A review of regulatory mechanisms to control the volatility of prices.
France, Virginia Grace ; Kodres, Laura ; Moser, James T. 等
The stock market crash of 1987 renewed claims that cash market
problems can stem from the trading of futures contracts. The crash also
led to proposals for increased regulation to control price volatility.
These proposals have antecedents in the Populist movement of the 1890s.
Farmers of that period complained that wheat futures trading caused high
prices at planting time and low prices at harvest. The tradition of
curing cash market problems by regulating the futures markets was well
established by World War I. In 1917, the New York Cotton Exchange was
pressured into incorporating price limits into its cotton-futures
contracts as a solution for price volatility following the German threat
of submarine attacks on freight shipments into European ports.
After the war, Congress passed a tax on futures transactions that was
aimed at solving the problem of low wheat prices. Low grain prices
during the early years of the Great Depression led New Deal
interventionists to pressure the futures markets to drop the trading of
options on futures--then called privileges--and to institute price
limits. In addition, contract specifications, including margins on
futures contracts, were placed under regulatory oversight. Later, a bout
of volatility in onion prices led to an absolute prohibition of trading
in onion futures. This prohibition remains in effect today despite
evidence developed by Roger Gray that futures contracting probably
lowered rather than raised the volatility of onion prices.(1)
Today's attention focuses on stock price volatility. As in
earlier years, the proposals garnering most of the attention seek to
control stock price volatility by regulating futures markets,
particularly stock-index futures contracts. This article reviews the
evidence on three mechanisms that have been proposed to control price
volatility. The first is to increase margin levels. Proponents of this
mechanism argue that higher margins would discourage destabilizing
speculation. A second proposed mechanism is to set price limits or
"circuit breakers" in futures markets. Proponents of this
approach claim it would allow markets to cool off. A third proposed
mechanism is to impose a tax on each transaction of a futures contract.
Casual descriptions of transactions taxes refer to them as solving
volatility by throwing sand in the gears of the futures market. In the
sections that follow, we assess the existing research on each of these
three methods and their underlying rationales.
Margins and volatility
There is an immense literature on the effects of margin regulations
on trading in financial assets, most of which deals with the effects of
margins for stock positions. For political as well as economic reasons,
the debates over margins on futures and margins on stock have become
intertwined. First, we will look at stock margin studies.
Evidence from stock markets
Since 1974, Regulation T has required stock purchasers to make
initial deposits of 50 percent of the total price of their purchase.
Figure 1 plots stock market volatility and Regulation T margin
requirements historically. The data are ambiguous on the relationship
between the two. If one compares the Great Depression years with the
postwar period when margins were federally regulated, it is clear that
margins were generally higher and volatility was less after the war than
during the 1930s. This suggests that higher margins reduce volatility.
Yet studies by Officer (1973) and Schwert (1989a, 1989b) point out that
volatility was also low before the Great Depression. Though it is hard
to pin down precisely why volatility shifts, it probably has more to do
with general macroeconomic conditions than with margins. The postwar
decline in volatility may simply reflect a return to normal levels after
the turmoil of the 1930s.
In 1984, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors assessed the existing
research on margins and concluded that Regulation T requirements had no
reliable, economically useful impact on volatility. As a result,
Regulation T margin requirements have been left unchanged since 1974.
Yet subsequent studies by Hardouvelis (1988, 1990) found that margins
did in fact have an important economic impact on volatility. His
analysis suggested that if margin requirements were increased from, say,
50 percent to 60 percent, the average variability of the stock market
would decrease by 7 percent or 8 percent--a huge effect relative to
prior studies.
This study lent indirect support to the conclusions of the Brady
Commission (1988) on the crash of 1987, which called for the
harmonization of margins across the stock and derivatives markets.
Extrapolating largely from previous studies of stock margins, it called
for futures margins that averaged 10 percent before the crash to be
raised closer to the 50 percent required for stocks.
A number of economists re-examined Hardouvelis's data.(2) The
main criticism, particularly highlighted in the influential paper by
Hsieh and Miller (1990), was that Hardouvelis was picking up a spurious
relationship. Since margins change only infrequently, the time series
has a great deal of persistence, as does volatility. Given two
persistent series, regressing the levels of one on the levels of the
other can falsely suggest a significant relationship when there is in
fact none. Empirical tests that correct for this problem did not find
any significant impact of margins on volatility. However, Regulation T
margin requirements have been changed only 22 times, so there may not be
enough observations to show any statistical effect. Second, Regulation T
can directly affect only positions held in margin accounts. The amount
of margin debt is perhaps 1 percent or 2 percent of the value of stocks
listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Evidence from futures markets
In the last few years, the focus of research on margins has switched
to the futures markets. The futures margin that brokers collect from
customers is generally viewed as an adequate performance bond for any
reasonable price movement.(3) Empirical studies have tested the adequacy
of the minimum margins set by the exchanges; in some cases, the actual
margin demanded by a broker is substantially greater than the
Clearing firms also put up a certain amount of margin with the
clearinghouse. Margin deposits are not the only protection provided to
the clearinghouse, since clearing firms also face stringent capital
requirements. The adequacy of margins at the clearinghouse level has
been given little empirical study since the data are not usually
available; however, Bernanke (1990) studied the operation of the
clearinghouses and the margin system during the 1987 crash.
Margins on futures are, of course, vastly different in purpose and
administration from stock margins. However, a relationship between
margins and volatility might be easier to detect in futures markets, for
two reasons. First, futures margins are set individually for each
contract by the exchanges. Thus there are many more changes in futures
margins than in stock margins. Second, futures margins apply to all
market participants, not just a small percentage as with stocks.
Generally speaking, as a percentage of contract-settlement value,
futures margins are smaller than stock margins. However, that does not
necessarily mean that futures margins provide inadequate protection
against default as compared to stock margins. Ginter (1991) examined the
amount of margin deposit necessary to protect against default on stock
index futures and on the underlying stocks. Because an index is less
volatile than its component stocks, stock index futures have lower
volatility, all else being equal. Thus, an adequate prudential margin on
an index future could be lower than on the underlying stocks. Also,
futures contracts are settled at least once a day, whereas trades in
stock are settled only after five days. That also implies that the
margin on a futures contract does not have to be as large. Given these
two factors, it turns out that some stocks are margined less adequately
than futures and some more adequately, depending upon the volatility of
the stock. Fenn and Kupiec (1993) explicitly model the trade-off between
length of settlement interval and margin adequacy and point out that the
ability to call for emergency settlement significantly increases the
effective protection of the futures margin system.
In futures markets, there is a direct causal link between margins and
volatility, but it runs from volatility to margins, not vice versa.
Futures exchanges commonly use a risk-based margin system in which
margins are set high enough to cover the largest loss experienced by a
position if prices move within a certain range. The price range is
increased when volatility increases or is expected to increase; thus the
margin is a direct function of price volatility. This causal link is
usually referred to as the prudential exchange hypothesis.(5)
Is there also a causal link from margin requirements to volatility?
There are two theories about how such a link might arise. Higher margins
might change the composition of traders. According to this view, when
margin requirements increase, certain traders are driven out of the
market. Without these traders there is less volatility, either because
they were less risk-averse than average or because they were less well
informed. One of the first studies of the effect of margins on futures
was done by Hartzmark (1986), who examined how changing margin
requirements would be likely to affect the composition of traders. He
discovered that it was by no means clear which groups of traders would
be driven out by higher margins. Thus it is not clear that raising
margins would actually lessen volatility.
Another theory hinges on the effects of margins on market activity.
When margins increase, the cost of using the market also increases. If
this drives out enough traders, the depth of the market may be affected;
that is, the market may be unable to absorb large orders without large
price increments. Thus, increasing margins might increase volatility
because any given order flow moves the price more. These effects might
be detected through a decrease in volume or open interest, even if the
volatility effects are masked.
Many empirical studies of futures margins focus on effects on volume
and open interest as well as on volatility itself. Hartzmark (1986)
found that volume and open interest dropped when margins were increased.
Fishe and Goldberg (1986) and Fishe, Goldberg, Gosnell, and Sinha (1990)
studied a group of Chicago Board of Trade contracts in the 1970s and
1980s. Generally speaking, these studies found that when the margin
requirement increased, there seemed to be a small decrease in open
interest in some of the near-term contracts, but there were no
detectable effects on volatility.
Kupiec (1990) studied the Standard and Poor's (S&P) 500
stock index futures contract during the period 1982 to 1988. There were
only nine changes in the dollar amount of the margin requirement over
that period, but if margin is expressed as a percentage of the contract
value, then the effective margin requirement changes daily. According to
Kupiec, an increase in effective margin requirements did not seem to
lead to a decrease in volatility. In fact, if anything, there seemed to
be a short-run effect in the opposite direction: an increase in margin
requirements increased volatility the next day, while having no long-run
Moser (1991) studied the relationship between margin requirements and
futures and cash price volatility in the deutsche mark and soybean futures contracts. He found that increases in price volatility tended to
be followed by increases in margin requirements. However, he found no
consistent relationship between increases in margin requirements and
subsequent volatility.
In a separate study, Moser (1992) tried to distinguish empirically
between the prudential effect (in which margins increase in anticipation
of higher volatility) and the excess volatility effect (in which an
increase in margin would, in fact, be causally decreasing excess
volatility). His data supported neither hypothesis. Looking at the
deutsche mark and S&P 500 contracts, he found that past changes in
margins were not associated with future changes in the standard
deviations of returns. However, surprisingly enough, changes in
volatility did not consistently lead changes in margin requirements
Two studies by Bessembinder and Seguin (1992, 1993) suggest that when
examining the market impact of regulations, it is helpful to partition
volume and open interest into their expected and unexpected components.
While these researchers did not study margins directly, their findings
suggest that the impact of regulatory changes may differ depending on
whether the researcher is examining expected or unexpected changes in
market depth, volume, or open interest. This suggests a potentially
fruitful line of research on futures margins.
In short, raising margin requirements does not appear to mitigate
excess volatility in either the stock or the futures markets. If recent
research has highlighted anything, it is that the perceived gap in size
between futures and stock margins is largely illusory, and that futures
margins are large enough to adequately protect market participants from
contract default.
Price limits and volatility
Virtually all exchanges are allowed to set rules to remedy situations
in which the integrity, liquidity, or orderly liquidation of contracts
is threatened. In order to enhance the integrity and long-run liquidity
of their market, futures exchanges have voluntarily chosen to impose
limits on potential price changes during any given trading session. Such
price limits have been a feature of U.S. markets for some time. In 1925
the Chicago Board of Trade formalized their use in emergency situations.
Over time, "garden variety" price limits have been adopted for
most commodity futures contracts, although limits remain less common for
the newer financial futures contracts.
While price limits have been an institutional feature in futures
markets for some time, only recently have they gained front-page
coverage in the financial press. Known as circuit breakers, price limits
have received renewed attention as a possible shutdown switch to prevent
excessive volatility.(6) This section discusses the traditional
rationale for price limits and then sketches a slightly different
rationale for the era following the 1987 crash. The recent modification
in what we expect price limits to do may change the way policy tools
work together (in particular, margins and price limits) and alter the
evaluative procedures that are required to determine the effectiveness
of these particular policies.
Traditionally, price limits have been determined in advance by an
exchange. There is a limit on the amount of change from the previous
settlement price. If bids and offers match within the bounds prescribed
by the limit, then trading takes place as usual. If not, trading stops.
But price limits are not a trading halt per se, since they do not create
a timeout from the trading process. Trading can resume immediately if
both buyers and sellers agree to a price within the limit bounds. The
recently implemented circuit breakers, including the type now in place
on the S&P 500 contract, require that trading stop for a
predetermined period of time after being triggered by a large price
Rationale for price limits
The traditional rationale for the adoption of limits boils down to
two basic concepts:
1) Price limits serve as a policy tool in conjunction with margin
calls to limit default risk. A price limit establishes the maximum
margin call that could be made during a given trading session and allows
market participants time to gather the funds to make good on the margin
call. Sometimes prices may hit their limits for several days in a row.
The slower price adjustment then allows losers a longer time period in
which to acquire the cash or other marginable securities.
2) Price limits reduce the probability of an overreaction to news. By
not allowing prices to move beyond a certain point, they discourage mob
psychology and force prices to adjust slowly. Traditional limits
"expand" on consecutive days to accommodate the price effects
of news over a longer period of time. Since there may be different
effects on hedgers' futures and cash positions, futures contracts
typically relax this limit restriction during the delivery month so that
cash and futures prices can converge.
Since the 1987 crash, proponents of price limits have stressed the
second rationale: to reduce the probability of an overreaction. However,
the concern today is not merely about the effects of an overreaction,
defined as a movement in price that overshoots the equilibrium value and
then subsequently returns to its true value. The concern is also about
the effects of high volatility, that is, unpredictable rapid movements
both up and down. Miller (1990) refers to this as episodic volatility.
Some of the reasons for this alleged excess volatility are different now
than they were in the pre-1987 environment. The overreaction that price
limits were supposed to prevent in the earlier period stemmed from
fundamental news such as crop reports, weather announcements, or changes
in federal agricultural policy supports. In the current environment,
volatility is thought to stem from "noise" traders or certain
types of trading strategies, not necessarily from fundamental
information. Strategies generating positive feedback trading, most
notably dynamic hedging, are thought to be responsible for this new type
of volatility. Since the current environment is also characterized by
faster execution and information flows, any effects of these
volatility-producing strategies are going to be felt more quickly. Thus,
the more recent price limit circuit breakers look more like
price-contingent trading halts and are meant to provide a cool-down
period during which people can collect their thoughts. Notice that these
limits are not always connected to margin calls so that their explicit
connection to default risk protection is no longer clear.
Some analysts, including Miller, argue that the newer circuit
breakers allow clearing firms to remove insolvent traders, thereby
providing an element of default protection. However, clearing firms have
always had the ability to go down to the floor and remove insolvent
traders. So it is not clear that circuit breakers offer anything new in
this respect.
Theoretical research
Prior to the post-crash interest in price limits, very few behavioral
models had been developed to explain the use of price limits. Perhaps
the most widely cited paper was Brennan's (1986). In his model,
price limits are used in conjunction with margin to control default
risk. In essence, limits hide the true price. This may reduce the
probability of default because some individuals who would have defaulted
do not know the extent of their losses and thus wait until they are more
sure of the price before taking action. Brennan concludes that limits
should be more effective in controlling default risk in markets in which
the cash price is not easily obtained, such as agricultural markets
where the cash markets are less liquid. Conversely, limits should be
less effective for financial markets where cash markets are well
developed. Brennan notes that almost all financial futures are without
limits, and almost all commodity futures contain limits, generally
confirming his model's predictions.
Given that the current debate surrounding limits seems to be centered
in the financial markets, perhaps we need a new set of models or other
explanations to accommodate them. The newer set of models focuses on the
benefits of price limits and trading halts given the adverse effects
that risk has on the participants of fast-moving markets.
Greenwald and Stein (1991) use the micro-structure of the stock
market to provide a role for trading halts. In their model, circuit
breakers allow individuals to wait and see who else shows up to trade,
and thus help individuals share what they call transactional risk.
Transactional risk arises because not all expected buyers and sellers
come to the market to place orders when prices are moving quickly. This
model explains stock market behavior better than futures market behavior
but nevertheless shows that circuit breakers can reduce the
transactional risk present in stock markets.
Kodres and O'Brien (1994) more explicitly examine the role of
price limits in volatile markets. Their analysis develops the
circumstances under which price limits can improve the welfare of market
participants. They observe that in volatile markets there is price risk
between the time an individual decides to trade and the time that the
order is actually executed. Like Greenwald and Stein, Kodres and
O'Brien argue that price limits can be Pareto-improving because
they allow risk to be shared among market participants. While many
conditions make some participants better off, fairly few conditions make
at least one person better off without making anybody else worse off,
that is, the Pareto criterion. In fact, the study finds that all traders
must be hedgers or must always trade on the same side of the market for
a Pareto improvement to result from imposing price limits. This means
that traders taking long positions must want to do so at both the low
and high price limits; similarly, traders taking short positions must
also want to do so at both high and low price limits.
Unlike the previous models, the models of Greenwald and Stein (1991)
and Kodres and O'Brien (1994) accommodate the newer rationale for
limits: reducing volatility caused by sudden price moves. Several more
recent models are in their infancy, but they address the idea of a
trading halt in the stock market and not in derivative markets.
Theoretically, then, price limits can be explained as a response to
default risk or the risks involved in executing transactions in fast
Empirical evidence
The next important question is, do price limits perform well either
in reducing default risk or in helping to reduce execution risks and the
attendant volatility? While all of the above models have broad testable
implications, the unobservability of true prices makes the models
ill-suited for empirical testing. So far, most of the empirical work has
centered on one of two areas: 1) the effect of limits on price patterns,
or 2) econometric problems posed by using truncated data resulting from
the limits.
Khoury and Jones (1984) performed one of the earliest empirical
examinations of the effects of price limits. They used a sample period
in which no limits were hit and separated prices into three tiers: those
close to the upper limit, those close to the lower limit, and those not
close to either limit. This construction permitted prices having unequal
temporal spacing. They calculated time-series correlations for each of
their three tiers of data. They found little difference among the
correlation coefficients and concluded that the price behavior around
limits was no different than price behavior between limits. The unequal
temporal spacing of the data implied that the prices in each range could
only partially represent trades that took place consecutively. Thus,
perhaps it is not surprising that the time-series correlations within
each tier were indistinguishable.
While the lack of continuity in prices was part of the research
design, the problem in the case just described--a nonconsecutive
sequence of prices--is common to all examinations of price limits.
Consider what happens around a limit. Any time a limit is hit, trades
that would have occurred can no longer do so and are excluded from the
data. As a result, the data are truncated. Truncation of time-series
data alters the time-series characteristics of the data. Thus, if we
wish to examine whether prices react differently around a limit, we have
two choices. Either we use the existing truncated data, or we make
"guesstimates" about what the prices would have been had there
not been a limit. Either approach requires assumptions and/or
econometric procedures that could be restrictive and bias the results.
Ma, Rao, and Sears recently published two empirical studies using
truncated data (1989a, 1989b). The authors used event-study methodology
to examine the price behavior around limits, as well as the related
volume and volatility. They found that T-bond futures prices
"stabilize" or reverse (in the case of lower limits) after
hitting limits, and that volatility is lower afterwards. Further, they
find high volume on the day of the limit and the next day, with volume
returning to normal on the second day following the limit.
We find some of these results inconclusive. The basic problem is that
there are no data associated with the time interval when the limit is
hit. The calendar time for each event varies depending on the trading
lapse; thus the length of the event depends on when the market started
trading again. As Kuserk (1990) points out, this methodology biases the
results in the direction of finding a reversal or flat prices after the
limit. Suppose that a limit was hit during the day, but at market close
the price is within limits. This means that the price must have
"rebounded" away from the limit (reversal) sometime during the
trading day. If the data set contains intraday limits, all of which have
this characteristic, the results may suggest that on average, limits are
"reflective," or stabilizing. Again, it is unclear what to do
about the missing "true" prices.
Kodres (1993) and Sutrick (1991, 1993) make (educated) guesses about
the distribution of unknown "true" prices when a limit is hit.
Kodres focuses on a correct test of the unbiasedness property in the
foreign exchange market, taking into account the truncated data. While
not examining the behavior around price limits directly, Kodres
implicitly assumes that the true distribution of prices is not altered
by the existence of limits. Sutrick attempts to find unbiased estimates
of regression coefficients and variance using data containing the
limited prices. He also assumes that the underlying distribution is
unchanged. His work, like that of Kodres, does not focus on the
effectiveness of price limits as a policy tool, but on the econometric
problems encountered when using limited futures prices.
Future research directions
Some very basic questions remain unanswered that future research
needs to address:
1) Do price limits change the character of prices around limits?
2) If price limits change price behavior, do they do so in a way
detrimental to the integrity of the market? If so, is it because price
limits are too tight or too loose?
3) Do price limits affect liquidity? What happens to bid/ask spreads
immediately before and after a limit? What happens to volume? Are there
big orders on one side that are broken up into smaller orders to be
4) Do local traders get out of the market and let customers trade
with other customers? Do hedgers lose because they cannot establish
positions, and do speculators win? In particular, who is rationed out of
the market, and do they subsequently lose money because of this
rationing? No one has yet examined who is affected by limits. This is an
important issue for establishing policy.
5) Do price limits reduce volatility? If so, how? If not, why not?
6) Assuming price limits can be useful, what is the optimal strategy
for setting them so as to obtain the most effective outcome?
7) When should exchanges change limits? How can they be proactive and
anticipate an optimal time to do so?
8) Should other market structures change to accommodate price limits
or circuit breakers? For example, should opening procedures after a
limit has been hit be different than for a regular opening?
9) Do price limits lower default risk? How many defaults have
occurred in markets without limits versus those with limits, when other
factors are controlled?
Research directions that may help answer some of these questions
include the following: Theoretically, we need a dynamic model in order
to see how limits affect trading behavior. For example, how is demand
for liquidity and immediacy affected by limits? Do liquidity providers
stay away? Does the demand for immediacy change when limits are
imminent? Do prices respond as if there is a magnet effect or a
repelling effect around limits? Further, we need dynamic models with
testable implications. Currently, the testable implications are too
broad and cannot distinguish among several of these issues.
Empirically, we need more and better measures of what happens around
price limits. Specifically, we need to understand better the type of
volatility we are attempting to reduce with price limits, and we need to
construct statistics that more accurately measure that type of
volatility. In this context, we must keep in mind that when a limit is
hit, there are no true equilibrium prices to measure what volatility
would have been had the price limit not been present. Thus, our measures
are undoubtedly biased in some way.
We need to measure the costs of limits more carefully. For example,
in a limit-bound market, liquidity is effectively zero. What happens to
the liquidity surrounding the limit? How is long-run liquidity affected?
Are potential participants more or less likely to use a market in which
limits are present? Exchange officials and regulators believe that
participants are more likely to use a market with limits. How do we
consider the welfare of the participants that are locked out of the
market during the limit?
In general, both theoretical and empirical work in this area should
recognize that coordination among several primary and derivative markets
is being attempted. Therefore, an evaluation of policy objectives
requires an understanding of how trading takes place in different
markets. For example, current re-openings after price limits or circuit
breakers are different in the stock market and the futures market. An
evaluation of the effects of limits must consider these different
details and any ancillary effects they cause. Finally, we need to
examine not only existing policies, but also better policies as well as
other market structures that can alleviate the problems now being
addressed by price limits or circuit breakers.
Transaction taxes and volatility
Transaction taxes are intended to raise the cost of trading and thus
to create a barrier to entry for certain categories of trading activity.
The goal is to exclude trades that increase price volatility by more
than is warranted by changes in relevant information. Implicit in this
description is the idea that prices based on relevant information
provide appropriate signals as to where capital investment is most
productive. Investment dollars placed in response to these signals
benefit society by increasing productivity where it is most highly
valued. On the other hand, trades not based on this information might
lead to prices that give inappropriate signals; as a result, such trades
divert capital investment from its best use. Black (1986) refers to
trades not based on information as noise trades. Thus, transaction taxes
are intended to create an entry barrier to noise trades, thereby
increasing the informativeness of market-determined prices.
A simple one-period model usefully demonstrates how transaction taxes
can serve as entry barriers. Let [p.sub.0] represent the current price
of a stock. At the end of one period, this stock will pay dividends of
[d.sup.U] if an up state occurs, and [d.sup.D] if a down state occurs.
Since the point to be made does not require discounting cash flows, we
can assume that the expected payoff for an investment is the expected
dividend minus the price of the stock. Now consider a market composed of
two investor types: information traders whose dividend expectations are
based on information about the firm's prospects, which we denote as
E(d/I); and noise traders whose dividend expectations are not
information-based, denoted E(d\N). In a market comprised of [Alpha]
percent noise traders and (1- [Alpha]) percent information traders, the
consensus forecast of returns to investing in the stock is
[Pi] = (1- [Alpha]) (E[d[where]I] - [p.sub.0]) + [Alpha](E[d[where]N]
- [p.sub.0]).
If no new stocks are issued, then the gains realized by any
individual are the losses incurred by another, so the sum of profits is
zero ([Pi]=0) and the consensus price of the stock at time 0 is
[p.sub.0] = E[d[where]I] + [Alpha](E[d[where]N] - E[d[where]I]).
Thus, the stock price is determined on the basis of the dividend
expectations of the information traders, plus a fraction of the
deviation between the expectations of information and noise traders. As
the percentage of noise traders increases, the amount of noise impounded
into the stock price rises. The intent of transaction taxes is to lessen
the noise component of prices by reducing [Alpha].
This exercise highlights some of the assumptions on which the
transaction tax proposition rests. First, the percentage of noise
traders must decline as the amount of the transaction tax rises. It is
generally accepted that the number of noise traders will decline when
transaction taxes rise. Note that the after-tax return realized by noise
traders declines as the amount of tax rises. If the expected return is
not sufficient to meet the tax expense, the trader will not make the
investment. So it appears reasonable to expect a decline in the number
of noise trades when transaction taxes increase. From the taxing
authority's point of view, the problem is with the incidence of the
tax; that is, the transaction tax cannot be imposed selectively. The tax
will also apply to information traders who also make their investment
decisions on the basis of their expected after-tax return, so that the
number of information traders can be expected to decline as the amount
of transaction tax increases. Thus, although imposition of a transaction
tax does reduce the number of noise traders, its impact on the number of
information traders makes its effect on [Alpha] unclear. If information
traders are more sensitive to this tax than are noise traders, [Alpha]
can rise when transaction taxes are increased.
A second problem makes predicting the effect of a transaction tax
even more difficult. In the above reasoning, the members of each trading
group have identical expectations about the future. While this depiction
is unlikely to be entirely true for either group, the term
"noise" implies dispersion so that these traders are much less
likely to have similar forecasts. This lack of unanimity has two
implications that bear on the transaction tax proposition. First, the
diverse expectations of this group imply that the trades of one member
of the group are likely to be offset by those of one or more other
members of the group. This dilutes the impact any one noise trader can
have; therefore, noise traders as a group have little if any net impact
on prices. Stated differently, the price impacts of trades from a group
of noise traders probably diversify away. Second, and perhaps more
subtly, the presence of a trading group with diverse opinions produces a
degree of inertia in prices so that prices do not change on the arrival
of each trade. Price responses occur only when order arrivals are
recognized as new information. This resistance to price changes helps
insure that trades made for liquidity purposes have little impact on
prices. These markets are said to be liquid, a feature valued by
investors: redemptions of investments placed in liquid markets are less
likely to realize losses in the event of a sale forced by cash needs.
Absent liquidity obtained by the presence of noise traders, liquidity is
supplied at a price. As the price of liquidity rises, the cost of
capital increases. Thus, transaction taxes that reduce the number of
noise traders can be expected to raise the cost of obtaining liquidity
and the cost of capital.
Kupiec (1991) develops an overlapping-generations model to analyze
transaction taxes. Like the simple analysis presented above, Kupiec
finds that the effect of a transaction tax depends on the relative
proportions of certain trader types; thus its effect cannot be
predicted. Importantly, Kupiec adds a further dimension to the effects
that can be expected from transaction taxes. Noise traders are affected
as described above. In addition, the portfolio re-balancing decisions of
all traders are affected. The effect on volatility depends on this
lock-in effect. If transaction taxes prevent portfolio re-balancing
based on information, noise trading becomes relatively more important.
Thus, a useful prediction of the effects of a transaction tax depends on
accurate assessments of the tax's effects on decisions to purchase
and to sell.
In summary, in order to reduce volatility, the transaction tax must
reduce the proportion of noise traders without affecting the
re-balancing decisions of information traders and without significantly
raising liquidity costs. Any predictions about the effects of a
transaction tax must incorporate each of these influences. Without an
analytical model encompassing these influences, empirical evidence is
likely to be the best predictor of the impacts that can be expected from
a transaction tax.
Evidence of the effect on noise traders
Umlauf (1993) studied the experience stemming from a Swedish
transaction tax imposed in 1984. Initially set at 1 percent, the tax was
raised to 2 percent in 1986. Umlauf confirmed that trading volume declined following imposition of the tax, a result previously found by
Lindgren and Westland (1990).(7) Umlauf also found an increase in
volatility. However, as this increase might have been due to the
condition of the Swedish economy, further investigation is required. As
demonstrated above, the relevance of the decline in trading activity
depends on the extent to which noise trading was affected. Umlauf showed
that ratios of weekly return variances to daily return variances
declined following imposition of the tax. This result suggests an
increase in fad trading. Fad trading increases return variances observed
for short holding periods: As fads dissipate, return variances for
longer holding periods decline. As fads represent a type of noise
trading, this implies that the Swedish tax increased the proportion of
noise trading.
An alternative interpretation of Umlauf's variance ratio results
is that positive feedback trading increased--that is, buying after a
stock increase or selling after a stock decrease. As this strategy adds
no information to that already observed in the initial price response,
it is a form of noise trading. The strategy affects return
autocorrelations based on the length of holding period examined.
Autocorrelations of short holding period returns become more positive
because successive trades reflect the initial impact of new information
on stock prices. However, because the strategy increases the odds that
prices will overshoot their correct values, it implies negative
autocorrelation in longer holding periods. This combination of effects
implies a decline in variance ratios. Thus, Umlauf's evidence
implies that noise trading increased either in the form of fad trading
or in positive feedback trading.
Evidence of the effect on liquidity
Umlauf (1993) also investigated volatilities for 11 firms whose
shares subsequently began trading in London while continuing to trade in
Sweden. Return volatility declined as share classes began trading in
London. This result suggests that the tax increased the proportion of
noise trading. As it is unlikely that traders in London are better
informed on the prospects of Swedish firms than traders in Sweden, it is
likely that the proportion of noise trades in these stocks increased.
Thus, the reduction in return variance for these stocks is consistent
with improvements in liquidity.
The empirical work of Amihud and Mendelson (1990) demonstrates that
stock returns increase as the spread increases between the bid and ask
prices of stock. Interpreting the bid-ask spread as the cost of
obtaining liquidity, Amihud and Mendelson support the argument that
higher liquidity costs imply higher costs of capital. Thus, a
transaction tax that reduces the extent of noise trading is likely to
increase demand for liquidity and drive up its cost. The resulting
impact is likely to be an increase in the cost of capital.
This article has reviewed evidence bearing on three approaches that
have been proposed to control price volatility. The effects of margin
rules on volatility are most extensively researched, but the evidence
does not generally support the conclusion that this mechanism can
usefully reduce volatility. Limited evidence suggests that circuit
breakers in the form of price limits do reduce volatility. Analysis of
transactions taxes point to difficulties in implementing this approach;
in addition, the actual effect of transaction taxes on volatility
remains unclear.
Each of these proposed measures has the potential to cause adverse
consequences. Margin rules may reduce participation in futures
contracting, an effect that may increase volatility. Price limits may
alter price changes as limits are approached. "Magnet
effects," drawing prices to the limit, might further increase the
speed of price changes and aggravate rather than alleviate volatility.
Under plausible conditions, transaction taxes can increase volatility
rather than lowering it. Policy decisions on these volatility-control
mechanisms should weigh the possibility of such adverse consequences
against the benefits anticipated by their adoption.
1 See Gray (1963).
2 See, for instance, Hsieh and Miller (1990), Kupiec (1989), Salinger
(1989), and Schwert (1989a, 1989b).
3 See, for instance, Figlewski (1984).
4 Telser and Higinbotham (1977).
5 See Moser (1992).
6 It is important to note the difference between price limits and
circuit breakers. "Circuit breaker" is a broad term referring
to mechanisms by which financial markets can be temporarily shut down to
prevent system overload. Moser (1990) identifies three types of circuit
breakers, one of which he names price limit circuit breakers. Thus,
price limits are only one of several possible mechanisms to prevent
system overload.
7 Ericsson and Lindgren's (1992) estimates for a cross section
of 23 markets concluded that a 1 percent reduction in transaction taxes
could be expected to double trading volume. This magnitude of effect on
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Virginia Grace France is an assistant professor in the finance
department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Laura
Kodres is an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, James T. Moser is a senior research economist and research
officer with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. This paper is based on
a panel discussion by the authors at a meeting of the Midwest Finance