked. Thus,
productivity in any given industry is defined as real output per
For the nominal output for each sector, I used national income in the
relevant industry as reported quarterly by the Department of Commerce in
its National Income and Product Accounts. Employment is reported for
each of these sectors by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its monthly
publication, Employment and Earnings. Hours, also reported monthly, are
measured by the Index of Average Weekly Hours for each of these sectors
with the exception of retail and wholesale trade. It was assumed that
for these two industries the relevant hours index is that for the
combined trade sector. Nominal wages are given for the different sectors
and are also reported monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All
monthly data have been converted to quarterly averages for the period
from 1964:Q1 to 1994:Q4.
The selection of an appropriate price index to use in constructing
productivity is not a straightforward matter. There are a number of
candidates from which to select. In the econometric work that follows, I
examined ten different price indices, all of which have been indexed to
1987=100. These include seven from the Consumer Price Index (CPI):
commodities (CPICOM), durables (CPID), fuel and other utilities
(CPIFOU), nondurables (CPIND), services (CPISRV), transportation
(CPITRN), and urban workers (CPIU). In addition, I examined the Producer
Price Index (PPI) for consumer durables (PPICD), finished consumer goods (PPICG), and finished goods (PPIFG). I then measured productivity for
each of the industries using each of the possible ten different price
indices, which yields 100(=10 x 10) different productivity measures.
Some price indices are clearly more appropriate for constructing
measures of industry productivity in specific sectors than others. For
example, a price index measuring service prices is probably not a good
deflator of manufacturing output. Services output should not be deflated
by a price index for durable goods for a similar reason. However, I
report results for all of the productivity measures constructed to
assess how important the price index is in the analysis.
The price indices are shown in figures 1A-C, and their growth rates are shown in figures 2A-C. Growth rates are calculated as four-quarter
log differences. There are several points to make concerning the
time-series pattern exhibited. All of these price series show quite
similar behavior. All have been trending upward, with a slowdown in the
growth rate occurring in the early 1980s. There is of course some
difference in the growth rate across sectors. Since 1987, service prices
have grown most rapidly. Durables prices have grown more slowly, as has
the CPI index for fuel and other utilities. From figure 2 it is clear
that price inflation accelerated through the 1970s and slowed markedly
in the early 1980s. This characterization of rising then falling
inflation is true for all of the series examined. It is also worth
noting that inflation is highly persistent, in that high inflation today
usually means high inflation tomorrow.
As shown in figures 3A-C, nominal wages across the various industries
exhibit behavior over the same period that is quite similar to that of
prices. Corresponding growth rates for the wage series are shown in
figure 4.(3) Growth rates are calculated as four-quarter log
differences. Again, the time-series behavior of the different wage
series is quite similar across industries. As with prices, wages seem to
be trending upward, and a kink occurs in the series in the early 1980s
that corresponds to a decrease in the growth rate of wages. This decline
in nominal wage growth is exhibited quite clearly in figure 4. Prior to
the early 1980s, wage growth was trending upward. At some point in the
early 1980s, wage growth fell abruptly and has shown little acceleration
or deceleration since. As with prices, nominal wage growth is highly
The model described in the previous section suggests that the gap
between productivity-adjusted wage growth and inflation ([GAP.sub.i](t)
[equivalent to] [Delta][w.sub.i](t) - [Delta][z.sub.i](t) -
[Delta][p.sub.i](t)) reflects deviations away from long-run equilibrium,
where [Delta][z.sub.i](t) = [Delta]ln[Z.sub.i](t). In terms of its
time-series properties, theory suggests that the gap should exhibit some
positive serial correlation and should revert to its mean over time. The
disequilibrium term is shown for the ten industry categories in figure
5A-C. Productivity has been constructed using the CPI for urban workers.
Inflation is also measured as the growth rate of that index. I have
normalized the gap in each industry by subtracting the industry mean and
dividing by the industry standard error. The evidence in figure 5
clearly supports the time-series interpretation.
Do wages cause prices?
In developing an econometric specification of the joint behavior of
productivity-adjusted wages and prices, one needs to account for the
long-run restriction that productivity-adjusted wages and prices move in
tandem. The error corrections model is one such framework.(4) The
advantage of using such a framework is that it imposes the long-run
restriction that the gap between productivity-adjusted nominal wage
growth and inflation disappears in the long run, while at the same time
the framework permits the short-term dynamics to be estimated from the
At its simplest, let [[Omega].sub.i,t] [equivalent to]
[Delta][w.sub.i,t] - [Delta][z.sub.i,t] be the growth rate of
productivity-adjusted nominal wages at time t. Furthermore, let
[[Rho].sub.t] = [Delta][p.sub.t] be the inflation rate at time t. The
error corrections model is then
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] are random error terms assumed to be normally distributed with
zero mean. These error terms may be correlated with each other but are
independent over time. This model is quite clear in its implications for
short-run and long-run behavior. The gap affects short-term behavior,
which in turn affects the gap. If there were no further disturbances,
these short-term adjustments would eliminate the gap in the long run.
However, because the error terms change each period, the gap is never
eliminated completely; rather, it fluctuates around zero. If
[[Alpha].sup.1] [less than or equal to] 0 and [[Alpha].sup.2] [greater
than or equal to] 0, then the gap is closed by price inflation
decreasing and wage inflation increasing. Alternatively, if
[[Alpha].sup.1] [greater than or equal to] 0 and [[Alpha].sup.2] [less
than or equal to] 0, the gap is closed by increasing inflation and
decreasing wage growth.
In the error corrections model of equation 4, only the most recent
wage-price gap is useful for constructing forecasts of wage and price
inflation. A less restrictive error corrections model that permits more
complex short-term dynamics while leaving the long-run restriction on
the wage-price gap intact is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
In this system of equations, the wage-price gap and k lags of changes
in price and wage growth are incorporated into forecasts. The parameters
of the model (namely, [[Alpha].sup.s], [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], and [Mathematical Expression Omitted], where s = 1, 2; j = 1,
..., k) can be estimated by ordinary least squares for each i = 1, ...,
Whether wage growth is useful for forecasting price inflation depends
upon the estimated parameters and their variance-covariance matrix. If
either [[Alpha].sup.1] [not equal to] 0 or [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] for some j, then wage inflation in industry i helps forecast
price inflation. If this is not true, then knowing wage growth in a
particular industry does not add any additional information to inflation
A test of the null hypothesis that wage inflation in industry i does
not help forecast price inflation can be stated as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
A simple F-test can be used to test this hypothesis. Two equations
are estimated. The first one estimates equation 5 without any
constraints. The second equation reestimates equation 5 imposing the
constraints of the hypothesis by eliminating lagged changes in adjusted
wage growth and the gap from the equation. If the first equation fits
the data better than the second, then the hypothesis is rejected.
Fit in this case is measured using an F-test that compares the
estimated standard error of [Mathematical Expression Omitted] from the
original unconstrained equation, [Mathematical Expression Omitted], to
that estimated from the restricted equation, [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. The smaller the standard error, the more accurate the equation
forecasts. If [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is much smaller than
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], then including data on wage inflation
produces more accurate inflation forecasts. In this case the F-statistic
will be large, providing evidence against the hypothesis that industry
wage inflation does not help forecast price inflation. Unfortunately,
test statistics can be large for another reason: random variation. Some
of the time we may obtain large test statistics even though the [TABULAR
DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] hypothesis is true. Recognizing this, one can
compare the test statistic to some standard critical value in order to
determine whether the former is big enough to warrant rejecting the null
hypothesis with some degree of confidence.
Table 1 presents F-statistics that test the null hypothesis of
equation 6 and those testing the converse hypothesis for the second
equation of the model of equation 5, that price inflation does not help
forecast industry productivity-adjusted wage growth. This second
hypothesis is stated as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Although I used 4, 8, and 12 lags of changes in price and wage growth
as regressors in both the restricted and unrestricted equations, for the
sake of brevity I report only the results for 8 lags.(5) The entire data
sample from 1964 through 1994 was used for the estimation. Growth rates
are calculated as the four-quarter log differences. Since the maximum
lag length is 12, this leaves us with 106 observations for most of the
models estimated. Because the durables and nondurables price indices are
available for a shorter time span, regression estimates using these
variables to construct productivity measures have only 98 observations.
Inflation was measured as the four-quarter log differences in the CPI
index for urban workers.
As noted above, the error corrections model imposes the long-run
restriction that productivity-adjusted wage growth and prices move
together in the long run. Therefore, it cannot be the case that both
[[Alpha].sup.1] = 0 and [[Alpha].sup.2] = 0. Otherwise, neither variable
would respond to the wage-price gap. Thus, it is impossible for the
hypotheses in both equations 6 and 7 to be true simultaneously, even
though separately testing these hypotheses can in principle lead to the
result that both hypotheses cannot be rejected. In practice, this was an
issue for some of the price indices used in constructing productivity in
mining; nondurable manufacturing; services; and finance, insurance, and
real estate.
Causality from wages to prices and from prices to wages varies
depending upon the industry. In general, the direction of causation in
construction was from prices to wages, with no evidence that
construction wages help predict prices. This held true for all the
different price indices used to construct productivity measurements. In
mining, the number of lags used was critical for causality inference
from prices to wages. For none of the lags or price indices did mining
wages Granger-cause inflation. Exclusion tests suggest that a lag length
of 12 quarters is appropriate. Results regarding the hypothesis in
equation 7 are mixed depending upon the price index. However, they
generally support the idea that prices Granger-cause wages in mining.
Results are somewhat different for manufacturing. In that industry,
wages clearly show causality running from wages to prices rather than
vice versa for most price indices. However, manufacturing's durable
and nondurable components behave differently. The durable component
typically shows joint causality, that is, prices cause wages and wages
cause prices, although results on prices causing wages depend upon the
lag length, with longer lags not as clear on statistical inference.
Nondurable manufacturing exhibits some evidence suggesting that nominal
productivity-adjusted wage growth causes inflation. In general, while
the hypothesis of equation 6 cannot be rejected at conventional
confidence levels using 8 lags of data, it can be rejected using other
lag lengths. Evidence as to whether price inflation causes wage
inflation is mixed for this sector, varying both with lag length and
price index.
For transportation and public utilities, the hypothesis that wages do
not Granger-cause prices is accepted for all price indices when 8 lags
of the data are included. However, when only 4 lags are employed, the
hypothesis is typically accepted, with the notable exception of the
transportation price index. Prices clearly Granger-cause wages in this
industry. Retail trade shows direction of causality going both ways,
that is, from wages to prices and from prices to wages. The evidence for
causality from wages to prices is much stronger than that for the
opposite direction, since the former holds true at essentially all lag
lengths. The latter seems to be true for only the intermediate length of
8 quarters. Wholesale trade is somewhat different, with a lag length of
12 quarters supporting the idea that wages cause prices, while the
results for shorter lag lengths suggest the opposite. The data show
fairly clearly that prices Granger-cause wages for most lag lengths and
price indices.
The results of the hypothesis of equation 6 depend considerably on
the price index employed to construct services productivity. When
nominal income is deflated by the various PPI measures, wages strongly
Granger-cause prices. However, this result does not hold for the various
CPI measures. Inflation does not consistently Granger-cause wage growth
in services. The results of tests of hypothesis 7 depend upon the lag
length as well as the price index. It is interesting to note that the
price index for services shows Granger-causality when the lag length is
4 but not longer. For finance, insurance, and real estate, the direction
of causality does not run from wages to prices. There is, however, mixed
evidence that prices cause wages in this sector.
Alternate manufacturing productivity measures
The results discussed above are based on productivity measures that
have been constructed from national income data by industry. For
manufacturing, an alternative source for productivity is available. The
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports quarterly productivity indices
for manufacturing and its durable and nondurable components separately.
The correlation between the BLS productivity measures and the various
constructed productivity measures is quite high. For example, the
correlation between BLS manufacturing productivity and productivity
constructed using the CPI index for durables is .96. For durable
manufacturing, the correlation is .93 for productivity constructed from
the same price index. Non-durable manufacturing exhibits a correlation
of .95 with productivity constructed using the CPI index for
However, it is the growth rate of productivity that is important for
constructing estimates of the wage-price gap and for estimating the
error corrections model. For manufacturing as a whole, the growth rates
of the constructed productivity measures tend to lead productivity
growth as measured by the BLS. For durable manufacturing, the results
depend on the price index employed in the construction of productivity
measures. For example, when national income in nondurables is deflated
by the CPI index for commodities, the constructed growth rate tends to
lead that reported by the BLS. However, using the CPI index for durables
changes the result, with BLS productivity growth tending to lead
constructed productivity growth. Results in nondurables also hinge on the measure of constructed productivity.
I reestimated the error corrections model using the BLS productivity
measures for manufacturing, durable manufacturing, and nondurable
manufacturing. Granger-causality tests for 4, 8, and 12 lags of the data
show that the null hypothesis that wages do not enter the inflation
equation cannot be rejected at standard confidence levels. Similarly,
tests of whether prices enter the wage inflation equation cannot be
rejected at standard confidence levels.
Clearly, the measurement of productivity is important in the
analysis. The two measures presented here differ in the measure of real
output used to construct the index. The BLS adjusts annual data based on
the National Income and Product Accounts to form a quarterly series. The
form of the adjustment comes from the Federal Reserve Board's index
of manufacturing production. Thus, the quarterly pattern is imputed from
another source. This appears to be the main cause of discrepancy between
the two measures.
There are various ways to construct productivity measures. In the
evidence presented above, national income by industry was deflated by a
number of price indices to construct productivity measures. The
causality results are quite robust across the various price indices
employed. Judging from the similar time series exhibited amongst these
price indices, such a result is to be expected. In most of the
industries examined, the direction of causality runs from prices to
wages rather than wages to prices. Only in manufacturing and retail
trade does productivity-adjusted wage growth appear to help forecast
This finding has a variety of implications. First, if one is
attempting to find corroborating evidence that the unemployment rate is
below or above the natural rate, observing wage growth in a variety of
sectors is apt to be misleading. High wage growth today may simply be a
natural response to high past inflation and in most industries does not
presage impending inflation. Manufacturing and retail trade are the
anomalies in that the wage-price gap appears to be narrowed not only by
movements in prices but by movements in wages as well. In short, high
productivity-adjusted wage growth in these sectors helps predict future
It has frequently been argued that the way in which our gross
domestic product has been produced has shifted away from goods
production towards service production. However, the statistics that are
collected to gauge the health of our economy disproportionately
represent the now smaller goods-producing sector. Is our perception of
the economy's performance somehow skewed by the narrow focus of
these measures? The above empirical work suggests that for the purposes
of forecasting inflation, it is not necessary to have data on wages in a
wide variety of industries, as wages in these sectors do not
Granger-cause inflation. Only in manufacturing and retail trade is any
value added to our forecasts of inflation.
These results hinge heavily on the measurement of productivity. Only
in manufacturing can statistics be found to independently test the
hypothesis that wages Granger-cause inflation. The results based upon
BLS productivity measures do not support the hypothesis that wages
Granger-cause inflation. The extent to which this is due to the
imputation of quarterly patterns in the measurement of real
manufacturing output is a question for further study.
1 In the discussion that follows, the introduction of two distinct
types of labor is not essential. However, it is included to motivate an
understanding of why wages differ across industries.
2 Of course, if workers were performing hazardous work in one
industry relative to another, then they would need to receive a
compensating wage differential to make them indifferent to the hazard.
3 I have indexed wages to equal 100 in 1987 for ease of comparison.
4 See Engle and Granger (1987) for a full discussion of the error
corrections model.
5 Results for 12 lags in the specification are qualitatively the same
except as noted. Tests of the hypothesis that lags of greater than
length k enter with a zero coefficient suggest that 8 to 12 lags is a
proper specification.
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Ellen R. Rissman is an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of