Endogenous institutional change and privileged groups.
Khan, Karim
Since the recent advances in the institutional perspective of
economic development, there is considerable increase in the literature
on the evolution of institutions. In this study, while employing the
game theoretic approach, we explore the rent-seeking fundamentals of
institutions. We model the manner in which the rent-seeking behaviour of
state actors results in inefficiency of the institutional framework. The
main focus is on the rents provided by the availability of natural
resources wealth, foreign aid or corruption potential. By originating a
framework where rulers, agents of the state, and citizens act
endogenously, we show that the rents from these resources can be a
significant constraint to institutional reforms. In order to come out of
the bad institutions trap, the society needs to offer a substantial
amount of incentives to the privileged groups. The focus is on two
privileged groups, i.e. the rulers and the state agents. In most of the
societies, these two groups have the highest bargaining power in the
negotiations over the rules and institutions.
JEL Classification: P48, P16, P14, 043, D73
Keywords: Institutional Reforms, Natural Resources Wealth, Foreign
Aid, Corruption Potential, Rulers, Agents of the State
Institutional framework has been one of the widely discussed topics
in the explanation of cross-countries development gaps. Two points are
common in most of the available literature related to institutions and
economic success. First, institutions are collective choices and
endogenous; and thereby, emerge, persist or change from the social
interactions of individuals or groups. Second, the generally agreed
conclusion is that societies which encourage the protection of property
rights; exercise the rule of law; and enforce contracts efficiently
prosper. In contrast, societies where the policies of expropriation
prevail face a severe problem of underdevelopment [North (1981, 1990);
Hall and Jones (1999); Easterly (2001); Acemoglu, et al. (2001, 2005);
Acemoglu and Johnson (2005); Knack and Keefer (1995); Mauro (1995);
Dollar and Kraay (2003) and Rodrik, et al. (2004)]. (1) Theoretically,
most of these studies regard institutions as social infrastructure that
provides an economic environment within which economic actors solve
their allocation problems. Thus, institutions have a direct bearing on
the incentives structure of society. Accordingly, factors accumulation
and technological progress are only the proximate causes of development
while institutions are the fundamental ones.
Although it is unanimously argued that economic institutions such
as private property, the rule of law, and contract enforcement are of
primary importance in the realisation of economic development; there
has, however, been lack of sufficient agreement on what determine the
institutional framework in a society. There are a variety of opinions
regarding the evolution of institutions. For instance, four different
approaches have been prominent in the literature. They are the
Efficiency View of Institutions, the Incidental View of Institutions,
the Ideological View of Institutions, and the Social Conflict View of
Institutions. The first approach is based on the cost and benefit
analysis of institutions from social perspective. According to this
approach, institutions appear and persist when their social benefits
exceed their social costs. The second approach takes institutional
change as a byproduct of some other activity. (2) The ideological view
takes ideology and beliefs as the basis of institutional evolution. The
final approach to the selection of institutions takes institutional
change as a consequence of the conflict over the sets of institutions.
This paper, combining the social conflict view of institutions and
the theory of rent-seeking, examines the situation where the
rent-seeking behaviour of state actors is a significant constraint to
institutional reforms. Based on these two theories, we present an
argument that institutional framework in any society is driven by its
distributive implications. Second, it is an equilibrium outcome, whether
it is efficient or less efficient. The winners of the prevailing
institutional framework are those who had the greatest bargaining power
during its formation. In order to change the existing inefficient
institutional framework, the winner of existing institutional framework
should be induced to change their strategy to the new equilibrium. This
may be achieved by providing them with the incentives in the new
In this study, we develop an original model which contributes to
the existing literature on three fronts. First, it studies endogenous
institutional change taking agents of the state as a separate group
besides politicians and citizens. (4) Given their de jure power, the
state agents can prevent institutional reforms if the reforms endanger
or reduce their rents. Second, it presents an argument that the choices
of good economic institutions are not only constrained by the
non-democratic rulers (dictators); but, in lacking democracies, the
group of selected politicians also places hurdles, provided that they
solve their within-group problems of free riding and collective action.
Third, windfall income to the society either from natural resources or
from foreign aid affects the behaviour of state actors. In the same way,
the corruption potential or other forms of rents associated with state
intervention shapes the behaviour of rulers and their agents. In this
study, we want to show how these cumulative types of rents affect the
uncoordinated rent-seeking behaviours of rulers and their agents; and
what does it imply for institutional reforms? The rest of the paper is
organised in four sections. Section 2 surveys some of the available
literature that clarifies the issue discussed in this paper. In order to
motivate our hypothesis, we provide some descriptive cross-country
evidence in Section 3. In particular, this analysis illustrates the
growth performances of selected economies, given their endogenous and
exogenous characteristics. Section 4 provides a theoretical model that
formalises the main argument of the paper. Section 5 concludes the
The basic argument in the paper is that institutional change is
driven by their distributional advantages and the state actors, in order
to sustain or expand their rents, prevent institutional reforms. We
survey two strands of the literature: theoretical and applied. On the
theoretical side, we focus on studies related to the social conflict
view of institutions, rent-seeking, and their possible relevance to
state actors. On the applied side, we survey the literature related to
the possible types of rents available to the state actors and their
implications for formal institutions.
2.1. The Social Conflict View of Institutions, Rent-Seeking and the
State Actors
The basic premise of the social conflict view of institutions is
that institutions are social choices and different groups benefit from
different subsets of institutions. As a result, there is conflict of
interest over these choices, and the conflict is won by the group with
higher bargaining or political power. In other words, at any time and in
any society, institutions which are favoured by the privileged groups
persist. This approach, originated from Marx's theory of class
conflict, is extensively discussed in the literature on the evolution of
institutions. (5) The theories of interest groups and rent-seeking
become relevant to the evolution of institutions once we take into
account the distributive consideration of institutions. (6)
Rent-seeking meant to describe the resource-wasting activities of
individuals and groups in seeking transfers of wealth through the aegis
of state; and the groups involved in rent-seeking are the corresponding
interest groups [Tullock (1967); Krueger (1974); Posner (1975)]. (7)
According to the traditional theory, rent-seeking arises generally due
to the introduction of state to economic interactions; however, this is
not the only setting in which rent-seeking may occur. There is trade-off
between the social losses due to private expropriation (theft, robbery,
piracy, war or disorder etc.), and the social losses due to state
expropriations (corruption, rent-seeking, malfeasance etc.). (8)
Alternatively, there is some level of state interference essential for
the efficiency of economic activities relative to stateless mechanism or
disorder. Likewise, the traditional theories attempted to explain the
rent-seeking behaviour of private groups or individuals who lobby or
involve in illegal activities for attaining government transfers or
other favours. (9) However, recent research has shown that state
intervention in economic interactions creates public interest groups
besides private groups [North (1981); Acemoglu and Verdier (2000);
North, et al. (2009); Grief and Kingston (2011); Acemoglu and Robinson
(2012)]. (10)
So in general, in a rent-seeking society, there are two types of
interest groups, i.e. private interest groups, and public interest
groups. The public interest groups are the rulers and their agents
(military, bureaucracy and judiciary). The rulers constitute as a
separate group. For instance, a dictator not only uses the state to
maximise his current payoffs; but he often changes the rules with a
rent-expropriation view for the future. His payoff does not necessarily
imply simple expropriation of the private resources; rather, it
comprises the overall institutional payments, including both legal
income as well as illegal rents. Similarly, in democracy, the rulers use
their constitutional power to maximise theirs as well as their
supporters' payoffs. Again, it does not necessarily imply that they
simply transfer the rents from the minority either to them or to the
groups maintaining their majority; rather, they do such maximisation
constitutionally. Alternatively, in order to ensure their future rents,
they choose the rules that maintain their economic and political power.
Likewise, the state agents, i.e. bureaucracy, military and
judiciary constitute separate interest groups. They maximise their
compensation package through their influence on the political and
economic systems. Overall, this package consists of the salary paid by
the state, any income (legal or illegal) obtained from outside
activities, and the perks of their offices. We have substantial
literature that highlights such behaviours of these groups. For
instance, North's (1981) theory of the neoclassical state elaborate
on how the agents' behaviour affects the emergence of institutional
framework in a society? Similarly, Alesina and Tabellini (2007) argue
that the rise of regulatory state has made the agents key players with
regard to the decisions and execution of a large amount of legislation.
In a slightly different version, Greif and Kingston (2011) argue that
the enforcement of rules should be taken as an integrated component of
the institutional structure." Thus, the theories of institutional
change should embody the enforcement characteristics of institutions.
So, unless we take all these groups into the structure of economics and
endogenise their behaviours, it would be an incomplete discussion what
Landes and Posner (1975) called 'a romantic view' that the
members of the agencies are the unique guardians of some mystical
"public interest". (12)
Similarly, the private interest groups maximise their payoffs given
the set of informal and formal institutions. In particular, the set of
formal institutions reflects their interactions with the public interest
groups. The basis of these groups may be land, industry, or simply
religious/ethnic causes. Olson (1965) provides the mechanism that result
in the emergence of such groups; and asserts that the size and the
solution of the collective action problem determine the actual
effectiveness of such groups. Since, in this study, we focus more on
public interest groups, so the remaining population will be assumed as a
single group for simplicity.
2.2. Rents in Societies, Institutions and Economic Development
There are two types of rents that state officials can seize. First,
the state actors can create or seize rents from their interactions with
private individuals or groups, i.e. corruption or rent-seeking. The
second source comprises the windfall rents like the rents from natural
resources, foreign aid, or some other form of public funds that might
exclusively be at the disposal of either the rulers or their agents.
Regarding corruption, there are controversial claims with regard to its
implications for economic outcomes. For instance, Mauro (1995)
empirically concludes that corruption negatively affect economic growth,
using cross-country data from 1960 to 1985. In contrast, Leff (1964) and
Lui (1996) predict that corruption enhances economic success by avoiding
bureaucratic delays. To reconcile these conflicting views, the dynamic
effects of corruption need to be sought. In terms of static effect,
corruption involves transfers from bribe-payers to the bribe-takers; so,
it does not have a net social cost to the society. However, in terms of
dynamic effects, corruption inversely affects the efficacy of
institutions. Accordingly, corrupt rulers or agents will resist any
institutional change that endangers this type of bounty either today or
in future.
In the same way, sufficient literature exists on the implications
of natural resources wealth, and foreign aid for economic growth [Auty
(1990); Sachs and Warner (1997, 1999, 2001); Djankov, et al. (2008);
Knack (2001); Brautigam and Knack (2004); Kronenberg (2004); Dalgaard
and Olsson (2008); Khan (2012)]. In case of natural resources wealth,
the assertions are not congruent. To some it enhances investment and
productivity; while to other, it is a curse as it results in
rent-seeking which hampers long run development. There are many case
studies across the globe that confirms the hypothesis of the natural
resources curse. For instance, resources rich countries like Mexico,
Nigeria, and Venezuela are struggling in terms of their economic
performances. (13) However, there is little progress on 'how it
affects economic growth'? Given the recent emphasis on
institutions, in this study, we explore the argument that the
availability of natural resources rents weakens formal institutions
which, in turn, transforms into underdevelopment.
Foreign aid has the same intrinsic characteristics that natural
resource rents have. Most of the studies have found negative impact of
aid on institutions and economic growth. For instance, Knack (2001)
shows that aid flows are significantly correlated with the worsening of
political risks for external investors, implying deterioration of
economic institutions. Djankov, et al. (2008) find that both foreign aid
and oil revenues have significant inverse effects on democratic
institutions. Brautigam and Knack (2004) reported that the end of US aid
to the South Korea and Taiwan resulted in their reforms in 1960s. Thus,
the rentable resources have destructive effects on the behaviour of
state actors. In particular, they encourage rent-seeking activities
relative to productive activities. (14)
The model that we present below is expected to highlight on how the
availability of rents in the form of natural resources wealth, foreign
aid, or corruption potentials restrict the motivations to improve
institutional framework. It also elaborates on how incentives scheme
could change institutions if properly offered and implemented. But
before going to the model, we would like to see the descriptive
cross-country analysis of natural resources rents, foreign aid,
corruption, and their probable implications for institutional quality.
This section provides some cross-country evidence relevant to the
issue in the paper. The variables of focus are those that directly or
indirectly affect the compensation package of state actors. We highlight
some countries where state actors have a handsome amount of rentable
resources; corruption and malfeasance are common; economic performance
is poor; and compare those with other countries which do not have these
characteristics; and have achieved economic success. For this purpose,
we choose Nigeria and Pakistan and compare them with Singapore and South
Korea. The former two are economic failures while the latter two are
economic triumphs.
Singapore, a small country of population slightly higher than 5
million, is one of the four Asian tigers in terms of growth performance.
It has a highly market-based economy which depends heavily on exports,
including largely manufacturing goods. (15) Economic growth has remained
consistently high--at an average annual rate of 8.25 percent from 1960
to 2000. It has surpassed Canada, Australia, and U.K. in 1994, in terms
of per capita GDP. In nominal terms, its total GDP is estimated at
$194.92 billion with per capita GDP of $43,867 in 2010. Like other
Commonwealth states, Singapore inherited the British model of
governance. However, its institutional framework is widely known for its
efficiency and competence. (16) The state-led economic achievements make
Singapore a good case for studying contemporary reforms in governance
and institutions. Table 1, in the Appendix, shows that Singapore has no
rents from natural resources; and neither has received any foreign aid.
Besides, public sector salaries and private sector salaries are almost
at par in Singapore. Thus, the larger incentives to state actors
combined with the lower windfall rents rank Singapore to have one of the
efficient institutional frameworks in the world. This fact is evinced by
its higher score on the institutional quality index, and its lower score
on the corruption perception index. (17)
South Korea, likewise, is another shining example of a market
driven economy, ranking 14th in the world in terms of nominal GDP. In
the 1960s, Korea followed the policies of export-oriented
industrialisation and import substitution, leading the economy to grow
at the rate of 7 percent per annum during the whole decade. Onwards, in
1970s, they transformed to heavy and chemical industrialisation;
followed by significant liberalisation in the 1990s. Given the recipe of
such policies, it has been one of the fastest growing economies. For
instance, from 1962 to 1990, its per capita income increased from $87 to
$5199; and its total GDP expanded from $2.3 billion to $220.7 billion.
Export-led industrialisation has been the major proximate factor behind
the economic miracle of South Korea. (18) Second, the state actively
intervened in the market, and took sufficient measures for macroeconomic
stabilisation. (19) Alternatively, the state-supported industrialisation
transformed South Korea from poverty stricken, inward looking, and
economically backward economy in the 1960s into a globally competitive
economy by the beginning of 21st century. As is evident from Table 1,
South Korea has been a country with limited natural resources; and,
likewise, it has never been a significant receiver of foreign aid. The
limited amount of rents combined with higher incentives to state actors
are the most probable reasons for limited rent-seeking, and higher
economic development in South Korea.
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the 8th most
populous in the world. (20) It is characterised by larger ethnic and
religious divisions. Additionally, it has been under colonisation; and
has been endowed with enormous natural resources. For instance, since
independence, the economy of Nigeria has been oil-based, providing 95
percent of foreign exchange earnings, and contributing 80 percent to the
budgetary revenue. After the independence, Nigeria was expected to have
potential for higher development due to its larger human and natural
resources. But unfortunately, after five decades, the performance has
been dismal as far as social and economic indicators are concerned. With
per capita GDP of $1222 in 2010, the growth performance of Nigeria has
been truncated during various decades. For instance, in the 1960s, GDP
grew at the rate of 3.1 percent per annum, followed by the growth rate
of 6.2 percent per annum in the 1970s which was caused by the higher oil
prices in the world market. In the 1980s, the growth rate was negative
due to oil price slump and debt repayment; however, in the 1990s, the
economy again reverted to the positive growth rate and grew at the rate
of 4 percent per annum.
Two factors are probably shaping Nigeria's poor economic
outcomes. First, Nigeria's rulers have been unable to diversify its
economy away from its over-dependence on highly capital-intensive oil
sector. Second, in most of the history of Nigeria, the government style
has been remained as autocratic, leading to authoritarian operating
rules. Table 1 illustrates that its score on institutional index is 2.8
while its score on corruption perception index is 8.3, both indicating
poor institutional framework. Moreover, the rents from natural resources
in Nigeria are 35 percent of GDP; and these rents are further augmented
by almost half a billion dollars of aid per annum. The corruption and
kickbacks of state actors resulted in squandering of the massive amounts
of oil revenues and foreign aid. (21) Overall, lower public sector
salaries combined with lower beliefs on meritocracy, and higher windfall
rents are the most probable reasons for higher corruption, poor
institutional framework and poor economic performance in Nigeria.
Finally, Pakistan, like Nigeria, has originated its institutional
structure from the British. Pakistan, though average growing country at
the rate of almost 4 percent per annum since its independence, is marked
by higher levels of poverty and income inequality. (22) Pakistan though
has experienced both democracy and dictatorship but the operating
institutional framework in both forms of government has been
authoritarian. Due to weak representative institutions, the state actors
like the military and civil bureaucracy have been playing a dominant
role in policy making and implementation. It has, on the one side,
encouraged corruption and expropriation; and on the other side,
capitalist developments have actually taken place under their patronage
and close control. (23) This fact is obvious from Pakistan's lower
score on the index of institutional quality. In addition, Pakistan has
been one of the most aid receiving countries in the world, getting
almost 1 billion dollar per annum. Alternatively, foreign aid has
created a handsome amount of rents to state actors. (24) The
availability of these rents and the lower relative salaries in public
sector provide justifications for poor institutional framework, and
higher prevalence of corruption in Pakistan.
Consider a two period economy, populated by a continuum 1 +
[[delta].sub.p + [[delta].sub.a] of economic actors, each with discount
factor [beta]>0. The population of common people is normalised to be
1; and also, it is assumed that they are the majority of the society.
[[delta].sub.p] is the fraction of politicians who are also rulers.
Namely, rulers and politicians are synonymously used in this study.
Finally, [[delta].sub.a] is the fraction of agents of the rulers. As
stated earlier, in this study, agents like bureaucrats, military, or
judiciary etc. are used as a separate privileged group. It is the agents
of the state who enforce contractual agreements, and regulate law and
order in a society. But not always, are these agents perfectly
constrained by their rulers [North (1981); Acemoglu and Verdier (2000);
Alesina and Tabellini (2007)]. The individuals are identical within the
same group; however, there is heterogeneity across groups. This
assumption is sufficient to ensure that the groups act like a player.
The society is decomposed in such a way that the politicians are the
rulers; the agents are the functionaries of the government; and the
citizens are the subjects.
This is a two period economy, i.e. today and tomorrow. The
individuals are risk neutral and their preferences are summarised by the
following period felicity function:
[u.sub.i,t] = [C.sub.i,t] + [[gamma].sub.i][l.sub.i,t] i = p,a,c t
= 0,1 (1)
[C.sub.i,t] is the consumption of player I in period t. [I.sub.i]
and [[gamma].sub.i] are the leisure and the marginal utility of leisure
for individual i respectively. The subscripts p, a, and c denote the
politicians, the agents, and the common people respectively. Each
individual is endowed with 1 unit of time, which he exhausts in work and
leisure. There is a single final goody, which is produced according to
the following technology:
[Y.sub.t] = [R.sub.t] [L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t] (2)
[R.sub.t] is the degree of the effective institutional framework in
period t, while [L.sub.y,t] is the amount of labour used in the
production, which is supplied by the common people or citizens, [alpha]
is the share of labour in production sector; and as a tradition, it is
assumed that [alpha] > 0. The industry is jointly owned by the rulers
and some citizens. The share of rulers is [kappa]<0.5, in order to be
closed to reality. (25) Labour is paid at the rate of competitive wage
rate and the net profits are distributed according to the respective
shares. Accordingly, the wage rate is given as:
[w.sub.t] = [R.sub.t][alpha][L.sup.[alpha]-1.sub.y,t] (3)
Since, there is single good, so it is also assumed to be the
numeraire. Alternatively, all the incomes are measured in terms of this
good. The life time value of a player from consumption is measured in
terms of his current income or consumption, and his expected next period
income or consumption discounted at a positive discount rate [beta]. The
institutional framework is introduced through Cobb-Douglas technology
and its production function is given as:
[R.sub.t] = [bar.R][A.sub.t.sup.[rho]] (4)
Equation 4 specifies the effective level of formal institutional
order as a function of the effort by the agents of the state, denoted by
A. (26) The justification is that once the rules are codified or
written; they are ultimately implemented by the agencies like
bureaucracy, military, and the judiciary. Accordingly, the effective
formal institutional framework must reflect the optimality behaviour of
these agents. To make things easy, we assume to measure effort in terms
of the time devoted to the improvement in or the maintenance of
institutional framework. There is some status-quo level of institutional
framework [R.sub.0]. This assumption is made in order to put restriction
that A cannot be zero in any period. This assumption reflects that we
avoid the state of complete anarchy deliberately. Assume that [A.sub.0]
is the level of effort associated with the minimum level of the
institutional framework, [R.sub.0]. Similarly [bar.R] is the ideal level
of institutional framework. We can assume, without loss of generality,
that [bar.R] are the rules which are written in the constitutions; and
they are optimal. (27) So if at any time, the rules are less than
[bar.R], we say that the rules are not efficiently implemented by the
agents of society. Also, we further assume that at the ideal level of
institutional framework, [bar.R], there is no expropriation of the state
resources or assets by either the rulers or their agents.
The agents are paid at the competitive wage rate from the
government budget for the level of effort put forward in maintaining the
institutional framework. Additionally, the maintenance of the
institutional framework is financed through lump sum taxation, T, on
citizens. The rulers exhibit their preferences for a particular set of
institutions through their willingness to initiate reforms or to
maintain with the status quo. Similarly, the agents display their
preferences through their provision of the effort level to the
maintenance of institutional framework. Finally, the citizens'
preferences for institutional framework are represented by their
reaction in terms of labour supply to the production sector. The reforms
introduced today produce benefits tomorrow. This assumption implies that
institutions have long lasting effects on development.
4.1. Descriptions of the Players
In this section, we describe the objective functions of the
players, and characterise their optimal behaviour, given their control
4.1.1. The Rulers or Politicians
The life time value function of ruler is given as:
[V.sub.p] = [S.sub.0]/2 + [P.sub.0] + [W.sub.p] +
[beta][[S.sub.1]([R.sub.1])/2 + [P.sub.1]([R.sub.1])] + [l.sub.p]
S'(R) < 0 and P'(R) > 0 (5)
[V.sub.p] is the life time value function of the ruling elite which
is the sum of current period payoffs and the discounted value of the
next period payoffs. S, P, and [l.sub.p] denote the expropriation of
rents from either foreign aid or natural resources, share in profits,
and leisure respectively. Expropriation decreases with institutional
improvements and profit share increases with it. Further, [W.sub.p] is
the share of the rulers accruing from the institutional framework
sector, i.e. the difference between the government revenue and the
amount paid to the agents. The payments to agents include both the wage
and any other type of reward for their efforts. We make some further
assumptions. First, each period, there is some fixed amount of rents, Z,
either from foreign aid or from natural resources, coming to the
country. Some of these resources are expropriated which are jointly
shared by the rulers and agents in equal amount. The remaining part is
equally divided among citizens. Second, reforms, once undertaken, cannot
be reversed because it is costly. These costs may include either
adjustment costs or the costs associated with the strikes or lobbying of
the groups who are the winners in the prevailing institutional
arrangements. As stated earlier, the expropriation and profit share
tomorrow are the function of reforms introduce today. There is trade-off
for rulers in institutional reforms, i.e. good institutions tomorrow
implies lower expropriation but higher profits; while bad institutions
implies higher expropriation but lower profits.
Fors and Olsson (2007) define an excellent measure for
expropriation, which is used in this study. According to that
definition, the amount of expropriation at any period t that can be
made, given the level of reforms, [R.sub.l], is given as:
[S.sub.t] = ([bar.R] - [R.sub.t]/[bar.R])Z (6)
Similarly, in the production sector, the profits are distributed
according to the respective shares after the payment of wages. The
rulers' share, [P.sub.t], at any period t can be written as:
[P.sub.t] = [kappa][[pi].sub.l] =
[kappa]([R.sub.t][L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t] -
[R.sub.t][alpha][L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t]) = [kappa][R.sub.t] [l -
[alpha]][L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t] (7)
Using the definitions, given by the Equations 4, 5, 6, and 7, we
get the lifetime value function of rulers or politicians in terms of the
effort of agents and labour supply supplied to the institutional and
production sectors respectively.
4.1.2. Agents of the State
As defined above, agents are the functionaries of the government
that comprise organised agencies like bureaucracy, military and the
judiciary. In most of the earlier literature, their role is either taken
exogenous to other groups in society or taken in a limited form of
principal-agent framework. In contrast to the existing literature, our
model is innovative due to two aspects. First, we take all the groups as
endogenous in their decision making. Second, the endogenous behaviour of
state agents implies that their cooperation or effort for institutional
reforms depends on the implications of these reforms for their
compensation package. (28) In other words, they choose their effort
levels to maximise their payoffs. It is assumed initially that if there
is any expropriation, it is jointly shared by the rulers and their
agents. Second, agents have also the potential to be involved in the
decentralised corruption. (29) Defining the preferences of agents of the
state over corruption implies that corruption matter for the evolution
of institutions.
Let X be the fixed corruption potential per period in the economy.
(30) We have assumed only decentralised corruption, so corruption is
taken out of the incomes of citizens or
0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to]
[alpha][R.sub.t][L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t] + (1 - [kappa])(1 -
[alpha])[R.sub.t] [L.sup.[alpha].sub.y,t] + [R.sub.t]Z/[bar.R] - T.
To simplify things, we assume that corruption income enters the
value function of the agents in the similar way as the expropriation of
the foreign aid or natural resources rents does. Then, it is obvious
that the income from corruption declines with the improvements in the
institutional framework. Using the given definitions, the lifetime value
function of the agents is given as:
The first order condition of agents implies that the optimal level
of effort or cooperation offered to institutional reforms by the agents
is given as:
[A.sup.*] = [[[bar.R]([rho] - [beta]Z/2[bar.R] -
[beta]X/[bar.R])].sup.1/1-[rho]] (10)
[A.sup.*] is the level of effort that the agent would assert in the
maintenance of institutional framework. The structure in this study
shows that institutional framework in any society is characterised by
the optimality behaviour of agents. So, the status-quo, [A.sup.*] =
[A.sub.0] is equilibrium outcome. For any formal institutional change,
the change in [A.sup.*] is needed. Thus, in order to induce more effort
from agents of the state, incentives are needed to be provided to them.
Lemma 1: The effort of agent is an increasing function of its share
in institutional framework sector, [rho], and a decreasing function of Z
and X.
Proof: The proof is understandable by taking the first derivate of
the optimal level of effort of the agent with respect to the
corresponding parameters.
This result is very useful for the institutional explanation of
cross-country development gaps. The result implies that the societies
with more windfall rents like natural resources rents, foreign aid or
with more corruption potential are expected to persist with the bad set
of institutions. For such societies, a larger set of incentives needed
to be offered to the rulers and to their agents in order to change the
existing set of bad institutions. For instance, the incentives should be
such that the expropriation and corruption are less advantageous
relative to the legal incomes such as salary to the agents or the
profits shares to the rulers. On the other hand, in societies where the
history has provided them with the less corruption potential or
expropriation level, good institution would emerge.
Definition 1: Define [theta] as the rate of incentives that the
rulers offer to the agents to bring about institutional change. For
instance, if the rulers wish to have an effective institutional
framework [R.sub.t] in the society, the incentives to the agent of the
state becomes [theta][R.sub.t].
4.1.3. Citizens
The citizens are endowed with 1 unit of time, which they exhaust in
labour to production sector and leisure. Their maximisation problem is
given as:
According to the optimisation of the citizens, the equilibrium
supply of labour to the production sector is given as:
[L.sup.*.sub.y,t] = [[([alpha] + (1 - [kappa])(1 -
[alpha]))[R.sub.t]].sup.1/1-[alpha]] = [(Q[R.sub.t]).sup.1/1- [alpha]]
Lemma 2: The labour supply is increasing in institutional reforms
[R.sub.t]. Moreover for [kappa][less than or equal to]1, the supply of
labour changes positively with the change in [kappa] if the indirect
institutional implications of a change in [kappa] are larger than the
direct effects of the same change that is
d[L.sub.y,t]/d[kappa] [greater than or equal to] 0 iff
Q[d[R.sub.t]/d[[theta].sup.*]] [greater than or equal to] (1 -
Alternatively, the indirect effect of [kappa] on labour supply must
dominate the direct effect of [kappa] on labour supply for labour supply
to respond positively to changes in [kappa].
Proof: The Proof of the first line is obvious from the expression
of the equilibrium supply of labour. The proof of second claim is given
in the appendix.
The first result follows from the fact that improvements in
institutional framework imply higher wage rate and higher profit shares.
In other words, improvements in institutions implies higher price of
leisure which cause an increase in the supply of labour. The second
result implies that for [kappa][less than or equal to]1, the indirect
effect of [kappa] on labour supply must dominate the direct effect of
[kappa] on labour supply for labour supply to respond positively to
changes in [kappa]. When [kappa] increases, there are two effects on the
supply of labour. One is the direct effect which decreases the labour
supply because an increase in [kappa] implies that the share of citizens
in profits decreases. The other effect is indirect, i.e. through its
effect on institutions. This effect is positive because for [kappa][less
than or equal to]1,
d[theta]/d[kappa] [greater than or equal to] 0
that is institutions improve with the increase in [kappa], where
[theta] is the rate of incentives that the rulers offer to the agents to
bring about institutional change. The net effect is the sum of these two
effects, which is only positive if the above inequality is satisfied.
4.2. Institutional Change and the Associated Incentives
According to North (1990), institutional change comes about when
changes in relative prices create incentives for individuals or groups
to renegotiate contracts or restructure rules. There are three relevant
interest groups with two of them having the de jure political power to
bring about institutional change. (31) Accordingly, we need to clarify
their associated incentives with the institutional change. As stated
earlier, the maintenance of institutional framework and the associated
institutional change is financed by lump sum taxation on citizens. Now
in this simple economy, the rulers will initiate reforms if and only if
their life-time payoffs from the new institutional framework are, at
least, as much as it would be if they maintained with the status quo. In
our framework, this implies the following condition which we can name as
the participation constraint of the rulers;
The details of the derivation of C1 are given in the appendix. The
first two terms is the loss in income associated with the transfers from
the rulers to the agents with the corresponding institutional change.
The third term is the change in the receipts from expropriation while
the last term is their corresponding change in profits. According to the
setting, all the first three terms are expected to be negative while the
last term should be positive. To put it in more concrete words, there is
a trade-off in initiating institutional reforms, i.e. good institutions
imply higher share in profits from the production sector, lower
expropriation receipts, and a loss in terms of transfer from the rulers
to the agents. On the other hand, the persistence of bad institutions or
the status quo implies higher expropriation of rents, lower share in
profits, and no additional transfer to the agents. Thus any type of
institutional change will be initiated if the net benefits to the rulers
are positive.
In the same way like rulers, at the status quo level, [R.sub.0],
[A.sub.0] = [A.sup.*] is the optimal level of the effort of agents. Now
in order to improve institutional framework, more effort from agents of
the state is needed. (32) In order to induce agents to supply more
effort, there must be some incentives associated with any effort level,
A>[A.sub.0]=[A.sup.*]. Here we assume that for any institutional
improvement, the agents is provided with some constant rate, [theta], of
benefits that is
[INC.sub.a]=[theta][R.sub.1] (13)
Incorporating this increment in the optimal behaviour of the
agents, we would drive the best response function of the agents.33 This
is given by the following function:
[A.sup.**] = [[[bar.R]([rho] + [theta] - [[beta]Z/2[bar.R] -
[beta]X/[bar.R])].sup.1/1-[rho]] (14)
The only difference between [A.sup.*] and [A.sup.**] is the
inclusion of [theta] inside the bracket, i.e. with the offer of
increment, [A.sup.*] increases to [A.sup.**]. Thus [theta]>0 implies
higher level of optimal efforts by the agents in comparison with the
status quo.
4.3. Equilibrium
This is sequential game with perfect information; so it can be
solved by backward induction. The ruler serves as Stackelberg leader in
the game. He observes two things before playing his strategy. First, he
observes the optimal effort of agents of the state at all levels of
incentives. Likewise, he observes the optimal supply of labour at all
levels of institutional framework. After observing the behaviours of
agents and labour, he decides whether to initiate institutional reforms
or not?
4.3.1. Strategies Sets
The strategy of rulers is to either initiate reforms or maintain
with the status quo; and if the reforms are to be initiated, then how
much incentives are to be offered to the agents? To write it more
formally, the actions of rulers are given by the function:
[[sigma].sub.[rho]]:[0,1] x [[A.sub.0], 1] [right arrow] {0, (1,
[theta] [member of] [R.sup.+])}
0 refers to status-quo and 1 refers to initiating institutional
reforms. Similarly, the functional form of the actions of agents is
given as:
Finally, the function of the citizens' actions is the
[[sigma].sub.c]:[[R.sub.0], [bar.R]] [right arrow]
[[(Q[R.sub.0]).sup.1/1-a], [(Q[bar.R]).sup.1/1-a]]
Given, these sets of strategies, we define sub-game perfect
equilibrium for this game.
Definition 2: The sub-game perfect equilibrium is defined as
"the strategy profile: [[sigma].sup.*] = ([[sigma].sup.*.sub.p],
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.a], [[sigma].sup.*.sub.c]) such that the strategies
of the rulers, agents and the citizens are best responses to each
There are various strategy profiles which can be in equilibrium
depending on the values of parameters. Nevertheless, for any
specification of parameters, the equilibrium is unique.
4.3.2. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
Given any optimal values of A and [L.sub.y], such that the
inequality C. 1 in not satisfied, there is unique sub-game perfect
equilibrium in which the players play
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.p] = 0, [[sigma].sup.*.sub.a] = [A.sub.0] and
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.c] = [(Q[R.sub.0]).sup.1/1-a],
In the same way, for any optimal values of A and [L.sub.y] such the
inequality C.1 is satisfied, there is unique equilibrium for any
specification of the parameters. In this equilibrium players play
The rate of incentives to the agents, [theta], is determined by the
maximisation problem of the rulers that is given by the following
implicit equation
Given, the assumed functional forms, it is complex to derive the
optimal level of [[theta].sup.*] in reduce form; however, assuming that
the conditions of Implicit Function Theorem (IFT) are satisfied, we can
characterise the comparative statics with respect to the parameters of
the model. To do comparative statics, we assume [alpha]=2/3. In most of
the empirical literature on growth, the labour share in production is
estimated as [alpha]=2/3. (34) Also, we assume that the shares of
rulers' and agents in the institutional framework sector are equal,
i.e. [rho]=1/2. These assumptions are made to make things clear for
understanding. The resulting comparative statics with respect to the
optimal rate of incentives that rulers would offer to the agents are
summarised in the following lemma.
Lemma 3: For the optimal level of [theta] with respect to the
ruler, it is true that
Proof: Given in the appendix.
The change in the available rentable resources, Z, has four effects
for the outcomes of rulers. One is the direct effect and the other three
are indirect. For instance, when Z increases, the direct effect comes on
expropriation which also increases. The indirect effect is through its
effect on institutions. The increase in Z implies the worsening of
institutions which, in turn, implies lower payments to agents, lower
profits, and higher expropriation in future. So lemma 4.3 implies that
[[theta].sup.*] will decrease with the increase in Z if the loss in
profits is smaller than the benefits from higher expropriation and lower
payment to agents. This result is very important in the sense that the
improvements in institutions would be prompted only if the importance of
profits was higher to the rulers relative to that of the expropriation.
The second result is straightforward; as an increase in k implies higher
share of the rulers in profits from production sector, which induces the
rulers to initiate institutional reforms and offer a positive rate of
incentives to the agents. Now, we summarise the results of the
equilibrium in the following proposition:
Proposition 1: There is a unique sub-game perfect equilibrium in
the game described above
([[sigma].sup.*] = ([[sigma].sup.*.sub.p], [[sigma].sup.*.sub.a],
It is such that if the inequality C.1 is not satisfied, then
institutional framework is [R.sub.0] and A=[A.sub.0]=[A.sup.*] and
[L.sub.y,1] = [(Q[R.sub.0]).sup.1/1-[alpha]].
If the inequality C.1 is satisfied, then A=[A.sup.**], and
[R.sub.1] = [bar.R][([A.sup.**]).sup.[rho]] and [L.sub.y,1] =
It is highlighted how in economies with multiple interest groups,
and having rentable resources, the incentives for institutional reforms
diminish with the increase in rentable resources. Second, by taking the
enforcement of institutions as endogenous and the agents of the state as
a separate interest group, it is shown how the actual effectiveness of
the formal institutional framework is shaped. In other sense, it is
illustrated that the prevailing institutional framework in any society
reflects the optimality behaviour of the various interest groups in that
society. In order to bring about change, the privileged groups need to
be incentivised to change their strategy to the new equilibrium.
4.3.3. Efficiency
What is the efficient output in this economy? The answer to this
question is simple. We need to find the values of A that maximises the
total output in the production sector. The output in the reduced form is
given as:
Y = [([bar.R][A.sup.[rho]])1/1-[alpha]]
The value of A that, for a given values of the parameters,
maximises the total output is 1. When A=1, the institutional framework
in the economy is at the best level, i.e. [bar.R]. By assumption, this
implies no corruption, and no expropriation of natural resources or
foreign aid. Using these facts in the expression for [A.sup.**] implies
[[theta].sup.**] = 1/[bar.R] - [rho] (16)
This is the level of [theta] that will induce the agents to offer
its total supply of endowment to the institutional framework.
[[theta].sup.**] is decreasing with [rho]. The intuition is that [rho]
is the share of agents in the institutional sector, and higher p implies
higher rewards for the effort in the maintenance of institutions which
serves as an alternative to [theta]. Similarly, [theta]** is also
decreasing with [bar.R]. The justification is that relative
expropriation increases at all levels of [R.sub.t] with the increase in
the ideal institutional framework, [bar.R]. Thus, the agents'
opportunity cost of improvement in institutions decreases. As a result,
little incentives are needed to induce agents for higher effort.
However, efficiency can only be achieved if the incentives of both
the rulers and the agents are coincided with the ideal form of
institutional framework. In other words, efficiency requires:
[theta] = [[theta].sup.**] = 1/[bar.R] - [rho] and [R.sub.l] =
and C.1 is satisfied at the efficient level of institutions, i.e.
This is equivalent to stating that the payoffs of the ruler at the
efficient level are at least as much as it would be if the system
continued with the status quo. The purpose of this discussion is to
highlight the fact that in societies where the agencies are strong, the
constraints to efficiency may not only be associated with the rulers;
but also, these self-interested agents might hinder institutional
reforms. In this simple model, if C.1 (C.2) is not satisfied, the rulers
would prefer to continue with the status quo; i.e. they would never
prefer the efficient level of institutional framework as there are no
associated incentives. Similarly, for [theta]<[theta]**, the agents
would never offer the efficient level of effort. In general, when it is
in the interest of those with sufficient bargaining strength to alter
the formal rules will there be major changes in the formal institutional
framework [North (1981)].
This study is motivated by the previous literature that has
emphasised the importance of institutions in the growth and development
process. Especially, we have focused on the costs of incorporating state
actors and their interests into the formal sanctioning process.
Additional motivation is given by the literature on the curses of
natural resources, foreign aid or other types of rents that are
associated with state intervention. Today there are many countries in
the world characterised by lacking democracies along with powerful
agencies. In order to create or sustain their rents, the selected
rulers-cum-politicians avoid institutional reforms. Such reforms are
usually of interest to the wide cross-section of society. In the same
way, agencies, whether they are civil or military, are constraints to
institutional reforms. There are various degrees of power that the
agencies have in such countries. In some countries they are serving the
interests of the rulers and, in return, are offered with perks and
privileges. Yet in other countries, they are jointly involved in the
expropriation of rents provided by the natural resources wealth or
foreign aid. Their involvement in decentralised corruption is widely
evidenced in many instances. In this study, we formalise these issues
and provide a game theoretic framework which can explain the behaviour
of rulers and their agents in the presence of such rents. Our model is
innovative in showing that the availability of rents offered by the
natural resources wealth, foreign aid or corruption potential instigate
the rulers and their agents to persist with the bad set of institutions.
There are three main findings of this study. First, it shows that
the greater the amounts of windfall rents, i.e. the rents from natural
resources or foreign aid, the lesser are the incentives that the rulers
and agents have for institutional reforms. This can be a possible
explanation for the persistence of underdevelopment in natural resources
rich economies like Nigeria, Venezuela, Mexico etc. and the most aid
receiver countries like Mozambique, Congo Democratic Republic, Tanzania,
Philippines, and Pakistan. Second, the incentives of state officials for
institutional reforms decline with the increase in corruption potential.
Alternatively, the larger the corruption potentials in a society, the
smaller are the incentives of its state officials for institutional
reforms. This finding supports the existence of underdevelopment in the
corrupt countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh, Somalia, Haiti, Angola and
some Central Asian Republics etc. Third, our model shows that, in order
to improve institutions in countries with rentable resources or
corruption potential, a larger set of incentives should be given to both
the rulers and agents. Such incentives must be sufficient to make
expropriation and corruption less advantageous relative to those
Although the model discusses the endogenous behaviours of different
interest groups in a clear way, we believe that several other aspects
might be fruitfully analysed within the given framework. For instance,
we have focused only on the impact of institutions on labour supply or
profits. It can be extended to see the dynamic effects of institutions
on capital accumulation, including both physical as well as human. In
addition, an econometric analysis is clearly needed in order to
understand the exact channels of causation.
A. Let
Q = ([alpha] + (1 - [kappa])(1 - [alpha])) (A1)
Then the labour supply is
[L.sub.y,t] = [(Q[R.sub.t]).sup.1/1-[alpha]]
B. The ruler's payoff from status-quo is given as:
While his payoffs, given the new set of institutions is given as
The individual rationality constraint, [V.sup.1.sub.p] -
[V.sup.0.sub.p] [greater than or equal to] 0 implies that
C. With the new set of incentives, the agent's maximisation
problem becomes
As a result, the new level of effort after incentives is [A.sup.**]
and is given as
D. Proof of Lemma 3: The first order condition of the ruler after
he decides to bring about institutional reforms is given by the
Given the assumptions on the parameters values, equation A6 implies
Since [[theta].sup.*] is the maximiser, so the denominator is
negative by the definition of a maximum. The numerator is negative which
completes the proof of the first part of the lemma, i.e.
This implies that the marginal effect of [[theta].sup.*] is
decreasing with the increase in Z. Increase in [[theta].sup.*] implies
improved institutional framework, which in turn, implies higher profits,
higher payments to agents and lower expropriation of available rents.
Similarly increase in Z implies lower institutional framework, which in
turn, implies higher expropriation, lower profits and lower payment to
agents. Equation A7 implies this joint effect must be negative for
[[theta].sup.*] to respond negatively to changes in Z.
Similarly, to see the effect of a change in [kappa] on
[[theta].sup.*], we again using the implicit function theorem
Again by the definition of a maximum, the denominator is negative
while the numerator is obviously positive for [kappa][less than or equal
to]1 which is the case by assumption. This completes the proof of the
second part of the lemma.
E. Proof of Lemma 2:
Taking the first order of derivative of the optimal level of labour
supply with respect to [kappa], we get the result
The first term inside the bracket is negative for any [alpha]<1.
The second term is positive because d[R.sub.t]/d[[theta].sup.*] [greater
than or equal to] 0 is implied by d[A.sup.**]/d[[theta].sup.*] [greater
than or equal to] 0 and d[[theta].sup.*]/d[kappa] [greater than or equal
to] 0 is implied by A8 for [kappa][less than or equal to]1.
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(1) Most of these studies assert that in order to understand
long-run economic performance, it is inevitable to address the
interaction between institutions, politics and markets. Institutions
form the rules of the game within which both politics and markets
operate and ultimately determine economic outcomes.
(2) For instance, according to the approach institutions emerge as
an unintended consequence of other social or economic interaction or as
a consequence of historical accidents.
(3) The detailed introduction of these approaches is given in
Acemoglu (2003) and Acemoglu, el al. (2005). Both of these studies
present an argument in favour of the Social Conflict view of
Institutions by giving some historical data on European Colonisation and
the comparison of North Korea and South Korea.
(4) The introduction of agents as a separate interest group is
based on North (1981). North (1981) writes "it is the agents of the
principals who enforce contractual agreements and enact penalties and
not always, are these agents perfectly constrained by their
principals". The main justification that renders the agents as
separate interest groups is that they are self-interested individuals
with their own interests; and their behavior is guided by those
(5) Marx's (1970); North (1981, 1990); Libecap (1989); Knight
(1992); Acemoglu (2003); Acemoglu, el al. (2005); Ostrom (2005); North,
el al. (2009); Acemoglu and Robinson (2012); Khan (2013) are the most
notable works in the elaboration of the social conflict view of
(6) This is justified by the fact that institutions then become the
ultimate determinants of political and economic rights in any society.
(7) The formation of interest groups and the issues related to
their collective action problems are extensively discussed in Olson
(8) The details of the Institutional Possibility Frontier are given
in the Djankov, el al. (2003). In the paper titled as "The New
Comparative Economics", the authors give the possible social
orderings for a society ranging from 'Private Orderings' to
independent Judges' to 'Regulatory State' to 'State
Ownership' The authors give a detailed description of the social
losses associated with each of these institutional structures.
(9) For instance, an entrepreneur wishing to get the monopoly
rights of a government regulated industry might pay the campaign
contributions to politicians, or might bribe a bureaucrat or judge for
this purpose.
(10) For the details of the state and its contribution in economics
interaction, see the neoclassical theory of state given in North (1981).
Especially, it elaborately illustrates the instances and possibilities
where the interests of the state actors may lead to the emergence and
persistence of inefficient institutions. Similarly, state actors are
part of the North's, et al. (2009) 'dominant coalition'
and Acemoglu and Robinson's 'privileged groups'. See also
Grief and Kingston (2011) for the enforcement of institutions as
equilibrium outcome.
(11) Greif and Kingston (2011) argue that the view of
institutions-as-equilibria focuses on how interactions among purposeful
individuals create structure that gives each of them the motivation to
act in a manner perpetuating this structure.
(12) This concern is widely discussed in a paper titled as
"The Independent Judiciary in an Interest-Group Perspective"
by William Landes and Richard Posner in 1975 and a subsequent comment on
the paper by Buchanan (1975). Both argue that in the economic approach
to politics 'the judiciary's role is one of representing the
under represented groups in the political process.
(13) In contrast, the four Asian Tigers including Singapore, South
Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are deficient in natural resources, but are
economic miracles.
(14) For instance, Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny (1993) argue that
in situations where rent-seeking provides more lucrative opportunities
than productive work does, the allocation of talent would be worse:
talented and highly educated individual will be more likely to engage in
rent-seeking than in productive work, with the adverse consequences for
their country's growth rate.
(15) For instance, the value of its international trade is higher
than its GDP, making trade one of the vital components of the economy.
(16) It has been consistently ranked high in terms of
business-friendly environment by the World Bank. For instance, in 2012,
it is ranked as first in terms of doing business.
(17) See Table 1 for the details of data and table 2 for the
definition of variables.
(18) In particular, the growth of large scale enterprises ensured
the economies of scale and the technology transfer.
(19) For instance, it was often viewed as mercantilist economy as
in the early periods of its industrialisation. It erected tariff
barriers and imposed a prohibition on manufacturing imports, hoping that
the protection would give the domestic firms a chance to improve
productivity through learning by doing and technology transfer.
(20) For instance, its population is 152.217 million.
(21) For instance, the 1996 study of corruption by the Transparency
International ranked Nigeria as the most corrupt nation among 54 nations
listed in the study.
(22) For instance, according to United Nation's Human
Development Index (HD1), 60.3 percent of Pakistan's population
lives on less than $2 a day and some 22.6 percent are living under $1 a
day. Also, the distribution of wealth is highly uneven, with 10 percent
of the population earning 27.6 percent of the total income.
(23) According to the rankings of the Transparency International in
1996, Pakistan was the 3rd most corrupt country in the world. Similarly,
business opportunities have been restricted to selected people who have
established good relationships with these two interest groups.
(24) In particular, the grants associated with Afghan War and War
on Terror besides the Official Development Assistance (ODA) has added to
this bounty.
(25) In this study, our focus is on the countries which are natural
resources rich, or which depend on foreign aid. In addition, our focus
is on countries where political and economic institutions are so
absolutist that they create enough corruption potential in the society.
If we characterise the countries of the world by these characteristics,
then the elite section of the society or North, et al.'s
'Dominant Coalition' is the minority of society.
(26) According to Grief and Kingston (2011), institutions as
equilibria encompass the enforcement characteristics of formal rules.
Thus, the actual prevailing institutional framework reflects the
optimality behaviour of the enforcers.
(27) At this level of institutional framework, the behaviour of
agents is like that of the Weberian bureaucracy. In other words, the
agents are the unique guardians of some mystical public interest.
(28) The compensation package includes both the legal income as
well as the illegal rents.
(29) Easterly (2001) defines the decentralised corruption as the
type of corruption characterised by many bribe-takers with their
uncoordinated bribe-taking activities. So, by the virtue of its
definition, decentralised corruption is directly related to the agents
of the state.
(30) The corruption potential is defined majorly by the existing
set of informal and formal institutions. For instance, the informal
institutions like culture, religion or ideology determine the moral
sentiments of corruption like shame, informal punishments etc. Second,
the formal institutions affect corruption potential by defining the role
of agents in economic interactions and the accountability procedures of
the agents.
(31) The de jure political power is the power which is allocated by
the political institutions in a society. For instance, it includes the
power of rulers and their agents, given to them by the constitution.
See, also, for the details of different components of political power
and their definitions Acemoglu and Robinson (2006).
(32) Acemoglu and Verdier (2000) suggest when agents are difficult
to monitor, they should receive higher wages. So in order to reduce
corruption and improve the efficiency of agents, the incentives for
corruption must be diminished that can be made possible with higher
(33) The details of the derivation are given in the appendix.
(34) See, for instance, Krueger and Lindahl (2001) for a detailed
discussion of the most plausible world level of the labour share.
Table 1
Comparison of Two Asian Tigers and Two Developing Countries
Country Capita RSP Inst Million $) CPI NR
Korea, South 20756.69 0.500 6.620 91.265 5.012 0.012
Singapore 43866.92 0.802 8.856 14.374 0.819 0
Nigeria 1222.48 0.028 2.773 547.860 8.268 33.844
Pakistan 1006.95 0.083 3.655 899.189 7.730 3.581
Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank; World Bank
Governance Indicators; and Rauch and Evans (2000).
Note: Each entry is the average of the available data as otherwise
indicated in Table 2.
Table 2
Description of the Variables
Variable Description
GDP Per It is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in current US
Capita $ in 2010, taken from the World Development Indicators.
Inst. This variable is a measure of institutional quality. It is
based on the World Bank's Governance Matters VII [Kaufman,
Kraay, and Mastruzzi (2009)] and is the average of their
three measures that is the average of the Government
Effectiveness, the Rule of Law and Regulatory Quality. The
basic purpose is to capture the effects of bureaucracy,
judiciary and army etc. The original indices takes values
from -2.5(poor quality) to 2.5(highest quality). However,
here I changed the index for simplicity, which now in this
study takes the values from 0(extremely poor institutions)
to 10 (perfect institutions).
CPI This measure is based on the Corruption Perception Index of
the Transparency International and again the value of the
original index has been changed for simplicity. In this
study, the index takes the values from 0(no corruption) to
10(highest corrupt).
NR This is a measure of natural resources rents, which are the
sum of oil rents, natural gas rents, coal rents (hard and
soft), mineral rents, and forest rents, taken from World
Development Indicator (WDI).
AID Foreign aid is denoted by aid, represents Official
Development Assistance (ODA) and other official aid received
in current US dollars, taken from the WDI, World Bank.
RSP RSP is a measure of the salaries in the public sector
relative to private sector and is taken from Rauch and Evans
(2000), which is the ration of the salaries in the public
sector and those in the private sector.