Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus Leaders.
Foster, Connie D.
Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus
by Adrianna J. Kezar and Jaime Lester
Jossey-Bass 2009
290 pages
ISBN 978-0-470-17936-9
Adrianna Kezar and Jaime Lester's Organizing Higher Education
for Collaboration makes a unique contribution to the literature by
focusing on the connections between collaboration in higher education,
institutional change, and campus culture. Creating a collaborative
campus is an intentional and deliberate process. It does not happen by
accident and, according to Kezar and Lester, it will not occur until
major organizational systems are intentionally redesigned. The book
provides a framework that is likely to make collaboration, or any change
initiative, a reality on campus.
The authors bring considerable expertise to the subject. Adrianna
Kezar is an associate professor of higher education at the University of
Southern California, where she serves as associate director of the
Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis. Jaime Lester, an assistant
professor of higher education at George Mason University, has been
involved with research projects focusing on the transfer and retention
of community college students, in which collaboration emerged as a
critical factor in student learning.
The book is divided into three sections: the first provides an
introduction to collaboration, the second shares results of the
authors' research, and the third presents a model for collaboration
in higher education. Part one describes the existing research on why
higher education must become more collaborative and why such
collaboration is remarkably difficult to achieve. Kezar and Lester build
a strong case for the advantages of collaboration. They draw on evidence
from business, government, and higher education and on results from
studies on student learning and teaching that illustrate how
collaborative efforts such as learning communities and community service
learning enhance student performance on many learning measures.
The authors also address the challenges to collaboration, naming
departmental silos and bureaucratic or hierarchical administrative
structures as the primary barriers. Leaders with a change agenda must be
both aware of and knowledgeable about the existing structures,
processes, and routines operating on their campuses. Many institutions
have attempted to create a new initiative, such as team teaching, only
to find that the traditional structures and processes and the existing
campus culture hinder both the initiative's creation and its
success. While most administrators already know about many of these
structural problems, Kezar and Lester do an excellent job of
articulating the significant number of challenges and barriers, such as
specialization, professionalization, disciplines and departments, reward
systems, the clash between academic and administrative cultures, and
responsibility-centered management and budgeting.
Throughout the book, the authors use as their framework a model of
collaboration from the corporate sector developed by Mohrman, Cohen, and
Mohrman (1995). This model proposes that to support collaboration,
organizations must move from "a context designed to support
individualistic a team based organization or design. The
organizational context features that need to be redesigned to enable
collaboration include structure, processes, people, and rewards"
(p. 36).
To test this collaboration model, Kezar and Lester conducted a
study of four comprehensive regional public institutions with a variety
of existing collaborative initiatives. They visited each of the
institutions and interviewed faculty, staff, and administrators. They
also observed meetings of collaborative campus groups and reviewed
mission statements, strategic plans, accreditation reports, minutes from
meetings, and Web sites. Based on their observations, interviews, and
document analysis, the authors determined the number and type of
collaborative activities in which the institutions were engaged, the
systems in place to support collaboration, and what institutional
members believed contributed to their success. This led to the
authors' central research question: Did campuses with high levels
of collaboration reorganize in some way and, if so, how?
The authors provide a vision of a collaborative by sharing a case
study of a real example they call "Collaborative University."
Collaborative University redesigned its campus by creating partnerships
between academic and student affairs; establishing cross-campus
committees; and emphasizing a more transparent budget process, team
teaching, service and experiential learning, and first-year experiences
programs. While the vision of Collaborative University is helpful, this
section is placed at the beginning of the book, before the reader is
presented with the findings from the authors' research. Thus, some
of this information is repeated in later chapters that describe the four
collaborative institutions. Nevertheless, this is of minor concern,
since both sections provide valuable suggestions for those interested in
creating a more collaborative campus.
In part two, the largest section of the book, the authors address
the question of how institutions reorganize to achieve their vision of
greater collaboration. This section focuses on organizational context,
which "refers to major structural, process, human, political, and
cultural elements" (p. 34). Based on their research findings, the
authors modified the Mohrman, Cohen, and Mohrman model by identifying
specific organizational features that must be altered to support
collaboration in higher education. These are "(1) mission and
vision and educational philosophy, (2) values, (3) social networks, (4)
integrating structures, (5) rewards, (6) external pressure, and (7)
learning" (p. 60).
There is a chapter devoted to each of the seven topics listed
above. Each chapter starts with a clear definition of the topic,
followed by a brief but solid review of the literature on the
topic's most pertinent studies and a discussion of how this
information can be applied to higher education. Each chapter ends with a
bulleted summary of the key ideas, which can serve as a checklist for
thinking about how to address that specific topic. Descriptive stories
from campuses that have become more collaborative and insightful quotes
from faculty, staff, and administrators are included. There are also
numerous examples of practical applications and a list of the challenges
involved in redesigning a campus. It is clear that the authors
understand the pitfalls of campus change initiatives.
The authors' research resulted in a number of valuable lessons
learned. First and foremost, changes in organizational structure can
facilitate initiatives that improve student learning, research, and
service. Kezar and Lester enumerate the most effective institutional
changes, including revising the institutional mission statement and the
strategic plan to reinforce the value of collaboration; aligning
budgeting, planning, and evaluation processes with the new mission;
changing hiring processes, orientation, and faculty and staff
development to encourage people to work in a collaborative context; and
modifying the tenure and promotion processes to support collaboration.
In part three, Kezar and Lester present a new three-step model for
developing collaboration in higher education, which shares some aspects
of the Mohrman, Cohen, and Mohrman model and includes the seven
organizational features that support higher education collaboration from
the authors' study of collaborative campuses. The model involves
combining specific organizational features in a series of activities
that a campus will move through over time to become more collaborative.
In stage one, building commitment, the campus must be convinced that
collaboration is important. To accomplish this, a change agent would use
the elements of external pressure, learning, values, and network. Stage
two, moving to action, stipulates institutional priorities by focusing
on mission, networks, and rewards. Stage three is about sustaining
commitment through integrating structures, rewards, and networks.
Conceptually, the model provides a way of thinking about what needs to
happen to improve collaboration on a campus. It would be useful to
follow when developing an action plan.
Throughout this process, the efforts of senior executives are vital
in identifying organizational features and using them properly to
promote change through collective responsibility. Part of shared
responsibility is making sure that senior leadership does not create a
top-down plan, but rather uses campus networks and external groups to
create a more open and transparent process. Anyone interested in the
practical application of creating change, either one step at a time or
through a large-scale organizational initiative, would benefit from
reading this book.
To create and sustain change means rethinking overall
organizational structures, processes, and design as well as
understanding the critical roles of mission, core values, and leadership
skills. In The Courage to Lead: Transform Self, Transform Society, Brian
Stanfield describes the journey of the organization. He states,
"More and more, organizations are beginning to realize that they
have to change their whole network in many dimensions--a process that
has been called whole-system transformation. A first step in this
wholistic change is transforming the organization's current
worldview" (Stanfield 2000, p. 151). Organizing Higher Education
for Collaboration is a book that can help a higher education institution
rethink its worldview, a valuable exercise in these challenging times.
Mohrman, S. A., S. G. Cohen, and A. M. Mohrman, Jr. 1995. Designing
Team-Based Organizations: New Forms for Knowledge Work. San Francisco:
Stanfield, R. B. 2000. The Courage to Lead: Transform Self,
Transform Society. Toronto: Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs.
Connie D. Foster is dean emerita of the University of
Wisconsin-River Falls, where she held a number of administrative
positions during her 25-year career. She has served as interim
chancellor, interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs,
dean of the college of education and professional studies, chair of the
department of health and human performance, athletic director, faculty
member, and coach.